Wednesday, December 21, 2016

This Just In: Holiday Recess Starts...NOW!

Happy Holidays!

We're so, so fucked:
Wow, it's a wonder that with our life-giving cocoon of "safety traffic" drivers still manage to wage a campaign of destruction across the city:
And these are the drivers who aren't even trying.  Imagine if they actually had a terrorist agenda!

Also, I'm no physicist or counterterrorism expert, but I'm fairly sure that even a driver sitting in a traffic jam could cause a pretty decent amount of death and mayhem if he decided to steer his massively powerful vehicle off the street and into a crowded marketplace.

And let's not forget that there's a handy app for terrorists specifically designed to allow them to avoid traffic jams and inflict maximum damage with their motorized weapons, and it's called "Waze."

But yeah, I'm sure crosstown traffic is going to save us.

Anyway, before we go any further I should let you know that I'm OUTTA HERE as of today.  That's right, barring any urgent news or updates you won't be seeing a new post on this webular blog until the year 2017--which, incidentally, is the "Year of the Shitshow" according to the Chinese zodiac:

(Looks like I picked the wrong year to stop sniffing glue.)

More specifically, I'll see you all back here on Wednesday, January 4th, Two Thousand and Seventeen, so mark your sexy fireman calendars:

Those hunks can extricate my charred corpse from beneath some smoldering wreckage anytime.

By the way, 2017 will mark my tenth year of blogging, and which means in the coming year I'll either redouble my efforts or retire.  Which will it be?  You'll have to keep tuning in to find out.

Speaking of sniffing glue, I'm on my second consecutive cold, which puts me in the market for an over-the-counter decongestant:

Fluimucil is of course the product Sir Dave Brailsford claims was inside Sir Bradley Wiggins's codpiece.  I mean package:

And while we all know this is a load of crap, VeloNews has a nice little piece explaining why it's a load of crap:

– The package was sent from Manchester to France with British Cycling coach Simon Cope.  Second question: Fluimucil can be purchased at any French or Italian pharmacy for less than $10, so why ship it all the way from Manchester?

– Fluimucil is not readily available in Britain, where its active ingredient is not approved for inhalation in the UK. Third question: Where did you buy it in Manchester?

– Fluimucil can have dangerous side-effects for asthmatics like Wiggins. Fourth question: Wait, why give this to Wiggins if it can hurt him?

So basically they're claiming they flew in an over-the-counter drug from the UK, where it's not available, into France, where it is available.  That's like going to Colorado and having your weed flown in from New York City even though you're staying around the corner from Floyd's of Leadville:

By the way, Floyd's forearms are even hairier than his buds:

Actually I'm not even sure those are his arms.  It may be a Sasquatch sneaking up behind him in order to strangle him.

Anyway, I'm not sure why people subject themselves to bullshit faith-based forms of entertainment such as religion and sports, as the mental gymnastics required to maintain any semblance of belief in them are profoundly exhausting.  It seems to me you're much better off ignoring both and sticking to books and movies and stuff.  After all, you can always believe in art.  But what do I know?  I'm just one of those urban elites standing in the way of making America great again.

Speaking of the sport of professional excuse-making while riding bicycles under the influence of performance-enhancing drugs, remember that ridiculous chain-lubing contraption?  Well, a professional excuse-making team is actually using it:

Okay, firstly, everybody knows Lube-As-You-Ride™ is a trademark of Mario Cipollini Industries, Ltd., so they're going to be in one big oily heap of trouble:

("You a-gonna hear from my lawyers.")

Cipollini's legal team consists of a group of men who walk into the office in business suits, produce a boom box from a briefcase, and proceed to strip on the conference table.

Secondly, there's no way they're actually going to use those stupid gizmos to lube their chains.  Instead they're just going to take the sponsorship money and use them as ballast to get their plastic bikes up to the UCI weight limit.  Actually turning them on would only be a liability.

Thirdly, it's clear from the company's own claims that the lube isn't even real:

So what happens if the excess fluid flings onto a braking surface? We asked that very question, and got the following reply: "Due to the washable element it does not affect braking surfaces. The heat applied to these surfaces burns the fluid off extremely quickly and does not affect performance or contaminate braking pads."

Uh, if it basically vanishes the moment it's introduced to heat or moisture how the hell could it possibly be doing anything to mitigate drivetrain friction in the first place?

You might as well put Fluimucil on your chain.

Given the fact that there's absolutely no future in covering the sport of professional cycling it's clear the cycling press is going to have to seek new forms of content for 2017, which could be why Bicycling is now writing about bike-hunting:

According to Bicycling editor Bill Strickland some readers are canceling their subscriptions due to the subject matter.  This is remarkable when you consider they've presumably already suffered through innumerable fluffy bike reviews, all manner of spurious dieting advice, and even at one point my tedious columns.  So after putting up with all that you pull the plug now just because Fred Nugent shot an elk?  That's like bailing on the Fondo after you've already passed under the flamme rouge.

I mean sure, as a MetroCard-carrying member of the urban elite I don't really get hunting, but I understand there's a way to do it responsibly, and if this guy wants to live like the New Age version of Bill Murray's character in "Caddyshack" that's his business:

Teo is no typical hunter, and not only because he rides a bike instead of a clattering, petroleum-stink ATV. A former vegetarian, former moviemaker, former chef, former New Mexico state tennis champion, and former Olympic rower, he writes poetry while he’s hunting, dictating in whispers into his phone, and earns his living as a massage therapist. In his office there’s a low-budget stereo system that alternates between Dido and ­Tibetan chanting, a painting of a peyote bird rising spirit-like from a sleeping human figure toward the morning star, and bullets in 16 different calibers on the windowsill.

And just wait until Specialized starts making hunting bikes.  Machismo is their specialty after all:

Companies like Kuiu and Cogburn may be taking the stereotype out of hunting, but it’s almost impossible to lose the machismo. To go after the big bull is to test oneself. The bigger the rack, the bigger the elk, and the better your family will eat through winter—there’s no cleaving those relationships. What those who have never stalked elk may not grasp is that the biggest, most magnificent animals got that way through wiliness. They come out only at dark, amass a harem of cows to stand watch, and can run like the possessed.

The Specialized S-Works Second Amendment™ will make bike-hunting great again.

