Columbus arrived at a pivotal moment in American history, for the Indians had just declared independence from the British and were fomenting revolution under the command of their general George "Dances With The Stars" Washington, as played in the movie version by Kevin Costner:

At least this is what I learned at Bard College. (I didn't actually attend Bard, but I did take LSD there on occasion--and oddly, four years later, they sent me a diploma.)
Anyway, for some reason America soon became the trendiest country in the world, and by the end of the 19th century proto-hipsters from all over Europe came here to pan for gold, open artisanal ethnic mulled wineries, put their children to work in ultra-cool factories, and generally gentrify our cities. Here is what this wave of immigration looked like:

(As I typed that last paragraph, Bard College emailed me another diploma, this one for something called "Yogic Gnosticism.")
Today, as a New Yorker, I am acutely aware of the weight of all this history as well as of the intense crowding. It manifests itself in the brusque exchanges, and the filth, and the exorbitant amounts of money we pay to live in tiny boxes. Sometimes I wonder if the city will continue to crush me slowly like liverwurst between two crackers until I fall out the side and land with "splat" in the suburbs, or if I'll suddenly go flying out with a "pop" like the mystery juice from a plump hot dog and land somewhere on the other side of the country. Of course, my spiritual presence resides in Portland, but I may have to move my body too eventually, and it would be nice to park it someplace with better weather. I don't know where that will be, but I do know two things: 1) With two degrees from Bard, I'm only three nose rings away from finding employment in any cafe in America; and 2) the city I live in doesn't want me, as evidenced by this whole "bicycle crackdown" thing.
I suppose I could live with the crackdown if I thought it was actually doing something, but I can assure you that it's not. This past weekend my travels brought me through Central Park--where police have even gone so far as to issue cyclists speeding tickets--and I'm sorry to report that despite the blitz I witnessed multiple riders on $8,000 crabon triathlon bikes blowing lights and buzzing pedestrians as their loose-fitting t-shirts fluttered in the breeze. It is incredibly frustrating to know that you're being singled out by the NYPD because of some hairy-legged Scud of dorkiness riding a Kuota and wearing a XXL Hanes Beefy-T.
Some miles, a bridge, and a state line later, a complete stranger on an orange crabon blob actually called me an "asshole" for passing him on a climb (I am an asshole, but there's no way he could have known that), and then on the return trip over the bridge I was nearly hit head-on by a rider who panicked for reasons I was unable to discern and who could not operate his brakes or extricate himself from his clipless pedals.
Meanwhile, the Department of Transportation issues "tweets" like this:
I wonder of any of those workers were hit by bikes. I'm guessing they weren't. Obviously this is tragic and I don't mean to make light of the situation, but I do find it sad and ironic that New York drivers are so awful that even fixing the streets for them is a potentially fatal endeavor.

All of it is enough to make one crave the cloyingly sweet taste of smugness, and so I headed over to Streetsblog and sampled some of their most salacious "bike lane porn:"
Sadly, what I saw horrified me, for instead of some urban "livable streets" idyll I saw senior citizens running amok with wheelchairs:
Not only are they jaywalking, but I'm reasonably sure one of them has a Flip camera and they're on their way to the park to make some sick hillbombing "edits." No wonder Prospect Park West bike lane opponents think it's so dangerous:
Originally I thought she meant it was dangerous to seniors because they might get hit, but now I realize it's because it only encourages them to "shred."
I must say I was also stunned that none of the commenters on Streetsblog commented on the fact that this young child is not wearing a helmet:
I don't mean to say I have a problem with it, but the fact is that children under 14 are supposed to wear helmets under New York State law, and that seems like just the sort of thing the "smugerati" would enjoy pointing out. Again, I don't have a problem with it--I never wore a helmet as a child and despite numerous bicycle crashes I sustained absolutely no adverse squirrel nugget submarine captain what time is it again?

I must say I was also stunned that none of the commenters on Streetsblog commented on the fact that this young child is not wearing a helmet:

Speaking of hillbombing, I was visiting Probably's blog recently (this is like visiting a teenage boy's room in that there's lots of bad music and overpriced toys and you get the creepy feeling you might have just interrupted somebody masturbating ) and saw this one:

I should point out that the "hillbombing" doesn't really start until later in the video, though as you can see riding a fixed-gear bicycle down a hill requires not only a videographer but also a still photographer:
Remember when people used to say they rode fixed-gear bicycles because they were simple? Well, brakes and a derailleur seems a lot simpler than needing multiple cameramen and a follow car for every ride.
I like fixed-gear bicycles, and there will always be a place for them beyond the velodrome. However, I also don't think the fixed-gear trend will truly end until people have explored each and every scenario in which they are totally stupid and useless, and I suppose with fixed-gear freestyling and long-distance track bike touring down, hillbombing is now the latest foray into futility. What could be simpler and more pleasant than the reprieve a descent offers after a difficult climb, when we lean forward, rest our legs, and enjoy the feeling of the wind and of effortless forward motion? And what could be more pointless than spinning frantically down that same hill, ruining a perfectly good tire, and whip-skidding like an agitated dog trying to gnaw a dingleberry off his ass and run at the same time?
Emi Brown Pt. 1 from A Wi Mer on Vimeo.
A few short years after the advent of fixed-gear freestyle, the "sport" (I love it when they call it that) has hit something of a wall, with many of the practitioners' bicycles gradually evolving into the BMX bikes they should be riding but won't admit they need. Instead, it's sort of a subconscious transition infused with denial, like Jeff Goldblum in the remake of "The Fly" when he won't acknowledge he's actually turning into one until he starts growing strange hairs and puking on his donuts and slurping up the mess. So, since fixed-gear freestyle is an evolutionary dead end, it would appear that urban fixed-gear riders are increasingly tuning into the absurd spectacle known as "hillbombing," and here is the hillbomber from the video making a "doucheclamation point:"
I should point out that the "hillbombing" doesn't really start until later in the video, though as you can see riding a fixed-gear bicycle down a hill requires not only a videographer but also a still photographer:

I like fixed-gear bicycles, and there will always be a place for them beyond the velodrome. However, I also don't think the fixed-gear trend will truly end until people have explored each and every scenario in which they are totally stupid and useless, and I suppose with fixed-gear freestyling and long-distance track bike touring down, hillbombing is now the latest foray into futility. What could be simpler and more pleasant than the reprieve a descent offers after a difficult climb, when we lean forward, rest our legs, and enjoy the feeling of the wind and of effortless forward motion? And what could be more pointless than spinning frantically down that same hill, ruining a perfectly good tire, and whip-skidding like an agitated dog trying to gnaw a dingleberry off his ass and run at the same time?
I suppose its all worth it when you get to the bottom and mug triumphantly for the ever-present videographer:
And then your "Me Too Friend" does exactly the same thing:

But even the "Me Too Friend" isn't "down" for the last scene, in which the hillbomber slowly and reluctantly picks his way down a steep hill like a toddler confronting his first staircase:
Moments later he was actually passed by the seniors with the wheelchair from the Prospect Park bike lane, but the hillbomber didn't want to be upstaged.

