Fortunately for humanity, some of us still know when it's time to walk the walk--or in this case waddle the waddle. And sometimes, humanity must look outside of itself for protection. Indeed, Bryan Redemske of Omaha, NE informs me that there is a goose in Traverse City, MI who is attacking cyclists who ride with pie plates:
Now, I'm not a sentimental person, but I'm also not ashamed to say that when I first set eyes on this photograph I was moved to tears. Actual tears. This shot captures the sort of bravery that has heretofore only been conveyed by things like the Iwo Jima memorial and that painting of Washington crossing the Delaware. If only I could paint I would render this image in oils and give it pride of place above my television set (which is the most sanctified non-wheeled object in my home). The majesty of the goose's outstretched wings juxtaposed with the look of abject horror on the rider's face as he realizes that it is indeed too late to repent for his pie plate-loving ways makes me as proud to be a pie plateless cyclist as it's possible to be.
Lest you condemn me though for not empathizing with the cyclist, let me just say that I do feel for him. I've never been attacked by a goose myself, but I would imagine it feels something like being scraped at with a pair of emery boards while getting beaten with a couple of flannel shirts. (I suppose there might even be some carpet tacks involved as well--I don't know if those webbed goose feet have claws at the end of them as few have seen a goose foot up close and lived to tell about it.) But as cruel a fate as that may be, he knew perfectly well when he swung a Docker-clad leg over that gel saddle, flipped up the kickstand with the heel of his Rockport, and set out on his way to the comic book store that he risked feeling the cruel sting of Anserine ire.
So rather than mourn the fate of our wayward brother, who doubtless wound up laying on the ground in the fetal position moments after this picture was taken as the goose pecked violently at his pie plate, let us celebrate the worthiness of this water fowl. Let us also imagine our hero standing atop the now-pie plateless Bianchi, beating the air with his (or her--I know nothing of goose-sexing) mighty wings and honking in triumph. Thus, I am proud to confer upon this goose, for rising above the gaggle and displaying bravery in the face of extreme dorkiness, the BSNYC/RTMS Medal of Honor:
Umm where is everyone. 1st?
yeah, where?
Amir. number three on the day, number one in your heart.
$ and points!
goose was also going after the reflectors
gonna read it now
The comic book store?!?
I too am moved to tears.
Hope the goose got caught in the spokes, cooked and served on the pie plate
just out of the front pack...
11:25 am
Yes, I admit I've been sleeping on the job, but hey, everyone needs a little time off now and then.
Mother Theresa
Here in Sacramento there's a beaver that attacks cyclists on the bike trail who have mail camel-toe.
Writer's Block today, Snob?
What is Weird Al doing in Traverse City? He's straight outta Lynwood.....
a pie plate AND a Greenfield kickstand.
Slow news day I guess....
That the fowl clearly took umbrage with the Hawaiian shirt/yanko-mullet combination rather than rather diminutive pie plate.
Who delivers mail on camels? And why would beavers object to their toes?
I was nearly mauled by a buzzard whom I distracted from his meal of opossum on Sunday, but I was riding my road bike, not the pie-plated commuter.
Go figure.
BSNYC/RTMS you probably remember the mallard duck that attempted an attack on the 3/4 field in Prospect Park Spring series last year. Sadly it flopped out of the tree and the fast moving peleton only to be struck by several riders and limping to the edge of the road.
Considering there were several new cat 4s in the field could this have been a earlier unsucessful attack of Anti-Pieplate Waterfowl Front (APPWF)?
Anserine = Goosefoot bursitis.
That's a fairly obscure but well-tuned reference for a cyclist, but a totally well-known one for a RUNNER!!!
Snob, the veneer is starting to crack. It is only a matter of time before we cross reference the cyclocross registry with the Tri-dork and 10K dockets. Your little slip-ups are helping us tighten the net.
Muuuwhhaa ha ha ha!!!
Anonymous 12:27,
I have no doubt whatsoever you are on to something big. The APPWFF is clearly on the move. "Slow news day" my pie plate!
I nominate this heroic goose to be our national bird
A Gøøse once bit my sister.
Mynd you, gøøse bites kan be pretty nasti...
