Friday, September 4, 2015

BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!

***Please note that Monday, September 7th is Labor Day, so we'll pick up again next week on Tuesday the 8th.  That's right, a lengthy high-ate-us and Labor Day.  I'm putting the "semi" in "semi-professional," suckers!***

Further to yesterday's post, my new WorkCycles Fr8 is now rolling, so make way for the Smugness Tank!

Until recently, I've been using a Surly Big Dummy for purposes of human child-schlepping and neighborhood errand-running:

I love the Big Dummy, and the sheer utility of the thing has been a revelation.  However, some time ago my wife took delivery of a WorkCycles, and since then I've been jealous of it:

In particular, I realized that at this point in my life I'm ready for a bike with an enclosed drivetrain and internal gearing that can live outside for a good portion of the year.  Currently the Big Dummy lives outside, but the exposed chain and derailleurs aren't terribly happy about it.  (Sure, I could mitigate this to a degree by changing some components, but I'm a semi-professional bike blogger, so I'm obliged to get a new bike instead.)  Furthermore, my broken mind and body liked the idea of sitting more upright when not engaged in sporty-type cycling, and I also didn't mind the idea of a shorter wheelbase for parking or the times when I do have to bring the thing inside.

Most importantly, my wife and I now have his-and-hers bikes, so when you see us you'll want to throw up.

Anyway, once the bike was together the first test involved portaging a rapidly growing human child through my hilly neighborhood.  On the way up I appreciated the 8-speed hub, and on the way down I was impressed with the "hydrolic rime breaks."  Then, later that evening, I headed to the grocery store:

Here's my tribute to Dennis Hopper.  I mean Edward Hopper:

Do you see what I did there?

There's nothing like a city street lying quiet under a curtain of darkness, though in this case the quiet was fleeting, for soon a train rattled by:

Which was followed by the usual Denizens of the Night:

As for the bike, it rode beautifully with its saddlebags filled with groceries and its rack laden with a box of kitty litter:

Fuckin' cat.

I'm sure someone will take issue with my fancy utility bike, but not only is it eminently useful, but it's also a total bargain when you consider what's happening to cyclocross.  Consider this Velo-whatever review of the $5,200 Specialized Crux Pro Race, to which I was alerted by one of my very few friends:

Yep, over $5,000 (that's artisanal handmade bike money for chrissakes!) is now an "attainable price tag."

Now, you may be tempted to forgive them for that.  After all, technically everything is "attainable," isn't it?  This is America!  Work hard, grab hold of those bootstraps, and you too can live in a McMansion with a brace of Hyundais (Hyundae?) in your two-car garage!  But no, because not only is this price "attainable," but it's also an "exceptional value" for "budget-conscious buyers:"

All this at an exceptional value puts the Crux in a league of its own. The Pro Race comes spec’d with mechanical Shimano Ultegra, which keeps the price down versus Dura-Ace or Ultegra Di2. For budget-conscious buyers who want race-proven performance, this is the way to go.

Oh come the fuck on.

$5,200 is an "exceptional value" so the "budget-conscious buyer" can race circles on the grassy hillside behind the mall?

Apparently so, because you get a "budget-conscious component selection," but what do you expect for OVER FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS?

Part of the Crux’s relative heft seems to come from budget-conscious component selections in the cockpit. We’d certainly go with lighter bars. But the tubeless-ready Roval Control Carbon wheels are a great addition at this price point.

Stop saying "price point."  It's the price.  JUST SAY PRICE!

But don't worry, just because it's heavy doesn't mean it's not laterally stiff and vertically compliant:

Surprisingly, the remarkably low deflection numbers in our lab tests — 3.33mm of total deflection — did not translate into harshness while in the saddle. The CG-R seatpost with Zertz vibration damping may have something to do with that. 

Yeah, maybe it's that stupid seatpost.  Or maybe it's because you ride a freaking cyclocross bike on grass with your tires at like 40psi.  "3.33mm of total deflection" my ass--and if you say your ass can feel "3.33mm of deflection" through a pair of squishy cyclocross tires then you're talking out of it.

Sadly though the Crux is not perfect, because again, what do you expect for over $5,000?

The Crux’s one glaring flaw, while not a fatal one, is sluggishness off the line. This is an exceptionally stiff bike, with a total deflection sum of less than 4mm, that should jump forward eagerly with those first few pedal strokes. Instead, it lags ever so slightly. We’ll chalk that up to the weight.

