Kevin, the tattooed exhibitionist handlebar vendor;
Malaysian pop sensation Letle Viride;

(erik k)
It is for this reason that I was simultaneously concerned and entertained to learn that beloved cyclist personality Opinionated Cyclist (whom many of you met here on Good Friday) has apparently lost his mind. Here he is showing off an artificial kidney he has fashioned from a potato:

This is but one example of what seems to be the new OC. The rules of decency to which I do my best to adhere prohibit me from sharing with you the subject matter of his many latest posts, though if you visit his Youtube page you can find out for yourself. I will say that the word "dildo" comes up with alarming frequency, and that it is also used in conjunction with the word "mother." There is also much talk of colons. (Anatomical, not punctuative.)
Troubled, I visited his Facebook fan club in the hope that I might learn more about what's going on, but it's holding fast at three members and it contained no useful information. The many interview requests I have sent him have gone unanswered. In any event, let us hope that this represents not a cracking up but simply another stage (albeit a scatological one) in the evolution of a genius. Let us all send good thoughts to our wayward brother.
And maybe buy a t-shirt.
You're missing Erik K's picture of that skinny model guy in Legolas's bike shorts.
well i tire of being anon, but am too inept(or weak without cheese) to make this damn blogger thing work. why rtms why. i long to belong. to have an IDENTITY. or even just a tity. what is the secret mantra i must yell at this thing? i know my password. i know my username. let me in!!!!!
Oh my god! That boy is going off the deep end.
6th you stupid face faces!
hey bike snob, have you seen the picture of kayne with his new whip/hhsb i think its on hkfixed.
I'm taking some action on the over/under of the date when police announce that the OC has been busted as one of the greatest serial killers of all time, who was merely trying to save all those people from ever owning Hummers.
The Vegas line is 18 months though this recent vid will probably push the line closer to 12.
two posts in one day, fantastic, even if it requires looking at an interwebtube celebrity off as he delves further into stardom/crashdom
the bitter is back bridgade can take a momentary break to offer our thoughts to a man, his potatoe-kidney, and stupid ass paint/glass combo
he only wanted to help, too bad his kidney was stuffed up the hummers tail pipe
So, is someone on camera safari to capture BS/RTMS?
Opinionated cyclist is the Britney Spears of the cycling world. We just sit back and watch him crash in flames while we are eating popcorn. He could at least do something useful for us, like fashion a replacement liver out of a carved beet or something.
This makes BSNYC the Kevin Federline of the cycling world.
Someone, please think of the children.
its scatological. pu pu on ewe.
Anonymous 4:16pm,
top 20!just like my crappy racing career!ill take it
Anonymous 4:16pm,
It's "it's".
Those OC shirts are amazing... but why is a 10 pack of buttons 27 dollars?
Here's what amazes me about bicyclesonly's pics- almost everyone is in street clothes. I think I saw one cycling kit. In DC, you have just the opposite- 95% of the commuters are in fulll race gear, even if that means they are wearing bibs over their Astana jersey. "I'm wearing bib shorts!"
I almost want to believe the potato is a kidney, but I can't get past the green face paint.
Anon 3:39
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thx bk jimmy
...hmmmm...i wonder if that guys talent surpasses comedic genius & i'm just not smart enough to "get it" ???....
...maybe i'm just looking at a high quotient of intelligence, an impeccable choice of subject matter & such a smooth, sly style of delivery that i can't quite grasp it...
...but i'd venture to say he'll probably be spending some serious kinda time in a trauma center soon, heavily sedated...
I'm sorry, but I just can't take medical advice from a guy who despoiled his Maori face tattoo by filling in the blanks with pea green paint.
Oh, I know it's narrow minded of me.
But I just can't.
BTW, do you know the difference between riding clipless and pea green paint?
Anyone can learn to ride clipless.
OK, that guy's getting too psychotic. And where did such a busy guy find the time to see "Braveheart"?
Dude, I'm all over that Tote Bag.
woogie woogie
Dat boy needs to put his tin foil hat back on or stop taking the acid with little smiley faces on it
Kinda reminded me of a young Marlon Brando in Alpacalypse Now. So it the end near?? is he the messiah to lead us out of the wilderness??
;! :! ...!
let levi ride is awesome! way out there!!!
young marlon brando in apocolypse now???? now that is a stretch!
Check spelling Anon 12.33 Alpaca--- lypse. Get with the program
I get my colon checked more regularly than my bike... or is it the other way round?
just checking to see if you lowerclasses are still bitchin about everything....yep, check.
Upperclass, out!
...hmmmm..."upperclass, out"...
...don't you mean 'upperclass outed'...
...& btw, who's bitching about anything ???...we just like to make observations about 'stuff' irregardless of it's 'class'...
there is a selection bias involved with teh size of the fan club. true OC fans are too busy perusing youtube for the latest and greatest videos to utilize facebook.
Love the beautiful
"In an attempt to get a handle on my anger, I studied the image from a different angle"
COMPLETELY ignoring the fact that what we're looking at is a different PICTURE. Pass the shroo00oms. But I get it, there's always a different ANGLE ... man.
I'm so FUCKING stoned right now.
Has anyone seen this one:
I swear, I just lose my shit every time I watch the OC.
Oh god, my side hurts...
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