Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hands On: The Latest In Grips

Not too long ago, I mentioned a bar/stem combo for sale on Craigslist that the seller had billed as "fierce." Well, if you were interested yet not quite ready to take the plunge, you will be pleased to know they are still available. Furthermore, the seller has also clarified the "fierce" descriptor:

3T/Cinelli - Track Drop/Stem - with grips *AS SEEN ON BIKESNOB* - $50 (Fort Greene)
Reply to: [deleted]

Date: 2009-01-22, 11:17PM EST

(Despite the many views these bars must have received from astute Bikesnob readers... all offers to buy them ultimately fell through. So I'm reposting.)

Built up a track drop setup to try it out but am going to back to pursuit bars because I like the position more.

- 3T "Pista" Track Drops - deep, classic drop shape - made from hardened 7075 aluminum alloy - approx. 42cm wide - in immaculate condition.

- Cinelli quill stem - approx 120mm long - in fairly good condition with a few cosmetic scratches.

- And some random grips I had that look pretty fierce.

(Note: If you are having any concerns that these are anything other than genuinely "fierce" grips, rest assured. They are both "fierce" in the sense that they are clear with a rad blue flame pattern underneath, as well as "fierce" in the sense that they were stolen from a knock-off brand razor scooter.
Meaning that YOU will most certainly be unique with your fiercely-blue/semi-ironic/'whoa-are-those-keirin' handlebar grips.)

Selling for $50, open to trades.

Let it be known that I have no affiliation with the seller, nor do I stand to profit in any way from his sale (or trade!) of these bars. However, I do appreciate his actually mentioning me in his re-post, which is more than certain other sellers have done. I also sympathize with him, because, as he mentions, "all offers to buy them ultimately fell through." The simple truth is, if you think some Craigslist sellers are bad, the buyers are a thousand times worse. Really, how does a handlebar sale fall through? Does the bank not come through with a mortgage commitment? Does an engineer determine the bars are structurally unsound? Does the buyer not receive board approval? The potential Craigslist buyer is the worst sort of virtual tire-kicker, answering ads for people's cheap castoffs in order to experience the thrill of the purchase without actually purchasing anything. It's the online classifieds equivalent of rubbing up against people on the subway.

Speaking of rubbing and grips, I recently spotted a new trend on the streets of New York City. It seems that the hot setup among the retro-chic is to rub a rubber on your bars:

You'll note from this detail shot that the condom serves not only as a grip, but also as a sort of streamer. (For best results, use Lennard Zinn's saliva method of installation.):

Also, a third benefit is that the condom grip serves as a theft-deterrent. It takes a very strong stomach to get anywhere close to what might very well be a used prophylactic. Even the act of photographing it was nauseating, and I noticed a direct relationship between my proximity to the bicycle and my lunch's proximity to my mouth. It would take a bold thief indeed to kneel beside this bike and go to work with the bolt cutters while the condom's reservoir tip gently tickles the back of his neck.

The condom grip is without a doubt the most exciting thing to come to handlebars since Pearl Izumi's "Greptile" system. This was sort of a proto-collabo with 3M and it involved a pair of grippy gloves that were supposed to be paired with a roll of equally grippy handlebar tape. 3M's Greptile still seems to be in use for sports like golfing, but sadly Pearl Izumi no longer offers it in glove/tape form. One user on Roadbikereview noted that it had "a tendency to pick up fuzz and other stuff." It was last seen on closeout on the Secret Website, though as usual their copywriters missed the mark by not using the obvious marketing hook, "Love Me Like a Greptile."

Indeed, condoms and grips have a lot in common, especially the fact that not enough young people are using them. More and more cyclists these days are rubbing absolutely nothing on their bars (apart from their groins, of course) and the bicycle industry really needs to act. Not only is this dangerous, but entire product lines also hang in the balance. What they need is a spokesperson who can make grips sexy again. My vote is heavy metal homunculus Glenn Danzig:

I have no doubt that the sight of Danzig clutching an Ergon like a microphone while crooning the Samhain song "In My Grip" will have fixters everywhere rushing to cover their bars faster than an Amish woman covers an exposed ankle. Really, nothing is more "fierce" than a grip endorsed by Glenn Danzig.

