Submitted, the following article, which I recently noticed on the Urban Velo:
So what does this mean? I'll tell you what it means. It means the government plans to make cassettes prohibitively expensive in a diabolical attempt to force everybody to ride "fixies:"
"So why would they want to do that?," you ask. Well, to truly understand why you also have to understand the government--also known as "the Man," who will be played in this post by acclaimed actor Griffin Dunne:
Here's what we know:

Located in Washington, DC, the government consists of three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial:

Of the "people" who comprise the three branches, the legislative and executive are all extraterrestrials, while the judicial are hyper-intelligent lizard people who hail from the lost continent of Atlantis:
That last fact explains not only the so-called "scales" of justice, but also lends additional insight into the controversial "Mothra vs. Godzilla" decision of 1961.
The government hates bicycles, because they know that David Byrne holds the key to solving the world's energy crisis on which the extraterrestrials and the lizard people depend in order to keep humankind in their thrall, and also because he doesn't own a car:
Nice one, Mr. Byrne. You had me going there for a second.
So why would Griffin Dunne, in his best performance since he played Johnny Dangerously's kid brother in the 1984 comedy smash "Johnny Dangerously," want people to ride fixies instead of grown-up bikes with multiple gears? Well, by secretly fostering fixed-gear riding while outwardly condemning its thin veneer of rebellion, he/they/it will gradually eliminate us all through hillbombing "accidents" and alleycat "mishaps."
"Back in the day," if a government operative wanted to get rid of you, he'd sabotage your brakes. Now, the government's just brainwashing us all into not even installing the things in the first place.
Meanwhile, both here and abroad, the Forces of Fixiedom remain tragically oblivious to their fate. For example, a reader informs me that a London hipster has recently performed the world's most "epic" elephant trunk skid:

By the way, if you look closely, you'll notice a rather nonplussed dog:

By the way, if you've ever dreamed of owning your very own giant clown bike, now you can, for a number of readers have informed me that Crate and Barrel is now selling bicycles:

Not only that, but the "street-cred" comes standard:

But as excited as I was by the clown bikes, I was even more excited by this sick-ass deal on galvanized planters in the DeLorean colorway:

The Best Made American Felling Axe was designed in New York City
by Best Made Company, who worked hand-in-hand with Council Tools—a legendary fourth-generation American axe maker—to fabricate and revive the incomparable and quintessential American tool from the ground up, to our exact specifications. The polished high carbon American steel was selected by Best Made Company and drop forged by skilled Council Tool blacksmiths at their venerable forge on the shores of Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina. The pattern of the head is a traditional design known as the Dayton pattern, selected by Best Made because it is a time-tested icon of the American axe industry. The 35" Appalachian hickory helve was designed by Best Made and its slender, elegant properties insure that it will provide utmost efficiency and safety.
The Best Made fey hipser Axe of Idiocy apparently uses Council Tools's "Dayton pattern," and while you can also buy an axe in this pattern from Council Tools, the most you'll be able to pay for it is like $65:

Intuition is a derivative of instinct, meaning it’s a natural state of behavior and requires no special training. Whether it can be improved upon is disputable, but often times—aside from the occasional light or dark beer dilemma—it remains idle in the comfort and convenience of everyday life.
Yes, intuition "remains idle in the comfort and convenience of everyday life"--assuming of course your everyday life is contrived, faux, overpriced, and bedazzled, like a Best Made axe. The rest of us rely on it daily, since it's quite helpful for mundane stuff like, oh, I dunno, riding your bike to work without getting killed.
But riding your bike to work is not the Best Made Way. The Best Made Way is taking stylized vacations from your stylized life, and using your intuition to find the optimum moment to buy a harmonica:
Following a hunch isn’t strictly reserved for dire circumstance. It can be tapped in situations as simple as making a quick pit stop at a small music shop to purchase a harmonica.
All You Haters Blow My Mouth Organ.
Following a hunch isn’t strictly reserved for dire circumstance. It can be tapped in situations as simple as making a quick pit stop at a small music shop to purchase a harmonica.
All You Haters Blow My Mouth Organ.
You won't find the time-traveling t-shirt-wearing retro-Fred from the planet Tridork stopping during his ride in order to buy a harmonica. Maybe--maybe--he'd consider buying a keytar, but that's as contrived as he's likely to get. By the way, another reader informs me that our friend can not only travel through time, but he can also change his "colorway" like a chameleon, as you can see in the advertisement below:

