Monday, February 2, 2009

Stick A Fork In The Contest, It's Done: Announcing the Winner

("Tri" sticker. Translation: "One Less Good Bike Handler.")

As promised last Friday, I have finally chosen the winner of The Great Fyxomatosis Photo Parody Contest (sponsored by Boston Whaler Boats--The Unsinkable Legend). Yes, what began as a simple gimmick to deflect attention away from the bounty Fyxomatosis placed upon my head has since become something of a moral proving ground for me in that it's forced me to make one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make in my life--more difficult even than such timeless dilemmas as choosing between Campagnolo and Shimano, or between "aluminium" and "crabon," or between using a compact crankset or a triple. (As for the last dilemma, you surrender your dignity either way, but it's all a question of how you surrender your dignity. Do you do it surreptitiously or with panache?) And my decision was made no easier by the fact that, after I'd decided upon a winner, I received an email from Slappy, who claims he sent me the following image well before the contest deadline:

As impressively absurd as this was, I resolved to stand by my decision. And one look at the Flickr page of entries should be sufficient to convey just how difficult my decision was. There were many strong (dare I even say "fierce") contenders, such as:

Thealphastate's "Lady With Pista Concept (And Crotchal Dumpling)";

Part 1 and part 2 of a gripping medical drama involving Hipster Cyst diagnosis and removal (which I've accidentally presented above in reverse order but which I'll play off as having been intentional by claiming I did it out of consideration for any native readers of right-to-left languages) complete with dialogue bubbles;

And of course this. (Those aren't dialogue bubbles.)

However, in the end, I kept coming back to one photograph that was so expressive, so incredibly obscene while at the same time completely innocuous, and so creative in its use of anthropomorphic bicycle components, that I decided I simply had to award it the prize. And that photo was Urchin's submission, which I like to call "Forking":

While I stand by my decision, my deepest regret is that I could only choose one winner. In fact, I actually spent most of the weekend watching "Sophie's Choice" and sobbing. And so, as my tears of joy mingle with snot-bubbles of regret, I hereby award the following prizes to Urchin:

The pie plate (but not my Rapha silk cravat, which you wouldn't want anyway, considering what I've been using it for);

This beer-cozy-and-elk's-tooth fun-pak, courtesy of Stevil Kinevil of HTATBL, GWCTOH, and most recently the new spokesperson for the NDC (National Dairy Council);

A Fyxomatosis chainring, courtesy of Fyxomatosis (a "Fyxomatosis" is a growth found on many fixters and is usually the result of riding slowly in trendy neighborhoods without wearing sunblock);

And, perhaps best of all, an actual Boston Whaler decal, courtesy of Bluenoser, which should look quite sporting on the oversized downtubes found on many of today's bicycles.

Also, if you want a smock, you can have one, though I will have to break up the kit.

So just email me and I'll coordinate the sending to you of a great deal of crap as a token of my appreciation for your photo of one bicycle fork and stem orally pleasuring another bicycle fork and stem's metaphorical "dumpling."

Speaking of forks, a reader recently forwarded me the following photo, taken in Hermosa Beach, CA:

What caught the photographer's eye was the fact that both of these expensive bicycles (a Seven and an Orbea) were not locked in any way. This does seem foolhardy to say the least, though in fairness to the owners I don't really know anything about Hermosa Beach (apart from the fact that it's the "Beach Volleyball Capital of the World" according to Wikipedia), and I suppose it's possible that it's one of those "roadie safe zones" like Nyack in New York where people can simply leave their overpriced road bikes outside the cafe unattended because the local inhabitants are either completely disinterested in bicycles regardless of how much they cost, or if they are interested in bicycles their own bikes are much more expensive than the garbage that trickles in from the city so they wouldn't deign to steal it anyway.

No, what struck me even more than the locklessness was the abundance of spacers on the Seven:

I've got nothing against spacers. Frankly, you do what you need to do to put your handlebars where you want them. But this is a Seven. If you're unfamiliar with Seven, they're one of those companies with a philosophy. And this philosophy is:

“One bike. Yours.” This isn’t simply a slogan. It represents the heart of our philosophy about who we are and what we do. And nowhere is this philosophy more apparent than in our manufacturing.

At Seven, each craftsperson focuses on only one bike at a time. Yours.

