Wow, what a week! There was excitement, there was controversy, there was anger, and then, yesterday, there was treacle. I actually feel hung over from it all. (And it has nothing to do with all the drinks I had last night either.) Well, one of the best ways to shake a hangover is to go for a hard ride, and one of the best ways to clear your head is with a little mental exercise. So I've prepared a quiz. Read the question, think, and click on your answer. If you're right, you'll see the item. If you're wrong, you'll get hit with a blast from the Slayer siren. Thanks, good luck, and have a good weekend.
Whose autograph did BSNYC/RTMS get in Harlem this past Sunday?
--Tyler Hamilton's
--Michael Ball's
--Bill Clinton's
--Kool Moe Dee's
Which is NOT an actual reason given by Campagnolo press manager Francesco Zenere for his company's move to 11 speed?
--"Why not?"
--"Cyclists are never truly happy whether they are professionals or amateurs."
--"The extra cog offers smoother transitions between gears, allowing competitive riders to maintain optimal cadence in a variety of terrain."
--"The 11th speed is in fact the icing, while the cake is the remarkable makeover of the three groupsets dedicated to competition use."
Clem LueYat earned the title "Master HairWeaver of the World" by:
--Pioneering both the "Unique Interlocking Hair Weave System" and the "Wrap Net Weaving System"
--Consulting with Tom Boonen on his male pattern baldness
--Installing Johan Museeuw's hair implants
--Weaving Johan Museeuw's flax bicycle frames
Which is NOT an actual quote from Aaron Edge, editor of the new book Rain City Fix:
--"The customization of all of these bikes and the different people who ride them is fascinating to me."
--"If this inspires someone else to not only ride a fixed-gear bike or check it out...just have a community at all of anybody hanging out and doing stuff and have a collection of ideas...the momentum of this book that's what I hope starts."
--"I gave him a call at like two in the morning and was like, 'We're doing a book,' and the normal response from either of us when someone says something like that is, 'OK. Tell me about it. When do we do it?'"
--"I gave him a call at like two in the morning and was like, 'We're doing a book,' and he was like, 'Dude. It's two in the morning. I have a job. You don't. Call me in the morning.'"

When does the film "The Love Guru" open?
This bike, photographed by a reader in Boston, is:
so close...
(same time)
you've gone f-ing soft.
top ten?
That bike isn't even locked.
I might fly to boston to steal it.
Why has BSNYC gone so soft.... not as fun when he's as soft. You're like the ice cream machine at the Old Country Buffet.
top ten!!!!!!
As a former bike mechanic, and former New York resident, I love this site.
Making fun of people's goofy bike setups and corny looking outfits is great, but I think you need to explore critiqueing goony riding techniques. You know, the "chickenheads" that bob their head and torsos. People that ride really bowlegged. "Woodchoppers". "Gerbils spinning off the wheel" Locked elbow riders.
If you knew the dude who owns that last bike you would understand that it doesn't need to be locked
I'm gonna go check out the climb now, see how that douchebag is doing...
Of course the bike's not locked, can't you read the sign? Feeling all warm and fuzzy from yesterday, I can only compliment the machine and especially the matched bungee cord.
I was really hoping that I had over looked the Kool Moe Dee event in the past week, I was hoping that he was "rollin" with Ball and company and he had signed a hat.
At least the slayer siren is cool.
flashback episode?
Nice jump Fonzie. Ehhhhhhh!
If Snobby's latest sexual conquest is reading these comments, please break up with him, immediately, and in the meanest way possible. While we do not mind a softie post every now and then to appeal to the ladies out there, it's been going on for almost a week now. It's not that we don't want the best for the snob, because we do, just not at the blog's expense. If you think a full break up is a little too much, at least piss him off real good.
Thanks for helping us out,
the fans
that bike doesn't NEED to be locked.
bwacka boing...bwacka boing...bwacka boing
That bike is Joto-rific!
Hey, lay off, bitter fans: sometimes the truth hurts, and sometimes it's soft and fuzzy. Don't blame the messenger.
