Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Enter The Wednesday

Let's talk about bike because bike blog bikes!

Last whatever ago my wife (I know, can you believe it?) became the owner of a WorkCycles city-type utilitarian non-gravel-specific two-wheeled bicycling apparatus.

She is crazy about this bike and says it's the greatest one she's ever owned, which is impressive because her last bike was that gold Colnago they gave to the Pope:

Pro tip: If you call up the Vatican and make up a story about how you caught one of their people touching your kid they'll give you all kinds of shit to keep quiet about it.

Speaking of kids, the human child that I own likes the bike just as much as his mother does--so much in fact that he wants to be on this instead of my Big Dummy now, which means I end up riding the WorkCycles too.  You might think I experience a bit of insecurity riding a "girl's bike," but the one good thing about America is that when you're on a bicycle people think you're a "homo" no matter what you're riding.  So there are no degrees of shame.

If I had any brains I'd sell some excess bikes now that I'm "retired" from amateur bike racing and get myself a WorkCycles too, but the process of selling bicycles is almost as irritating as selling real estate (I thought I'd never sell my place in Brooklyn until Martin Amis came along and bought it for $2.5 million), and anyway you never know when you're going to suddenly need that singlespeed cyclocross bike.  (Hint: you're never going to need it, singlespeed cyclocross bikes are pretty much the definition of superfluous.)

By the way, you may notice a child's helment on the WorkCycles.  Obviously it spoils the "smooth Dutch lines" of the bike, but 1) Kids the law blahblahblah; and 2) When you put a helmented kid under your arm while riding they make great battering rams.

Seriously, it's tough to "door" any more cyclists when a preschooler has removed yours with his head.

Oh yeah, and "safety."  Because, you know, our biggest safety threat in this city is people on bikes not wearing enough foam on their heads.

Speaking of upright bicycles and trips where speed is not the primary consideration, I'm sort of over Citi Bikes--not over them like I'm against them, just over them in that every time I try to actually use one now I can't.  Consider last night, for example.  After not having used the system for a few weeks I found myself in Brooklyn yesterday evening and in need of a bike.  So I headed to the nearest station and found this:

Two bikes, both displaying the Red Light Of You're Shit Out Of Luck:

So I boarded the heel-toe express and headed to the next station, where there was only one bike with both the Red Light Of You're Shit Out Of Luck and The Reversed Seat Of Shame:

So I said "Fuck it, I'm taking the subway," and that's what I did.

I'm still very much in favor of Citi Bike, and clearly most of my problems using it stem from the fact that it's so popular.  At the same time, I'm increasingly disinclined to actually bother trying to use it myself.  Instead, I'm considering simply consigning it to the department of stuff Other People Are Willing To Waste Their Time Doing, like forming lines for iPhones, Shake Shack burgers, and "cronuts:"

I don't know exactly when or why New York City suddenly became so willing to embrace "line culture," but I want no part of it.  (Not that there are lines for Citi Bike--actually it's pretty much the opposite of a line in that the stations are either too full or too empty without a person in sight--but I'm confident you get my point.)

Still, people who are not me are clearly getting their use out of Citi Bike, so by all means keep it going and expanding, because every time a douchebag loses a free parking space God ejaculates in his pants.

Meanwhile, in the world of going fast on bikes while bent over the handlebars, you're not going to believe this, but some guy who gets paid to go fast on a bike while bent over his handlebars is in trouble for maybe doping.  However, at least one person is sure he's clean:

Why?  Here's why:

Then Jon told a story that explained a great deal about him to me.

He said, "Before I started sixth form, I did a Duathlon without any training at all…It was a 5km run 20km bike then a 5km run. I just threw on an old pair of spikes for the run, and smashed the first 5k then hit the bike ride pretty hard.”

“I was leading off the bike, but when I got off the bike my feet felt a bit odd and I couldn't get the running spikes back on. So I took my socks off, and a bunch of my toenails fell out of the sock, and I realised my feet weren't doing so well.”

