That said, it turns out arm wrestling doesn't languish in complete obscurity, for no less a personage than New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg made an appearance to congratulate and faux-wrestle with the winner:
In all, it was an exciting moment, and I was torn between a desire to pull the sock from my right arm and challenge someone to an arm-wrestling match (I'm also producing a sock puppet theater piece based on the life of Raymond Poulidor--part of the reason the Sock Doc was so irritated with me is that I kept asking for something more "Gallic") and to press Bloomberg with questions about the new Sands Street bike lane, which is constantly menaced by drivers due to the age-old practice of car service double-parking:
Sadly, I didn't have time to do either, because I had a wedding to attend:
Of course, I wasn't invited, nor did I know the bride, or the groom, or any of the attendees, but this did not prevent me from crying disconsolately, shouting my heartfelt congratulations, or pelting them with Russian dumplings.
But the beauty of two people pledging their undying tolerance for each other was not the only source of my tears; I was also saddened by the knowledge that summer was nearly at an end. Indeed, the signs are all around us. For example, the bicycles are now donning their autumn scarves to protect them from chills:

The only purpose I can see for this bottle is that it would allow you to drink simultaneously from it with two of your teammates, giving you all the appearance of a trio of whelps suckling at a bitch's teat. Either that, or it's some kind of "style exercise." If the latter, that's the kind of exercise that's sure to lead to increased forearm strength.
But the beauty of two people pledging their undying tolerance for each other was not the only source of my tears; I was also saddened by the knowledge that summer was nearly at an end. Indeed, the signs are all around us. For example, the bicycles are now donning their autumn scarves to protect them from chills:
("Freelocked"=free for the taking.)
Though it is possible I'm misinterpreting them and they're simply diabetic bandanas.
Another sign of autumn is when Rapha "drops" its new "Autumn/Winter range." And what autumnal range would be complete without something for cyclocross?

Yes, it's the "Rapha Cross Jersey," and it comes in a distinctive "colourway:"
Frankly, while I'm sure this is very nice, I'm not sure what makes it a cyclocross jersey. Firstly, most "serious" cyclocrossers wear skinsuits (or women's clothing if they're from the Land of Epic Burritos). Secondly, even "non-serious" cyclocrossers have no use for pockets since the races are so short. The only cyclocross-specific touch I see (besides the autumnal colourway) is the shoulder pad, though in conjunction with the "slimming appearance" that seems less cyclocross and more Huey Lewis:
But while the Cross Jersey isn't particularly crossy, I must admit that the "Gentleman's Cap" does indeed seem perfect for the "urban riding dandy:"
Perhaps next year Rapha can simply offer a cap designed for douchebags. They'd better hurry, too, since there's a helmet for douchebags already in the works. Not only that, but pending a commercially available douchebag hat young urbanites are already beginning to improvise:

This to me is an ominous sign that the tri-corner hat may be the latest thing in hipster headwear:
This is disturbing enough on its own, but in conjunction with the nascent folk instrument craze the implications are staggering. We may very well soon see streets full of young people wearing tri-corner hats, blowing on fifes, and beating snare drums. Williamsburg, Brooklyn will be transformed into Colonial Williamsburg. Worse yet, faux dive bars could begin serving Hamantashen along with PBR, and the last thing anybody should do is combine cheap beer and prune-based desserts.
Speaking of disturbing things that come in threes, a reader recently forwarded me this photo of a tri-nippled water bottle:

Yes, it's the "Rapha Cross Jersey," and it comes in a distinctive "colourway:"

This to me is an ominous sign that the tri-corner hat may be the latest thing in hipster headwear:
Speaking of disturbing things that come in threes, a reader recently forwarded me this photo of a tri-nippled water bottle:

podium 1st
armed and dangerous?
Top five?
Top five?
snob back
PS hey snobbie -- I noticed on FGG that a certain someone with more money than sense actually cancelled his subscription to bicycling when your column "dropped"? looks like he's still holding a grudge. maybe you should run another apology post.
Blah may blank
Top 10ish!!! Not bad after the layoff.
Welcome back...now to my reading...
It's good to have you back snobby.
Maybe that water bottle is for Y Water.
mikeweb!!! way to be!
welcome back snob, I think i speak for all of us when I say we missed you, and if not, oh well.
I see some collabo-action btwn the tri-nipple water bottle and the y anally consumed water, no?
Top 20?
I love it when you hit the streets, Snob. Welcome back.
Back with a bang! My post-lunch routine is restored...
no wonder why that felt like a long week,
welcome back to this own teet of a bitch.