Kudos on the first quiz in memory based (almost) entirely on the blog's content, resulting in a near perfect score for me as it's the only media I seem to be paying full attention to...
best fun quiz ever
Not sure what this says about me, but I aced the quiz. Why is it that this never happened to me in academics?
How far down does the podium go? Do I win a pie plate medallion?
This was highest score I've ever earned on a BSNYC Fun Quiz so, of course, it was also the most fun quiz.
What is so fabulous about that bike? I recently saw an old Zipp TT bike kinna like this
and I think they just look freaky. I hope the link works.
P.S. You really asked Michael Ball for an autograph? You must have inflated his head even more, yea?
man o manishwewitz and another Kool Mod Dee plug, priceless.
anon 11:51:
Chuck Norris doesn't ride bikes. He just mounts them, at which point the cranks spin out of fear.
the rain city video was VOMITOUS.
Oh-my-Gawd, I got a perfect score.
I think I need a life.
Yes, I definitely need a life.
Heck, I even recognized the "I vibe hella" quote.
In fact, while riding this morning, I thought about something BSNYC wrote yesterday and had an epiphany.
BSNYC observed that if you just ride, the fitness will happen by accident.
Now I understand why folks say I'm an accident waiting to happen.
Boy am I glad I got that one straightened out.
I see what's happening here. RTMS is in love, which means a very special vacation/wedding post is soon to follow. And we all know a "special episode" wouldn't be complete without Prolly 360ing over the alpaca pen.
Jump away Snob, Jump away.
1. Judi-- My first track bike (for actual track racing, not bar spins) was one of those Zipps!
2. The Aaron Edge question was waaaay too easy.
3. RTMS-- You're listed as a sponsor on the Rain City Fix myspace page. WTF?!? Inquiring minds want to know!
Off topic...maybe...but what does RTMS stand for?
it stands for Read The Manifesto Stupid.
good answer anon 12:48, anon 12:43 this question just identifies you as a newb and opens the door for criticism. Do your homework (read the blog) and then come back.
OK, I confess. I underwrote the entire "Rain City Fix" project. I'm also the guy in the Euskatel hat.
The snob is married. It's actually his 7th anniversary in a couple of days! Congrats snob!
anon 12:43: here ya go.
RTMS: Oooooohh, that would really chap the asses of the Rain City Fixers! To think that BSNYC is an inside job...
Anonymous 12:53pm,
You've got bad information.
"OK, I confess. I underwrote the entire "Rain City Fix" project. I'm also the guy in the Euskatel hat."
NO NO NO!!!!
Snob, as a fellow yid, I would like to know where I can get one of those "indifferent Manischewitz bikes" you referenced in today's post. No LBS here out west carries them.
for the first time, I watched the Rain City Fix video. I think it is a parody. It has to be. How can this guy talk about loving the bikes because they are aesthetically pleasing, when he himself dresses like a homeless clown?
Ok, you know what's jumped the shark? People claiming that BSNYC has jumped the shark. Please folks, enough is enough.
You missed the boat on your last photo.
Two unused options could have been
1) Pretty effin' stoopid.
2) left in a big effin' gear.
I'm petitioning my town supervisors to install a Slayer Siren (TM) post haste. Gotta keep 'em all safe from the upcoming alpcalypse!
Please don't spoon feed. That post yesterday must have really touched you. Making it easy for EVERYONE to be accepted? So nice.
Snob himself claims he shall jump the shark in the near future. you and areyoupake? should go back to starting fights on craigslist. It's more about wry elitist sarcasm around here.
Bike Snob is the Fred Durst of cycling
He already has, trust me.
Anonymous 1:12pm,
Can I put that quote on the dust jacket of my autobiography, entitled "The Shark and How I Jumped It?"
He did it all for the nookie.
anon 1:10-- I won't ever let it happen again!
anon 12:43-- I take back my earlier assistance. Now do your homework and harden the fuck up!
anon 1:12,
I am absolutely aware of BSNYC's claim, and trust me - there's nothing I like more than wry sarcasm. However, a given comment ceases to qualify as such when it gets repeated in nearly every comments section for a few weeks.
