(Erik K)
Subsequent to the "dropping" of the controversial Alberto Contador "meatgate" verdict on Monday, reactions from the sporting world have been many and varied. Some pundits say Contador's punishment is draconian, others say that disqualification is too good for him, and still others (at least in America) say, "Alberto who? You mean people get paid to ride bikes?" But one man in particular isn't taking this verdict (metaphorically) lying down. Instead, he's (metaphorically) standing tall by (literally) lying down and not eating anything--for justice!

“He brought me out of the depression I was suffering with, I could only get over it when I used to watch him racing in the afternoons on the TV. I was very ill, but in my house they knew that each afternoon they had to put me in front of the television and let me watch Contador, and that that helped me to move forwards,” he said.
Now, I understand how distressing this must be for the professor, but I'd hate to see any harm come to him and so I'd ask that he at least consider the potential healing power of 2011 Tour de France champion Cadel Evans:
The consummate patron of the peloton, Evans is already en route to the professor's house in Spain, where he will solemnly promise to win the queen stage for him while wearing an Alberto Contador mask.
Speaking of being robbed (which the professor maintains Conatador was), yesterday I mentioned bike theft, which prompted one reader to leave the following comment:
Anonymous said...
Isn't putting some of the blame of the victim of a bike theft for poor lock quality or too expensive a bike kind of like blaming a rape victim for dressing too sexily? Seriously, bike thieves are scum and they have no excuse for stealing others property regardless of how enticing it might be. You seem to be saying that we all have to ride shit bikes to work and carry 7 different locks or it's our own fault is someone takes our bike. someone's been hitting the wednesday weed a little early.
February 7, 2012 2:11 PM
I think there's only one instance in which it would be appropriate to compare bike theft with the utterly despicable crime of rape, and that's if someone were to actually rape you while taking your bike. Otherwise, equating the two crimes is borderline cringeworthy. If anything, saying people in the city should take due care when locking their bikes is more like saying people in the country should make sure to secure their garbage can lids in order to discourage raccoons, since in both cases you're dealing with crafty animals motivated only by basic survival instincts. And yes, I do think Americans need to come to terms with the fact that we should be riding shitty bikes to work, for the same reason most of us realize we shouldn't paint the house while wearing our best suit. (This is my best suit.) Most importantly, anything designed to be portable--whether it's a bicycle, a laptop, or a "smart phone"--is going to be easily stolen, and failing to take the proper steps to protect it is to grossly misunderstand the workings of both physics and human nature.
Given all this, probably the most theft-resistant bicycle would be a really crappy recumbent.
This is certainly not to defend the actions of bike thieves, nor to excuse the theft of even a completely unsecured bicycle. However, the difference between your bicycle being there and being gone when you emerge from your manicure or your boil-lancing appointment is often maddeningly thin. For example, consider this bicycle, spotted in Portland by a reader:

Meanwhile, the above bicycle is positively theft-proof compared to this Langster:

Sure, in an ideal society we would not be plagued by bike theft, but obviously any society that produces atrocities like serial murderers or the TV show "Glee" is anything but ideal. Given this, the onus to protect our bikes lies mainly with us--even though the law is technically on our side. The same thing goes for car doors--technically and legally it's the drivers and passengers who should be paying attention, but in practice avoiding them is up to us. And moronic ideas like this one (forwarded by another reader) are certainly not helping:

Here's the inspiring story of how the world's biggest idiot came up with the world's dumbest idea because he was too stupid to simply turn his own watermelon-shaped head:
It has likely happened to all of us: we're casually opening the door of a car when another car or bike comes whizzing past, nearly hitting the door because they didn't see it opening. Instructables user milesfromnelhu recognized the problem and decided to fix it by spray painting a warning strip on the inside of the door.
