Somewhat less profound is deciding how to spend the time between waking up in the morning (or, if you live in Williamsburg, the afternoon) and going to school or work (or, if you live in Williamsburg, the vegan coffee shop with the free Internet). While we all use this time differently, most of us don't really need to agonize over it too much. Some of us are up for hours, while others simply rush out the door after hitting the "snooze" button 15 times, but either way at a certain point in our lives we've pretty much worked out our approach to starting the day.
However, if you're the sort of person who seeks guidance in this area, fortunately there's "minimalism"--the 21st century religion of "bullshit curation." Here's one minimalist on how he sets the tone of self-importance that permeates the rest of his day:

By the way, I'm not sure why anybody would interview a minimalist, because it seems like this should be all there is to say on the subject:
Q: Are you a minimalist?
A: Yes.
Done, and done.
I guess that, in addition to being the 21st century religion of "bullshit curation," minimalism is also the art of being boring and missing the point, since anything sounds "simple" if you leave out all the relevant or interesting details. Once you figure out the secret of meaningless list-making the rest is easy, and even the busiest person in the world can present himself as a minimalist. For example, here's President of the United States (Canada's lobster bib) Barack Obama's "simplified routine:"
1. Wake Up
2. Govern
3. Go to Bed
Sure, a lot happens during the "govern" part, but minimalists don't concern themselves with that. By the way, if you're looking to wring precious minutes out of your day, you might want to experiment with "compressing your eating window," just like "simplified morning routine" guy is:
I used to eat breakfast in the morning, but now I wait until mid-day to eat my steel-cut oats. Why? No special reason — I’m experimenting a bit with compressing my “eating window” from the normal 12-14 hours or so (the time you first eat until the time you last eat in the day) to about 8 hours. It hasn’t been a major change but something I’ve been trying out. It also means I can simplify my morning routine.
This is a minimalist way of saying, "Unlike most people with intact neurological functioning, I'm unable to read the paper and eat oatmeal at the same time."
I used to eat breakfast in the morning, but now I wait until mid-day to eat my steel-cut oats. Why? No special reason — I’m experimenting a bit with compressing my “eating window” from the normal 12-14 hours or so (the time you first eat until the time you last eat in the day) to about 8 hours. It hasn’t been a major change but something I’ve been trying out. It also means I can simplify my morning routine.
This is a minimalist way of saying, "Unlike most people with intact neurological functioning, I'm unable to read the paper and eat oatmeal at the same time."
Furthermore, while most of us find the default "eating windows" of "breakfast," "lunch," and "dinner" simple enough, the minimalist phenomenon of "eating window compression" undoubtedly causes all sorts of complications. For example, it must be incredibly difficult for two minimalists to meet up and talk minimalist shop since they can't simply say, "Let's talk about it over lunch." Instead, they have to utilize all sorts of iPhone "apps" so they can find a block of time during which their custom-tailored "eating windows" overlap. "Yeah, I'd love to get together for some steel-cut oats tomorrow morning, but unfortunately that time frame falls outside my new 8-hour eating window." And so it's back to sitting on the pillow, staring into space.
Also noteworthy is that "simplified morning routine" guy leaves out the most contemplative sitting-and-reading period of all, which is of course visiting the bathroom.
Even the most harried soul finds a few moments for contemplation while using the facilities--it's the Everyman's Nirvana.
Maybe he needs more steel-cut oats in his diet.
Fortunately there are still people who, when it comes to minimalism, have the moxie to put their money where their mouths are--or, more accurately, put their hands where a twig is. Consider this rustic makeshift cockpit that was sent to me by a reader:
This is certainly potential "Cockie" material--or it would be, had it been submitted in accordance with the contest rules. I'm at a loss as to what the green material on the stem is and whether it's structural or decorative, so rather than speculate I will defer to an engineer. Presumably though there's solid reasoning behind the unfinished wood, and my best guess is that the rider has a pet squirrel who likes to travel with him and whose claws find secure purchase on tree branches. This is why tree branch handlebars are also known as the "Woodsman's Nitto"--or, if they're inverted and shortened, as "flop-and-whittles."

Meanwhile, another reader has spotted this contraption, which is hanging its "filth prophylactic" in shame:

Though I'm pleased to see that rim messages are no longer whimsical and are instead straightforward warnings to the public:
As if the sight of the "hipster" on the brakeless pursuit bike barreling towards you with his ass in the air and his underwear exposed weren't enough for you to conclude that the rider is incapable of stopping, this rim effectively drives the message home.

