Every so often, an artist comes along who changes his or her respective medium forever. In painting, Pablo Picasso showed the world that you could charge millions of dollars for pictures of colorful cubes that sort of look like stuff. In music, Charlie Parker invented "bebop," thereby creating the "Hipster 1.0." And in modern dance, Pee-Wee Herman's "Tequila" had a greater transformative impact on the artform than the work of Fred Astaire, Mikhail Baryshinkov, Bill T. Jones, and Alvin Ailey combined.
Now, the relatively new artform of the fixed-gear video has had its own cubism/bebop/"Tequila" moment, for a reader recently alerted me to "The Masked Night Rider" and it's abundantly clear to me that the world of not coasting in tight pants will never be the same again:
The phrase "game changer" gets bandied about a bit too cavalierly these days, but if any film ever warranted its use this is it. In fact, "game changer" is an understatement, as this takes a quiet game of golf and changes it into some sort of intergalactic LSD space hockey, only the players are society and the puck is your mind. Like most truly great art, it will probably be years before the masses are "hip" to its greatness, and in the meantime it will only be appreciated by a discerning few. Also, like all great cinema, "The Masked Night Rider" is rife with symbolism. Indeed, to address this film's significance within the confines of a single blog post is to do the artist a grave disservice, but pending completion of my dissertation on this magnum faux-pus it will have to suffice.
The phrase "game changer" gets bandied about a bit too cavalierly these days, but if any film ever warranted its use this is it. In fact, "game changer" is an understatement, as this takes a quiet game of golf and changes it into some sort of intergalactic LSD space hockey, only the players are society and the puck is your mind. Like most truly great art, it will probably be years before the masses are "hip" to its greatness, and in the meantime it will only be appreciated by a discerning few. Also, like all great cinema, "The Masked Night Rider" is rife with symbolism. Indeed, to address this film's significance within the confines of a single blog post is to do the artist a grave disservice, but pending completion of my dissertation on this magnum faux-pus it will have to suffice.
"The Masked Night Rider" opens with a close-up shot of the protagonist:

In order to alleviate this suffering (or painful beard lice-induced itching), Jesus turns to the pipe:

It is at this moment that the film turns the Judeo-Christian ethos on its ear, for instead of embracing his fate our Jesus rejects it. Instead, he dons a mask, thereby paradoxically revealing himself to be the Anti-Christ:
The Anti-Christ then whips out his iPod and cues up some shitty music:
He is all Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse astride a "fixie" steed, and he engages in a pretend gunfight with a hypocritical "society," embodied by the twinkly lights of a distant city:
Immediately afterwards, he masturbates on a tree, which is a commentary on the cultural stereotype of the tree-hugging (or in this case tree-copulating) cyclist:
Then he has a "hipster" slapfight with a bunch of other hipsters, including Jack White from the White Stripes:
These "hipsters" also represent society, against which he rebels relentlessly but from which he is ultimately and tragically unable to totally disengage. This final message may be the key to the film's greatness--unwilling to pander to its audience, it is unafraid to confront the crushing power of conformity and a society so tenacious that even our "fixies" cannot free us from it.

Or, if you prefer, the guy in the mask is "tripping balls" at this point, and he's hallucinating having a fight with his beard lice.
Meanwhile, speaking of scathing commentary, a commenter on yesterday's post did not appreciate my treatment of Australia:
Samuel said...
bit too rough on australia for my liking. at least they have genuine political choice including at least one socially progressive party, unlike two-party state USA
October 19, 2010 4:46 AM
I thought it was clear that I wasn't making fun of Australia's government so much as I was making fun of my own ignorance concerning Australia's government--of which, not having gone to a fine institution of higher education such as Bard College, I am totally ignorant. In any case, I apologize to Samuel as well as to the good people of Australia, and in particular to their prime minister, Mick Dundee:

Also, in that very same post I suggested that an artfully-"curated" Australian cockpit may have been a kangaroo-shooer, and an Australian confirms that this is entirely possible, since the cockpit in question looks not unlike an acutal product called the "ShuRoo:"

Would you do anything to protect your family?
