See, "Back in the Day" you didn't just push a button to make a decision. Instead, you withdrew from society for a prolonged period of meditation and reflection. For example, let's say you had to decide on which spurious cure to take for your consumption, or which brand of pennyfarthing bicycle to purchase. Well, you took a leave of absence from your vocation, you left your family in the care of a neighbor or relative, you put on your decision-making hair shirt, and you retreated into your local Deciding Cave for anywhere from a few weeks to a decade. Then you'd reemerge. Of course, by the time you came back that bloodletting or high-wheeler was probably obsolete, but that's precisely why the old-timey method of decision-making was so effective. Just think of all the leechings and faceplants people were spared because they took the time to think things through.
Well, yesterday I announced the finalists in the "There Will Be Action Wipes" contest, and in so doing I presented you with a decision as important as any you're likely to face in your lifetime. Therefore, to turn around and ask you to pick a winner a mere 24 hours later would be to do a disservice to you, the contestants, and indeed our entire society. Instead, I am granting you an additional day to reflect, and to aid in this I am presenting you with a visual aid:






I'm sure you'll agree that this puts an entirely new spin on each the finalists. In particular, #4 has phallic implications even on its own, so when placed on a minimalist porta-potty it could easily lead a traveler to believe the structure is actually some sort of public "glory hole." You should take this into account when choosing your favorite, though whether it counts as a positive or a negative depends entirely on how you feel about glory holes.
Context, as they say, is everything.
Speaking of the time-traveling t-shirt-wearing retro-Fred from the planet Tridork, a reader informs me that, astoundingly, "Bicycling" magazine (who have now compiled all of my Giro d'Italia blog posts in one handy link, Lob help you) is continuing to use him in their promotional materials:
I don't know if their use of this image means "Bicycling" are totally in touch or completely out of touch, but either way it's indisputable at this point that the TTTSWRFFTPTD is nothing less than a cycling icon.

Also, I got to use him for one of my Giro blogs.
Anyway, until we have a new international symbol to guide us, in many cities across America and elsewhere cycling remains a daunting process of blindly inserting ourselves into the metaphorical glory hole of fate and hoping that the world isn't in a biting mood. Yesterday I did just that as I left my little bucolic backwater and bicycle cycled into The Big City. On the way there, I passed this "vintage" BMW with two tickets and a party flyer on it:
Even though I know he drives a Jaguar, my first thought was that the car belonged to that idiot John Cassidy from The New Yorker. Not only does he have a confirmed fondness for old cars and street parking, but he's also just the sort of person who'd get so hung over after some douchey dinner that he'd forget to move his car for two successive street cleanings. I guess we'll know for sure when he publishes a screed about the evils of alternate side parking and how it interferes with his drinking regimen.
I also saw a woman portaging two (2) actual human children in a "bake feets:"
--The age of the child;
--The number of children being portaged;
--The rider's "Smugness Quotient;"
--The child's embarrassment factor.
That last one seems especially important. A baby or toddler on a bicycle generally looks either happy or asleep, whereas some of these kids I see being portaged in "bake feets" lately are almost in puberty and wear looks of profound and intense embarrassment. You have to figure it's pretty rough to show up at school in mommy's "bake feets" when some of your friends are already arriving on their own "fixies." In any case, I imagine a child portager on a $3,000 "bake feets" carrying two children with a combined age of 26, both of whom are hiding behind their "Harry Potter" novels in shame, has won any child-portaging race before it's even begun.
Anyway, I wasn't portaging a child at the time, so needless to say I totally dominated the woman on the "bake feets." However, no sooner had I begun my descent than I was confronted with a mob of bike rental tourists:
I don't recall seeing this many rental bike tourists on the Manhattan Bridge in years past, but in any case now that the weather is fair they are present in alarming numbers. Inevitably at least one of these riders does something exceedingly stupid and almost crashes me, and this time it was the guy who turned to watch a passing subway train like he was on safari and it was some sort of exotic animal. As he admired the seductive beauty of the D train, he turned right into the guardrail and lost control of his bicycle, though to his credit he was able to correct himself before actually falling off it. Still, if he's so taken with subway trains and bridge views than maybe he should just ride the actual train. I'm sure it's a lot cheaper than renting one of those crappy bikes.
Thanking the Lob above for allowing me to ford the "Big Skanky" without striking a hapless bicycle tourist, I arrived in Manhattan, only to be passed by the rider in the red helmet, who implored me to attend the World Naked Bike Ride on June 11th:
This, to me, is the worst thing about the "bike culture"--their assumption that, just because I'm using a bicycle, I'd also be interested in doing something as ridiculous as riding it naked. If I were using a weed whacker, would some other amateur landscaper tell me I should try edging my lawn without my pants? If I had been buying an avocado in the supermarket, would that woman in front of me have tried to get me to jump naked into a giant bowl of guacamole? Unlikely. Then why tell me I should ride my bike naked? Plus, even if I were actually into riding my bike naked, is it even possible I wouldn't already know about the World Naked Bike Ride? Isn't that like telling someone who's wearing a football jersey, "Hey, you should really check out the Superbowl!" Most distressing, who's so excited about the World Naked Bike Ride that they're riding around telling complete strangers about it?
