Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Giant Wheels: The Cartoonification of Cycling

If you're a cyclist, chances are you have emotional reactions to certain bicycles. In my case, some bikes such as lavishly-appointed and colorway-coordinated fixed-gears tend to make me angry. Others, such as tandems, make me cheerful. Still others, such as recumbents, make me feel frightened and confused. And I felt considerable confusion and not a little fear yesterday evening when I spied what was either a giant bicycle or a tiny rider making its way over the Manhattan Bridge:

At first, I thought I was finally having one of those acid flashbacks they used to to warn you about in grade school, and I worried that I might not have enough time to procure psychedelic essentials such as glow sticks and Magic Eye posters before my face started melting and I was no longer able to find my way home. So I put the metaphorical hammer down and headed over the bridge. However, as I approached the strange bicycle, I realized that I was not hallucinating and the bicycle was in fact some weird old-timey looking thing with 36 inch wheels. It was even stranger up close, and the rider looked like a cartoon character getting caught between two big rollers--I kept expecting her to get sucked through completely and pop out the other end like a sheet of newsprint. I quizzed the rider about her bike and she gamely answered my questions even though she was regarding me with the nonplussitude to which I am accustomed. Anyway, it turns out it's a Bologna, and you can see it here:

At this point, my confusion yielded to cheerfulness and I decided I liked this absurd contraption, even though it's missing a front fender. Sometimes it's fun when the world around you suddenly turns cartoony--not the sort of anime cartoony that fixed-gears evoke; rather, more like "Scooby Doo."

But different people get angry about different things, and the same people can get angry about different things in different circumstances. I'm sure under different conditions this pointless steampunk 36er might have enraged me instead of delighted me. Ultimately, this is why anger is sometimes comical. And when it comes to comical anger, nobody does it better than the fixed-gear scene. Ever since fixed-gear culture closed itself to new members, they've been a touchy bunch indeed, and the latest thing they're irritated by is this fixed-gear themed Dell computer:

If you read the comments to the post, you'll find that many fixed-gear enthusiasts are angry that Dell appears to have appropriated their "culture." Of course, this is ridiculous, since fixed-gear bicycles have been around much longer than the people who now claim them as their own. For that matter, so have Dell, who in my opinion are positively rife with street cred:

Remember that "Dell Dude?" Well, way back in augt three, when the fixed-gear fad was just a lime green glint in a few hipsters' eyes, the Dell Dude was already running afoul of the law:

Getting busted for buying the Wednesday weed on the Lower East Side is vastly more street-credulous than blowing a few lights on your IRO while wearing some sneakers that match your hat. So if Dell want to use fixed-gears to sell their laptops, I say they're entitled--between fixed-gear fashionistas and Dell the latter is certainly the "OG" in this scenario. Plus, when a scene places such importance on candy-colored bicycles that look like they should be hanging above baby cribs, how can you expect the larger "culture" not to pick up on the imagery? Like it or not, these goofy bikes are now just another meaningless element in the pop culture mobile that dangles above the drooling heads of the masses.

I only wish the Dell computer were actually a fixed-gear computer. I'm not sure what that would entail, but it would probably involve its not having a space bar or a delete key.

But while the fixed-gear scene doesn't like Dell crashing their party, they don't seem to have a problem with cultural plundering in general--just as long as it's cool. On the very same blog which jeered at the Dell computer was this post celebrating streetwear monger Mike Giant:

According to the Trackosaurus post, Mike Giant is somehow using his hand to "better the cycling community." I'm not sure how he's doing that, though from what I can tell it involves drawing the sorts of graphics Pushead drew better 20 years ago, putting them on clothing, and selling them under the brand name Rebel8. Personally, I'd be embarrassed to get a Major Taylor tattoo. People get tattoos of things because they identify with them and feel as though something is part of them, though the implication that a white graffiti artist born in 1971 can make what Major Taylor experienced part of him by sitting through a two-hour tattoo session is sort of like saying you understand the perils of deep sea fishing because you saw "The Perfect Storm." Sometimes getting a tattoo is less like making something part of you and more like dry-humping its leg.

