I'm not sure what a "spontaneous act of liberation is," but it sounds like a euphemism for something you'd do on the subway that would cause the person next to you to wrinkle his nose and discreetly slide down a few seats. I'm also not sure that singing and dancing is the best way to undermine the capitalist system, end corporate greed, and usher in an idyllic new age of profound compassion and unbearable smugness. Actually, if these people really want to destroy Wall Street, they should go about it in the same way that they destroyed Williamsburg, which is by moving in with their parents' money and opening a bunch of faux dive bars, overpriced coffee houses, and "vintage" clothing boutiques. Sure, fewer fates are more cruel than death by gentrification, but those soulless Wall Streeters have it coming to them.
Of course, whenever people challenge big business, the government, and other things that remind them of the mommies and daddies who cruelly made them take the hand-me-down Volvo to Bard instead of buying them a new one, you can be sure that bicycles will somehow be involved. In this case, volunteers from Time's Up are bringing in supplies via bike, and this cargo presumably included a sizable shipment of bright orange hippie hats:
None of this is to say I don't share certain sympathies with the protesters, or that I'm not slightly disturbed by the implementation of antiquated laws in order to arrest people with costly liberal arts educations who were forced to drive old Volvos. It's just that, personally, I feel alienated by the "flambullient" approach and instead prefer the "live your life apart" approach. In fact, I'm already in the process of completely divorcing myself from "the system," and to this end my first step is attaining complete independence from the financial system by changing all my US dollars for Chris King headsets. As you know, I keep close watch on the Chris King Headset Composite Index (or CKHCI), and I've concluded that global economic collapse is imminent and that this is the time to "cash out" once and for all. Unfortunately, due to the strength of the CKHCI, my entire life savings only netted me a grand total of three and a half headsets (and 1" threaded ones at that). However, thanks to my foresight, I'm confident that by the time the economy lies in ruins I will own enough Chris King headsets to fill a "bake feets," which will make me a post-apocalyptic dystopian robber baron of smugness.

Of course, given the fact that the number has declined over the years, coupled with the fact that the number of cyclists is increasing significantly, it means that cyclists are actually safer now. Still, it should not surprise you to read comments such as this:

Speaking of hoarding, not too long ago the New York Times published the following article about "bicycle collectors:"
You may recall that, last November, I was molested in Prospect Park by a tenacious wheelsucker who then went on to call me a "pussy." Well, you can imagine my surprise to see that very wheelsucker, Harry Schwartzman, beaming in a completely unwarranted fashion before his "collection" of mostly unremarkable and varyingly rideable bicycles.

Schwartzman's name was not the only one in the article that sounded familiar to me, either. I also recognized the name of Noah John Gellner, who has a bunch of old mountain bikes is "a curator and an archivist of a specific period of mountain-bike innovation that flourished from the early 1980s to the early ’90s." Heading to my archives, I confirmed that he was in fact the person who purchased a bicycle from me a number of years ago--a business transaction that I recall as being among the most protracted I've ever endured. (And I live in a Brooklyn co-op!) I was rather puzzled by this at the time, but I now understand that he wasn't simply buying a used mountain bike as I had assumed and was in fact "curating" a collection of tremendous historic and intellectual import. Of course, the fault is mine, because clearly I had no idea of the cultural implications of my actions when I posted the thing on Craigslist.
Anyway, Schwartzman advises would-be collectors that “This hobby will consume your finances, your brain and your apartment, and therefore perhaps your relationship with your significant other," though I would argue that if he's having interpersonal problems it could stem from behavior such as latching onto complete strangers while drunk and then calling them "pussies." This can also lead to running into pedestrians, which the Times now reports is a bigger problem than was previously thought:

Of course, given the fact that the number has declined over the years, coupled with the fact that the number of cyclists is increasing significantly, it means that cyclists are actually safer now. Still, it should not surprise you to read comments such as this:
Why is the cyclist-apologist crowd's first instinct always to point out that cars are dangerous to pedestrians? We all know that already, and hopefully we all realize that's a problem in need of attention, too. However, if I'm driving and I run over a pedestrian in my car, there are dire consequences, and rightfully so. If, however, I'm walking and a cyclist runs me over while going against traffic, against the lights AND on the sidewalk, provided the bike is still serviceable, the only consequence is that the cyclist will arrive at work thirty seconds late (and armed with another story of his "oppression") while I'm being loaded into the ambulance. Deflecting attention to another problem doesn't solve the one at hand.
