As much as it pains me to help spread the Rock virus by sharing this, the desperation of which this smacks makes it impossible to ignore. Yes, this video appears to depict a small graffiti strike force actually painting an anarchy symbol and the words "Never Surrender" on the wall of the UCI headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland. (Though the soundtrack is, of course, completely inappropriate. The video works much better with this, which gives it the appropriate bumbling Euro feel.)

Moreover, the strike force seems to be comprised of fixed-gear riders on bicycles with Brooks saddles:

I'm not sure how this strike force was assembled, but I'm guessing that either Michael Ball placed an ad on the Lausanne Craigslist, or else he made the errand a prerequisite for the team's European members wanting to ride in the Tour of California.
By the way, even though Rock Racing don't claim responsibility for this act of petty vandalism, it's still obvious that they're behind it. After all, only Michael Ball would be trite enough to try to reheat the anarchy sign, which has been the international corporate symbol for mall punk since the early 1980s. The whole aesthetic make Poison's "God Save The Queen" cover seem edgy. Also, just check out Rock's site:

At least it's good to know that Rock Racing embrace anarchy enough that they feel it's OK to paint on whatever you want. I only hope they can afford to come to Harlem again this year, because I can think of some logos and slogans that would look great on their Cadillacs.
Of course, if Rock Racing really wanted to be edgy, they'd have hired Chad Gerlach. Attentive readers might remember Chad as the former US Postal rider who fell victim to crack addiction and life on the street, and who was the subject of an episode of the TV show "Intervention" which I used as a wrong answer on a Friday quiz. Well, I'm pleased to report that Chad has found a team anyway, as I learned from this article in my favorite suggestively-titled periodical, Sacbee, forwarded to me by a reader:

Frankly, I think at this point cocky panhandlers would be a lot more useful to Rock Racing than viral videos.
Meanwhile, the Tour of California rolls on, and as it does I marvel not over the fact that the riders manage to brave "cold" and rain on a daily basis, but that anybody has the time to actually follow it. Don't get me wrong--I'm very pleased we now have a race in this country that draws a lot of top riders, and I'm also pleased that it receives so much TV coverage. (Even if one of the announcers is a complete mimbo.) It's just that I'm stretched pretty thin as it is, and between watching two hours of wet cold Tour of California action and my usual backlog of "Gossip Girl" episodes, something's got to give.
This is why, instead of following the Amgen Tour of California this year, I'm following the Rapha Continental Tour of California. This is much easier to follow than the actual Tour, since it consists mostly of photos of studiously "edgy"-looking people riding their bicycles while wearing Rapha clothing:

One way the Ralpha Continental riders might have avoided the indignity of having to bathe in ice would have been to opt for the resilient, laterally stiff, vertically compliant, and horticulturally deciduous ride of birch wood:

Actually, after scrutinizing the photos of the birch bike for some time, I've come to the conclusion that it's a fraud. Clearly, that's not a wooden bike--it's simply an 80s Kestrel wrapped in woodgrain shelf paper:

And that's not the most vexing bicycle on Fixedgeargallery either. I was even more distressed by this one, largely because of the Nimble front wheel:

When it comes to "upgrades," most of them are pointless--especially for the sort of non-competitive riding most fixters do. Really, most "upgrades" just involve substituting one component for another, nearly identical component made in the same Taiwanese factory but priced significantly higher because of the logo that's been placed on it. Still, if you insist on "upgrading," at least follow some sort of logic in your upgrading. Putting a $700 front wheel on a bike with Truvativ Touro cranks is like wearing an Old Navy sweatsuit and one Prada shoe.
Now I have nothing against inexpensive cranks, but if you insist on spending money pointlessly at least "upgrade" the cranks before buying a stupid front wheel like that. If people are going to make pointless fashion-based upgrades, I strongly believe they should at least follow some sort of mandatory order, kind of like PEMDAS in math. There also definitely needs to be a rule prohibiting more than a $400 differential between front and rear wheel cost, as well as one banning both tubular and clincher wheels on the same bike. Instead, judging from the bar and stem, this rider simply seems to be working from front to back. Hopefully by the time he reaches the bottom bracket he'll either have gone broke or come to his senses, thus sparing us from yet another overwrought bike.
At the very least, he might have adorned his wheel with a catchy slogan. Even if "All You Haters Suck My Balls" is too mainstream for you, there are plenty of others to go around. Here's an interesting variation on the crotchal theme:

and one more...
ood finish
Yeah! Life is worth living!
...or "good" if you prefer
Top 10! Good to be back.
Aargh -- I must be slow from hip-checking the car service driver on First Avnue who tried to run me into a truck this morning.
Oh well, top whatever.
top 10!
top 10!!!!
"never give up, never surrender!"
wow! can Ball suck any more?
can we rehash the 80's anymore?
'Punks not Dead'
They seem to be lossing that
street cred. they sooooo desperately need. Maybe they
could just ACTUALLY be punks -
like cycling's version of the
Hanson brothers from Slapshot.
Or like the Italians from
Breaking Away. Nothing like a
pump through the spokes!
ok, now 15th?
I'll take 20th in advance...
thank you!
note the double chain ring on the wooden fix.
Actually, it looks like a compact double.
confirmation, crack wrenches?
me too leroy! on 1st ave too! (around 18th or so)... ok, i know the odds aren't so slim, but still
2 rehashes from last comments section. 1) californians have got to stop talking about how miserable the weather is. it's still 47 degrees.
2) snob - i agree with you on most everything, but i think that fixters aren't nearly the weather woosies you make them out to be, the deluge of pistasters coming off billy burg bridge was overwhelming this am.
Woot! Woot!
the brake quick release is open too.
and wow, he rode it for 50 whole miles with no problems!
so, 300 or 350 hours of build time
divide by 10 hours of riding at
5 mph...
or do you prefer 2 hours of 25 mph?
bikes are for riding
i'm tall, but what up with the giant riding the masi. is it manute bol?
The owner of the wooden bike must have sanded off the Louisville Slugger logo from the downtube.
Are you my Daddy?
I didn't realize how tough things were in this economy. In the Tour Of California Amgen was too cheap to pay the toll on the Golden Gate bridge so VIP fans had to chip in at $500 each.
I think Rock Racing and Michael Ball may be the victims here.
It's kind of suspicious that when covered by a jacket, all you see of the Rock Racing shorts is the word "Dead" across the crotch.
That sounds like a plea for a good chamois cream that resists rain.
Is the same person who set Michael Ball up with the UCI tagging, the same person who arranged to print "DEAD" across Rock Racing riders' crotches?
Or is the DEAD crotch message a surreptitious plea flashed by Rock Racing riders held hostage to fashion?
No matter.
Good for Mancebo, I say!
The win is in, the word is out and now Mr. Ball can turn to product improvement instead of worrying about Rock Racing's reputation being in "tatters."
Unless, of course, "tatters" is newspeak for "schmatas."
I'd prefer ood, thank you ya go, salt encrusted noreaster...i moved this over from yesterdays refuse left by the curb...
...yep, you guys do deserve props for commuting in the cold stuff, no doubt...but salt ???...that's for seasoning food, no ??? california cuisine...sheesh...
...& while organizers don't "plan to" race bikes in it, you back-easters do have various forms of the activity known as skiing...
...i can honestly say i've been more uncomfortable riding my cross bike in the hills in the cold rain out here (warm rain's a different story) than i ever felt skiing in canada, as a kid...
...damp cold seems to penetrate everything...
...& i emphasize "plan to" because after receiving an e-mail from a friend in socal who is snowed in at their mountain cabin, i asked about the palomar climb on the last stage of the 'atoc'...
...his diagnosis is that while the road itself is usually clear, if it's snowing on top on sunday, then they'll come riding up in the rain 'til the snow line is reached...& it's apparently notoriously windy & blustery up there...
...should be an interesting finale no matter how it plays out...
Looking at those Rapha ice baths made my junk shrink.
Bill --
Dang, it's contagious!
I got into a little dust up just before Mount Sinai Hospital (talk about convenient).
Radio dispatched Lincoln Town car service driver, accelerating in reverse and coming straight at me.
I swing right and slap his right quarter panel as I pass.
He then changes direction, comes up around me and rubs me with his left front panel.
Well, what could I do? I knocked his driver's side view mirror backwards with my hand as he's trying to force me into a truck turning left.
Before we both hit the truck, I squeeze between him and the truck. Can't figure out if that was when he caught my hip or if that happened when he side swiped me.
I stayed on the bike and did a U-Turn and so we could have a polite discussion.
He was out of his car complaining that I had touched it twice.
How rude of me.
In addition to never surrendering, I understand that Michael Ball also wears sunglasses at night.
I'm noticing a theme here, and it ain't pretty.
unfrickin real. i hate that, i've had so many drivers yell at me for 'touching' their car, when it is (almost) always out of self preservation. town car drivers are right up there with access a rides...hope your ok