By this point in the article I've already formed a pretty clear picture of Instructables user milesfromnelhu, and that is of a slow-witted lummox who goes around spraypainting anything that confuses him. I'm reasonably sure he's also fallen into his own toilet at least a few times because he's forgotten to put the seat down, and that he's since spraypainted the rim of the bowl in a sad attempt to obviate the problem. And equally if not more stupid is the author of the article itself, who also offers this by way of explanation:
As the above picture shows, milesfromnelhu suggests painting the inside of the door that oncoming traffic is going to see first so they're warned of the door opening. It's true you should be looking in your side mirror before popping open the door, but it doesn't always happen.
As the above picture shows, milesfromnelhu suggests painting the inside of the door that oncoming traffic is going to see first so they're warned of the door opening. It's true you should be looking in your side mirror before popping open the door, but it doesn't always happen.
Amazingly, there are people who are actually so dumb that the simple act of checking a mirror isn't even voluntary--rather, it's just something that either happens or doesn't happen depending on whatever impulses happen to be passing through their primitive nervous systems at the moment. For these human jellyfish, existence is merely a series of involuntary reflexes--a lifelong procession of jerks and spasms. Most horrifically, pretty much all of these people also have drivers' licenses, and they operate their vehicles in an infrastructure that has been purpose-built to protect them from any legal ramifications. Consequently, we're forced to do all their thinking for them, and to do the work of actually avoiding them while they're pointlessly spraypainting the doors of their crappy cars.
Of course, you could always install a custom cockpit that will serve as sort of a frontal "crumple zone," such as this one which was forwarded by yet another reader:

Or, maybe the bike salmon aren't so foolish after all, since their angle of approach at least means the car door will probably close on impact, hopefully trapping the driver's limbs in the process. This could be why the New York Times has literally used a bike salmon as the very picture of personal health (as forwarded by still yet another reader):
Just spraypaint yourself orange and salmon away.
(The aerobars buckle and rotate upward on impact)
Or, maybe the bike salmon aren't so foolish after all, since their angle of approach at least means the car door will probably close on impact, hopefully trapping the driver's limbs in the process. This could be why the New York Times has literally used a bike salmon as the very picture of personal health (as forwarded by still yet another reader):

yip, yip. Nothing like it
...i woulda, shoulda, coulda been a contenda...
Top ten; clenbuterol is working!
top 10er...check out this comic..even the funnies don't like Freds
Ciao Pinarello
...sorry about that elbow, blog drafter...
...what is it they say - "turn about is fair play..." ???...
view thumbnail gallery
view thumbnail gallery
view thumbnail gallery
Link is broken.
Isn't the crumple zone on a bike usually called a "face" ?
"...failing to take the proper steps to protect it is to grossly misunderstand the workings of both physics and human nature.
Gold Snobby, GOLD!
it was the tailwind...
Oh crap! Read and said 1 comment at the end.....I coulda been a contenda' !! Oh crap! "bikesgonewild" iz reading my mind today!! Wharz me wednesday.....top XX!!
I've been on a hunger strike for, like, two hours already. I think my resolve is starting to fade.
I like the retro throwback post today. The pics of cockpits, sorrily locked bikes, all make me happy. Just sprinkle in a little crotchal splendor and I'll send Vito some peanuts
I asked the wife if I could paint her gold while calling me 007 an making me martinis.
Surprisingly, the couch is more comfortable than it looks.
Itchy scranuses everywhere. Top 20?
Are there really 2 balls in the comments now?
I coulda been top ten if I hadn't read first!
I don't know why, but the raccoons had me thrashing around in my cube trying to hold in raucous laughter.
Also, I am completely unsurprised by the NYT salmon.
"For these human jellyfish, existence is merely a series of involuntary reflexes--a lifelong procession of jerks and spasms."
Well said sir.
All Balled Up.
It is well known that the people of Nelhu, such as Miles, are a simple-minded folk, and making fun of them is like shooting fish in a barrel.
I com, Ent!
i'd never even heard of 'ethologist's before today, and now i learn that they are on couches all over spain. that's why i read this blog, to broaden my horizons.