Why take the chance of potential injury to your family or being stranded with a damaged vehicle? ShuRoo has been helping protect motorists from wildlife hits since 1986. The unique signal emitted by ShuRoo cannot be heard by humans, but to wildlife it’s as loud as a police siren. By taking advantage of their high frequency danger alert system in this way, ShuRoo warns animals of your approach and helps prevent a collision that could potentially harm you, your passengers and your vehicle. Not only does ShuRoo protect you and your family, it also protects our wildlife.
As for those ultra-high frequency siren-like sounds emitted by the ShuRoo, you can sample them here.
If you heard any of that, you may be a kangaroo, and if you actually liked it you're probably smoking the psychedelic beard lice.
But kangaroos aren't the only danger Australians must confront on a regular basis. They must also contend with entire schools of "bike salmon," as shown in this "alleycat" video which was forwarded to me by another reader:
It's remarkable how charmingly archaic this video looks after the avant garde brilliance that is "The Masked Night Rider." Just some of its quainter elements include the ultra-narrow bars despite the wide streets and apparent lack of traffic:
The checkpoint attendant with the popped collar;
Gratuitous and pointless "salmoning:"
And, of course, showing off your skidding technique the moment a camera is pointed at you:

It's remarkable how charmingly archaic this video looks after the avant garde brilliance that is "The Masked Night Rider." Just some of its quainter elements include the ultra-narrow bars despite the wide streets and apparent lack of traffic:

(Triple "douche-clamation" point.)
All of this is flimsily tied together by the score, which consists of the dated, prefab major label rebellion of Rage Against The Machine. Clearly, a truly "vintage" soundtrack like this would have been far more appropriate.
Indeed, so far-reaching is the "shock of the new" caused by "The Masked Night Rider" that other member of the "fixerati" clearly feel threatened. For example, Stelvio/SUV motorpace guy has, in a clear act of desperation, released "behind the scenes" photos to make his own production seem more impressive:

No wonder "The Masked Night Rider" is so upset.
No post-packing!
A person who rides a bicycle is called a cyclist or a bicyclist. A person who comments on a blog is not necessarily a cyclist or a bicyclist.
Podium deleted.
You all are fast! Well, top 10 anyway!
top ten
Top ten.
top ten
I hereby relegate myself; I head-butted frilly on the sprint, so she deserves the top spot.
I have absolutely no ulterior motives in taking this action.
bang bang
i unintentionally pasted a CL listing when i meant to paste something else... Comment Deleted, how do i delete my comment?
Shu-Sin, you must become one with your post, then realize that all ego, all separation, is illusion; existence is but a temporary mirage. Self-deletion will follow.
Or, you can just, you know, delete it?
a "quiet game of golf"?
i think the masked night rider works at my starbucks
Top, top 20.....
hey nonny mouse..
"quite game of golf"
Did you mean "quiet" or "quite a"
BSNYC quoted in Slate...
Knock it the fuck off or you'll soon come to regret it.
Again with the helmet debate?
samh up to a little self discovery?
Re: Pee-Wee Herman's impact on "the artform".
Are you talking about his version of the song "Tequila", or the results of his drinking a bunch of it and going to the theater?
Children's television will never be the same, indeed.
"If you heard any that"
"any OF that" ?
"My G-d, why hast thou forsaken me?" is one of the most mis-quoted lines of scripture ever. When properly translated from the original Aramaic, He actually said "Hey Paul, I can see your house from up here."
sweet sweet glorious body armor
Oh shit, Carharrt is sponsoring such crap videos?
Now I have to boycott them.
The masked "rider" was tripping down in San Diego. Damnithipsterturds do something productive. Like read the snob and laugh at yourselves.
I think if I rode like those alley cat guys, the Midnight Rider would use real bullets on me. Somebody sure would.
Don't tell me you love me.
Hej from Sweden.
I would happily teach Vito how to embed Youtube videos to fit within the confines of your blog, Mr. Snob. Please forward him the email I sent you.
i didn't know ryan gosling rode a fixed gear. him and jared leto should do a movie.
In all seriousness, if Junior was riding down the coast highway and jumped the cliff, he probably would have been more hurt than he was by flying off in the escalade.
But still, putzing along at 3mph behind your kid does not warrant helmet wearing. Chill out paparazi/safety SS.