As much as the Slayer siren makes me laugh everytime i see it...shouldn't it be a Tom Araya siren instead of a Jeff Hanneman siren?
Hey, Ronnie James Dio was in Rainbow. Does that make him fabulous too?
it's actually the sound of the tip of the seat entering tony cruz's asshole. yeeeeeeeAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
as for Smartypants' 1:21 comment...
"I know the comment pretty well and he's a solid comment and has been commenting for a long, long time for whatever thats worth."
As for tony cruz's asshole...
"I know him pretty well and he's a bi(cycle)-curious dude and has been letting me fuck him for a long, long time for whatever thats worth."
Those are formula hubs. The pie plate was photoshopped. Get over it!
I have a quote for your dust jacket: "Eat me!"
everything I post is photoshoped
Sweet! All these great quotes and the book's not even finished yet!
bwacka bwacka bwacka bwacka boing bwacka bwacka boing bwacka bwacka...
AH -- I think it's fine to explain what RTMS stands for.
I loved the Australian self help video and hope you share it with Mr. Commentor from Yesterday.
He seems upset for some reason. I'm sure all he needs is a little friendly advice.
...technically, isn't the eloquent one now the 'commenter from several days ago"...
...just wonderin'...
Erik K.: Say it isn't so. Next, you'll be telling us that there is no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. By the way, did you have anything to do with the Kennedy autopsy photos for the Warren Commission?
There's no such thing as bikesnob.
"Jumping the shark" was discussed on a recent episode of CSI, and thus has jumped the shark. But I agree with Smartypants, arguing about BSNYC jumping the shark has jumped the shark. Enough already, move on with your lives.
I think the bigger fear is doing a Letterman: be funny for a couple of years, then re-hash the same tired shit over and over again until you get a quadruple heart bypass, which, in the case of BSNYC, could take >40 years.
Thank god we're back to bitter, yesterday's, "...come on everybody, come together and love your brother, right now" shite was making me want to rent an Escalade and drive in bike lanes ($54 fine) while blasting Lemmy Kilmeister's "Ace of Spades". True story: Lemmy and I have the same dentist.
Pushing up the ante, I know you've got to see me,
Read 'em and weep, the dead man's hand again,
I see it in your eyes, take one look and die,
Look, if a loyal reader is going to spot a clown bike like that springer with a disc wheel, then the photo should include a well applied "seal of disapproval" sticker.
Commentor from Whenever-
Why don't you start a blog about how dumb the commentors on this blog are? You can take our comments and make fun of them. You can also take some of Snobby's quotes and make fun of them. It seems that we've created a little blog subculture here, and that you don't like it one bit. It's like we've taken the art of blogging and turned it into some kind of joke, and that irritates you to no end, since you have seen the light and know the righteous way. So stop being such a fucking amateur and take us on like you were born with a pair: start a blog. No wait, that sounds familiar. Oh, I remember now, it's what Snob did. He had hatred, he had balls, and he had a vision. But instead of getting on pro-fixter blogs and talking anonymous shit, he got off his ass and started a movement. You, on the other hand, are just a lazy hater, you'll never make a difference, you'll just be an annoyance.
That quiz was awesome...the last one took a little evaluation but the only logical answer was "Fabulous" because that bike embodies the spirit of a true cyclist. Comfort, gearing, low rolling resistance, self sufficient, room for cargo, and plenty of lighting to ride safely during the other half of the day...the only thing it needs now is some fenders
so we already have a fake prolly, is there now a fake erik k to deal with?
...and while we're back to bitter, let's do something about Richard Sachs, my nomination for 2008 "Bike Twat of the Year".
His self-financed documentary "Imperfection is Perfection" took nine months to film, during which time Sachs brazed one fork tube while wearing red Wayfarers, and waxed ON and ON and ON about his life philosophy. If Nietzsche and Plato were alive today, they would likely be brazing overpriced custom steel frames in shack in Seattle.
" customers don't really want steel, they want ME."
Only $39.99
thanks. i have accomplished my goal. i'm glad i annoy you. if i didn't annoy you i would have something in common with you. that thrills me to no end. so until this blog is private, stay tuned.
