While I commend Leipheimer for endorsing a responsible product, I also think that roadies shouldn't be the only ones to benefit from it. There are many other types of cyclists who could also use something like this but who also don't think bracelets or road racers are "cool." As such, I'm proud to announce that I'll be endorsing a version for "hipsters," the Fixie ID:
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Unlike that dorky nursing home-style bracelet, Fixie ID is applied to the knuckles and enhances both safety and street cred. Fixie ID is also permanent (as are the typos, unfortunately) and unless you try to brake with your knuckles it remains legible in even the most disfiguring accidents. Sure, the eight-character limit doesn't allow you to include detailed contact information, but hipsters rarely venture outside of their neighborhoods anyway. And there is sufficient room for feeding instructions:
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See? This hipster will eat eggs and cheese, so bring on the omelettes! Stay tuned for the commercial, complete with catchy motto: "Fixie ID: It's Who I Pretend to Be."
Speaking of bracelet magnates, I was checking in on the Twitter of one of Letle Viride's domestiques when I noticed something intriguing:

...and eventually I found it:

One aging celebrity athlete challenging another to a race of some kind? What could this mean? Unsure what to make of this, I consulted Dennis Hopper:

As usual, he's got his finger on the pulse, and his tongue on the blotter acid.
Of course, a new race for Armstrong means only one thing: a new custom inspirational theme bike from The Great Trek Bicycle Making Company. Everybody's seen his Giro Shepard Fairey Obey monstrosity--in fact, it freaked Dennis Hopper out so bad he emptied out a fire extinguisher on it. Well, apparently Trek isn't even waiting to find out what kind of race this is, because they've already released images of Armstrong's new "Shaq Killer:"

As you can see, every visual element is intended to not only sting Shaq but also to mock the entire sport of basketball:

And as if that wasn't bad enough, Trek even released this viral video:
Poignant and demoralizing.
It just so happens I know exactly how Shaq feels, as I too was demoralized recently. Yes, on the very eve of my slaycation, I secured my bicycle to a pole. However, I was in a hurry, and in my haste I forgot to de-Knog it. (As you may recall from my Scattante review, I'm sitting on a rubbery mountain of Knogs, so I figured I might as well use them.) Yes, here in New York City people actually steal the lights off of bicycles, and I'm sorry to report that when I emerged from my bikini waxing my most favoritest Knog "hipster cyst" was gone. So I beg of you, if you hear or see anything of this Knog, or if someone on the street tries to sell you one at a price that's too good to be true, let me know immediately. You'll know it's mine because it's black. (It was originally lime green, but I had it powdercoated.) Also, I couldn't be bothered to change the battery so it barely worked anyway. Here are some nostalgic photos of the wonderful times we shared together:
This is my Knog on a small bottle of Grand Marnier.
This is my Knog being used as a capo, just moments before I picked up the guitar and sang a folk song about how much I love my Knog.
Oh, and to the thief: you may have taken my Knog, but you'll never take my memories, for they burn as brightly in my heart as the first time I switched it on. Also, the Knog you took was down my pants a few times. (You really can put those things anywhere!) So the joke's on you.
Speaking of things that come in lots of "colorways," I was recently checking in with fixed-gear freestyle impresario Prolly's blog, where I learned that a new urban fixed-gear tire has "dropped," and it comes in more "colorways" than a Knog-strangled extremity:

Ever ride home in the rain to be alarmed by something and when you whip into a hockey stop, your bike kicks out from under you, landing you on your ass and your bike in the street?
Ever ride home in the rain and crash because you had to whip into a hockey stop? Me neither. That's because I rock something like this:

Sure, the "colorways" leave something to be desired, but this accessory does eliminate the need for hockey stops, lacrosse stops, lawn bowling stops, and any other inconvenient and ineffectual sports-themed stops you might find yourself forced to perform on a brakeless bike. Incidentally, I'm not sure what purpose a "directional tread" serves on a wet road, since bicycles do not hydroplane--though I suppose those cosmetic sipes are useful in that once they disappear you should probably refrain from hockey stopping until you've replaced it with a brand-new pink tire.
Well, it's good to see that the bicycle industry is addressing the needs of the fixed-gear rider, even if those needs are based more on "colorways" than they are on the excessive demands they're placing on their equipment. Actually, I'm not sure relying too heavily on one component because you've omitted another one constitutes an "excessive demand"--really, it just means your bike's not finished. It's like wearing two sweaters and no pants. Maybe I can start leaving off my tires altogether and some company will come along and make a super-thick inner tube. Or has that happened already? I can't keep track.
But don't expect brakes to make a comeback anytime soon; after all, when you ride with brakes you can't come up with cool names for your stops. I'm fine with that, though. It only expands the market for the Fixie ID.
1st loser
1st loser
welcome back
fifth ??
about freaking time
top ten?
top ten
top 10 BOYAH
top ten BOYAH
Boom Shanka
Lawn bowling stop is amusingly accurate. Welcome back, bye!
Happy days are here again!!! Welcome back Snob. (the wheelsuckers at nyvelocity wouldn't shut up about you in your absence, by the way)
Leaped or leapt? disgruntl'ed?
nice work seany
sandbagging scum
Prolly no longer comments here. Hurt Feelings?
I think Shaq might want to beware or this may happen
Thank God you're back! And palping along without missing a beat apparently ... the Lance/Shaq bike was absolutely slaylicous ...
Welcome back, hope your slaycation met expectations.
We got by on pseudo content and witty retorts. We also saw the birth of the BSexplained blog.
Knog rings will be for sale in Truck stop bathrooms soon enough!
What a wonderful day. No near death experiences on the ride into work and the snob is back.
While you were gone, I took the time to peruse your vast archives. Your writing way back then was good, but really lacked cohesiveness. When I read your newest stuff, it's like it's written by a whole 'nother person.
What gives?
Top 25
pink tires,
colorway complete? check!
i bet if someone made brakes
(breaks) in colorways....
i think some would trade being
'legit' in order to be 'fashionable'....
The void in my day has been filled.
Was the bikini wax a full brazilian? How could you possibly ride a bike after that?
Welcome back snob, you seem re-energized if that post is any indication. I'm gonna get some deep rims just so I can label them with AYHCFM!
"some company will come along and make a super-thick inner tube" --- already done a long time ago
They're called TUBULARS.
eh.. the knog cock ring with blinking vagina finder... don't know about that one.
"Ever ridden home at 3am that whole 3 blocks from the bar and just couldn't deal with having a black tire?" Sheesh...
Snobby wrote: "Also, the Knog you took was down my pants a few times. (You really can put those things anywhere!) So the joke's on you."
I think I know how you wore the battery down.
Leaped, leapt, yep.
Ever useful for identification is the Chinese tattoo.
女 (woman)
ç”· (man)
And today on the back of a head I saw:
是 (is)
Aren't we all?
Welcome back snob.
Placed on the right organ, Knogs will make you stiff but compliant.
Might I be so bold as to suggest a writing contest, judged by yourself, in which the winner would receive an authentic, autographed BSNYC Knog from your extensive collection? Imagine the contributions to literacy such a quest for enlightenment could produce. Just the thought of it brightens my day.
Wish I had some snappy comment, but, really, that was one excellent post!
Now Available! Register your Hipster ID Knuckle Tats!!
You could be:
Up the cred when yer dead!
...the wound of yer missing-ness has been kotter-ized...
Really, you should go ahead and make the Dennis Hopper Twitter parody a regular feature. It's awesome.
Also, props to Leroy.
$49 for some Odyssey 80's bmx rehash? get hutchisons for that.
they're sold out in all colors?
i actually checked?
don't know which is worse.
the apocalypse has already suited up, and is on the way i suppose...
anon 1:52
I'd be up for a contest but if the prize is a BSNYC Knog it'd now have to be verified non pantsified before I'd want it.
Just sayin..
46th! welcome back snobby
If seven makes shaq a frame, I'm guessing a 36 inch head tube. Forget a race, Shaq and Lance should get in the studio and drop a collabo album with all proceeds going to xtremely tall minorities with cancer who also ride brakeless.
You can remember to put on that dumb ass bracelet put can't remember to take your license,what am I missing?
You bring up an excellent point. I would also have to insist on a no-pantaloons Knog clause. That just wouldn't be hygienic.
Snobbie, Glad you have been returned. We will prey fer yer missing knoggie.
tread pattern copies big apples
Welcome back Snobby!
Cute tires.
Mingus, bigger picture please.
welcome back snobby.
While you sucka's was eatin' barbeque and polishing your "track nuts" this weekend, I was training for first and boy did it pay off! Snob, it's good to have you back. I was pseudo-suicidal at work this week without your musings. Hope you got some good riding in during your vacation, and I also hope you had a chance to get on your bike!
Who rubs brakes?
I highly recommend the rugby stop. You run into whatever you want, then stomp all over what you just hit. *Way* more satisfying method of stopping than brakes. It has almost a zen simplicity to it, which makes it perfect for fixed gear bikes.
Steel is real. I am pseudo-cidal. I palp the truth in all its shades.
Don't steal a man's blinky, it's been on his winky.
Rock awesome.