It should also be noted that Bicycling readers were in such a tizzy over the hunting that they forgot to complain that he's doing it without a helmet:

Meanwhile, in Melbourne, Australia, police are reeling over the fact that a woman was attacked by a slasher even though she was wearing a foam hat:

Detective Leading Senior Constable Gerard Whelan described the attack as "vicious" and said it appeared to be "random and unprovoked".

He believed the woman was heading home on her bike and said that she was "wearing a bike helmet, doing all the right things and just going about her business".

Wow.  If you're looking for the moment when the helmet officially stopped being a piece of safety gear and became a symbol of morality like a yarmulke or a hijab then here it is.  And we can only imagine what he'd have said if the victim hadn't been wearing one.

And with that, I go boldly into the holiday abyss.  Enjoy yours, ride safe, and I'll see you back here on Wednesday, January 4th, 2017.

Until then, I remain, yours and so forth,

--Wildcat Rock Machine


  1. Note 33. (Paragraph 195) The economic and technological structure of a society are far more important than its political structure in determining the way the average man lives (see paragraphs 95, 119 and Notes 16, 18).

  2. Close Ups are our SpecialityDecember 21, 2016 at 12:25 PM

    Men with Puppies photography by Carlos Danger. Book your holiday photo shoot today.

  3. @#$%! Just missed the podium.

  4. Nobody should complain about bow hunters, the elk certainly don't.

  5. Time to make the DonutsDecember 21, 2016 at 12:30 PM

    Also, I'm no physicist or counter terrorism expert, but I play one on TV.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My dog enjoyed the Bicycling piece on hunting by bike.

    His only complaint was that the guy enlists a miniature poodle as his hunting companion.

    My dog is concerned that's going to undermine his cred as a non-working breed.

    Ride safe all! (I mean we're fucked and all, but no reason to help the fucking fuckers fuck us.)

    And Happy New Year!

    My dog says I have to help him tweet Happy Holidays to a bunch of Warren Christmas fans. But he still won't tell me who Warren Christmas is.

  8. "Fred Nugent" Will never be beaten as best joke in your ouvre.

  9. Just a matter of time before Rapha start having bike hunting trips curated for the low low price of 1,000 a day! Enjoy your time off. Just gotta get through today and tomorrow and that's it for me for 2016 as well.

  10. Snob,

    Thanks for everything. Don't forget to tell us what you think about the Surly Big Fat Dummy XXL ribbed version, I really must know how the cargo utility-to-fat smugness ratio will go down in your Snobness' opinion before I put my money down on one.

    Kind regards and happy holidays,


  11. If Spec produces the Second Amendment in 2017, Surly will have to follow suit with a steel model for our masseur, Teo, called the "Cultural Appropriation" with their new Privilege tubeset.

  12. Is Fred Nugent touring with Rad Company?

  13. We have Tule Elk in California maybe I will puts some knobbies on my fixie and head north hunting. I don't have any weapons so I will probably have to rope the elk and tie the rope to my seat post and pull him back.

  14. Hunting helments- the next big market.

    Yeah, it's probably out already.

  15. The "urban elite" class includes the idiots who stated publicly that dense automobile traffic will protect the urban elite masses from truck-borne terror attacks. And it includes all the urban elite idiots who rail against bike lanes, bike share services, helmet-less riders, etc. "Bicycles are ruining our great city!" Its proof that retrograde mentalities are alive and well in urban metropolises.

    Residents of NYC are to be admired for rejecting Trump at the ballot, but let's not overlook the fact that Trump is a product of NYC, and in many ways, reflects certain indelible attributes of NYC. Wealth Disparity being one such attribute. Collective focus on fashion and trendiness (See: "Brooklyn") instead of substance of character and long-term value, is another. One need look no further than Wall Street to see shallow money-grubbing whores ply their trade. And again: Nature Deficit Disorder is real.

    In spite of being a snob, Snob is not a shallow fashionista. Let's stop being divisive along urban/non-urban lines. Snob, you can move anywhere in the world tomorrow, and you'll be the same person that you are today. You are and always will be a better human being than Donald Trump, despite the fact that you're both from NYC.

  16. Have a happy multi-cultural break, Snob. And upon your return I'm sure we can expect the pending announcement of your 18th child.

  17. Bike hunting opens up a whole new Fred world. Look at a Cabela's catalog. They sell turkey hunting gloves and powder you can throw in the air to gauge the wind direction. Now one can buy an elk bike, a grouse bike and a bear hunting bike. Rapha could make a $10,000 bow with $500 arrows. Imagine the Best Made bike rifle sheath. #whatcaliberyourunning?
    Fred Nugent...classic.

  18. Ted wins again... He must be riding for Team Sky. Hard to imagine him on a Pinnarello.
    I was riding my Vilano to work today and almost got sideswiped by one of those ridiculous 3 wheeler motorcycles. Must have thought he was on his regular motorcycle so not really his fault. Merry Hellmas.

  19. COD to Leroy's Dog.
    Merry Whatever to everyone.

  20. Snobby, now you've got two weeks to think of "funny things" to insert into your blog........Do Not Disappoint,...Or Else.......Your semi-professional mirth probably keeps three or four people from doing away with themselves, every year.

  21. Don't shit on my city, pal.

  22. Whew, Snob, you must be relieved to have Anon @1:02's squeal of approval. There is a Santa afterall.

  23. New York's alright if you like cops in the bike lane.
    New York's alright if you like getting run down on the sidewalk by unlicensed drivers.
    New York's alright if you like saxophones.

  24. Unsubscribing "beikcycling" while eating quarter pounders with appropriate.

  25. "Anyway, I'm not sure why people subject themselves to bullshit faith-based forms of entertainment such as religion and sports, as the mental gymnastics required to maintain any semblance of belief in them are profoundly exhausting. It seems to me you're much better off ignoring both and sticking to books and movies and stuff."

    Don't forget politics in your list of bullshit faith-based entertainment, or are you conflating politics and religion? Certainly the worst parts of both are corruption, and the political part of religion is the root of its corruption; the art side of religion has its beauty - the books that some think are literal are, of course, art - "all of it is true, some of it really happened" etc.