Oh please.  It's not a goddamn motorcycle.  Just "chalk that up" to that you're slow.

Anyway, between this and the Speedvagen review it's clear that someone at Velo-whatever has made the editorial decision to be the new "Bicycling."

And now, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right then wow, and if you're wrong you'll see way too much.

Thanks very much for reading, enjoy your holiday weekend if you have one, and I'll see you back here on Tuesday the 8th.  (Presumably not in white shoes.)


--Wildcat Rock Machine

1) Google cars are confused by:

--Kids today with their saggy pants, cellular telephones, and gender identity issues

("Pretty sure I can manage that myself.")

2) OTTO allows you to use your iPhone to:

--Align your frame
--Adjust your derailleur
--Determine your air pressure
--Put on your bib shorts

(No shit, putz.)

3) Bikes are cars.


(The music of REO Speedwagon is about as essential as pubic lice.)

4) Which of the following is not a feature of the Speedvagen Urban Racer?

--An "integrated chain guard"
--A lack of provisions for fenders or racks
--A $400 "distressed paint job"
--An included helme(n)t with integrated face shield for when messengers attempt to punch you in the face

(Oh, Portland...)

5) Mayor of Portland is to this bike as:

--Mayor of New York City is to Lender's bagels
--Mayor of Philadelphia is to Stouffer's Philly Style Steak & Cheese Toasted Sub
--Mayor of Toronto is to Unilever's "I Can't Believe It's Not Crack!" crack substitute
--All of the above

("While Wildcat Rock Machine died penniless and insane, still trying to shift a bicycle with a chipmunk.")

6) Rotor stole the idea for the hydraulic bicycle drivetrain from this very blog.


("Here comes the story of the Hurricane...")

7) Hurricane Fred is...

--Riding a BMC and wearing a full Sky kit
--So hairy he looks like he's wearing angora leg warmers

***Special "Most European Thing I Have Ever Seen"-Themed Bonus Video!***

She'd confuse the fuck out of a Google car...


  1. i too have to buy cat products because i was somewhat forced into adoptive fatherhood of a few beasts, and it embarrasses me to no end to be buying like the 30 pound bag of catfood.

    "wow, how many cats do you have?" its just not something i like to be asked at a crowded grocery story.

    if anyone would like me to fexex them a cat, just let me know. i'll toss in a baby racoon too if you need one.

  2. I'll miss the smugness flotilla, Snob. But that Worksman does look pretty good when ridden in a Speedo I see.

  3. She can fuck in a Google car.

  4. a google car with a 2 way mirror type windows that would allow you to bang one out..our a couple or 3 out..however many outs you need, while still getting you from one point to the next...that actually sounds like a future i could deal with.

  5. "Price point." Yep. And don't forget "use case" and "form factor." Almost a trio of redundant spondees. If they think that two-word shit is fooling me, they've got another thing-unit coming.

  6. An affordable price point at 5K+. WAAAAAGGGHHHAAAAHAAAAAHAAA . Sinyard you turd.

    And the bicycle girl. I didn't even know that could be done, and apparently there are more, cause it's a sport? Competition?

  7. Can you do a post about bum bars? My wife doesn't believe me that this is a thing. It would only confuse her further if I show her the artistic cyclist's bum bars.

  8. Ok, so I'm a closeted ignoramus. It's bicycle gymnastics. Amazing.

  9. I wonder if a Zertz insert would help dampen the vibration from the ass-raping that Specialized is giving people with that price-point?

    Also, these pompous bike reviews are rounding the bend into comic territory. What a bunch of self-important twits. It's a bike you buffoons. If you want to go faster, pedal faster. There's probably so few riders that could legitimately tell any difference with most of this crap, that it rounds down to 0.


  10. ""wow, how many cats do you have?" its just not something i like to be asked at a crowded grocery story."

    Apparently when Mr. Snob is buying the 55 gallon drum(s) of Kraft mac & cheese from Stew Leonard's, he always gets asked "Wow, how many kids to you have?"

    "Too many" is the only possible replay.

  11. The workcycle is cool. Good acquisition.

    The funniest thing to me about that $5000 bike is that when I'm telling someone why recumbents cost so much; lesser demand so fewer units produced per production run, Custom built fixtures for welding odd shaped frames, small operations without component bulk buying power of the big makers, etc etc, None of that applies to that ridiculous fred sled and it's still 2 grand more than a top of the line recumbent. Idiots.