The snob is back! I'm so happy I nearly soiled my chamois.
...i have to read the post before i feel i qualified to make any comment whatsoever...
Welcome back
Woot! Woot!
From what I can tell, that tri-nipped bottle is meant to hold three different liquids separately while taking up but one cage. For the modern hipster, and in light of the Olympic public urination crackdown up here, it can be electrolytes, a nice Pabst, and a urinal all in one. Finally.
All you haters suck my tri-cornered hat!
I think the triple-nipple water bottle is designed for variable hydraulic flow. Depending on how thirsty you are, you can fit 1,2, or 3 nipples in your mouth at once.
Either that or their are multiple chambers inside you you can load up on 3 drinks, like gatorade, margarita, and chocolate milk.
For some reason that water bottle makes me want to re-watch "Total Recall"...
The "single rear pocket, with an angled zip for easy access" is the dirtiest thing I've read all day.
Wow, welcome back.
i get to use one of my favorite quotations again with almost a semblance of relevance.
"Baby, you make me wish I had three hands!"
I love you. Welcome back. I think it's "disconsolately"?
Could a person order the Rapha jersey in a left-shoulder-padway? Or maybe they consider anyone who dismounts to the right to be the unwashed stupid masses.
Anyhow, good to have you back Snob. Hope you had a relaxing vacationway.
Gosh Snobbers but I really missed my daily treat. Inspired by you I've started carrying a camera when I ride. All i have so far are motorists in (cycle only-ha!) advanced stop lines at junctions and a rather nice example of THMRL (twin helmet-mounted rear lamps).
That's not a triple-nipple water bottle, it's a bicycle-based hookah pipe.
Continuing on with our public service tutorial on Jewish foodstuffs, "Hamentaschen" are fillo-dough pastries filled with the finest Beluga caviar, best served chilled with toast points and a dallop of sour cream. They are named after the 15th century Count Hamentash, who apparently afforded some kindness to the local Jewish community towards the end of the Dark Ages.
All: I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who got me through last week. It was rough going. We fumbled clumsily to race, our comments were random, lacking context and meek, but we held together as a group and were there for each other.
Thanks to all who participated.
"the Olympic public urination crackdown"
Uh, is this the newest doping scandal? Even Olympic urinators are being busted?
...i can hear the coasters singin' "under the boardwalk" in the background...
...how ironic is it that not only is a chicken-wing armed cyclist commenting on an arm wrestling contest but that the cyclist in particular is our chicken suited bsnyc/rtms ???...i'd suggest palpably ironic...
...hughie lewis ???...saw hughie in a local watering hole recently, sittin', drinkin', listenin' to muddy waters on the jukebox late one night...not so dapper, definitely more grizzled...
...but, hey...if a bar has muddy on the j-box, that ain't half bad...
welcome back kotter!!
one burbin one skotch and one beer
You're fired
"pledging their undying tolerance for each other " ---
brilliantly funny!
rolling on my desk
metaphorical acorns
a squirrel gives thanks
Dear bikesnob,
I recently bought rapha winter tights because they are on sale and so priced like most other decent pairs of winter tights. Where does this purchase put me on a metaphorical scale of douchebaggery? This is very important to me :(
poppy seeds!
Tri cornered hatage
Tri teeted bidonage
Sturmey Archer Three Speed Hubways
autumnal diktats = fallway backstories
A farewell to arms?
That woman isn't wearing sunglasses. Those are special Oakley arm wrestling goggles that protect the wearer from stray spit and sweat.
TOP 50!
"random, lacking context and meek"
Gosh, sufferist--
That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said about my writing.
Thank god Snobbie's back! We missed you, Snob!
the last thing anybody should do is combine cheap beer and prune-based desserts
preach the truth, snobbie!
1/4 eskimo and still top50
Is douche a gender neutral adjective, equally applied to males and females? What would say ye? What would the female option be if applicable?
...jolene did a thorogood job & destroyed the competition when it came to defining what ought a' go in that tri-nippled water bottle...
...she's "bad to the bone"...
..."the last thing anybody should do is combine cheap beer and prune-based desserts"...
...that makes for a shitty drunk...
...just sayin'...
And here I had convinced myself that The Snob was somewhere in Black Rock City. After seeing this guy riding around on what could have been an IOJB I figured it had to be him:
That pic is from 2008, but I ran into him this year at our bar at 7E and asked if he was the BSNYC. Even though he told me no, I still wondered...
I believe a female douchebag is a "douchebaguette."
Belated welcome back, Snob, now that my workways activities finally subsided.
Yes, we were like a wayward peloton on a mandated radio-free day in a grand tour...
bgw, did jolene spent her holiday in Delaware?