Unfortunately, you're about as likely to see that as you are an integrated headtube with a threaded headset. Or are you? In the wacky world of Craigslist, anything is possible:

Leader Single Gear Free Wheel Track Bicycle (61 CM) - $320 (Sheepshead Bay Bklyn)
Reply to: [deleted]

Date: 2009-01-27, 10:12PM EST

Pleased to present a Leader Single Gear Free Wheel Track Bicycle (convert to fixed gear available). This bicycle is in perfect working condition. The frame is 24’’ inches (61 CM) & the rims are 700 x 25C. Deliver is available & Please email or call me (347) 733-[deleted] Peter; if you have any questions, or for directions (to view bicycles in stock), & Thank you for your inquire. Note: All of our bicycles are professionally tuned, reconditioned, and comes with a 30 day warranty.

We've met Peter before, and the man is clearly a magician. I'm not sure if this particular frame takes an integrated or a zero stack headset, but in either case whatever he did to get that threaded headset in there had to be even more horrifying than Danzig singing old Samhain songs into an Ergon grip:

I do like how Peter's stayed true to his aesthetic with his crappy parts choice while simultaneously updating his image with the aluminum frame. Also, the massive gear ratio along with the freewheel setup and the single front brake is a great setup for cruising around town. Just throw a couple of condoms onto those bars and you're in business.


Unknown said...

sageman!!! podium

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

3rd boya!

Anonymous said...

And again?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Woot! Woot!

Anonymous said...

Must read post before commenting... Oh screw it. TOP TEN!

Anonymous said...

Top ten!!!!

innerlighter said...

how you guys get so damn fast?

Anonymous said... eleventy?

Anonymous said...

Snob, you called the Tweed Run guys weirdos! Made my day. xD

Anonymous said...

Wow, things *are* different up here.

Team Rider 3 said...

One of BikeSnob's contributions to cycling mentioned at

Rider 3

Anonymous said...

A just-released scientific study ranks blog commenters to the 800 most popular blogs in the U.S. The commenters to "Goon's World" a hockey fan site were ranked last of the group in IQ. Number 799 were the commenters to BikeSnobNYC. You guys just aren't trying hard enough.

Anonymous said...

skeet * skeet * skeet

Anonymous said...

Call me naive, but I don't get what the deal is with integrated head tube/threaded headset.

LIam Walsh said...

Top 20

Strayhorn said...

Since the saddle on that Leader is all the way down, wouldn't it be cheaper (and lighter!) to just omit the saddle and seatpost and sit on the top bar?

Just askin'

BikeSnobNYC said...

Anonymous 12:48pm,

This exciting article explains the different headset systems. The standard threaded headset is incompatible with that frame and it's worrisome to think what Pete did to get it in there.


Anonymous said...

Anon 12:48-

Naive isn't the right word...

Anonymous said...

I like the first comment on the link to "Peter's" previous listing (with "new peddles"):

bikesgonewild said...
...sheesh, bikesnob, give the guy a brake...

I miss the old comments section. Those were the days (yeah, I'm lookin at you, first twelve commenters)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1.01pm

You mean only leave a comment if it's related to the post? How could I read it AND get on the podium?

I'll get back to you about fifty comments in.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1.01pm

You mean only leave a comment if it's related to the post? How could I read it AND get on the podium?

I'll get back to you about fifty comments in.

leroy said...

Well goodness me, so that's why folks wear cycling gloves.

Honestly, the things you learn on the internet.

(Dr. Science -- 800th yet?)

Anonymous said...

As an anti-theft deterrent, would it not be more effective to skip the condom and just smear the semen directly on the grips and the lock as well?

Anonymous said...

