In the meantime, I'm administering a quiz. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right you'll know it, and if you're wrong you'll see Dashboard Jesus & the Sermon of the Cyclists. And trust me--you don't want to see a cartoon Jesus with an Australian accent admonishing a cyclist.
Thanks very much for reading, ride safe this weekend, and be wary of large cobblestones, long showers, people wearing rucksacks claiming to be drug testers, and Nickelback.

1) According to Saturn driver Zack Colman, why should bicyclists ride on the sidewalk?
--"I cannot drive my car on the sidewalk, so why must you ride your bicycle where I drive?"
--"...roads are for cars, not bicyclists."
--"...with all these things I can do in my car nowadays, such as choose a different song on my iPod, send a text message while driving or fall asleep at the wheel because I had to wake up for a worthless 8 a.m. biology lab, I might not notice you."
--All of the above

2) Saturn driver, sidewalk-cycling advocate and cultural critic Zack Colman is less than impressed with the Showtime series "Secret Diary of a Call Girl," though the star does give him a "minor hard on."

3) Onion editorialist come to life Zack Colman's email address is

4) According to a recent New York Times article, 21% of cyclists who died in accidents between 1996 and 2005 had alcohol in their bodies. Which is not a conclusion being drawn by the sources quoted in the article?
5) Which well-known cyclist broke two ribs last spring in a drunk cycling accident?
8) According to GM, what's a good transportation solution for increasingly crowded urban areas?
--An SUV
***Special Acrononymous Bonus Question!***
What does "AYSHMB" stand for?
Podium?! First time ever!
top 10
Gotta learn to be logged in already...
crap i was cheeted outta top three i gotta get some performance enhancement
Oh my...
cost me the podium!
Holy bum. I looked over my right shoulder and everyone swept past on the left.
I am so glad that the posts turned away from the anti fixter rants. I guess it's funny if you live in NY or LA or the other provinces of America but I like the funnyfunny.
shit.. woulda won..stopped to take a shower.
Wow...the Tim Horton's Brier Glenn Howard Ricochet Double. The "timmy's double-double".
I'll never forget that quote,
"doesn't matter"
You can't deny now Canada is the most advanced country in the world.
You should all apologize to Bluenoser for whatever.
Woot! Woot!
Are those alphabits in matzah ball soup with a sprinkling of wednesday weed?
Bruyneel: ‘French want Lance’s head at any price’
Is this all really just about a celebrity blow job?
does the mere mention of canada mean that bluenoser is going to go (u.s.) postal on all of us again?
Nicely done on the e-mail link Snob.
Hope the Easter jackalope is good to everybody this weekend. Mmmm, Cadbury Creme Eggs.
Hey, a perfect score!
My time off the comments has left me well rested.
Ride safe all.
And thank whomever you thank that you are not Zack Colman.
Unless of course you are.
In that case, no need for a urine sample. That boy is seriously doped.
I've been wondering when you were going reference the Tim and Eric CORBS bit. Awesome.
Top 22... and I read the post
Those are the headlights of my black 2001 Saturn SC2 bearing down on you.
My dad drove a Dodge Stratus.
Zacky boy received a nicely worded email from me.
you car is hawt!!
2001 Saturn SC2 pussywagon.
colman is right but failed to unfold the whole picture. cyclists are responsible for the financial crisis, the collapse of GM and ultimately the end of the american age. if everyone was rubbing saturns and dodge rams instead of fixies and bicycles, we would be doing just fine.
killing cyclists in cars should be misdemeanor just like killing skiers on skis is in europe.
"...with all these things I can do in my car nowadays, such as choose a different song on my iPod, send a text message while driving or fall asleep at the wheel because I had to wake up for a worthless 8 a.m. biology lab, foffing off to Billie Pier, I might not notice you."
his editor got a very nicely worded email from me, copying him on it of course.
the only good thing to say is that msu's student comments were pretty much all appalled, which makes them smarter than the average times reader who would have commented 'i hate cyclists, and i am one, but he's right'
Canadians are taking too much verbal abuse from Americans. I meeting many fine Canadian cyclists in my time to be able to strike my gluteals swiftly and with vengence.
However most of them suck balls.
Safely in the bunch. Who knew Snobbie was such a fan of Curling? Does he also enjoy ice fishing and pairs figure skating?
Canadians are banned from watching Will Ferrel videos on the web...what don't they want us to know?