“So instead of putting the spikes back on I just ran barefoot to the finish. Trouble was by then my legs cramped up so much I could barely move and I had to walk to the finish. I think I ended up last."

To which I asked, "Why didn't you just quit?"

"Well, I didn't want to pull out… It’s a bit shit not finishing."

I don't know if Jon Tiernan-Locke is dirty, clean, or somewhere in between, and I don't care either, because I now consign worrying about what pro bike riders are doing to the waiting-on-line-for-cronuts department.  However, I'd like to know how running until your fucking toenails fall out is a sign that you're not willing to dope.  Seems to me that sticking a needle in your scranus is nothing in comparison to tearing your feet apart.  In fact, the writer says it himself:

Jon had ‘it’. He had that unbalanced mentality that you find in those rare people who can push themselves beyond anything the rest of us could imagine:he had the mentality of a real athlete.

Sounds like someone else we know:

Again, I'm not accusing this Tiernan-Locke guy of anything, but calling someone "unbalanced" and saying they are willing "push themselves beyond anything the rest of us could imagine" is not exactly the best way to defend him.

In other news of the heroic and/or stupid (is there a difference, really?) cycling exploits, I've been informed via Twitter that the guy who rode across San Francisco Bay is now going to ride across the Hudson River:
Okay, yeah, I'm not going to be there, and here's why:

1) I already said I'm too impatient to deal with lines and empty Citi Bike stations.  Do you really think I'm going to go watch a guy spending the morning riding across the surface of the Hudson River on pontoons when there's already a perfectly good bridge?  That's like watching someone tunnel his way across the East River with a MetroCard instead of taking the fucking F train.

2) In the time it takes Water Fred to cross the Hudson, 350 New York City Freds will already have crossed the Hudson to New Jersey, done five River Road hill repeats apiece, and crossed back into Manhattan again.  If I want to experience utter cycling futility I can just go watch that.

3) I'm supposed to hang around and wait for some guy on a glorified paddle boat in the same place where a scissor-wielding lunatic was just running around stabbing people?

Sure, they may have gotten him, but I still don't feel safe.  Do you really think I'm anywhere near as brave as the guy in the picture?  Yesterday on the subway a woman yelled at another woman for bumping into her and I hid underneath the seats.  In fact, the Water Fred should be pretty worried, too.  Just imagine what a scissor-wielding lunatic could do to a pair of pontoons!

Lastly, if you're a landlubber who needs the latest smug frame material, a reader informs me that it's now plywood:

Ruphus is hitting the scene with both alternative materials bikes and accessories.  They started out with a few bamboo prototypes, but went in a direction that ended up in failure.  That’s ok though, because they learned from their efforts and have moved on to working with plywood.  In fact, it’s Canadian Maple, and it’s the same stuff you find in skateboard decks.  The bike shown has a two speed coaster brake setup, and the design was inspired by cafe racer motorcycles.  This tank just happens to hold booze rather than gas.  Admittedly , Ruphus knows they have some work to do still with the layup, as the bike is still a bit to flexy for mass consumption.  However, they are hard at work perfecting the model and hope to release a version for sale soon.

Sounds like a real winner.

Or you could just ride a normal bike and wait until you get home to sit at a kiddie table.


  1. Yeah Cleveland 3 !

  2. Cronut mania!

    Now that's the hardhitting kind of NYC journalism that keeps me coming back to this website.

  3. Nobody uses Citibike anymore; it's too popular.

  4. a wetbar on wheels. how incredible.

    sorry, was auto corrected. i meant to say:

    how fucking retarded their parents must feel for paying for that college degree to see their child making furniture you can pedal/peddle.

  5. top ten again.

  6. Snob, you need to come to melbourne florida since you already did melbourne australia. we have no lines...especially for your booksigning. bam.

  7. Pipped again...... sowers 74

  8. I would not join any line that would have me as a member.

  9. Though it's now possible to buy the Empire State building, I would still be cautious if leroy's dog offers to sell you the Brooklyn bridge.

  10. i on occasion will tolerate a line as long as i can "bump" it

  11. Hey I'd reconsider if I was you Snob. Some extra long pontoons for the Big Dummy and join the crossing and you really could call it the smugness floatilla.

