And with that, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right you're awesome, and if you're wrong you'll see a gentleman serenading his fixie.
Thanks for reading and for emailing some of the items of which this quiz consists. Ride safe this weekend, and even more importantly, use a saddle whenever possible.

(So, so sexy.)
1) Cockles are hermaphroditic.
2) "Motion capture trimmings, laser beams, multi angle stop motion video"--all just part of:
--Check-in at Newark International Airport
--Making the movie "Avatar"
--Filming your fixed-gear freestyle session
--Buying a Serotta
--Be sober

4) What's the best part of using tubular tires for cyclocross?
--The light weight
--The superior traction
--The ability to "run" lower pressures without pinch-flatting
--Obsessing over the proper removal and storage of them once the season is over
--Marks & Spencer

6) In a rare Craigslist vintage price inversion, this Cinelli hairnet is for sale for only $20. "Hairnets" are also called:
--"Fixie helmets"

6) In a rare Craigslist vintage price inversion, this Cinelli hairnet is for sale for only $20. "Hairnets" are also called:
--"Fixie helmets"
Which word did not appear capriciously on the screen in "Pizza Fixation?"
HappyFriday 5th!
Top ten.
stupid internets!
Funny that the Harrod's bike is made in Diss.
It kinda makes up it's own joke.
Had an epic burrito, then I Ellipti-went
Top 10 after reading the post.
I woulda been on the podium, but my tires are suffering the effects of improper storage over the last off season.
I've never been top 20.
got one wrong... that'll warm the cockles (coggles?) of yer' heart!
On that note...
why would someone ride an eliptigo; recumbent not geeky enough? and speaking of seat less bikes:
...damn near killed em'
Man, I love friday!
The CL bike is well curated with coggles and Alexis rims, which everyone knows are very rare women's specific.
double meh
Speaking of all things legal--today is the scheduled sentencing of Dr. Thompson in the LA Mandeville Canyon road rage case. According to newsreports prosecutors are asking for 8 years--in which case Doctor Thompson may be looking at a spin class without benefit of a saddle for quite a long time.
booo-yaa 18th sukkazzzzz!!!
Bad Lawyer:
Thanks for the update!
Leading out the podium placers.
have a good weekend everyone
according to http://www.x-rates.com/calculator.html, 30,000 pounds is $47,928.10 - still a ridiculous amount to pay for a bicycle, but a far cry from close to one million.
The woman in #8 has more decals than the bike. Was she a "daily distraction" on Pez Cycling? Probably not, or she would have been posing next to a custom Madone with $5K wheels and a titanium water bottle.
The Harrod's F1 bike has a range of 25,000 - 35,000 pounds. Save the money and get the Sora group. You won't be able to tell the dif.
anon 1:04
methinks you missed the point of exaggeration... and Snobbies number is closer to a billion.
I got most of the answers correct, not sure why I need a helmet to get a tat. I'll have to follow the correct answer link and see what that's all aboot (a little nod to our Canadian brethren)
Also, Bad Lawyer, did you get a case of FRS for Festivus? Way to be.
Have a happy weekend, stay safe.
Not only coggles but Alexis rims.
this guy can shoot his next video after some burritos so
Do not taunt hairy vagina ball.
took the funk whiz without a saddle, and lost. shoulda covered the clamp i guess. enjoy your snow.
Thanks for the line, Ghost of John Belushi
I love my Specialized, I really do, but they need to cease and desist with that godawful bs immediately.
It makes me blush but in a bad way.
"Everyone is bored and boring
Not me, I am drunk and roaring
Come on, have a drink with me
Whiskey cures insanity, yeah"
tenga un fin de semana bueno.
If they're Sora derailleurs, then they don't "match" the Ultegra, do they? No. No they don't.
ant 2nd
cockle blockled
Growing was my second choice.
I miss the Firday fun quiz.
When are fixed gear riders going to progress along the dachshund of time and start wearing Skid Lids?
Snobby has a man crush on Lance.