Unlike most bikes, which are produced on an assembly line or in batches—destined for a warehouse or a shop’s inventory—your Seven is created specifically for you. One machinist. One welder. One finisher. One bike. Yours. Literally.

If every Seven bicycle is built specifically for each rider, then how come every time I see one the steer tube looks like it belongs to someone who bought a small Giant TCR but should have bought a large? They look like they're wearing neck rings. And this is a relatively mild example. Yesterday I saw someone riding a Seven with about ten spacers beneath the stem, as well as a good five more above the stem for good measure. You'd think the sorts of people who are picky and rich enough to buy a custom titanium road bike would also be picky enough to want a bike that looks like it actually fits.

Then again, as Urchin has shown us, there is such a thing as fork porn. Maybe people are into the fork-wearing-a-turtleneck thing. At least it hides the hickies.


Anonymous said...

podium yes

ant1 said...


ant1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matthew Ruscigno said...

Recovery ride.

Anonymous said...

Man, I'm cooking eggs in the neatest way and I'm keeping it a secret.

Anonymous said...

top 10?

Anonymous said...

Damn. And I've been watching for six hours.

Anonymous said...

Top ten!

streepo said...

Top 20!!

Anonymous said...

F the police

Unknown said...

top 15 yo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

damn did not update past enough... barely to 15

Anonymous said...

nuts...did not update fast enough... barely to 15

Anonymous said...

Damn you!


brettok said...

Nice work Urchin! I've been rubbing that image on my desktop to keep me, um, warm at night.

PS... 1st real comment....

Anonymous said...

Crotchal dumpling? Snob, you are a cunning linguist.

sufferist said...


Perhaps the dentist that previously owned the Seven gave it to one of his golf buddies who was 6 inches too large for it, but wanted the cache of riding such a stylin' whip. Take it to the LBS and voila, spacers to the rescue.

AnnaZed said...

That should be "uninterested" not "disinterested" ~ look it up.ur

AnnaZed said...

no idea where that phantom "ur" after the period came from

ant1 said...

brettok - one could argue my Steelers1st! is an actual comment, albeit not related to Snobby's post. but I won't bother arguing, cause that would be like someone in the yellow jersey worrying about mountains classification points. props on coming up with the 1st real comment category, though. i think we should keep that one around.

Anonymous said...

Those eggs were great. I'll bet you wish you knew how to cook them like I did. But no way am I telling you. It's my secret.

Climbin'J said...

Slappy's saddle appears to be having its way, and it looks like the kickstand is on deck for sloppy seconds.

Anonymous said...

O.K., O.K., just one clue: "saucepan". That's it, no more clues. You'll have to figure it out for yourself. Of course, there are eggs, too.

Anonymous said...

yeah it was a good choice i wished i could have gotten enough empty pbr cans to make my picture but joe bob made an irony bored out of them

Anonymous said...

I am the Cheese... fast and fierce!

Anonymous said...

I preferred the beaver shot myself.

Anonymous said...

Snob, I'm confused. Are you name dropping the Karen or the Ndebele?

leroy said...


The fallacy in your compact v. triple analysis is that it presupposes the rider has diginity to surrender.

Personal experience has revealed that fallacy to me.

I could describe the experience as painful, but I am blessedly shameless and therefore the experinece was merely a warm, tingling sensation and not wholly unpleasant.

Urchin -- Congratulations!

CommieCanuck said...

Poor Seven, when your in the business of marketing to racer-wannabe posers, you will get customers insisting on the 5" drop slammed down bars. A few rides, and a lifetime of chiropractic later, the spacers appear.

The racer-poser world collectively shuddered when they realized that Lance's F1 team included about 20mm of spacers on his dare he, that's not the "pro look" at all. Pfftt.

But, good news, posers worldwide can benefit from the lovely Kayan women of Myanmar (ok, Burma), who can hand-craft spacers.

I'll not that spacers can range from $4 for an anodized set, to the Chris King $40 set, which, I'm sure 'ol Chris has justified somewhere on the interweb as being essential or your bars will come off, your headset will blast you in the face, and you will die.

Small note, the CK spacers in gold make an excellent wedding ring for the plus-sized bride-to-be.

Michael said...

Well done. I was holding out for my Major Taylor submissions which included psuedo-wit filled stories and made it to the front page (which also likely means absolutely nothing).