Not only is he now sporting a smart Performance catalog-esque jersey, but he's also willed his drivetrain onto the left-hand side of his bicycle:

Not only is he now sporting a smart Performance catalog-esque jersey, but he's also willed his drivetrain onto the left-hand side of his bicycle:

Indeed, so ubiquitous is our friend that I keep expecting him to get a Craigslist "missed connection." It hasn't happened yet, but I did think this one was noteworthy:

brown sweater getting burrito or maybe taco; glasses angular nose - w4m - 24 (williamsburg bedford ave)
Date: 2011-03-22, 9:57PM EDT
i rode my bike down bedford ave after work, taking in the scenery, and saw you, a HOT DUDE, hot enough to leave such an impression on a fleeting ride past the endless summer truck. you were wearing a brown sweater, had circular glasses (?), brown hair, an angular nose (see: subject line), and looked like how i imagined "COLLEGE T.A." types would look while in middle school. were you getting a taco? a burrito? a red jarrito? i will perhaps never know...

brown sweater getting burrito or maybe taco; glasses angular nose - w4m - 24 (williamsburg bedford ave)
Date: 2011-03-22, 9:57PM EDT
i rode my bike down bedford ave after work, taking in the scenery, and saw you, a HOT DUDE, hot enough to leave such an impression on a fleeting ride past the endless summer truck. you were wearing a brown sweater, had circular glasses (?), brown hair, an angular nose (see: subject line), and looked like how i imagined "COLLEGE T.A." types would look while in middle school. were you getting a taco? a burrito? a red jarrito? i will perhaps never know...
I think it's fairly obvious from the description who that "HOT DUDE" is:

In fact, I actually considered turning her in, since Craigslist now includes the following in their "missed connections" posts:
Please report suspected exploitation of minors to the appropriate authorities
But then I remembered that Harry Potter is like 35 now and can most likely fend for himself.

