Of course, what I temporarily forgot was that my slow rate of speed, my tremendous bicycle, my empty Xtracycle Peapod, and my generally schmutzy appearance marked me as easy prey for the legions of New York City's commuter (or "Cat 6") racers. I was a container ship brimming with consumer goods and sitting low in the water, the bike lane was a strait, and the Cat 6 racers were Somali pirates. One by one, they attacked me: a fixie shot by me on my left; a road bike with no bar tape flew by on the right; some crude first attempt at turning an old crappy 10 speed into a randonneur bike sat on my wheel for awhile and then came around me for the intermediate sprint points. I was under heavy fire, and no matter how vigorously I wagged my white flag of surrender I was given no quarter.
Finally, a textbook Nü-Fred with brand-new tattoos and riding a brand-new fixie blasted by me in the painted buffer. As he approached the intersection, he cut right, at which point his bicycle slid out from under him and he tumbled unharmed to a halt in the crosswalk. "I have no idea what just happened," he remarked as I passed, even though what had just happened was completely obvious. Leaving him to assess the damage to his off-the-rack "My Little Pony" bike, I continued on my way.
Finally, a textbook Nü-Fred with brand-new tattoos and riding a brand-new fixie blasted by me in the painted buffer. As he approached the intersection, he cut right, at which point his bicycle slid out from under him and he tumbled unharmed to a halt in the crosswalk. "I have no idea what just happened," he remarked as I passed, even though what had just happened was completely obvious. Leaving him to assess the damage to his off-the-rack "My Little Pony" bike, I continued on my way.
I maintain that the DOT should not be calling cyclists "jerks," but at the same time it's difficult to deny that it could be years before the denizens of the latest non-coasting bike boom figure out how to operate their machines. And you really can't blame them for being confused. On one hand, the DOT is insulting them, and on the other their peers are telling them that fixed-gear riding is a Zen experience in which you're totally connected to the bike. No wonder the fallen Nü-Fred had no idea why he fell--as far as he knew, your fixed-gear bicycle is supposed to take care of everything for you.
It also doesn't help that these people seem to think that filming oneself is an essential part of the cycling experience. Regardless of how much ineptitude there is out there, I don't think you should ever need a license to ride a bicycle. However, I do think you should need a license in order to film yourself on a bicycle. As it is, bike shops must be keeping helmet cams right by the register next to the "hipster cysts," because no new bicycle owner seems to leave without one. Consider this embarrassing display, which features more salmoning than the Pitlochry fish ladder:
Here are the filmmaker and the star, two fearless douches about to conquer the streetz:
Here are the filmmaker and the star, two fearless douches about to conquer the streetz:

Also, at one point, Sunglasses plays "chicken" with a guy on a folding bike:
Finally, Sunglasses and the filmmaker unwind at a neighborhood wine bar.
I can't wait until the sequel when Sunglasses starts learning to skid.
Speaking of art and inspiration, you may have seen on, in, or around the news that this Andy Warhol self-portrait from 1986 just sold for $27.5 million:
I was immediately taken by its resemblance to the logo for the 1980s underground band The Amebix, which was a butt-flap mainstay that is still worn today by Sarah Lawrence students who spend their summer vacations sticking it to their parents in Greenwich by hanging around Tompkins Square Park asking people for change:
The Amebix's use of this image predates the Warhol self-portrait, and while I'm sure they in turn took it from someplace else, it's nevertheless ironic that the Warhol commands a fortune, whereas the Amebix butt-flap will probably net you barely enough to buy yourself a vegan turkey sandwich.