I think Jack might be palping GZ's (or maybe even, but admitedly less likely, Tommy Boy's) lid. Unless GIRO has started to market equipment designed at the hight of Armstrong-mania to the "grade school set" (I wouldn't discount that possability).
However, the employer DOES have the final say in "prudent off field conduct" in this case. But I bet Tommy was pissed to be "NARC-ed out" by some paparazzo who body-checked a pregnant woman and her kids to get "the shot"; not to mention the NFL owner who is powerless to prevent concussions on the field BUT suddenly cares about his players cranium off the field.
And they say fame/fortune is a victimless crime....
Any serious fixed-gear rider would have been using a ballistic nylon holster for his hand cannon rather than just a belt loop. Amateurs!
While I'm certain that the Boston Globe ought not to keep barraging us with Tom and Gisele stupidity, and while agree not every ride requires a helmet, I do think every ride in front of / with your underage child really ought to set an example.
Do it for Junior.
Lemmings! Brilliant dub.
Hey Bike Snob! It's been a while for me, been a busy couple of weeks. I so agree with you about Pablo Picasso getting millions for colorful cubes "that sort of look like stuff." He actually was a brillian painter - but his cubist move baffles me to this day. My grandchildren give me the same sort of paintings, and they're free.
- David
Aloe Vera Juice Benefits
Holistic Nutrition and Health
All You Haters Leave The Snob's Poor Spelling, Grammar, And Punctuation Alone.
That post was too damn funny.
ervgopwr has pretty much said it already but I really do wonder, is there no limit at all to the kneejerk pro-helmeteers' sense of entitlement to berate others on the basis of no data at all? Boils my fucking piss.
If you are trying to be a superhero, I think smoking the weed before hand may make you less than super.
The superior quality of that land rover superhero makes you wonder how much production you need to be a douchebag.
"Lemmings", brilliant.
Dandy Farthing?
Snob, super-models don't need helmets, the consistent diet of rice cakes and cigarettes thickens the skull to provide near Atmos levels of protection.
Besides, one super-power of super-models is to travel back in time.
"Jack" how perfect.
lame comments today
Never mind the beard lice , his whole drivetrain switches sides at 2.24 - madd skillz !
After watching the Masked Night Rider Video all I can say is:
My G-d, why hast thou forsaken me.
Oh yeah and ask how to retrieve those lost 5 minutes I spent watching it.
didn't you know you could AIDS from riding a bike? hope my health insurance doesn't drop me when they find out i don't own a car...
oh yeah, i don't have health insurance anyway.
@It is not wednesday weed engine
I agree with you. What I learned from my liberal arts education was that that brief amount of flame probably means it's weed, not PCP or crack.
At least that's what my TA told me in the "Ignititon point analysis of crystalline structures" junior seminar.
Haha, so many Bard references! I'm sure it's a "fine" school, but I can't take those kids seriously.
you can hear the Snob laughing at 47 sec into the rider video...
Too bad some cops didn't show up when TMNR was flashing that gun....they might have shot him. Not sure that's San Diego. Could be, looks the Coronado Bay brige, but I don't recognize the park.
Tom Brady is one guy I don't think I would bug about wearing a helmet too much. And not because I am not thinking of his safety.
I am a Jets fan.
rapelisburger didn't need no helmet.
I am the anti-Pope
(he is the anti-Pope)
Like a lion kills an antelope
Like a hammer hits a cantelope
"In all studies reviewed..."
Anonymous said...
lame comments today
piiiiiiiiiiiiiiissss, piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisss out of my aaaassss!
Oh thanks Comment deleted.
A more subdued celebration since it wasn't actually a 'true' win.
yeah, thanks deleted.
The aussies aren't salmoning, the friggin' cars are driving on the wrong side!
Yea thanks deleted
I knew there was a good reason for sifting through these lame comments.
To say nothing of pro football players getting brain injuries from running into each other;)
I thought the Toe Cutter was still Prime MInister.
Tom Bosley has passed away
Beauty of a last paragraph.
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?
Chim-chiminee, chim-chiminee, chim-chim ShuRoo
...i spent a lotta money to fly to oz to see the kangaroos...rented a car & drove for miles n' miles, day after day...
...didn't see kangaroo fucking one...
...now i see why...
...you owe me, 'shu-roo'...
someone watched Nacho Libre way too many times while smoking a bowl.