In fact, I actually considered turning her in, since Craigslist now includes the following in their "missed connections" posts:
Please report suspected exploitation of minors to the appropriate authorities
But then I remembered that Harry Potter is like 35 now and can most likely fend for himself.
"original" Ray's
Top Ten. Meh.
you must read before you post.
Top Ten! I hope...
top 10!
TEN. Food ready. Time to sit. Thanks Snob
Went to buy a new helmet for my Son before work today, they grow up so fast, and the bike shop had a line up. I was pretty excited because I thought the new "Kagoshima Langster" was out. I was wrong though and the owner of the shop ( chofukokuryo on twitter ) told me that, due to the huge walk home that most people undertook on the night of the earthquake, huge is over 20kms (6 miles), that they are buying bikes to get them 10kms (19 miles) closer to work. I am happy for the people that are biking now and really feel for the staff that stil hasn't had contact with their family.
I disagree - the government is clearly trying to protect markets for locally produced artisanal cassettes. Thanks for the tip - I'm going to start carving some right now.
what day comes after thursday?
For the love of Lob, I beg you to quit showing that David Byrne image. It creeps me out every single time!
BTW, All you haters suck my mouth organ is brilliant
I hate getting caught at the bottom of the Poggio. Still Top Twenty?
Council Tools was recently featured on one of the shows on the Science Channel ("How Do They Do It"? "How It's Made"? They all blur together).
So, it's obvious that the Best Made folks like to munch Cheetos while watching the boob tube...I'm SURE it's where they got the idea to switch suppliers.
getting slower; top 20 today.
"CED (Chief Operating Douchebag)"
ITYM, "CED (Chief Executive Douchebag)"
Of course the small dog is nonplussed: it's not every day you get to see David Byrne 'drop' an elephants trunk skid in London.
...intuition? you mean like being one with my hot dog?
Wouldn't the Chief Operating Douchebag be the COD rather than the CED? Or is he really the Chief Executive Douchebag?
Tashkent Terror and Terre Haute Karl,
You're right of course, I never made it past Vice Douchebag.
Creepy and repetitive.
"Ask not for whom the free-wheel spins, it spins for thee."?
oh, sorry, that would be a Donne Deal.
Never mind
Street Cred indeed from Crate and Barrel... If your Ronald McDonald.
Those Nuovo Crazy Wheels are going to look really nice with some street crud on them.
ACK! I hate those Best-Made hipsters so much! Good thing I live far away from them, or I would swing from the gallows in no time!
$200 for an axe? I bought one recently; cost me £12, I think.
Head? Yes. Shaft? Right on... Can be used to chop wood? Yes. Why the huge price difference?
Just a thought regarding the time-travelling retro-Fred; is he going to end up like a cycling Flying Dutchman, condemned to pedalling for all eternity?
hey nonny mouse
Artisanal screwdrivers at Target, for fixing Target's Schwinn bikes.
Wow, those unpainted Best Made axes look like a bargain!
RTMS, those aren't crate'n'barrel CLOWN bikes, they called abuela and abuelo. have you forgotten your mexican? that means grandma & grandpa.
Council Tools:
"Hard-working tools for hard-working professionals."
Best Made Company:
"Emasculated tools for emasculated hipsters"
I dropped on a council tools axe online-way, and the wood part of it was both twisted and curved badly. Inspect before buying: no online axe purchases for me ever agin with such a complicated instrument.
The Best Made Axe. For when you need to fop down a tree.
Cassette prices are going up because there is now a tax on being a whiney road bike gear whore.
All you need is one gear spandex boys.
When you live on the edge you become the edge and don't need to buy fancy axes.
-angry dragon
Can somebody smack Angry Dragon in the back of the head!
axes don't kill people, people kill people - new Best Made tagline?
Living in the wastelands of Canada, I always thought I was decades behind NYC's hipster kulture. But now it seems I must have accidentally fallen through one of the Tridorkian Retro-Fred's temporal disturbances since, while touring through Germany two years ago, I stepped into a small music shop in Passau and purchased a harmonica, not knowing a thing about how to play it. If this is true then I predict this backwoods americana trend that is staining NYC will eventually evolve into a nu-wheat farmer look. Invest heavily in John Deer accessories and cover-alls.
