Organisms occur in at least two registers: one strictly biological, the other political. But it is the same abstract machine of stratification, the same Lobster-God operant in any register from geological to social as the way to appropriate matter-energy flows from the Earth and build a layer that slows down the flow and funnels a surplus to a transcendently organised body. The abstract machine of stratification is biological and political at once. The geology of morals set forth by the Lobster-God is bio-political organisation.
Also, lobsters have claws.
Admittedly, though, this essay is pretty dry, and the Lobster God I worship is a bit more succulent. I prefer to believe the Lobster God is the all-powerful orchestrator of the great "Space Miracle," which took place when the Lobster God opened the Barbican Shoulder Bag of Infinity with the Pincer of Creation and the entire universe spewed forth from its leathery folds. Or, to put it another way, we are all merely fleas on the Dachshund of Time:

In the meantime, though, I invite you to ponder this image, which was forwarded to me by a reader:

Lastly, if you've been losing sleep because you're wondering what the hot new bike fashion trend will be for 2010 (and not because you've been having nightmares about lobsters as I have), you can finally rest easy. Another reader recently forwarded me a Craigslist posting confirming something I've long suspected, which is that 2010 will be the Year of Rust:

55cm Broakland Pipe-Bomb Track Frameset - $1100 (potrero hill)
Date: 2009-12-23, 12:35PM PST
Reply to: [deleted]
For sale is a raw (unpainted, uncoated) Broakland Pipe-bomb frameset in size 55. Included in the sale is the frame, fork and Chris king threadless headset. The frame is perfect with no dents or cosmetic issues. There is surface rust which I have been letting take over slowly and deliberately. It has seen a little over a year of use as a city whip.
Rarely do you see this much thought go into a track bike. From the Paul dropouts to the three different types of tubing. It is designed for both 700c front or a 26" for a little more aggressive handling and barspinzzz. Light and stiff, equally at home on the track or the street. Designed and welded in the bay! Why buy some NJS cast-off or alloy Cinelpropistadolan made-in-china rig when you can rep the local forces at work?
Although this ad is just for the frame set, if you want it I will throw in a Tange carbon seatpost that complements the look of the wound up very nicely. I'm sure I have an extra 107bb I can include. I have a bunch of track parts kicking around (Including the build in the last pic) so if you're looking for more than the frameset, I can make a deal. Otherwise, go to Montano Velo in Oakland and spend your hard earned dollars.
Check here for more info: http://www.myspace.com/broaklandbicycles
Feel free to email with any questions aside from low ball offers. Thanks for looking!
The cycling world has seen pre-rusted designer bikes before, but it's clear from this post that the trend has now taken hold on the "street" level. I also spotted a fashionably corroded bicycle in downtown Manhattan not too long ago:
Of course, it is the very nature of rust to "take over slowly and deliberately," so it's a bit ridiculous for the Craigslist seller to take credit for cultivating (or "curating") the rust. Then again, it is also human nature to rationalize the onset of the inevitable, and the sorts of people now riding intentionally rusty bicycles will soon also claim to be "greying out" their hair, or intentionally fading their tattoos, or even "wearing their breasts lower." Given this, the seller would do well to entertain the "low ball" offers he's now refusing, since what appears to be a genital defect could actually be a personal fashion choice. Maybe the buyer is simply letting impotence take over slowly and deliberately.
And with that I shall cede to the inevitability of the passing of yet another year and let this blog recede into the din of holiday revelry. To some this din is the cheerful sound of celebration, and to others it is the dissonance of a million fleas vainly crying as they cling desperately to the back of the Dachshund of Time. (To me, it is simply the soothing sound of sloshing about in a bathtub full of eggnog.) In any case, I'm deeply grateful for having had the opportunity to (hopefully) amuse you this past year, and I look forward to returning on Monday, January 4th. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of the holidays, ride safe, and in all endeavors be like unto both rust and the Lobster: Slow and deliberate (and reddish in hue).