Actually, the way our system works, there really aren't any consequences for running somebody down with your car. Unless you're demonstrably drunk or you send a certified letter and photo to the police beforehand that says "I'm going to run this person down," you'll probably be fine. However, get doored by a cop on your bike and you're under arrest. Still, this is as it should be, since if you're on a bike you might be smuggling bright orange hippie hats to anti-Wall Street protesters.
Speaking of cycling in the city, remember that whole "fixie" thing? That was cute, wasn't it? Well, its entire history can be summed up with a single word--"meh"--and here's the period at the end of that mercifully short sentence:
Finally, urban cycling has its "Breakin'."
Actually, the way our system works, there really aren't any consequences for running somebody down with your car. Unless you're demonstrably drunk or you send a certified letter and photo to the police beforehand that says "I'm going to run this person down," you'll probably be fine. However, get doored by a cop on your bike and you're under arrest. Still, this is as it should be, since if you're on a bike you might be smuggling bright orange hippie hats to anti-Wall Street protesters.
Speaking of cycling in the city, remember that whole "fixie" thing? That was cute, wasn't it? Well, its entire history can be summed up with a single word--"meh"--and here's the period at the end of that mercifully short sentence:
Finally, urban cycling has its "Breakin'."
What - is everyone working today?
Hello? Anyone?
6st! Balls...
Your BBC interview was too brief!
top ten.
Oy gevalt, top something.
Don't forget, today is talk like a mohel day.
there are sooo many hand-me-down grey volvo 240s at Bard. it's a little ridiculous.
Top 13, Ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait for Premium Rush II, Di2 Electric Boogaloo"
Man, almost cracked the top ten cuz of this freakishly early post today.
Sober soul now selling hard work for money/bike parts. Make me an offer. I'll retain the right to refuse.
Bees blood.
So, WRM, let me get this straight, THAT guy called YOU a pussy??
Just gotta say, like wow...
In Japan, it's the Hatta Headset Composite Index
(or HHCI).
I won't rush out
The trailer alone pissed me off.
Sooner or later you're going to have to readjust to New York time, whether you like it or not.
Yeah, I guess that's where I sit in the toughness hierarchy...a notch below Bike Jumble guy.
--Wildcat Rock Machine
Bikes can't hurt pedestrians. They can't even move by themselves.
They should make a movie about
Dick Power.
The lady striking a balletic pose atop the Wall Street bull is most enfluffening. I'd guess her entryway is as tight as that of Noah John Gellner’s compact studio apartment.
Don't you mean urban cycling now has it's "Rad?"
-tuffwheel IIz!
When I was in college, "spontaneous act of liberation" meant stealing a Coke from the vending machine.
So, in London, did you get a chance to meet up with that muther fucker to talk about drafting ?
Dude, that movie looks awesome! Wasn't there a TV show called "Dark Angel" that had a similar theme?
The only problem is that the bike shop or internet supplier, which sells you those Chris King Headsets is currently shorting those same headsets.
Thereby preventing the eventual rise in value of those headsets.
I heard they learned that from some wall street guys.
It doesnt matter though since the only purchasers of these headsets are sitting in a square not buying stuff.
Sorry for this dose of reality, but your plan has some serious flaws.
Um, they're occupying Wall Street on a Saturday? Isn't that a bit lame?
One thing about rich industrialists is that they tend to take the weekends off to enjoy the spoils.
top turdy
1845 JAIL
I shall avoid all movie theaters for the next 12 months so that I'm assured never to see that Premium Rush trailer again.
Sucks Beyond Comprehension.
Any "bike Collection" displaying that many aero hoods is lackluster at best.
going to the patisserie to "spontaneously liberate" some waffles with poached pears and caramel sauce!
Snob, as fellow racer do you remember the jerks who'd tout "fixed gear" riding in the winter to build "souplesse"?
Fixed gear for easy winter (non-) maintenance, okay, but it was always bullshit unless you were a trackie...
A word I never found as offensive as fucking "fixie" or "Harvey Swartzman."
The sooner both these vulgarities are banished from the NYC lingua franca the better.
Cortelyou Anquetil,
Noy only do I remember, but I actually bought it!
--Wildcat Rock Machine
Time keeps on slipp'in into the space cowboy
Cortelyou, WRM - I bought it too, and still don't think it is w/o merit, has just been so bastardized.
great post, as always.
Those Wall St occupiers very existence is subsidized by their parents' stock portfolio.
Wheelsucking Cavendish up a mountain.....
I think I WILL go see premium rush. I'll go in the middle of the day, possibly with my hat pulled very low, but i think i might just go see it. In fact, all curators of the Snob comments section should see it at the same time on opening day so we can compare reviews.
Also, it would be more accurate to compare it to Gleaming the Cube.