Erik K,
"But as cruel a fate as that may be, he knew perfectly well when he swung a Docker-clad leg over that gel saddle, flipped up the kickstand with the heel of his Rockport, and set out on his way to the comic book store that he risked feeling the cruel sting of Anserine ire."
god that was good
While I commend this waterfowl on it's efforts, I agree with Ti( * )( * )ies , that the likely target is the Hawaiian shirts, which frankly, belong in one place, ..on Hawaiians. This is confirmed by the scientific fact that this species of waterfowl, (Branta canadensis), cannot see 'clear'.
This reminds me of a joke I heard at my monthly anti-US sleeper cell meeting run by our local religious clerics, the Caliban, so named after our prophet, Cali Timmins of 1990s Ryan's Hope fame.
Q: what do you call an American tourist without a hawaiian shirt, docker khakis and white nike runners?
A: naked
Death to the infidels!..ulahulahulahulahulahulah!
Anon 12:34:
Two things:
1) Could it be that myself and the other tridork regulars are merely props to provide comic proof that someone as brilliant as RTMS could not be a tridork himself?
2) I am envious of your integrally sequential timestamp.
Anserine = Goosefoot bursitis.
That's incorrect.
Pes Anserinus= Goosefoot.
Would be correct. Your Pes anserinus is located on the inside of your lower leg, just under your knee.
Just FYI
As a resident of TC, I will attempt to draw this hero out by REATTACHING MY PIE PLATE and riding around the Open Space so that he/she may receive his/her medal/medalette.
Oh my God! That was one of the funniest things I have read lately. Including my resume...
top-notch work, rtms
If Patrick O'Grady was such a "average 54-year-old fat bastard", he would have a triple on that bike of his.
Indeed, the overwhelming criticism of Triathelete enthusiasts suffered at the keyboard of the Snob has been mighty, but a clever ruse nonetheless. It seems he doth protest too much though, and a runner he must be.
Ever notice the minutia he's able to dredge when he's on one of those Tribashing rants? Of course, he pretty much nailed it on the description of today's beflogged pie plater, so I still have doubts.
Great advertising for Bianchi. Maybe they could name next year's singlespeed the G.O.O.S.E. (good old opinionated singlespeeder enterprise)?
I want a medal like that!
Okay, I did it. After two posts from BS railing against pie plates, I removed my pie plate.
Now you can stop posting about pie plates. How about a post on
how about the IBIS Hakkaluggi with free hand job?
..."best post ever, snob"...
...see how i'm recycling someones old response to something you once said, so that it looks like i'm kissing ass to make up for my unenthusiastic response yesterday...i'm a team player...
...but erik k's photo of a 'branta canadensis' in resplendent display of the bsnyc/rtms medal of honor & the thought that you'd consider said canada goose as the american national bird, kinda brings a tear to this old canucks eye...
...what goes around, comes around, so gosh, maybe this really is the best post ever...
Best blog comment ever!
Please don't attempt to use HTML tags until you learn how to use them properly. You did the same thing yesterday.
...hey, there may not be many of us, commiecanuk, but remember...
"the few, the proud, the canadians, eh !!!"...
...& i think bluenoser is in hiding cuz nobody made it into the conference finals but don cherry (secret canuck reference)....
I'm learning, give me a break. The html tags I use look just fine when I preview my comment, and I don't have problems on other blogs. Is blogger somehow different?
And people ask why I wear a yamulkelmet and a face mask when I ride. I guess I could just remove the pie plate instead.
Where can I get an aftermarket pie plate, preferably in titanium?
Isn't Traverse City the site of the annual Fixed Gear Symposium? Maybe the goose is just practicing for that. Attendees with brake levers mounted in inappropriate places may be suject to this type of treatment by the local waterfowl.
Geoff..see old entries under "Pieplaten Rot"
Hey Snobby, you sure those are Rockports'? Might be Ecco's, and the (Canada) goose has Scandinavian envy.
Ya never know.
By the way, great funny post.
bicycles only
you're not closing your tag
bracket backslash a bracket
Must be an Apple user.
Holy zoinks! I just bought a vintage road bike and it has a pie plate. If I get attacked by a goddamn goose, I will not be happy. But I guess I'll understand...
