Everybody's number comes up eventually, and at some point we must roll up our sleeves, gird our loins, repeat a bunch of other similar clichés, and plunge our arms elbow-deep into the rancid pudding of responsibility. For some, it's jury duty. For others, it's a military tour of duty in a hostile country. And for me, it was a visit to Williamsburg, that neighborhood in Brooklyn which in a little over a decade has been transformed from a semi-obscure bastion of Orthodox Jewry to an international symbol of the excesses of the "hipster" generation.
It's impossible to overstate the significance of Williamsburg in the so-called "hipster" culture. In this context it is a modern-day Library of Alexandria that contains "vintage" vinyl and used pants instead of scrolls, and just as the Library of Alexandria was once the apotheosis of all knowledge and thought, so does Williamsburg represents the sum total of all of humanity's trend-mongering and fashion victimhood from the dawn of time until our present day.
Of course, it's human nature to fear that which we don't understand. Certainly a simple farmer or goat herder or ziggurat superintendent or whatever regular people did for money back then would have, upon entering the Library of Alexandria, cowered and trembled amid all those scrolls and philosophers and learned warrior-librarians and "epic" ziggurat card catalogs of stone. Similarly, I fear each trip to Williamsburg like it will be my last, and this is probably because I am but a humble bike blogger who leads a parochial life of almost laughable mundanity. Anybody who follows my Twitter knows what I'm talking about:
Though my life isn't just egg "curation;" there's also egg consumption:
That was a really fun day.

Yesterday however I had to attend to various important business matters [read: I was out of eggs] in various parts of the city--among these being Williamsburg, Brooklyn, the earthly manifestation of all my fears. While I'm used to being "awheel" during the morning and evening hours of rush as well as on the weekends, I'm less accustomed to flitting about the city during mid-day on weekdays, when those with non-traditional work schedules as well as members of the creative class [read: the unemployed] are the dominant presence on the city's bike lanes and thoroughfares--and waterways, as it turns out, for as I crossed the Manhattan Bridge I noticed a brace of "fixies of the sea:"
By "fixies of the sea" I of course mean personal watercraft:
I wasn't even in Manhattan yet and already I was tempted to turn fender and retreat to the comfort and security of my top-notch egg-boiling facilities, though bravely I pressed on. It's a good thing I did, too, because I got to witness the rare and spectacular "Beautiful Godzilla Rollback:"
(Somewhere a New York Times style reporter is wetting his or her pants.)
The beauty of the "Beautiful Godzilla Rollback" lies in the fact that it is one of the few instances in which a Beautiful Godzilla will do anything even remotely defensive, or in any way act to preserve her own life. It's like those rare instances when a cat tries to jump on something and misses--even though it could have been hurt, you're secretly pleased, since cats are always so damn smug about their agility.
Incidentally, you may also have noticed a pair of Bike Lane Hikers in the background:
Bike Lane Hiking is the hottest fitness craze in New York City right now--it's even more popular than indoor rock climbing. All over the city people are abandoning the sidewalks in droves and heeding the call of those inviting lime green bike lanes. Apparently they think the new cycling infrastructure in New York is actually an extension of the Appalachian Trail, except instead of hiking boots Bike Lane Hikers wear buttery-soft leather loafers and driving mocs. I guess certain people, when they see something new, immediately think, "Hey, I should walk on that!" Hopefully when that first freeze hits they all go test the pond in Central Park and never return.
Incidentally, you may also have noticed a pair of Bike Lane Hikers in the background:
Once I completed my business in Manhattan, I took a deep breath and pointed my bicycle towards Williamsburg, though the Nü-Freds of Manhattan were not going to let me leave the island without a good "shoaling:"

Notice he's riding a "Zen" bike and is "palping" some kind of "epic" spoke lighting system:
I'm not sure what's so "Zen" about cutting off a fellow cyclist and then forcing him to navigate around you because you've failed to notice that the light has changed, but then again I'm just a simple egg-boiler naive in the ways of the world.
