That said, there is one occasion on which the "literati" allow you to don your Primal jersey, clip into your SPDs, and ride with the big boys, and that's The New Yorker magazine caption contest, which I was recently contemplating in the restroom:

I find The New Yorker caption contest extremely irritating, since to me it's the literary equivalent of a rock band throwing their guitar picks and drum sticks out into the audience, and the notion that I'd want to play with someone's cast-offs is insulting. Plus, they're clearly choosing lame finalists on purpose in order to make their own jobs look harder, since the correct caption for this particular cartoon is glaringly obvious:
Insert groan or polite titter here.
Yes, cycling is elitist, and literature is even more elitist, but sometimes the worlds of cycling and literature collide like two tweed-clad Dutch city bike-riding scintillating constellations in the night. However, unlike a cosmic collision in which diamonds can form, the collision of cycling and literature creates a much less valuable by-product. I'm referring of course to that unique literary gem, the Pretentious Cycling-Related Craigslist "Missed Connection" (or PCRCMC):

We Shared a Bike Route - 29 (Midtown)
Reply to: [deleted]
Date: 2009-06-17, 10:10AM EDT
You rode an old world bicycle and carried a weathered tan leather bag heading over the Williamsburg bridge. You had small zippers open at the end of your stone grey denim that left your feet dangling onto your pedals that had no use for cumbersome toeclips. We rode together up Elizabeth St. I smiled at you in quiet Greenwich Village. You knew the perfect route to coast into midtown. We both forgot to wear our helmets but made it safely to 42nd st where the bustle of midtown and the workday's sudden reality distracted me from you.
I hope to share another commute.
-Red Wheels

Yes, the evocative world of the PCRCMC is full of weathered leather, chance encounters on quiet Greenwich Village streets, woodcuts, and sometimes even weary Portuguese friends. The truth is that there are at least as many wistful, bookish, satchel-toting cyclists in New York City as there are trendy fixed-gear riders; however, instead of posting videos of themselves on Youtube doing tricks to stoner doom metal, they simply scribble quietly in journals or, very occasionally, timidly share their observations and longings with the outside world by posting them on Craigslist.
Furthermore, like any group of cyclists, the introspective, wistful PCRCMC author has an ideal to which he (it's usually a he) aspires, and that ideal is of course William Forrester as played by Sean Connery in "Finding Forrester:"

I'd wager that nary a tweed-palping PCRCMC author alive hasn't fantasized about the same scenario. This is true regardless of age, for no matter how old a PCRCMC author is he always imagines himself as being distinguished and gray. It's just not the same if you imagine yourself as the younger Sean Connery, which is obvious from this image (via HTATBL):

This Sean Connery is not literary, nor would he ride an appropriately literary bike. Instead, he' probably "rock" something like this:

Probably most appealing of all to the PCRCMC author though is that on top of being both literary and distinguished-looking, Sean Connery as William Forrester also has "mad skillz." Check out the confidence with which he dives into that corner. Even as an older man he's got the bike-handling skills of a youngish serial retrogrouch and uber-curmudgeon Jobst Brandt:

With the Bicycle Film Festival officially underway here in New York City, I think it's finally time for someone to produce a Jobst Brandt biopic, and I'm pretty sure that Sean Connery would leap at the opportunity to play present-day Jobst. Maybe by the time the 2010 festival rolls around there will be a line of PCRCMC authors and Rivendell-riding retro-grouches three blocks long waiting to see "Myth and Lore: The Jobst Brandt Story." Gus Van Sant would no doubt do a wonderful job with it, and I can't help thinking that Vincent D'Onofrio could play Sheldon Brown to critical acclaim.
Indeed, trolling for idols is something we all do. This is also readily apparent in the behavior of fixed-gear riders, who, just as soon as they hear about some legendary cyclist or company for the first time immediately render it and sell it in t-shirt form. The most recent legendary cyclist to receive such treatment at the hands of the "fixerati" is Tom Simpson:

Personally, I have a suspicion that the next legendary cyclist to be appropriated will be Jobst Brandt. As such, I'm already working on a design, and plan to "drop" a shirt soon. Here's the graphic for the front:

I'm still thinking about the back, but at the moment I'm partial to reproducing this "epic" Jobstian tale:
"When I was riding my last Clement tubulars, that had poor stitch protectors that caused many pin hole leaks, my tires kept going flat. Knowing about the ability of the butterfat in milk to plug such holes, I poured a few ounces of milk, from a dairy on the Klausen pass in Switzerland, into my tire pump and pumped it into my tires. This solved my problem, but a few weeks later, back home, while riding to Santa Cruz with a bunch of bikies sitting on my wheel, I had a rear blowout and sprayed them with putrid milk, while I had a hard time controlling the bike as it slid around on the flat tubular like ice."--Jobst Brandt
Then again, that might be a bit long. I may paraphrase it thusly:
All You Haters Drink My Milk
I think it's got a certain putrid ring to it.
woo hoo!
Boom Shanka!
I think the guy from SNL's Jeopardy spoof should play Connery instead. He's even better than Connery.
Top ten! Pass and dope free.
Except for the coke.
But that was just that one time.
BSNYC is going global! Check out #6 -- the Fixie Pixie -- for some snobby goodness!
Whoops, the link should be:
A-ha-ha. I finally caught you. Now get your ass back to class before I dig into this nylon bag and pull out a doughnut to smoke
top 20!
holy shit, have you guys read this:
legalize it!
OT, but when are you going aim your swizzle stick at what's going on over at CyclingNews?
Woot! Woot!
more material to scorn, if you so wish. (i can't believe you didn't mention the big pot bust yet).
last two posts were weak, but this one makes up for it
Putrid milk. That Sean Connery picture. Tweed. I'm going to have nightmares about the Lord dragging them all into my bedroom. Thanks, snob.
Hey Anonymous 1:26 - If you're gonna be a critic you should at least get a name.
Better yet, start a blog and see how you do...
Nothin about Melissa Giove?
Those PCRCMC postings drip the WORST of the J. Pederman-wannabe swillists. Maybe Blanca Brava wants a hit of that?
Missy Giove is my Wednesday hero.
Downhill mountain biker busted with pot. Like THAT is big news. Okay, so it was a lot of pot, still.
How long before the literary cyclist look jumps the shark?
Young Connery should have opted for the full bro-zilian, a la young Lance. That's obscene.
Anyone see about that bike chick with the dope?
What does RTMS stand for?
HILLARIOUS!!!!! That's all I can say!
damn you guys are slow. or maybe too self absorbed to read comments before yours?
...just slayin'
or maybe- "AYHBFMP" All You Haters Butter-Fat My Pinhole???
Oh, and also... UnW00T
yeah, a little late you guys.
this would be the first link
to missy g's bust - upstate ny
i'm sure snob will have plenty
of material on this......
friday fun quiz:
po(s)t retirement - 10 ways to
put the bike trailer to work.
has missy become the female version of cheech, no maybe more like Tommy.
maybe her bio title will be
'Up in Smoke'....
"Can't go on, must go on."
...after all those miles & all that churning i can't believe it's not butter...
...just sayin'...
Oh sure, make fun of the New Yorker, you Philistine. It's simply sad when the unwashed, non-Presbyterian masses can't understand the intellectual prowess of those cartoons. My friends from Skull and Bones and I had a fine guffaw at that contest.
My own caption entry, "oh dear, must be the work of filthy Mexicans", was just ranked below the top three.
The T-shirt company is called GAGE&DESOTO? So they have to rip off EMERGENCY! now too?
Fuckin' Dix.
I am not so sure that the Sean Connery images are that mutually exlusive.
A Webley-Fosberry self loading revolver would be just the thing to carry while on an old Raleigh.
Not sure how comfy the red leather diapers would be on a hot day however.
...missy "the missle" giove finally jumps the shark, ooops, i mean piranha...
ah, liberty, check yesterday's comments on Missy "the Missile", and of course, here.
Seems like Tommy B is getting off scott-free.
Poetry ...FACE!
". . .a doughnut to smoke on..."
What is shark jumping?
How do I palp?
What does RTMS stand for?
Pack fill.
I blame Bloomberg - it's a long story...
"the only reason people turn to drug trafficking is to make a profit from the sale of illicit narcotics"
Thanks for that clarification, Special Agent Dope.
Anon 2:13-
You can find answers to your problems at BSExplanation
Except for the shark jumping, that's just pop culture.
It's just a matter of time before Tinker Juarez gets busted... DAMN THOSE FRENCH PROHIBITIONISTS!
Rare Jobst Brandt Tire Test Fail Pic
ANON 2:11
You are a moron.
Instead of Vincent D'Onofrio, I nominate David Malki's friend Aaron to play the great Sheldon Brown. Here's a pic.
Tinker needs to join the Canadian Olympic snowboarding team.
I think Missy's excuse will be something like, "Pot? what? me? no no no..I was just bringing some raw material over to Craig Calfee's for a new bike."