Meh. There goes another theory. Angry Dragon was funnier as a put-on.
Living on the edge of having his checks from Dad stop coming? Just barely surviving his own stupidity? What? What edge?
Snob, you have an amzingly acute douche-sense. You can reallly sniff 'em out. Griffin Dunne, for eample--how did you know he's such a douche? I crossed paths with him a couple of times and the guy's an A-list douche. Please be careful with him; he's got connections.
As I've pointed out in the past, all Freds have the ability to time travel. That's how our beards get so long and luxuriant. (You would not believe emollient technology from 2025.)
I'm going to use my ability to stock up on Dura-Ace cassettes from 2005, which I will re-sell to dentists at a huge profit when they finally put 5,000 miles on their
Serrottas in late 2015.
An extra 10% per cassette should give me enough walking around money to pick up a douche-axe or two.
I thought the Supreme Court was the legislative branch, not the executive. And, it's called a "snart".
If you are a flatlander in the US, invest in John Deere and overalls. Or if collabos are your thing, here ya go:
hilarious, made me snart. speaking of snarts, wouldn't it be ironically hilarious if the best made guy was violently hacked up by a dissatisfied customer using with one of his own axes.
DNPADIMFB - Do not put any DeLoreans in my flower box.
Speaking of Freds (and I am one, both old and slow), here's a little gem of an exchange between a couple of over 50s (extracted from a thread on 'Oversized Bottom Brackets' ... sounds rude to me). The image conjured up by the respondent's central simile is particularly vivid:
"It reads complicated, and to me it is, which is why I invest in a coach and spend my time riding and following directions."
"Me too. I'm trying to get my mind around the science and data, because that's just the kind of guy I am, but it truly is overwhelming. I've been gradually reading "Training and Racing with a Power Meter", which is the bible on the subject, digesting it slowly like a time-release protein powder. I'll finally be doing my threshold test a few weeks from now, when there is a break in my racing schedule.
56yo, riding a 2010 Gunnar Sport (68cm Custom)"
Retro-Fred could learn a thing or two from these boys.
Burt Reynolds is a wheelsucker.
It is refreshing to be surrounded by people that don't get it.
'It' isn't your mancave.
'It' is being a slayer.
-angry dragon
So what is it exactly that you "slay," tough guy?
Retro-fred and angry dragon.
Meeting at castle greyscull tonight 8pm sharp!
Don't bring He-man.
Did you possibly mean S-layer?
Surface Layer seems appropriate.
Anon 2:14, here is a preview.
There is so much going on today: Original Star Trek imagery, hill people ("flatlanders"), erroneous acronyms, and an angry, self-loathing troll.
I'm looking forward to the television pilot.
If you change the David Byrne photo, use the one from inside the cover of his book instead. And no, I didn't read the book. My wife brought it home from the lye-berry, thinking that I'd like it because I like books and bikes, and I saw Stop Making Sense back in 1849 or whenever it was released. She returned it to its hidey-hole at the lye-berry, unmolested.
Hi David! Love the live SMS version of Life During Wartime.
"fop down a tree": Nice one, Dapper Dan.
If freewheels are exempt from the tariff, maybe we can recreate the great 10-speed boom of the 70s.
In response BR.
I slay my environment...what ever comes before me.
That is the way one slays.
I own my space and get real with simplicity.
I prefer to live like a warrior battling traffic and living on the edge.
I understand your jealousy. Probably got a wife nagging you while I am shagging number 99. Sorry dude.
-angry dragon
The way Scalia looks, I think he can be part of whatever branch of government he wants. Hell, he probably eats branches of government the way pandas eat bamboo.
I have found the holy grail of the upcoming nu-farmer style diktat:
I knew 99. 99 was a friend and colleague of mine. 99 would never have anything to do with a self-important douche like you.
It's OK, angry dragon, that happens to lots of guys. See you next week. Oh, and tell Eliot Spitzer he can come in now.
Angry Dragon you are totally making a fool out of yourself.
Stop while you are ahead.
BTW you should check the urban dictionary.
Your name is not that cool. Just sayin.
It looks like the CB2 bike is blessed with an off-side drivetrain as well. Interesting - is this a trend?