    Merry Christmas - either the secular day off or the religious celebration - whichever floats your chain lube

  26. bad boy of the northDecember 21, 2016 at 2:01 PM

    Enjoy whatever any of you enjoy this time of year. I'm hoping I won't get run over by a tourist riding a seguay while I'm visiting in DC in the next two days.peace.

  27. I hope you get that sex robot you've been wanting.

    Happy Winter Solstice & Merry Scranus.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. There's a new trend in BC: catch and release hunting. And in New Brunswick a certain wildlife sanctuary is encouraging people to hand feed the bears. Only in Canada, eh?

    Funny. A long unnoticed HG Wells article pointed out that the only way democracy could actually work is if the electorate is well educated, lest they fall prey to a new type of dictator. 130 years later he still nails it.

    I'll go and hunt up a few links for you to enjoy now..

  30. Hunting: The only sport where the opposition doesn't know its playing! Enjoy the break and your retirement.

  31. bad boy of the northDecember 21, 2016 at 2:21 PM

    It's a festivus miracle.babble returned.

  32. Please cancel my subscription as I cannot condone hunting and exploiting dumb animals.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I will return to my steak sandwich.

    Happy Festivus to all. All hail the birth of Lob.

  33. One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know. (Winks and leers)

  34. Dear Leroy,
    I am an apocaloptimist, too: you can see that the whole world is a total shitshow and headed for disaster, but you figure everything will turn out alright in the end.

    The boss just xalled with another fire to put out,so no time to find those links for you now, but just consult The Great Google and you will find what you need.

    So bear safari New brunswick hand feed will show you a few results, and... well you know what to do.

    Thanks for the pretty boys, snobberdoodums. And special thanks for another wonderful year of social commentary ever so wittily dressed as cynicism and snark. You rock.

    Baxk at it. Talk to you later, peeps!

  35. Fred Nugent shops at Caballa's

  36. I think you just need time to practice before performing at the Inauguration.

  37. Wow, Floyd looks fat. Munchies.

  38. bad boy of the northDecember 21, 2016 at 3:26 PM

    As per Mr.Landis.i guess if a kid is "growing like a weed" takes on a different significance.

  39. Can you mount the chain lube thingy on the back of your bike so that at opportune times you can squirt oil on the road (ala oil slick from Spy Hunter) to make the peloton/pace line go crashing behind you?

  40. Is Cipo's legal team for hire?

  41. Apollogees regarding my 2:34 comment....I meant Son of Lob, of course.

  42. Despite all the clowning on Cipo, I kinda wish I was him.

  43. Enjoy your break. We'll miss you.

  44. There's fucked and then there's fucked, and not all fucks are created equal.
    Um, and with respect to that little but if evil at the Christmas market in Germany? Isn't it convenient that the prime suspect left his ID behind in the truck? Entirely plausible. People about to go on a killing spree always pack their immigration documents. The whole thing doesn't stink of anyone's agenda to villanize refugees. Nope. Not. At. All.

    Wanna bridge?

  45. I've been waiting a long time for my Mossy Oak jersey and Realtree Xtra bib. I think Cabela's has them on back order.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Bad boy? I am always here, only of late I spend so much time on social media through the course of work that I am completely babbled out.

    I know what you're thinking and it's true. Hell did indeed freeze over.

    Heh. And just before it did, a sweet, lovely octogenarian friend gave me his late wife's two mink coats, (which are actually older thanot I!) so I've been warm and cozy riding around when Vancouver ground to a halt under assault of several thousand snowflakes. And I didn't feel even a little bit guilty wearing them, either, though I was once arrested for the way we protested animal testing in a lab.

  48. What the actual fuck??! The not so great Google won't let me delete the first, unedited version of that last comment. Sigh. Gotta go.
    And it's true, wildkitty. We will miss you.

  49. Young Teenager to Babble: Goodness! What Minks!

    Babble: Goodness had nothing to do with it.

  50. Oh my God, Babs riding around Vancouver in a mink with those sculpted legs, she must look like a irresistable yeti!

  51. Merry hempmas, your work is inspiring me to take bong rippers. You are the only good bike writer out there that appeals to me. Enjoy the break and ride free, may the 4 winds carry you home.

  52. TedK got to the top of the podio by bribing the judges with blow jobs. Prison has taught him a thing or two about the service economy. He also happens to really like the taste of semen.

  53. Car 54 Parked in a Bike LaneDecember 21, 2016 at 6:46 PM

    That is some rogues gallery of photographs today, Q up the theme music from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

  54. Headlines of the Willamette Week last week:

    Embattled art gallery owner lands in Portland.
    Breakfast picks for Pine street market.
    Why some cannabis growers are going back to the black market.
    Who crushed the lesbian bars?

    Also an interesting article on Deborah Pearson and The Future Show, which she performed in Portland for 4 consecutive nights!

  55. Ted K got to the top with hard work, perseverance, and dedication. He rode regularly and his bike is somewhat of a clunker too, so he isn't really an outsider like you think he might be. He is one of us.

    If Team Sky losses all credibility where is the sport of cycling headed? And this on top of the Russian doping scandal!

    But I do miss Rock Racing. Best team ever.

    Who is the Donald Trump of the cycling world? Mike Synyard(lawsuits), or Lance Armstrong(lies, cheating)? Or maybe someone else?

  56. Lieutenant ObliviousDecember 21, 2016 at 8:46 PM

    "Every nation gets the government it deserves." Joseph de Maistre

    Our forefathers gave us the electoral college which gave us Mein Drumpf.

    So you see, it's not unpresidented!

    Seasons' Greedings to All!

  57. "Teo is no typical hunter".
    Teo?!! Teo??!!! What the hell sort of name is that!

  58. Damn it, I wish could be macho enough to hunt with my bare hands. At least that kinda evens the odds...rode around town looking for fair game--only squirrels, pigeons, stray cats--nothing to spur my machismo; except, drivers who tried to right hook me. I did ride by a deer on the South County Trail last summer. I blew it a kiss. Pretty eyes.

  59. The electoral college works, warts and all

  60. Let's put the 'arm' back in Armageddon!

  61. Seriously, 3000 animals die in slaughterhouses world wide EVERY SECOND and people get their tits all in a knot over a little hunting. Isn't this the magazine that wrote about pooping? How many people unsubscribed after that?