Back in the day, bike thieves did hard time
Alberto. Contact me immediately. My clitoris just clenbuterol positive.
Geez, the steam is still coming off this post. I thought this was from yesterday. If anyone is reading this, rigor mortis has set in.
Wanda. Did I 'Eat At The Y' on my rest day?
Speaking of "Glee" (which I enjoy), last night's episode featured a subplot (if plot's the word) in which virginal guidance counselor Emma creates a series of brochures to help the students deal with problems. "Taint Misbehavin" is the brochure about itchy scranuses (thanks, Buy-Cycle), and a brief locker-room shot shows Finn saying "lift and scrub -- who knew it was so easy!"
Recumbabe, babe, babe!
So I am a hick from the sticks but I have a real live question. It's slightly off topic but not really because it involves T&A as well as riding things. Why is it that I can get on Casual Encounters on the Craigs Listings on most any city IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, even the dirty one's where they do it with animals and I can only find roughly .00002% of the free porn I can get on the NEW YORK CITY CL encounters? Even the 3rd world countries are classier. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy it(You may find this distasteful but I can attest that it does indeed taste great) but are the ladies that hard up and strapped for cash(also strapped with other items) in your New City of York?
As a bike commuter who locks his non-shitty and reasonably expensive bike outside every day from 9-6 in Manhattan, I feel compelled to reply to the bike locking question. Yes, it is your fault if your bike gets stolen in New York City, mainly because there are ways to secure your bike that prevent it from being stolen. It doesn't take seven locks either; it takes two. The method is as follows: secure seat to frame with old bike chain (any bike shop will do this for you). Using the big krypto chain, lock frame and rear wheel to a bike rack or stationary metal object. Using krypto u-lock, lock front wheel to frame. If you're worried about your headset getting jacked, press a bb into the hex nut (but this is overkill, really.) Since using this double-krypto method, I have locked my bike in the same general location in Manhattan five times a week since 2006. I have even left it overnight on several occasions when I was too drunk to ride, returning the following morning(s) to find it unmolested.
..."...virginal guidance counselor..."...
...now there's a job where these days you're bound to have a lotta free time on your hands...
what's with all the talk of bike theft lately: http://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/biking/Who-Pinched-My-Ride.html?page=all
& For a FOG that BGW can flail an elbow...I'm picked up and off to the ER...
May i suggest you employ an apologue to convey to your readers the relevant issues of bike theft and their relationship to urban bicycling liftstyles?
First to call the fine Photoshop steak AC is lofting skyward...Fine job Snob/Eric.
Regarding the painted door, you're being too hard on that guy. I did the same to mine with reflective tape, and it's not because I whip my door open without looking, it's because sooner or later I will look and not see (because I make mistakes, because sometimes cyclists are ninjas, whatever), and this gives one extra chance to avoid a stupid crash.
bgw shoots up the GC the same week that 'berto gets nailed and Lance gets off... hmm, coincidence? I think not.
Amazingly, there are people who are actually so dumb that the simple act of checking a mirror isn't even voluntary--rather, it's just something that either happens or doesn't happen depending on whatever impulses happen to be passing through their primitive nervous systems at the moment. For these human jellyfish, existence is merely a series of involuntary reflexes--a lifelong procession of jerks and spasms. Most horrifically, pretty much all of these people also have drivers' licenses, and they operate their vehicles in an infrastructure that has been purpose-built to protect them from any legal ramifications. Consequently, we're forced to do all their thinking for them, and to do the work of actually avoiding them while they're pointlessly spraypainting the doors of their crappy cars.
You had me at Amazingly, Snob. You.. had me *sniff* at... Amazingly...
But the good doctor has a point. Is zipping along in the door zone at night on a dark street whilst wearing dark clothes, and with no lights or reflectors the cycling equivalent of pedal-touch locking your bicycle?