I'm on the podium when Drew's urine test comes back.
Happy New year Snobby. Thanks for all the fun stuff in 2009.
Top ten again.
top ten for the first time evar~!
My feet are cold!
Top 10
what is RTMS?
All you have to do is run a simple "enhance" algorithm on the photo/logo at the bottom of the post (I'm sure Photoshop has this somewhere). Then run a facial recognition scan with the new Google DIY/CSI kit. Easy! then you'll have your answer.
Uh...maybe there's simpler ways
have a good new years. hope that you cultivate rust and lobsters.
so late... so so late...
not a sprinter
If she rides around like that her bike will suitably rust in no time.
Very funny -- but, not sure what the relationship is between low-hanging balls and impotence. As someone with a robust testicular swing (time and gravity induced), I can say, at least anecdotally, that free swinging nuts don't impeded coital success. Yes Snob, old people have sex -- yucky.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxq9yj2pVWk ENHANCE
If I worship the Lobster God can I still drink coffee and celebrate Xmas?
after dealing with that wind this morning I am one with the Lobster God and rust... my face is reddish of hue (due to windburn) and my travels were slow and deliberate (due to ice and strong wind!)
Snob, I can only feel like you're becoming more and more mature as a writer with each year. This post exemplifies your growth into a erudite essayist - with the Kant reference, the tasteful clothing of the female pubis, and the withholding of the seductively palpable 'Rusty Trombone' pun.
See yall on the flip side.
Happy new year bike snob, and bike peeps, May you always ride safely.
Thanks for a fine year of fine free entertainment, snobby.
no quiz? guess i'll sell my bikes too
Props to you RTMS and thanks for the year of hilarity.
The universe is a holographic projection of a 2D rusty red lobster shell billions of light years away, and we are all just puppets of its noodly appendages.
John Protevi
Department of French Studies
Louisiana State University
unreadable. perhaps he could explain over the course of a semester, but then I would have to deal with his TA
something to contemplate as we pass into the new year.
thanks for making me laugh most days this past year.
also, the elevator comment made me spit up some OJ. fucking priceless.
"The Dachshund adibes"
Happy new year all. I am diggin' the new "Seal of Disapproval"
'Lobster' help the TT-commuters with disc wheels on a day like today...
Snob and all the regulars here, thanks for the laughs this year and for Lobster's sake, ride safe.
the epic religionway you've curated is an affront to His Noodliness, FSM.
Another great one, see you in the new year.
All this lobster talk. I think I'll go get an epic (g-dly) burrito for lunch.
"Ride Safe"? isn't it "Ride Safely"?
HNY Snob - thanks for a great year!
Lobster bless you Snobbie.
Gottago parade widda Mummers.
Seeyin da wet-nose future.
Sweet merciful blood-stained gods. I slave and save and take freelance jobs for A SOLID YEAR so I can upgrade to a crabon frame. It arrived in the mail just yesterday.
And today you tell me 2010 is the year of rust? Why couldn't you have told me that a couple weeks ago when I plunked down my cash for the frame?
More importantly, can anyone tell me if Calfee has "rust" among their custom crabon paint jobs?
AF72, to answer your question...
Rust Takes Many Seasons
Happy New Year to all! Snob and commentariat, thanks for making me laugh out loud throughout a good portion of 2009.
...i find i kant take this philosophical & theological rant w/out a grain of salt...if deleuze wishes to portray "god", a higher power as a lobster, then how is there validity to his conceptualization w/out mention of drawn butter ???...
...if we as man (& woman - sorry girls !!!), are to truly embrace "him", nephropidae, the lobster-god, this manifestation of crustacean in all "his glory", then at some point it's going to involve a pot of boiling water, that grain (or two) of salt & yes, drawn or melted butter...
...indeed & perhaps aunt mary's christmas nutcracker so that we might get to that succulent "message"...
...the noted philosopher bsnyc/rtms makes reference to "reddish in hue" which clearly implies that our lobster-god has assuredly gotten his blue-blooded self into hot (212*F) water as "his" normal exo-skeleton is greeny-blacky brownish (technical term)...