    Aced the quiz.

    Nicole on the fixie is a little slice of heaven. Thanks for that.

  12. Congrats on your podium sweep, master bateman. One thing, though. Um... baby racoons? You have a few baby racoons to ship out?? Please tell me how that happened, cause mama racoons are kindov protective. However you did it, my little guy better not hear about it. Only thing that would make him happier than a racoon to play with is if you shipped out a baby skunk. And not the BC Bud kind of skunk, either. He wants one of those black and white stinky things...

    Krazy kid.

    Nice bike, snobberdoodums.

  13. maybe when they ask me about why i'm buying the these big bags of cat food i should say: i use it to fatten up the people i've kidnapped.

    i feel like they would possibly look at me less weird. think i'd rather people believe me to be a dangerous homicidal maniac than a guy with a bunch of cats.

  14. And what about that Cannondale recall. I never liked that stem design anyway.

  15. dont worry Babs- i do not literally have baby racoons. i just have a mom/dad that just had babies and they hang around the yard quite a bit. kind of a jungle behind me. yeah,i wouldnt go near the babies. they are awfully cute but they are also awfully annoying. not much you can really do about them. racoons will be driving city buses soon. they are adapting very well and just smart as can be.

  16. The child portager looks much more "flickable" than the Big Dummy. The Big Dummy is probably more stable at high speeds and in rock gardens.

  17. WCRM,
    I think we agree on the overall douchiness and uptight Fred Factor which currently besmirches the stupid winter sport we both loved, the cyclocrossing. I used to not come in last!! Ok, I did DFL once, but I had lots of beer handups and a hotdog on the last lap. Anyways, I didn't take it seriously, but looking back it kept me fit and relatively lithe (and in crushing debt due to the general nature of amateur sports). After three seasons on an old British light touring bike, I splurged on a cyclocrossing bike, it was only 6 yrs old! It had cantilevers, and sufficient tire clearance. Gone were the days when I used to pull over and use sticks to unjam the rear wheel due to gobs of grass and mud. This upgrade led me down the path to a spare wheel set in the "pit" area, a nasty lumpy old set of touring wheels, and I even kept a multi tool there to fix twisted handlebars and seats (crashes aplenty in the Killer B's). Anyways, I sucked and had a great time. But I got yelled at more and more for my attitude out on the course. These lessons were issued by predictably nasty-looking shaved leg types as I tried to ride the runups until I fell, over laughing. My friends throwing things at my head.

    What happened???

  18. Don't I know it!! Racoons ate the Koi fish which were living in my meditation pond out back, bloody opportunists the lot of em. I don't have a forest in the back garden, either, not like you and dop do, anyway. They're nosy neighbours, coons.

  19. My days have been so much brighter now that Reo Speedvagen has incurred your wrath.

  20. Heyyyyy! You know there are probably thousands upon thousands of women who would find you irresistably attractive if they knew about yer cats, masterbateman. You're a dream for all of those lonely, horny cat ladies out there. Just imagine all of the pussy!!

  21. gross. my sister is one of those nerdy cat gals. i think i'll just stick to trashy florida party gals.


  22. boy snobbie is out of touch. insulated by living in that artificial world over there.

    2 car mcmansions went bye-bye long ago. 3 or 3 1/2 are the norm these days. at least once you get 40 miles outside of earth3.


    “Riding a bike around campus sucks,” she told “Like really sucks.”

  24. if I had a nickel for every headline, Florida Man..... Florida Woman....., hot, but the braces are a turn off.

  25. I just can't get over the fact that you are a cat man. It's just way beyond unlikely. How did it happen? Did your sister force you? Did she threaten to tell dad on you or something?? And how many is a few, exactly??

  26. A Florida cat man. And you like bikes. Suddenly you're beginning to look like the ultimate American anti-hero!!

    This could be huge. Do you have a cape?

  27. my mother was hording them and when i had to move her out i became in charge. i found a couple a home, one died, and now i'm down to one indoor and two that just hang around outside.

    one would be fine, but 3 is too many for a guy. especially since i'm reasonably allergic

  28. @bateman

    i use fresh step. the local groceries only have 30lb bags but costco has 40lb bags and it's cheaper than the 30. and don't ask me how i know. but if you were up here instead of down there you could use the "i keep it in the trunk to use when my wheels are stuck in the snow".