In addition to dry-humping (or, if you prefer, pie-biting) Major Taylor's legacy in particular and cycling in general, Mike Giant also dry-humps Latino gang style:

Learning these fonts wasn’t something a white kid could do. “I remember being really jealous of the Mexican kids in my class that would get cholo fonts written out for them by older kids. They kept them hidden from me, mostly because I showed interest, and I was a pinche huero (fuckin’ whiteboy).”


His body keeps this link to his past alive as well, fully tattooed by some of the most formidable practitioners of the craft. “I can see now that I covered my arms with cholo-style tattoos to look intimidating to the kids that used to pick on me.”

This is like a gentile moving to a Jewish neighborhood in New York City, thinking Hebrew letters look cool, and getting a bunch of Yiddish phrases tattooed on himself. "Yo, can I sit in on your Talmud study group? I think the Mishnah would make some sick ink." I guess the goal of "artists" like Mike Giant and "streetwear" enthusiasts in general is to skim the visually pleasing surface of every subculture and either apply it to yourself or sell it to others if you've got the ability to reproduce it. That way you can reach the ultimate "hipster" goal, which is to be a living reference to every fad, fashion, trend, lifestyle, religion, subculture, and phenomenon that ever was or will be:

Of course, this is not to discredit people like Mike Giant. These "über hipsters" have a legitimate skill, which is to identify dangerous yet visually appealing subcultures, make forays into them, gather material, and then smooth and devenomize it for mass consumption. It's a skill that's in high demand--if we're going to have a constant flow of new trends, we need cultural snake handlers. It worked for tattoos: 20 years ago, a tattoo might keep you from getting a job; now, it might even help you. It's also working for bikes: all you need to do is roll around slowly and trackstand.

The only danger is that it can go too far. When you take away all the rough edges and over-polish something in the name of "art," you can eventually wind up with porn. And porn is ugly in its own way:

The above image was forwarded to me by a reader, and has been duly sepia-toned and censored. I was appalled by the turtle mistreatment, but you've got to admit it looks a lot like Larry King.

At any rate, for better or for worse (and probably for worse) between people like Mike Giant and companies like Dell a new generation of riders is coming of age who are obsessed with documenting themselves and their exploits, as you can see in this video, also forwarded by a reader:

Albion in the Gloaming from Albion in the Gloaming on Vimeo.

These riders call what they are doing "documentary bike-packing," which as far as I can tell is some form of hipster randonneuring in which you film yourself riding impractical bikes over long distances. It also involves pretending to fly:

This trip may very well be to cyclo-touring what hockey stops are to braking. Yes, it's an ugly scenario, and unfortunately cycling is the turtle.


mr donkey said...


mr donkey said...

donkey rides!!

mr donkey said...

donkey wins!!

Anonymous said...


rezado said...


Anonymous said...

Another wheel trend?

Luck E. Seven said...

Lucky 7!


hillbilly said...

I was sure there was going to be talk of the new Mall of America, er, Times Square, in today's post. Thanks, this was much, much better (even though I feel inordinately sorry for the turtle)

Pontius Pilate said...

"Sometimes getting a tattoo is less like making something part of you and more like dry-humping its leg."

Most excellently done, sir.

Hail Caesar!


Surly Bastard said...

I'm so top ten ...

Anonymous said...

Di Luca denied!

Need to visit my family doctor...

Leprechaun said...

Anon 1:12, I can't imagine riding that thing. It would make riding a Harley seem smooth as a baby's butt.

fomenter said...

Mike Giant appears to be a Mental Midget.

ringcycles said...

Donkey dopes, sweeping the podium WTF?!

RANTWICK said...

"Sometimes getting a tattoo is less like making something part of you and more like dry-humping its leg". I love this blog.

Anonymous said...

Trackosaurus Rex is the worst!

How can it keep hyping this stuff that has long "jumped the shark".

Funnier still, there are many sites that are so similar, like Hipster Nascar or Macraframa (or however you spell it!), they're each competing for the fixed gear bandwidth!

Soon they'll all be like Beta-Max.

Gone & not forgotten!

g said...

I don't know why, but this was the funniest thing to me:
"I only wish the Dell computer were actually a fixed-gear computer. I'm not sure what that would entail, but it would probably involve its not having a space bar or a delete key."

rezado said...

My bologna has a first name its...

leroy said...