However, the winning submission is actually quite... delicious. So delicious I'd like to stick a fork in it.

On that note, if you [Urchin] do not want the Elk 'charm' I'd gladly take it off your hands.

When it's over it's over, drink up. said...

Really!!!??? That’s what you obsessed about all this time. That fork set up, aside from “Forking” being one of the most over used cycling puns, looks like something out of Mystery Science Theater 3000 circa 1988. I expected better from someone in NYC who has access to such great pieces of inspiration and irony. For gods sake man, think of Marcel Duchamp and the first of his “readymades” in 1913 during the great cultural movement that is Dadaism. Travesty I tell you, first Coldplay vs. Joe Satriani and now this plagiarism.

CommieCanuck said...'re, note...

BikeSnobNYC said...

When it's over...

Expecting more from me is a mistake. I am amused by simple things, like forks that look like they're "doing it."


leroy said...

Pedestrian addressing Dog Walker: "Does your dog bite?"

Dog Walker: "No."

Pedestrian after approaching dog and being bitten: "Ouch, I thought you said your dog doesn't bite."

Dog Walker: "That's not my dog."

Change "dog" to "Seven" and the world starts to make sense again.

Except for the price tag.

And the waiting list.

Michael said...


Seven apparently has taken notes from Jamis, who always seem to have a rather large amount of headset spacers. Perhaps they then took notes from Specialized, who according to their Langster S-Works model include "one 20mm, one 10mm and two 5mm carbon spacers for the ultimate in fine-tuning options" with their integrated headset.

So yes, a Seven can not only provide seven spacers at 'unique' and 'rare' 7mm lengths each, but also do so and stay in accordance with the verbiage on their website, allowing for "the ultimate in fine-tuning options."

This does not seem to come in conflict with producing a bike, JUST. FOR. YOU. because the bike is still produced for the mysterious 'you' and whatever form he (or she for those females that ride seven 7mm spacers as opposed to the larger option of one 7" spacer) may take. Racer today? Drop the spacers, flip the stem! Commute tomorrow? Throw them all on, flip the stem to positive rise! Converting the bike to tarck into work? Sounds like commuting to me! All the spacers, but a negative stem! 'You' may want to add positive rise bars to get neutrality and leveling off as with the previous commuter style.

ant1 said...

i was about to say something about that commie.

Anonymous said...

As someone who used to stop at the cafe in Hermosa Beach on my return from the well-known PV ride, I can say that it's usually OK to leave your bike laying around out there. Really. Trust me, the residents of HB don't need to steal your Sevens, Orbeas, or anything else.

However, there is the issue of non-Hermosans cruising through, and saying, "Hey, that Orbea looks a hell of a lot nicer than my Magna!"

Bluenoser said...

They lay the craftsmen off at Seven and then hire new ones for the next bike.

You know they are only building one bike, yours. Such a waste, all that retraining.

They all work for Boston Whaler now welding together handrails.


CommieCanuck said...

I'm working with Campagnolo on a new "Gambo Electronicco", electronic variable height stem, with Bluetooth, GPS and MP3 capabilities.

The stem senses from GPS data when the bike is close to a Starbucks, or at rest and leaned against a wall, or remotely when the rider gets self conscious. It then retracts for that cool racer 6" drop look. Finally, coolness does not have to sacrifice lumbar vertebrae. It will be available at $695.00 MSRP from Competitive Cyclist, or $45 next year on eBay.

Anonymous said...

Lots of spacers is called "commitment resistance" because cutting off that fork tube is a big commitment, like saying "I do", or "Where do I sign." Some just can't bring themselves to do it.

agent detroit said...

snob, might your diss on those unclean goyim that rub their steer tubes uncut, be due to your status as a member of the tribe? i find your bias reprehensible...

CommieCanuck said...

ah yes Doc, but one could just get a different stem angle.

+10 degree stem, no spacers = uncool
-10 degree stem, with spacers = cool

Regardless of the fact that the bar is at the same position.

Also cool: 130-140mm stems.

It was so much easier in my youth, Bloods: red laces, Crypts: Blue laces.

Anonymous said...