As much as I suspect the executive branch is located in somebody pants, (Daly) the conspiracy goes much farther than this.
Who is the only maker of cassettes in America?
That is right it is owned by the evil overlord Serotta. His minions of dentists will be the only people with fully function gears, and will soon dominate all cyclocross (who really cares).
This proves his evil plan.
Be afraid, very, very afraid.
Maybe all you dentists should shave your knuckles before dropping them in peoples mouths?
To the anon posting castle greyscull. Thanks I will use that. I will leave He-man with the worked up road bikers.
-angry dragon
Left side drive, like on the cover of your book!
He has that stupid name tattooed on his forehead, from the night he passed out in front of the tattoo parlor. His "friends" are as sleazy as he is, poor schmuck.
Good grief! I think that doofus believes his own bullshit.
As long as I get a tax credit on the deraileur, I could care less.
Here is the final nail in the coffin that will cause you to avoid this blog henceforth: BikeSnobNYC is married.
You are so much better than him.
Now move along.
Damnnnnn..I got that "Puff the Magic Dragon" song mashed up with the theme from "Get Smart" buzzing in my
anon 1:39, I think he already has been smacked in the back of the head, too many times. Hence the nickname and his wit.
Burt, you understand how that happens, you were in "Deliverance". Poor angry dragon, his tonsils will never be the same.
"Designed by Republic bikes"
Built by slave labor in China.
Yellow tires? - Streat Cred - Meh
I miss Jolene. There, I said it.
Gee, thanks Marcel. That really is a mess, innit?
Speaking of awful mashups, you don't suppose that AD is one of Ev Bogue's clients, do you? It would explain a lot.
Does someone have a Howard Jones cassette they could pass on to Angry Dragon?
It amazes me that behaving perpetually like an adolescent is considered "manly" behavior. Or is it "dragonly"?
Did I mention I don't have a car?
I be pa-jammin, pa-jammin, pa-jammin wid David Byrne.
Mikeweb: I also miss Jolene. And Red and Ricky. And the good ol' days when CC had a blog devoted to beavers.
I feel old.
I lay down my own lines.
I understand if a few are jealous because you are trapped and I am hooking up all the time.
You can trade your many gears in for a single speed life.
You should probably take off the glasses and the spandex...that shit is gay dude!
-angry dragon
While not disembodied, that "half-a-dog" must be friends or at the least acquaintances with Eric the Half-a-bee.
Everyone stop picking on Anonymous/Angry Dragon. He's my hero. He rocks. I have full confidence that one day he'll learn where his name goes (hint: just above the anonymous radio button. You're still anonymous AD, so you can die with your dirty little secrets).
The rest of you should be ashamed for picking on trolls. They can't help themselves. In fact, just by writing this, I know that AD will crush me like the puny little insect that I am. (Please AD? Please crush me.)
Your biggest fan.
Dragon needs to be less angry. You don't battle traffic, you dance with it.
hey nonny mouse
Hey Angry Dragon
How about you write a manifesto of your crock of shit opinions and tape them to bathroom stalls?
There is something about this post that makes me want to sever at least one of my limbs with an artisanal ax, crawl to under a table, and quickly bleed to death.
Good idea anon 3:20
That is where I fucked your girlfriend and your friends girlfriends.
-angry dragon
Heh heh. I remember my twenties. I had the world all figured out, too. It took me another ten years to realize I was completely full of shit. But then I wasn't a dick about it either, so I wonder if our angry troll will make it to adulthood even if he doesn't get killed out slaying traffic. Not that I care, really. That's an accomplishment, I suppose, Angry Troll. To make someone not care what happens to you. Congratulations.
McLaren and Specialized have created the fastest bike ever. To prove this, they finished 52nd last weekend in San Remo.
Yes and yes, the petulant vibe bears an uncanny similarity. You might be on to something.
Also, if I were up to "99", I'd be Happy Dragon! But there's still time, I suppose.
Suck it.
Was that an invitation to mangroom?
I am leaving He-man to the roadies.
-angry dragon
Snob, rename the comments section to the Angry Dragon Cliche festival.
He has looked into the eyes of the cobra, he lays it on the line.