No doubt the stiffness of the deepV rear rim necessitated the need for the 'plush' saddle

Anonymous said...

This exciting article explains the different headset systems. The standard threaded headset is incompatible with that frame and it's worrisome to think what Pete did to get it in there.


HEY! That article wasn't exciting at all! Thanks for nothing.

Anonymous said...


any estimates on how tall the fierce hipster is?

Gnarles Darwin said...

8' 11"

kale said...

Someone help me out with this...

According to my calculations, the chainring diameter on the leader is approx. 230 mm (given a 700c as reference my conversion would be REAL LIFE = SCREEN/.11). This would give a circumference of 720mm.

Would this mean the massive chainring is 56t?

Anonymous said...

Please call me Peter

leroy said...

Anon 1:20 --

What fun would that be?

Too onanistic.

(Dr. Science -- come on, we have to have claimed 800th place by now.)

kale said...

Anon 1:27-



Anonymous said...

That Leader is a mess. That guy must be using his bike sales to fund a crack habit.

Anonymous said...

Way to rigorously verify the integrity of your suppliers, Clif. Public record searches are sooo difficult

Cognorant said...

I think I have to protest that there exists a handlebar grip that could legitimately be described as "fierce". It's an anti slip cushion for your hands for crying out loud! By its very nature it's at best "useful" or "a nice accent", maybe "striking" but even that would be pushing it.

Anonymous said...

That condom is actually covering one of those key-blank car ends. It's meant to protect one's keys in case of contact with a BMW (or its driver).

Anonymous said...

oops...I meant key-blank bar ends, not car ends.

brettok said...

Bear shirt, I'm pretty sure a bar end designed to scratch a car can legitimately be called a car-end.

brettok said...

But a condom wouldn't be required if the key was shooting 'blanks'..

hillbilly said...

now that's what i call a trojan horse!!!

thank you, thank you...that should seal #800 for us.

urchin said...

Anon 1:23
You've got to be kidding. That low-rise/profile cutaway pic just about knocked me out of my chair. Dangerously low...

On the other hand, reading here from Georgia the term 'semi-integrated' is probably best left out.


Anonymous said...

Instead of critiquing and insulting people in a vacuum for their alleged ignorance on their Craigslist ads, wouldn't it be more productive to assume that their intent isn't one of malice but of ignorance and that you, possessing your knowledge, have the opportunity to educate them in a way that isn't so wholly hostile?

Your decision to adopt your tone leads me to wonder: are you even from New York? Were you born or raised here? If you weren't, you comfortably fall into the category of snarky, miserable, self-obsessed out-of-towners who adopt a "New York" attitude because they've watched one too many episodes of Taxi and have all the wisdom of a blood clot. If you were, set a better example.

hillbilly said...

anon 230, nope i am not from new york. oooooohhhhh, you meant bsnyc, my bad.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:30-

Does Staten Island count?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:30 = Peter


hillbilly said...

"your decision to adopt your tone" - don't think about this sentence too long unless you are seeking monkey mind

Anonymous said...

Sonb 123-

I get a Bayonet forks on my new 55cm/61cm Cerbelo I got on craigslaits! Thansk for links

BikeSnobNYC said...

Anonymous 2:30pm,

I've made no secret of the fact that I was born in a small town to a family of tuber farmers, and that I boarded a Greyhound bus to NYC after watching the first season of "Sex and the City" on VHS in the church basement. (I still don't know what our pastor was doing with all those tapes, or why he was constantly buying used high heels on eBay.)

I'm sorry I was mean to the guy in Brooklyn who is selling an aluminum death trap with a reamed-out headtube. I'm sure he means well. Thanks for setting me straight.


bikesgonewild said...'s a freudian slip & if you slip near a trojan reservoir tip, it speaks volumes about quality control...ewww !!!...

...hmmm...handlebar streamers: a lovely, reminiscent, almost bright crinkly sound as they move through the air on a sunny warm, laugh filled, suburban saturday...