Fred durst of cycling??? get real!!! I bet bikesnob thinks fred durst and limpbizkit are complete crap
I think short hair is fake. I'm real, I've been validated by Microsoft.
it also thrills me to no end when i see other "commenter from yesterday" posts that aren't even mine.
The "Fabulous!" bike is possibly the only bike to ever appear on your blog that actually made me happy.
That bike rocks and I would like to take the owner out for a drink.
Bike? What bike?
I have serviced the "fabulous" bike and the owner is probably drinking by now anyways
"I have serviced the "fabulous" bike"
I bet you have.
Burgers for everyone!
"Fred durst of cycling??? get real!!! I bet bikesnob thinks fred durst and limpbizkit are complete crap"
Over the head and through the gums... open your anus, here it cums
wow snob, so I think the mild nature of the blog this week has made the commenter's turn on each other... but in the spirit of the moment we know that commiecanuk can't be real because Canada is a fantasy place where there is no violence and the Navy consists of three kayaks and a leaky row boat. Its gotta be a myth.
Which is NOT an actual reason given by Campagnolo press manager Francesco Zenere for his company's move to 11 speed?
"But, mine goes to eleven..."
...whoa now, commiecanuck, back up there a minute...
...i get a warm fuzzy knowing you & lemmy "ace of spades" kilmeister share a dentist...but that's gotta be one traumatized doc..."nurse, mister kilmeister will be in today @ 2:00pm...please prepare a tank of nitrous @ 1:30pm...what ???, you twit, that's for me"...
...but while letterman is no doubt a case of "same story---different day", (which allows for "the viewing audience" to have their own little 'once a day' warm fuzzy), lets not sell the man short...
...that was a quintuple (5, count 'em, 5) by-pass the man had...true story: letterman & i share the same number of the by-pass thingies...
...hereditary genetics said "got yer ass, bgw"...
...i said 'fuck you, genetics, that's my heart, not my ass & i'm getting it fixed cuz i got too many miles to ride yet"...& so it goes...
...& while richie sachs does build wonderfully beautiful bikes, it's because plato & nietzsche both "jumped the shark" that sachs is allowed to pander to philosophy w/ a straight face...
I've made several Fight Club references in recent posts and have yet to receive a response from you. You don't call me anymore...
I took your place on the speed dial. Sorry.
...techb3...i was lettin' 'em go cuz, rather than punch-ups w/ the boyz, that *frilly chick* has me thinkin' i'd rather ride my bike & wrestle w/ the girlz...
...perspective & priorities...but i'm keeping my socks, even if i 'ear from her...
The indifferent Manischewitz bike is sold only in shtetles and shtots in the NE and upper Midwest. They are not yet distributed beyond the pale.
An ersatz version is available fromFlorida
A rarer and "more biblically compliant" bike is the Schapiro's Kosher
No footsies for you.
Anon 3:22,"Comfort, low rolling resistance, self sufficient, room for cargo..." That describes my college girlfriend to a "T."
i saw a tandem with aero spokes on the west side greenway this morning... and thought of you (no joke).
j about a pair of elegant, sheer black, thigh high nylons, frills ???...
...that kinda enticement used to work for the g i joes back in the day...
...that & rich, dark chocolate...
bwacka bwacka bwacka bracka boing boing bwacka bwacka bwacka bwacka...
(one lap to go!)
bwacka boing bwacka...
Wear your cord bibs, bring the courvoisier & IT'S ON!
"This isn't love, it's sport fucking."
..."that not love, that's sport fucking" reference that quote like it's point is a bad thing...
..."what's love got to do w/ it"---tina turner...
..."what wrong w/ a little hot fucking lust, anyway ???...---bikesgonewild...
Nothing at all, especially when its smooth-legged, friction-free roadie lust.
I'm confused if I am reading a snob blog or a bust article ... don't get me wrong though, I'll just sit here and peep tom your convo
Me? A bad thing? Never. Just don't wind up on the podium with a fuck trophy.
bwacka bwacka bwacka boing bwacka gasp...
podium? crap.
harden the fuck up.
and thanks for your amazing post.