Unless you don't stop ridding a bike to work every day, you are bound to grow a white beard and ride a mint 70s-era ten speed, with chrome lugs, it's only a matter of time.
Niice, CC!!
Jobst maintains an aero posture even as he's losing ouces of flesh to the tarmac.
Anyone else read the review of the Globe Roll linked to yesterday? I liked this bit:
"Launched just this week in Minneapolis, the new Globe is build [sic] on a vision of inspiring others to ride bicycles through solid design from both an aesthetic and functional end."
Well now (and I hope you'll pause to admire here how I manfully spurn any cheap gags about having a fully aesthetic and functional end but it never having produced a bicycle design) this reminded me of London's New Globe, which is build on a vision of inspiring tourists to hand over the readies for an aesthetic and cultural something or other.
I hope it only bothers me that "putrid" refers to the sense of smell and "ring" to hearing. Unless you meant a ring of putrid dairy residue, which,
oh my, that trips pleasingly off the tongue.
Mike..that's how you did it back in the day, today, riders are too doped up to keep that aero tuck while scraping along the pavement.
you mention
'trolling for idols'
but forgot
'idling for trolls'
missed wordplay opportunity, snob
Vincent D'Onofrio could play Sheldon Brown
You know, I'd probably pay to see that.
I wonder where Connery/Brandt would find the buttermilk for his tubular?
...probably from your mother, Trebek!
Boom Shanka.
Rezado: Everyone needs a hobby.
P.S. All you haters suck my cruller.
CC- that's the local paper link.
they tailed her after being pulled over in Illinois driving a box trailer 'that seemed suspicious'.
Was it because it said Cannondale?
More practical than fenders and baskets!
"The World's First Fixie Cargo Bike"
Ms. Giove is having enough psychoactive substances to supply half of Minsk and everyone is fussing at me because of natural safe and should be legal substances to enhance performance and harden erections. Ms. Giove is always looking like Free Germany's swim team women who enhance their performance and grow beards.
Babushka is correct. But someone is explaining to me please: licking carpets is a phrase that is not translating on Babelfish.
...basic tommeke non sequitor:-- "The UCI Management Committee has decided not to institute disciplinary proceedings against Mr Tom Boonen for having allegedly taken cocaine out of competition, after the Belgian rider supplied a number of elements in his defence."...
...defense element #1 - "young chicks dig the coke, dude"...
...defense element #2 - "i like fucking young chicks, i dig coke too, man...i can drink & fuck more, dude"...
...defense element #3 - "what the fuck, bosses don't care as long as i get the right wins every season, so like, so fucking what ???"...
...defense element #4 - "dude...did i mention young chicks dig the coke ???...just sayin'"...
..."thank you for speaking on your own behalf, mr boonen"...
..."ya, no like, the defense rests, dude"...
Word to your mutha.
Snobbers, can we come up with a term (similar to a Fred) for anonymous commenters who post pedestrian questions or reactions. (i.e what does RTMS mean?, what is palping?, why do you hate fixies?, ect.) I realize many/most of these posts today are meant as irony, but come on. Stop being a, a, 11:58 perharps? Or an Antoine? Just ideas.
P.S. Tye: that tag line is even more homo-erotic than a Missy Giove prison shower, more than Sir Sean in a mankini with a pistol, more than any Effetes of Strength in cycling. So much that I'm humming YMCA as I type this.
My Mutha is busy saving yo ass from Grudzilla.
Oh, woe is me, has common usage finally crept up and clobbered "effete?" It used to just mean barren, but looks like the Snob is at the fore, with several dictionary sites putting the "weak and decadent" meaning as the first or second with "barren" down at number three...
on the homage to Tom Simpson, David Bowie did it first, and David Bowie did it better.
Surprised the shirt didn't say "better not mess with Major Tom."
Wankers on training wheels are best ignored. Certainly, this is true in certain cases.
You seem to have picked the perfect name. Why not just tag them 'Ped'?
What is ped?
veloben, I like that idea. That way, we can save the term "antoine" for someone who regularly posts some great comments, and does so with a speed that leaves many wondering if PEDs are used in the process.
...sort of like a lifetime achievement award.
CC: My my mint 70s ten speed with the chrome lugs "lost its mint" under a mint 80s Lincoln Continental because I didn't stop riding it to work every day. Bummer.
Time to restore the Zeus I guess. Anybody got a handle on 118 BCD chainrings and/or the equally obscure gum hoods? Maybe some Akront rims?
Then everyone will know I slay a bad boy bike - because it's SPANISH.
My ears are burning...
so no one's getting that globe fixie then? specialized's tombstone on the grave of the fixie culture.