Though I'm pleased to see that rim messages are no longer whimsical and are instead straightforward warnings to the public:

One wonders if this rider's wheel bears a similar message:
Photographed by a reader at Interbike, he apparently ran a light along with a group of other riders while wearing a helmet cam in the grand 21st century tradition of capturing boneheaded riding on video, causing car traffic to skid to a stop. Since his crew is nowhere to be seen, I will presume that they abandoned him in the interest of self-preservation. Hopefully he decides to fight the ticket, keeps the helmet cam on, and drops a tight "edit" of his subsequent traffic court appearance.

Meanwhile, as hipsters age, it's only a matter of time before brakeless baby-portaging becomes the new elephant trunk skid. I have yet to see this in practice, but judging from Craigslist there does seem to be some experimentation going on:

it's a raleigh and has a basket which you can remove if you don't like and there are some aftermarket parts on there as well.
the frame is quite big (you'll have to come and check the exact size out for yourself)
hope to hear from you (by email or phone) 646 318 [deleted].

Of course, a real man's bike would have no use for a brake or a basket, as you can see from this eBay auction, forwarded by another reader:
This bike is so freaking sweet. It has hardly been ridden because whenever i ride it the girls are all over me and my girlfriend get's jealous, so it's easier to just leave it at home. It is also really fast, it would be scary fast if you weren't a real man. I can get home from the bar like 3 minutes faster than my other bike, which is handy because you'll need to out run all the girls that think this bike is HOTT. I am totally serious.
Getting home from the bar three minutes faster is certainly a selling point--especially if you're looking to compress your "drinking window."