...condoms as streamers: an ugly flap, flap, flap noise as they bounce off hands & bars in a defeating sound on a windblown nasty grey wintery nyc wednesday...

...just sayin'...

MGB said...

I have let loose so many LOL's in the last few minutes. I forgot about peter!!

Anonymous said...

Check out the seat height vs. bar drop in the photo of the bike by the guy selling the 3T bars. He must be Gumby.

ant1 said...

I think that condom is there in case he (I'm assuming the owner of the bike is a he) gets a flat and a hot girl offers help, which, as we all know, leads to other things. It's a safety measure, like brakes for the rest of us.

Shram said...

--Holy gorilla bikes!

--Snob you're on fire today, nicely done.

--Hey anon complaining about bsnyc: calm down, it's a lot more sarcasm than hostile. Get a grip. He has "snob" right in his name for fucks sake! No one's making you read it.

--OK, that's all for now. 800th yet?

brad said...

are you certain the owners are running/rocking the condoms?

you may be coming across a bit of "thin the herd" ironic vandalism.

ice cube said...

I think maybe "Lords of the Left Hand" playing in the background and Danzig rocking/reppin'/rollin' for Tektro brakes would be amazing!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Anon 2:30

Telling someone they are a half-wit is like flicking the light switch over and over when you know the bulb is done... maybe the electricity is broken! Blame Tesla!
Snobbie is actually a displaced Vancouverite!

Anonymous said...

AYHSM... Finally can make my own copycats!!!

Anonymous said...

ANON 2:34

Staten Isalnd does not count...that is like kids from the Island or Jersey saying they were city kids because they would come to NYC "almost every weekend"

ant1 said...

Anon 3:32 - From those of us who are neither from nor give much of a fuck about NYC, it's all semantics. It's like somebody from avondale estates claiming that someone from snellville isn't an atlantan. A - no one gives a shit, and B - that's like, your opinion, man.

Jim said...

Fierce handlebars are so 2009.

The trends for 2010 include rapacious tail bags, callipygous spoke nipples, and cutthroat Presta valve inserts.

BikeSnobNYC said...


Snellvillians not Atlantans?!? I won't have that kind of talk on my blog!


PS: Is Snellville a real place? It sounds Seussian.

urchin said...

Why of course Snellville is real. It's the start of the hoobergloob biketrail to Villa Rica.

Anonymous said...




"Last Caress" Knuckle tattoo (Misfits related) comment EVER!

leroy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
leroy said...

Snellville is real.

I'm just gald Ant1 didn't reference Buck Head.

That could be mistaken for an epithet uttered by someone with a head cold.

ant1 said...

RTMS - sorry to offend, but that was a hypothetical. I would never claim the city founded by the great Mr. Snell should not be considered as part of atlanta.

Regarding "unreal" places in GA, we have Intercoure, GA, Hopeulikeit, GA, Between, GA... I could go on and on, the locals have quite the sense of humor. Or I guess I should say: the british debtors sent to Georgia as punishment had quite the sense of humour.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't that bike just have threadless headset + collar clamp + quill stem?

Anonymous said...

Obviously the writing of a thoughtful, sensitive, Canadian:
"It would take a bold thief indeed to kneel beside this bike and go to work with the bolt cutters while the condom's reservoir tip gently tickles the back of his neck."

kale said...

Snellville is way better than ASTMF1447burg.

A little bit of helmet humor.

BikeSnobNYC said...


So the Snellville analogy is like someone from Illtown saying someone from MurdaVille or Valley Queens isn't from NYC...?

Why is street cred so confusing?!?


Anonymous said...

BGW...those aren't handlebar streamers, those are the new Zipp Speed Weaponry Bar End Air Turbulence Buffers (BEATs). They are windtunnel proven to save 0-3 Watts (+/- 3 Watts). The wind forms a boundary layer, reducing drag , blah, blah, blah...and this only happens to air on bike parts, not anywhere else. Here's the Data. It's in 3D, so shut up.