Ya know, maybe it's not such a great post if the BGW & Frilly peep show gets more comments.
what is wrong with a disc wheel on a commuter bike? strong crosswinds might be a problem but as far as reliability a disc has the upper hand
RTMS, Hallmark called, they're looking for a little more edge, and, can you work in a "Happy Birthday, Grandpa"?
WTF is with the prolific posts this week? Doesn't anyone ride anymore?
I get home from work, check this blog, go for a ride, and when I get back there's like a mazillion more comments.
It feels like getting dropped on the mid-week ride, I can't read fast enough to keep up, I want to save a little for the weekend hammerfest, but I end up burning the midnight oil to stay in mid-pack.
I'm blaming BGW and Frilly. That soap-opera keeps me on the edge of my seat.
I want to pimp my Fixie Bike
I want to pimp my Biiiike,
I want to pimp my Fixie Bike
I want to poseur where I like!!!!
-FrEddie MercxUry
p.s. Sheeeit yeah Bike Snob, my butt plug vibes hella!
I just come for the Orange Julius references.
Awwww fuck, that was supposed to be FrEddie MerckxUry. Tried to be funny and fell flat on my face.
Maybe I should install a 'break' or maybe even a saddle on my fixie converted 1978 Schwinn World Tour. It's got the original pie plate spoke protector, though.
Hey, its me, the guy you love to hate.
The guy that doesnt live in the city, doesnt ride his bike for a living, (which would ruin it for me), and at the age of 33, up and decides to build and ride fixie.
Im not new to 1 gear cycling, been ridding single speed ATB for 10yrs, just got my first 29er because lets face it, I live in Florida, and anything more than a ridgid 29er is overkill here.
I actually have ALOT of bikes, all single speed, the ATB, a fixed cruiser that I ride the 'hood w/ my kids, a small frame mountain bike w/ bmx parts that is now essentialy a 26" bmx that I ride on the track w/ my son, and the lugged, beat to shit, 1980 Nishiki I just built up. And of course, 3 or 4 frames that are not built up.
So why fixie now?
To piss you rude smelly "cant get a real job" bike messengers off!
Im kidding, I think its totally cool you guys do something you love, but you guys shouldnt assume that everytime someone wants to try fixie, that they are trying to take something away from you.
Dont be so self absorbed to think anyone that wants to ride fixie is trying to be like you.
Most of us are NOT.
Me, I just love to build and ride bikes, and enjoy having choices when I go out to the garage.
I dont wear long pants rolled up, or sleeveless shirts, or a funky hat. I dont do skid stops or bar spins, (although I am NOT running brakes).
In short, Im not trying to steal your culture, honestly, I could give a fuck about your culture, I built a fixie cause I wanted to, and guess what, when I rode it, I liked it.
Something tells me you all can relate to that.
So hate if you wish, but I cant understand you even giving a shit. Do your thing, Ill do mine, the sun will come up tomorrow and the better half of the poulation will be on bikes, any kind bike, any kind of person.
Or maybe you would prefer us posers just drive cars?
If you are younger than 33, I was riding fixed before you were....its called a tricycle bitches!
You're so vain, why you think this blog is about you?
Yes, you're so lame, go post pics of your trikes where they'll all adore you.
guess he "stopped being such a fucking amateur and took you on like he was born with a pair: he started a blog."
"Yes, you're so lame, go post pics of your trikes where they'll all adore you."
Not interested in submitting pics to the galleries. Thanks though.
I did fixie school to learn, not for a fashion show!
Anonymously flaccid (and tiny)
Tricycle bitches?!?! Do they hang out by the dumpsters?
Chicka bow-wow chicka bow-wow!
Campagnolo - the Spinal tap of the bike world.
Maybe I need to clarify, at 2 or 3 years old we all ride a tricycle.......its a fixed setup.
So I, as did most, had / rode my first "fixie" as a very young child, so its not really something you guys have the vip, "insiders" hookup to.
But hey if it makes you feel elite in some way....