  29. Ah. Yes, well the allergy certainly doesn't help any. At least you won't have any issues with rodents or anything, unlike dop, who could most certainly do with a cat or two. Maybe he'll take you up on yer offer to Fedex a feline...

  30. I think its time for you to specialize. It is obvious that it has become necessary to subdivide the subspecies Homo Sapien Fredus into sub sub species of Fredus Roadus, Fredus, Crossus and Fredus Gravelus. The marketing dorks are not satisfied with selling us bicycles anymore. They now recommend that we own a "quiver" of ultra-specialized "tools". Just yesterday I read that a cross bike really cant be enjoyed on gravel and a proper steed must have its head tube angle slackened by 1 degree and its bottom bracket dropped by 5 mm. Apparently unless you drop your center of gravity by 1/2 of 1 %, you will never know the real pleasures of gravel "grinding"!

  31. We have 2 cats. Until last Saturday, we had 3. I was getting ready to drive my daughter back to college, and one of the guys was MIA. We have coyotes & raccoons (no coi pond, but they decimated my chicken coop), and I was foolish enough to suggest a predator may have caught him. Gloom and daily texts from both daughters as to whereabouts of cat.

  32. @Anon

    Like the back of a barbie jeep?

  33. dop

    when the mother of the 22 year old fuck-o cat that won't die in this shack disappeared i just told the kids the cat found a family she liked better and we should all be happy for her. i was certainly happier.

  34. I just watched the ENTIRE circus performer's video and that was by far the best cycling video I've seen in a long time - much better than the lame "crashes" with motorcycles in the professional pelaton.

  35. I cannot wait to see what kind of Brooks ass-perch Snobs places on the new bike! Perhaps a Flyer?


  36. Florida Woman Tests Integrity of Cops

  37. N/A,

    I will probably leave the current one on there so I don't have to worry about it getting wet when it sits outside. (I need to cover the Brooks.)

    Then again maybe it will get the Brooks from the Dummy.

    --Wildcat Et.

  38. Snob - can you pull some "strings" and get brooks to send you a white leather saddle? i'll pay you "handsomely"

  39. Cat litter and kids...

    pretty soon it will be discussions of 3 wheeler bikes vs low step over frames.
    It just all goes by too fast.


  40. looking forward to the Snob's children's review of one of these:

  41. I like my Starbucks like I like my women: In a paper to-go cup.

    Wait, that's just not right...

  42. Clitty litter takes care of box odors.

  43. I like my women like home-brewed coffee: cheap, always available, no waiting.

  44. I'm not sure, but I think that performer's fork and yoga pants were both on backwards.

  45. Once I get home later, I'll post a couple of spoof album covers I curated back when the Danzig thing "dropped" or "blew up" or "vaped" or whatever it did.

  46. "We’d certainly go with lighter bars." Considering that the most expensive carbon bars($270) and the cheapest Nashbar bars($22) differ by 0.1 lbs I'm not sure that would make a whole lot of difference.

  47. ride safe over the long weekend everyone.

    i'm wearing a hell-mat to the lake this weekend because this single friend of friend is coming up; i think she likes dave mathews so i assume she'll ask me to crash into her.

    is that how semi colons work? they confuse me.

  48. vsk said . . .

    Can someone help me with my new phone? It doesn't have any buttons on it. I will be one of those people walking into a lobdamm wall because I am trying to figure it out.
    All these people staring at their phones are really just trying to figure them out. I thought they were all self absorbed!

    I'm gonna Strava too ! To examine my suckiness with a fine toothed microscope!
    Looks like rain outside, but that's fine, I need a break from the damn glare and big number of degreezes out. Still thinking about a FondMaybe around Jamaica Bay. Although getting up before Snob podium time is difficult!

    I like the new WorksBike. The red-orange rack adds an extra element of WORK. Feels stronger at any Rockwell B Scale rating.
    I have a Brooks Flyer and it's comfy!

    Have fun!!


  49. Hey, stop calling me suckers or I'm outta here. Also, stop dissing Dennis Hop…I mean Edward Hopper!

  50. Ita vero, "Hyundae."

    -Matt in AK

  51. The call me Mr Clitoris, because no one has ever seen me.

  52. Dear Mr. BSNYC -

    My dog says he'll let you test the prototype of the broken-in saddle he's trying to fund on Kickstarter.

    He calls it "The Metaphor."

    Fat Cyclist turned him down.