And here's Williamsburg. Looks peaceful, doesn't it? Well, I'm sure the trenches of World War I looked peaceful from the cockpit of a biplane too:

As I made my way along Williamsburg's Jugular, Bedford Avenue, I encountered a fire engine turning onto the avenue from a side street. The driver was taking the turn slowly as there was minimal clearance between the fire engine's front bumper and the car parked on the left side of the street:
Perhaps I'm getting old, or perhaps egg-boiling has trained me in the art of patience, but I really didn't mind waiting the extra second or two for the fireman to complete his turn. This was not true of the cyclist ahead of me, however, who scrambled crablike onto the sidewalk:
As I made my way along Williamsburg's Jugular, Bedford Avenue, I encountered a fire engine turning onto the avenue from a side street. The driver was taking the turn slowly as there was minimal clearance between the fire engine's front bumper and the car parked on the left side of the street:
With some time to spare before my next engagement, I stopped in a coffee-and-muffin-purveying establishment, where I bore witness to an egregious breach of bicycle etiquette:
The bicycle with the white fork is my Scattante--or what remains of it--and as I sipped my coffee-themed drink I watched as the woman with the macramé hat leaned her bicycle against mine and simply left it there:
Not only had she failed to lock it, but she also clearly failed to take into account that the owner of the bedraggled Scattante might need to leave before she did. What if I had had an egg on the boil and needed to return to it? Was I supposed to move her bicycle for her? Was I supposed to let it fall to the pavement? Was I supposed to find her, tug on her on her macramé hat to get her attention, and ask, "Excuse me, Ma'am, but can you move your bicycle?" Why should her bicycle suddenly become my problem?
Fortunately, none of these scenarios came to pass, as she did leave before I did--though I was soon forced to contemplate another even more distressing indignity:
Yes, that is indeed a man wearing black nail polish and eating a bagel:
Black nail polish on man hands is creepy enough, but when juxtaposed with a bagel it somehow seems perverse. It's like when a movie supervillain pets a cat, or like when a priest touches a baby. Black nail polish seems much better suited to gripping a bent fork in a greasy spoon somewhere with shaky hands and eating a big disgusting plate of hangover food. Perhaps you don't even remember how the nail polish got there, or why you're wearing black lace garters and runny eyeliner. Eating a bagel at a muffin shop seems like something you'd do a few weeks later after some quality time with the nail polish remover and a clean bill of health from the free clinic.
Fortunately, none of these scenarios came to pass, as she did leave before I did--though I was soon forced to contemplate another even more distressing indignity:

Speaking of sex acts and muffins, my neighbor had a compelling sticker on her laptop:
While the camera integrated into my mobular telephone did not capture it legibly, it says: "The Most Expensive Meal You'll Ever Eat Is My Pussy." This may or may not be true--I've had some pretty expensive meals in my day--though I certainly will allow that there's no such thing as a free lunch.
After leaving the muffin shop, I continued along Bedford Avenue, where a non-hipster wearing headphones and riding a hybrid bicycle rounded a corner and salmoned right at me. While he managed to avoid me, he was successful in coldcocking a pedestrian right behind me. Here she is regaining her senses as the moronic salmon continues on his way:
Podium? !
Hey a top 5!
Red beard of glory?
::break dances::
I rode my bike to work today. My ears froze.
You know, Snob, you missed your calling as a telestrator...well, maybe not.
Mr. Contador might disagree with that laptop sticker.
Does the most expensive meal come with dessert?
1st of the 2nd 10!
"For some, it's jury duty"
only for the suckers who vote
Expensive pussy indeed!
the sticker below it said 'i like to bang in coffee house bathrooms'
Top 15?
The other day on my lunch break I saw a no-helmet guy ride the wrong way down a one-way street, turn left through a red light to ride the wrong way down another one-way street. I make that a double-salmon with a twist and a moving violation. Nice work in city traffic -- I gave him a 9.8 (brakes and gears kept him from a 10).
Nice one Snob! At least your Scattante got some 'strange'.
"Not only had she failed to lock it, but she also clearly failed to take into account that the owner of the bedraggled Scattante might need to leave before she did ... Why should her bicycle suddenly become my problem?"
oh you lazy, lazy man
An exceptional social commentary today, Mr. Snob.
I think that "man wearing black nail polish eating a bagel" is no more perverse that pictures of Alice Cooper playing golf, or Steven Tyler working out on a stairmaster. Come think of it, it's creepy in just the same way.
FWIW, macramé hat fills out those jeans quite nicely. Maybe her bike and yours...screw it.
"Well, I'm sure the trenches of World War I looked peaceful from the cockpit of a biplane too"
Pure Gold.
bike lane hiking is a tradition in California.
That laptop sticker woman should be reported to PETA. I can't believe she actually raises and then slaughters house cats for people to eat. Truly inhumane.
Oh wait...
The rules of biking in Williamsburg are as follows:
Don't take Bedford, ever.
Don't stop in Williamsburg, keep rolling through and go to a real neighborhood.
Your priorities are of little to no importance to anyone that lives or works there.
