Of course, if you want a book you can also get one at my BRA tomorrow night at 6:30, which as I mentioned on Friday will place at the Rapha Cycle Club. Rest assured that I will insult Rapha even as they play host to me, and that I will also give away t-shirts and other items. I will also present some sort of slideshow loosely organized around the theme of the "epic." In fact, I briefly considered turning the event into an "epic burrito story" open mic night ("epic burrito stories" are the "beat poetry" of the 21st century), and if you have such a story I encourage you to take the stage and tell it. You can also test ride my Surly Big Dummy if you leave a substantial cash deposit.
In any case, I hope to see you there tomorrow night, and if you need cycling directions you can always consult a popular search engine. If you're wondering how accurate these directions are, the New York Times has endeavored to find out:
I only read this article because I'm quoted in it (I get my news from Hot Chicks With Douchebags), but I was alarmed to find that the writer was not only encouraged to "salmon" by the popular search engine's mapping function, but that "it steered [him] away from the rough parts of Bedford Stuyvesant."

Well, another reader informs me that it actually belongs to an "evil messenger" character and even managed to photograph the "evil messenger" having trouble with his diabolically recalcitrant clipless pedals:
If the crabon Parlee wasn't enough of a clue that this messenger is evil, then his left bicep should be a dead giveaway:
I'm not sure what's actually in the bicep holder, but I suppose it's the iPhone he uses to find his way around the city.

The fact that the popular search engine would avoid an area it deems "rough" is doubly alarming to me, and seems to be even more evidence of a far-reaching cycling-based "douche-spiracy." Consider also that when the New York Post tested the mapping function it sent their hapless reporter directly into the maw of bloodthirsty, bicycle-hating Hasidic Jews. Clearly this sort of neighborhood "curating" on the popular search engine's part is proof that we have entered a new and disturbing age of online cultural gerrymandering designed specifically to manipulate and control "hipsters." I've long suspected this, and to test it I asked the popular search engine to give my cycling directions between two non-hipster locations: Harlem and Bedford Stuyvesant. Sure enough, it simply advised me to ride around and around McCarren Park in Williamsburg instead:
While this may seem obvious, it's positively subtle compared to the results I got two weeks ago:
In any case, it's clear that the popular search engine intends to corral bicycle-mad "hipsters" who don't know their way around their adopted cities into "gentrified" ghettos by providing inaccurate directions, thus limiting their exposure to the outside world. Those who exhibit "tech skillz" will be forced to toil in the popular search engine's delightfully M&M-colored labor "campus," and the rest will be ground into tasty and delicious "Soylent Douche."

Speaking of "salmoning," video of what can only be the World's Dumbest Bike Messenger recently surfaced. In it, the messenger is filming himself while riding the wrong way on a busy street, at which point he hits and knocks down a man in a suit. Astonishingly, the man in the suit expresses concern for the messenger, who responds in mind-bendingly douche-tastic fashion by berating him for not using a crosswalk. Subsequent to being uploaded, the video went more viral than a sex worker's "naughty components," at which point the messenger deleted it in what I can only imagine is shame, but you can still see the victim here:

(Video now deleted. New link here via a helpful commenter!)
And here is the messenger and his friend, as shown in one of his other videos, which indicates he is also an aspiring ("aspiring" in this case means "in the process of failing") musician:
As the bicycle courier industry breathes its last breaths, it seems that "street smarts" are finally giving way to online mapping, and the few remaining messengers are delusional stars in feature films of the ego that they don't realize are slapstick comedies until they actually upload them and the public at large informs them they're idiots.

Speaking of which, I suspect the upcoming film "Premium Rush" is shaping up to be unintentional slapstick comedy as well. Yesterday, I posted this picture of a Parlee road bike on the set and speculated as to its purpose:

Well, another reader informs me that it actually belongs to an "evil messenger" character and even managed to photograph the "evil messenger" having trouble with his diabolically recalcitrant clipless pedals:

Meanwhile, in "real life," another reader informs me that an enterprising group of people who probably didn't land jobs at a popular search engine are planning to create an independent New York City bike-sharing program:
Apparently, you'll be able to find a bike with your popular brand of smartphone. The bikes will be locked at bike racks all over the city, which means they should all be stolen in a matter of days. Here's a charmingly naive video that explains the whole thing:
I guess they're all too busy riding circles around McCarren Park.

The Social Bicycle System from Ryan Rzepecki on Vimeo.
