Yes, that's right, circumstances require that as of today I take temporary leave of this blog until Monday, September 19th, at which point I will return with regular updates. This leave has been in the offing for quite some time, so don't act all surprised about it, even though I haven't mentioned a thing about it on this blog until just now. Also, I won't bore you with what I'll be doing during my leave, though I can confirm that I will not be doing any of the following:
--Going to Interbike
--Going to Eurobike
--Going to the Vuelta a EspaƱa
--Going to Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp™
--Getting an adult Bar Mitzvah
In my absence, I suggest that you follow my Twittering account just in case I have important news to relate, such as my consumption and enjoyment of a particularly tasty brand of corn chip that I think you might also like to try. (Where's that check, Doritos people?) And speaking of Twitter, a fellow Tweeterer recently alerted me to the existence of this:

When piloting your velocipede it is imperative that you consider prudence, modesty, and decorum at all times, lest you be sanctioned by local law-keepers for improper attire. For, you see, high moral conduct is the chief concern of our metropolitan constabulary, and young women on bicycles must bear in mind the moral weakness of pedestrians as they navigate our sin-besotted conurbation.
In other words, don't ride with your ass crack showing.
In other words, don't ride with your ass crack showing.
As for the so-called "Brooklyn Magazine" itself, I had never come across it before, but the following video they've produced is a pretty good summation of the current state of affairs:
Brooklyn Magazine Promo from Louis Gruber on Vimeo.
Yes, Brooklyn does have many faces, and they make you want to grab them by their patterned scarves and shout horrible, horrible things into them.In any event, pending my return, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right you'll feel inexplicably tingly, and if you're wrong you'll hear a song.
Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and I look forward to "seeing" you when I return on September 19th.
1) The speed at which a retrogrouch goes "Woo hoo!" is:

(Off to a foffing good start.)
2) There is only one Dmitry Fofonov.
“But with the miles, the pain from the hole in my perineum got stronger."
3) Who said this?

4) This $5,500 titanium and belt-driven commuter:

5) Do police officers hate cyclists?
6) To this day, nothing gets attention in Williamsburg like a nice set of:
7) Hooray! It's ________:
1 – 200 of 2023 Newer› Newest»1st!?!
Quiz Time!
er... I mean podium. I guess if you have to correct your spelling you lose your poduim girl kiss..
Joining up with the Libyan rebels? Bring your towel!
Have a good couple of weeks, duder.
Top twenty; and I read it leaving most of the questions unanswered!
6/7 and the bonus, Though I have to protest the answer to #1. 46kph and 27mph is such a small difference that most any retrogrouch would WooHoo at either speed. I think the only real difference is if said rg is riding in Europe or here in Canada's sweat soaked wool dickie.
Silly Brooklyn Mag. Everybody knows you don't pilot a velocipede you pilot a recumbent!
And what praytell is a "sin-besotted conurbation?
14% of people ride bike "To go home"... did someone drive them out?
Oh noes, gotta find some other way to waste time at work for the next couple of weeks. Enjoy your time off WRC/WRM!
Have a safe trip. Don't take any wooden nickels.
Legalize it.
I have been doing it wrong all these years, I do not pilot, I just ride.
Is that wrong?
I'll see you at Oktoberfest BS!
RE: legalize it
that wasn't marley, that was tosh. stupid stoner.
Have a good two week foff, Snobbie.
We'll miss you, Wildcat.
i was born and raise in Canarsie...
...we were never that gay
I think you take more vacation than boss
...legalize it, yeah
and I will advertise it.
nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah something something something something
7/7 missed the extra dammit.
Lobspeed Wildcat.
or should that be Fredspeed?
Re: Special health-themed bonus question
They have accounted for all 188% of reported cycling injuries, thereby contributing to my argument that innumeracy is a bigger problem than illiteracy in contemporary society.
...just ain't right.
It is also sad that it took 30 comments before this was pointed out.
@ Hophead -
Stop complaining about your job.
Why the heck did the Christensen Law Firm not use Bret's pic? Don't they know that if you want to send a bike related or inspired message it's required by law? WTF does heavily photoshopped Robbie McQuen teach any of us?