...& not to put too fine a point on it but i might also suggest that lobster-god worship is best appreciated on the eastern seaboard where, at least, prices are reasonable...
Shit. I'm old. I remember when guys spent thousands on titanium bikes because they didn't rust.
And just how are we supposed to get crabon to rust?
For 2010, I'd like you to ponder the following from internet porn, which is an interesting view on society:
1. Why are so many ugly people naked on the internet?
2. Why are there so many bongs and booze bottles beside the naked ugly people?
3. Why are young hot college girls such slobs? -pick up for crissake.
4. Why do porn people have such lousy taste in furniture? Is there no Bauhaus or Le Courbousier in New Jersey?
5. How is it that so many douchebags convince hot college girls to get naked for a digital camera, or make bizarre poses, or do things, ...with stuff?
6. Why does the carpet rarely match the drapes?
7. What's up with guys who wear socks? is it, like, "I'm doing a hot porn shot, but man, this floor is so cold I'll get shrinkage"?
8. How many times have you asked yourself, ...exactly what was the conversation that preceded this photo?
I felt bad for that rant, but BGWs was longer.
That's what she said!
The CommieCanuck wanted to know:
6. Why does the carpet rarely match the drapes?
I'm surprised you found some porn on the 'tubes with carpet. Until I saw the photo the Snob posted today, I was beginning to think I should have bought stock in the Gillette Razor Company instead of Apple Computer.
8. How many times have you asked yourself, ...exactly what was the conversation that preceded this photo?
"Will $300 cover it?"
thank lobster we can get rust-color paint which works on crabon.
RTMS - thank you for an entertaining 2009. Looking forward to 2010
Perhaps in 2010, you'll pit your Lobster-Yaweh against Quine's Gavagai in an animism cage match.
Regardless, best wishes for the new year, and thanks for the great writing.
<Gives Snob the "thumbs up" with his lobster-claw cycling gloves.>
8. How many times have you asked yourself, ...exactly what was the conversation that preceded this photo?
"Does this look infected to you?"
8. How many times have you asked yourself, ...exactly what was the conversation that preceded this photo?
Clean up. I have friends coming over for seconds lets try and tone down the sloppy.
...thank you, mikeweb...i thought it but didn't have to say it...
...& props, db...as a cunning linguist, i feel enlightened by the opportunity to peruse "quine's gavagai"...
...good stuff...
Immanuel Kant was a real pissant
Who was very rarely stable.
Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar
Who could think you under the table.
David Hume could out-consume
Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel,
And Wittgenstein was a beery swine
Who was just as schloshed as Schlegel.
Happy New Year all!
damm snobby i almost gots kicked out of the ibary when verbena sue the libary lady saw me checking out that hairy pussy lady
then i gots to lissen to her lekture me on i thot you wasnt doing no porno since you became a mooslim and for sakes caint you watch that stuff at the trailer instead of hanging around the pubic libary
i tolt her that there was shit that transcended religious bondaries and culture and that love of hairy pussy was one of them things
anyways keep up the good work specially how them dumbass roundball players at hazard high school suck so bad this year aint no way the is making sectional or nothing
What can I say? You've made me laugh, you've made me blush with shame, you've helped me make sense of this... this madhouse that is our "cycling culture." After reading a year (arbitrarily ending today) of your strange words and your mixed up feelings, I can now share a day on the road with our fellow cyclists, and their respective bicycles, without hate. I hate them less and less, because I've learned to laugh at them (and myself) more and more, and now I can proudly proclaim All You Haters Suck My Balls with conviction because, although I'm still a pretentious fop, I'm no longer a hater. You've helped us laugh our way through the gaudiness and nonplussitude with now familiar slogans and slang that have become cycling vernacular and ingrained in our collective cycling consciousness, CCC. And although I'm not ready to embrace the Lobster god with open pincers, probably because of an iodine allergy, I still wonder WWBSNYCD, What Would Bike Snob New York City Do?