Colman is easy. Comedy is hard.
Wait, dying is easy. Colman is semi-hard.
Wait, Bikesnob is...
I've lost control of my quip.
CORBS!!!! Does this mean BikeSnob is a Tim & Eric fan? That would really complete my world! Salame
Haha, wow - I didn't think Colman was gonna be known around the nation. Amazing what MSU's newspaper will publish. At least their student body seems to be less retarded. There are always gonna be a few in every crowd I guess.
Wow. I got most of those right. I was hoping the cops on recumbent bikes thing was a joke, but I was woefully mistaken.
Ooo..found one..Ferrel and Lance Armstrong.
Toronto cops ride MTBs..but not up hill, they take the subway with them uptown and coast downtown.
I wish I were kidding.
Now I've seen two spandex clad cops lying on their backs on 'cumbies.
I'll need a new fantasy
my email to the editor of the state news. too much?
I am going to assume that you've received more than a few emails regarding Zack Colman's opinion piece on bicyclist's proper place. I realize that there are many sides to the issue and that Zack Colman certainly deserves to have an opinion. What i am not certain of is that with his limited intelligence, that he be allowed to share his opinion or have it printed. I am assuming that he was hired for some sort of affirmative action obligation and is considered handicapped because of his sub 60 i.q. I congratulate you for making someone of horrifyingly inadequate intelligence feel special by allowing him to tap away at articles of opinion at his whimsy. The reason that i am writing to you, and not to Mr. Colman directly is because you are the supposed editor in chief, and as such are in control of such things as keeping moronic articles written by the likes of window lickers such as Zack Colman from making it all the way to print. That, as i understand it, is your job. if Zack's crayons aren't taken away, and you aren't fired from your position for what amounts to someone writing a declaration of intended vehicular manslaughter, justice will not have been done. Please feel the proper amount and depth of shame that you deserve, and don't worry, i will send Zack a slightly dumbed down version of this email to let him know precisely how wrong he is.
thank you for you time.
go to hell.
very nice crimerider.
was it intentional that the letters in the alphabet soup were actually the more traditional AYHSMB?
The Canadian shipwreck/trainwreck comment slayed
Crap only one wrong. So close.
I liked the chick in the Cops video.
Regarding question #6:
I recently visited Germany (Berlin, Dresden, Munich) and was lucky enough to be able to bike around all three of these cities. It was a dream! From the smallest to the largest, each city had dedicated bike lanes AND drivers that were aware and respectful of bicyclists. I really hope I live to see this in the States.
Full Pass!
So many things wrong with today's quiz, not the least of which is:
I also sent an email to the State News Editor-in-chief and Zack Colman. Let them know that they're being incompetent! America deserves better.
here is my letter to zack. sorry for taking up so much room. i know it's long winded.
Hello Mr Colman.
I am having trouble knowing exactly where to begin. Let me start by saying that i agree with you on a certain level. Many bicyclists are not being equally courteous, respectful, and knowledgeable when it comes to sharing the road with cars. I drive a car and am often horrified by the lackadaisical and dangerous attitudes i see bicyclists assume when riding on the road. I think for it to work bicyclists need to be equally as mindful as motorists to ensure safety and equality on the road. Beyond that i find myself disagreeing with everything else that you've written, and astounded at your depth of ignorance. You attend a university? That is mindblowing and horrifying. The fact that you actually wrote about all of the distractions you have and attend to while driving in your sweet veritable entertainment center of a Saturn is stunning. Do you understand that if you hit a cyclist, or a pedestrian for that matter, while texting, or caressing your ipod, that you would likely be charged with attempted vehicular manslaughter? I plan to hang on to your article for when that day comes to be used as evidence that it was in fact a pre-meditated act, and not merely the act of a distracted and incompetent driver. I am certain that you have received many emails in response to your article and so i won't take up much more of you time, but i feel the need to make at least one more point before i go. Let me see if you can understand this. When you see someone playing a game of softball in a public park, do you assume they are trying to be Manny Ramirez? When you see people playing soccer on a public field do you suppose that they are all hoping the be the next David Beckham? I don't mean to labor this point, but when you drive your prized and beloved Saturn automobile are your dreams to be Jeff Gordon? Why would you make the jump in, what i will allow as, logic that all bicyclists want to be, or are pretending to be Lance Armstrong. The one thing i will applaud you for during your entire article is your consistancy of ignorance. Oh, and also for letting all the cyclists in your area know exactly what you drive. If they are at all like the cyclists in my area they will know doubt be attending to your vehicle shortly.
and like i said to your incompetent editor,
go to hell.