I like to have non-gay sex with little guys in glasses who wear spandex. I will never bow down and get a Google account.
--Angry Dragon
I am not a little asian guy who cannot accept his homosexual tendencies. Fixies only love girls.
-angry dragon
Good idea anon 3:20
That is where I fucked your girlfriend and your friends, but mostly your friends.
-angry dragon
The dutch rudder is not gay.
-angry dragon
Holy smokes! Is angry dragon for real?
He seems like another looser hipster fixie douche with an inflated self being. Get a life boner!
Strictly as an attention whore, AD is remarkably successful. I must admit I was not man enough to pass up the cheap shot and keep myself from picking on the mental defectives. I am sorry.
Good luck, AD. I think you will be needing it.
Suck it twice.
When you live on the edge you become the edge and play guitar in an increasingly crap band.
-angry dragon
Nor will I bow down and get a google account!
and I have more STDs than the rest of you pussies combined
-angry dragon
Burt Reynolds is a wheelsucker.
Yes, we all remember "Smokey and the Bandit."
My mom didn't love me. Can you tell?
i dont remember any smokey and bandit because im a yung stud and not a old fart
-angry dragon
Oh fuck
Everybody wants a piece...guess I need to get an account to throw the bait in the right direction.
-angry dragon...not the poseurs
Look at me, now I'm angry dragon.
No, I am!
You should probably take off the glasses and the spandex...that shit is gay dude!
I can sorta understand the hate for spandex, but glasses? Was "looking into the eye of the cobra" your Lasik surgery?
No you looser, I'm the angry dragon
-angry dragon
I can't see shit or spell "yung".
-angry dragon
Technically, it is called Lycra. It is not "spandex".
Buncha wannabees.
You all have small penis and glasses! I am angry dragon!
-angry dragon
Angry Dragon, please look up the meaning of your name.
...i think 'angry dragon' (excellent avatar, dude !!!...snicker, snicker) bought himself a 'best made douchery factory' artesional shovel 'cuz he just keeps diggin' a deeper hole for himself...
(it means "jizz sneeze")
wait, hooking up is when you take the 10 dollars and go on your knees in the stall, right?
-angry dragon
Shit. It's a one, not a ten. I need glasses.
-angry dragon
Gonna grab a diablo taco and a Dr Pepper
I fish taco for all you old spandex guys with erectile malfunctions..
-angry dragon of the real
...does anyone know how to fix an 8-track player ???...i can't listen to any of my cassettes...
Will the real Angry Dragon please stand up please stand up.
After being amazed at how much of your blog content comes from the Urban Dictionary, I can't wait to go and look up 'shrimp-sexing' to see what combination of orifices and effluent it involves.
Numero deux - you should be super excited about this new axe if it really does have 'high carbon American steel' in it - you can be a Fred and a retro-Grouch in one fell swoop, as it were.
And really, if C&B want their bikes to have 'street-cred', why are they called 'abuelo'and 'abuela', which as has been pointed out means granny and grandpa. Now there's hip.
Hey angry dragon, get your own comments section and stop clogging up this one.
I slay my environment. Or at least myself.
It is inspiring to see several angry dragons out there...thought I was the only one.
Maybe it is time to slay it in the streets and look the cobra in the eyes.
Never thought we could have an army.
But sorry dudes with guarantees about sex in bathroom stalls, or that you can get it up.
The Castle Greyscull romp is coming soon.
-angry dragon...the real one
Jeebus. That is just sad.
My erectile malfunctioned and caused the Fukushima quake.
-angry dragon of the for reals
Does New York have a cobra problem or something? Can't the rats kill them?, they like, found Atlantis
(from the BBC, so its true!)
..does anyone know how to fix an 8-track player ???...i can't listen to any of my cassettes...
You no smart, you need to convert cassette to MP3 and slay the eye of the cobra taco and get it up.
-angry dragon, the real one laying it on the line
I think Number 99 @ 2:31 touched a nerve, so to speak. He he!
Okay, Snob, if I understand you correctly, you're saying the small plastic cases that contain spools of magnetic tape on which music or other kinds of sound or data have been recorded for low-quality analog playback, such as were popular in the 1980s and thought to be groovy by the urban hipsters of the day, are about to increase in price. AYHLTMMJT! (All you haters listen to my Michael Jackson tape!)