Yeah, that's a tough one.
Douche-tastic? Probably my fave.
Hmm.. still not so fresh.
Ahh.. yes. Bested by the best.
I should learn, yet.
Perhaps there's a Cippo mention coming soon?
I have never seen any body run with their drivetrain on their hip. Then again, the burritos are really good where I am.
I agree you can’t have too many Socks. I went thru a spell (yes, I was sick) where every time I went to the bike shop or shopped online, I bought bike socks on sale. So many colorways!! The cool sayings: “Corn Star” for socks with ears of corn and stars on the legging. I ended up with 80 pair. What-to-do? I entered them in the Del Mar Fair and won 3rd place in the ‘personal collections’ competition. I have conveniently swapped out my usual avatar to a picture of my socks in the glory of their display case. You can see the temporary ribbon in the upper left hand corner.
Does that Raffa red armband remind anyone else of a brutal regime from the WWII era?
More accurately, the tricorne...
To Anon @ 3:05PM
"pledging their undying tolerance for each other."
Brilliantly funny and, may I add, just brilliant.
Not to ruffle your chicken suit feathers, but I think the accepted term is "Trixie", in the parlance of our times.
Thanks anon. I guess a right-dismounting person would be stupid and in need of a wash at that point. Didn't puzzle that one out. Maybe I was just blinded by Raphas pretenseway.
kane, nice call. amazing how subliminal that thing is... I guess a white circle with some kind of black emblem inside would've been a little too obvious...
HCWDB coined the term "Bleeth" for the femaleway douchebags. Something stemming from Yasmine Bleeth or something.
But I digress,
Well, Obama is a National Socialist, and it just goes to show how much the liberal cyclocrossing bourgeoisie have been brainwashed not to recognize the 4th Reich when it marches into Hoogerheide astride Speedvagen(s).
So 'cross season begins...
I still ponder this every year: why would anyone purposely get off a perfectly functioning bicycle in the middle of a decent ride/race? Oh yeah, to take a chance at racking one's crotchal region, on the remount. Seen many a rider downed in the wrong way..
And Rapha is offering padded shoulders? Are they even paying attention?
BGW - wasn't "Under the Boardwalk" a Drifters tune?
Just sayin'
On another topic, is anyone riding the NY century this coming Sunday?
74th!! And I even read it!
now back to my gatorade, margarita, and chocolate milk, from the same bottle.
Because having one nipple on a water bottle simply could not do, someone somehow, found a company to manufacture and sell a water bottle with 3 nipples on it.
Might as well be sucking down Y-water if were all going that route.
BTW. Just in time for autumn. Made it for you while on holiday.
Oh my God, I'm listening to you being interviewed on NPR right now! And I agree, I don't know why we're expected to show up to work all pressed and sanitized. Maybe if they could air condition the subways or something. I myself am looking forward to the moderately cool weather of fall.
That jacket somehow resembles some people we knew during WWII.
BSNYC on NPR? Cognitive dissonance has exceeded measurable levels.
Bicycling Magazine and now NPR? It's impressive; congrats.
Shoulder pads? Rapha never fails to offend.
NPR? Cartalk?
Shoulder pads? You mean like this?
No fucking wire hangers!
My wife has referred to me as a "bike snob" for at least the last 15 years, so, yes, there is more than one...
Oops, I've added the link. On "All Things Considered." Here's the story: "Bike Commuting Becomes Easier in New York City," http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=112651608.
At least, I think that was him. I missed the beginning of the interview but the reporter referred to him as "Bike Snob." I assume there can be only one.
...anon 4:49pm...ouch !!!...the drifters is correct...you are so right & my only defense is that while it's a tuesday, it sure feels like a monday...
...mikeweb...red neckerson has always said that jolene "get's around"...one can only speculate...
you didn't mention the mysterious red armband on the Rapha jersey. Is this designed to appeal to 'cross fascists?
Really, the similarity is astounding.
you may enjoy this:
I just heard your part on NPR's All things considered. I have to say your voice was different than I expected. I am not sure what I thought it would sound like, perhaps a real gritty New Yorker accent, however, you seemed to blend in just fine with the Public Radio crowd.
You know you've arrived when your listed as famous by NPR.
New to the site here, and navigating the terms and acronyms. BSNYC is simple, but what is RTMS?
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation?
Snob, I have seen your dusty Sidis and your greasy fingernails, and now I have heard you advocate slovenlyness in personal appearance on NPR. I know some angry metrosexuals who would like to have a private word with you.
He's admitted to manscaping. Doesn't that earn a few metro points?