I'm Australian and i thought it was funny. Sounds like Samuel is a bit of a wet mop.
if you were really australian you would have said "wet blanket"
Hey, don't worry too much about Samuel. We all know him here, and reckon he takes life (and himself) way too seriously. In fact he a bit of a sook. Imagine that, reading a satire blog and taking offense when his minority group is mentioned. At school we used to pull his pants down in front of the girls. It's called dacking, ad now apparently it constitutes sexual assault, even when 6 year old girls do it.
Wearing a helmet while riding with your child is the best way to teach them to wear one. "Do as I say, not as I do" makes it to about age 1. Maybe not even that far.
I'll also point out that low-speed crashes do occur and that while a helmet won't prevent an accident, it can dramatically affect the outcome.
So, the Masked Rider. Pretty obvious that he was completely aware of the ridiculosity level of his behavior. Somehow went over the Snob's head.
i know right. as if all this was meant to be take seriously. ugh. old people....
Not sure Snob ever claimed the Rider was unaware, anon... seems to me the post lays another joke (OTT textual analysis) over the original ridiculous joke of a clip, to pretty good effect.
...i was so hoping the 'midnight rider' was gonna find his little playground surrounded, rather than by more hipsters, by some compton bro's or some east la vatos who'd be willing to school him in why you don't wave large silver revolvers around in public without certain consequences...
...just sayin'...
[1950s nature documentary voiceover] Behold: spring in the southern continent! The bright light of the awakening season! Melbourne: the salmon capital of the south-east hemidemisphere! Shoals of salmon running wild and free up the upspoilt caverns of the CBD, the majesty and magnificence of the spectacle rivalling any that the Pacific NorthEast has to offer.
Sadly, not all will make their spawning grounds, the artisan breweries of the near suburbs, dashed on the cruel rocks of chance,in their doomed quest to propagate the species. Evolution will take its course - eliminating the slow and the stupid from the gene pool, through top-tube-related gonadal impact injuries; fines, injuries, and even death.
Witness the tragic majesty of one of natures true wonders in the new Cinesound production from Darwin Awards Productions on a social networking forum near you!
[/1950s nature documentary voiceover]
This bike Snob dude shows he likes to exercise his intellect real deep, which is a good read for Art, but he also has a vivid/nasty imagination. Out of the abundance of man's heart his mouth speaks~
Isaac doesn't have any lice, AND he was only imitating pissin on the tree! (it was IN THE SCRIPT ha ha) The tree looked like it needed watering~ ha ha
I had to chuckle thinking "This guy thinks he knows the depths of what Isaac was trying to portray, moreso than Isaac ever had enter his mind! Isaac just makes stuff up as he goes along!
Isaac amuses people "just by accident"... as he's always got some random off the wall "go with the flow" Art-cee creativity or even just plain goofing off trips going on.
Here's MY read on it:
There's a very troubled young guy who had just lost a big chunk out of his life and livelyhood. He was extremely tired of feeling rejected, no job, and having no purpose in life.
But then he caught himself; and thought to himself- "uh ahh! Time to MEDICATE"... and go act out a on a silly fantasy ~ of actually being someone who can get a LOT of attention ( be it Good or bad)
and JUST MAYBE I'll become somebody who will be worth something eventually.
He thinks "I've had my fill of bullies and rip-off thieves most of my life. So now i DARE anyone to ever try it again! Come on, come on, Show me what you got. And i'll SHOW YOU WHAT I GOT!
Like the boy who was named "SUE", I'm loaded for BEAR, and i got more NERVE all by my self than any of those "CSPDs" (Chicken shit pencil Ds) who need a dogPack of their Nancy-Boys to try circle me.
Go Ahead make my day he thinks.
They will be in for a BIG surprise! Hell hath no fury like a Gibbs RAGE. Like a Prisoner's Dilemma, for so many years the rage festered inside. All he wants is Justice, and belonging, yet still be right on with his God. He just wants a taste of Boondock Saints JUSTICE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkqmMLi0b0Y&feature=related
"I can DO THIS" he says to himself. Thy will be done. "In nomine Patris et fillii et Spiritus Sancti"
+SAINTS+ We need you in every major city!