Re Seven: Hey, maybe it was an LBS floor bike. You've got to have something around for the podiatrists to drool over before they custom order their very special Seven. And after five or six years, you've got to drop the price so someone without a medical or law degree can buy it.

Re compact v. triple: You may retain your dignity the old fashioned way, Road Double 53x39.

BikeSnobNYC said...

Agent Detroit,

Actually, I like to leave a little bit of extra steer tube above the stem. Infer from that what you will.

Then again, my bike frames were not created specifically for me. They were created for the many, many people who share my approximate dimensions.


Anonymous said...

I'm with Leroy, my dignity was shot to hell years ago. And just in case, I did my first mini-triathlon this weekend. That oughta take care of what was left.

acquiesce808 said...

congrats Urchin. all hail!

kale said...


Anonymous said...

Those forking forks should put on their Cycleans before going any further.

Ant1 leads GC!!!

CommieCanuck said...

Frilly. Meh. It can always get much worse.

kale said...

Snob, you're blinded by your practicality - the removal of the spacers by proper cutting of the steerer would limit the ability of the rider to display their choice of crabon spacers.

The choices are endless. And if you were to remove that tag end, where would all that creative space go? Crabon bottle cages (check), with titanium bolts (likely)... pedals that match the sweet Ksyrium red spoke. You could even put a red, gold, green spacer combo in there for a Michael Phelps colourway.

Anonymous said...

Forkin' nasty, CC! Make a good ad for Depends though...

Cognorant said...

I had no problem choosing between the triple or the compact, I was perfectly fine in my ignorance. Now I have yet another thing to "not care about". ....Oh to be the happy idiot again....

Anonymous said...


It's a very very special day for you. Enjoy it!

And when you're reading the haters' comments (I'm looking at you When It's Over...) just say to yourself, "All you haters suck my mother fuckin' balls! URCHIN #1! USA!."

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that with all the talk of forking, no one made a connection to circumcision of headtubes. That's the kind of quality comment I expect on this site, right after all the dorks being first.

Anonymous said...

Crap. I meant circumcision of STEER tubes, not head tubes. Dang.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:30

I hear you saying that it's hard for you to believe that no one made that connection.

Thank you for your comment.

Anonymous said...

Marzocchi tov!


Mongo Pusher said...


Anonymous said...

Commie, thanks.

Davey D said...

yay Urchin!
Now I can go back to checking BSNYC posts with my normal lackadaisicalness rather than obsessively holding out FTW.

The hipster cyst bike has had its gears returned to it, in other news, and it's feeling much better. I'll send a picture soon.

agent detroit said...

anon 3:30, dork first

uh, guys, i already made that connection. didn't you read the comments...

bikesgonewild said...

...first & foremost..."top o' the props" to urchin...

...but good lord, this healthy & natural ???...

...that sleazy little salsa bitch will obviously let anything get between those hot red fork legs...witness: she comes from a road family & yet her paramour is straight out of the cyclo-cross ranks...

...neither one of them is wearing a face plate on their stems...

...there is an indication she may be bi-polar (hey, that's no hipster cyst on her right leg) but that dirty little cross fork is obviously willing to take advantage of her 'salsa' tattooed hips as his open-face stem caresses her little brake bolt hole...his canti studs wait poised & ready...

...& little 'miss salsa' is swooning in the throes of ecstasy, all cocked at a 90* angle like that...

...sometimes bike porn just goes a little too far...

Anonymous said...

Congrats Urchin.

That stem thrown back to the bedsheets in ecstasy...


Anonymous said...


leroy said...

Note to self:

Never ever draft the guy in that picture Commie Canuck posted.

Anonymous said...

The plural of "hickey" is "hickeys" rather than "hickies". I had never seen it written and had to look it up........................... G.I. Joe!

Anonymous said...

BGW - Perhaps it is not the bike porn that goes a little too far; that's quite an imagination you've got!

Anonymous said...

Bikes Gone Wild, you are one weird motha fukka.

But you do prove that all my half-ass theories were, in fact, correct.

Anonymous said...

Anybody care to enlighten me as to why dignity and compact cranksets are mutually exclusive?

Being a MTBer first sometimes makes me blind to roadie protocol, such the dignity issue or the fact that you are not supposed to wave to other cyclists.

bikesgonewild said...

...oh sure, blame it on i've got a dirty mind...

...hmmm...well maybe you've got a point there...