Honestly, if the French authorities are going to cut costs by using turtles to deliver urine samples to their lab, they really can't fault Mr. Armstrong for that 20 minute delay in testing last month.

I mean, it's not like they're in a hurry.

one 36 said...

Check out to see another use of 36er wheels (or in this case, a 36er wheel). I commute on a Coker; it's a blast.

shmaltz herring said...

mikeweb said...


b said...

WOW. That was some brilliant skewering. Amazing piece of work.

mikeweb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mikeweb said...

Like it or not, these goofy bikes are now just another meaningless element in the pop culture mobile that dangles above the drooling heads of the masses.Pure gold...

Meg said...

Poor turtle.

Other Side of the GW said...

Mike Giant looks like the guy without the beret on Mythbusters except the guy on Mythbusters has a brain.

jflo said...

Most spell guero w/ a g since "huero" usually means empty or without substance. Fitting.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love to watch Mary make water
She can pee such a beautiful stream
She can pee for a mile and a quarter
and you can't see her ass for the steam!

grog said...

Turtle Cartoonificate with a Larry King Knog. nice.

mikeweb said...

Wow, that Albion viddy thingy looks really great. I think it's real raison d'etre is to see which one of these 2 idiots cracks his skull open first. My money's on the guy with no brakes.

Anonymous said...

Dude, quit jackin' the 'culture' . . . you're getting a dell.

mikeweb said...

Jflo, I thought that huero didn't look right either. Even Beck managed to spell it right.

But considering the source, it does seem appropriate...

Disgruntl Ed. said...

I second what g said.


ringcycles said...

"watering the turtle" - needs to go into the snobictionary. def - defiling an animal or object for entirely narcistic or commercial purpose.

Udder said...

Regarding the girl peeing on the turtle- if I wanted censorship, I'd read Bicycling Magazine.

Anonymous said...

"Like it or not, these goofy bikes are now just another meaningless element in the pop culture mobile that dangles above the drooling heads of the masses."

Marry me!


I would really like to hear the conversation that lead up to the chick pissing on the turle.

Mike Giant was deprived of an identity as a child and is now full of self hatred, taylor and a knuck tattoo that says american, wow!

tobeistobex said...

JPB said...

At what point do you start thinking to yourself, "boy, poking this turtle with a sharpened stick is getting really boring; what if I...?"

Although, peyote effects people in wierd ways, just sayin'

Seanywonton said...

I saw a midget on a BMX last Friday and it looked just right.

Anonymous said...

Sepia tone DOES artsy up even the most disgusting porn! (Larry King however, takes it back down into the gutter...)

red neckerson said...

that porno picture reminds me of when me and ricky finds a turtle while we is driving alongs the side of the road well pour carosine on it and torch the sucker and come back later and hep ourselves to it and it aint bad and you dont have to cleen no stove afterwards

Anonymous said...

I wish my thoughts were pure, like the driven snow. But, they aren't. I LOVE KARA GOUCHER!!!!!

NatMc said...

that mobile/drooling masses shit is the reason you are more than just a funny bike dude. you are my social critic extraordinaire. the source of light i turn to in these very dark days.

That Donkey is Doped! said...

Mr. Donkey's podium sweep reeks of illicit donkey doping. Where are the vampires when you need them?

So, how long will it take Prolly and the other fixie philosopher-kings to weigh in on what they'll certainly decry as unwarranted Snob-bashing of their cultural icons? I can't wait to read some piece detailing how Mike Giant earned his Major Taylor and cholo tattoos!

Anonymous said...

Lay off poor Sasha Blonde, the turtle is a 'shop, the larry king tho is an unfortunate birthmark.

She is however a qualified Pie-Biter.

bklnbikenewbie said...

leprechan, the chinese bike would ride perfectly smooth, the wheels maintain a constant diameter, and the frame is actually resting on rollers above the wheel. It's the axle that moves up and down.

hillbilly said...

anyone ever rocked/rubbed/ran/palped/spanked (hey, i like that) Campagnolo Record Titanium Pedals? any good?

mattoidbunko said...

I'm going to get today's post tattooed on me 'cause it's pretty darn good and I truly believe that Snob is in someway part of me.

"Sometimes getting a tattoo is less like making something part of you and more like dry-humping its leg."