But lets not let all of this get turned all dark: as this Irishman "Ike" is one who most of the time lives for good cheer...Maybe a little different background music maybe?? guess what? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyV2cPLuFuA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-AdxjDGioc&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Mie9hhQTUM&feature=related
?? i'm not sure how "Ian Symonds" is relating the (DACKING of Samuel) with Isaac. But one thing fer shur is if it happened with Ike: males bail, while chicks run!
Like Crocidile Dundee showin up those Punk Ass NANCY-BOY'S knife, by him showin 'em HIS! LOL
Just so much Jealousy over Stallion freak of Nature.
This bike Snob dude shows he likes to exercise his intellect real deep, which is a good read for Art, but he also has a vivid/nasty imagination. Out of the abundance of man's heart his mouth speaks~
Isaac doesn't have any lice, AND he was only imitating pissin on the tree! (it was IN THE SCRIPT ha ha) The tree looked like it needed watering~ ha ha
I had to chuckle thinking "This guy thinks he knows the depths of what Isaac was trying to portray, moreso than Isaac ever had enter his mind! Isaac just makes stuff up as he goes along!
Isaac amuses people "just by accident"... as he's always got some random off the wall "go with the flow" Art-cee creativity or even just plain goofing off trips going on.
Here's MY read on it:
There's a very troubled young guy who had just lost a big chunk out of his life and livelyhood. He was extremely tired of feeling rejected, no job, and having no purpose in life.
But then he caught himself; and thought to himself- "uh ahh! Time to MEDICATE"... and go act out a on a silly fantasy ~ of actually being someone who can get a LOT of attention ( be it Good or bad)
and JUST MAYBE I'll become somebody who will be worth something eventually.
He thinks "I've had my fill of bullies and rip-off thieves most of my life. So now i DARE anyone to ever try it again! Come on, come on, Show me what you got. And i'll SHOW YOU WHAT I GOT!
Like the boy who was named "SUE", I'm loaded for BEAR, and i got more NERVE all by my self than any of those "CSPDs" (Chicken shit pencil Ds) who need a dogPack of their Nancy-Boys to try circle me.
Go Ahead make my day he thinks.
They will be in for a BIG surprise! Hell hath no fury like a Gibbs RAGE. Like a Prisoner's Dilemma, for so many years the rage festered inside. All he wants is Justice, and belonging, yet still be right on with his God. He just wants a taste of Boondock Saints JUSTICE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkqmMLi0b0Y&feature=related
"I can DO THIS" he says to himself. Thy will be done. "In nomine Patris et fillii et Spiritus Sancti"
+SAINTS+ We need you in every major city!
But lets not let all of this get turned all dark: as this Irishman "Ike" is one who most of the time lives for good cheer...Maybe a little different background music maybe?? guess what? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyV2cPLuFuA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-AdxjDGioc&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Mie9hhQTUM&feature=related
This bike Snob dude shows he likes to exercise his intellect real deep, which is a good read for Art, but he also has a vivid/nasty imagination. Out of the abundance of man's heart his mouth speaks~
Isaac doesn't have any lice, AND he was only imitating pissin on the tree! (it was IN THE SCRIPT ha ha)
I had to chuckle thinking "This guy thinks he knows the depths of what Isaac was trying to portray, moreso than Isaac ever had enter his mind! Isaac just makes stuff up as he goes along!
Isaac amuses people "just by accident"... as he's always got some random off the wall "go with the flow" Art-cee creativity or even just plain goofing off trips going on.
Here's MY read:
There's a very troubled young guy who had just lost a big chunk out of his life and livelyhood. He was extremely tired of feeling rejected, no job, and having no purpose in life.
But then he caught himself; and thought to himself- "uh ahh! Time to MEDICATE"... and go act out a on a silly fantasy ~ of actually being someone who can get a LOT of attention ( be it Good or bad)
and JUST MAYBE I'll become somebody who will be worth something eventually.
He thinks "I've had my fill of bullies and rip-off thieves most of my life. So now i DARE anyone to ever try it again! Come on, come on, Show me what you got. And i'll SHOW YOU WHAT I GOT!
Like the boy who was named "SUE", I'm loaded for BEAR, and i got more NERVE all by my self than any of those "CSPDs" (Chicken shit pencil Ds) who need a dogPack of their Nancy-Boys to try circle me.