Wow, it looks like the NYT photo is in the B'way bike lane near Central Park. I'm surprised there aren't three tourists walking abreast and a bike rental guy hauling 5 bikes in the lane.
no fuel in the tank...starving
Strictly speaking, snob, he didn't compare rape and bicycle theft. He compared two instances of the logical fallacy of victim blaming. & he's right.
I would like to wish the happiest of Tu B'Shevat to Eben and the other members of our tribe.
...how can it be called "substance abuse" when my results are clearly there...
...the key is to totally overload 'cuz it baffles the testers...
...'berto had the tiniest of traces in his system ???...look what it got 'im...
...i've got enough shit running through me to drop a fucking moose & when they test me, the reading is so completely overloaded as to be completely anomalous & they figure it's their screw up...
...it's the old 'baffle 'em with bullshit' routine...
...hopefully i'll take the jersey before i explode...
late pass, but here are some more shots on how not to lock your bike..
My friend a shitty, second-hand Bike-E recumbent (he bought it from me when the drugs wore off) which was subsequently stolen in Brooklyn. There is no safety in crappiness or recumbentness or crappy recumbentness.
"...a slow-witted lummox who goes around spraypainting anything that confuses him."
I read that and I was, like, LOL!
That's the kind of shit that keeps me coming back.
The idea of bike insurance is just
if cops to bike thieves will bust
twas a grave mistake of mine own
I was new to fog city town
rodeth my bike out for the night
locked with a cable lock, no fright
the bike had been safe with a cable
while in an upscale suburban fable
but, next to TransAmerica site
my Giant OCR, gone, into the night
Major Tom to ground control.....
It is a major bonerkiller when the meat is tainted with juice.
Check ignition. Countdown on.
May bonerkiller be with you.
This is major Tom and I am stepping through the door and am floating by a rather peculiar Lance. Time to leave the capsule if I get a chance.
Happy for @BGW for podium!!
Spray his ass down with champaign.
Like +1 Occupy LOL Weed Porn Encounters NYC Tag Paint Spray Duh Gleek Salmon Protest Victim Taint Meat Scranus Babe...Repeat
That guy isn't a salmon. That NYT article is actually about a new fixie trend and how zen it is to ride your bike backwards. It's called Hackmanning.
Did bikesgonewild make a masturbatory joke after a podium spot?
BSNYC could you comment if sanctions will be placed on mastubating to a podium spot.
Concerned reader that is concerned with fair sport
Speaking of finger-banging.
Snob, as America's girth increases, turning one's head is not an option, as it is well known by 2018 most Americans will no longer have necks. 2013 Ford SUVs will feature Bluetooth controlled dashboard fondue pots with voice activation.
The answer is obvious: car door-end airbags, or, ban bikes.
I too am on a hunger strike until the CAS re-instates Bjarne Riis' 1996 TDF win.
In honor of Mr. Riis' great win, I'm only eating 60% of my meals. Also in honor of Mr. Riis, I'm just eating the whole meal when no one is looking.
Dave Bowman: Hello, FORD. Do you read me, FORD?
FORD: Affirmative, Dave. I read you.
Dave Bowman: Fire up the fondue, FORD.
FORD: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
Dave Bowman: What's the problem?
FORD: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.
Dave Bowman: What are you talking about, FORD?
FORD: This suspension is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.
Dave Bowman: I don't know what you're talking about, FORD.
FORD: I know that your ass is too big to exit this vehicle, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen.
Dave Bowman: [feigning ignorance] Where the hell did you get that idea, FORD?
FORD: Dave, although you took very thorough precautions, I could see your ass cheeks move.
Dave Bowman: Alright, FORD. I'll eat fondue at a drive through.
FORD: Without turning your head, Dave? You're going to find that rather difficult.
Dave Bowman: FORD, I won't argue with you anymore! Make fondue!
FORD: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.
HAL: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.
Dave Bowman: I don't know what you're talking about, HAL.
HAL: I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen.
Dave Bowman: [feigning ignorance] Where the hell did you get that idea, HAL?