  12. Snob,

    Wait, are you saying that Joe Biden is God? Since they both have 'that problem'...

  13. Missed the podium because I was watching a 22 minute video on next year's Stage 12 of the Giro d'Italia, which will go from Barbaresco to Barolo in the lovely Piemonte region.


    Already I am hungry! I want risotto and zabaglione RIGHT NOW!!!

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Zabaglione with strawberries after the road ride. Mmmmmmmmmm.

    How's that for an excuse from the Steamer Trunk of Excuses?

    Oh yes, before I forget, nice time spread podium for RCT, DB, and DogShot who is earning his/her/its place in the Meh-loton after rising out of the Anon ranks. RCT had enough time to look behind, zip up the jersey, and...and...I don't know. Can you throw your arms up in victory in a recumbent or will you fall-down-go-boom?

  14. If only there was a single word that could combine anus and scrotum without all the extra syllables.

  15. seriously... WTF is wrong with us NYorkers? (by that i mean us who live here, not from here) cronuts?

    however, there's a french guy who bakes donuts in clinton hill... has been doing it for a couple of years... del-fuckin-licious. they are are shaped like donuts, but the dough he uses is from french pastries... not cro.

  16. Yesterday I stood in line (2 people) so I could pay $3 for an artisanal doughnut. Yummy. Not a cronut, that's too cutting edge for us.

    Plywood bike too flexy? Use thicker, heavier plywood. Everybody loves a heavy bike.

  17. I thought that Thomas Ciriaks the scissor wielder's nemisis was Mario Cipollini.

  18. Remember the panties!!
    Extra cronuts for you RCT!

  19. The story about toenails falling out in the sock during a short run and/or ride is a lie. So the question is actually whether someone who would make up macho, self-aggrandizing BS about their exploits would dope. Real stumper, that.

  20. I have a tomcat named Rufus. He said the Ruphus looked like something he would like to spray. I don't think he was talking about paint, either.

  21. CE,
    I thought of you and your cave bike when I saw this, and I thought of McFly and Babble when I saw the name. Actually, pretty much everybody here...

  22. I want to see the rufus-doofus bamboo failures, show us your process!

  23. workcycles bike is not safe. Needs longer stem to eliminate goofy tiller effect. Probably doesn't even have file-pattern tread on the tires.

    Death machine!

    Deth mu-sheen.

  24. Zinn and the Art of Vaginal and Anal secretions

  25. I thought that rumble seat on your Wicked Witch Beik was for when one of your flying monkeys had a bum wing. No?

    Nice work RCT. Amazing you can see the finish line over your controls. You too, DB.

  26. Line Culture. Was driving down University Avenue in Palo Alto last night and saw a line of people snaking down the street. Future Mrs. Yarpo said, "Gotta be for ice cream." Sure enough, it was: Cream, which specializes in ice cream sandwiches. Fine, but worth standing in a long line for? Fuck no. Line Culture in the Bay Area seems to be centered on ice cream, it seems to me.

    Oh yeah, I had just broken Woo-Hoo Speed coming down Los Trancos Road in Portola Valley! 48.89 Mehs-Per-Hour!!

    I celebrated with a vodka martini with two nice olives, not an ice cream sandwich that I had to stand in line for.

  27. I clicked the link under the cronut photo and then another link linked to that link about the cronuts craze.

    And I still have no fucking idea what a cronut is.

    Yes I could google it, and sure someone on this forum could just tell me. But please don't, it will only help me become less of a moron.

  28. See, having a blog called "Bike Snob NYC" and talking about bikes is actually a good idea! Especially when the sh*t is really hitting the fan (US gubmint) and Land Rover drivers are being called "persecuted" as they mow down people on motorcycles.

  29. nice bike. So little snob rides shotgun and curses at bad drivers and clueless pedestrians. Nothing like a little quality father-son time.

  30. Yarpo, you should read the article in this months Bicycle magazine about Strava. Seems like Freds in the Bay area are killing themselves and others to get KOM on certain hills. Also, martinis are to be made only with gin. You might as well being drinking a cosmo.