Two great posts in as many days, Snob!
Iwo Jima? You clearly haven't a clue.
You will likely be safe. The goose responsible for policing vintage bikes is still trying to figure out how to adjust the gap on his Record Delta brakes without making them dangerously powerful. Hence, he's not really keeping up on his APPWFF duties.
You clearly haven't a funny.
rising above the gaggle...
Marissa - just be careful if it is a swan. That means Zeus wants to mate with you.
In one of those weird coincidences of life, I was doing a couple of loops of the Bear Mountain race course when I heard a nasty hissing noise. Looking over to the side of the road, I saw a goose rearing it's head back and looking in my direction. I think I also saw several other goslings and a second parental sized bird as I sprinted away pondering what sensory stimulations a goose bite to the ankles might provoke. I must say emery boards, flannel shirts and perhaps carpet tacks did not spring immediately to mind, but such are the perils of a weak imagination, and I now feel as though I might have had the experience of actually having been bitten, thanks to your insightful prose. Anyway, heads up to anyone doing Bear this Sunday, pie plates notwithstanding.
(The reason this is a coincidence is it just happened about 2 hours ago. Sorry for the omission.)
Dear Mr. Snob,
To my knowledge,'anserine' is a perfectly respectable, albeit uncommon, adjective in our language. To capitalize and italicize the word seems overly cautious--a sort of compositional pie plate, if you will. But perhaps you were hinting at a deeper meaning. Perhaps you know more about goose-sexing than you are willing to let on.
An Oft-Entertained Reader
Dear BSNYC --
I ran the goose-remonstrating-cyclist photo by my cousin, Charles Parker, an ornithologist.
He explained that goose vision being what it is, it is possible that the bird's eye view is focused on something we can't see in the photo.
Charlie inquires if the bike raising avian ire has a sticker advertising frame size or caps on the valve stems.
Charlie says that would explain a lot.
Oft-Entertained Reader,
I'm shocked and horrified that I may in fact be using textual pie plates, and I sincerely appreciate your pointing it out.
Though isn't it OK to capitalize it and italicize it if I'm talking about the scientific classification? Help!
Scared and confused,
I sought a second opinion from a Dr. Lester Young who surmises that perhaps the bird was looking not at a pie plate but a pork pie hat.
Bianchi must have a different image in USA, in UK they only sell medium to high end road and track bikes. If that was an Italian goose it was angry to see the name on a pavement (sidewalk?) bike. Probably just a Canada goose, noisy and full of white excrement.
...i am so jazzed to read this exchange that i need to take five...
BSNYC, you asked for help, so I asked my old friend, Carolus Linnaeus. He said that italics were just fine, but that he thought that you were one word short. He also said that before bed, you should always Branta your Canadensis, whatever that means.
Manet's Le Déjeuner sur l'Herbe brings tears to my eyes.
Impressive "Hawaiian" shirt. All those hula girls hangin' out at the comic book store must be pretty hot!
I wonder who cleans and irons this guys pants? Mom maybe?
Goose in cherry sauce is a local delicacy in Traverse City. They also serve wild duck, venison, bear, raccoon, and a mean coho salmon all in cherry sauce. Unfortunately the smelt have been pretty much fished out.
Dear Mr. Snob,
I'm happy to offer what little help I can. If you will consult your copy of White's 'The Elements of Binomial Nomenclature' you will recall that it is customary to italicize (or underline, etc) genus and species names and to begin the genus name with an uppercase letter, as in 'Homo sappypants' and 'Flopsy mopsyensis', for example (just pretend they're in italics, please).
The higher categories, such as family, are capitalized but not italicized, as in 'Godzillidae' and 'Anaplidae'. Adjectives derived from any of the names are not capitalized. And so, when the 'Homo sappypants' on the fixed gear bike ran over the 'Flopsy mopsyensis' because he couldn't stop in time it was an tragedy of godzillidine proportions.
-- Oft-Entertained
P.S. How does one make italics in one of these here text windows?