Il Campionissimo.
top ten?
damn samh.
top ten?
Just missed the podium. I would have been there, too, but samh is quite obviously cheating.
Damn you, Sam. I was on key for podium today but a customer walked in right as I was refreshing. Bozeman represent!
I'm off the back since Vegas
almost top 10, no Gruber
top 20
...this might seem like a non sequitur but trust me...
...whatever you do, don't eat soup @ the new buffed up bsnyc/rtms's house...
...he's been doing some strange shopping lately...
20 topping!
Three minutes too late - no pepto-bike.
"Read a book. The paper kind, that doesn't require electricity."
I think the minimalist compressed his education too, unless he only reads when the sun's up and thinks that elves, not machines, produce paper books. What a doofus.
changed my mind, course too hard
Top twenty. Peaking for Australia.
There was a lady who used to regularly bring her kid to the diner I used to work at on a brakeless fixie. I was always flummoxed as to whether or not it was appropriate for me to comment, but never really said anything short of a wry, "nice bike, lady."
...Last time I mocked my wife, "steel cut oats" was a niche marketing gimmick with a very non-minimalist price. Don't horses have eating windows revolving around oats too? Is the key to minimalism to be the kept stable animal of a sucker for niche marketing?
Is the "eating window" followed closely by a "shitting window?"
On second thought, never mind; I'd rather not know.
I have a pink bike and the ladies view it with suspicion. Dudes on the other hand love it.
What kind of minimalist refers to "breakfast" as "steel-cut oats?" It's fucking breakfast, you prententious assholes. I don't care if it's steel-cut pigs ass, it's just breakfast. Get familiar with your own fucking dogma.
I'm not sure what kind of bar that person frequents on the purple bike. Perhaps it is one of those windowless establishments with a cowboy theme and a solid wooden entry door. However, I cannot imagine that being overtaken by "girls" is much of an issue.
My anti-minimalist routine:
1. Sit. I wake up and make a smoothie, then drink a glass of scotch. I focus on my morning wood.
2. Read. I read a book, the digital kind, on an iPad running of a gasoline-powered generator. I like reading with as many distractions as possible, preferably in a strip club.
3. Write. Before I check my car for bombs, I sit down and write emails to Snob about something stupid I saw on the interweb, again, preferably at a circus, or another strip club.
After that, I check my feeds and get my email that says I'm fired for too much fucking round in the morning.
What kind of minimalist refers to "breakfast" as "steel-cut oats?"
Who gets their oats cut by steel anymore? I went to argon lasers years ago and never looked back.
the frame is quite big (you'll have to come and check the exact size out for yourself)
Well hello! Sounds like this guy meant for this ad to be in the CL personals section, under 'entre nous'.
"I can get home from the bar like 3 minutes faster than my other bike, which is handy because you'll need to out run all the girls that think this bike is HOTT."
HOTT being an acronym for Hard On The Testicles.
'tis a gift to be simple.
maximum simple = death.
death is a gift.
snobbie, one year ago i saw a dad at the playground in fort greene park come inside with his brakeless fixie and his child on the seat at the handlebars... i went up to him and asked him if it wasn't difficult (i was trying to be PC) to ride brakeless w/ a child in front, he replied that it was the same as any other bike and dismissed me as being overprotective... wish i had had a camera.
Steel-cut oats are real.
Those crabon fibre-cut oats can fail catastrophically without warning. It can take hours to clean the bathroom after that.
Fred said...Steel-cut oats are real.
Those crabon fibre-cut oats can fail CATASTROPHICALLY without warning. It can take hours to clean the bathroom after that.
--- fixed.
I guess closets aren't just for clothes, they're also for lavender Raleigh REAL MANS fixie conversions, (with a fabulous matching lavender saddle and gold seat post.)
Well now honestly, that minimalist morning list from zenhabits is way too complicated for me.
I prefer Lin Chi's observation: "when sitting, just sit, when walking, just walk, but above all don't wobble."
Or BTO's: "if you get annoyed, look at me I'm self employed, I love to work at nothing all day."
or Dire Straits, "...get your money for nothin' and your chicks for free"
My reaction when I read the Zen habits' guy's morning routine was "this guy doesn't have an actual job. Who has time for all that?" If I did all that before I went to work, I wouldn't get to work until late morning, which would cause me to lose the financial backing of my corporate overlords. This would considerably de-simplify my life. My morning routine:
1) Coffee
2) Shower
3) Breakfast
4) Work
Seems pretty simple, even if it does have an extra step. At least I get breakfast and a shower. Xen guy doesn't seem to mention showering, so I don't know if he does this or not.
"I bowl, drive around, the occasional acid flashback."
The ultimate minimalist.
So who was the schweeb with the Liberace Raleigh and where does he put the candelabra?
1) Coffee
2) Shower
3) Breakfast
4) Work
I make this much more efficient by passing hot shower water through coffee grounds and my epic breakfast burrito on-a-rope. THEN I check my email.
Actually I think you would expand your drinking window and compress your riding time.
Compressed eating window is douche speak for I'm trying to lose weight so I quit eating after 6:00. Translated back--minimizing posterior excess.
btw, I changed my own flat today. Not so lame anymore! At least not in that aspect.
...bsnyc sez "Just Call Me Aimless in the Morning"...
...mrs. bikesnob sez "god dammit ebon !!!...did you pee all over the toilet again ???...i've got my hands full feeding & changing diapers on the snobulette & i don't need you to be such a lazy bikeslob...tomorrow morning, you grab it & aim it, mister...i'm tired of you & this fucking 'minimalist' kick you're on"...