  31. I had some of the best times of my life standing in line to get into Kokie's.

  32. " They started out with a few bamboo prototypes, but went in a direction that ended up in failure. "

    US republicans, anyone?


  33. Podio contracts to RCT! Tongue Kisses!

    DB and Dog Shot, Regular cheek kisses for you gents. MUAH, MUAH

    RCT has the edge because of his aerodynamic sexy-ass contraption.

    You don't need to see the controls when you know what you're doing. ;)

  34. We really do need things like plywood and bamboo bikes. After all, the current state of the art just makes bad bikes. Who really wants to ride a bike made of carbon, or even steel or aluminum? They just don't give the rider safety or durability.

    While they're at it, they should try to make hub-less wheels. Hubs and spokes don't work either.

    Also, I hate the part where I have to push on the pedals. Is't anyone going to make an electric bike? One with a motor?

    This bus isn't going to ride itself...

  35. I have a singlespeed cyclocross bicycle racing bicycle. I like it - I often commute to work on it.

    Anyway, I got the SS CX bike and tried at least halfheartedly to race it because I decided I wasn't getting beaten nearly badly enough at geared racing (FYI - top of the bottom third is about as good as I have ever been). I got my wish in the beaten more badly department - finishing last place in a SS CX race feels like a real triumph so long as you can get through the race without puking all over yourself.

    golownl 7

  36. Are those tongue kisses being lavished on his aerodynamic sexy-ass contraption? Lob I hope so. And if so where does he park his 'bent when this is happening?

    U C watididthere?

    captcha OUBSTIF (swear to Lob)

  37. Waiting in line in NYC is only interesting if Marshall McLuhan shows up

  38. laterally stiff yet vertically compliant crotch splinters

  39. Recumbabe sighting!
    You mentioned "wife" (imagine that).
    Coincidence? I think not.

    If you could pursuade the babe to participated in the bike cycle floatilla, folks would stand in lines to see.


  40. McFly:

    Pleading the 5th...

    hemousef 42

  41. A plywood bike is a good backup plan for Water Fred in case of pontoon failure.

  42. If I call the Vatican and complain about one of them touching my kid, do you think they'll give me the Pope job?

  43. With that cockie, I'd want to not ride the Big Dummy either!

  44. Thank you, Crosspalms! Nothing better than a happy, humid hunglongdong cave... :)

  45. Anon 1:31pm. Thankfully, I don't own a fancy cyclometer with GPS capabilities, just a cheap un-fancy one that tells me how far I went for how long, average speed, and highest speed. I rarely look at the speedometer while riding and in fact only learned about my Woo-Hoo Meh-exploit at the end of the ride when looking through the modes. The only place that I could have hit the Woo-Hoo Barrier was obvious to me. I didn't set out with the purpose of doing it, it was incidental to a nice late-afternoon Fred-ride through a pretty place.

    Dying for Strava is kinda not so good. I find climbing South Park Drive in Tilden Park to be more fun than descending it (with the dangerous t-intersection at the bottom), but that's just my opinion. I will never achieve 49-anything going down that road.

    I enjoy vermouth and olives with my vodka, not triple sec with cranberry and lime juice. Very different tastes.

    Respectfully, Yarpo

  46. Thanks Folks, for the 2nd place mentions.
    I'm thinking that particle board bikes will be the next big thing. Sold at IKEA.

  47. There was a time in New York when people waited on lines to watch a porno movie; now, the lines are for hybrid pastries.

  48. @yarpo,

    I kind of liked you over these last few thousand posts. But alas, the vermouth olive vodka thing you speak of really is no good, for the planet, for your respect, for anything at all really. Next, you will tell me you have tried this abomination known as 'onion soup/gibson". Holy Lob below stick to gin man, without it I know not any of our fates.


  49. Dooth,
    I guess the interesting thing is that everyone is still waiting to see something filled with cream.

  50. "I'm no hero", said Tom Ciriaks, "I was born with my knuckles fused this way."