Ride on canadian feathered friend, and remember: one that pecks the plate, deserves a pair of lightweights
you actually just have to be pure of heart, and then it's just like this
anon 6:04
italics are easy, however if I just write out the HTML codes the great google will hide them so here it is in English:
left angle bracket letter i right angle bracket, the text you want italicized, left angle bracket, backslash, letter i, right angle bracket.
< i > italics < / i >
just remove the spaces to get italics
anon 6:46
anon 6:04
You are fine and helpful blog commenters.
BSNYC/RTMS should be proud of you.
Well... most of you.
Hey snob,
Speaking of dorks, I wonder what you have against "tri-dorks". I have recently developed a huge crush on a fine tri-athlete, who also happens to be the manager of the local discount grocery store. Your resentment of the species has me slightly concerned about my mental state.
Should I be scared?
Anon 7.32, relax he has a day job which means he cannot be out on the pavement all daylight hours hence not serious enough. As such the tridorkiness will pass like an indian curry.
And geese have nothing on a stealth magpie attack, you never see or hear anything until the vengeful little bastard is flying off
I nearly pissed my pants reading this. Thanks for the laugh
anon 6:04
You're welcome.
This is some serious sh*t.
In Illinois, we are infested with millions of "stay at home" geese. They are too fat and lazy to fly south in the winter, and too well fed to fly to Canada in the summer (damn you Canada).
Besides fouling the road with goose crap, they chase anybody on two wheels (pie plate or not) Since they are migratory birds, if you touch them, you will be sent to a certain location in Cuba for reeducation.
Andy Pandy,
Thanks for the reassurance. I might just be temporarily dazzled by the "How about a threesome?" decal on his back window. And, I don't like indian curry so there's hope yet.
Anon 7.32
Dear BSNYC --
I ran Dr. Young's opinion by Professor Charles Mingus, who responded "Ah Um."
He then noted that Dr. Young makes a valid point.
The fact that the rider in the photo is sans helmet or any other headgear, suggests that the noble water fowl may well be bidding "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat."
She would probably only be attacked by a swan if she was wearing a race leda's jersey.
Hey... this explains the time I was chased by two wild turkeys.
"Haha, those turkeys are chasing me! That's so funny... hey, fuck, they're serious!
Fixed gear, speedblend tires, blue rims... what's the problem, officer?
'i never said that' said: "Bianchi must have a different image in USA, in UK they only sell medium to high end road and track bikes."
You would be shocked travelling in Italy, then. When cycletouring in Northern Italy for 5-weeks in 2006 we (Aussies) saw good number of Bianchi 'shopping basket' bikes and hybrids in some cities; my Bianchi-owning gf was somewhat disappointed to witness this.
Also saw Pinarello 'shopping basket' bikes, hybrids and kids bikes in Treviso (near Venice), where the family-owned brand originated and is still based (and has a retail shop).
In general, a wonderful sight of large numbers of cyclists riding low end bikes through (and parking in) towns & cities that have restricted traffic in the medieval centre. And vast bike parking lots (incl. commercial operations) near the railway stations in such towns (Ferrara is a great example of this).
Single-speed rules! (though not fixed-gear & brakeless!) Can't remember re pie plates, though.
I will kill a duck a day until we get a budget.
Umm...Wierd-Al Yankovich anyone???
It is wierd al, I was about to say that!
Being attacked by a goose feels a lot like having someone grab you with a pair of vice-grips and squeezing...
Funny, I was thinking that the rider was from the contemptible Biker Fox family.
I have to add to the alarming news of APPWF. While (ahem) competing in a off-raod triathlon last year, the lead swimmer strayed too close to a small island in the lake.
A mother goose, perhaps sensing a pie-plate on his bike awaiting him across the water, mercilessly attacked the smooth shaven, neoprene clad speed demon.
This offender also paid a high price, being beaten so severely by the APPWF that he was forced to abandon the race and was carted off in the aquatic equivalent of a sag wagon.
must ... destroy ... BikerFox ...
in tears...
I have just had the horrible experience of learning that my formerly beloved cross bike is sporting a miniature, "stealth" pie plate...unseen until a hub rebuild! I must now burn the bicycle in effigy , hang my head in shame, and offer my pinkie toe to the Anti-Pie-Plate Goose of Vengeance as penance.
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