Speaking of art and inspiration, you may have seen on, in, or around the news that this Andy Warhol self-portrait from 1986 just sold for $27.5 million:

It's difficult to say whether the Warhol sale will enhance or diminish the Amebix logo's "street cred." Similarly, it's unclear as to whether the fact that Minnesota is now the number one hipster state in Canada's lint trap will serve to bolster or undermine its hipster status:

For this reason, the seller of this bike (forwarded to me by a reader) is poised to make a fortune, since any hipster decamping for Minnesota is going to need a "hipster sled," what with all that snow:

Forged by Druids near Stonehenge at the dawn of time in Nottingham, England -- this bicycle will give you unprecedented Street Cred.
It's a Hipster's Vintage Pimp Sled Dream come true.
Frame was stored in box for 5 years (1987-1992) before being built up. This is my baby, but it's time for an upgrade.
If that's a "Hipster's Vintage Pimp Sled Dream," then this bicycle (forwarded to me by another reader) is nothing short of a Tri-Dork With Severe Back Problems's Ultimate Fantasy:

Whereas this Softride-inspired city bike (forwarded by still another reader) is mostly just stupid:

What folks at Burning Man have said...
(some have been edited for family friendliness)
"The moistened wiping choice of discriminating burners...These wipes
rock! I gave up a hand full of soviet war medals for them, but they were
worth every ounce of Russian pain and patience. Not only are they the
next best thing to actually having a shower, but they clean off playa dust
AND sticky bodily emissions with equal ease. Now there is no excuse for
grody crusty burners: erase 4 hours of white-out build up or last mondays
makeup and bindi adhesive with ease! The wipes easily fit in your pink fur
turban, rubber horse mask or utili...skirt... thingy.In any case they smell
incredible and get the dust out of your cracks at the same time! Everyone
will know you are an epicurean burner with gourmet sensibilities when
you proudly pull out these fancy alternatives to Huggies and Pampers. I
really did love them and gave them away and turned people on to them
all over the playa. Actually I got the comment a few times that I just
looked too fresh and clean. They were great. Thanks so much for the
wonderful gift."
I may have to start handing them out to the pretend squatters in Tomkins Square Park.
troisieme aussi? Oh putain...
et ouais, podium les gars !!
La plus longue échappée de l´histoire de ce blog...
::breakdances:: !
Man....since returning, I'm really off my ride.
Who let the francophones in?
Run Salmon, Run Deep.
So many Anons, pourquoi?
Becauze since Lance A. iz in ze shit, we now like US cyclizm again.
Having read the post, I have to ask: Nottingham, England as opposed to which other Nottingham?
bien joué Anon.
At least the commuter on the Dahon forced the douche into oncoming traffic.
Pitlochry as the point of reference for salmon abundance? Really?
Looking California and feeling Minnesota
A Columbia River/Gorge/Portland tie in to Salmon would've been more appropriate?
Coincidentally, that exact spot where "sunglasses douche" executes his 'double salmon' is where I almost wound up underneath that 3 ton SUV the other day. I wasn't salmoning though. Maybe that's what I was doing wrong.
Cat 6 for life!
Seen the videos of Rob Miller from Amebix forging swords on you tube? I want to see to see a crust sword vs. fakerjack axe fight.
This ain't no hipster cyst.
Ironically, in one of the guy's other
videos he & his friends are nearly killed by a salmoning driver (around :45)
All you playas dust my crack.
J Scott, devour my Salmon.
A fixed-gear ride will display a person's lack of rhythm--'sunglasses douche' being a prime example.
Oh snobby,
Why are you so bitter about the bike salmon?
Go ahead, ride against traffic. The practice won't end well for most of the geniuses doing it.
I blame the urge to ride against traffic on TV. Salmoning is just like watching TV. Stuff is coming at you. Awesome!
Pas de Commentaire
All You Burners Go Fukk Yourselves (AYBGFY)
If it was possible to admire your writing any more the Scottish fish ladder reference would have caused me to do so. Many an hour I've spent at the ladder watching the salmon do what cyclists should shun.