Nice job on the Big Interview, Snob. Would love to 'hear' it again with the tables turned with you asking the questions. It's kinda there already. Please?
In case it hasn't been said today,
All You Hater Suck My Balls.
I've been waiting a long time to say that.
Yogi - it appears that you have created a blog site/name based solely on BSNY's rantings. It kind of scares me in that BS may become a god for some folks.
Best ad ever:
Find the NPR audio at http://www.npr.org/templates/player/mediaPlayer.html?action=1&t=3&islist=true&id=2&d=09-08-2009
Scroll down for the article on bikes
Now will you tell me what RTMS stands for?
Oh MY GOD! (Sorry, not you, snobbie) That is the best ad ever!
$950? Really?
One oh first!
Anon 831-
F'in cappuccino drinking liberal-elites want me to go to work all sweaty. I hope you all choke on your damn vegan sushi.
Nice ideas on NPR, Snob. I've always believed that on hot days after having to wait on an F train platform for 5-10 minutes, I arrive to work just as slovenly as I do after biking for 1/2 an hour.
PERSONAL HYGENE? I don't believe in it, personally!
So are you diabetic or just interested?
Anon 851 -
Thank you. I am hopelessly, helplessly, deeply in love with you.
Ever visit DC?
Anon 831
nice spot on NPR. Good radio voice.
My prediction for the rest of the year. The fixed gear and hipster apocalypse is starting and it will all come to an end by January.
Rapha Cross Jersey inspiration?
Snob, does buying a carbon fiber bike, to decrease your carbon footprint make sense?
welcome back snob!
Lantern Rouge?
All you haters suck my triple nippled water
I don't know, man. That dude at Burning Man in the chicken suit has some RIPPED legs! The kinda rip you can only get from the mean streets of Williamsburg.
Fierce Panties: AYHSB?! Please tell me that you're Not a tranny. That would so wreck my image/fantasy of you. Perhaps I too am revealing too much.
It kind of scares me in that BS may become a god for some folks.
Infidel talk like this will just trigger a jihad.
You know what I HATE about autumn? the cycling community pressuring me into the awesome super sport of cyclocross. We should avoid road riding on the cool, dry days and only reserve it for the humid, sweltering 104 degree days of summer, forcing us to buy water bottles with superfluous third nipples.
Out come the pics of drunken fans alone in fields while riders get covered in mud between colored strings-oh, they are having so much fun. Then the anecdotes of Belgian chocolate waffles: like we need a new excuse to fatten our asses.
Of course, all this requires new frames, with brakes that work, and even beefier bottom brackets, and deep dish carbon wheels that crack because it's YOUR fault. Meh, I'd rather take up an exciting game of Bandy with some traditional curry burgers and chutney fries.
Couldn't agree more, CC!!
"...deep dish carbon wheels..."
Mmmm deep dish...
last! bidges.
I wish I were tri-nippled
Pickelhauben (with ironic Jewish deli pickles) for douchebag hats.
Shooting coats (with padded shoulders) for shouldering (portaging?) bikes.
Rapha's autumn offering hold little interest for me because, except for a few tell-tale patches of trees that turn color around town, we don't experience autumn in Los Angeles. It's about six days of summer heat, and 346 days of spring.
I can only ever dream of living in New York,it's one of the reasons why I enjoy this blog.
But seeing that bloke wearing a tri-corner hat makes me so glad I don't - I really don't think I could stand to see people wandering around in such self-consciously ridiculous statements of their own individuality. It doesn't look good, it's not stylish, that man is a walking tragedy and makes me feel sad.
Anyway, keep it up and I want to see more pictures of halfwits so I can feel good about living in Liverpool, England
The tri-corner hat was probably being worn in preparation for National Talk Like a Pirate Day.
Whoa ... Rinka
ALAN J GERSON launched an unprecedented number of initiatives including: a new youth swim team, an evening teenage center, a free community mediation facility, a heart defibrillator pilot program, new emergency shelters for homeless (runaway) teenagers, starting work on the Hudson River Waterfront Park, the first Arts Committee and Calendar, a new Public Safety Committee and a Community Court Proposal.
Please Vote for this strong & Experienced member for him in District-1 Council election on Septemer 15th
Yea gerson made this city quite insound pollution
I wonder what part of MY biking, er cycling, you would not laugh or poke fun at. I went into a NYC bike shop once, NYC Velo. I even bought something though I felt I had walked into the bar scene from Star Wars. Actually the local denizens acted as if they wondered what planet I called home. Virginia is a bit off the Silk Road I guess.
Han shot first.
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