Cognorant said...


If JBB hadn't said it first I would've been right there!

Cognorant said...

sorry I meant JPB

ant1 said...

JPB - Always wave at other cyclists. It's hard to judge their worth as human beings based on their reaction if you don't. Regarding triples or compacts, would you want to be seen on a bike with training wheels? It's pretty much the same thing.

ant1 said...

BGW - you should see if velonews would be interested in a monthly bike porn column, a la penthouse forum. Your twisted imagination deserves a much bigger audience.

Anonymous said...

Snob, I read an article at lunch about how NYC is expected to lead the nation in job losses and layoffs in 2009, with a projection of 180,000+. This led me to think - can you get laid off by

Anonymous said...

Commie, I heard that there is going to be a reality show up there hosted by none other than the inestimably talented Alex Trebeck for the purpose of selecting the next Canadian Prime Minister. Could this be so? Is somebody pulling my leg?

urchin said...

Gosh, I don't know what to say... I'd like to thank the academy, and all those people out there who think 'giving crown' is a healthy, acceptable way for two forks to share their passions. It's actually still illegal in some states.

BGW, I would rather not claim all of the interpretations of yours are intended, but mostly because I'm not sure I want to publicize the depth of my depravity. I will say the painted lady Salsa fork enjoying a spin with the swarthy, knockaround cross fork was part of the idea. I was a little pissed to find those two at it like that--I had a 'cross race the next morning, and I certainly noticed rather, um, sluggish steering characteristics..

Anonymous said...

wishiwasmerckx: you always read last week's Wall St Journal on Monday? That's fish-wrap now man.

Carlos said...

Will trade. fire arms, or?

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:08, I piss away so much time on this blog that I am behind in my other reading. What can I say?

Anonymous said...

Gold CK spacers..!!! I thought they were fancy cock rings.

Anonymous said...

Ant1 - Thanks for the heads-up. Since my "road bike" is actually a 'cross bike I think I'm OK with it. Also, I have a brake and Eggbeaters on my track bike; I am a lost cause I think.

ant1 said...

JPB - I run eggbeaters on both my road and mtn bike. I rock the crank brothers mallets on the track bike, as well as a front break (sic). I also rock leg hair, and run a 5 year old pair of mtn shoes no matter what bike I'm rubbing (I also sound like an idiot when using fixter english, fixlish?). My philosophy regarding roadie protocols is follow the ones you like, ignore the ones you don't, but use all of them in your criticism of other riders.

Anonymous said...

Agent Detroit,

Although you had made the connection, Anon 3:30 did not notice it.

I was simply validating Anon 3:30.

Anon 3:30 felt disbelief and I wanted to let this commenter know that he was being heard.

It had nothing to do with you.

But to answer you question, no I did not read your comments. I read every comment posted except yours.

When I read BSNYC's comment addressed to you, I did not fully understand the context but I still didn't go back and read your comment.

I'm not sure why.

bikesgonewild said...

..."giving crown"...nice, urchin, niiice...

...& typical...even w' my low standards, i know that a "painted lady salsa" deserves breakfast & mimosas on a sunday morning...

...that cross fork gives us all a bad name by running off w/ his buddies to go racing...

Anonymous said...


Waving is cool, but creepy. I don't need to be waved to by some dude in Lycra just because I ride a bike.

I concur with ant1 that it is important to know all the inside protocols to best critique other cyclists and their bikes.

This to me in the cornerstone of cycling.

Anonymous said...

CommieCanuk @3:19


That was so wrong!

You know Frilly looked fabu doin' that tri-geek thing...

leroy said...

Training wheels?

Et tu Ant1?

My compact uses less gas.

Gnarles Darwin said...



Anonymous said...

Cippolini! (Cursing that he got the placebo in the current new-new generation EPO drug trials.....).

Gnarles Darwin said...

Just kidn
Didn play

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

Shouldn't that front Mavic wheel on that Seven be returned? All the spacers in the world won't save his (not over-stretched) spine when that shit explodes.

urchin said...

bgw, re: crown

I'll admit I've waited days hoping to get to use that one.

bikesgonewild said...

...ah yes..."crowning glory"...

...& can't we all use a little a' that ???...

kale said...