Anonymous said...

big wheel bikes have got nothing on Steam Punk Recumbents.

bk jimmy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Well done Snob! great one today! That holiday in your "mexican training camp" Has paid off! Tell the UCI you had a doc's appointment at Dr Ferrari's!

bk jimmy said...

hey hillbilly, speaking of times square--it looks like last week snobby slayed a "staycation" so he could help reclaim the streets!

Anonymous said...

BikeSnob. What about a link to the not-safe-for-work turtle link?

hillbilly said...

holy crap BK jimmy!! Thanks, I had no idea he was a fellow bassist!

Anonymous said...

yeah, for real, I hope no one sees my google history from me trying to find the original of that pic. haha

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

found it :-)

there goes my afternoon

Fred Zeppelin said...

Here's a 36er riding up stairs, for those interested:

yogisurf said...

I now know what the hipster's ultimate goal is. I was wondering. Saw one today on my way to work. His bars were ~ 8" wide. Nice....

BikeSnobNYC said...

Anonymous 3:46pm,

Thank you. I am relieved that the turtle was fake, yet at the same time I feel duped.

I'm still totally getting that as a chest piece.


Anonymous said...

You'd have to be some kind of lame-ass loser to even consider getting a tattoo in this day and age. Even grannies down at the mall are sporting ink. Twenty years ago they were edgy. Now...just sad.

JPB said...

at Anon 3:55 - Here we go again! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

those "bike packers" must not realize the uk is only something like 700 miles north to south. Not much of a tour.

Surly Bastard said...

Whoa. Today's post was a fuckin' intricate masterpiece in social criticism. Well done, Snob.

I don't know if it's snobfluence or what, but those two douchebags thinking they can tour the UK on those bikes really pissed me off for some unexplainable reason. I'd love to see the vimeo of that "breakless" a-hole hitting deep cowshit and potholes in Ireland ...

Wes said...

These guys run / rock / palp / gouche a 36er too. Pity it hasn't got a bulletproof headset. (My only fear is that I saw it first in these very comments...)

And respec' for the dry humping bit.

Dell dude said...

Just when I thought bsnyc was getting soft he comes out guns a fucking blazing.

Anonymous said...

Those Albion in the Gloaming guys may be a little goofy, but I have to admire their enthusiasm. Wish I was heading off for a tour in the UK!

Roland Barthes said...

King this motherfucker BSNYC already.

Walter Benjamin said...

Hopefully astute commentary like this will help bring my Arcades Project back into vogue.
Oh yeah tattoos are lame.

Toy hater said...

@mike giant,
Son you needs to park that shot out back it is an eye sore.

Surly Bastard said...

You know I guess I do admire the "Gloamer Pyles" after all. In fact I'm now inspired to ride across Canada, or China, or both, on a Big Wheel. It would make just as much sense and be just about as cool.

Anonymous said...

I love you, Bike Snob!
You have no idea how astute this post truly is (or maybe you do)!

And Jflo and Mingus, too!
Best post of the year.

Jim said...

Albion in the gloaming? Looks more like IUPa on roaming.

Seanywonton said...

Did he spell "Guero" wrong on a tattoo too? That would be awesome.

Snob, best post in a while. I love it when you rip on the hipsters.
"Side is vastly more street-credulous than blowing a few lights on your IRO while wearing some sneakers that match your hat."
- This made my day.

Anonymous said...

will that "bike-packer" ever get his hands out of the drops?

Old Fonzie said...

I think the computer equivalent of a fixed gear would be a terminal screen.

None of that GUI stuff to get in the way, just direct interaction with the machine at the command prompt.

You really haven't 'experienced' the web unless your browser of choice is Lynx. Firefox is for foffing off.

Anonymous said...

Please, if Mac came out with a fixie themed computer, hipsters would be all over it...cause you know when you sit in a coffee shop working on your "writing", a mac broadcasts to everyone else that you're "creative". It's an abomination to the "scene" when computers used by people other than hipsters latch on to the trend.

Anyways, good to have you back Snob. GREAT post!

bikesgonewild said...

...a little serious detective work puts the obvious clues together... n' rickey spot said turtle while driving...w/ dinner in mind somewhere 'down the road' they 'carosine' & "torch the sucker" & drive away...