Good gravy! That 'Bicycle song' guitar needs the Blutarski treatment.
Nice job CC.
Snob, you can not fool me.
Congratulations on your Bar Mitzvah.
Good call mike. Too bad the Time & Life cafeteria is so empty, otherwise I would've yelled out..FOOD FIGHT!
two weeks worth of commehnting, gonna add up
Wow, between flying bricks and swooping birds, I'm gonna stop complainin' that the gummermint is makin' me wear a helment.
Damn, why am I craving corn chips so bad?
...NICE !!!...where can i get 'pie graph' wheels for MY bike ???...
...just askin'...
And if your bike's on time
You can get some sixty nine
Then go back and hit the hay
If you ever get annoyed
Look at me I'm self-overjoyed
I love to work at wheel truing all day
@ GhostOfTyrone 1:39 pm:
Why do you think I was complaining about my job? Hell, I love my job. I just love wasting time reading BSNYC more. Ease up, fierce kitten.
I love to work at wheel truing all day
Alternate ending?:
I love to wank at Skittle spewing all day
Re: Cumbabe
Thanks for the mammaries!
squeak ... squeak ... squeak ... etc., etc. least one dmitry fofonov racked up a win this year...
...mick & the rolling skittles sang:
..."She's like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colors"...
...just remember...whilst wildcat rocking chair is off hobnobbing & fofonoving with the cycling worlds intelligentsia, each & every one of us here has a responsibility to show up each & every day & as usual, leave a wonderfully thought provoking message that helps cyclists in far off & distant lands (like idaho or florida) carry on through these tough cycling times...'s not a job, folks, it's a calling...
I love September 19th!
Have fun!
Re: Question #3 See even the pros don't "just get used to it" I know I won't get a hole in my taint from my recumbent seat even if I could ride as long as Boonen.
Wedgie seats are ok for a quick trip across town but otherwise they suck.
Thats my wonderfully thought provoking message for the day.
As a cyclist in far flung Florida, I appreciate the wonderfully thought provoking message.
Hi ho - hi ho it's off to Twitter we go! Have fun tweet heaps - keeps the rest of us up with your play! Cheers.
...@g...isn't that inspiring how that works...
...through the magic of the internetweb thingy, even 'recumbent-ists' get to feel like they're on equal ground with the rest of the cycling world...
Thanks g.
Wildcat Rocking Chair,
Coming to Quebec and Montreal to see the World Tour races on the 9th and 11th Sept???
a poem
im glad when you include pictures
of twits and ducks
because then i can rhyme with words
like shits and fucks
thank you
More BikeSnob or Ima fucking kill you.
...& don't take it personally, recumbent conspiracy theorist...
...personally, i've had fun on recumbents but they're honestly not what i care to ride on a day to day basis...
...peer or taintal pressure notwithstanding...
Henry Gibson is a fine poet
to him I'll raise a glass of Moet
Robbie! Duder!
Over two weeks to study up for Talk Like a Pirate Day? That's hard core.
***Special Health-Themed Bonus Question!***What? No arrow pointed toward my member? Overused? Mayyyy-BEE. Injured? Not today. And about those Brooklyn faces? Girls can wear anything and it don't bug me. I see a guy in that shit and we're gonna throw.
Aero-planes and botes gots pilots. By-sickles doesn't! Youse New Yorkers is crazee!
I hear ya bgw. And agree. If I could only have one bike and had to lose my others I'm not certain the bent would be the keeper.
Sorry, the food here sucks. I'm cranky.
Two weeks eh? Long enough to hire an office on Chang'An Rd, hire a few sharp graduates, and get in on the ground floor of China's burgeoning snark culture with bikesnobBeiJing.
I thought something was up when my dog told me he was updating his resume and wanted to know if "house broken" was one word or two.
I just hope BSNYC didn't hire him to house sit.
Ride safe all!
(And if you know where BSNYC keeps the key to his liquor cabinet, please don't tell my dog.)
...latest bsnyc/rtms/wcrm news...
...that wildcat, he's off his rocker...for like 2 1/2 more weeks...
@bgw "she's like a rainbow"
gold bgw gold.
comment #70
WTF? Another hiatus!