Notice, by the way, that he can deliver his entire speech while standing in the bike lane without encountering a single cyclist:
The Bicycles are a Twee pop quartet from Toronto, Ontario composed of Matt Beckett, Drew Smith, Dana Snell, and Andrew Scott (formerly of The Meligrove Band).
come to Providence!
Bang the podium
I finally got the superglue out of my lock!
i've got glue on my keyboard, couldn't get the sprint off
seven with a whimper... too much Sade, yesterday
top ten, bitches!
cancels out!
Top 10!
shesh, may as well go read the post before commenting
I think it is a toucan...
we've got a bike sharing program in detroit. it's called take a magna, leave a magna
What in the hell is the PA doing to those pedals? Doesn't he realize that they travel in circles and that you can access them at the top of the stroke as well? Man, that's just dumb.
Snob, I saw 3 cyclist ride by during the video.
None of them were poor enough riders to run into him though.
...like astroluc, too much 'de sade' yesterday...
...ohhh, really ???...so she's a singer ???...how did i not know that ???...
Top 20. This ain't as fun as reading the article, though.
Are those social bicycles fixies? Can't quite tell from the picture. If so, they'll all end up in Williamsburg in a week, probably around the park.
Wait. The "evil" bicycle messenger in this movie is an African American man? Could someone please head-butt the Executive Producer for that bit of insensitive casting, or at least U-lock him/her to a streetpost in Bed Stuy.
oh man, theres always a hot girl with some douchebag, i wish i could gather a whole bunch of pics and post them to a blog....
I am very disappointed that you forgot that behind the selling of automobiles and the building of 12-lane mega-highways that cut through bike-friendly streets and neighborhoods is a bloodstained and vicious ring of developers, auto industry mongrels, and a complicit government.
Bloodstained! Vicious! Mongrels!
I've found my directions, but they just lead me in circles.
I think I detect a hint of jealousy in old boneshakers review. Could be his book isn't selling quite as well as he would like, but based on the quality of his prose, I'm not surprised.
If anyone has a new link to the video...post it!
Positively Top 30!
Oh, wait, it's a magazine! I heard that business has been made redundant with the advent of the blogosphere. Now I get it.
...i went to school with a kid named 'gerry manders'...
...very politically oriented...a divisive, disruptive guy as i recall...
...always had the neighborhood at odds...
We already have a pretty good bike sharing system in nyc already, it's called bike theft. unfortunately some of us come up on the short end of the stick. but I'm all for more bikes as more bikes = a lower probability of having my bike stolen, again. Unless of course the increased supply of bikes makes the business of bike thievery more lucrative, thereby enticing new would be bike thiefs into the market. then we're still fucked.
how about selling some of those shirts you'll be giving away? you know, for us continentally/geographically challenged folks.
"I saw the best palates of my generation destroyed by blandness, starving ironical meh'ked, pedaling themselves along bike paths at dawn looking for authentic tex-mex,..."
Am I ready for an open mic burito slam
@agent detroit AHAHAHA!
Black AND has an expensive bike? He must be EVIL! Jefe I think at least ever since James Earl Jones hesitantly agreed to be the evil "black" voice of Vader that we've come to terms with the fact that someone can be african american and can also be evil and that the two aren't synonymous.
anon 2:32 thanks for the video. also appears bike guy, aside from filming himself, is also riding with one hand while holding some girly little shopping bag in the other. "cancels out!" dick.
Ringcycles -- Excellent! Let me go get my bongo drums ....
...ringcycles...i'm howling to hear more w/ accompaniment by anon 2:43pm...
...epic...burrito...slam...in the house...
At the risk of being overly self-promotional, I have published on my blog what I believe to be pictures of the most horrifying tri-dork charity racer ever captured on film.
I submit these as evidence of the ever-increasing douchosity of the Universe as explained recently by Dr. C. Canuck.
It seems you ate Boneshaker's lunch and now they're a little crabby.
I've got to agree: more!
There is an author named Jerry Mander, who wrote a book that the Sierra Club published in the early 1990s titled "In the Absence of the Sacred" as well as the 1977 "Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television."
--le correcteur
I waited two full seconds for the messenger to go right to avoid the guy, then he inexplicable turns left straight into the dude. Something tells me this wasn't an accidental collision. Fully douche-tacular.
I'm guessing douchy is the one with curly hair - cause he later rides a bike playing that flute thing... on the wrong side of the road.
Thank you for singling out this act of douchebaggery.