...lovely little blondie comes pedaling along, sees our turtle in distress & in total disregard to getting her 'larryking' wet, squats & pisses out the flames..., that smile on her face just says "hey little's yer life back...feel better now ???"...& turtle w/ his head all stretched out is sayin' "thank you, thank you, baby"...

...& blondie was cool enough to set up her cell phone to record her little mission of mercy... you can see, following a logical sequence of clues always leads to the answer...

Anonymous said...

Pornstars seem to be finally catching up to the rest of the cycling world. That disc brake conversion with a threadless headset is a giant leap from the department store Huffys you usually see them on/around...

Fierce Panties said...


I flashed back to the vintage RTMS recumbent-baby mobile post.

Good memories.

TheTye said...

Pleas post the original pic of the girl pissing on the turtle.....

Fierce Panties said...


She's not a girl, she's a documentary bike-packer, and she's not "pissing on the turtle", she's watering the turtle.

TheTye said...

nevernind... someone did.

I am not sure whether I am happy or sad that there wasn't really a turtle being pissed on.

Fierce Panties said...

I dry humped my own sub culture in the 80's and tattooed an X on my hand thinking that no poser would have hand ink in the following 20 years. It was a calculated risk.

I'm just glad that I don't have a hand tattoo of a baseball glove wrapped in a Willie Mays banner sash, although that would be pretty rad.

Fierce Panties said...


The turtle is being watered.

Anonymous said...

"huero" is actually spelled "guero", dude has it all wrong.

also, i'm surprised an hipster would be offended by anyone robbing them of their culture, which they robbed from actual track cyclists etc. also, enough with the godamn world champion stripes. it would be like a kid who runs around the block to get a pint of milk wearing medals from a nyc marathon. just kinda' tacky.

Luck E. Seven said...

A fixed gear computer would be all ones and no zeros.


urchin said...

For what it's worth, I think the fixed gear computer would have only two keys. When you only type ones and zeroes, you really feel like you're at one with the code. It's a zen thing.

Gnarles Darwin said...

Oh boy you really blowin up Snobby. Outside magazine!

Josh said...

I believe Apple HAVE invented the "fixed" notebook already. If this isn't minimalist and "zen" while being utterly impractical, then I'm not sure what is:

Captain knuckle. said...

Socked another dinger Snob.

Anonymous said...

I always figured Snob to be a closet retro-grouch hipster, albeit with the paradoxical presence of enough brains to come up with fine penmanship.

But this post changes my mind.

Good stuff!

mander said...

This one was good but kind of depressing. Too real maybe.

@ Anonymous 3:59:

There's lots of room in the UK for a big tour.

Anonymous said...

Poor turtle my ass. Where do I sign up for my golden shower?

Jakerock said...

That "albion in the gloaming" thing sent me on a series of mouseclicks / vimeo videos that really made me feel like an alien.
This is one weird world man.

Fierce Panties said...


bklnbikenewbie said...

It was a good thing sasha blonde was palping a kickstand.... it wouldn't have the same feel if the bike was laying next to her on its side...

George said...

I can really understand getting one's blood pressure up about being almost run over or otherwise endangered by stupid drivers, but getting angry because of the way a bike LOOKS? Wow. Life's too short. I'm sure there are therapists in Manhattan who would be happy to talk to you about this. Just not in August.

urchin said...

George, I don't think this blog's for you...

MSR said...

"I only wish the Dell computer were actually a fixed-gear computer. I'm not sure what that would entail, but it would probably involve its not having a space bar or a delete key."

That would be an Apple computer. It actually doesn't have a delete key.

Udder said...

mikill wrote:
"That would be an Apple computer. It actually doesn't have a delete key."

Incorrect. I own 3 Macs and they all have delete keys.

Spiny Norman said...

Oh noes! The fixter hipsters are angry that someone stole the subculture they stole from us Sheldonite retrogrouches! If we hadn't stolen it ourselves from track racers and English club riders I'd be angry myself!

Luck E. Seven said...

Josh, I couldn't agree more.

From the Mac Wheel video:

"Everything you want is just a few hundred clicks away."

They've done it! The most annoying computer in the world!! One giant button to replace all those pesky letter and number buttons. It oozes Zen-like efficiency, except users still have to use the on-screen keyboard.