I "D" Detroit? wtf?
Best Friday quiz yet. Even the comments section gave me slight wood.
Awesome quiz this week.
A Tim Hortons Brier without Glenn Howard is like mashed potatoes without gravy.
i can't believe that was published. news is dead.
what worries me is no one seems to realize that 79% of cycling deaths did not have alcohol in their system.Since only 21% were drinking, It seems obvious that drinking before or during cycling should cut the death rate by nearly 80%.
This should be made mandatory instead of helmet laws.
deer zack colman
fuck you
signed, red
"Window-licker" ftw.
Anyone seen a response from the university or from zack's editor yet?
no, it may be time to call them
Rodmyre, if you hope to live to see the day, I recommend that you avoid the MSU region altogether.
Wow... who wants to take a road trip to Michigan?
damn! I was walking on the sidewalk, on my way to the Gap to pick up a party shirt, listening to my iPod and texting when 600 hundred cyclists ran me over!
i will donate a blow job 2 eric k becus u is hit him with a car smart i no i says this cus i at e two manyh mushroomes noe i sees a bunch of inkans with speers and they is takin me away to see mi intestene oh shit no way you is hot jake gay i mean gynnehaly haha i new it was not wy u i mean i mean itw awas that guy g from the taking heds whe o was so on cocane in that moovie haha i really i il i il like these things more than o xy contin haha woah
cm,ere a gater
...zack coleman is a german rucksack/deutsch bag...
...a missed "tip of the ol' cycling cap" to red neckerson from yesterday...
Excellent callbacks to yesterday's comments!
For the record, I *heart* Canada, and Canadians. (Not the Canadiennes; I'm a Canuck fan. LUUUUU!) They stand on God for thee..
That's just badass...
Just listen to the anthem again if you don't believe me. Awesome!
BTW, did anyone else notice that Universal Sports has been televising the Tour of the Basque Country this week?
i have been looking for something to do while my body heals because i was hit by a car while riding my bike...
wrong place at the right time, zachy boy.
Writing an opinion in student newspaper stating that you "don't like bicyclists" is one thing. It is quite another (and possibly criminal) to say that you intend to run them over if they get in your way. The guy is a douchebag and should have his driver's license revoked and be forced to ride a bike.
Rose was sort of sexy in the very british 'I never show any skin' way in Dr. Who. I'm not into her as a whore.
deer zack colman
fuck you
signed, red
nice work neckerson, you summed up my feelings fully and succinctly.
crimer reality, what constitutes free speech &/or maybe humor & when does it cross over the line to become irresponsible journalism ???...
...i clearly don't understand if coleman was trying to be satirical here or's obvious by the comments on the msu site, that his normal readership didn't find it humorous...
...& i doubt that when coleman is confronted by his editors, as he surely will be after our willing 'regulars' get through w/ him, that he'll have the maturity to do anything more than basically laugh it off...
...even if an apology & retraction are forthcoming, i doubt zack coleman will ever really "get it"...
...btw...if his intent was serious, msu should reconsider his validity as a student w/ enough intelligence to attend their institution...
First time I ace the Friday Fun Quiz and what do I get?
I graduated from MSU and wrote for the State Urinal about a million years ago. While it's a great school, it appears that the State Urinal and the Journalism School are still inahbitied by the same kind of cunts that were there when I was a student.
A bunch of foffinoffers indeed.
It's because of idiots like Zack Colmen that I was hit by a smart car a few days ago. So I ask all of you on my behalf. If you sent him one e-mail send five more. If you didn't send one then take the time to send him a message to remind him he's douche bag. Be safe this weekend and keep the rubber side down.
I hope Zac appreciates all the gay pornography I signed him up for. Thanks for posting his email address!
fixed gear pie plate.
also Rev x front wheel and bmx bars.
wild times duuuude.
I think emailing this douche is a great idea. Yet there's so much gained and so much lost in an email. So I'm considering dropping by campus after spring break and see what the fuck is up with the Zack and his editor ...
I attended Michigan State University, and I actually worked at the newspaper (not in editorial, thankfully) and I can tell you that this same exact column is written every spring. Every. Single. Spring.