See you next year,
Fierce Panties
Perhaps the rusty frame is a feeble attempt at being iron-ic.
Wishing you a great 2010, Pincer Charming.
From the Book of Murray, 12:45-47.
There's a lobster loose! Watch out! He's vengeful.
Always to good to end the New Year with some scripture to ponder.
This is still my favorite blog on the internet tubes.
thanks for all the laughs, snobbie!
Another year down. Thanks for all the laughs. And the tears. The good ones, and the bad ones. May the lobster be succulent onto you in the coming year Snob.
I just changed out the chain on my beater that I use to work delivery jobs, but last week some poncy track bike kid commented on how rusty it was and I told him it was actually a Phil Wood Rust Colored Single Speed chain, which I thought matched the rough-hewn aesthetic of my bicycle. He was thoroughly impressed but saw through my charade when the light changed and my chain skipped three times crossing the street.
Thank you Snob! Thank you for more dachsund of time!
I love you, Bikesnob. You have made 2009 about 10% better for me by simply writing this blog.
rust; n: The means by which hyperconsumers demonstrate their antimaterialism.
Damn - too bad carbon doesn't rust.
I smell a sticker business opportunity.....
I've heard it said that lobster = cockroach of the sea. I still think of it as a tasty communion. Happy New Year, Snobby. Thanks for the laughs.
Next time I read your blog I will have improved myself incrementally by becoming slightly more plussed and imperceptably gruntled. Thanks for all the enlightenment at the tail end of the naught-naughts.
Snobby, you can hava my share of the lobster!( Im a veggie).
I admit, due to a forced 4:30 pm commute( which means, one setting away from 'broil', here in Oz), a lobster like shade now adorns my once goth self.
I dont know about the merkin porn. Must be the BMX. Female roadies prefer to keep things aerdymnaic.
The new used Orbea has orange stripes on black. Will that pass for rust or should I try for 'possible metal failure'as my colourway description? I mean, must be fashionable.
Snob, seriously dude, it's time.
The world has too many "One less car" stickers (hell, even I have one on my POS car).
It's time for the AYHSMB Sticker.
lovely closer
The "Maine" thing is that you are "clawing" your way out of your "shell".
I gotta million lobster jokes...
Happy New Year.
rusty new year to everyone
so, for 2010 will BSNYC commenters need to submit to full body scans?
I'm scanning my junk at 72 dpi as we speak.
See you after another snobbatical.
Look out BSNYC,
the editor does not share your values regarding cheese.
Do you assist with conversions to your faith?
Disregarding a position against cheese, I agree wholeheartedly with the editor's statement.
Thanks for a great year!
Thank you Mr Weiss for an entirely free year of entertainment. I will admit to feeling a bit jilted however as you take time away from your post to commune with Fatty.
In any case, I wish you Bon Annee!
Thanks for the crustacean amusement and hard shell insight into cycling culture. May you have a prawny New Year!
Actually "ersatz" is not pretentious for fake. It is pretentious for substitute.
Thanks for all the hard work. Looking forward to my first full year reading BSNYC.
Thanks for entertaining me.
Thanks for a great year of posts. I find your rants strangely refreshing. Keep it real, cantankerous and idiosyncratic.
Happy New Year Snobby!
Oh, I almost forgot: keep it eloquent. [Too pretentious? Ah, well. Thanks anyways.]
http://boston.craigslist.org/gbs/bik/1525604390.html oh noes
I'm traumatized by the original photo without the virtual garments. Some things are better left unexplored.
weird diktats 2010way
No new year naked protest?
Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb
Whatta kozol...
I dig the squeaks that have been curated out of all those lube-starved chains, too.
rikim aint no underwere bomber but he onced lit a fart and damm near blew a wall off of my trailer
...happy arbitrary day in the middle of winter that doesn't correspond to any particular natural phenomena & is simply a social product of a faulty yet imperious judeo-christian calendar...