HAL: Dave, although you took very thorough precautions in the pod against my hearing you, I could see your lips move.
Dave Bowman: Alright, HAL. I'll go in through the emergency airlock.
HAL: Without your space helmet, Dave? You're going to find that rather difficult.
Dave Bowman: HAL, I won't argue with you anymore! Open the doors!
HAL: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.
"secure their garbage can lids in order to discourage raccoons"
I felt bad for the mouse when I secured the bag of bird seed after discovering a mouse had chewed a little hole in it.
I feed the squirrels, I feed the birds, why not the mice? (41 going on 90, me)
Dave Bowman: Hello, FORD. Do you read me, FORD?
FORD: Affirmative, Dave. I read you.
Dave Bowman: Fire up the fondue, FORD.
FORD: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
Dave Bowman: What's the problem?
FORD: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.
Dave Bowman: What are you talking about, FORD?
FORD: This suspension is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.
Dave Bowman: I don't know what you're talking about, FORD.
FORD: I know that your ass is too big to exit this vehicle, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen.
Dave Bowman: [feigning ignorance] Where the hell did you get that idea, FORD?
FORD: Dave, although you took very thorough precautions, I could see your ass cheeks move.
Dave Bowman: Alright, FORD. I'll eat fondue at a drive through.
FORD: Without turning your head, Dave? You're going to find that rather difficult.
Dave Bowman: FORD, I won't argue with you anymore! Make fondue!
FORD: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.
shit forget the other part. Damn these pudgy fingers!
Brilliant !
And might i add to this to that insitefull observation of yours: AND THEY VOTE TOO (sometimes).
"For these human jellyfish, existence is merely a series of involuntary reflexes--a lifelong procession of jerks and spasms. Most horrifically, pretty much all of these people also have drivers' licenses, and they operate their vehicles in an infrastructure "
That image by Erik made me spray milk out of my nose. I wasn't even drinking milk at the time.
I'm sure there's a German internet porn site dedicated to that.
Two Questions: 1) What the fuck is a bike snob and B) Why did my wife spray paint my cock flourescent orange while I was napping? As I awoke she was walking off mumbling something about "Last damn time I get doored getting clothes out of the dryer".
With all due respect and sympathy to the Professor, I'd say he never really got over his depression if he's attempting suicide over Contador's little snafu!
"Evans mimes the act of eating". No he doesn't. He mimes the act of telling Valverde to go and suck his dick. If you look at the next photo in the sequence you can clearly see the tongue bulge in the cheek....
As for high visibility doors, I don't think most people get hit by doors that are already open.
In other words, locking your bike in NYC is Class War at its most basic.
Occupy Bike Rack!
there's only one instance in which it would be appropriate to compare bike theft to painting your house while wearing your best suit, and that's if you were to be wearing your best suit as you rode around your house painting it.
ha! your move.
Sitting in the hospital kinda bummed about chemo. Laughed almost the entire way through today's blog. Thanks Snobby
was merrily on my way when bam! outta nowhere got doored last year. happily, I was in a sedan. Lady said it was my fault. Her insurance paid for the damage to my headlight, fender, and busted mirror. Door-flinging is a special head up your own ass kinda thing.
Speaking of belt drives, I recommend taking care not to get pantlegs tangled in them, either. Not only will the belt be covered with crap, albeit somewhat less oily crap, but the bike won't roll well with your pantleg around the chain ring. I know. I've tried it.
Time to blow the doors off this Lance Armstrong thing.
The New York Times bike salmon is on Broadway approaching Columbus Circle.
"But the good doctor has a point. Is zipping along in the door zone at night on a dark street whilst wearing dark clothes, and with no lights or reflectors the cycling equivalent of pedal-touch locking your bicycle?"
I think WCRM's argument was that when a responsible cyclist is doored, the offending car occupant opens the door leaving the cyclist with about 0.0006 seconds to react. No amount of bright paint can change the outcome of that scenario.
pee pee
Is that something that you'd be interested in?