    Let the airing of the grievances begin. Oh wait, it's been non-stop grieving for the last 9-1/2 years.

    It's Festivus for the rest of us.

  62. I can't help but think of how disappointed the author of this blog must be when he reads the comment section. What used to be intellectual curiosity and legitimate questions for the author has been replaced by aggressive rants against technology and the American way of life, vulgar filthy statements, self-promotion, political aggravation without solutions, and horrible marketing attempts from foreigners who are completely out of touch with the American cycling market. I see this latest post as a final warning of sorts; Get your act together commentors or I'm only contributing to Bicycling magazine and the Brooks saddle company.

    I myself might choose to stay above the fray and may choose to never comment again.

  63. Anonymous-

    Yours is a Greek name. As you retreat to a metaphorical* land of blue skies and wine dark seas, something, something, something, we will miss your hypothetical* comments.

    *also Greek

  64. Anonymoose:
    I myself might choose to stay above the fray and may choose to never comment again.

    December 22, 2016 at 4:30 AM

    Oh noes! Unnamed person complains about a place, yet adds nothing, then threatens to leave? This certainly casts quite the pall over my winter-holiday celebrations.

  65. Upside Down American FlagDecember 22, 2016 at 10:35 AM

    Anom 430: "rants against...the American way of life."

    Well the reincarnation of Boss Tweed, and his gang, will be taking over the American way of life starting on 1/20. SO "F" yeah people are ranting and raving after a majority of dumb asses elected this carny huckster (i.e. the huckster ran a populist campaign ranting against Wall Street, now three Goldman Sachs billionaires will be running the economy (the huckster even accused GS of being in a conspiracy with Hillary C, now it's jump into bed with the GS billionaires). Coming up after 1/20, deregulate Wall Street and tax cuts for the wealthy.

  66. If Wildcat goes back to Bikecycling magazine, I wonder if we'll see more gems like this hot piece?

    Also, will he still attach the BSNYC moniker, or will he move to a different nom de scranus?

  67. Anon 4:30 AM - and those were our sober comments. You definitely don't want to read after we've been drinking.

  68. Comment deleted before it was submitted.

  69. If/When WCRM gives up this blog, I know it will be because I had nothing intelligent to say about the latest Shirtless-Cipo Pic.

  70. Whoa, whoa, whoa, we're supposed to say something intelligent here? Fuck it, I guess I'm going over to stink up Velonews...

  71. Advice from Tammany HallDecember 22, 2016 at 1:45 PM

    The Snob: "I'm just one of those urban elites standing in the way of making America great again."

    Well burn your college diploma, announce on your blog that you're really an under employed former factory worker with a high school education, better yet, say your a dropout. And that you can't wait until The Donald, and his Goldman Sachs bros, brings back your job from Mexico. And, offer to help The Donald find the millions of illegal voters.

  72. Since WCRM is enjoying another High-Ate-Us and since I'm a relative newcomer to this party, I'm wondering if some of you long timers could suggest your favorite posts. I'm not above using a popular search engine to find these gems, but need a place to start.


  73. discourse here is like a lost star trek episode where everyone gets along on a strange planet that seems be like nirvana, spock pulls the plug, and it turns out we're all sitting in a ice cave arguing (reasonably) about tire pressure and fender (mudguard) clearance. don't know where i'm going with that... previous version used the word egalitarian to describe y'all though.
    the rest of the innernets, not so much.

  74. Snobby,
    Whatever happened to the dreaded FGA? Will it fall upon us in the tenth year of your blog?

    Anyway, I got rid of the Venge/Schmenge, because I cheated death from certain assploding, and bought a Bianchi Pista for a panicking NYC PistaDex: 300. I figure you only turn 50 years old multiple times if you ascribe to reincarnation.


    That's why we avoid it.

    Ride safe all, see you in the next year, and may Santa bring you a shiny new beikcycle!

  76. Anom @ 1:55

    CommieCanuck has gotten off many good ones.

    Ditto Leroy's Dog

    And then there was the time Babble, offering advice, asked "if any girl's out there need any help with that Deep Throat thing (or something to that effect)."

    Ted K - no so much.

  77. Happy news year for shitshow 2017!

  78. Came very close to ramming a deer around a corner this morning while riding the W&OD. It barely moved. If only I had remembered to sling my trusty Winchester 30/30 over my shoulder. Around here the deer consider themselves to be full members of the community. They don't know (unless they read the Post) that their gravy train is soon to derail as society collapses, and they turn into free meat.

    "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe." - H.G. Wells

    Oops. We let catastrophe lap us. It sneaks up on you - like yesterday when I noticed that my front tire is threadbare, and I had thought it was nearly new.

  79. 1904 - In fact Santa IS bringing me a shiny new bike - to be delivered right after Christmas. I hope it doesn't result in divorce papers.

    Can't spell satan without santa

  80. Chicago March 11 FTW aka der Blaue ReiterDecember 22, 2016 at 11:08 PM

    Anon 4:30, ha ha ha!
    Anon 1:55, the entire decade of greatness is sitting there in the archive: start from the top and we'll catch up with you in 2018! Honestly, though, I was really excited when the blog started to get into the legal injustice surrounding NYC traffic mayhem, crash-not-accident, etc. Not that the craigslist takedowns weren't great entertainment, but the combination of "look at this, ha ha!" alongside "seriously, FUCK THIS!" and all with style is what keeps me reading and looking forward to next posts. Also, the best posts are the ones you can read in his books...

    I'll miss this blog if it ends, but do what you've got to do, Snob: it's been a great gift to a lot of people. Thanks and enjoy the break!

    AYH! SMB!

  81. Just read the entire issue of Bicycling that was somewhat surprised at what a high performance magazine it has become. Look at the DiamondBack Andean time trial bike on page 9! look at the kit the mountain biker is wearing on page 31, I don't know how Snobby avoided commenting on that. An A-Z list of words put together by Eddy Mercy that tells you what it takes to win, and surprise.... D doesn't stand for Doping! Also a piece on how to glue tubulars, and a review of a nice steel road bike without disc brakes. The big bummer for me was the ad insert from Specialized for a $9000 50 pound electric mountain bike.

    The hunting article is entertaining. "The bigger the rack, the bigger the elk, and the better your family will eat through winter-there's no cleaving those relationships."