  53. Aced the quiz, but then watched the missed question video on purpose and immediately regretted it.


  54. i didn't take the quiz today because mr cuomo said i didn't have to. he sez hes putting together a commit tee to come up with a common apple core solution that he can take credit in the unlikely event it's declared a success but he can blame for the likely failure.

  55. Bike polo has upgraded considerably, but not nearly to the degree that cyclocross has, and while cyclocross is no longer any fun at all, bike polo is still a little bit amusing, but attendance is way down. For $5,000 you could probably just buy a few players.....

  56. Somebody stole the cover off of my Brooks saddle this week. I was in a meeting inside a building along Broadway St while Bea bike sat outside in the rain, and some schmuck took it.


  57. get a cambium. then you won't need a cover.

    oh, and actually i did take the quiz. but andy did say i didn't have to report my grades.

  58. we went from our name and grades being posted on the professors door to it being nunyafuckobidness in just a couple of years.

    And that was some nasty looking fish on the recaptcha

  59. You call THAT European? Well, maybe a little, but if you REALLY want hardcore Euro Artistic Cycling porn, check this out:

    Your Welcome!

    The 8 minutes are up, you can blink again.

  60. That speedvagen thing can't be anything but a joke on BSNYC and the commentariat. It is so stupid it can't be real. In a week or so they are bound to come out and admit that they created the bike and webpage just to get a rise out of bike bloggers and probably BSNYC in particular.

  61. Saudi King Combats Climate Change Using Jet Airplane, Hundreds of Cars

  62. May I make a tweak? Uses 4 jet airplanes, rents entire 4 Season hotel in DC.

  63. Wildcat,
    Ok, I get the seat for the kid in front. But what's the dirty dishrag thing in the back for? Do you just wrap your 2nd kid up like a fish in newspaper and bungee him or her to the rack?

  64. Man-o-man, I wish I had a job like yours.....
    Wait!...........I do......I retired last year. (when I say retired, I don't mean that I buy $80 tires for those "easy" rides with friends) I have a job better than yours.
    I get up at 8:00 (or 9:00, or whatever), ride my bike, sit around on my ass, and collect loads of government money.
    What could be better?....(not counting being the supreme ruler of the known universe)

    1. Sitting beside a mountain stream

  65. Was the comment "While Wildcat Rock Machine died penniless and insane, still trying to shift a bicycle with a chipmunk." reference to the SNL skit about George Washington Carver? I LOL'd, literally. Brilliant!


  66. same here grump. lately i've been trying to get a little earlier to beat the heat for my daily ride.

    'cept you're still in training if you're getting up at 8:00. 9:00 is ok. don't have no stinkin govmint pension (although spousy does). i have to rely on an old ma bell pension. agreed. life is great. after a little over 5 yrs on the dole, i still find myself busy enough that i have no idea how i found time for a job.

    btw when ru wanted an alumni update, i sent in EKU for a title. actually got a call from someone and they tried to wheedle what EKU meant out of me. forget what bullshit i gave them but did avoid telling them it stood for Emperor of Known Universe. pretty sure EKU is there but i'm too cheap to buy an alumni directory to check it.

  67. If 5K is priepoint, what'2K, Department Store Huffy? FUCK - OH!

  68. Since when did 18.3 lbs become heavy?

    I suppose weight is a simple way to quantify and compare bikes for idiots who know nothing else. I mean weight weenie-ism has been around around forever, but choosing a bike by it's weight is like choosing a wife by her bra size.

  69. Now wait. If choosing a bike by weight is the same as a wife by bra size, then . . .

    I guess we need to start choosing bikes by weight. Who would have thought.

  70. Guy Who Works With Other Guys At Work or GHWWOGAWSeptember 4, 2015 at 6:21 PM

    This guy I work with at work, was walking over the Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver when he was passed by a guy on a p'far. It was on the downward part of the bridge, heading South to North, a fairly steep slope with expansion joints. Anyway, things were starting to look wobbly when the larger wheel ( Is that the penny or the farthing?) taco'd, and the rider fell heavily to the ground. The guy I work with at work was terrified that because of great hight of the saddle the rider would be hurled over the edge of the bridge and then plunge to his death, but it was not to be. There should be a moral to this story but I can't think of one.

  71. About that bonus video, does anyone happen to have her number? I'd like to ask her out.

  72. Penny for your thoughts?

  73. 1. For $5200 it better be coated in teflon to shed the mud. Then that "heavy" bike would be the lightest one there.