Back from the diablo taco and Dr Pepper.
So now let me explain looking into the eyes of the cobra...pretty simple, I am looking at myself.
Road wussies are thinking about the one eyed cobra that is in their hand...big difference.
Sorry roadies...if I could tell you how to grow a set you would spend your money on sea monkeys.
-angry dragon...the original
That means tapes will be 11 cents now at the Salvation Army? Damn.
You give away your stupidity constantly by assuming everyone here who can type in sentences is a "roadie." Fool.
can say for sure that here in Brazil...
1: best made than a fancy axe is a chainsaw, if you want to get trees down for this same price.
2: best made than a fancy axe is a hitman, if you want someone dead for half of this price.
I think Snobby had a little too much caffiene and sugar and did a Cornholio and is posting as Angry Dragon. He is usally a Happy Hydra but is now a little too wigged out. He will surely return to his calm and peaceful erudition
Hey Angry Dragon,
This is how it works: look straight into her eyes and introduce yourself. If she tells you her name while maintaining eye-contact, you're at the plate, so to speak. A well-placed compliment, a witty remark will get you on the bases. Remain calm and exude an air of confidence. Let nature take its course. One more thing: wear dark pants--she won't notice the wet stains.
these guys are generally a few bucks cheaper than best made. but they do have a few axes over $1000.
What's up with angry dragon.
Maybe you should get a life homeboy?
Maybe therapy?
Bathroom stall sex will give you crankrot.
Shu-sin, Abuela? Really? The very thought of riding grandma grosses me out.
Flatlander, harmonica music is one thing, but if you start to hear banjo music, you had better start peddling faster. It's an Appalacian thing, and you are Canadian, so I do not expect you to understand; just heed my advice.
BTW, you wouldn't happen to be related to Ned Beatty, would you?
Sorry playa
Sounds like you are a new age sensitive guy is still listening to Hello by Lionel Richie twice a day.
The way to rock it new style is to drink a PBR with a hot chick and by her two Yeugers. Then bathroom sex is easy.
I should be teaching classes to all these old roadies.
-angry dragon...still the one
He's just bitter because he gave all this month's trust fund check and part of the last one to Ev Bogus. He still can't score with the babes and now he's too broke to pay for it so he comes on here with big talk that sounds like a retarded 13 year old's idea of what being cool is. Poor bastard can't post his shit on Bogus' site either. Man I hate that Ev Bogus.
Stupid fuck would shit his pants if he knew how many real cyclists who own fixies read BSNYC. Anyway, his childish trash talk sure is getting old. What a sorry twit.
...hey "angry dragon" (snicker, yet again)...
...son, as an "old roadie", i've not only '...been there, done than...', i could teach you tricks you couldn't imagine...that is a guarantee...
...but why waste my time on a sad, defensive little boy like you ???......
Angry Dragon,
Sober Sex: A whole new world awaits.
But you're not ready, Grasshopper.
While I am not a logger (not that any logger I know carries an axe) I have lived and worked in a lot of rural locations in Northern B.C. and Alberta. I have also lived in houses that used a wood stove for heat. I can't imagine "Designed in New York city" being a selling point for an ax except for the supremely douchy. I can't imagine any one actually trying to "fell" a tree with an ax either (that is what chainsaws are for after all), but I guess I have spent to much time in the real world and not enough time in Williamsburg. $450 an ax? My Stihl costs less than that.
New York City?!?
151 !!! what's the hot button issue?
all you haters sand my axe!
Dammit! Now I can't think about anything else other than "shrimp-sexing".
Not only are we getting approximately the same number of women in here as some hipster with a tattoo that says "Cleveland Steamer," we have scared off all the Yehuda Moon blog posters and most of the iBobs.
Jolene is not the only one I miss.
"-angry dragon...the original "
Ain't nothing original in there, boy.
I am Angry Dragon
etc, etc
...damn...i think we scared off little amigo dude or whatever his name is...
...prob'ly off seeing his shrink for those 'anger issues' or else daddy won't send the check... he'll be back though...we're in his blood like that watered down smack he shot once so he could be a part of 'the scene'...