um, hope YOU'RE ok. yeesh's got "shrunk junk"...most appropriate to 'rock' 'em in a pair of those "rocks not dead" cycling bibs & wear them w/ the "i wouldn't be caught dead wearing one a' those" jersey's that they handed out those folks who paid $500 bucks to ride across the golden gate bridge in the damp, early morning, just getting started slipstream of effluvium cast off by the already rain soaked, disgruntled peloton...
...& i guess that well spent money is just another way of appreciating the "blue collar" aspects of the colorful, glamorous & exciting sport of bike racing...erp, phew...
...just sayin'...
The wheelbase on that bamboozeled bike concerns me.
Rock racing must've paid the UCI for wallspace w/ the aggreement to clean up after filming otherwise that southern sheriff who is after phelps will team up with the notorious(when not playing cycle ball-wtf)swiss police. Those cats are tuff.
Poison or Sex Pistols?
Either way they're fuckin' wankers.
The only real punks today are feegans, they're the post-pre-peri-punks. Their ideals are loosely based on only living a fee-based life. They want to live "in the grid", as they say, purchasing as much as possible from sources such as Hot Topic, American Apparel, Urban Outfitters, or Ed Hardy, extra street-cred goes for supporting locally screen printed shirts.
Michael Ball is their collectivly elected consociational organizer.
a-rod's press conference 'this happened for a reason, god gave me a forum to have my voice heard', you know, because he didn't have one before...
I hate car service drivers. They're like cabbies with a sense of entitlement.
As Udder noted, there is an unfortunate baseball theme today.
The Balls Deep fixed gear has the San Francisco Giants logo head badge making it a MLB-fixster collabo.
"Balls deep" could be hipster code for a homerun, "Bonds drifts back...looks up...and it's gone balls deep!"
Or perhaps a 3-0 count, "3 balls, no strikes, looks like the pitcher's balls deep!"
Sex Pistols wankers?
Now you're making me feel old.
The BSNYC Google Juice dropped at Mellow Johnnie's today and I scored a tube.
I masticating most and then prepped my chammy with the leftovers!
When I booted up my iPhone, I went to and thanks to the juice flowing through my fingertips I found this:Balls Deep
The days of the three
hundred dollar jeans are gone.
It's true: Ball is deep.
Snob, loved the People's Poet reference.....Cliff, Cliff, Guitar Riff....
It just smells like that.
Leroy..more on the DEAD crotch here.
Meester Balls..he feed us now!"
LOVE the Young Ones reference; the quote that came to my mind as I was reading was "Yeah, this will shake them up at the Anarchists Society" from the "Bomb" episode.
... although even Rick is less of a poseur than Rock Racing.
A self-proclaimed "fucking good writer" ought to know that a team comprises its riders, it isn't comprised of them. And don't bother whining about grammar nazis; I'm as critical as you are, and especially critical of hypocrites.
Thank you, thank you. When I saw that Masi fixie on the gallery, all I could think was, "What the hell is that aero wheel for?" Us racers are told over and over that those wheels aren't strong enough for daily use, and we must care for them, and now fixsters are riding them on their everyday beater bikes? Please. Your Prada/Old Navy analogy was right on.
Maybe someone needs to come out and ask Rock Racing what they're rebelling against. So far their tour performance seems to be on par with tour performances. I want to seem them ride naked. Now THAT would be something. See how those rocks do in that cold weather...
i, for one, do not want to see how their rocks do in cold weather.
...leroy...glad ya weren't suffering from "deer in the taillight" syndrome...
...& a hard flat hand slap on a rear quarter panel makes a serious amount of "fuck, what was that ??? gotta stop now !!!" noise inside the car but causes no damage...
...when the inevitable confrontation happens, ya just indignantly tell 'em "that's what it woulda sounded like if you'd run me over 'cuz ya weren't paying attention, ya fuck !!!"...
...been there, done that...more than once...
When I decided to come back, for what I think is a very noble reason, you said, 'The nazi has been in Nurenburg for four years, our nazi has now returned' – meaning me, that I am the grammar nazi!
So does the rule work both ways - I'm thinking about rubbing a Planet Bike rack on my new $10,000 time trial bike - should I have gone with Jandd?
Maybe Ball’s Deep, like Helm’s Deep in The Lord of the Rings, is a fortress of last resort where Michael Ball intends to make his final stand. I’ll be rooting for the orcs this time. They recognize they made a mistake by using performance-enhancing magic when they were running/rubbing/pillaging for Saruman, but I believe in second chances.
No more crack for Chad.
Good job, Brah.
Dope fiend beat.
First real comment.
that's not anywhere close to first real comment
punks hipsters and ironing come and go but rednecks is forever