Anyway, I think fixed is great because its more like playing a sport or playing an instrument. You have to make everything happen, you have to play chess with everyone else, anticipating the movement of every car, bike, and person within 100 feet of you. Its just fun.
Some bikes now a days with auto shifting and shit like that is like playing a video game.
Its just very out of touch with the whole experience.
Well, Im preaching to the choir now, and I bet you are all ready for me to STFU. So..........
One last post,
a list of things Im having trouble understanding why they end up on fixies.
anything carbon
Chris King
anything gold
quick release anything
I use mine for errands and its left locked up in front of places.... wouldnt all the stuff I mentioned make someone want to fuck with your bike?
To the untrained eye, my bike looks like a p.o.s. locked up next to a new walmart bike.
Meanwhile, my rear hub cost as much as that bike.
Just seems like "ride like heaven, look like hell" is the way to go with a bike you leave out in public.
Any of you guys got a tricksy fixie?
Or do you go with the "ride like heaven, look like hell" philosophy?
Kevinftmeyers: GO AWAY!
biker bob caught on tape
kevinftmyers: just passing on some sage advice from uncle chopper.
Funny clip, so maybe I need to
hawden the fockop?
I guess being a sarcastic prick makes you hard? You guys think you are hard, but read all of posts on these blogs, you are all the same guy, sharing one attitude and one frame of mind. So I guess that makes you all very hard sheep.
No room for someone whos not another sheep, cause it takes you out of your comfort zone.
This is why you guys are such a joke, pissed of when posers want to be like you, pricks to guys that arent like you. Its like you are all perpetual teenagers in your clique skipping school and hanging out behind the LBS, too cool for anyone else.
Well, I get the idea, its become obvious that Im not missing a thing if I dont read or post here.
Keep em turning......
See ya
Shucks, I think Kevin has beaten the Leroydex.
I'm speechless.
Well, maybe not.
To paraphrase the great Rodney Dangerfield:
Take my culture.... Please.
Jeez, Kevin, it doesn't cost anything to start your own blog. You clearly have far too much wisdom to fit in the comments section of someone else's blog. Surely you have better things to do than hang around here making fun of all us dull posers! You are making some of us feel bad just because we pay good money for Brooks saddles and put them on our fixed gear bikes. I was thinking of getting some Velocity rims for my next wheel building session, but now that I know you would not approve, I think I'll just get some mavics or something. Killjoy. I hope you are happy.
KevinFtMyers you have ruined my life.
KevinFtMyers you have ruined my life.
KevinFtMyers you have ruined my life.
KevinFtMyers you have ruined my life.
KevinFtMyers, you win.
KevinFtMyers, you win.
KevinFtMyers, you win.
KevinFtMyers, you win.
You could have just made one post with a link saying, "If you want to know how I feel click here."
You could have just made one post with a link saying, "If you want to know how I feel click here."
link to my blog
KevinFtMyers you have ruined my life.
KevinFtMyers, you win.
KevinFtMyers, if you are 33 and your asshole looks like that you need to cum see me.
KevinFtMyers, you might want to invest in a different saddle.
As for KevinFtMyers...
"I know him pretty well and he's a solid dude and has been riding trikes for a long, long time for whatever thats worth...AND his asshole has been that way for a long, long time for whatever thats worth."
You should have paid a little extra for the Brooks saddle.
KevinFtMyers, get me?
Hey Frills, If you go bananas for "smooth-legged, friction-free roadie lust" what would you do for a 4/3 Ripcurl Full length rubber suit///.And BGW I 'll be your lead domsetique and stand by with the paddles when you and Frills set upon each other. Never can be too safe... just watchin
Sad to say, we're land-locked here so back of the pack for surfer lust.
All it needs are aero bars and the picture would be complete..., andypandy, magnanimous of you, mate...
...i'm not gonna need those for my heart but if yer determined to watch anyway, how about a double tap on the ass w/ the electro-cardio paddles when everything, ah, "comes together" as it were...
...just suggestin'...
The fact tat you have access to a photo like that speaks volumes about the person posting that.