This one is pretty egregious though, as this guy obviously isn't even aware of the actual laws.
"I hope Zac appreciates all the gay pornography I signed him up for."
Why bother? I am sure he was already signed up.
When he states that the chick gives him a "minor hard on" I am sure that is all he can muster. Three inch long, pencil thin little prick...
did anyone notice how the seqway vid looked like freestyle fixgear riding? track stands, 180's, the slow wheely?
By the way, I've been hit by a driver while on my bike too. This was in Tallahassee when I was attending Florida State. The driver drove straight through a stop sign and nailed me. Or she nailed the bike, which went under the car. I was lucky enough(?) to go flying over her hood. She gave me a fake phone number and then drove away.
I'm getting angrier just thinking about it. It's these kind of people that need to re-evaluate their logic. Unfortunately, that won't happen if the bicycle community let's itself become engaged in a flame war. If you contact the writer, editor, or school administration, I'm asking you to please treat these people with the respect that they have not given us. No one will listen to us if we attack them, we have to reason with them. I'm stepping off my soapbox now.
rodmyre... your telling us you didn't take the license plate number?
Please: the cunt (the word that is) is to be used for good, not evil. Like, "have a cuntish day", not, "you're a dirty cunt".
or puns.
Here is my letter to Zack.
"No wonder you didn't get into Michigan"
hell yeah, 'rucksack' in the original post! how long before Stevil gets his poop in order and offers a swobo rucksack? or did grant beat him to it with tweed patches and twine?
"rodmyre... your telling us you didn't take the license plate number?"
Anonymous, I was a little shaken up and jittery from just getting hit. The driver basically stopped to make sure I wasn't dead and then left. By the time my adrenaline rush subsided it was too late.
This perhaps is why Zack hates cyclists. He wanted to go to Michigan so badly...
every frickin time I get brushed by someone I forget to look at the plates until it's too late...aggravating
Surly Bastard went to MSU--let's get him--AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
lick my cunt zack
Anonymous 3:31-
After you are done writing your five emails to the Zack and his boss, make sure you write the President of the University. Shit flows down hill and when it comes from that high, it gets real stinky!
I knew I'd get i shit but oh well ... but I'm also glad to say I'm not one of the U of M assholes like this Musto-douche bag whatever he is. Give me a break/brake fuck-face.
Hope Eric K is okay ... sorry to hear about that ... blood on the shoes, and the indignity of being clocked by a Smart Car! That sucks ... it looks like it really hurts. Glad we didn't lose you!
Also since the last time I was on here the local bike clubs in Michigan are on the Zack thing and are already pounding out the emails ... just heard about it while drunk-riding around town.
Happy fucking Easter.
I knew I'd get i shit but oh well ... but I'm also glad to say I'm not one of the U of M assholes like this Musto-douche bag whatever he is. Give me a break/brake fuck-face.
Hope Eric K is okay ... sorry to hear about that ... blood on the shoes, and the indignity of being clocked by a Smart Car! That sucks ... it looks like it really hurts. Glad we didn't lose you!
Also since the last time I was on here the local bike clubs in Michigan are on the Zack thing and are already pounding out the emails ... just heard about it while drunk-riding around town.
Happy fucking Easter.
pretty sure the facebook above is the wrong Zack...this guy actually goes to MSU still (apparently)
He does have a facebook page, search on Zack Colman (page 2, 3rd from top) i think, hard to recognize the douchness in that photo.
I would also like to add.
Zack Attack Beotches!
Registered through:, Inc. ( Domain Name: ZACKCOLMAN.COM Created on: 18-Jun-08 Expires on: 19-Jun-10 Last Updated on: 18-Jun-08 Administrative Contact: Colman, Zachary 7150 Lindenmere Dr. Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48301 United States (248) 563-9744
Erik K.,
Shoulda tackled that Smartcar.
Glad you're OK, but it's not like you got hit by a real car. I mean, the fucking bike rack did more damage than the actual "car".
Heal fast!
I would think making statements like 'I might run you over', 'I might hit you', and '...those are the headlights of my black 2001 Saturn SC2 bearing down on you' could be interpreted as terroristic threats which, last time I checked, is in itself a criminal act. In this case, MSU is aiding in the commission of a crime.