fuck you leroy
nothing aginst you i just like the way it sounds
light it up!, Popo".
If yer really, really bored. Now with 100% more porn.
Dave!..written like a true level III dungeon master. headline: "First beaver in 75 years"...
...oh great, now yahoo's commenting on my sex life...god dammit...
The sponsors of Chad Gerlach's new team- McDonalds and The Vatican. WTF?
All You Haters Suck Mike Ball
There was a cyclist named Chad,
Who was quite a fast little lad.
But he called Lance "Dough Boy,"
And lost his employ.
Now he's wishing he tried to wear plaid
I'm pretty sure snobby meant "ruggedly handsome and athletically adept to a jealousy-inducing degree" in regards to a certain studious rider.
I actually saw that birch bike in the wild a couple of days ago. Well, it was captured in a roof rack at Bee Cave and Loop 360 but that is neither here nor there.
It didn't really give me a woody but to each his own.
Snob of Snobs: check the dictionary - you don't know what you're talking about.
so anyways me and ricky been hanging around jolenes house and watching pubic broadcasting network shit for kids and its even dummer than kids books i mean you can say anything you want to the little brats if yor smiling and you gots all yor teeth and yor a yung woman with big tits like looky here heres a big pile of shit and how does that make you feel about yorself i bet it makes you feel purty good
so i been feeding ricky lots of metromusil and hes going to have a reely big shit and jolene is going to say boy howdy look at that big pile of shit how does that make you feel and ricky is going to say purty damm good and im going to get it on my camcorder and well send it in to the pubic broadcasting company and make like a million dollors and well call it sesame shit
rickys telling me i needs to lay off the oxycontin but im saying it makes me reel creative
boy howdy!
...ya, good idea, red neckerson & i'd add "but don't quite yer day job"...
...prob'ly i oughta say "don't stop pickin' up them government (gubbamint ???) checks"...
that's one syllable. gumint
"Old Navy sweatsuit and one Prada shoe"
...i'm bettin' it depends on which side of the tracks ya live on...
...this tour of california thingy involves a lotta team vehicles including buses...
...would somebody please throw craig hummer under one...
...thank you...
nope, take it from a southerner, one thing it ain't is gubbamint, that's just damn wrong. maybe gummin, or gumint, or g'min, but ain't no ubba in no word cept bubba
...fuck, anon 5:56pm...consider this a written apology...
...i defer to an obvious southern english major...
BGW, but would you take a hummer from Craig?
guh minn
damn, late again.
...nasty shit, that...but i'd gladly drive the bus as it rolled over him...
...& speaking of "roll", bob roll is infinitely more interesting when teamed up w/ phil n' paul...
...INFINITELY !!!...
Lance Armstrong's bike is stolen...
what was that crap sound track on the video ?
I was so afraid you were going to talk a bunch of shit about Sac for the bike theft. And somehow that was skipped and Gerlach was discussed. Whew.
Good to see that that they had rear lights on. Damn you would not want to be run done from behind by a Saab when you are out tagging public buildings at 3.24 in the morning …. Or was it afternoon as I can never tell in those Viking climes. And given their environmental sensitivity , I would assume that they are using eco friendly water based paints
Frills I aint buying the new picture of yesterday .. we need to have it validated by either frilly stuff or bruises or both as we are a titillated based crew here
Perhaps BALLS are not dead but mighty numb.... just sayin
Since we're on the subject of exploding crabon and expensive front wheels:
See 2:50
Does anyone know where I can get a derny? I want to show those Vespas what's up.
Chad just finished his first Stage race in his comeback. In his first crit back he started an early break with Jackson Stewart and stayed away the whole time. He would have won but he was riding a Trek 5200 with 36 spoke training wheels.
None of these losers can trackstand. posers!
Maybe it's because I'm a cranky old curmudgeon - being all rebellious and anarchical about a system that cares so little what you do that it can't even be bothered to swat at you like a fly is just annoying. It isn't brave or even edgy, it's just stupid.
Rock Racing sure is hardcore, they stole the slogan from Galaxy Quest. Tim Allen is counter-culture as hell, yo.
okay, seriously? 90 comments and no one has figured out that "balls deep" refers to the teabagging that his stem takes every time that he rocks/runs/rubs an elephant trunk. Damn, this site is getting to be like racing in some sort of squirelly CAT 5 criterium in Ohio.
Teabag your top tube. Hilarious.