    Yeah, as if somebody with a multi-thousand dollar fat bike and expensive hunting great is going to struggle to feed his family in the winter months? I just hope he doesn't feed his family bad meat:

    If Snobby doesn't come back this was a quality final post, and he did a nice job of documenting this strange year. Ebikes and hydraulics are taking over, and we have a reality TV joke con-man as President.

  82. This turns out to be such the sick post for me. I got curious about sniffing glue and googled that led to a viewing of sniffing glue first time then watch trying heroin for the first time now I'm drunk sniffed bad glue headache but curious about heroine still. also watched grandma huffing gasoline oh. Oh YouTube.

  83. Is that where the Huffingthenpost got its name?

  84. Bieks,bad boy!Bieks,Bieks,Bieks.sheesh!

  85. I awoke this Festivus morning to no bike leaning against the Festivus pole. Just like every year. First grievance to air.

  86. Leading out the sprint train to the century mark.

    Turned the corner of Fulton and Broadway and almost struck a deer this morning.

  87. Dave - Mr Wells was quite the visionary. Over a century later and he still has the uncanny ability to show us the truth hidden within the spin. Well worth your time, at least in my tiny mind.

    Anonyhypocrite @ 4:30? Wait. You don't see the irony in judging your fellow ranters as you rant against ranting?? Um.. don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    Mae West was a woman ahead of her time. I posted a suggestive though not outright naughty rather nekkid photo on instagram a few weeks ago, and did my own little rant on the fact that the churches have it all wrong, that masterbation is a healthy thing, and the DM's were instant, though it took a while for anyone to fess up to liking it publicly. But the churches are wrong on so many points it's amazing anyone can buy in in this day and age. And relics of their theology still permiate our culture. Like condemning women for their sexuality. It's bullshit. God the father and God the son, but no God the mother? And the "Virgin"?? (in ancient Hebrew apparently that had the connotation that she was unwed ranther than untouched) The virgin mother? Oh please. Don't get me started. But Mae got it. She understood. Would that there were more of her...

    Abby - Well, it's nice to share. Sometimes it's good to overshare, too. And I'm not one to judge. I'll happily show the boys how to do it, too. It's simple, really. I mean, we all swallow food without gagging, so it's certainly possible to swallow other things, too.

  88. Oh pro masturbation Instagram rant actually earned me a death threat. Go figure.

  89. @babble

    Pro masturbation? I didn't realize there was a level above highly skilled amateur. I'll bet the pro 'baters dope.

  90. Heh... Well, when you start young, there's nothing you can't achieve. Climbing a lamp post at six, and let me tell you, I made it to the top in more ways than one.

    Didya know that wee babies masturbate in utero? Must be damned frustrating to be trapped in a nappy for a couple of years after that.

  91. 100th comment secured!

    Everyone else is a lifelong loser now. Merry gluemas.

  92. The post stated out with profanity... the big F word in fact. I feel like that's not the best way to bring in Christmas for Christ's sake!

  93. No comment just typing words now.

  94. 100 and 101 Dalmatians.

  95. Newt and The Don in a little misunderstanding over "draining the swamp". Newt thought it was just a throw away campaign line to excite the masses. Don sez no and Newt eats crow (all by Tweet of course). Not surprised Newt would want the term to disappear considering he's exactly what I'd expect to find at the bottom of a swamp.

  96. Babble at 12:26 There are over 500 cable TV lines that need content 24/7. I could see the content provided by the Pro-Masturbation Channel really taking off and flying big time.

  97. Here's the rub when you write about self-pleasue on the interwebnet, death threats.

  98. Ictal.
    ...and fresh petechiae in the mornings, and babble is ascairt to go to sleep.

  99. Best Christmas wishes to all you CAT 1 maturbators out there.

  100. Babble-

    I think it's a reverse Achilles phenomenon. When gods dipped you in the stream of problems, they held you by your legs, which were unaffected. Your calves can crack walnuts (which is natural cable content) but you got I.B.S. (ictal brady etc)

    Sit in your rain forest with a nice cup of tea and relax this morning.

  101. Lieutenant ObliviousDecember 24, 2016 at 9:25 AM

    Won oh ate!

  102. I shudder at the thought of cat 6 masturbators

  103. I survived Christmas.
    40C (104F) here in Adelaide, so you lot with your snow can feel smug.
    I didn't ride because, as those who appointed themselves to protect us from our more foolish impulses warned us, excercise in such conditions is ill advised. Besides, with such temperatures, I have no idea what tyre pressure to run and as BSNYC has warned, getting it wrong can lead to instant death. I was also worried that by being required to wear a helmet by a government concerned for my health and safety, I'd wind up with horrendous, sweat soaked helmet hair... and an interesting sun burn pattern on my bald spot.
    So I didn't ride and am wasting boxing day by reading old issues of BSNYC

    Hope you all had a good one.

  104. dop? I'd so love to think you're right, only these legs of steel are due in no small extent to the fact that my connective tissue is fucktarded through and through, thank you EDS. The nasty asystole seizures are cause mum left the basement door opened when I was a wee baby in a walker with wheels, and I took a running leap... so I'm completely screwed from head to toe, and damned lucky to live and breathe another day.

    But thank goodness there's still sex. :)

  105. The Team Sky doping controversy hasn't affected the value of their Rapha team kits on Ebay. Most of the jerseys are selling in the $150 to $200 range, including one for $299.99.

    Meanwhile, disgraced USPS jerseys are available for $25-$30. Imagine all of the naive people who bought them back then thinking they would become valuable collector items. Not much Rock Racing gear available on Ebay though, just some weird bib shorts. Greg Lemons says cycling is no longer a reliable sport, and that miracles do not exist, the sport needs to be cleaned up once and for all. I would REALLY like to see Snobby put on his investigators hat and head to Manchester to get to the bottom of this during his hiatus from this arena. Imagine him grilling Bradley Wiggins over the contents of the mystery package and then exposing something interesting here to his blog.

    Some have wondered aloud whether David Brailsford is anti-aging doping himself, how does he look he look so young when he is in his 70's? I'm going to google anti- aging doping and see what he could be taking and then publicly speculate on the subject the internet.