It's true..
Oh, and Chris Carmichael is a louche douche. He said so himself.
hey, as if all this were not enough, you also get to CHOOSE A COLOUR, such as gray.
Harrods is kinda like Walmart right?
The guy is getting a tattoo in full cycling regalia.. complete with hairy legs.
top fiddy
Finally, the recumbent dorks have someone to make fun of.
That damn Belushi, always getting credit for some of my best stuff. Ah well, he still knows how to throw a party.
The Factor001 in my hometown rag too. 7.4 kg seems heavy though for a putative British Serrotta , I would have thought Pez would have been all over that
friday's here
time to swall some beer
5 years in prison for Dr. Thompson in the LA Mandeville Canyon Road Rage assaults according to the LA Times.
"the above question is officially begged"
This bothers me. See below for proper use:
And yes, I'm aware that Snob didn't write that.
who can take a bicycle
re-move the seat
put your grandma on it
push her down a bumpy street
the S and M man,
the S and M man,
the S and M man 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the hurt feel good, the hurt feel good.
"The lesson, of course, is that one dork really can make a difference" No Snobbers, the lesson is that one dork can make a difference in California. Or one dork in California can make a difference if he is in the IT or Film industries. It the rest of the world it takes many more dorks.
thanx bad lawyer. may the doc meat up with "bubba the weatherman" aka meaty urologist
Oh sure, that Harrods bike is $49,502 Canadian dollars, but it has Super Record.
Brits can afford bikes like this, as they save a fortune in dentistry.
I can tell you, no British dentists can afford a Cervelo, it's all Motobecane and Sora.
5 years in prison for Dr. Thompson in the LA Mandeville Canyon Road Rage assaults according to the LA Times.
Ah, 2009 Cyclist's Asshole of the Year. I hope he gets to share for the whole 5 years a cell with Sammy "the sodomite" Jones, ...or Missy Giove.
I stopped buying anything Specialized when their sleazy business practices came to light ten years ago or whenever that was. Too bad I can't make them refund the purchases I made before that. That video is too obnoxious to be a parody, even. Yeesh!
Perhaps now Fast Boy can take his assless bike into mass production.
Five years is long enough that Dr. Thompson will likely need an oversized seat post when he gets out.
Ya ever get really hammered and can't even ride your bike up a driveway?
that's called Beer Coggles.
I just curated a can of tuna for lunch. Mmmm...canned fish!
I am not understanding what is funny or amusing about the above quote.
Unless you are saying it smelling like pussy.
Why do I feel dirty when I look at the hairy vagina-ball from the Flaming lips video? Time to try to erase this memory with the judicious application of beer.
Don't forget to practice your Coggles daily.
Whole Foods is about as cost-effective as fueling your car by spraying premium gasoline in the vicinity of the tank until enough finally trickles in to fill it.
No truer words have been brought together describing perfectly what should be common sense observation leading to precise understanding
The tattooing took place at a checkpoint in the Broken Hearts and Bicycle Parts partners' alleycat put on by Sopo Bikes here in Atlanta, GA. This year's is on March 6 & 7.
I think those were Sammy Davis jrs' original lyrics.
Ahhh, I love seeing "begging the question" used in its original meaning.
Uh Hello!!! Coggles are non Wizards
did anyone read/see Harry Potter?
Hey Canuck, leave Missy Giove out of it. She was just moving a little weed, not running people down.
Man, I'm kinda sick of the never ending stream of people looking to correct others on proper use of "begs the question." Which begs the question -- why don't those people shut the fuck up about it already?
I was going to go for a ride today, but was unable to warm my coggles sufficiently. Maybe tomorrow...
I'm a little empty after reading Zinn's article. I feel as though I've been mistreating all of my equipment. How am I supposed to curate my stable if I haven't been properly seasoning my gruppos prior to use?
Like the only properly seasoned items I have are my wool shirts and gloves. Feel so inadequate.