    The Cronut briefly made it to Toronto last month, but cause vomiting and bloody diarrhea for over 100 people. Is that normal?

    Robba the Fords driver got busted for dope trafficking.

  51. Ha. Bring on the storm season, it can't get to me. I've winterized!

  52. new comers

  53. ya know...I think Chamoisjuice actually fucked off.

  54. Aw, Babble, does that mean no more naked pictures until next summer?

    Yarpo, round this side of the bay, occasionally there is a longer line for the Biergarten than for the ice cream, but I think you are generally correct.

  55. Mrs. Snob must have thighs of steel, that bike looks non-carbon and gravitimetrically challenged.
    Obviously one of those new descent-specific designs.

  56. Waiting in line for something unremarkable, makes said thing seem remarkable. "Wow look how many mofos are waiting for this thing." Hence they are waiting, not for the actual thing being offered, but basically just to be Part Of Something Important.

  57. Thanks!

    As for nekked, well... you never know.

  58. Due to its limited production and exclusivity, the Cronut pastry has spawned a black market with scalpers selling them for up to $100 each. The original pastry price is $5.

    Really? Thats stupid

  59. CC - do not mention the name of He Who Must Not Be Named!!!! I, for one, am enjoying the absence of his incoherent ramblings. The mere mention of his name will only encourage him to come back.


    1798 hafbse

  60. "Well, I didn't want to pull out… It’s a bit shit not finishing."

    Umm...Quote Of The Year? Surprised it didn't get mentioned by you Snobby.

  61. Snobby,

    I'm sure you're well aware your country is in terminal decline and the current shutdown will one day soon be permanent.

    All your bridges will be trashed for scrap metal, tunnels will be flooded and boats will be commandeered by the rich to escape to Canada.

    When that day comes, the only way to cross your waterways will be on that bicycle/pontoon thing.

    Laugh at Water Fred now if you must, but it'll be Water Fred who's laughing all the way to the other side of the river when the shoe is on the other foot.

  62. Snob, you're missing out on the opportunity to see the NYPD waiting on the shore to ticket pontoon guy for not using the bike lane and not wearing a helment. Maybe they'll even confiscate his pontoon-cycling bicycle for ilegally transporting it over the state line without a permit.


    more crud

  64. I DID NOT WANT TO PULL OUT is definately top 5 material but STILL A BIT TOO FLEXY FOR MASS CONSUMPTION gets honorable mention.

    As for vodka, I myself am a bit of an alcoholic so last fall I tried just a smidgen of the stuff late, late at night. I vividly remember the phrase "Initiating self-destruct sequence" passing through my mind as the warm clear liquid eased into my tummy and made everything temporarily more better. Glad it was short lived.

  65. Snob,

    According to demographics being compiled by the DOT and the DOH, Citibike users (Citiots, if you will) "tend to be white males with six-figure incomes".

    The bikes are clearly hiding from you. Dress for success like a full-on Morgan Stanley douchebag, and they will magically appear before you. Really.

  66. +3 on the Gatorskins Babs. You should move to Tennessee. We have really mild winters plus if you ride around enough one of these southern gents is bound to offer you some vitamin D.

    You may have something dripping off your chin but it won't be rain.

  67. I like em. I tested them as rigorously as I could, and it turns out they work right through hard, fast corners, even in the pouring rain!

    Tennessee has sunshine even in January, doesn't it?

  68. Are you referring to southern gents or gators skins?

    Oh yeah plenty of sunshine. I rode weakly all winter.

  69. CommieCanuck,

    You don't know what the fuck you are talking aboot.

    What is it with every guy that name themselves after Eddie Merckx having a hard on for me??

  70. Esteemed Commenter DaddoOneOctober 2, 2013 at 9:26 PM

    Pioneer and Ruphus?
    Isn't it Chaka Khan and Ruphus?

  71. Plywood is for hipsters, cardboard is the shit

  72. Babs, I run Continental tyres on my crabon Eddy Merckx, but not gatorskins because they are black. I spec a tyre in my bike's colorway, and Continental is happy to oblige.