Im sure shit like that is only available through
A: a paysite (pathetic)
B: its you (or your boyfriend)
By the way, people who post on blogs anonymously, are basically the lowest form of internet troll, who get off on being someone they dont have the balls to be in real life.
Get a pair, make an intelligent point (if your capable).
Im not afraid to take a ration of shit for being who I am, if I was, I wold probably post anonymously some picture I jerk of to, and try to pass it off as intelligent commentary.
Get a vocabulary, everyone (even the posters you think are cool, will appreciate it, and people in your real life might not think you are such a moron either.
Swatting trolls like you is like taking candy from a baby.
No malice intended, all that stuff is good stuff, I have some of it on my other bikes.
It wasnt meant to be a review of whats appropriate for FG bikes.
Im certainly not qualified to say what is or isnt.
Just saying it doesnt seem to make sense for a bike that gets left out for anyone to see / swipe / trash.
And whats with the sarcasm schtick? (and thats what it is, SCHTICK). Are they issuing it with every track cog and lockring? Or do you guys think that somehow you cant be a "real"
fixed gear cyclist without it?
Most of you guys are probably regular joes, but turn up the sarcasm when youre on this blog or around othe cyclysts. Talk about being a poser.
Its soooo lame.
I guess Im going about this the wrong way, maybe I should have been a total poser, and come on here trying to talk like you and act like you and basically been a weasally little fraud.
But I came on, told you who I was, and busted your balls a bit to show you Im no pansy, candy ass, spandex wearin, yuppie wanna be on a pista.
Guess it was a little too real cuz I didnt fit into the only 2 catagories you have chosen to recognize.
I thought some bike talk may take place or god forbid, a friendly tip or two about building / riding.
Whatever, just remember, you are always representing your are you doing so far?
Take a breath, you are fighting in a paper bag. I'm not sure what blog you have this confused with, maybe Tightpantserringsouchebag or something.
Read. The. Archives.
You are amusing me though.
That new Super Record will work with the Super Record I've been running for 20 years, right? Becuase I'd like to go from 12 speeds to 22 just by getting a new freewheel and brake levers. The new Super Record come in non-aero, right? I don't want to have to re-tape my bars.
Kevin is a stupid name.
you are a pansy, candy ass, spandex wearin, yuppie wanna be on a pista.
I did a google search for "gay gaped asshole" no money involved. Me AND my boyfriend will take off our S&M masks when we cum down to fart myers and fuck you face to face.
Does posting 1 copy of a comment you posted on another blog count as "hardening up" and starting your own blog? Let's see some material on your own "blog" that is independent of your feelings towards this blog. THAT makes YOU a POSER. You thought you were gonna hit a fucking grand slam with that one didn't ya? Set the world on fire? You only fanned the flames on a fire that has been burning for far longer than your contribution to the blog world. Why don't you take in a softball game with the kid, bring a donut to sit on and ride your fixed gear experiment. Leave the sarcasm to those who appreciate it.
You guys are great, if nothing else I lmao everytime I read these comments. Its like being in a locker room or at a card game where eneryone is just unmercifully busting each others balls. Good stuff.
Still think your fixster NYC sarcastic attitudes are a SCHTICK though. Something you saw guys you looked up to doing and now you do it like a good little boy.
Like kids in school. Trying to be like the cool older kids were.
But hey, I guess we all do that in whatever walk of life we find ourselves in.
Anyway, not really trying to fight with you jackies, I find some of BSNY's threads interesting, and thought I would make a comment or two.
You guys have been stereotypical to say the least, but you probably are so wrapped up in the schtick that you think thats a good thing, just like dumbass college kids think doing stupid shit in front of other dumbass college kids is a good thing.
Ill close in saying, you guys ride bikes, that deserves respect, so Ill never run my mouth about that, its just the schtick thats so rediculous.
Im sure you are all stand up guys, once you get past it, just like Im a standup guy once you get past that Im a pansy, candy ass, spandex wearin, yuppie wanna be on a pista. LOL
I could be wrong, but if that's Bikesnob in the picture, I have to stop saying "BSNYC is my Hero" - looks like he's a she, and therefore my heroine...
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