    2. Kyle McLaughlan isn't mayor anymore?

    3. Euro-chick's got some mad skillz.


  74. Farthing for your thoughts?

  75. Welcome to the club; Clarjiis panniers too. Way too cool.

  76. The amount of deflection in that young lass's backside is much less than 3.3mm. Impressive.

  77. Sounds like 'A Bridge Too Farthing'.

  78. That was Uma on the gymnast tickle cycle was it not. Talented indeed.

  79. euro bike gymnast chick can ride a no-handed wheelie backwards. she should pinch peter sagan.

  80. today,i was extending my trip from home to the wonderful waterfront of newburgh and was going to cornwall instead.near said waterfront,some buffoon in a car's passenger seat yelled to me something about that I should be right on the curb.i wanted call out,excuse me fuck-o,as he sped up,but there were already too many fuck-os behind him and they'd all turn my way.have a safe weekend's a big fuck-o world out there.



  83. How does one become a bicycle gymnist with a table full of judges in the local school gym? And is the nice ass the result or the cause

  84. Is Labor Day about working or pushing out puppies

  85. Applause, bows, curtsies, curtain call, flick your bic, encore, long speech


  86. well,

    congrats i suppose

    but sprint for the century before honest folks are even up seems like maybe perhaps it ought to be a DQ. at the very least get inna da pee tent.

  87. This is the same Vero Whatever that hired that Parody UCI Overlord Twitter dick who stole that money from that Irish Reporter Dude who pissed on that Yellow Cancer Jesus bro. So yeah, you'd think it would get better once they ditch Neil Rogers but apparently he was deposed by Ad Revenue Fellating Yoda.

    At least I can get some decent bike industry information here... Assuming you bother to fucking write the thing.

  88. As I was out ridin' one morning for pleasure...

    I came across a bottle of Lavender Coconut Rejuvenation Immortality Save the World brand bodywash sitting on a park bench. Was this a hint from on high (or from my wife) that I should shower more often? I opened it, and it smelled nice. On the label I learned that this company spends serious coin on saving the world, and among their projects they listed "empowering students in Togo with bicycles" to the tune of thousands of bikes.

    Ordinarily I would ridicule the word "empowering" as usual, but the phrase "empowering with bicycles" struck me as a good one. When I got my first bike on my seventh birthday I really did feel empowered, unforgettably so, and whenever I get on my bike now I feel empowered. So kudos to the Lavender Coconut Immortals! Expect great things from the younger generation in Togo who can now make it to school. Am I going to buy the bodywash in future? Well, if the wife buys it I'll use it.

  89. Suggested banner for the top of BS's Homepage; "This Blog has Posted Four Days Without a Hi-Ate-Us", like the signs that used to be outside of factories "This plant has worked X days without an accident".

  90. Tm Gunn - Not the Real OneSeptember 5, 2015 at 11:55 AM

    NY Times - cycling-caps-return-as-a-fashion-statement

  91. Snivelling Little Rat Faced GitSeptember 5, 2015 at 10:42 PM

    Oh Snobby, you'll love the wife, Dreasry Fat and Boring Git loves to take my son Dirty Lying Little two Faced Git alng, while I ride with our daughter Nasty Spotty Awful Vicious Little Git gets a ride from me. It's lovely family time!

  92. 108 comments and not one containing "oral sex"; or for that matter, even the word "sex". Must be some kind of record.


  93. sax




  94. I wish I was the kind of "budget minded consumer" with the financial wherewithal that $5000 was an "attainable price tag" and an "exceptional value" (even if the bike is heavy and spec'd with mid-level but nevertheless serviceable components that are usually spec'd on bikes about 1/5 the cost). That's plastic crabon frame must be REALLY nice.

  95. Jesus, Tm Gunn. Do you think that the NYT reached all the way back to about 2005 that?



  98. Penny Wise Pound FoolishSeptember 6, 2015 at 7:05 PM

    Hey DEATH, is that a new or old penny?

  99. Sterling commentary re the British monetary system chaps!


  101. Jesus it's cold in here. Great news. The city opened the ramp connecting Dyckman Street to the Hudson Greenway bike path. No more portaging up the stairs, just ride up 3 switchbacks.

  102. Got your two bits in, didn't you DEATH. (Just to coin a phrase)

  103. Are you getting enough scranus in your diet?

  104. That WorkCycles Fr8 is sort of freakish and ugly, although I guess that forcing one's 'fruit of the loins' to ride on that afore-driver pillion would prepare the said child to deal with ridicule.