  106. Perhaps they are using this cream in place of their chamois cream.

  107. I didn't get any cycling swag for Christmas. I hate everyone.

  108. I got nuthin last year. My wife must of seen the disappointment in my eyes and came through with excellent bikecycling stuffs this year including a Walz cap. Oh wait I ordered that myself. She bought everything else though.

  109. This inane, pointless commenting ... just has to STOP.

    Right after this inane, pointless comment.

  110. Floyd has a sweet blog and Dave Zabriski is his creative director. What are the chances that someday Lance and Floyd could bury the hatchet and become friends again? They have much in common that's for sure, maybe Lance could have Floyd as a guest on his new Podcast: The Forward. Would be an interesting interview. Lance needs to move forward himself and stop blaming Floyd for his downfall. Lance is the one who injected needles into his veins hundreds of times to deliver EPO into his blood stream to win the TdF. Imagine lance sitting there pumping EpO into his arm while his teammates watched in wonder, its an awesome visual which I wish had been recorded. Imagine the needle breaking the skin, then him pushing the filler down with a grimace on his face. Imagine the adrenaline high he got from smuggling drugs over the border and filling the syringes with high grade EPO. And now he has completely rehabilitated his image.

  111. The pages of my fireman calender are all stuck together.

  112. bad boy of the northDecember 27, 2016 at 4:36 PM

    r.i.p. Princess Leia.

  113. Obie wan kanobi

    Obie wan kanobi

  114. Culture During the Holidays:

    I saw a matinee of The Nutcracker this afternoon. Apropos of the title, I explained to my (college age) daughters & accompanying boyfriend that male dancers always wear a cup, to protect themselves during a pas de deux.

    RIP Carrie Fisher...Princess Leia Lives

  115. For those sad about the passing of Princess Leah, perhaps you can console yourself by purchasing some Star Wars related cycling gear, of which there is a surprising amount:

  116. been away and just read all comments (even read snobbie's post but not Ted of course ). must say that this one of the best curation of comments i have seen in a long time.

  117. Hi fellow cyclists, I know you are a healthy bunch of athletes so I was hoping that you could give me some solid advice. I know Bike snob has children, maybe he could give a personal reply...

    My 17 mo. old has been suffering horrible digestion since he self weaned from the breast at 12 mo. Also eczema and intermittent wheezing. He’s dairy, wheat, egg, soy free. We tried GAPS 2 months ago but it seemed too intense for him. The poop is the worst! Smells rotten and is very loose with what appears to be undigested food, sometimes greenish in color. It’s like a newborn blowout, every day. It's constant poopey cleanup in this household:( The GAPS probiotic (baby/toddler formula) firmed him up in about 5 days (YAY!)… then it all went down hill again and has remained horrible ever since. Was that the sign he was done with the probiotic? My family consumes kefir water, broth, (soon kombucha, we’re brewing our first batch), he LOVES fermented sauerkraut and pickles, but things just aren’t changing. Would love to hear your thoughts. He’s also been to a homeopath and naturopath several times over the last year… Boy are we trying to help his gut!


  118. Anon. 4:39
    My advice would be to not take advice from an internet blog comment section, especially from Freds. Maybe go to a doctor. It may be serious.

  119. bad boy of the northDecember 28, 2016 at 6:22 PM


  120. Informative article, maybe feed him some beef to make it firm again.

  121. Anon 4:39...

    Your son should never have self-weaned from the breast. He should keep going back until he breaks his glasses.

  122. For the baby w digest issues, perhaps try apple cider vinegar:

    Definitely one of the most interesting forums ive come across.

  123. Weed, Legal in Cali in 2 Days 6 hrs 15 minDecember 29, 2016 at 8:45 PM

    #2 on the 12-29 Podium. Weed.

  124. Enjoy the weed while its legal cause Trump WIll ban it. It all starts Jan 20.
    Attorney general Jeff Sessions hates it so he will ENFORCE it. Good people don't smoke dope he says(read link if you read)
    Pot stores will BE SHUT DOWN.
    Pot growers crops WILL BE BURNED like they were under President Reagan.
    And no more 'medicinal' excuses, liars will GO TO JAIL TOO. Even grandma tokers.
    No more smoking weed at school,at work, or at the park.
    No more super tall bongs.
    Are you getting paranoid?

  125. This holiday, I am very happy with my family <3
    I post some awesome articles in my blog <3

  126. i'm not getting paranoid, but a number of 'farmer' relatives should be. not sure what the kally-fornicating or oreo-gon wedding reception party favors will be if this this true.

    he isn't going to jail home hoochers is he? when he threatens to jail rye, corn, & tater growers, then i'll start to worry.

  127. you got it methinks

    read the whole thing and yeppers, it is pretty stupid. and i figure i'm at least moderately sensitive (as opposed to being my normal insensitive cad) having one relative on dialysis die on 23-dec and a brother on dialysis and on the kidney wait list.

    and of course the article is so inept that it doesn't even recognize some of the not ready for prime time but advancing technologies such as 3d organ printing and using stem cells to grow organs on skeletal frameworks which certainly might obviate any organ harvesting by the time auto cars are really here.

    in the meantime we can probably expect the idiots with semi-auto cars to increase the supply of available organs.

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. The wild life, are you sh***ing me?

    "Team Clean?"

    Is that the same Bruno Cenghialta who was TWICE caught up in doping scandals as a rider?

    Is that the same Alexander Vinokourov whose positive in the TdF led to the withdrawal of the ENTIRE Astana team from the 2007 tour?

    1. Sorry for your troubles, we feel sorry for those who cannot focus on the clean riders Astana is producing for 2017. Our new kits will be available soon we wish Merry Christmas to you and all cycling fans.

  130. Reposting due to technical errors:

    One of cycling fans most popular teams; Astana, will be back for 2017 with a fresh new kit and riding new Argon 18 bikes. Their successful director, former Olympic Champin, TdF stage winner, Classics winner, and future hall of famer Alexander Vinokourov, will be back seeking more Grand Tour and classics wins like he did in 2016, with Vincent Nibali winning a Grand tour race in convincing fashion.

    "Especially pleasant fact is that seven victories were won by our Kazakhstani riders" says Vino.

    The team will have 3 Grand Tour contenders in 2017, more than any other team.