Even with the sound turned off the Premium Meh preview sucked.
Sorry, the name is Wizard, not Wizaed.
Wondering if 'Premium Rush' will create a similar affect in NYC as NASCAR in West Virgina, and the 'interesting' ways to compare the two:
Indeed, Breakin’ actually has the superior cycling pedigree, i.e. KRAFTWERK | Tour de France!
"Yea, we gotta get Wiley before he gets hit by a rambling yellow cabby (which may be soon cause he rides like an idiot!) on dem streets! And if the cops nab the bike, well we may have to check the drops for the note!"
Wow, part Harry Schwartzman'z hair in the middle and he'd be a dead ringer for Kyle's cousin Kyle from South Park.
i'll admit it - i want to see premium rush. bikes + action movie sounds good to me. im not going to be one of those doctors watching ER and bitching 'bout it.
also, i hate guys on winter group rides on fixed gears.
...cycling is like a box of chocolates...
Please come and gauge my toughness this Saturday, September 24th at the 3rd annual Fall Brooklyn Bike Jumble, held at 5th avenue and 4th street in beautiful, self righteous, Park Slope, Brooklyn.
Here's the schedule:
9:30AM - 10:30AM - The day will commence with awards ceremony and the start of the New York to Philadelphia stage of the East Coast Messenger Stage Race, which will begin on Thursday in Boston, MA and will end on Tuesday in Washington DC
10AM to 4PM - Vendors will be on hand at the 3rd Fall Brooklyn Bike Jumble at The Old Stone House in Washington Park, in Park Slope, Brooklyn. On hand will be kid's bikes, cruisers, BMX, mountain, racers and fixed gears, both new and recycled, parts, accessories, clothes and cycling related bric-a-brac. Bring your bike down to the Jumble and Recycle-a-Bicycle technicians will provide an inspection and diagnosis and an approximate appraisal to help you price your bike fairly for sale. Recycle-a-Bicycle will also provide free bike inspections and will be accepting tax-deductible donations of bicycles.
7PM to 9PM - Outdoor film screening featuring 15 minute reel of bicycle related animation from Animation Block Party and 30 minute reel of short films about the bike by Bike Shorts.
To learn more about the East Coast Messenger Stage Race visit: http://www.ecmsr.org/
To more learn more about NY Bike Jumble, visit www.nybikejumble.com.
To learn more about Recycle-A-Bicycle, visit http://www.recycleabicycle.org
To learn more about DJ James Mulry visit: http://soundcloud.com/jamesmulry
To learn more about Animation Block Party visit: http://animationblock.com/index.php
To learn more about Bike Shorts visit: http://bikeshortfilms.com/
To learn more about Eastern Mountain Sports visit: http://www.ems.com/home/index.jsp
Nice to have you back, Snobby.
The premium rush trailer reminded of my ride home friday night. I was hit by a livery car driver whose only excuse/apology was a shrug and a nonplussed "I didn't see you". Later that evening my bike was stolen, the third one in about 3 years. I love NY.
As some of you may know, I was a bike messenger back in the late 80's to mid 90's. It was an odd job, but it paid the rent, kept me fit and ready to become a nyc fireman.
I injured my back while training for the physical exam and my fireman career went up in smoke.
This PREMIUM RUSH movie seems to glorify the use of track bikes by bike messengers and that's likely to make them even more ubiquitous; and, when used by in-expert riders, an accident waiting to happen.If you're considering working as a bike messenger because of these tough economic times, DO NOT GO OUT AND BUY A BRAKELESS TRACK BIKE.
Get a sturdy steel bike with thick tires.
The streets are not all smooth; most are bumpy, pot-holed and smeared with grease. The goal is to earn a paycheck, not style points.
I went through over a dozen bikes, some which any bike collector would covet. My fixed-gear bikes had brakes. It was the mountain bikes that got the most use and money.
dude, you have to go to the bike jumble on saturday and confront schwartzman, "who's the pussy now bitch?". How often do you get a second chance to deal with douchebags like this? you gotta do wildcat. It will be a battle for the ages.
You can take Schwartzman in a break dance battle.
Go up to the Boogie Down Bronx and hire a trainer.
The "fixie" scene is dead? Oh thank Lob. Maybe I can finally go ride my fixed-gear again (with brakes, 'cause I like not dyeing).
...we're there for ya, bsnyc/rtms/wcrm if ya wanna show & throw down...
...like 'the sharks' vs 'the jets' from west side story, it's gonna be 'the snobs' vs 'the douches'...
...we got your back...
...gotta go unpack my chuck taylor's, motorcycle jacket & zip gun & practice my dance moves...the switchblade, well, i always carry the switchblade...