Does anyone else have trouble finding out what a ghost bike is? I've tried proprietary search engines :-) lol
they'll innovate next.
How about calling them deds - short for retardeds?
". . .anyone else have trouble finding out what a ghost bike is?"
Seeing as the first hit on a Google search is a dedicated site - no.
Actually saw my first one about a week ago; up here in Adiredneck country. Pickup trucks, gingham dresses, Mormon missionaries and now ghost bikes.
The neighborhood's going to hell.
nice weather out.
Why is everyone so shy? How come all the anonymity?
What in God's name is a fixie?
what's this bike thing everyone's talking about?
I post everyday as anonymous. The reason you ask? Because the content is so scathing and insightful all at once? nope. It's because I'm retarded, or RADTARDED iffen you will. why just yestersday I asked "whats RTMS?" (note the missing apost, so you know its me) Also, I like to use the 'blah=meh' two-word posts, and this goes waaay back.
-rucksack out
Thanks Anonymous
I think I get why you do it now.
Still doesn't explain what RTMS is.
Dont ask me.
Disgrunt Ed.,
Don't blame me. Believe it or not, those are actually Jobst's words, not mine.
ok lookit anonymous, see here, RTMS is uh, frilly is the thing you invent when you are a kid, a room full of lovelies having pillow fights and talking dirty so on and so forth nudge nudge wink wink, and RTMS similarly exists in your mind's rucksack, but not in a hot way.
What do you filthy minded people mean when you say rucksack anyway? It is a useful article that you can use to carry other useful articles on your back. Why has this device become an object for your puerile amusement?
RBP: Stick my cruller in your rucksack, baby.
I'm not anonymous, I just play one on BSNYC.
Babushka demanding apology for suggesting Missy Giove a pervert.
She saying that Giove is not "carpets licking" but "Karpets liking".
Still I am thinking that mountain biker liking road cyclist is not normal.
d. fofonov
There's been so much ridding of bikes that I would have thought licking and liking would also be interchangeable.
babushka demanding apology:
'normal' and 'Missy Giove' not normally associated. see dead pet piranha bling.
I think I'll take this one on my ghost bike - 100.
jeez wes, man, I'd give it to you if I could.
That sounded dirty.
AaaaaHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . .
I just did #3
Hand Solo
"small zippers in your denim that let your feet dangle" "elizabeth st in... greenwich village" is thursday the new wednesday? is that picture really included? CL provides bsnyc with nourishment...brains BRAINS !!
Missy Grove was my dealer.
Whats Tyler Hamilton up to these days? Anyone have his cell number?
It is a known fact that most all Anonymous posters posting on BSNYC 'Comments Section' are serious pot heads who are suffering short term memory loss and therefore are rendered incapable of remembering their own names.
If hipsters idolise drug using British guys that make outlandish comments. Does this mean in 40 years there will be t-shirts of David Millar?
go brad go
Hey Mr. Snob! Maybe it is just me, but lately I feel that drivers are becoming more and more impatient and irrational on the roads towards cyclist. Just today on a group lunch ride, we were yelled at, and almost ran into by a lady in her 80's running a red light! I have a theory on why drivers are acting so ridiculous, but I am curious to hear any thoughts you might have on the subject. And I will give you an example of some of the craziness we are feeling out here in Colorado...
Hey Snob,
So where can I pick me up one of those red pleather euro-trash mankinis?
Wow, the first (and familiar) fixed gear bike tricks from 1899!
nice fuck me pirate boots, sir sean.
god your "graphics" blow (note the quotations
dz T - Wut Game Play?
Matt Boulanger:
Usage changes. Please adapt.
And I will give you an example of some of the craziness we are feeling out here in Colorado..
dude, the problem is, YOU'RE IN COLORADO.
Yeah Colorado sucks lets all move to Canadia.
and you would all be welcome too!
where do you want to be when low-lying north america sinks below the sea?
(rhymes with bc)
just cross your fingers about mt. baker...
That's ok Ken, I hear mobile homes can float.
So I guess we're all going to Viper?
funk whiz
Logged in and ready to go.
i recall that somone once said that the answer to every new yorker cartoon contest is :
"Christ, what an asshole"
Pretty much works well with every cartoon.
I believe it's:
"Christ! What, an asshole?"
Anon 4:02, I just sold some Zeus chainrings on Ebay - those things fetch a pretty penny these days!
This post has been removed by the author.
man i kno what u mean about the rain! im getting tired of it and just wanna get out and ride.
ive gotta mtb blog about western north carolina, u should check it out!
It is so nice pictures and nice topic.Thanks for sharing.
seo europe
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