  105. dop - is bike lane in Henry Hudson Bridge open?

  106. mikeweb @ 6:23pm -- met EB at Brooklyn Flea couple of weeks ago and asked her to pass on my regards. She didn't say anything like "that SOB, he's gone and I hope he stays gone" so I assume you don't really need strangers' phone numbers off the interwebs.

  107. And now for something completely different: An Osprey, taking a leak

    I don't know about the Henry Hudson Bridge bike lane. Never been up there.

  108. Leroy. It looks like folks in Riverdale don't like bicycles. Maybe a prominent neighbor, of the semi-professional bike blogger persuasion could go to a community meeting & persuade them.

  109. dop,

    I have my own reservations about the "interim trail" idea, but the "property values could shrivel by as much as 25%" comment is just plain idiotic. Because, you know, property values sure shriveled along the rest of the greenway, didn't they?

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  110. dop- so the argument seems to be we shouldn't build the greenway because people outside the neighborhood might use it. Interesting.

  111. A local rider holds the new American record for the Paris-Breast-Paris Fred Run. It's something of import to note.

  112. I just want to know where the other 15 or 16 children ride....

  113. Peanut gallery platinum memberSeptember 11, 2015 at 6:59 AM

    Salutations Mr Wildcat

    Longtime lurker making comment for time #1!

    For a preeminent blog maker such as yourself, it's hard to believe your companion animal still shits into a box of sand.

    Ok sure, that may well be how most indoor kitty cats go 1&2, at least for more mediocre examples, but definitely not for teh specimen caliber expected from bastions of edified snobbery as yours.

    With all due 'spect, unless fecal parasites are the latest in enhanced performance science making, may I politely request that you take pause to first go home & get your shine-box?

    Don't be jelly


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    American Academy of Dokter anak menyiratkan bahwa tidur lembut seperti selimut longgar dan lembut dan selimut dapat membahayakan kesehatan bayi. Bayi lebih rendah dari 1 tahun dapat tercekik di bawah tempat tidur yang longgar yang pasti lemak untuk manuver jauh dari wajah mereka melalui tidur. Ini adalah pilihan yang lebih aman dan jual perlengkapan bantal ibu hamil termurah lebih bijaksana tidak menggunakan longgar selimut, bantal, bumper atau mainan di dalam tempat tidur. Bayi berharga dan harus diberikan hati-hati. Memberikan mereka lingkungan tidur yang aman dan sehat sangat penting karena pertumbuhan dan kesejahteraan.

    Bila Anda menerima hadiah foto pribadi, itu menunjukkan bahwa Anda benar-benar memiliki dianggap serius siapapun dan Anda peduli, dan keinginan ponsel ini memiliki sesuatu yang istimewa dan dalam diri Anda selama bertahun-tahun. Membuat hadiah foto unik mudah diselesaikan oleh situs web hari ini. Ini hanya membutuhkan mengunggah foto digital dan menciptakan pesan Anda memutuskan apa yang Anda butuhkan untuk mendapatkan foto yang ditambahkan ke.

    Selimut bayi dapat dibeli di banyak jual bantal ibu hamil menyusui murah kain dan fashoins. Anda dapat memilih selimut kasmir bayi untuk itu kemewahan atau mungkin selimut sintetis sederhana. Banyak ibu-ibu muda lebih memilih katun 100% untuk itu kemurnian dengan serat. Ibu-ibu lain membutuhkan serat organik agar mereka dijamin selimut tanpa pewarna dan pestisida berbahaya.

    Jadi jika Anda menyelidik untuk setiap hadir untuk bayi berikutnya, atau ingin memberikan adik Anda kenang-kenangan pada bayinya, berpikir tentang bayi selimut disesuaikan, mengenai "30-32" ", dibuat jauh dari ringan atau berat medium , kain hypoallergenic. Jika Anda ingin mencari selimut pada bayi yang lebih tua atau anak-anak muda, memikirkan belanja untuk mendapatkan yang lebih besar, ukuran tempat tidur selimut. Jika Anda atau seseorang yang Anda mengenali sering seorang ibu baru untuk waktu utama, sebuah paket kapas menerima selimut sering alternatif yang baik. Dapatkan secara online selimut bayi dengan harga terendah dalam satu lokasi dengan koleksi keren dan nuansa lucu.

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