I have given up on "begs the question." Not because I have passed over to the other side, but because I've taken to smoking a little weed since it's perfectly acceptable here. Too bad I was such a tight ass when I was walking around. One day I will get around to looking at all the fun I missed.
"Using similar sensors as race cars, the bike can record more than 100 measurements to do with the rider's performance, health and pedalling style."
My training meter still says "You Suck", but now it does it for 100 different reasons.
Too much information.
This comment deleted by The Comment Deleter.
from vimeo - "foodie mecca, Whole Foods Market on Bowery"
Mecca definiton.
Crap I have been using that word wrong all of my life.
I think it is pushing it a little, to compare a whole foods to mecca.
"Man, I'm kinda sick of the never ending stream of people looking to correct others on proper use of "begs the question." Which begs the question -- why don't those people shut the fuck up about it already?"
You thought this was clever? No wonder you've been using it wrong.
Wait, they make titanium water bottles? Where can I get one?
I think Zinn's column would fit better in the Onion.
Looks like Chris Carmicheal taught Chris Jaeckle how to strap on his fixie helmet.
"Man, I'm kinda sick of the never ending stream of people looking to correct others on proper use of "begs the question." Which begs the question -- why don't those people shut the fuck up about it already?"
You thought this was clever? No wonder you've been using it wrong.
Oh snap! I just got zinged!!!
Anyway Mr. Anonymous, there are countless words & phrases in common use that have taken on a different contextual meaning as our society & language has evolved, devolved and adapted accordingly, and the reality is this is only going to continue as teh internets dominates our society. I don't think this is especially clever. I do think that "begs the question" is destined to take on the intended and widely understood meaning from the quiz.
I also think you're a jerk & mean for making fun of me in the comments.
"a mere 7.4lkgs"? Really?
Congratulations, you've made a bike that's 0.6kg heavier than every bike in the pro peloton...and it's only fourty fucking grand!
I tried to buy yarn at Harrod's but they don't stock it anymore. Instead they stock some department store bike. But you can't buy it because you have more money than sense and not enough money in the first place.
So it's off to Marks and Sparks for dowdy clothes and a packet of crisps.
The quiz was too hard. Blimey.
See you suckers when I'm 65.
Damn it! I got 3 wrong and after watching the video wandered off on videoland and watched the flaming lips installment...somebody owes me 6 minutes of life back...I'm scared and confused, certain I saw a naked Hasidic fellow dancing around 4:56...can someone help me?
check out "fixie crew host" Chris' helmet strap. Shameless.
Giving the golden girls golden showers as curated by whole foods
sponsored by the colorway yellow, which is apperently owned by l armstrong
i hope they bring in the ritte boys to perform the showers
oh my...teary eyed and rolling on the ground
ah, but TJ eckleburg knows from goggles, rather than coggles...
love the blog so much, especially the swipes at the bike advocacy nuteers that i gave you a post of your won on my irish cycle chic blog.
I've been contemplating quiz item no. 8 for sometime, and I honestly can't figure out why that cheaply-made Schwinn would make the picture not suitable for work?
Snob, I think Baobao is a psuedonym for Phil Knight. Can't you ban the stealth ads in the comments?
Sunday and we are not yet at hundred
nike sucks, if it needs some dick to push their product made by little malasian boys.
What is lance selling today?
Podium for the new century!
It took me a while to warm up this weekend.
aww, Coggles name is even Fred!
Sarah Palin is quote "nonplussed"
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For another intentional seatless bike, see www.fatboycycles.com/teachingcancertocry. This bike builder designed and built a bike for himself after surviving cancer. Now, risking injury from a bike saddle, he created himself a bike without one.
Hey Canuck, leave Missy Giove out of it. She was just moving a little weed, not running people down.
A little weed?
She was busted hauling a trailer with 350lbs of weed. This was to make money.
This post has been sat on by the author.
that Harrod's bike is ridiculous. You can buy a Cannondale or Specialized or Giant for 1/10th the price and every bit as fast and 10 times more practical if you need to, you know, replace a part some time.
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