Is that Elvish inscribed on the rims of the Fairley/Armstrong bike? When is Levi going to get his Bansky bike?
2sweaters and no pants. too fucking funny!
to whoever in williamsburg yelled at me for being a salmon on sunday night followed by 'atleast you're wearing a helmet'.. have fun hockey stopping in the rain, jerk.
and just why do you think it was ok to salmon and why is he/she a jerk for calling you out on out?
it, not out.
Maybe the urge to spawn is stronger than that of following rules?
From the Hutchinson press babble:
"rim and tire had to be completely deconstructed"
I just can't wait for their soon to be published semiotic analysis of getting a flat.
It makes sense that the fixalites would think that tread enhances traction on pavement. After all, they'd cease to exist if they didn't buy into every marketing ploy that pops up.
Get some brakes and some decent high thread count tires if you want good traction on the wet. You're still screwed on wet road pain though.
newsflash: bike brakes are useless on hockey skates. duh.
ant1 said...
"Maybe the urge to spawn is stronger than that of following rules?"
- Most certainly. I just try not to salmon on anything she tells me not to.
My first reaction is how could this thing last a year? Am I wrong? It looks like it was jointed with duct tape! Snob, please enlighten us! Is there any merit whatsoever to a bike made out of thick grass? Or is this just a potentially genital-maiming time bomb? And for $1000, you could buy a pretty nice steel bike (with gears)that would last a lifetime. Whatever...
The terminology "Hockey stop" is not very original or creative or inspiring.
And I do have some suggestions:
"Have you ever made a camel spiral and twizzled to a kiss and cry? Well, I've done that too many times especially when the tires seem to free dance and want to pull a haircutter spontaneously. No-what-I-meen??! The best way to avoid that ever dreaded Choctaw turn to Besti Squat is with some lime green Session rubber, my luva! Slay it today, ya don't say, Lay...tah.."
good comeback blog-article.
Like a fish needs a helmet.
OKC Triathlon:
1. Swim
2. Eat shit
3. Die
"I'm guy. I'm a guy on a bike. I'm a guy on a bike next to a woman. She's a gal on a bike. My little league team came in second place one year. Another year me and my friends built a jump out of plywood. That was sweet. Once I sprained my ankle and that sucked. I have a friend who fell on some ice one spring. That sucked too. But that's just how I feel about it. And that's who I am. That's just how I rock it. Fuck it. Fuck em all."
I guess one of those Knogs would do in a pinch if you left your cock ring at home. Too small for me, but whatever floats yer boat...
I always thought of OK as a state with clear, clean, crystal blue waterways.
anon516, It fits all dick sizes. Didn't you read the instructions? It's not that hard to get a Knog on your penis.
Snob, you said:
"Actually, I'm not sure relying too heavily on one component because you've omitted another one constitutes an "excessive demand"--
What is the omitted component to which you are referring? I was thinking it was a "brain", but you seemed to be thinking "brake". Oh well, they both begin with "bra".
Haven't we all realized that a bicycle tire can slip on certain wet surfaces without hydroplaning? That should be a non-issue by now...
I watched Levi blow it yesterday on the TV. After all the talk of saving themselves for the third week and about how they have not expended the energy of the other teams Astana really showed em!
Go Di Luca!
Welcome back!
From the picture, it looks like you had a good vacation.
db -- thanks!
Thank goodness someone has finally made a tire in Pepto-Bismol Pink! It should look totally FAB on my 1981 rattlecanned custom peach-colored-Peugeot with chopped flat bars and electrical tape for grips! I can hardly wait to show my Hipster friends how much more original I am than they are!
The Memorial Day stretch was boring without you. Glad to have you back where you belong.
ID for Nobr Akes
If your going to rock 38c tyres for doing "tricks" on your fixie. Why not just get a BMX or a mountain bike and do tricks on that?
i hope you saw the dell "fixie" laptop on trackosaurus rex today
aw fuck this shit
The same page that explains why bicycles do not hydroplane also explains why you wouldn't need to replace the tires once they wear down below the tread, unless the fabric is showing.
I'm waay too lazy to look. Is the 327 comments last post drew a record number?
Leroy, nice bike. White bar tape is so PRO. And your feed zone looked positively gourmet.
Don't forget... Reynold's day approaches this weekend.
Thank you BSNYC for referencing the work of S. Brown.
Fierce Panties, I like your re-wording on the descriptions of bike manouvers. Are you somehow channeling Carcoat Damphands?
(he's the auction/used car expert on Sniffpetrol.com)
fastest bike on clist:
Luck E. Seven:
Respect your Elders!
Okay, okay... I'm hard-up and this is just a pathetic defense of my lameness.
thank you from us all
The fog of snoblessness is gone and there is now joy in the land again.
How to
your first
Hey bikesnob have you ever ridden a fixed gear bicycle?
Snaps 12:16-
Suck WHAT?
I checked Snill Petrol, and I agree, it sounds like I am suspiciously riding the train of Mr Damphands, although until this morning I have never heard of the bloke.
Great return post.
You should post to "missed connections" on craigslist for person who boosted your Knog.
as per my previous comment about salmoning.. i say its ok if a street is dead and you're trying to get to a neighboring street that much quicker. sure you cant do that with a car but whatevs.. id say its much worse to salmon in heavy traffic and put other cyclists/yourself in serious danger
Shaq and shack are homophones, not homonyms. Same sound, different spelling.
i want to help you increase your twitter perusing efficiency. instead of going to shaq's page you can click the text underneath the message saying "in reply to" and it'll take you right to the initial message.
I hate when i lock into a hockey skid and peel out.
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