In any case, as far as I know, the NYPD's bicycle crackdown is still in effect:
For this reason, I've been approaching each bikecycular outing in the same way I approach cyclocross racing: slowly and cautiously, while every other rider blasts by me like I'm just another plastic stake for the course tape. Call me a "woosie" if you will, but with 19 children, a subprime mortgage with a 786% APR, and 16 months still to go until the lease on my Hummer expires, I simply cannot afford to receive a costly traffic ticket while riding. Instead, as the saying goes, I mind my Ps and Qs (the expression "Ps and Qs" comes from Medieval Latin and stands for "Penis and Quiznos")--at least until I'm outside of the city limits, at which point I exact my revenge by violating the traffic laws and terrorizing the populace of whichever municipality I'm in with impunity.

Evidently, though, I must be the brokest bikecyclist in New York City, since everyone else is practically begging to be fined. One of the most publicized aspects of the crackdown has been that the police are enforcing traffic signals in Central Park, even during car-free hours. As it happens, I was passing though the park on my way uptown, and as I waited at one red light a dentist on a Serotta (at least I'm assuming he was a dentist) blasted through the crowded crosswalk, causing a pair of European tourists to gasp and stop so abruptly that their hair gel almost continued on without them. Then, he banked right to exit the park, his bicycle shuddering and squealing ridiculously as he applied his brakes to his crabon rims. This caused him to lose traction on the wet pavement, and I thanked Lob in advance for the spectacle of $10,000 of crabon, titanium, and Lycra hitting the deck in truly idiotic fashion, but sadly Lob did not deem me worthy of this gift, and instead the dentist dabbed a foot and miraculously managed to stay upright. However, instead of being humbled, he clipped back in, blew another light, and headed off to terrorize the museum-goers and dowagers and fluffy handbag-dwelling dogs of 5th Avenue--or, more likely, to return his Serotta to the trunk rack of his BMW and drive home.
As for his appearance, he looked sort of like this:

Of course, Serotta-palping dentists are not the only cyclists who like to engage in this sort of vain "self-sponsoring," and so-called "practical" cyclists can be just as bad. Consider people like James Huang and me, who like to boast about all the consumer goods we're able to carry on our oh-so-special cargo bikes. Sure, it feels good to haul a bunch of stuff on an expensive bicycle--until you see something like this and realize what a total "woosie" you really are:
Suddenly that "epic" Whole Foods run doesn't seem quite so impressive. Ordinarily, I might take him to task for running the red light, but in this case I think he's more than adequately protected since all those aluminum cans form a very effective crumple zone. Incidentally, I took this photograph last Friday, and just a few blocks later I encountered somebody on one of those "bake feets:"
Some people need thousands of dollars of special equipment to carry a few organic comestibles, while others just need a pair of wheels and a shoulder to carry a thousand cans. The irony of this juxtaposition can also be expressed using the "smugness quotient" formula:
In other words, carrying 20lbs of produce from the co-op on your $2,899 "bake feets" from Adeline Adeline would have a smugness quotient of 144.95 (extremely smug), while carrying 50lbs of recycling on your $25 old crappy 10 speed would yield a smugness quotient of .5 (negligibly smug). As a smugless baseline, consider that a fully-loaded stock Big Dummy has a smugness quotient of something like 10, which I would consider "moderately smug." Therefore, by assembling your own cargo bike, it's challenging but certainly not impossible to attain a smugness quotient of one (1), otherwise known as "smugness stasis." Also, there are certain intangibles when it comes to determining portaging smugness, such as whether or not there are "underlying gentrification subtexts;" whether or not the portager is "transient;" and other factors that cause people in Portland considerable angst.

Anyway, speaking of the crackdown and the apparent determination of the cyclists in New York City to be ensnared by it, last Friday, in addition to amusing smugness juxtaposition I also observed a stunning amount of ticketable behavior. Consider the rider below:
By the way, if you're wondering what the first-most stunningly idiotic display of urban cycling I've seen so far this year is, it was the guy salmoning through traffic yesterday on a Kona Ute with his young helmetless son on the rear deck. The smugness factor of this can be expressed thusly.
I deeply resent when people do idiotic things on bike--not because I care about their safety, but because if something were to happen and I were called as a witness then I'd have to say, "Yes, it was totally the cyclist's fault." This is not a position in which I'd like to find myself. Instead, I'm tempted to stop such cyclists and present them with ironic "awards," and by way of a statuette perhaps I'd use this broken crabon headtube which I was alerted to via the Tweeter:

While I'd fashion an award out of it, as the seller points out, "the possibilities are endless:"

Naturally, it also comes with a disembodied hand:
As the seller says, not only can you use it to pick up chicks, but it's also "a cool way to see inside the frame and get an idea what carbon technology is like"--though I think I've learned all I need to know about that from the pictures.
I deeply resent when people do idiotic things on bike--not because I care about their safety, but because if something were to happen and I were called as a witness then I'd have to say, "Yes, it was totally the cyclist's fault." This is not a position in which I'd like to find myself. Instead, I'm tempted to stop such cyclists and present them with ironic "awards," and by way of a statuette perhaps I'd use this broken crabon headtube which I was alerted to via the Tweeter:

While I'd fashion an award out of it, as the seller points out, "the possibilities are endless:"

You are considering a broken Felt ZC headtube....yea it was in a bad wreck as you can imagine lol...It is a cool way to see inside the frame and get an idea what carbon technology is like....Would make a cool display piece, cut it up, make carbon art out of it, use it to pick up chicks, the possibilities are endless.
-Headtube length is 14cm
Cool piece, the carbon is sharp in areas and the strands are microscopic so it's best to handle with care. Good luck, make me an offer
Naturally, it also comes with a disembodied hand:

f yeah mutha effa
Gold P.P., GOLD!
check out gaz545's youtube page to see some more helmet cam footage of london cycling at
Top ten (?) and read the whole thing. Superbowl blues?
First once the drug checks come back
How am I top ten? I wasn't even trying.
Panties! Top ten?
These pretzels are makin' me THIRSTY!
These PRETZELS are makin' me thirsty!
These PRETZELS are MAKING ME thirsty!
What, the chicken suit's at the cleaners?
A look inside a broken head tube to see how carbon technology works?????
Reminds me of what the old man told me: "You don't need to stick your head inside a cement mixer to know how one works".
Am I the only one thinking that the "m" in the smugness quotient picture might be covering some sort of wardrobe malfunction?
Okay, Snob, come clean. That girl with the two kids on the cargo bike--you swiped that photo from a tranny website, right? Cuz if that's just part of her bike protruding from the front of that dress, I'm suddenly stricken with a severe case of saddle envy, one serious enough to necessitate bringing out the embrocation. . . .
Speaking of organic cargo and crumple zones, aren't the two little ones on that Bake feet kind of a front bumper?
Crumpet zones? What are crumpet zones?
Probably not a good idea to pick up chicks with something sporting sharp edges and microscopic parts.
TH Karl-
not quite.
Your altar looks good enough to eat.
What chick would go for a shard of carbon fiber? I dunno,
maybe I'm a prude.
no comment.
NSFW time-waste fun: Google "Tranny on a bike." Snob's version is WAY better looking than the TMZ video version. Snob, with sights like that, how could you ever consider leaving NYC? And congratulations on what seems to me an all-time high of self-referential references. Self-referentiality is next to cleanliness in the ladder towards deity.
I don't think that counts as a "hipster high-lock", as both wheels are on what passes for the ground.
Besides, you need curly bars to do that properly.
Hey nonny mouse
way to be, pp
I was all set to bid on the broken headtube until I got to the part where it was listed at 14 cm. I require a 15 cm broken headtube, and if it doesn't (bake)fit, why buy it?
Wow, I have a smugness quotient of only 0.08. I'd better purchase some parts for my cargo bike to get that up... or just move to Portland.
" the place in which where I live at" would read better " the place in which where I live."
So this weekend I was watching Ken Burns' "Lewis & Clark" and it said that they had an 18 mile portage around the great falls of the Missouri River that took them 1 month - that is truly an "Epic" portage
I am always amazed (but no longer surprised) at people who go through all the effort and trouble to produce and raise offspring, but then tote them around helmetless in any number of child-eliminating devices (CEDs) attached to their bikes. I once was almost hit by a bike-lane-salmoning, helmetless young woman riding a BMX with an infant in some downmarket front-slung baby-Bjorn thing. A Darwin Award nominee, for sure.
Touch Down!
Dutch Hipsters Rule!
SPD Stilettos ...
Like carcakes? Truckake explosion! It sounds dirty, but it's not.
If the bak doesn't fit,
you must acquit
The photo of the MILF with kiddies in the Bakfiets was taken in the need to adjust your smug quotient as they only cost €1495 here.