Go Ahead make my day he thinks.
They will be in for a BIG surprise! Hell hath no fury like a Gibbs RAGE. Like a Prisoner's Dilemma, for so many years the rage festered inside. All he wants is Justice, and belonging, yet still be right on with his God. He just wants a taste of Boondock Saints JUSTICE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkqmMLi0b0Y&feature=related
"I can DO THIS" he says to himself. Thy will be done. "In nomine Patris et fillii et Spiritus Sancti"
+SAINTS+ We need you in every major city!
But lets not let all of this get turned all dark: as this Irishman "Ike" is one who most of the time lives for good cheer...Maybe a little different background music maybe?? guess what? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyV2cPLuFuA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-AdxjDGioc&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Mie9hhQTUM&feature=related
This bike Snob dude shows he likes to exercise his intellect real deep, which is a good read for Art, but he also has a vivid/nasty imagination. Out of the abundance of man's heart his mouth speaks~
Isaac doesn't have any lice, AND he was only imitating pissin on the tree! (it was IN THE SCRIPT ha ha)
I had to chuckle thinking "This guy thinks he knows the depths of what Isaac was trying to portray, moreso than Isaac ever had enter his mind! Isaac just makes stuff up as he goes along!
Isaac amuses people "just by accident"... as he's always got some random off the wall "go with the flow" Art-cee creativity or even just plain goofing off trips going on.
As far as I can tell the only difference between "The Masked Night Rider" and the light saber kid is that the Night Rider is stupid enough to want people to watch him acting silly.
Funny "Hipsters White Stripe" or better yet "SAM" from "Benny and Joon" got pushy with the Masked Night Rider and ended up on his ass!
What kind of balls did you say he has??
i think its " Ball and Biscuit" of White Stripe.
Also would have been a good sound track for the Video. Now everyone wants to know the NAME of the Long haired Cyclist! It's ISAAC GIBBS, for any of you who could read in the start of this clip
...i only wish anon 12:42, 12:44, 12:45 & 12:46am had been hangin' in the playground with the 'masked night rider' 'cuz i would a' gladly dropped the dimes required to get both the compton bros & the vato locos to do a late night playground drive-by...
...would a' solved a sad little mutual admiration society...
I was right; Isaac did watch Nacho Libre too many times. And apparently, he thought it was a documentary.
Could people advise me if the posts by the Issac Fan are actually real or if that was a bad apple I had last night?
We love your blog :) Check out this video!
It's a catchy anthem on a sobering topic, and it features bicycles! (Lots of them!:)
Sorry about the language, it's in Estonian...
Artist: August Hunt
Name: "Thomas Malthus is dead, my love"
Feel free to use it!
Norman Salumäe - Lead singer of the band
Actually, when Jesus said "My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?" it was not an expression of doubt, but a reference to the 22nd Psalm -- which Christians view as messianic, especially versus 14-18. Sorry for the serious comment, but this is the 2nd time this week I've heard that statement referred to as a statement of doubt.
Knit hat? I believe that is called a toque.
@ Norman:
Thanks for making a music video WITHOUT fixies or tall bikes! The curation of BMX and commuter bikes is much more pleasant. The song isn't bad, either.
wow - seriously good post today.
only downer was i thought there would be some DRI in that 'edgy' arthaus film.... but i guess i'm just too old if i remember that.
or am i? i remember doing all that nonsense in the vid when i was 12 - pipe, Torker wheelies and riding backwards ..gunplay. Seemed cool then back in '83, seems superdoucheystupid in the 21st century.
SORRY ABOUT THE OVER POSTING LAST NIGHT. I would push to Post and kept getting a box that said it wouldn't be send-able because it was too long.
So with that i kept removing a line or two, but it STILL gave me the same message of failure to post. Repeatedly it said claimed ERROR won't Post...
but low & behold THERE is all my attempts to shorten it ALL POSTED!!
Not my fault.
So for that lardy looking Bikesgonewild Transsexual or woman who needs a serious shave & a DIET who has her panties in such a bunch that she makes DEATH THREATS because of the posting ERROR~ Why don't you either meet ME in the park or get yourself some PROZAC, miss crybaby! You lack in CLASS!
Smoke weed and ride bikes is the message of this blog post apparently.
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