Sure, you might think that a movement consisting bunch of rich, iPad-wielding couch surfers with a penchant for borrowing stuff would be relatively benign. Think again--unless you're a minimalist, of course. Minimalists only think once, if at all. They like to keep their heads as empty as their apartments.
The truth is, minimalism is a philosophy of denial, and in this sense it's the Creationism of lifestyles. Creationists deny the mountains of tangible evolutionary evidence we walk on, dig in, and burn in our gas tanks every day in favor of a story they prefer to believe. Similarly, minimalists deny the principles of simple mathematics in favor of a subjective form of accounting that would amaze even a Goldman Sachs executive.
Consider that "15 things" guy:

He arrived at his number by arbitrarily omitting stuff (like his toiletry kit), as well as by bundling other stuff together (like his electronics and various chargers) and counting them as one thing. It's that last form of fictional counting--bundling stuff together--that's the most insidious. For example, bundling a bunch of subprime mortgages together and selling them was what caused the financial crisis. Even worse, bundling items together is wreaking havoc at our supermarket checkout counters, as I learned this past weekend:

A mortgage crisis is one thing, but glutted supermarket checkout lines are something else altogether, and the consequences of the latter are potentially far worse. Not only does it cause delay, but allowing people to purchase multiple avocados via express lane while simultaneously inconveniencing purchasers of other items could lead to an "avocado bubble" that could burst with tragic consequences--and I don't want to be around when the guacamole hits the fan.
In any case, I've never shied away from social protest, and you can be sure I did my part by sighing impatiently in a barely audible fashion.
Speaking of counting stuff, Transportation Nation is attempting to quantify the New York City bicycle crackdown, and to this end they're creating a bike ticket map to show which neighborhoods in have been most cracked down-upon. Here's how the map looks so far:
As you can see, ticketing seems to be heaviest in parts of the city inhabited by the sorts of whiny people whose biggest problem in life is having to wait behind other people buying too many avocados in supermarkets. Non-coincidentally, these are also exactly the sorts of people who send out press releases to local news websites when they get tickets for running red lights on their Dutch bikes, and who ultimately report this information to crowdsourcing projects run by smug transportation websites. The result of this project is what may be the most obvious map ever created, though I am admittedly intrigued by the outliers, such as this one:
I can only assume this represents a roadie on his way to or from the evening races at Floyd Bennett Field (the big beige blob in the middle of the image), and I must say that surviving the wild ride down Flatbush Avenue only to get a ticket just as you've reached the safety of the Gateway National Recreation Area is like winning the World Rib Eating Championship and then choking to death on a maraschino cherry as you enjoy a celebratory cocktail.

Meanwhile, drivers are constantly finding bold new ways to obstruct bike lanes. For awhile, it looked like the protected ones were posing a bit of a challenge, but I'm pleased to report that one motor vehicle owner has finally cracked the problem of how to block them by simply placing his car diagonally across the controversial Prospect Park West bike lane:
Really, the only thing I'm sure of is there's not a cop in New York City who would even think of giving them a ticket, and I also wouldn't be surprised if the so-called "Neighbors for Better Bike Lanes" emerged from their brownstones and served them lunch.
Finally, as I mentioned last week, I am now resolved to bring the "There Will Be Action Wipes" contest to a conclusion:
To this end, I have chosen five finalists, and I'm not exaggerating when I say it was by far the hardest thing I've ever done. (Harder even than having to wait multiple minutes behind a woman buying too many avocados.) The most difficult part was having to exclude the submissions that were brilliant yet not in keeping with the goal of the contest, which was to create an international symbol for cycling. Therefore, as much as I loved this one:

And this one:

And this one:
They were a bit too detailed for simple signage. (Sure, the submission above is a sign, but it doesn't work for, say, an airport terminal, or a dedicated cyclist restroom were such a thing to come into existence.) The same thing goes for this one:

I also was forced to exclude symbols that were signworthy but did not include the time-traveling t-shirt-wearing retro-Fred from the planet Tridork:

Or that took excessive liberties with his bicycle:
Again, I can't say emphatically enough that it pained me deeply to exclude all the submissions above, as well as many other exquisite renderings I also received. So, finally, I've narrowed the submissions down to these five (5) finalists, in no particular order:

And this one:

(Erik K)
And this one:

I also was forced to exclude symbols that were signworthy but did not include the time-traveling t-shirt-wearing retro-Fred from the planet Tridork:

Or that took excessive liberties with his bicycle:

All You Haters Suck My Podium
Fuck comments
Scrolled quickly.... soul wicking in today's installment?
Top ten?
oh man... am i top ten?
For the moment, I don't hate everyone who posts nonsense about the order of posting. Starting tomorrow, I'm back to thinking you're all losers.
A quick glance at the photos before reading the text led to the erroneous impression that a car veered into the bike lane and the "soul-wicking membrane" had claimed another victim.
The car was parked on the curb in order to make it easier to crawl under the car.
No soul patch? No Action Wipes.
Remember when Sheldon Brown commented on this blog? Those were the days...
wow! the graphic arts are alive and well!
Good 'graphs, today, Snoib!
The second one is Bauhaus.
The one with the erection is Dada.
I am deeply saddened that my entry did not make the cut, but I understand the rationale. No Liz Hatch video. No Action Wipes. No reason to live.
All You Haters Wipe My Elephant Trunk?
Who's your Dada!
"Philosophy of Denial"
well put sir.
Yes, one of those red markers represents me. Which one? That's for me to know and you to find out...
@wiwm, great finish!
@hillbilly, nice lead out!
Never mind your multiplicity if avocados, in Europe we are suffering a plague of poisoned cucumbers!
The second one for sure.I was teetering, but then I noticed the ever so slight flavour saver point on the chin and I was sold.
looks like snobby redboxed the movie "inside job" this weekend.
What did you think?
John S.
I'm with you snobby, this is going to be tough.
What the hell is the 4th one?
tri trunk fred in need of head
"Each red mark represents an extremely indignant white person."
made guacamole come out my nose.
Damn. I was sure that the TDFred logo would make the cut. Time to re-order my priorities.
The car in the bike lane looks to simply be using the curb for a pseudojack.
Let the car use the curb for a jack, but at the same time use the car for a pseudobicycle repair stand. What's good enough for the goose is good enough for the gander.
I count all the above comments as one, so- Podium!
I thoroughly enjoy taking excessive liberties with my bicycle.
I found a typo. The correction is:
If there is a coming glut of minimalists, wouldn't that be against their very principles? I know one more thing those guys should have-a job.
I only own 4 things: bike crap, some clothes, some kitchen stuff, and electronics. I don't count bathroom stuff.
So minimal.
All You Haters Action Wipe My Elephant Trunk.
Snobbie -
You'd be ok wit dem 'cados if she'd just bagged em up?
So what happened to the post on the final stage of the Giro over at
Thanks mikeweb,I couldn't have done it without my electrical assist, if yall know what i mean, and i think you do.
"To this end, I have chosen six finalists, and I'm not exaggerating..."
Five it 5 or 6? I think I like the 6th best.
The Prime Directive where I work is "Never answer the question that was asked if you have a better answer for one that wasn't". Applied to the 'There Will Be Action Wipes' contest, this means the heck with the rules, award 1st place to someone who worked recumbabe into their entry.
Anonymous 2:38pm,
Sorry! I eliminated a finalist at the last minute.
@sherpa: cheers that was bugging me, absurdly!
suck it
Any Franciscian could kick any so called minimalists ass.
Dangit! Didn't make the cut!
And linky-style: Dangit!
trunk skid entry is obscene
...spending my time bundling & minimizing & i'm down to two-(2) items...
...a list of stuff i want & need & a list of stuff i don't...
...manipulated minimalism...
...bottom line ???...i still own a bunch a' stuff...
disembodied shadow:
This is BULLSHIT. Not ONE entry depicting a Dutch bike or cruiser. Is everyone in NYC really bent over the bars going like hell as depicted in ALL the finalists? Sorry about the rant.
I thought you might be interested to know that the Many Equals One method of counting for the express lane is written policy at the Park Slope Food Coop.
And: the "indignant white person" line was perfect.
@JDH - ha ha, that's funny. TTTWRFFPTD definitely needs to rock a cruiser with those aero bars.
AYHRANDB - All you haters rant about no dutch bikes.
Poor breeding is so evident in the bicycle cycling community.
#1 is unacceptable. Retro Freds from Planet Tridork would never have their knee bent when the pedal is at 6:00.
way too many limes per avocado for good guac..
This was a great post indeed
I get many information from this......thankyou.
Ten items or FEWER. Jeez! Rite good english better please.
No. 3 is sporting a Camelbak or worse, even a helium hunchback. I don't think performance-enhancing methods should be depicted in this symbol-to-be.
My 2 (Euro-)Cents from Ger-meh-ny
David Byrne dosn't burn tangible evolutionary evidence in his gas tank every day.
Not gonna lie, the gentleman with the fanny-pack has fine taste in refreshments.
Fatty is teaching bad habits. You can be certain the avocados and limes are being purchased by one of his diet converts.
The avocado of guacamole.
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