Just read the review by Boneshaker- somebody has issues, and seems to be taking it out on Our Hero. And takes the enviromental movement to the point of "mental".
Either that, or is trying to prove that they can write reviews- by slapping an author as much as possible. He/she seems to be getting off on being clever in how to kick at Snobby.
...i stand correcteured...
...but i like my tv & sacred is where you find it...
Wrong way cancels out not crossing at a cross-walk? In NY? Who made up that retarded rule? Might was well have done rock-paper-scissors where the douche hits the pedestrian on the head with a rock.
Anon 2:59, there is a second, grainy 8mm film that clearly shows the bowling pin-like business guy going back, and to the right, back, and to the right. If that was an accident sir, that was one magic douche, sir.
One of my favorite relics from the pre-internet age is a yellowing newspaper clipping describing a bicycle messenger riding on the wrong side of the street running a red light getting hit by a bus.
...anon 3:02pm...i'm googled out & getting nowhere...
...how 'bout a "direct" to that specific link...
...but so far, it sounds as if it's to be taken w/ a grain of ironic nonplussitude...
The link is:
Which I supply with some reluctance, as Snobby would have linked to if he had wanted us to read it. Be sure to wear your smuggness filter- dialed to High...
Theft is not Sharing, just like superglue vandalism is not social commentary.
I think the reporter (Andy Campbell)on that story about the "Bike Crusader" is the biggest douche and should be beaten to death with a ulock for that irresponsible reporting. Remember Acetone works for removing superglue, and melts plastic.
"...angel headed fixsters yearning for the ancient Mayan concoction, wafting out of the tortilla factory at night,...."
I'm getting hungry now.
The rest will have to wait for a live burrito slam.
@Fred, Tri-geeks confound and frighten me, oh the humanity!
Anonymous 3:28pm,
I actually want people to read it, I just didn't want to do them the favor of linking to their site.
Mary, if you read this, lighten up.
(That chick is wound way too tight.)
I could hardly help noticing that evil rides a bike with white bar tape, but a black saddle. What's up with that?
Is it a yin-yang thing intended to show the universal nature of evil? A metaphor for race relations?
God, this movie is going to be mind blowing...
We Snob-o-philes can read the review with appropriate "meh" as you have taught us. Before, I would have been defensive and protecting of your style, now I see the humor in these sorts of things.
Thank You for teaching your ways to meh-lightenment!
While I wanted to get upset about the review, it is so incredibly wrong that it almost seems a parody of itself. I do, however, like how Ms. Richardson decides what a book should be about and then complains when it fails to be. So very objective.
well I mean, the guy does encounter a few cyclists, to be fair
I don't think too many people are going to be stealing bicycles with GPS-enabled locking devices attached to them unless they REALLY want to be caught.
...thanks & don't worry, anon 3:28pm...i play left wing on the bsnyc/rtms hockey team...i just wanna go down the ice a crush a few bodies in the 'boneshaker' end of the rink...
...btw, caught up w/ that salmon cyclist/suit n' tie pedestrian vid through snobtwit...
...what a smug, self-righteous moron the 'hip' cyclist is...too bad that camera didn't end up accidently stuffed up his ass so we could see what the rest of him is really made of...
...that would be warranted douche-buggery...
First, thought you'd appreciate this post from the Kissena site Tuesday:
Sent: Tue, August 10, 2010 3:09:42 PM
Subject: [kissena] National Champ Sighting
I was riding my horrible, nerdy commuter bike to school today and a poseur in a U.S. national champion kit passed me.
He was also riding a custom painted BMC . . . and he was also incredibly long and tall and deeply, deeply tanned.
Turned out it was Big George himself! I pedaled like mad in my 42-16, caught up with him, introduced myself with a lot
of gasping, fanboy enthusiasm.
I asked him if he wanted to say "Hi!" to his old club.
He said, "Yeah . . . sure."
So there you have it! He did knock over the granny!
Second - this has to get the award for best cycling news headline since "Vino Slips Into the Pink":
"Ball could hold link to Armstrong probe"
Bringing up the rear because I thought it would be quicker to hypotenuse. I only discovered later that is isn't a verb.
Oh, also Schleck'd my chain en route.
Jerry Mander.
...a vicious ring of developers, auto industry mongrels, and a complicit government...
What no dirty (guess the religion here) bankers too?
...mary, mary, mary !!!...oh my fucking god !!!...
...bwahahaha...really ???...that is fucking for real ???...
...to begin w/, that "review" was almost as long as snobs book for god's sake...you could have done a word for word review (with your undoubtedly better revisions)...