Samh, I will buy the $25000 Crabon Fibre blog comments section with all of your wins in tiny little type. I want mine BEFORE Robin Williams, please.
Compressed eating window sounds like a flattened drive-thru. And steel-cut oats sounds like "I catalog the weight of my own excrement daily."
And what is it with fixed gear riders and grammar, spelling, punctuation, brakes, hygiene...?
I used to have a simple morning routine, but that was pre-cats. Now my list is probably 57 things, most of which are "shoo cats away from stove/toast/butter/oil/sink/pan/windowsill plant." At least they leave my coffee alone. They may be minimalists, anyway: They do a lot of sitting and like to lie on the New York Times. Almost like reading.
Snobbie, I am a engineer and I commend you for defering to one, everybody should. I don't know what the heck the green material on the stick is. Maybe its crabon-cut oats like Fred said. Glad I could help.
I just wanted to say a quick hey to all you citizens of my "lobster bib".
Being a Canuck, me like, snob.
I don't know what the heck the green material on the stick is.
Whoa...Flashback to my last checkup.
I'm pretty sure it's plasticine, or C4 explosive. Plasticine is the poor man's duct tape.
I have a fixed gear bike with a baby seat, but since I'm not an idiot I also have brakes and an amazing engineering feat in a flip flop hub, which I ride free when the little bugger is on the back.
Chapeaux to Fingerbang Assistant and Commie Canuck, genyoowine lollage.
How do I find out what metal my oats were cut with? Ring Sainsbury's I guess. And are there any other acceptable oat-cutting metals?
Crosspalms, our morning routines are similar. Except mine prefer the Business Journal and Women's Health. The latter I suspect for the pictures only since two of the three are male.
"i have a great bike but can't attach a sit for my i have to sell them."
Please, is it necessary to sell the baby? I suggest maybe simply the bicycle.
paul - i make sure my oats are cut with titanium, as it is the sharpest metal. makes for a lighter breakfast too.
...chuck norris sez - "steel-cut oats are for sissy-boy hipsters...i crush my oats in my hand & they cook in my stomach after i swallow them raw"...
My wife likes oatmeal, so years ago I bought her a tin (coffee comes in cans; artisanal grain products come in tins) of Irish steel-cut oats. She tried them once and went back to Quaker (not pilgrim). Nice tin, though, we still have it. Too bad she didn't know about the Chuck Norris technique.
Just wondering if the "woodsman's nitto" was cut with a designer "axe."
A minimalist's life plan
1) Birth
2) School
3) Work
4) Death
And now that stupid song keeps going through my head, so I had to look it up. Mercy!
ANGEL OF THE MORNING was written by Chip Taylor (born James Wesley Voight) who is the younger
brother of actor Jon Voight. Chip also wrote "Wild Thing", which was
a big hit for The Troggs in 1966 and "I Can't Let Go" (co-written with
Al Gorgoni), which was a hit for The Hollies.
Something just happened to the space/time continuum.
the only bar that "queer" with the pink bike is riding home from is a Gay Bar. He is running from the women because he is only interested in the brown eye
That HOTT bike is for wussies, I mean who the hell would get caught riding that in public?
Holy f*ck! My minimalist life just got a lot more complicated, I have to now count my 57 things during my morning routine to be sure no one has taken any of them ...dammit !! I've had to add an extra step..
And furthermore that twig bike's u lock costs mire than the biek, WTF??
CommieCanuck! I consulted the DICTNAVAB and see that your abbreviation HOTT is correct. Nut job Hipster might have a bad case of genital deafness. As for the artisinal touchy feely oats, I have a better minimalist approach. Start with the artisinal cardboard-tubed Quakers (not pilgrims) and mash the bastards with a mortar and pestle (or Pistalero?). Instant ghetto Scottish oatmeal, blend with coffee and Scotch.
crosspalms, I believe that's a GodFather's song.
I'm an engineer and had a pet squirrel when I was younger, but I don't know what that green stuff is on the "Woodsman's Nitto" either.
What I can tell you is that the preferred method of transporting a squirrel is in the front shirt pocket. While they're still small, anyway.
Dammit, I'm on a roll. Let's minimalize breakfast, I'll use the Fakerjack steel to minimalize the HOTT bike. Nevermind that, it's too light, let a Brush Monkey show 'em what a swingin' Pulaski sounds like. OOps, wasn't crabon, that sounded just like a Schwinn tarck hipster ride. Anyone need some spare tubing?
commiecanuk is on fire today.
best poster award winner for sure.
haha "epic burritto ona rope"
g, that's a relief. But I still have to wrestle with the idea that Jon Voight's kid brother (or Angelina Jolie's uncle, if you want to look at it that way) wrote "Wild Thing." That may be the 58th factoid that winds up exploding my brain.
According to a user-updated internet encyclopedia, it takes 15-30 minutes to cook steel cut oats. Not quite minimalistic time-wise. Hello, Cheerios!
I cycle past the General Mills plant every day, you can smell the Cheerios, even the Lucky Charms. Great antiminimalist fuel. Chapeau to the Canuck today, he really was on fire, worthy of an RTMS tee shirt.
Snob, you really let these minimalists get under your skin.
The other funny thing about the minimalist's simplified morning routine is that he kind of leaves out the fact that he has six kids. I have one kid and I would never describe the morning as simple. So he either fully hands off his parenting responsibilities to his wife (and the older kids) or he's, gasp, lying.
I put my backpack in the basket so I don't get all sweaty dans le dos, you know.
Very useful, a basket I would say. Plus the ladies like it, it shows your soft side.
My bike has brakes and gears.
Why do minimalists hate grooming? They never seem to own toothbrushes or shampoo, nor do they ever seem to use either.