I bought your book today and will no longer have time to read the blog every day. Please email me a weekly synopsis.
So at the end of all that you didn't mention if the little shop you rode all that way to happened to stock a pretty ax(e)in the UCI colourway that you wanted. ce
I know this was from yesterday, but Canada's Rooster Wattle was my favourite so far. Thanks snob. It is still bringing me joy, which is why you do it, I know.
The woman who left her bike against yours was clearly flirting.
IF you're upset, she offers to make it up to you, gets your name, or at least finds out if you are nasty or nice.
The important thing is she gets to meet you face to face!
IF you don't care so much, she can probably keep at it and make you pay for her muffin.
Maybe she doesn't think bicycles nestling with each other is such a bad thing. It's kind of cute, don't you think?
Couda podied had I not been choaking on my bagel while touching up my black nail polish..
"bastion of orthodox jewry"
the beauty of what williamsburg used to be was its diversity of weirdness. That neighborhood was more than just orthodox jews, but semi-obscure latino coke spots, totally obscure italian-americans, polish, ect.
Gentrification --> homogenization.
The red bike leaned against yours belongs to my neighbor, who is a massive bitch and sucks at everything in life. Snark away.
Hallo, my name is Inigo Montoya, You killed my father,
Prepare to die.
best reference to goofy swashbuckling boots out there.
I can't help but notice you're rockin the Hold Fast? How do you like em?
the between-the-legs crab-scurry belies an urgency that borders on panic
Is there a lobster equivalent to appease the great one?
I'd hit it!
leroy - nice
and I noticed the child-seat rack.
Snob: I am thankful for gears when child-portaging.
awesome post. happy egg boiling BSNYC
self-admitted gold digger... I find the honesty strangely refreshing.
The flagrant bike lean wouldn't be quite as preposterous if hers wasn't already equipped with retractable leany thing technology.
And laptop girl is right. Antibiotics aren't cheap.
They're okay.
the chick in the macrame hat has a nice onion, indeed. however, i would have immediately gone out to the scat, unlocked it and tossed her bike into the middle of the street to teach her a little lesson in manners. oh, the nerve...
funny, the way the scattante is nuzzling it's front wheel into the macrame girl's bike, you would think it was taking a shine. that is of course if it werent' a scattante, which we all know are gay.
bike leaner girl had a great fucking ass!
Did you ask her why she was so expensive to eat? Perhaps there are some organic sides served that take time to prepare? I'd have a hard time not asking.
I've often wondered how you get so many pictures of people in the act. Do you ride with your camera at the ready? Perhaps you employ some sort of quick-draw holster?
Championship form, sir!
You "mobular" telephone does take terrible photos, but perhaps some blame falls on the photographer's shoulders?
Laptop girl prefers coal to liquefied natural gas? Inconceivable!
I was enjoying a post ride slice of pizza one day. My bike was locked in front of the window, which availed me a good few of someone rolling up an literally flinging his bike against mine. When I finished and returned to my bike I was tempted to fling his bike to the sidewalk to access my bike, but I just don't have it in me to treat a bicycle that way.
Hilarious post!
always carry an extra lock... to hell with the keys.
What a charming young lady that is in your coffee shop/laptop picture.
Who says decorum and manners have disappeared from today's youth?
nullum prandium gratuitum.
wasn't it Groucho Marx who said "now that we've established what you are, madam, we're just arguing price."?
An idea occurred to me about laptop/ pussy girl that has me depressed:
What if her parents gave her that laptop for her birthday, in a loving act of generosity to their child?
Nah, the laptop was probably just someone else's "expense".
Mr. Bike Snob,
Where is the rear brake on your bicycle?
Have you become the hipster you make fun of?
Have the mighty fallen?
Maybe a coaster I hope.
Arggghhh! Bicycles on the sidewalks are out to get me!
was that you on the contraption in prospect park today?
Mr. or Ms. Anonymous 2:49pm,
The rear brake of my bicycle is in a drawer since I only had one spare brake lever after brigands stole my cockpit (with brake levers in situ) some months ago.
The bicycle is fixed of gear, so the single front brake is sufficient.
I have long been most of the people I make fun of.
Love, love, love Miss Purple Boots' jacket. Too cute.
As for the girl with the sticker, isn't that just another example of the hipster mentality? They all want so badly to think they're 'special'.
man that girl has a cute butt. i think by attempting to mate her bike to yours she was suggesting that you mate with her as well.
Pedestrians walk in the bike lane instead of on the sidewalk right beside it because of stupid city planners.