...the irony of your piece is, well, gosh, ironic...i can't bring myself to review your review because being no better qualified than you, i'd be trying to right (write) a wrong with assuredly, another wrong...
...mary, you are a classic, just as i'm sure you see yourself but perhaps for all the old wrong worn out reasons...
...but granted, you're funny...not as humorous as bsnyc/rtms but you are funny...
popco vveloce,
good stuff, just too good, maybe so good that you need to be teste-d every day.
Vegas 2:42, when the only black actor allowed to be a hero in movies is Denzel Washington, I do not think Hollywood can pretend all is now color blind. The disembodied voice of James Earl Jones did not change much of anything.
Jefe - let's not forget the fresh prince
Wow. We've been forced to stand up straight and face the standards of Mary Richardson.
Slate article mentions bike snob: http://www.slate.com/id/2262214/
Also, the article is about how not driving is akin to being a eunuch.
...mary has humor in her vain...whoops, sorry, that should read "mary has humor in her veins"...
X marks the douche.
Boneshaker - Sour grapes.
Now let go please...
Yikes! I always thought RTMS's humor was kind of like Mel Brooks movies. Anyone can see and appreciate the humor, but the more cultural references you "get," the finnier it is. Seems like some people don't get it at all. Oh well, it's their loss.
I hung around with some hard core environmentalists for a while, a couple of decades ago, but I soon learned of their strict No Fun Having Allowed rule. Rednecks have a fairly universal No Brain Using Allowed rule, but at least they are fun to watch.
Jefe, maybe I've just seen more movies than you have. While obviously I can't say everyone in Hollywood is colorblind, I think your jump to condemnation is a little far-fetched. Thanks ant1 for starting the list, to which I'll add Morgan Freeman, Laurence Fishburn, Forest Whitaker, Cuba Gooding Jr, Samual L. Jackson, Eddie Murphy, Chris Tucker, Chris Rock...
I prefer this Boneshaker publication.
..."Now let go please..."...
...somebody read that review & now he finds himself with a strong literary crush on mary richardson...
...do we even know if mary baby has library cred ???...
Did the evil messenger knock down that pedestrian and made him release his cleat?
Does it make me a bad person that I threw up a little when Rzepecki referred to the Parisian bike sharing system as "VEE-leeb?"
Though I think he's got bigger pronunciation issues than that. At the end he says, "Vote for us in the Pepsi Refresh competition." Uh-huh. When you concoct a system that is pronounced the same way as a major beverage subsidiary of...Pepsi.
Some people can't be saved from themselves. So be it.
Messenger douche has a future in valet parking.
Kill all hippies
Insult your hosts
Hit the mild mannered pedestrian
It all cancels out
That's just the way we roll
That bike messenger, what a stain upon our fair bike culture. Seriously, what a wanker.
Just read the book review. Doesn't surpise me at all. Corporations, mainstream media, blah blah balh = bad & wrong. Wow. That's original.
Snobber, keep up the good work so the doucherati don't take my bike from my cold dead hands.
My dog opined that search engine maps for him were pointless because wherever he goes, there I am.
When I told him you could take that two ways, he assured me he only meant it one.
I'm still not sure what he means.
Dogs are like that.
But I'm pretty sure he's putting me on when he claims Pinarello named its Dogma after his mother. He's not Italian.
I thought that man and cycle interaction was rather civilized, with each party ensuring the other was reasonable unscathed and exchanging points on legal and customary road usage honestly. Certainly it was more civilized than an interaction I had this afternoon with a mini-van and a near-miss left-hook.
...your dog may not be italian but he is, like most civilized dogs, smart enough to have his owner (the aforementioned 'you') walk around behind him w/ a plastic bag & 'pick up' after him...
...'member when your mom taught you to "pick up after yourself" ???...
...your dog sez "touche"...
Great video snob. Best part is both men admitting they were wrong which is why it's funny. Although i do have to disagree with posting a picture of the rogue cyclist and calling him a douche while attacking his ego. I mean you're the one promoting a sweet new book thats full of YOUR opinions. As far as aspiring musician goes, this is completely irrelevant as well as unnecessary, the video looks like a mock up of something daniel johnston would sing or do and is definitely a joke. I looked at some videos of him skating, he's pretty good. why not post them? Anyway, thanks always for the one sided opinions i always appreciate a closed mind that never does any real research or has any inkling of modesty to admit he is ever wrong.
So which one are you?