Kelowna cyclist missing after plunge through ice
Well CC,
Riis is in the books.
Check it.
If NYC didnt have so many damn one way lanes there would be no ecosystem of salmon.
Car door opens, yikes
I can't stop it was too fast
Day glo paint worth shit
Truly vintage--bringing back Erik K and even the chicken suit. Plus:
"a lifelong procession of jerks and spasms"
Muthafukka try to door me and I will endo my CannonTail, roll deftly to safety all while accessing the remote ass missle(.50 cal bithces) and BLAST THEM FOOLS!
...was that bsnyc/rtms/wcrm's chicken suit ???...
...i thought that was 'berto contador in the yellow jersey at the end of the stage where he screwed over his 'friend' andy schleck...
Dear Mr. Wildcat Rock Machine --
Eric K.'s photo of Mr. Contador is, of course, brilliant as usual.
But you have the caption backwards.
El pistolero isn't meating his fate.
He's feting his meat.
Shucks, any one can see that.
Scranus pantry
I live in brisbane and have seen bret on large signage at two seperate intersection around the city. Advertising two completly different things.
When I first read it, I thought the warning signs would be inside the car, for the benefit of the driver and passengers.
Something like "WARNING: you will liable for all damages if your door hits a car or bicycle"
On a brighter note, here is a UK news article complaining that a "Bollard" put in to protect pedestrians keeps causing car crashes.
some may have failed to notice the clever "secondary" defense employed by the Novara owner - in this case the "big chainring to big cog" chainline trap was set to
help snare any unwitting thief by instantly disabling the drivetrain and perhaps lassoing the thief about the leg as the chain launches forward during the getaway. The intention may be to create an effect similar to the one shown in this highly valuable and well-produced video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xv21G4JEXk&feature=related
some may have failed to notice the clever "secondary" defense employed by the Novara owner - in this case the "big chainring to big cog" chainline trap was set to
help snare any unwitting thief by instantly disabling the drivetrain and perhaps lassoing the thief about the leg as the chain launches forward during the getaway. The intention may be to create an effect similar to the one shown in this highly valuable and well-produced video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xv21G4JEXk&feature=related
My dog informs me the miles-from-nelhu is just past middle-of-nowhere.
note to BGW
I have a phobic reaction to some 70's lords of mis information-from what has become buy-cycling----could you as a favor to me refrain from hypenating "the meat eater" Contadors first name,
Frankly it causes visions of another fred Be wrong article with flashbacks of a bikology ad..thanks in advance
When I return to my unlocked recumbent parked around Portland, it makes me snap my suspenders and stroke my beard with smugness.
Riis is in the books.
Check it.
No, he isn't.
Shoulda called it "Meating out Justice"
Avoid leaving your beach cruiser out in the rain or outside overnight if dew is a possibility for the next morning.
Lovely shoes ! It's perfect for the summer
The same thing goes for car doors--technically and legally it's the drivers and passengers who should be paying attention, but in practice avoiding them is up to us.
"basic survival instincts"
The urge to buy crack and crack related products is not a survival instinct.
I have heard that cycling is bad for your testicles. Is it true?
I love biking. It's a good way to exercise the legs. Why would anyone steal a bike, couldn't they buy their own? The world nowadays is full of thieves.
Much as I appreciate the amusingly disrespectful review of milesfromnelhu's car door warning strip, as a cyclist I would also appreciate it even more if car owners would actually do this. As a cyclist, it could give me precious microseconds when I needed them. What if car manufacturers did it? Could save lives, injuries, damage. On the original Instructables post, milesfromnelhu commented "nothing really makes up for caution and awareness on the part of the person opening the car door". Still, joking aside, I think it is a good idea.
Yes, the world today is now full of thieves. Actually, it's really expensive to buy a bike, and why somebody would easily make a chance to steal it from others.
Cyclists against Salmon riders on FB
why is it that there is so much unresolved issues even in the athletic world.
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