That can only mean one thing:
you're getting OLD! Snobby, OLD!
@Bachman Turner BeltDrive We don't cotton to your socialist historical rewrites down here in Canada's goatee.
All you haters can all 'SUCK MY DOWNTUBES'
Hate to break it to yoy, Early Cuyler.
stop making us look bad
@Marcel Da Chump said...
Henry Gibson is a fine poet
to him I'll raise a glass of Moet
Marcel, if you were really French you would know that doesn't really rhyme. It's Mow-ay, not Mow-it
Monsieur Breton,
my poetic license has no expiration date
that's why I didn't spell it
..."my poetic license has no expiration date..."...
...most excellent & i'd suggest that someone just sipped a very 'dry' MOET...
It's a shame he is on leave, because he's missing this:
"it looks stealth enough in the bikeshed that no one gives it a second gland"
Surely one gland is enough?
It is for Lance.
One can raise a small flute of Moet
To Henry Gibson the fine poet
But if poesy would aspire
To license that cannot expire
One achieves these commendable aims
Toasting Wordsworth's ode upon the Thames.
(My dog dictated that. I don't have the heart to correct him.)
E-bike porn, from Eurobike:
Merci, bgw.
Wish I had a muse like Leroy's dog.
To quote AndrƩ Breton:
Love is when you meet someone
who tells you something new about yourself.
Oh, there are a couple of Marcels on the pro cycling circuit:
a Spaniard and a German. Go figure.
good Lob,
give el-snob-arino a few days to build up enough material for one session of reading-the-innernets sans foffdom, and he skits out with his customary:
btw way folks i'm gone for a week or two so you can all suck it and re-read wonderful commentaries again in case you missed some of the wonderful witticisms what _really_ make this place work.
meh, to the wildcat.
rock on to the commenters who never take a day off.
what´s meh-turd?
" a very 'dry' MOET "
Three of them? Gosh.....
hey nonny mouse
..."Here’s to champagne, the drink divine,
That makes us forget our troubles;
It’s made of a dollar’s worth of wine
And three dollars’ worth of bubbles.
...ol' leroy's dog, he loves the stuff,
it's obvious what I say:
Whilst the master is out of town,
he orders custom MOET "...
Damn, Snob goes away and this place turns into poetry corner. we trudge on to the century mark.
Isn't it sad that according to the Utah pie chart wheels, the second most popular place to ride your bike is on the sidewalk? I'd like to see the pie charts for cars...
J.J Cobo!
How about that monkee
on the side of the road?
It could be
the one and ony Vito.
Never going to make podium, but did answer all the quiz questions correctly even though guessing on most of them. Prolly would have been a good day to by lottery tickets, but then I would have had to break out the helme(n)t and whatnot. Indifference is such a bitch.
caught in some kind of loop in the space/time continuum...
Going away panties!
Space-time panties!
Continuum panties!
The big apple is rolling today.
Just remember to...
...for love.
Ritte, Wildcat, Ritte
aboard your custom ship
be aware of the things
that happen on your trip
please, lock me away
and blah blah blah blah blah
everyday of my loneliness
I don't care what they say
I won't live in a world without Snob
See what you started, Andrew Breton?
A poetry corner!
get the hell outta here
According to the folks at Moet Chandon, Moet is pronounced mo'wett. Claude Moet was Dutch, hence the non-french pronunciation. Proper names retain their original pronunciation. So there.
A savory onomonopia.
Hey bartender!
keep me mo' wet.
...and, thus, the integrity
of the H.Gibson-inspired
M.D Chump couplet is restored.
Thanks to the oenophilic efforts
of one Wine Snob.
Jedediah, pass the Ripple.
Don't be surprised:
a BSNYC/RTMS/WCRM movie in "talks".
Why is it whenever Snobby takes a break, I always think of this scene from Forrest Gump?
It misses out the "so what do we do now...?" bit though, which totally makes it in my opinion.
They're the face of Brooklyn?
Hey Norton!
What's happened to our town?
"...the dangers of excessive groin
and ass use..."
My professional advise:
Do not--I repeat--do not
go buck wild.