oh rapha... such the drama queens. 750 miles is very far yes, but 576 (AIDS lifecycle ride) is just as big of a feat. i rode ALC6 in 2007 and it was tough for me and i am no pro but still i think i am a decent enough rider. The real heroes are the riders with full blown AIDS that do not complain one inch of the way (and they ride the full 576 miles too). Having seen them ride that, it sort of dilutes the rapha "struggle" on day 3. Maybe it is a fashion week stunt?
hey snob the first comment says "be careful". any clue why?
Not today AP. Its all about letting Levi ride.
btw, the bruise is doing well--not completely gone. Perhaps I will do an update shot in frillies instead of a thong. We'll see.
Is it just me, or does the fork rake on that Masi look a little steep? I know its a track bike, but the fork looks like it had an unfortunate encounter with a parked car. Might explain why he felt the need to upgrade the wheel. Better luck next time dude.
rapha has a lot of catching up to do with their media whore counterparts mash.
i caught a peek of them riding their overgeared fixed wheels ahead of the toc stage one course. they were chasing a peeping tom van that had a video camera pointing out the back.
as they road by me to the sound of snapping knee tendons i had an epiphany: mash is the globo gym that trains future white goodmans.
as warren beatty said to madonna, if it isn't being filmed why bother doing it?
BALLS DEEP ...The iron chef of pounding vagggggg
BALLS DEEP. I, like, seriously, love, you know, deep balls in my vaghhhhhh.
BALLS DEEP and Tea bagging the top tube....I Just came in my pants.
not even top 100.
I must have used to much energy yesterday.
I totally thought the same thing about Chad and Rock Racing.
From the Rapha Prologue report (
'each grabs a plastic bowl and fills it with yogurt and granola, followed by a mug of ‘sink coffee’ made with a giant French press and the local tap water.'
I can't believe they're reduced to making coffee with water FROM THE TAP!
Birch isn't stiff. It is rather flexy. need to give serious thought to the purple and red garter for THIGHSTRONG. Once you start a charity, no one can ever question your integrity ever again.
The only true problem with any bike made out of wood is if you piss someone off at the bar or have friends that enjoy a good prank, they just may go out and literally set your bike on fire. With that in mind I need to go purchase some Ronson lighter fluid and start stalking the damn Calfee bamboo bike I know is in my part of the world.
i'm not usually one to hate on the comments, but, i don't know if it was the break or what, but these are some level way beyond completely lame.
Trackstands: Poser if ya do, poser if ya don't.
thank you for proving my point
anon 10:27:
Yeah, thanks for fixing that.
you betcha
What it is.....Rapha visited my shop last year on one of their epic tours. It was my wedding anniversasry so I told them that I had to leave work at 6:00 p.m. . They assured me that they would be there by 3:30-4:00 p.m. at the latest. They underestimated the epicness of thier route and showed up right around 5:40. I think what they are doing looks like fun, riding really challenging routes in nice wool cycling gear and having someone artfully chronicle the journey as it unfolds. I love to ride and wish I could do the same......too busy working. They are nice folks and not really as edgy in real life. Also, I doubt they would fail a dope test. Cheers, Paul.
Snob, I think your cynicism has blinded you to the homoerotic sado/masochistic (perhaps less sado than maso, but who really will ever know) poetry of the Rapha Continental. If you're interested and want to truly grasp what it's all about, a few of my pals (actually, imaginary pals) (we have long intimate discussions late into the lonely night) and I are organizing a Garden State Continental that will include some of the massive ascents in NJ, leg shredders!, lung flamers!, molar grinders!, such as the alpine treasures found in the vicinity of the Hidden Valley, the dreaded and adored Holland Mt. Road, as well as the prickly and hot Weldon Rd. to Mahlon Dickerson route. We plan on grilling boudin noir post-ride and scrubbing our lactic-leaden quads with luffa sponges lubed up with authentic NJ swamp water hauled bare-chested from local black bear drinking grounds.
Let Levi crash
THIGHSTRONG has a front man!
Nice use of Blitz?! Oi Oi Oi! SHARP Fixie Riders for life!!!!
Yes, Commie, but I think his wife might have an issue with him wearing the garter. Maybe if I put a little plastic cat or horse charm on it. Oh, I think we're on to something cuz that would pull in all the animal rights people.
Next stop, early retirement and drinks with little paper umbrellas.
Oxford Modern Dictionary Definition
Rock Racing- Poseur Cycling Team: widely known as Cocks Racing
"Putting a $700 front wheel on a bike with Truvativ Touro cranks is like wearing an Old Navy sweatsuit and one Prada shoe."
Preach on brother!
my girlfriend compares it to having a Ford SHO and one spinner
Bunch of snobs, bitching about unimportant shit. *yawn*
P.S. that balls deep bike is nice
It's useful article !
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