^ Douche
Yes, that has been established. But are you on the left or right? Guitar or pec tat?
"Looked at some videos of him skating, he's pretty good."
Anon at 12:03, you must be the real Joe Kalucki if you honestly believe this. While I admit there's some good late '80s coping dancing, early-grab bowl flyouts and sharing last part on your own "company" with someone who has actual skills solidifies your douche status. Also looks like he deleted the rest of his videos.
Really it's a tragedy they didn't cast Cipollini as the villain, he's the king of style and quite the bike film actor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2CjJqFdBdM
Anonymous 12:03am,
He hit a pedestrian because he was riding the wrong way and filming himself at the same time, and then uploaded the video. He even submitted it to Comedy Central.
I really don't think I'm out of line in making fun of him.
Sorry, Comedy Central submission link here:
Snob vs, Snob!
Sorry, not everyone will immediately recognise that 20th Century cultural reference, perhaps it would be better to say: 'Snob on Snob action!'. Anyone with internet access, even (or, particularly) Mary Richardson will get that one.
Mr Snob, I haven't read your book yet, thankfully. I might consider procuring (pretentious for: 'steal a copy from the public library') a copy if you ever coax Vito to re-write it in a manner that addresses Mary Richardson's critique. Oh, and Richardson seems to have forgotten to mention that you also need to change the title of the book to something along the lines of:
'BIKE SOCIOLOGIST: Scientifically and Academically Assembling a Treatise Regarding the Entire Historical and Cultural Significance; and Political and Environmental Implications of the Bicycle'.
the re-edited book that is
Ok, I'm going to take this up a level, by attempting to be the 'Snob Snob Snob'.
"'Systematically cracking jokes about cyclists since 2007' would seem to sum the book up far more accurately." - That sounds like a book I'd like to read!
"...200 hours of film and television watching needed to get most of the cultural references" - Sounds like fun, though like most 'Westerners' under the age of 50 I attained this prerequisite before the age of three.
"And as with many bike-centric publications, Bike Snob is oversimplified, as if the world is not ready for reading about bikes."
"...wordy buildups that lead to deflated revelations and newbie advice about bikes. Mr. Snob takes three pages, for example, to spit out the definition of a cyclist: “(1) a person who rides a bicycle even when he or she doesn’t have to; (2) a person who values the act of riding a bicycle over the tools one needs in order to do it.” Amazing." - Wait, is the book too simplistic or too detailed? Perhaps, bicycles and cycling like many other objects and practices are interesting and entertaining to categorise and describe, but when it comes down to it don't harbour any deep, meaningful revelation as Richardson anticipates . It is funny that Richardson writes a very lengthy review in order to spit out her opinion: "(1) I didn't really like the Book; (2) one and a half stars." Amazing.
" ...but now that [the book] has used who knows how many trees, to insult bicycle activism, even if it arguably isn’t humanity’s sole environmental savior, is going too far."- Who knows how many tons of coal where transformed into greenhouse gasses to enable Richardson to communicate her criticism of Bike Snob online for 'insulting bicycle activism'?
Ah, there's more, but I can't be bothered. I don't think I'm cut out to be a Snob Snob Snob. ce
For the record, I cut down every one of those trees myself using a Best Made Co. artisanal ax(e).
If you type "bike snot" in Google, Bike Snob is the first choice that comes up. If you type it into Bing, no bike snob on the first 3 pages (and then I lost interest). Time for a visit to Microsoft.
Well done Snobby!
The antagonist messenger looks pretty f'ing good on the bike regardless of color. Beautiful legs--even looked to be freshly shaven. Just my two cents.
Oh, and 100!
Notice that this minimalist has all the right hipster brands and products:
Apple Macbook and Iphone, Moleskin notebook, Surly Steamroller "fixie",Converse All-stars, Tom's shoes, Black Diamond backpack and massive hard-drive with downloaded movies and songs.
"calling my book "sarcastic" is an insult"
A Noo Yawkuh sarcastic? Nev-uh!
When I read that, I assumed the journalist meant the directions avoided the literally "rough" parts of Bedford Ave. I live ON Bedford (in Bed Stuy, in the ghetto part) and it is some of the worst terrain. The bike lane is on the most gravelly, most potholey, portion of the road. It sucks. Well, it's actually fun since I like bouncy bouncy. But I am always afraid I'm going to damage my bike.
Vid link of Courier vs Business Man at http://biertijd.com/mediaplayer/?itemid=22206
joe is totally douche
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