    I like my bike tyres like I like my women, supple but with excellent grip.

    PS - will be making my first ever sojourn to Vancouver in a couple of weeks, but I would be scared to meet you in person. I will have to check and see if Shirley Gnome is playing anywhere whilst I am there.

    PPS - G-d save the Queen and all that...

  73. According to my dog, selling the Brooklyn Bridge to one buyer is hard.

    Selling time shares for the Brooklyn Bridge is easy because folks can stand in line for that.

    But he also claims that cronuts are bird neutering detritus.

    He lost me on that one.

  74. I run Gatorskins, 28c, black.

    Colored tires are for dickless lizards.

    Almost as bad as white bar tape.

  75. CJ is so sad. He tries to "fit in" for a second with tire offerings (nice try) but immediately reverts to double-spite comments 'cause he showed his tender lilly-white underbelly for a split-second.

    Maybe next time just stop at nice.

  76. Oh Lawb,

    I just received some faux newspaper in the mail called 'The Bugle' from Brooks.

    Alas, there's no column from Eric on his exploits with all the hipster pussy.

  77. However, there is a sidebar piece on page 2 penned by Snob recounting his visit to the factory and his narrow escape from Eric's chamfering knife.

    It even features a photo of the both of them and the by-line is 'Wildcat Rock Machine'.

  78. crosspalms, that sure is an impressive hole in the ground, I'd even go so far as to suggest Wang Dong's capacity could exceed the elusive one billion ostrich head mark. However, I'm over that whole spelunking bike fad of yesterday. My current ride is a high wire bike. It's a nice bike - laterally stiff and vertically terrifying. It has a generous goofy tiller, which isn't really an issue as cornering is pretty much out of the question. Nevertheless, you still have to pick a good line, failing to do so COULD LEAD TO SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. Well that's what it says on the sticker, but we all know that riding on ordinary old public thoroughfares is where the extreme daredevil danger is really at.

  79. recumbent conspiracy theorist, speaking of bikes other than gravel bikes, when you mentioned putting pontoons on the Big Dummy were you aware that it has already been done?

  80. Yarpo, you truly are an upstanding commenter and the Anonymous can suck two billion ostrich balls, but just this once Anony makes a very good point and you need to listen. Now, I'm not suggesting you should limit yourself to beer from cans, but if you want to get all fancy you can get rum and coke in cans too.

  81. cronuts my scranus

  82. CE -Yeah I remember those pics now of the water borne Xtracycle. From this very blog I think.

    If I was to limit myself to beer in cans it would be this stuff. Packs easy and no clinking during portage.

  83. Anonymous 6:06am,

    I think it's cute that he thinks anybody cares what tires he "runs."

    --Wildcat Rock Machines

  84. Yarpo @ 2:34 -

    +1 on not looking at speedowhatevers while riding about the urbanscape - leads to stupidity. If you ride enough you know about what speed you are going and don't really care. Arive alive.

  85. OMG! I sure needed to see some Fred milking a cow first thing in the morning!

    WIWM - don't be scared. I only bite on invitation. Everyone is taking the mickey with the whole water-way Fred thing, but don't laugh. It looks like you may well need pontoons to navigate the city streets here this year.

    Also, I'm good with the black gatorskins cause they match the cork on my handlebars, and I couldn't find any sparkly tires.

    111 ionsnoe

    Oh god. Please don't mention snow.

  86. Rural 1st! & 100!!

    So...snow...just slow down a little...find more be out in the snow and the light = winter fades. To stay inside looking at the snow and crying...winter clobbers one.

    300 prongi
    (better run?)

  87. Yes, winter riding is fun, just not on Gatorskins... That's when it's time to bring out the knobbies, right?

    Actually, the Electra has done alright on ice and snow the last few years, but Ti Baby? MMMM... maybe not.

  88. It looks like the secret service ladies model. Am I correct? I am curious what kid saddle you have on there. is it from Work cycles? Where the mounting holes on it when you bought it? I looked at a secret service and don't remember mounting spot. I do want the setup that you have.