What's even more insidious is that users don't even have to compose sentences any more. They just select the desired sentence from the drop down menu, shut off their brains, and let the programmers at Apple do the rest...

Can I have my Soma now?


Chris Sans said...

for real.
fuck your hatred for mike giant. that dude is more than credible.

has there even been a glimpse of a collaboration between you and Cinelli?

thats all i have to say.

gregoryyy said...

Are you kidding...? Cinelli is just buying some more street cred,or,trading a frame for some.

Oh yes,Rebel8 ,worn by a member of Blink 182,wow real punk.

Best post ever.

Anonymous said...


_)_)====================D~~~ ON YOUR FACE BITCH

BikeSnobNYC said...


I certainly appreciate that Mike Giant has his fans, but if you equate "credibility" and "Cinelli collaboration" you may be reading the wrong blog.


ant1 said...

if a collabo with cinelli makes one credible, I will go ahead and ignore your post, mr. nevercollaboedwithcinelli.

Joe B said...

JP saw an angel. a bike angel.

Anonymous said...

dear mr. bike snob,
it was a pleasure to meet you, sorry for being a bit off and giving you that nonplussitude look, i had just smoked the best tip i've ever gotten, and was surprised to be communicating in almost complete sentences, let alone while i was on the 36er... going UP the bridge.
thank you for the lovely writeup!

TaylorSizemore said...

A lot of riding, 60 miles a day... HA!

frank said...

For the record, Giant is a hardworking super nice dude, I don't think he deserves the personal attack,
criticizing his work, ok, but for an anonymous to personally get at somebody is wimpy at best,

Brent and John said...

Thanks for the advertising about our trip cycling through the UK. Albion in the Gloaming is not a hipster trip by the way. We are touring in order to see the countries and meet lots of people. We are in london now and so far it has been an awesome trip.

Brent and John

samh said...

Pushead references in any blog require my commenting. Done.

Anonymous said...

No offense, but when some loser (who has nothing better to do than blog about bikes) makes fun of some young kids who are obviously OUT DOING SOMETHING is very funny to me. Okay, offense intended. Those kids must be the total losers; they should spend more time waxing philosophic about bikes while blogging from their mother's basement.

Anonymous said...

I rode my bike around Ireland as a college student, and called it "riding my bike around Ireland."


Anonymous said...

Dear bikesnob, I would really like to have the photo of the precious lady and the turtle without Al Gore or Larry King or whoever it is. Please post the goods.

loyal reader from hell

Bruce Schaller said...

"kind of like... um the state that you don't usually see it ya know...the part they don't want you to see..."


"60 miles a day."
Maybe they meant nautical miles? hahahaaaa

Vancruisers said...

These riders call what they are doing "documentary bike-packing," which as far as I can tell is some form of hipster randonneuring in which you film yourself riding impractical bikes over long distances. It also involves pretending to fly

Love it!!

Anonymous said...

You're a fucking loser. Go write 8000 words about that while you're out not riding your bike or being all cooler-than-thou.

aj rez said...

Major points for the Pushead reference.

nago said...

congrats! keep up the good work/this is a great presentation.

Boyd Coddington Wheels

Anonymous said...

I am the very proud and (in my own opinion) very fortunate owner of a Coker Monster Cruiser with 36" tires. I can tell you from my own experience that it is a lot of fun to ride, but it does take time to get used to riding it. It is not recommended for anyone whose inseam is less than 32" (men's frame anyway, not sure what the women's frame is recommended for). I barely qualify with my 31" inseam.

It is really great to see the faces of people around my town when I ride my Coker. A local transit bus almost crashed into a light post one day because he couldn't take his eyes off my bike. Another amazing thing is that these wheels can match wits with most of the "big wheel" crowds. 36 inches is considerably larger than most standard truck tires (exception being Hummers and/or anything customized). With 800 mm rims (approximately 31.5 inches), I get looks of envy from people that only have 26-30 inch rims on their trucks.

Big wheels and tires like this are actually very comfortable to ride on. They seem to absorb the shock of road imperfections a lot better than smaller bikes do. The only real drawback I have found to riding my Coker is that when I ride my 29er mountain bike, it's literally like going from driving a semi to a small pick-up truck.

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Warp 9 Tubeless Wheels said...

Great information sharing here.

Thank you