I'll keep vigilant to watch out for recalls.

Anonymous said...

If I had to guess I'd say he used a 1" BMX threaded race and crown race. The cup diameter is closer to 1-1/8" than standard 1".

Jim said...

Ant1 - I knew it! You're anti-semantic. Why you dirty little unrhetorical bugger... I've got half a mind to pop you one right in the thorax, and bust your hymenoptera.

God, I hate an anti-semant...

Anonymous said...

Snellville is real, Virginia, except it's in Georgia, not Virginia.

My Favorite cities:

Dildo, Newfoundland.
Athol, Massachusetts. Not to be confused with Massholes.

Due to the great economic crisis in both countries, the bullet train project from Dildo to Athol has been canceled.

Anonymous said...

Can Canadians claim to be Americans? Not to be cool or anything.

Bluenoser said...

You should always rock condoms and never ever let them run.


snobbery snob said...

Anon 2:30...

Hi pete.

Educational blogs are for people from Yreka that have settled in Bakersfield by way of Stockton only.

Daddo said...

Mass also has an Assonet.

An Assoneter might consider themsleves a Hixvillee, but they ain't no Fall Riverian!

(is the horse dead yet?)

Anonymous said...

i never seen no rubber up close before because in viper we wrap our peckers in saran wrap

Anonymous said..., but the opposite is actually a business.
Go Canadian.

The full kit is only $24.95, but this does not include: basic knowledge of geography, fashion sense of any kind, and simple math.

snobbery snob said...

Anon 2:30...

Hi pete.

Educational blogs are for people from Yreka that have settled in Bakersfield by way of Stockton only.

snobbery snob said...

Anon 2:30...

Hi pete.

Educational blogs are for people from Yreka that have settled in Bakersfield by way of Stockton only.

snobbery snob said...

Anon 2:30...

Hi pete.

Educational blogs are for people from Yreka that have settled in Bakersfield by way of Stockton only.

T. McKay Battles said...


i kind of give a shit about the difference between avondale estates and snellville. it's become far to easy to just claim "atlanta" these days.


condoms and grips being similar in that not enough kids are using them these days? brilliant.

it almost got me as good as "scuba diving to popeyes", though that one still makes me laugh everytime i think about it.

T. McKay Battles said...

oh, and Social Circle, GA is one of my personal favorites.

bikesgonewild said...


...hey, hey, my lips are sealed here...i'm "there" 'cuz canadian data in 3d certainly leaves an impression on an ex-pat like me...
...w/ all that unequivocal research, i'm giving it a try on my straight bar single speed right now...

...whoa, lookit that...did you know if you use "magnums" ya gotta wire them on ???...don't want slippage, leakage or excessive buffeting for that matter...

...better add that to the "gripes on grips" file...

bikesgonewild said...

...& btw, red neckerson...

..."plastic dip" for tool handles works well too if ya use a hair dryer to facilitate quick drying so as not to "spoil the mood"...

...comes in several lovely colors but then again, she won't be able to see yer tattoo...

...just sayin'...

ant1 said...

RTMS - I understand street cred like I understand women. I think my lack of vagina is the reason for both.

Commie - I love your "It's in 3D, so shut up." Very hard to argue with. I will try to use that some day.

T. McKay - Social Circle is a wonderful town. I sometimes do a snellville to social circle ride. Very enjoyable. Social circle has some sweet old southern houses.

Jim - I'm not anti-semantic as much as I am pro-semantic-pointing-out. So often semantics are allowed to make their way through our lives completely unidentified...and I will stop here with this bad joke.

Anonymous said...


To say trend would imply that you have seen the BEATs more than once.

Please clarify.

I had to wait to post until after a scolding hot shower and a wax job to the back of my neck with RTMS tubular glue.

I feel a little better but it still tickles a little.

Anonymous said...

Friends will come, and friends will go,
Friends will peter out, you know.
We'll be friends thru thick or thin.
Peter out, or peter in!