That's why they call it an "edit."
numero uno
Just missed the f%&#@!% podium.
top ten, bitches!
Top ten?
Top ten dicks.
Blah blah blah, the important things in life. Like racing to comment before you've read the dang thing.
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Keanu Reeves is making a new Bill And Ted. http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1661245/keanu-reeves-bill-and-ted-3.jhtml
I was hoping that my comment would discourage all other comments as nothing could be after the last comment.
I read it :(
"And what could be more pointless than spinning frantically down that same hill, ruining a perfectly good tire, and whip-skidding like an agitated dog trying to gnaw a dingleberry off his ass and run at the same time?"
Wonderful, apt image.
You assholes really hurt my feelings yesterday.
The NYC Fixed Gear Hill Bombing Grand Prix, sponsored by the American College of Orthopedic Surgeons. "because we know you're going to need new knees"
Keanu Reeves is making Cowboy Bebop Movie, that guy is the only two steps away from being a real cartoon character.
PJ article in WSJ was written and printed on April 1, it must have been a joke, just came out a little late.
Maura Kelly would like to paraphrase this blog entry for you.
I believe that an Amy Grant song would be more fitting for the fixie video.
Now this is funny.
Looks liek Bike Porn is on tour an landing in NYC on the 9th.
So I wasted my money on that "hillstrafing" trademark? Great. Anyone want to buy some loose-fitting T-shirts?
Is it really a life if no one filmed it?
"squirrel nugget submarine captain what time is it again?"
T-shirt aflutter
Where is Vito to check the facts here?
"Hillbombing" is one of the staples of "west coast style" a key step in the evolution of "fixed gear freestyle" and what were seeing here is a "throwback" style "edit" by an "OG" in a "sport"
Save the track bike indeed.
how about some fixie trials?
or its bastard son unfixed trials
Dude looks like a lady!
Columbus' America didn't include Port Angeles and Bellingham. Less dank I guess.
Bike snob your book be tiny! make bigger book.
no comment.
That video is shit. Get out of my city.
I'd like to see a video of someone riding safely and courteously.
I keep my 12 speed mountain bike in 1 gear all the time [a lower gear] so you could say I got a fixed gear bike. I coast down hills and pedal slowly up hills. It just saves energy on shifting gears mainly.
all we need here is a comedic slam of the future....
One other thing, Mr. O'Rourke. You are hypocritical, greedy, violent, malevolent, vengeful, cowardly, deadly, mendacious, meretricious, loathsome, despicable, belligerent, opportunistic, barratrous, contemptible, criminal, fascistic, bigoted, racist, sexist, avaricious, tasteless, idiotic, brain-damaged, imbecilic, insane, arrogant, deceitful, demented, lame, self-righteous, Byzantine, conspiratorial, satanic, fraudulent, libelous, bilious, splenetic, spastic, ignorant, clueless, illegitimate, harmful, destructive, dumb, evasive, double-talking, devious, revisionist, narrow, manipulative, paternalistic, fundamentalist, dogmatic, idolatrous, unethical, cultic, diseased, suppressive, controlling, restrictive, malignant, deceptive, dim, crazy, weird, dystopic, stifling, uncaring, plantigrade, grim, unsympathetic, jargon-spouting, censorious, secretive, aggressive, mind-numbing, abrasive, poisonous, flagrant, self-destructive, abusive, socially-retarded, puerile, clueless, and generally Not Good.
Looking forward to "Emi Brown Part 2", widely rumoured to beat "The Empire Strikes Back" in terms of sequels.
Expect more zany antics, interspersed with nervous male bonding, and other assorted self-aggrandising twattery.
Thanks for sharing episode 1.
Emi Brown is one bad ass dude and his fixie/outlaw lifestyle seems amazingly awesome. Thank god he was kind enough to record it so we can all bask in his divine glory. Thank you Mr. Brown, we are not worthy.
In the sage words of Jeff Probst, "I got nothing for you."
Gary Puckett and the Union Gap never sounded so good.
Late to the bombing run because here in Milwaukee (Home of the 2010 World Hardcourt Bicycle Polo Champions) I was voting.
I chose Kloppenburg because her name sounds like a climb in the Ronde van Vlaanderen. Also I hear she's against Walking, and who wants to walk everywhere?
Steve Tilford is in a slump and all you can whine about is bike lanes. Where's your humanity, Snob?
...marcel da chump...while i agree with you, i just wish gary puckett & the union gap would express how he REALLY feels about pj o'rourke...
All You Haters Scared (of) My "Bombs"
Like androids having sex, you are hitting with precision. Thank you, Snobby
Those hill bombers need to try highsiding an Maico 501 at Saddleback park circa 1975 if they want real "steet cred"
NYC cops are real A-holes? Giving out tickets for make believe helments and now for make believe speed limits. I am surprised that they didn't put up a temporary sign.
Just another high-potential customer for the trauma unit. God speed Mr. Brown, God speed.
I think you're right. He left out a choice word or two.
Rehash of the Hitler scene, this time depicting Vancouver's bike lanes. Starts out pretty funny but gets kinda lame and advocative at the end:
Keep up the hill-bombing -- the world needs kidneys!
"Will power,
it's now or never ... " - GP&TUG
People like to think back to the car songs of the 60s, but the sexual frustration songs are another wonderfully rich genre.
Fritz! That brings back some memories, back in the day of Saddleback Park. Too bad they developed the crap out of the area. I remember the old "Motor Playground" sign. Street cred indeed. Instead, we have a skid-O-douche, on asphalt no less.
America, fuck yeah.
"And what could be more pointless than spinning frantically down that same hill, ruining a perfectly good tire, and whip-skidding like an agitated dog trying to gnaw a dingleberry off his ass and run at the same time?"
Funny, Snob, funny!
Isn't Saddleback about cowboys eating pudding?
Maybe in part 2 we will see him ride uphill...
Yep Bobby its nothing but a memory but I can still smell the Belray fumes if I think hard enough...
Saddleback, Carlsbad, Mamouth Mtn all gone
crap, need a faster bike...
Beauty is my bidness.
Aptil Fool, PJO? April Fool?
Snob, I agree.
But that is still a thing of beauty.
Steep hills, shots, and "heavypeddle!" AAAAAARGH!
Nice article, thanks for the information.
Snobby, there is only one option for you, and its crystal clear: move to Amsterdam: bike heaven and the land of Beautiful Godzillas of the type that have had the Godzilla portion bred out of them. Average bike commute within Amsterdam is 2.5 kilometers, or about a mile or so. Bike deaths are surprisingly low for a place where about 98% of the population owns a bike and more than 60% of trips within the city are by bike. It doesn't get better than Amsterdam. Plus, the Wednesday weed. It doesn't get any better than this.
Snob, you ain't from the South, or ye'd know to write (an pernounce) the name of that state where they have hurricanes and Mardi Gras as "Loozyanna." It's pronounced that way because you lose something when you go there, unless you live there permanently, in which case your just lost.
I like the Crackdown. It keeps me "Edgy."
But if you're gonna bomb hills like a kid, wear a helmet, it's the LAW.
"Again, I don't have a problem with it--I never wore a helmet as a child and despite numerous bicycle crashes I sustained absolutely no adverse squirrel nugget submarine captain what time is it again?"
can i quote you on that?
Seen the new Pearl Izumi print ad? Not the sex one but the guy sitting on the throne with the tag line "So Anatomical, you'll take a dump in your shorts?"...er..."You'll feel naked?"
Not enticing me to buy.
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God bless America, mainly nyc tho.
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