    Vino will be relying on his savvy instincts and experienced medical background to bring big results to the new approach some are calling "Team Clean". Expect to see a new medical director too, Bruno Cenghialta, who proved successful in preparing athletes for the Sochi Olympics. The team will be doing external secret testing to ensure it is staying within the guidelines of the doping rulebook, and Vino has been very critical of the rumored cheating by Team Sky recently, which may have cost his riders some valuable wins. "Team Sky should possibly be suspended until a thorough investigation is complete based on what we see in past".

    Fabio Aru will be looking to win Giro Itilia. Jakob Fuglsang and Miguel Angel Lopez will make big surprise at the Tour de France. As for the Vuelta a España, again watch for Fabio Aru.

    Team Astana, your new favorite cycling team for 2017.

    Please follow on Facebook

  131. Again, are you sh***ing me?

    Is this the same Astana team that faced revocation of its World Tour license last year?

    What's changed, really?

    And remember, in the immortal words of Borat, "Although Kazakhstan a glorious country, it have a problem, too: economic, social, and Jew."

  132. Yo,team Astana dude(or dudette); Fuck Off.

  133. Just one more pull at the bong.

  134. Since Bike Snob is now into big tire bikes I don't think he will mind this safety alert.

    Steve Hyder
    Thursday at 3:01 AMe-MTB - Electric...
    Health and Wallet Warning for Haibike Fat 6 owners.
    If you own or are thinking of buying a 2016 or older Fat 6 with the RST Renegade Front Fork, know this!
    The thru axles are very week and prone to breaking. After spending 3 months talking to dealers and Haibike and RST, no one has any spare thru axles (not even Ebay) finally had to give up and by the Rockshox Bluto to replace it. Got a deal from a supplier in Germany from Rose Bikes if anyone wants to grab a bargain, over £250 off list price. A discount worth its weight in fat.

    *haibikes is not a weed reference, this is a serious post.

    Another post bikesnobb won't mind since he is a fathead addict: Groupon is selling $800 fatbike for $350!*gg-your-first-fat-tire-bicycle_productpartitionid*193571247649_campaignid*228801421_adgroupid*37636072936_prodtarget*193571247649_productid*53187885_d*Goods-Product-Ads_mobile*true_keyword*_adtype*pla_merchantdid*10018412_c*164981180825_k*_m*_target*_adposition*1o3&mr%3AreferralID=83a896de-cf5c-11e6-bc34-00505694526f&gclid=Cj0KEQiAy53DBRCo4en29Zvcla0BEiQAVIDcc09pMpUN4U9qU3gYwCnyUwjX5_xWZ84mVSsoiW_b3U0aAp8Y8P8HAQ&fallback=true

  135. bad boy of the northDecember 31, 2016 at 1:53 PM

    May lob bestow a happy and safe bieking year to all!

  136. We're riding bicycles
    We love our bicycles

    Sing it to Kurtis Blow's "Basketball"

  137. Not All the Time LouiseJanuary 1, 2017 at 12:41 PM

    Carlos Danger knocked on his ex's door, she slammed the door in his face.

  138. Weed on the First even if SecondJanuary 1, 2017 at 12:48 PM

    2nd on the 01012017 Podium (Ted K in disguise at 438 doesn't count). Weed until 1/20 when the lord of darkness will descend on the land.

  139. Maybe Steve Hyder had only prayed to Lord Alika the spell caster for help with his RST Renegade front fork thru axles, he would have been up and riding within 48 hrs and singing his testimonials.


  140. well top of year to all you fuck-o(e)s!

    i found myself cast in a spell for a bit but was freed by a kindly stranger who shattered the cast with his 'thor' hammer. looked a bit like cipo with long blond hair.

  141. I'm going to pray to Lord Alika the spell caster about Donald Trump!

  142. Don't Bogart that JointJanuary 1, 2017 at 9:14 PM

    Weed legal in Cali today so over night someone altered the Hollywood sign to read Hollyweed. Po-lease (as they used to say it on The Wire) are not amused.

  143. I asked Lord Alika for more pussy and my cat had a litter of kittens. Hail the miracle of Alika, or maybe it was the neighbors orange tomcat.
    Happy New Year.

  144. A Mr. Richard Fedder from Fort Lee New JerseyJanuary 2, 2017 at 8:18 AM

    I'm going to ask Lord Alika to tell Roseanne Rosannadanna to blow me.

  145. If the Attorney General of Vlad's Lap Dog is going crack down on legal weed starting 1/20, well then, so much for the States Rights that GOP'ers are always crowing about.

    Another 24 hours for Snob to stay in bed before it's back to Cops, EPO, PSI, Cipo, Saddles, Vertical this, Horizontal that, handlebar bells, etc. Enjoy the snoozzzzzz.

  146. So, Brad Wiggins "retires".
    Lance Armstrong is back on the cover of British Cycling Weakly.
    Donald Trump, star of Home Alone 2.

    All this proves humanity is out of ideas and we're just going to recycle everything, which is why I never stopped wearing my gold MC Hammer pants.Can't touch this (yes, you can).
    Merry Christmas,ya Filthy Animals.

  147. Rosanne RosannadannaJanuary 2, 2017 at 2:53 PM

    If it's not one thing, it's another. I'm not going to get below some guy from New Jersey, why should I, why should I get below him?


    Never mind.

  148. that would be Emily Litella....

  149. bad boy of the northJanuary 2, 2017 at 5:46 PM

    DJT is ready to make bike couriers great again!

  150. I'm outta here!

  151. The Donald's Foundation paid for a life sized portrait of him to be painted. The Donald had the artist depict him as having the build of an NFL Middle Linebacker. But he does have normal sized hands.

  152. Lieutenant ObliviousJanuary 2, 2017 at 9:55 PM

    Nesting Dolls, Snob's not coming back until Weedsday January 4th. Since it will only be a 3 day week for him, I'm betting no quiz this Friday which is also Three Scrani's Day.

  153. I was riding around Central Park and I saw Snobby on his Marin riding in a rocky area of the park. I recognized him since he wasn't wearing a helmet. I wasn't wearing one either, I stopped one after reading this blog. I started sorta following him on my Marin which I had purchased because of his great reviews, then he pulled over for some water so I pulled up next to him to introduce myself and see if he would talk to me. Sure enough he was friendly enough and we chatted a bit about the frustrations of commuting in NYC, 27.5+ tires, Team Sky, triamcinolone acetonide, and Michael Rasmussen. I noticed we were wearing the same casual riding pants, which I purchased at full retail price after reading about them on this blog. Then he noticed we were wearing the same pants and gave me an odd look.