Got my ceremonial ticket in the park today. I put some new brakes on the commuter and went out for quick pedal to test them. I hadn't even wrapped the bars. 10mph through a completely empty intersection. The officer apologized over and over about how it is not really fair and is only doing his job because they got some memo about it from the mayor. It took about 10 minutes to get it all squared away while nearly every rider and pedestrian rolled through the same light. The only thing the other scofflaws and I did not have in common is that I'm probably the one guy out there that really truly can't afford the ticket.
Thanks Mr. Bloomberg.
I was also amused shortly after that while stopped at a totally deserted light where 2 horse riding officers passed me at the red light to trot through. Like pedestrians, horses are immune to the law at this point.
Hey baby, is that your headset or are you just glad to see me.
$10000 Serotta / 200 lb Dentist = 50 smugs
The great crackdown has raised its chequered helmet here in Liverpool. A quick nip over a bit of pavement and a scoot around a red light cost a £30 fine. It would have been much more but portaging a trailer at the time increased the smug quota but limited the criminalty.
The Dutch don't use helmets, they just stay stoned enough that a crash won't hurt. I crashed into a woman in the red light district of Amsterdamm and noted the rigidity of my head tube. God it was rigid.
Seriously, a friend toured there and wore a helmet. He got stares everywhere, as a helmet in Holland apparently translates to "Where's the bicycle race?" Thank god for the Dutch. Its nice to see a country where all the corners have not been rounded off and cliffs don't have fences. If they had cliffs that is.
I followed that Hold Fast link and the image on their "Enter" page made me crazy. I have hangups about closing panniers neatly. Its my problem, I know, but look at that Ortlieb...
I have a problem.
Etherhuffer, considering that virtually the entire country is below sea level, I am skeptical that they have cliffs. Nobody writes inspired homages to the white cliffs of Holland.
Did you see the $175 tweed helmet?
Wearing a helmet here actually has a signaling function: it says "i can´t ride, stay away from me".
I'd hit it.
All you haters suck my crack (down?)
Yeah, Riding in Holland is a pretty planar experience. But its worth it to watch the ladies ride their bakey feeters in a dress with an umbrella up. Pretty classy. And I love it when a tourist walks in the bike lane. Some of those old folks can swear up a blue streak when needed. Either that or they are describing integral calculus animatedly. Couldn't tell.
My rigid head tube is turning back to a kippered herring again. Dang.
Yes living in Portland ups your smugness factor by 10. Especially in the upper-middle class area I commute to drop my eldest off to school. Many baked-feet roll into the school, however, people in Portland are very concerned (overly at times) about safety and the kids and the dogs all have helmets (no, dog does not mean mother, I mean woof, woof, canine). However a bill being introduced to the Oregon House of Rep. would eliminate anyone under the age 6 from being portaged on a bicycle or trailer. So, in essence our smugness factor would drop to at least a 5 I would guess.
Bikesnob whines about dentists on serottas and hipsters on bakfiets.
Meanwhile, Steve Tilford buys meals for the hungry.
All those superbowl ads, i saw only one bicycle and one P-far, both auto ads. grrr
waytogo PP
Crap, some major grammatical errors in that last post. Look upon me with mercy oh great and might Lob.
I heard Oregon was going to outlaw people from filling their tires at gas stations, seeing as they don't trust you to pump your own gas. What's up with that? I think you guys get smugness brownie points for that one.
My turgid kipper smells of smoke.
A few suggested improvements to the Smugness Quotient:
Price of Bicycle + Value of Kit & Clothing
Divided by:
Weight of Cargo + Distance from Portland
I think Oregon wants to punish B.O. (big oil) companies for their destruction and over nefarious schemes to fill their coffers. So Oregon is forcing said BO companies to hire one more person standing around that is able to unscrew caps, push a button, and press on a schraeder valve with a hose. More smugness brownie points for Portland/Oregon.
In the background of the Doritos commercial where the dead grandpa was brought back to life from his ash-filled urn, I spotted what I believe is a track bike, complete with aero spoke wheels.
Can we punish Portland for smugness like Oregon punishes big oil? I suggest we make every tattoo shop have a cranky old person on premises with lots of saggy tattoos. By the way, do folks bathe there before they go to the tattoo shop?