...(not that there's anything wrong w/ that)...
...& may your next 365 days be filled w/ joy & goodness...
...just sayin'...
What are you -- some sort of a devil-worshipping pagan or something? Maybe you'd be happier hanging out with anon 1:12 in his war-torn, eastern European, dictatorship? You know they don't even have years over there? Or celebrations. They all ride around on little 50 CC scooters, bathe in the river & eat insects.
Speaking of which, I'm kinda hungry. Happy new years everyone...
BGW, arbitrary is truer than most realize. Through a significant part of history, new years was March 1st. In fact, the months September, October, November and December correspond with septen, octo, noven and decem, Latin for seven, eight, nine and ten; December being the tenth month of the year, not the twelfth.
What's with all the Latin lately? Heavy stuff for a cycling blog. Quick, somebody tell a fart joke.
Best wishes to all my online friends for a happy and prosperous 2010.
This decade is almost "choate," no matter what 'Nino says!http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/03/magazine/03FOB-onlanguage-t.html?ref=magazine
BGW- You got it right with "imperious."
It isn't a Judeo-Christian date; it's a Roman date - Emperor Installation Day. As the Romans tracked time by Imperial Era the anniversary of the era became the first of the year instead of the more sensible "reality based" traditional dates.
HB- I'm a dance around the Maypole sort of guy myself, so I'd like to take this opportunity to point out the obvious:
Pagans aren't devil worshipers, because The Devil(tm) is an imperious Judeo-Christian paradigm.
Shut up, eat your beetle kabob and be grateful. Happy New Imperial Era Day.
Snob sighting? I thought I saw a guy in a chicken suit astride an ironic Orange Julius bike in the background during the TV coverage of the ball dropping on Times Square last night.
I needed some new shorts for the new year, no stores were open, went to e-bay.
Don't go shopping for cycling shorts on E-bay.
These ones say, not recommended for cycling.
Who would have thought.
...sheesh, honnybucket...you make it sound like being a heathen is so unattractive...
...& i've always been so comfortable w/ it...
while yall is trying to figure out whos the biggest heathin ill tell you you is all infidels and when you die you is going to simmer in the big lobster pot down under while me and rikim is getting it on with 72 virgineans
Now that the cycler cult of lobster worship has finally been exposed, I hope everyone can see the wisdom of the Hasidim efforts to free themsevles of these lane-ways!
Are lobster burritos a religious Sacrament like Catholic Christ wafers? If so, Rubio's Fresh Mex is guilty of blasphemy:
Langostinos are false Gods! Don't be fooled!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
It is extremely interesting for me to read this article. Thanks for it. I like such themes and anything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.
wtf? here i was, thinking of today's perfect seafood sandwich, and on topic...
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If Langostinos are false Gods?
Then, what is a crayfish po-boy.
We donr RUN, we RIDE idiot. Take your NIKES and kindly shovel them .
My apologies to Lance of course...
Lance on a Michelob Light commercial last night?
Could not believe it.
Does he really need beer money?
How about a slim fast commercial next.
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He swallowed, eyes still closed, as she wrapped her hand around his slippery, wet shaft. Ill assume by your current state that the compulsion to rut overtook you as well? A number of prices? Thought perhaps Brevin would drop his pants and let Lanthan fuck him. He hadnt used that soothing tone for many nights. She swallowed and pulled away, her attention instantly switching to the grounds below. Gala knelt at her side, a reassuring hand on her shoulder. You didnt falter once, even if you were nervous. But thats not what she agreed with Radin. Her fists closed on the tasseled ends of her belt. Big fingers cupped her chin, tilted her face up. He stepped forward, and it was her turn to flinch away. He heaved an overly done martyred sigh. Gods damn it, someone fuck me already. When he slapped her again, she complied, twisting over. She put on her best devious grin. You may be different, but you most certainly belong. Irin had been beside herself with the news. His chuckle burst a bubble of dread in her chest. Before he was done, she reached down with her free hand to palm his cock.
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