Is that how you can quickly spot a minimalist? By their smell?
The guy pulled over by the cop is Walton Brush, of mashsf fame...
Anon. 6:55 -
Yes, and yes. Especially if it is patchouli oil.
My minimalist list:
1. Wake
2. Defecate
3. Fall asleep on the toilet.
i m mnmlst cmmntr
Anyone else see something wrong with the spoke pattern on that purple fashion victim bike?
I think I know what really makes these people "minimalist"
They have read and experienced so little in life that they don't realize their 'insights' are common knowledge.
Everyone is on a journey of discovery, but what bugs me about this class of blogger is the smugness in their writing ...maybe its not smugness, but writing with such blissful ignorance has a way of coming across as such.
commie is NOT funny - he's boring.
i said it.
I can't believe you didn't refer to the "eating window" as a "'foodway'"
(had to fix a typo!)
Oh, come on, smb. Commie is funny.
And Frilly, yours sound more advanced than ours (5 females, 2 males -- lots of ferals in our neighborhood); they've decided magazines are for shredding, newspapers are for lying on. We haven't tried taking them for helmetless basket rides on our brakeless fixies yet -- must acquire brakeless fixies first...
Sherlock Holmes would make us feel brainless and dependent while still cherished in the manner of a pet by tagging that bike w/the broken-off conduit bars as belonging to a painter, if indeed that's green masking tape, known for its excellent conformability, transfer resistance, superior resistance to bleed through and UV. Nothing on the package performance in the vertical and horizontal planes.
Hey guys, stop making fun of my IRONIC FIXIE! It's HOTT!You are just jealous
do mnmlst's have 6 kids? Leo is a fucking opossum
why is brth cntrl not minimalist? commie is funny miss Red Samh is a pissed up slapper
"Steel-cut oats are also known as coarse-cut oats, pinhead oats, or Irish oats. This form of oats takes longer to prepare than instant or rolled oats due to its minimal processing."
Whatever happened to the time-honored
& Shave?
do you have to strap on skis jogging shorts and a leather before fearlessly battling the new and improved scourge of bullshit curation?
Pinhead oats!
Its great to see that people are sharing quite profitable information with each other and now we can move our selves to a new era.
1. Make Steel Cut Oats a new meme. See, rolled oats aren't sufficiently "artisanal" for us. Rolled oats are for peasants. The steel used to cut such oats, btw, is Columbus Tubing.
2. This doofus makes reference to the email interviews he apparently received all the time. But see his:
Doesn't look like he's living up to his own mantra.
CC is funny - mostly thanks to his accent. Well, it sounds funny to me anyway. But then, I have gone a bit deaf from sitting in the lotus position for too long. I've been sitting like this ever since my compressed "provide-something-of-value -to-society" window ended.
The greatest problem that I can see for the minimalist with the compressed eating window is that this practice might restrict their involvement in the increasingly trendy "Slow Food" movement (not the oat deficient diet related "slow food movement"). To work these two trends together you would have to cut right back to a single meal per day, which would then be drawn out and deeply experienced over many oat-tastic hours. I'm sure there would be an iphone app by now that would enable the Slow Minimalist to sow, tend, harvest and process an oat crop without the need for any agricultural or gardening possessions. ce
Steel cut oats, the douchebag fixie crew & their kombucha (shudder)WHY DO YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THESE REVOLTING POSER ASSHOLES BIKESNOB????
No one here is funny aside from occasionally Snobby himself.
I made oatmeal cookies (my favorite) with steel-cut oats. I didn't realize that I needed to soak the oats in something for like, a freakin' millenium--the worst cookies I ever made. I broke a molar on 'em.
I'm no authority and I have not even done a web search on the subject, but I would bet that "steel cut" oats end up requiring much more energy in the long run, whether they are "minimally processed" or not, when you consider the fuel requirements for cooking them. Of course that does not matter to any foo-foo doofus yuppie trying to impress his friends.
Thanks Bike Snob - now I'm going to have "Just Call me Angel, in the Morning" running through my head all day! (Luckily, so many years ago, I did like that song.)
- David
Aloe Vera Juice Benefits
Holistic Health Info.
Procrastination = looking up versions of "Angel in the Morning" on Youtube.
Sorry Samh,
Can't let you have both ends of the comments.
I'm grinding my teeth in the most minimalist manner....
All you haters steel cut my oats.
Gabba gabba we accept you we accept you one of us
Gabba gabba we accept you we accept you one of us
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more I just met a nurse that I could go for
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more I just met a nurse that I could go for
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more I just met a nurse that I could go for
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more I just met a nurse that I could go for
Everyone's accusing me
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more I just met a nurse that I could go for
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more I just met a nurse that I could go for
No one get's how to use punctuation anymore.
i have a great bike but can't attach a sit for my i have to sell them.
He is selling his bike and his baby everyone!
I'm really Glad i discovered this site.Added to my bookmark!
Anyone notice that mister zen minimalist has 6 kids? the box of condoms must count as 12 items
How can I disable windows media player from minimizing into the taskbar?
"Q: Are you a minimalist?
A: Yes.
Done, and done."
I like that.
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