I wonder what the regents and donors to this institution would think of the newspaper participating in criminal acts and exposing the institution to criminal action and the resulting financial liability? Terroristic threats don't fall under freedom of speech either so forget about that defense.
It's this kind of moronic attitude that produces the real result Erik K is currently suffering. Smart car my ass, what we need is smart drivers and Zach-hole Colman ain't even close.
i am sorry to report that i have witnessed a coroner picking up a hit cyclist off of the road, NJ 1985...
hit from behind, the car drove the cyclist into a pole and then crashed into a storefront.
almost 25 years later and i remember it like it was yesterday. the way the skull sort of shifted as they lifted him...bystanders flipping out crying. cops crying even... terrible scene. and it was some kid i went to junior high with.
articles like Colman's just make me shake my head and bring back bad memories.
further reading...
This is the letter I wrote to the MSU BOard of Trustees and copied the paper staff on:
Dear Mr. Ferguson and Board:
With great sadness and increasing anger I read an article ( written by an MSU student, Zack Colman, on behalf of the university. In a nutshell, Mr. Colman writes frankly about driving in a threatening manner toward local cyclists. I am deeply offended at this young man's cavalier attitude toward the safety of his fellow students and local townsfolk who choose to travel by bicycle for health, recreation, and environmental motivations. In addition, the factual and legal errors embedded in the article have a clear potential to excite further confrontations between drivers and cyclists. A brief perusal of the hundreds of angry comments (attached to the article at the link above) will describe the further nuances of the ugliness of this article.
I am concerned that his ill-considered screed will help to engender an atmosphere of road hostility toward cyclists at your campus. I trust that Mr. Colman will be clearly asked by the university to consider the ramifications of his poorly-reasoned work, and how his detestable, repellent words reflect on MSU as a whole.
@ Anonymous 8:39,
You can get a direct match on facebook when you search his email address,
Why does everyone think I'm a douche?
Last year was an all duck Paris Roubaix, if I remember right.
It'll be hard for the snob to top that.
(248) 563-9744 is zach colman's phone number.
Maybe American mountain johns are correct after all:
Please let the internet know about this:
Way to go on the bike activism Snobby. I posted a comment and I hope you guys all emailed him.
I'm visiting San Diego this weekend and already saw on cyclist get doored, and a scooter rider that was taken out by a car. I guess scooters should ride on the sidewalk too.
I couldn't resist...
"Zack Colman needs to stay in the slow lane"
Zack has the worst case of the 'Zacktlies' that I have ever seen.
Tou know, the 'Zacktlies' wherein your face looks Zachtly like your A$$,
Hand Solo
surely this gets coverage next week?
A little Easter humor:
Q: What did Jesus say to St. Mark while he was hanging on the cross?
A: I can see your house from up here!
HEY! what's wrong with australian accents!
Hey! what's wrong with jesus!
..."Both frames weigh about 1380 grams and the carbon is a little stiffer than the alloy but both offer rides that are laterally stiff and vertically compliant."...
...apropos of nothing more than there it was before my eyes once again...& the bikes being spoken of ???...
...does it matter ???...
A budding young newsman named Zack,
Wrote of bikes his Saturn would smack.
But to paraphrase June Cleaver,
Was Snob too hard on the Beaver?
No, it’s clear that Zack don't know Jack.
Sorry for being late to the party everyone. I don't have time to read all the comments so:
-my style of riding is better than yours,
-the country I'm from is better than yours,
-my like/dislike of certain riders is more valid than yours,
-all you haters suck my balls,
-I hope you all had a good weekend.
Hopefully that covers it all.
...oh ya ???...well, all of my bikes are more 'laterally stiff' & 'vertically compliant'... there, 'cuz i'm just sayin'...
I tried to come up with a "literally stiff and vertically complacent" comeback, but failed, or colmaned, as I will now call the act of not suceeding by a massive margin.
I just Zacked my pants...
best picture from the weekend
guys should really put on flip flops or anything else other than sneakers when getting up on podium. nothin looks sillier.
Snobby--here's a question you forgot to ask in last Friday's Quiz:
The following is an email contact for the Michigan Department of State (their Motor Vehicle Department), where you can write the Michigan Secretary of State and ask her to revoke Zack Colman's driver's license:,1607,7-127-13162-25634--,00.html
All you haters, suck my balls!
The MSU State News finally let someone ELSE (Scott Myers) tell a different side to the cycling story:
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