I remember reading a post early in the year where a bike shop manager said that when you use brakes you're not really stopping.
He thinks riding a brakeless fixed gear bike is safer in traffic.
Try telling that to all those fatalities on Delancey St.
Sad but true...'cuz these are the brakes.
Snobby is obviously at orientation for his new position as PR man for the Raw-dio Shack Nees-an nƩe Leo-pard Trek team. Should be fun.
...oh oh...i think bsnyc/rtms/wcrm is going the gary fisher bespoke tailoring route...
...look for the sharp dandy on the big dummy, that's all i'm sayin'...
Snobby takes more time off than Robin Mead on HLN and she is there on alternate tuesdays in april.
On a different note -
Question - how do they practice safe sex in the South?
Answer - they put caution signs next to the farm animals that kick.
If they make a BSNYC/RTMS/WCRM epic movie, it has tremendous potential; provided the screenwriter and the director are true geniuses.
Obviously, the script would have to include the outrageously funny commenters (bgw, commie canuck, Leroy et al).
Legal reasons may cause name changes, unfortunately.
a poem
you may think you have what it takes
to stop in busy traffic without brakes
but they will run over your silly ass
Thank you
Duck season.
..."..., the script would have to include the...commenters (bgw, commie canuck, Leroy et al).
Legal reasons may cause name changes, unfortunately..."...
...italian ???...biciclettasandatoselvatico...
...french ???...velosallesauvages...
...don't think so...
...i might just have to remain 'bikesgonewild', appear as myself & be paid huge amounts of money...
...i'm liking this idea...
Frejus, so now I'm an "et al?"
Fuck you!
I wouldn't worry about that at all.
hey nonny mouse
My dog declined to be my body guard and warned me not to call him Al.
Fdbfd 9:31,
Now what are we supposed to do?!
Well, I'm in the T-shirt business, so I'm going to start selling baggy yellow t-shirts emblazoned (or possibly bedazzled) with Snobicisms. I might get some URINE HAPPENS stickers made up also.
Actually, that "Have A Nice Day!" t-shirt scene in Forest Gump has always irked me. It is a redundant variation of the SHIT HAPPENS sticker scene directly before it. It seems like both ideas were spawned during a single brain storming session. The movie make'n people couldn't decide which would work better so filmed both, then got too precious and couldn't bring themselves to leave one or the other on the cutting room floor. I would have left out the t-shirt scene, mainly because of the appalling prop design. The execution of the smiley face in the mud is terribly forced. The expansive landscape porn, gradual degradation of Gump's appearance and stirring period music featured throughout rest of the epic jogging (rundonneuring) is very engaging and disbelief suspending, but the unfortunate smiley face detail does a good job of wreaking all that.
"... but he couldn't draw that well and he didn't have a camera..."
Pushing a bit hard to explain the premise of a stupid scenario if you ask me. Which you didn't. Sorry, but we've got two weeks to kill here.
Wabbit season.
How about a Kickstarter campaign
for a BSNYC/RTMS/WCRM indie film epic?
Can't trust Hollywood.
It would actually be "vƩlos devenus sauvages", which sounds pretty good in french. In fact, it sounds really good.
AmitiƩs, gars
Films about bloggers is uncharted territory. It's not inconceivable that the film rights to the Bike Snob book have been sold.
In the right hands it could be something special.
Hollywood greed will probably dumb it down and turn Snob into a crime-fighting super hero.
eh, what's up doc?
Duck season.
All this movie talk is just hearsay.
I'll believe it when I see it.
Bike Snob the Musical!
Bring it on!
arright, we've done the double-century with comments before. let's go for a triple.
200th and 300th posters get a coupon for a cupcake.
is it friday yet?
buck and a quarterth!
The next forty comments are cat1 climbs, with the ensuing ten being descents, and so on 'til the summit finish at 300.
I took one of my four Bike Snob stickers out of 'The Book' and slapped it on me chest. I pull up to women on bike and say "I'm the Bike Snob Police! You will pleasure me now!"
It works really great.