As the NYPD reaction to the nuevo-Hooverville on Wall Street shows, the douches ALWAYS win.
"Snob-bie, come out and playyy. Snob-bie, come out and play-ayyy. Snob-bie, come out and play-ayyy!!"
Millions in over time pay for cops.
Shit, I knew I should never have sold my 1987 Raleigh Ventura ("imported from england" - well actually chucked in a box when we moved to the states) for $350 to some hipster looking for fixie fodder. Could have become a "vintage bicycle collector".
Monsieur Chat-Sauvage Pierre Machine,
You should write "Blogueur" instead of "Blogeur".
...does officer krupke still work for the nypd ???...
...now there was a cop who had better stuff to do bringin' peace to the neighborhood than ticketing cyclists, ya ???...
With his "suffer face" Joseph Gordon-Levitt should be cast in a Jacques Anquetil bio-pic.
He could also play Eben Weiss in the BSNYC Disney musical written by Sir Tim Rice.
Someone called you a pussy LAST NOVEMBER and you're still not over it? Guess he was right to call you a pussy.
I just love
the irony
of Rebecca's comment.
If sobbing daily for months on end makes me a pussy, then I guess I'm a pussy.
--Mildcat Rick Machine
This comment board is like a box of chocolates.
My husband is Dick.
"C'mon, don't we do this for the danger? Where's the flint in your veins? Don't be such a pussy."
That's loser talk!
I say go smack him in the face with a soiled glove, and challenge him to a P-far TT race!
I'll supply the P-Far.
Or we could get a bicycle version of the "Chinese Downhill" from the 1980's classic film Hot Dog.
i like turtles!
Dear Mr. NY Bike Jumble --
I would so totally love to attend the 3rd annual Brooklyn Bike Jumble.
But I'm not sure I'm ready to buy a "Harry Schwartzman Seal of Disapproval" Tee shirt..
Would it also read "Omnes Malefici Sugete Meos Rota"? That might make a difference.
Written in style of Hulk: Do Bikesnob like announcement of 2012 nyc bikeshare? Hulk like idea of bikeshare, but Hulk wonder if in practice will suck.
Finally, urban cycling has its "Breakin'."
Judges also would have accepted "Rappin'", "Thrashin'", or "Gleaming the Cube".
My jersey would say, 'alle goyim sitzen oif mienem rad'
Mr. Schwartzman can ride for danger if he likes.
As for me, I rode over a hundred miles around NYC on Sunday and the most dangerous thing I encountered was a really, really large racoon in Prospect Park accosting a Transportation Alternatives worker for a bagel at 4 in the morning.
(I could tell the racoon wasn't an acid flashback. It wasn't singing. You can always tell a real racoon from a hallucination by its choice of show tunes. And anyway, other folks saw it too.))
On the other hand, on my commute yesterday morning, I saw a bike with a taco'd front wheel being loaded into an ambulance on Houston (hopefully to join a rider whose injuries were sufficiently minor so as to allow him to request that his bike tag along for the ride). On the way home, on Second Avenue, I saw two EMS ambulances and a fire truck responding to a couple of cyclists who were sitting on the sidewalk. Thankfully, it didn't look serious.
Just because cycling is safe doesn't mean we need to go looking for danger.
If I want to crash, racoons singing show tunes are all the distraction I need.
Mr. NY Jumble
So nu, a landsman can't grab your wheel?
Now that is a shande fur de goyim.
that's the kid from 3rd rock from the sun. ha! period end of sentence!
early posts.... jetlag?
The fixie scene is not dead. it has just moved to Australia 3 years late.
Came across a bunch of hipster wannabes with wispy moustaches, tight jeans, and an array of fresh-out-of-the-shop singlespeeds from trek, specialized et al. some still had wheel reflectors, most still had those little warning stickers.
And, yes, they were eating at the newly arrived 'epic burrito' bar.
bright orange hippie hat!
he he he he he he he he.................
There hasn't been
since the days
of Arnold Rothstein;
promises to be an excellent fight.
Bisso: you are so right. 45C (110F) here in Adelaide last summer and wannabe hipsters riding in their jeans.
If only you skinny (read: overfed) punks had seen Breakin' "back in the day"
don't forget KRUSH GROOVE,
Bikes don't hurt pedestrians, stupid fucking people on bikes hurt people! It's not their fault, because the safety police have taught them they will die on a bike, so they go to extremes.
And, Rebecca, you DO get a year to get over it.