Doug V said...

I think that a miscalculated barspin while teabaggin the stem for a cool fixie skid would create the need for said condom on the bar end.......

SkidMark said...

those greptile gloves work great for rubbing one out without worrying about your hand slipping off!

Anonymous said...

T. Mckay

Avondale Estates=not Atlanta
Thats the burbs at best, filled with the wealthy people who dont let anyone black live in the area...

Anonymous said...

Supposedly they were originally going to cast Danzig as Wolverine in the X-Men films 'cause he's only like 5'3". God that would have ruled.

Damn you Hugh Jackman.

Anonymous said...

Ant1, if the handlebar condom is for unexpected encounters, I am chaining a portable dumpster to my seatpost and hauling it around wherever I ride. Dual benefit! Resistance training, plus a premade zone of privacy for those random sexual encounters that are apparently part of the hipster experience.

Anonymous said...

BTW, 100th comment, woot, woot.

Fiction said...

As the seller of the bars and stem, I can tell you that Kale is correct - I am indeed 5'4", though god has blessed/cursed me with a 34" inseam and a 6' wingspan.

Which is why my bici is set up the way it is.

Though I suspect the only truly perfect fit I will ever find in a bicycle is when I finally acquire myself an H-Zontal

Anonymous said...

that leader is equal to less than the sum of it's parts.

Anonymous said...

If it were a ribbed condom then I could understand it. If it were a fierce condom, then strap in for a rough ride.

44 deg C outside I am hitting the beach

Matt said...

I think to remove the bar-end Trojan you have to beat it off with a hammer.

T. McKay Battles said...

Well, played matt, well played indeed.

and, it's true velociped, the only thing avondale estates is good for is late night summer rides that include pool hopping.

man, i can't wait for summer rides.

queasyfish said...

...And the world it dies, in my grip. All the world and everything, in my grip.

Anonymous said...

Top 150!.. but at least he had A brake.

Also I'm pretty sure I threw up a little when I saw the pic of the condom bike... what the F**K are people thinking?

I rock a rubber on my bike but it's located on my $10 saddle. You can never be too careful about who's been riding your whip.

And with all those groin skids maybe some protection on your bars would be a good idea.

who is nicole and how did she get podium?

better luck tomorrow yall.


Anonymous said...

Norcross, GA.

And NY is NY you're all the same.

You come down here to FL and act like you run our towns... although for the most part you do.

On the other hand we enjoying visiting NY and acting like complete fools as well.

More likely than not we are pretty similar... just enjoy the fact we have a reason to hit someone from out of town.

Don't worry about me though, you'd probably kick my ass. Doesn't mean I wouldn't start shit.

Locals pride.

Where are you from anon 2:30? I-can't-take-n-F-ing-joke town?

Peace off. This is like a private residence man...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Andy Pandy-
I hope an Abo kicks you in the nuts!

libertyonbikes! said...

anon 2:30 isn't from "the" city.
-no one is really from the city
-most 'from the city' have cashed out & left the city. to pursue their dreams of runninghalf assed galleries in mid-upstate.
- no one from NY gives a shit about
being nice to some half ass.

condoms on handle bars?
just sharing the love.......

Anonymous said...

you know bikesgonewild you and bike snob and i hate to say it but also sometimes commiecommie who i think would be a redneck if he moved down to viper and anyway we aint really rednecks were hilljacks ut since yankees are too damm dum to sort it out and noone would figure it out if i used the name jack hilljack but that would make a good name if i start trolling other sites but i get kicked out of the pubic libary if i start laffing to loud

shit i gots to lay off that oxycontin shit because my sentences kind of roll on

aw damm i forgot what i was going to say

oh yeah, so bikesgonewild is talking about that hot colored stuff to put on yor pecker but i tried that before and im telling you they dont call it shrink wrap for nothing im telling you what

Anonymous said...

i like your blog. i am not sure i know why, but i am starting to think one of the reasons is because your writing style resembles the writing style of douglas adams. i came across it purely by chance, but i have been following it quite closely for the past couple of weeks. i live far far far away from were the whole "story" is set upon but i think am starting to get it. i don't know much about bikes apart from having ridden (rubbing/rugging/rulling whatever...) them quite a lot from since i was small but doing so is jst plain old fun... (even if that means going to work on a freezing monday morning at 8 am)

ps prophylactic...? you really use that word in that part of the world?