Thanking the Lob above for allowing me to ford the "Big Skanky" without striking a hapless bicycle tourist, I arrived in Manhattan, only to be passed by the rider in the red helmet, who implored me to attend the World Naked Bike Ride on June 11th:
Well, that guy apparently.
Anyway, at the next light he did that thing fixed-gear riders do where they start weaving like half a block before they get to the intersection and take up two whole lanes of traffic in order to perform the simple act of slowing down. I then found myself contemplating whether it would be too un-PC to start calling such people "skid-tards." Maybe so, but watching these riders bring their bikes to a halt is like watching an old dog who circles a section of floor 47 times before finally lying down.
Then I passed by some sidewalk art:
Naked cycling tip: when taking a break, avoid sitting pantsless on unfinished wooden furniture. Also, be sure to use a pie plate so your, uh, "derailleur" doesn't get stuck in your spokes:
Then I passed by some sidewalk art:

Oh my lord, it finally happened.
Too slow
one day i will count to ten.
that will be the day that all you haters will suck my balls, suck my balls.
A guy did that old-dog-47-circles thing near me this morning, but I think it was so the rest of us could admire his beard and elegant yellow wheels. Hats off to anonymous (or the anonymi) today!
I like pie plates.
Give skidiots a brake!
London cycling explosion continues. Numbers on the road was always weather-sensitive of course but nowadays bright sunny morning = newbageddon.
"Most distressing, who's so excited about the World Naked Bike Ride that they're riding around telling complete strangers about it?"
Love it.
"...cycling remains a daunting process of blindly inserting ourselves into the metaphorical glory hole of fate and hoping that the world isn't in a biting mood."
Gold Snobby, GOLD!
They rent out bikes right at the base of the Manhattan Bridge.
I'm kind of on the fence about it all. On the one hand, just yesterday I too almost got run into passing a person on a rental (and I wasn't even going that fast) who suddenly swerved dreadfully because she was having difficulty pedalling up the bridge.
On the other hand, just last month I had to go to Bethesda, MD on business: I took the Amtrak from NYC to Washington, and right at the train station I was able to rent one of those crappy bikes. Yes, it was crappy, but it was also terrific (and yes, a little smug) ridng out there on a bike...
"World Naked Bike Ride" is false advertising, to say the least. But I supposed calling it the "World Clothing Optional Bike Ride" doesn't have the same appeal.
"world sausage-fest bike ride" is more like it.
I think it was Seinfeld that once spoke of "the good naked" and "the bad naked". Bicycle bicycling is great and all, but I'm pretty sure it's bad naked.
The problem isn't people who buy a bakfiets to portage their kids. The problem is people who have kids in order to justify buying a bakfiets.
Smuggily yours,
Dropped by a bearded tourist.
"What's so wrong with peace, love and wearing pants thing?"
we had a burley 2 yrs before it was useless (boy too big to get in)
thank lob it wasn't $3k (altho resale WAS pretty good)
Snobby, That group of rental bikers (I call them Touristas) is nothing compared to the Golden Gate Bridge. Imaging several groups two to three times that size all crossing the bridge at the same time, some stopping in the middle of the lane to take a picture, some riding to the left, straight at you. Some using the handrail to stay upright. Thats something!
I've never understood the logic of some of these people:
Sure, the last time I rode my bicycle back home was for 20 minutes 2 years ago the day that I brought it home from Costco and said bicycle is currently working great as a dust magnet and garden hose caddy in my 2 car garage in [insert random McSuburb name here]. Wow! You mean I can rent a crappy bicycle that I can barely control and ride it around one of the densest urban pedestrian/ vehicle environments in the world?!? Where do I sign??
Lob bless 'em!
That guy - sounds like the kind of guy that would let you know there is a train going on at party & invite you to get in line behind him.
What Kenny Banya said.
If you're skid-tarding and 47 circling, your bike is too heavy to be brakeless.
If I take the fenders off my bike, does that render it naked for the purposes of the world ride? And if the bike is naked, why do I have to be?
I think it would be more like shaving the eyebrows off your bike. You'd still need to go naked.
Well, if nobody else wants it, I'll have the 3.0 CS BMW please......start looking for Batmobile bits!
hey nonny mouse
@ anon 1:00
That's the first thing I thought of. But you forgot to mention the gusty 20mph wind.
On the plus side, Blazing Saddles equips their tour bikes with logo emblazoned handlebar bags so you can spot the trouble well in advance.
The owner of the deli at 2nd and Richardson (on the descent from the bridge) told me a meat wagon has to come out at least once a day to scrape a tourist off the pavement. Blazing Saddles must have a pretty good liability waiver.
Consider the alternatives: Naked vs say everyone in tighty-whiteys. Oh the horror, the horror.
who ya callin a tard?
Pie Plate? WTF? What's your problem?
Fuck Pie Plates.
Hair pie.