As a matter of fact as soon as I get out of County Jail I plan on using sticker number two.
mehphestopholes is not your name
Y'all gonna think I'm braggin '
but once a lady gives me her eyes
all that's left for me to say is
"let's go"
Here I am locked in this bathroom while master is away. All I have to sustain me is a stalk of bananas, toilet wasser and several Bicycling magazines with all of the Bike Snob articles highlighted in yellow and surrounded by gold leaf. Not even a box of crayons with which to amuse meself. Had I gone union I would not have to put up with this shite!
Just say'in
Hang in there, little Vito.
"there is a light
that never goes out"
Lose the "s" at the end of "sauvages", I think; otherwise it's bikesgonewilds or something.
Where's my beer got to?
hey nonny mouse
Vito, take solace.
There's a light over at the Frankenstein place;
There's a light burning in the fireplace;
There's a light, a light in the darkness of everybody's life...
just dial 311
for animal control
...i thank you all for the concern...
...i'd like harrison ford to play me in the movie but i was hoping to talk the producers into letting me play leroy's dog...
BGW, I was kinda hoping that they could get Zooey Deschanel to play me in the movie, but that's only because my doppelganger, Zero Mostel, is dead already...
well it's Wednesday at least.
Zooey Deschanel
is quite swell,
but she gives her booty
to a guy in Death Cab for Cutie.
...well, wishiwasmerckx, i'll bet zooey has better looking legs than zero mostel for the scene where we're all riding fixies across the brooklyn bridge...
...i'm wondering who they can get for the ant1 podium scenes ???...sean penn kinda has that disdainful richard virenque-ish french look that one needs around flowers n' podium girls, oui ???...
...& for leroy ???...well, brad pitt is a dead ringer if he can carry the kinda depth needed for the role...
One hundred forty third, yes!
They have accounted for all 188% of reported cycling injuries, thereby contributing to my argument that innumeracy is a bigger problem than illiteracy in contemporary society.
RE: TEAM RADIO NISSAN SHACKS TREK ULTRA LEOPARDS (but not mercedes benz - they're pissed now that nissan's encroaching on their turd (i mean turf)).
But seriously, wtf? At least they're created a fun new game - it's called "string along as many corporate entities as possible to make a great new team name (but its really the same team guys, we promise)." Total amateur hour over there right now. He said this, I don't know what happened, it's not my job, blah, blah, blah...
Bjarne is lovin' lyfe right now.
For those who point out the 188% of reported bike injuries and are worried about our society's innumeracy; there are a number of ways that polling could be done to generate those numbers. My guess is that each injury had it's own "Have you ever experienced...." question with a yes/no response.
Just sayin'...
Two weeks is ample time
to move a family
across the country.
Document it.
Just heard "FrandyShack" on EuroSport.
"Vertically stiff,
horizontally compliant:
who knew Snob
was such a Giant?"
On his August 23rd Twitter he said something like,
"there goes my last rationale for not moving to the west coast".
got nothing. you folks are hilarious.
I understand Snobbie has emabarked on a Hollywood venture. His treatment for "Bike Snob Square Pants" was picked up and is now in pre-production with Disney.
There's also a horror movie in the works:
They can't leave out science fiction:
Of course, the porno industry will rear its head:
Some folks just love musicals:
I suggest:
...the sound of bikesnob - the musical...i like it !!!...
...a little adaptation on the old rodgers & hammerstein edelweiss theme from the sound of music & i'm thinkin' we're gettin' close to full scale production......
..."...eben weiss, eben weiss
...Every morning you greet us and right
...your post is bright
...yet so cynical to meet us
...comments so snide have nothing to hide
...about cycling you could post forever
...eben weiss, eben weiss
...please, grace this blogsite forever..."..., how are you guys at singin' ???...
I slowly rolled on a fresh green past a young, CAT.6 Fredtard on old steel who was stopped at the light, yesterday. Evidently this was the gauntlett in his face because he launched a vicious attack and with hands in the drops, legs pumping akimbo, he slingshot by me at a searing fifteen miles an hour. Not to be outdone, I doubleslapped to a smaller cog and showed him what an old man on tasy crabon fibre can do. He got dropped faster than Andy Schleck at the end of a stage race. Gotta love the CAT.6 circuit!, ra, me, fa, so...