...just sayin'...
I dunno, guys, I think I may have been right the, um, second time. I think some sly sonofabitch has punked us all again.
Well played, Sir. Anyone who can be so convincing as a two-bit angry dumbfuck should give Hollywood a shot. They are always looking for people who can pull off the part of a moron. It's harder than it looks.
I'm exploiting a minor right now! Top 155!
Best Made Embrocation.Dropped. Swooped.'Nuf said.
Angry Dragon = Ev Bogue
If (Angry Dragon = douche)
and (Ev Bogue = douche)
then (Angry Dragon = Ev Bogue)
or (douche = douche)
"Swoop"? I thought kids "comp"-ed "collabos" as they "dropped". Comp being from "comprar" and popularized by practitioners of regaeton/ hispanic rap. Just me?
You're all a bunch of stoopid poopy-heads! I'm telling mom!
-angry dragon ... for reals, you know what I'm sayin'? ayt?
Ah ... ah ... ah ... ch-pbpbpbppbpb.
Anyone have a tissue?
-Angry Dragon ... the original one and only greatest person alive in my own mind if I do say so myself and I do.
Holy shit! I leave the room to ride to the grocery and suddenly there's dragons flaming the curtains and chewing the carpets! This Harry Potter shit has gone too far. Expelliarmus!! Expelliarmus!!
@Anon 6:53
Legend in his own mind?
Not particularly well educated?
Ignorant of urban slang but attracted to it as a prop?
Check check
Not so successful with the ladies?
Full of vapid claptrap about living like a "warrior" and other such tripe?
Not very knowledgeable about bikes, especially road bikes?
And so on. Hmmmmmmm...
Best Made Douche' Bagge.
Anyone got any spare pussy?
Miss me?
- Angry Dragon ... fo shizzle
damn, i was wondering why there were so many comments when i got to the bottom of snob's post. sorry fellow followers, i was late to the party. it looks like someone made a few enemies today...
Just finished laying down some lines warrior style.
Why do roadies always get their spandex panties in a bunch?
Chill out and get a real steed will liberate you.
Remember to wild west can be anywhere you want it to be.
-angry dragon...still the one
I'm Spartacus!
hey nonny mouse
This is your brain on crack. Any questions?
Angry mope can't even type.
Andy, son, we know you're Angry. Come home. Leave those good folks alone. O.k, we'll increase your allowance.
Ev, your girlfriend is homely.
"Just finished laying down some lines warrior style."
Charlie Sheen, is that you?!
A lullaby for Ev:
I realize this is no longer the place to comment on BSNYC's posts, but a reference to "back in the day" without a link to a picture of the Dachshund of Time just doesn't feel right. Also, fey hipser?
Angry Dragon should look under the microscope.
You are a pansy bucko!
Take your cobra venom elsewhere.
Burt Reynolds gets the prize.
-angry dragon...not the fakers
The meeting at Castle Greyscull was killer. Fresh tuna and blazing a couple roadies.
Now back to Cobra command center.
-angry dragon...still the real
Thanks, I guess, Jizz Noze. Being the first guy to bite both times takes the fun out of it, I must say.
You wouldn't happen to be from Ft. Myers, would you?
My dog: "I had to shoot my dragon yesterday."
Me: "Oh dear, was he mad?"
My dog: "Well, he did seem a little angry afterwards."
If there's such a thing as a "war on cars" here's a traitor:
smug alert : "ReadyMade" magazine
Doesn't everyone over the age of 10 know that dragons don't slay, they get slayed?
It doesn't seem to matter how much barbecue sauce you put on this one, it still tastes bitter. I think it had some kind of unhealthy diet or something.
Kinda freaked out by how reading ANYTHING on the Best Made website immediately makes me want to punch someone in the face.
I am the giver.
Not the receiver.
-angry dragon...yep, that one
You are one fucked up little wanker, that's what you are.
Angry Dragon,
you told me when we got together that you were a "pitcher"....but all you do is catch and catch and catch.
Keep your tool clean with the Best Made axe cleaning kit, coming soon. I heard Pedro's will be coming out with the Best Made axe lube and it will be endorsed by Ron Jeremy. "Pedro's axe lube, when every stroke counts"
anon/angry d. 3:31:
I think that finishes with "...and now they HATE you."
What the hell is going on with cycling Dutch couples travelling the world and "educating" everybody? Who do these Dutch couples think they are? Wait, maybe it is just one Dutch couple!
They started something bad once...
Good piece of investigative journalism.
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