Can I get my pie plate in crabon fibre?
no legs today
This contest is uninteresting.
@RCT - you could be onto something there - it is what NuFreds have been waiting for...
And I'm with the Mouse as far as the BMW goes - then you wouldn't need some whacko patent to enable you to get to 120mph...
+1 on the gg renters. it's an absolutely terrifying thing.
an armada of twitchy handlebars heading straight at you....
Let me taste your ware
RE Simple Simon 2:26
Show me first your penny!
RE Pieman 2:27
Sir, I have not any :(
dont forget to get your latest WORLD NAKED BIKE RIDE NYC info at
follow on Twitter @wnbrnyc
hashtags #WNBRNYC #June11
love, and more butts on bikes!
The aftermarket pie plates not only protect your spokes from the chain, it will protect your hoo hoo dilly when glamourizing a glory hole. Next thing there will be a code requiring glory hole sanitary protection; much like the toilet seat protectors or condom vending machines.
All You Haters Suck My Pie Plate
So, with all this pie plate fetishing, why not this?:
Speaking of pie plates, I remember last Thanksgiving. I had already retired for the evening when my wife came into the bedroom wearing nothing but whipped cream. I said "Damn it, you ate all the pie AGAIN!"
My only concern is that the NekkidRide advertiser might take off his clothes and scare half the bloody city into the sea. Jesus, imagine that with no clothes....
"is it even possible I wouldn't already know about the World Naked Bike Ride?"
Why, yes, if you live in a country where people simply ride their bikes without all the fuzz. You know, cycling for fun and profit, instead of for an All-Out Balls-Out.
Toilet seat protector = Ass Gasket
Bearded Clam-Hair Pie Plate Protector is hopefully crabon free!
There's one here, too, and its web site ( claims "This and other massive local rides tangibly show Chicago's ongoing commitment to being a leading bike-friendly U.S. city." The video shows people being much friendlier to naked bike riders than they usually are to clothed ones. The alcohol probably played a part, but nipples and body paint seem to bring out the friendly in people.
Those aren't pie plates, they're portable glory holes for the Naked ride.
So there is a Holland Tunnel according to the green sign in that photo of they guy that hit on you. (You really should post a missed connection on CL.) Anyway, there is a tunnel to Holland? To and from Holland, presumably? Well there is your problem, right there!
The Hollandaise are a saucy bunch. Now, if their ladies rode nekkid in a parade, I would surely bring my portable and visibly transparent glory pie plate hole with me. I'd drink their dirty canal bong water in heartbeat.
Well, they may have curated all your Giro postings into one place, but it takes way too much effort to read them all in the right order rather than reading from the end of the race back to the beginning, which just doesn't make any sense.
Lordy, Snobby's reach is far and wide. PI PLATE:
I spied the RetroFred in Bicycling's ad. Here's an interesting thought: don't you think Bicycling would have plenty of bicycle photos on hand, with the assiciated rights, that they wouldn't have to resort to the RetroFred? I think the editors are enjoying your blog, Sir Snob. Long live TriDork!!
"jump naked into a giant bowl of guacamole?" Makes sense. The avocado gets its name from the Aztec word for scrotum.
Mind if I dip into your guacamole?
I think TTTSWRFFTPTD's mothership was hovering over Chicago at lunchtime -- saw almost a dozen bikes with downtube shifters.
Yeah, finally the Giro blogs together and in order. I stopped trying to read them because it was so difficult to navigate and find them. Guess Bycyclyng was too busy recycling TTRFFTPTD images to actually put your blog on the page that comes up when you click BLOGS.
Pi plate; are there 3.14(etc) of them?
hey nonny mouse
Oh, and BS, fitting post today I thought since TOSH.0 just had the Coachella "Naked Wizard" on. He developed his grudge against britches after ingesting 60's styled chemicals. Even multiple security guards and repeated taserings couldn't convince him that his interpretation of "Free Willy" was not condoned by other festival-goers.
wait...what's the answer to the panrs question? Did I miss that?
Honestly, when Anthony Weiner said he wanted to hold ribbon cutting ceremonies to commemorate ripping out NYC bike lanes, it never crossed my mind to say "What a dick."
Now,thanks to Twitter, everyone can make that joke.
42 years ago today John Benton and Yoko Bento's famous "Bent-in" took place. Their message to the world: "Give Pants a Chance".
g 12:58, going around saying "Give Pants a Chance" is all well and good until one day you find yourself in a situation where your entire minimalist collection of clothing is in the wash and you've got a ride to be at. See if you remember your precious ideals when it's time to make the hard decisions.
There is no room for dignity on my list, not even bundled in with the miscellaneous toiletries.
At the '07 Tour de France Grand Depart in London, there were lots of outdoor exposed urinals like that - - except they didn't have the door to cover your 'modesty' and were only like four feet tall so you could see across the top of them - - so all several-thousand passers-by could be seen and they could see you (and there were literally several thousand people in a packed crowd about twenty feet away). An odd experience.
there are lots of exposed dicks in London, not only during Tour de France...
Just looking at that urinal makes me uncomfortable.
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