Anonymous said...

You guys are cracking me up.

Where the fuck is AnnaZed? She would be having a field day.

Anonymous said...


"As seen on bike snob."

Is this bragging rights in the fixter scene?

Anonymous said...

It would be a tough choice between Razr grips and a Trojan.

The mental porn of a fixter waif pulling off the grips of a knock-off Razr is equal, if not more genitive, than the unused prophylactic.

Is the plan to come clean when asked if you have Keirin grips? Or do you let the bros think that you have a one of one pair? That is simply fierce hilarity.

We live near a murky world of pre-irony, post-irony, semi-irony, and ironic irony where every twist is a taunt and every taunt a twist.

I know, I'm speaking from experience. On my 21st birthday (in the real 80's vs. the semi-ironic 80's) we ate at the McDonalds in Times Square, strictly ironically.

I still regret it, but that's just me.

s said...
here in barcelona they actually market condoms to put over the grips of "bicings" (the public bike program) for "hygeine and comfort".

Anonymous said...

3.141592654, what is your favorite flavor of pie? Curious minds would like to know.

bikesgonewild said... started out by getting a grip & then moved right into everybody's geography & history..., i'll tell ya red neckerson...honest to god truth (any god ya choose), the first town i lived in as a kid in the great white north didn't even have a road into it...ya hadda take the train...
...i'd probably take about two weeks to be right at home in viper...despite what ricky thinks of old canadians & despite over 40 years of living w/ california "sophistication"......

...& golden kick up an iro & take an irony free trip to nyc w/ it & voila...anon 1:01pm pointed out an old post from sept '07 wherein i mentioned " an iro ridden in nyc would be an IRONY"... therefore you can have an 'iro-ny' in your life w/out actually being ironic, which in & of itself is good w/ that ???...

bikesgonewild said...

...& thank you, wishiwasmerckx for hitting me in the face w/ pie...the first piece went straight over my head...

Anonymous said...

Threaded 1 1/8 inch headsets certainly exist. But I have never seen a 1 1/8 inch threaded road fork. Ah, that's the ticket!

Anonymous said...

Pe... er Axle Creep-

Why not just install a goddamn 1 1/8" in the first place!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

bikesgonewild 2:11

Thank you, and yes that does help.

Thank you kind sir.

kale said...


Due to your unfair "critiquing and insulting people in a vacuum for their alleged ignorance on their Craigslist ads" (Anon 2:30) I thought I could present some gems of said spair-part collageist's repertoire.

Pleased to present a Fair And Balanced look at Peter's Bike-Cycle Bazaar:

Leader No. 2


Miyata Crabon

Prefab Tallbike

Anonymous said...

check out the stem on the miyata and the seat height on the prefab... holy jesus.


Anonymous said...


don't care much about flavor, im fine with any 2.

libertyonbikes! said...

i'm just gonna sell
stickers on FGG.
cash in & retire.

maybe randonneuring will
be the next big thing.

start snatching up vintage
bar end shifters.

Anonymous said...

fucking rednecks

Anonymous said...

inbred hilljacks

Fred said...

That's not a condom, you ignoramuses, that's a vapor barrier liner. The owner keeps it there when he's off the bike rather than locking it at dog crotch level.

Now I'm off to Big Bone Lick for some sweet single-track.

Anonymous said...

I unfortunately do have an affiliation with that seller ( He goes to my school. Amen, to Pratt for being the craigslist-bike-selling capitol of retardom.

Anonymous said...

Must read post before commenting... Oh screw it. TOP TEN!

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