In my town there are sidewalks but no cycling lanes. Here pedestrians walk in the road facing traffic and use the sidewalk only when oncoming cars can't merge over for them.
The reason pedestrians do not use the sidewalk is because they are almost always cement. Bike lanes and roads are almost always asphalt. Walking on asphalt is almost like walking on carpet. Even with very good shoes, it is much more comfortable and efficient to walk on asphalt if you are covering any distance at all.
The reason the pedestrians are in the bike lane is because of stupid city planners who use concrete for sidewalks.
..."Mr. Contador might disagree with that laptop sticker."...
...definitely leroy for the win...
...& in light of wada's recent statement, someone's as of late yesterday & anonymously posted "Grande Boucle finger banger fails to beat his meat!" deserves recompense...
...nice "day in the life" as per cycling about town in nyc, bsnyc/rtms...almost mythical, rather than epic...
Mr Snob, while I'm sure "I'm biking with these components because of theft" is a statement most of us have said before too, I cant help but wonder...does this have anything to do with your sponsorship of the cockies?
I've never understood why coffee shops and bars don't install more bike racks out front.
I guess maybe they consider the fixies hanging off low hanging tree limbs & lamp-posts by one wheel a protected species of monkey?
Anon 2:04
You're a good man. It is not the bike's fault that the owner is a putz...
i like mine sunny-side-up, with whole-wheat toast, thank you.
Does Blogger have a "fr1st p0st" filter?
The macrame lady has a nice ass. I'd hit it.
what camera do you use? do you have it mounted on your helmet?
snobby - this is pretty eggstraordinary.
Muffin Shop, you say?
Expensive is a very relative term. Maybe she's politely indicating that failed the free clinic certification.
You use gump seat.
I'd say you're damn lucky she didn't lock her bike to yours. That's happened to me in B-burg. Lots of fun. On the other hand, she looks like a girl who might not even realize she had a bike. That level of commitment to reality is like, you know, just too much to deal with, you know? Like she's just way too busy with lots of "projects."
Yay! The Indignity of CbB is my favorite flavor of BSNYC post! But I'm saddened to learn that Monkeylectric wheel lights are snob-worthy, as I had assumed that my bicycle was snob-proof (it's got gears, brakes, fenders, and racks; I've got a pretty practical bike that never rides contraflow and never shoals anyone). I mean, I know they're heavy, garish, and impracti...oh. I see. *sigh*
Whatever, Snob, I think they're great. And every child, stoned teenager, and drunk that I pass totally agrees with me. They're super bright and reflect wildly off of the snow all winter long, and given the amount of darkness we see during an Anchorage winter, I've more than gotten my money's worth out of them (one dollar = one "holy shit, wtf is that?!").
The bums that live in the Chester Creek greenbelt cheer/vomit when I go by, and 9 out of 10 kids on the school buses that pass me roll down their windows and scream joyfully (1 out of 10 fall into their seats spasming epileptically). And all of that joy, wonderment, and seizure is worth far more than the scorn of the mighty Bike Snob NYC.
"top notch egg boiling facilities" do not exist. ideally eggs should not be boiled, but cooked at 65.5 degrees Celsius.
do this and you shall experience an egg ephiphany, a revelation of what eggs really can be. it will make you cry out in thanks to the great ornery lobster deity.
unless of course bsnobnyc is boiling it in a special liquid which has a boiling point at that temperature, but you assumed (perhaps wrongly)that he is using water and not some other liquid. methanol maybe??
"backwards circles" "in order to reverse time when a package is late"
Anonymous 5:13pm,
I've been boiling them in Rapha Performance Skincare products. They also make a lovely hollandaise sauce.
4:48 - don't feel self-conscious - my commuter has a speaker system on it - and just because it has a seal of disapproval on it, doesn't make it any less a target.
Remember, the Snob himself says right here on this page "I have long been most of the people I make fun of."
Laptop girl was alone, I can not imagine why.
Advertising defectiveness is natures way of creating the old crazy cat lady.
I bet black nail-polish boy isn't getting any either tonight.
Snobby, go buy another brake lever.
today's post was a goddamned joy through and through!
BSNYC @ 3:05, why don't you flip that joint to the free wheel side? I like the simplicity of the single speed for commuting around the city but found fixed riding to be annoying and really had none of the benefits espoused by the fixerrati (zenlike oneness with the road, etc). Having the option to coast is a good thing. but I suppose it doesn't look cool to not have your cranks turning while you walk your bike.
Anonymous 6:11pm,
It doesn't have a freewheel side, and I like it fine the way it is.