And, spontaneous acts of liberation come from kids that can't accept that they really do have to work to get by. Grow the fuck up. Quit complaining that someone is holding you back, keeping you down. Power to the people, just not to you, because you are the guy/gal that gets drunk enough to have the balls/ovaries to holler at another cyclist that couldn't give a shit what you think, they give you a pass because they know YOU are the pussy, and you ride away thinking you're bad-ass. See you tomorrow, you've ruined this day with your inane commentary.
I was going to start the lead out to 100 comments, but there's a racoon singing selections from Les Miz outside my window.
I wonder if the Cat Whisperer hears him.
Probably be rude to ask.
He seems mad about something.
Hope he doesn't whisper to his cat in that tone of voice.
Whoa, he's moved on to American Idiot.
By "he", I mean the racoon. Not Mr. Cat Whisperer.
Does the score from American Idiot count as show tunes?
How come folks don't ask that about ABBA's "Mama Mia"?
If you whisper the lyrics from "Cats," does that count as singing show tunes?
It's like a town sign prime. What do I win, a slightly used Sedisport chain?
Master of the house
isn't worth my spit,
Confidant, philosopher and lifelong shit...
I had a dream my life would be
so different than this hell I'm living...
Stars, in their multitude,
scarce to be counted,
filling the nighttime
with order and light...
At the end of the day she'll be nothing but trouble,
and there's trouble for all if there's trouble for one.
Sack the girl today...
Tomorrow we will find just what our G-d in Heaven has in store.
One more day,
One more time,
Yes, Cosette, forbid me now to die.
I'll obey,
be at peace ever more.
On this page, I write my last confession.
Read it well when I at last am sleeping.
It's a story of those who always loved you.
Your mother gave her life for you and gave you to my keeping...
Midnight, not a sound from the pavement...
Memory, turn your face to the moonlight...
Wanna be an American Idiot...
Leroy, I need to ask you a favor. When September ends, wake me up when I come around on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams...
my new bike is an S4 audi twin turbo 4 door that will dust any other rider easily...
...on monday night i just picked up my new bicycle, which is a black on black on black integra gs-r with aftermarket 'go & stop' stuff...
...a beautiful but nasty looking motherfucker...
...it's, ahhh, a nice bicycle...
I'm not going to see the movie because not only sucks but if i do i have those moments of waking up right before i get hit by something. I would some times have a problem with waking up right at that moment when i was half asleep.
I'm still waiting for the Premium Smugness trailer.
Rebecca, dear, you wouldn't happen to be cohabitating with a douchebag who has a collection of old ten speeds, would you?
A lady's husband dies after being struck by a cyclist.
She has the means to commission a study on cyclist/pedestrian accidents. She wants the data to support her desire to ban cycling on city streets.
This is just an egregious act of class warfare.
Lady, I'm sorry about your loss. But look back on that day. Every choice you and your husband made brought him to his fate. That's a sad, tragic irreversible fact. Your money is no good in these matters.
That lottery ticket Wiley has in his bag, must be worth a fortune!
i wonder why this bike jumble kid gets so much press... i mean... what did he do to deserve it?
i wonder if he was ever riding bikes 5 years ago... lol
rich parents kind of guy.
and the jumble is the worst bike mini-swap i ever went to....
and jumble guy.... you are a douce like the wall street people you called douce.
just have the same mentality.
What are you even talking about?? Urban cycling ALREADY HAD its Breakin' back in 1983... and it starred Nicole Kidman...
such short memories...
i hope you arent trashing "BMX Bandits?" That was our Citizen Kane
notice how all the bad guys have English accents...? *Hollywood*
i can't see why those full face masks never caught on for every day cycling...
My favorite behavior right now in williamsburg/greenpoint (though I'm sure its true elsewhere) is joggers salmoning up the bikelane. The other day I saw a woman jogging with her baby stroller on Franklin St. (which is a 'shared lane' and not a bike lane) she wasn't salmoning, but I wanted to stop and shake her. Would the snob care to address this issue? Would it be appropriate to apologize to such joggers if by dodging them you inadvertently made them experience the horror of witnessing your hit and run?
If I may comment on this comment:
"If, however, I'm walking and a cyclist runs me over while going against traffic, against the lights AND on the sidewalk"
Pick one of the above infractions that the cyclist is committing. Lights and traffic direction have no effect on the sidewalk, unless the cyclist is going "against traffic," and they are now essentially one less bike salmon.
In China they allow bikes and motorized scooters to ride on the sidewalks, in any direction.
That was YOU I called pussy? Jesus, Mary and Joseph! I usually reserve "pussy" for people I see pushing a 39x32 up 2% grades, or any fuckwit going on a tweed ride. My humblest apologies.
Glad that article had the word "Nay" it makes me smile.
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