    Then I got the guts to ask him when he was going blog again and what the subject would be, expecting a possible humorous reply. Instead Snobby looked at me with dead serious eyes and paused, then frowned in frustration. I was taken aback, not the response I expected. He then went on to explain that he was a little burned out and didn't feel like his readers appreciated his work like they used to in the old days. But then he really dropped the bombshell...he confided that he was dissapointed with the response he has been getting from his readers in the comment section. The comments used to be witty, inquisitive, and appreciative he compassionately explained. In recent years he said they have become dull, complainey, and predictable. "Its just not the same anymore" he told me sadly. He also explained he is tired of some of the comments about his photos, and that people seem to expect him to buy a nice camera, as if he has to compete with some of the mainstream cycling sites in terms of photo quality. He also mentioned he was dissapointed in sales of his bike caps and some of his other products he sells to help feed his family. I told him that I have purchased many of his BSNYC products to help support him and he thanked me. He then pulled a bottle of glue out of his pants and offered me some. Well, to say the least this was a chance at bonding that I didn't want to pass up but I am chemical sensitive so it was a dilemma for me. Then I noticed a cop, so did he, then he said he had to run and abruptly sprinted away.

  154. Anonymous 6:55,

    I'm deeply offended by the implication that I would go mountain biking in Central Park.

    --Wildcat Etc.

  155. What kind of glue? If you're going to tell a story, then you must get the important details out there. Damnit, people, there's standards to be upheld!

  156. Anonymous @ 6:55 AM:

    Don't kid yourself, his wife supports him and his family.


    The comments here do lack the wit they used to have; the wits have apparently fled. Things change.

  157. Also:

    Happy new year, peeps! I hope your rides are all epic, your scranular conditions are pleasing, and may your pressure always be optimal!

    And Wildcat, even though Anonymoose's story was jest, I just want to say that I appreciate your semi-professional blogulations.

  158. Lieutenant O

    tanks for heds up. i was thinkin snobbie was back today (i think it is tuesday?). was about to complain about no post yet.

    guess i'll go to the store of groceries so we can eat. see youse all on the morrow

  159. bad boy of the northJanuary 3, 2017 at 11:23 AM

    Well,I for one,enjoy the witty banter here.yeah,some comments could be construed as lame.i know damn well that I have inserted a bad one now and then,but that is the rib of life.
    If what anonymous says is true, that would be unfortunate. I've learned a lot while here as I'm sure many have as well.
    Keep soldering on sir snob!

  160. Let's perform an experiment: We'll not post anything in the next 24 hours, unless it's significant, intelligent and moves the conversation in a positive direction.

  161. my fookin new bike has yet to arrive so bah humbug

    I did get to drag my extended family to a bicycle museum of sorts when we were trying to find anything to do besides eat, drink and feel melancholy - and they all loved it, much to my surprise

    ANON @ 6:55 - nice try, but everyone knows bike bloggers huff Park chain cleaner, not glue

    Happy New Year to you all, witty, not-witty, or nit-witty alike - 2017 should be interesting

  162. DOP - sorry I broke your resolution so quickly

    (ps - Nice Bike mat, but those toes?)

  163. Team Katusha? My russian friend pronounces it Katushka. Why did the other anonymous bother to post that skreed? I'm a Katusha fan, only because when I have been looking for $10 overstock cotton cycling caps at Performance, the Katusha caps have been slightly larger than the Lotto or Quick-step caps, and they fit my head better. (I own a large BSNYC Walz cap, too, but prefer bigger, and less stretchy cotton.) I have 2 of them now, so this is a trend. Is it the performance enhancing drug karma that increases the size?


  164. does this count?

    looking for thoughts & / or pearls of wisdom. have a pedal extender (knee saver) frozen on one of the co-motion cranks. my plan is to put a sack over the bike so it can't see where i'm taking it, guiding it in to the basement, pulling the crank, cranking that exender into my bench vise as tight as possible, then beating the crap out of the crank with a rubber mallet until i break the crank or get the extender off. or beating it with a regular hammer (or hand sledge hammer) with a piece of wood to protect the crank.

    i pray to LOB that this qualifies as a dop approved erudite post.

  165. Lieutenant ObliviousJanuary 3, 2017 at 1:39 PM

    I always try to make my comments witty - halfwit, nitwit and dimwit.

    Now, just where did I put my most excellent tasting notes for Clement, Vittoria and Barge cement?

  166. bad boy of the northJanuary 3, 2017 at 1:41 PM

    It's soldiering..Not soldering,bad boy.see what I mean?Yeesh!

  167. Lieutenant ObliviousJanuary 3, 2017 at 1:43 PM

    In other news, Megyn Kelly is leaving Fox for NBC. I put even money on Mein Drumpf tweeting "The Flow" as his suggestion for her new daytime news show.

  168. I don't think Megyn Kelly is as smart as people think. At her last appointment, her gynecologist asked what her flow was like.

    She said, "Linoleum".

    That didn't last long.

  169. We'll not post anything in the next 24 hours, unless it's significant, intelligent and moves the conversation in a positive direction.

    not sure which one of us, but either dop or i need to revisit the definition of significant, intelligent, etc.

  170. I was throwing in the towel when I said, "That didn't last long"***

    ***That's what she said.

  171. Scranus.

    Double century podio just ahead. Up for grabs.

  172. I'm a street walkin cheetah with a heart full of napalm

  173. Spokey,

    Get a really good penetrating oil (e.g. Knock'er Loose , PB B'laster or anything from the Cipollini family of unguents), hose down that crank everyday for a week before trying anything else.

  174. I'm a fan of the PB Blaster family of products, too. Works great on bike and as a hair tonic!

  175. Lieutenant ObliviousJanuary 3, 2017 at 3:21 PM

    PB Blaster also makes a great dessert topping and floor polisher!

  176. Lieutenant ObliviousJanuary 3, 2017 at 3:38 PM

    Double Century Podium thanks to my anonymi lead out train

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