...passed this info via e-mail to bsnyc/rtms several days ago but i must assume, as a true believer in ***the*** 'lobster god', he doesn't wish to listen to biologists in matters of this significance...
...not questioning anyone's faith, including my own, as a believer in the 'lobster god'...( i offer praises & drawn butter) but this story may have an affect...
..."Biologists claim to have discovered two new species of lobsters, along with six others which are recorded for the first time in Australian waters....(trust the aussies to provide this stuff)...
..." An international team, led by Dr Jo Taylor of Museum Victoria in Australia, (jo-jo the lobster doc ??? - i think i drank beers with that chick while researching my faith) has documented the lobster species of the Munidopsis -- one of the most
diverse in squat lobsters." (squat lobsters - who knew ???)...
...anyway, here's the whole story...
...keep the faith...
you were really on fire today!
don't forget a touch of horseradish in the egg salad!
dammnit!!! was on jury-duty all day downtown... too late now... got continue boiling those eggs... good show...
A BSNY classic. Tasty!
"However, the between-the-legs crab-scurry belies an urgency that borders on panic. I didn't ask him how he takes his eggs, but I'd peg him for a scrambler."
I wonder how his huevos fared?
Careful Snob, keep dropping hints like this and you might find a mailbox full of fanmailed brake levers. I've been wondering how we could repay for all the free entertainment..
Betcha jewished that broad in broad daylite parked her as a matter of fact nest to your Skanktante spike!
I knew this post was going to be about sex when I saw
** coffee-and-muffin-purveying establishment**
1. Macrame' hat girl with the junk(we all know there is a thong in there)
2. Excited Goth guy hiding his willy with a bagel wrapper while his thoughts are on his $34,ooo VW Toureg from Mom and Dad.
3.Expensive-Pussy-Laptop-girl using free Wi-Fi.
Sex and the City indeed Mr.Snob,stop by next week.
Although I kept wondering through all this what kind of front hub is on the Scattante(?)
You know, you've set yourself a fairly low bar when it comes to photography, and I'm fine with that. I don't read your blog for great photography, I read it for the great commentary. But please clean your lens from time to time, it's getting pretty blurry.
Anybody engaged in puzzlingly lavish recreational behavior is a Russian oligarch. Ha! like it.
Soo...what's the proper way to approach a red light on a bike? I don't want to be a shoaler or salmon. haha.
Scattante guy... I loves a Scattante guy.
This was the best column in a long time - THANKS!!
I've been reading and enjoying this blog for years. That one was the best one ever.
bgw - munidopsis? is this the dawn of munitheism?
Hey Bike Snob, I love the blog and especially the pictures! Why do you reference eggs all the time? Guess I'll have to read on to find out why. My blog is more for the fledgling triathlete but I really enjoyed reading about your day-to-day urban cycling adventures. I have a profound respect for the bike messengers in San Francisco where I live and need to get some pics of those road warriors. You should have an upload page where readers can send you pics of messengers in their cities. Keep up the good work!
there is actually a recent article about the jet skiers of New York in the October issue of Outside magazine...
i'm also biking
Ignoring the fuck out of my Twitter account right now. (Is that bad?)
.."munitheism"...hmmm, wouldn't that be 'worship of a transit system' ???...
Ignoring the fuck out of my Twitter account right now. (Is that bad?)
Hey there, um Mr Snob
I guess you assume you know everything. You don't
The hipster part of Williamsburg was never the jewish part. Before the Northside becamde the shithole that it is, polish and italians lived there.
I always see the best stuff when I'm out on my bike during the day. It's like working the graveyard shift--a whole different word.
Brad Tanner
Cloud Source Network
You Exercise! Get Sponsored.
"Bike Lane Hiking"- I love it!
Hate to pile on, but I will anyway. Another reader-for-years who appreciates this particular post as one of his true favorites. Well done.
This is totally off topic but here goes: The ultimate in personalized bicycles:
Cartier, Celine, Chanel, Chloe, Christian Dior, Christian Louboutin, Coach, Dior Homme, Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Giuseppe Zanotti, Givenchy, Gucci, Hermes, Jimmy Choo, Lancel, Lanvin, Loewe, Louis Vuitton, Manolo Blahnik, Marc Jacobs, Marni, Miu Miu, Mulberry, Prada, Salvatore Ferragamo, Thomas Wylde, Tory Burch, Valentino, Versace, Vivienne Westwood, Yves Saint Laurent, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Alexander McQueen, Alexander Wang, Anya Hindmarch, Balenciaga, Bally, Bottega Veneta, Burberry
You should be tweeting every 5 seconds.
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