BTW Slappy-

I'm totes going to forgo rollers and start doing the inverted Xtracyle Plan for Indoor Training. I'm gonna wale on my solar plexus!

Anonymous said...

And I thought that having a little widdle in the wetsuit was slightly bad form. Frills don't do it , it is never too late to pull out, but if you do, I think that you should update your foto with a race related one

Unknown said...

Slappy was robbed.

Anonymous said...

Seven is a weak company with poor design skills, ride an IF instead..

Graeme said...

But the guy in the bike shop said it was for "Dialled in comfort!"

Anonymous said...

the guy with the Seven must be afraid to commit to a stack height

but he had the money to buy a bike that he read on a blog was the bike for him.

Ronsonic said...

Vanity will make a man lie to his lawyer, doctor and PI, why wouldn't he fib a little to his frame builder. r

Anonymous said...

the only thing worse than spacers is people who...oh, never mind

Anonymous said...

what the hell did this "Fred" with more "money than sense" get? Does Seven let any "Tom, Dick, or Harry" do bike fitting???? well...never mind! I conclude the answer must be yes!

Anonymous said...

why would someone use mountain bike clipless pedals on their road bike? If they need to stand up for periods of time while climbing hills or just to change muscle effort wouldn't mountain bike pedals induce pressure points and therefor make it uncomfortable to stand for any period of time? I ride mountain bikes also and I use mountain bike pedals but I never stand while climbing can't.

Philip Williamson said...

anon 2:15 - whaaaat? I'm going to have to be the asshole here and point out that just riding a mountain bike up a mountain doesn't make you a mountain biker. You also have to ride over weird things, descend steep rocky trails with your ass on the tire, get lost, fall off, and climb out of the saddle. A lot.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:15 -
Not sure if the problem is your pedals or your skills, but climbing out of the saddle isn't a problem for any mountain bikers I've ridden with.

ant1 said...

Andy - "it is never too late to pull out." That's not what they taught me in sex ed.

ant1 said...

anon 2:15 - You have a point. Or maybe I should say you had a point. With crabon soles, touted as the stiffest things ever, it's become kind of a moot point. Not to mention the fact that your feet were intelligently designed/evolved to deal with such pressure points. Do your feet hurt when walking up stairs?

Anonymous said...

Anon. 2:15 wrote:
"but I never stand while climbing can't."

Yes we can. It's a new era.

Anonymous said...

If I take part in a triathlon, but only do the bike portion, am I still guilty by association...btw...rubbin' a compact 48 yo'....

kale said...

Anon 2:15-

That's why I pack SPD-SLs on my XC bike, swap them out whenever I'm going up hills.

I think there needs to be a bigger platform for my lungs, because that pressure point is always giving me trouble.

Anonymous said...

spacer turtleneck...


kale said...

You think I'm joking about the Ultegra pedals?

leroy said...

Okay, I confess.

SPDs on my road bike.

But I have a good excuse.

I can't think of it at the moment, but when I do, it will be good.

Anonymous said...

standing up while peddleing is for woosies!

Anonymous said...

Sit and spin, haters!

T. McKay Battles said...

first! (this is for tuesday's blog.)

Anonymous said...

unbelievable! what a bunch of TWATS! You can't climb any dirt road with any significant grade while standing up! I guess you twats don't do much climbing so that means your just the downhill twat mountain bikers!

Anonymous said...

The huge head tube on that Seven "chopper" brings the bars up to the chin, which makes the spacers even more outrageous.

libertyonbikes! said...

anon 2:11 by 'road' do you mean trail? do you mean 'except on hardpack'? i think i remember doing some steep 'climbs' in moab, and i definately was standing. it was that or: hike up it or sit and spin some reeeedonkulous small gear while going no where.

so maybe on loose gravel fireroads
you don't stand.... i guess.

i also stand when i have really bad gas, and there's others behind me..... usually i slow right before because i'm the sharing type.

ZaskarLE said...

Hey Snob I think 36in fixies are next check this guys project out.....

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Viagra Online Without Prescription said...

Due to my height, I couldn't ride a bike, if this doesn't have a spacer installed on the bar.

I like every single thing related to bikes,

Cycling rules!

Anonymous said...

And how about adding some more images? I don’t want to offend anyone, site is really great. Just according to the scientists people acquire info much more efficient if there are certain helpful images.

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