"This ain't no hipster shit."
Uh-huh. We dinosaurs used to call it "Yuppie mid-life crisis shit."
Pitlochry salmon ladder!
I remember visiting it on our way north for summer holidays in the dim-and-distant.....
hey nonny mouse
dbls amon
So "Aaron", the shaved head one, has "The Dude Abides" on his front right fork. Maybe "The Douche Abides" on the right fork and "No Traffic Laws" on the LEFT fork. That would make sense. Also, the Jogger in the bike lane at least wasn't salmoning. As long as she responded OK to "on your left", I'd mind her a hell of a lot less than the salmon duo.
And the film maker, Des, what's up with his ride? Sounds like a cement mixer with boulders rolling around in it...
Vaughters @neilroad Much better than a very large Italian up your backside #thatswhatshesaid
Part of me would enjoy seeing one of these self-absorbed hipster cycling videos conclude sort of abruptly--like the guitar that Belushi smashed in Animal House...you know a kind of shocking existentialist finish.
These fools be swervin'
If the city really wants to enforce safe cycling, they should deputize regular commuters: I'd gladly volunteer to stop bike lane salmon by hitting them in the face with a u-lock. Repeatedly.
Breaking News! (via the elevator screen thingy)
The Ladycock has been recaptured!
@Bosch 1.10: the phrase is 'in dem guts', no?
That steampunk wife-oil-alike isn't what I could call as classically beautiful...not even in bamboo. Not even perched atop the Pitlochry fish ladder.
NB: "Nottingham" is all one word, and is not pronounced "Notting-Ham", so please think on.
This just popped into my inbox from TransAlt, promoting national bike to work day:
National Bike to Work Day is ideal for every rider... Please take a minute now to think of colleague, friend or lover who you can convince to come with.
Not sure, but I think I also remember seeing this in some ad copy for Hedonism.
Hey Salmon: go fillet yourself!
Bicycling.com has more popups than my usual porn site of choice.
Anon @1:48 - oh yes indeed, and don't lets get started on Gloucester and so forth.
Gott strafe England! Besonders Nottingham!
Berwick = one word, silent 'w'.
Edinburgh = one word, ends as in 'burah', not 'burg'.
@Otto, if you don't want to know the result, look away now:
England 2, Germany 0
@twistyface. Somehow our invasions never work out. Maybe we will try Stalingrad again!
Of the entire group of crusty stains, and it is a very large group, baby food stains are indeed the chicest. Even re-liquified.
Lerwick, however......
hey nonny mouse
Lookit what the Giro has to contend with:
Yes, it's easy:
Berwick - Silent W.
Lerwick - pronounced W.
Elwick - Pronounced W.
Ingleby Barwick - not even the locals can agree on that one.
Sadly, the Billy Idol soundtrack was not intentionally ironic.
So sweet when a snot-nosed kid, fresh from the exurbs, violates the laws of physics before yor eyes. There simply is no cool/hip recovery from a boneheaded wipeout.
I feel like those salmoning hipsters are not "real" New Yorkers, just a couple of D-bags new to town and desperate to show off their bravado and "style"...
Good post Snobby. I clicked on two linkways to keep the ad revs coming in. And ad for coal! I love it.
Mr. Clean's forx read The Dude Abides...
This ain't no foolin' around.
sweeet comment section redo!
Third podium in a single day? Holy smokes, that is a record unlikely to be duplicated in BYNYC history. Lob bless google's screw-up, allowing this momentous occasion to occur.
Podium from Changchun, CN.
And trust me, riding in China (not Beijing or Shanghai) makes NYC look easy.
Top ten and I managed to completely drop the peloton. Granted, I am a day late. You can blame that on the doping. Not the performance enhancing kind, the Wednesday kind...
They think it's all over - it is now!
Nearly top ten? Must be die to the blogger black-out. Nice post snobby.
Top dozen!
And you missed Sunglasses performing a skid at the :34 mark -- he's way ahead of you.
merde merde merde!
Where iz ze hate?
You call that a bicycle video? *THIS* is a bicycle video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUEcaAc6LC8
Sharapova's panties!
I don't like Andy Worhol
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