The blog is aliiiiiiiiive
with the sound of Viiiiitoooo
...huge sweeping vistas of the nyc skyline with it's landmark buildings n' bridges - empire state, chrysler, brooklyn, the statue of liberty (helicopter shot)... the camera slowly circles down towards brooklyn, leaving manhattan behind, it focuses on prospect park...
...the shot tightens & a man, a solitary figure with a bike (ritte, big dummy ???) stands with his arms raised to the sky...'s eben weiss, the man simply known as 'bike snobnyc/rip torn mugshot/ wildcat rock machine'...& he sings...
..."this site comes alive like the sound of music
...the smugness will ring for a thousand years
...the freds fill my heart to the point i could lose it
...but my heart wants to sing every comment it hears..."...'s only a start, folks but i can already see a long broadway run with this baby...
...just sayin'...
it's really a blog about nothing...
How about:
by Vito
screenplay by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
His sidekick Vito: "i'm walkin' here,
I'm walkin'".
I have it on good authority that Snob is in Hollyweird and has been screen testing for the lead in the Marco Pantani Story.
I hear that he just about had the part when he screwed up the cocaine huffing scenes by continually sneezing when he should have been snorting.
Some things are just not meant to be.
One hundred and seventy, yes!
I always following your blog. You have really a good blog. Very interesting and informative. I will stay tuned to see your next post on the 19th....
If you have a truck we have Bushwacker Fender Flares for you. We also have Bestops for your jeeps. | All about car
...@ayasha kieth...why do i get the feeling that your only real interest in this blogsite is to try & shill your shit...
...the last time you posted a comment, it was the exact same thing...
...feel free to respond...
"we're all talking
to keep the conversation alive"
Does Eno own a car?
lead out train for the 200 begins
wait, before we get 00th! the first position?
we should make up rules as we go
Sure wish Snob would post a "BSNYC (Currently aka BSLHR) Friday Surprise Quiz! (And Coming Home Early Announcement)"
OK, 179
@going for position
The next real podium is the start of the second page of comments. If I remember right, the second page starts at 200 or maybe 201...
So twenty more and the sprint will be on!
Pack fill, to get the sprint going!
Can you ride a bike across London bridges? When I was a kid, they always talked about them falling down. Since they keep falling down so often, they should just allow bikes only to ride across them.
Just don't use a bike share bike. They are so heavy they might just make the bridge fall down anyway.
(This comment is fill to start the podium race again. It is posted anonymously, since it is pure gibberish. I ain't claiming to having made it anyway.)
Having achieved my (likely) only podium finish at the start of these commments, I'd be happy to lead someone out, but I'm not gonna be around the 'puter for a while, so you're on your own.
Is this cheating?
My apologies, I got the count wrong, apparently its up to 188.
Where's Wildcat Waldo Machine?
And why's he going to appear on the Beeb tomorrow?
On the basis of his Twits, I picture a dandily-attired gentleman piloting a faired recumbent in a decorous fashion. In TOTALLY related news, David Byrne went car shopping.
It's the fucking Snobpocalypse, I tell ya...
Rounding the bend onto the Champs-ĆlysĆ©es, the field picks up speed...
Oh, BTW, the sprint is for 201st. 200th stays on the front page.
Does being anti car make you pro bike or does being pro bike have to make you anti car?
No, a person can be pro car and pro bike. Having said that, there sure are plenty of anti bike pro car people out there, so that brings up another question.
Why do some people believe you have to choose to either like bikes or like cars? Why can't they just use both of them like the rest us?
192--jostling to catch Renshaw's wheel...
I love the smell of warm, moist, blooming bamboo in the morning.
Google"does Brian Eno own a car?"--
the BSNYC, May 16, 2011 post
is on the first page.
Wabbit season?
Duck season?
What's your name?
Who's your daddy?
He rich?
Is he rich like me?
The Wabbit is actually a pretty good "down home" type restaurant in Gretna, La, a suburb on New Orleans.
I was not aware it was duck season.
Yes, that restaurant is my go to restaurant for dinner after the bike (BMX) races down there.
So surprisingly, "The Wabbit" is a bicycle related subject matter.
And coming in!
200! WoooooooWhooooooo!!
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