Smug Smegma-Sheen
Maybe you gotta have a smugness quotient in the stratosphere to get the cops' attention. Case in point: yesterday on the Florida Turnpike I passed a guy in a Porsche Carrera. He was doing exactly the speed limit, which was 70. I pulled into a service plaza to get a coffee and walk my dogs. About 20 minutes later, back out on the highway, I passed the Carrera again. This time he was stopped on the side of the road by FHP, and the trooper was peering into the right hand rear quarter window - I guess to see if the guy was packing a smug Glock. It would seem that my schlocky old Mercury Sable station wagon full of dogs is capable of doing 79 mph without attracting any notice, whereas a Porsche can only get away with 71. Same must be true of bicycles.
I agree with Grammar Nazi 1:06 PM.
You must have missed the "DNTIST" license plate and the "my other car is a Serotta" license plate frame.
Considering the distance between Florida and Portland, it shouldn't take much smugness to send out an APB.
anon 2:55,
Might have to add another modification:
Price of Bicycle + Value of Kit & Clothing + number of meals cooked for homeless by Steve Tilford
Divided by:
Weight of Cargo + Distance from Portland
Tsk tsk... Smugness quotient needs units, in this case $ per lb, obviously in euro-zone europe this would be translated to € per kg.
However the whole concept is flawed, since my cargobike cost me less than £50 ( ) and I regularly portageaterise 80lbs of children which would give me a smugness quotient of just 0.625 £/lb yet I am clearly much smugger than this... similarly, cars cost a lot more yet there is no smugness left in portaging children in this way. Most Range-Rovers have tinted windows to allow their deeply deeply guilty owners to scuttle (no offence intended to the Lobfearing) to their childrens pre-school without being identified, despite a theoretical smugness quotient way up in the high hundreds of $/lb...
What! Really? Oh snap!
Some tarck research required.
gsport george: Damn engineers and their dimensional analysis. I at least expect to see the formula for $/lb to Euro/kg presented...
So if I get this right, I have to spend $1 per pound of hauling to keep my smugness in check. So $50 bike that hauls 50lbs? A $100 bike that hauls 100lbs? I don't know about the bike market in NYC, but here that's a bit of a stretch to have any kind of reliable performance over time. I think $500/100lbs or $5 per pound a more reasonable smugness ratio...
Instead of expressing the ratio as $/lb, why don't we call the units SCBPs - self-congratulatory back-pats. So the $500/100 lbs would be 5 SCBPs. But I think the equation also needs to work in carbon footprint (or crabon if that's what you ride) and maybe whether the footprint was made by a Quoc Pham or a sneaker.
Smugness is like porn, hard to define, but you know it when you see it.
And then we need a market for smugness offsets, like the one for carbon offsets.
Epic truck-cake, variation of the carcake:
I propose that the unit of smugness is the "prius". Defined as:
1p=Everett Bogue
Cap and trade smugness.
Actually I don't think that Oregon is trying to punish BO. But trying to find a way to generate jobs. I believe that's why they stopped people from pumping their own gas and created the pump monkey's (no offense to any of Vitto's family). Anyway it would take a lot to offset smugness in Portland. Escalade and Land Rover owners could probably purchase carbon footprint offsets relatively easily and at a reasonable rate. In Portland however, there would be a considerable cost to supplement smug imprint offsets The purchase price of a bicycle plus smugness imprint offsets would be too expensive to purchase unless you were a dentist. In which case you probably already have an Escalade or Land Rover. In owning either one of these vehicles or any relatively euivalent vehicle, there would be a complete loss of any type of smugness factor as said dentist or his wife is probably driving them too and from work. No carpooling This would eliminate Portland from the discussion as the common man could no longer afford to purchase a bicycle justifying his or her smug. Due to the decrease in smugness imprint offset fees, there would be a loss and just like the stock market bottoming out, Portland would have to rebuild it's quotient and start below other cities with low quotients, such as Carson City NV or maybe Weed CA. Whatever your formula for equating smugness we should standardize it so that we are all on the same page and a fair quotient is used for all.
Loving Snob here in UK.
UK motoring journo says cyclists "deserve" road rage attacks... He's only joking so that's ok then.
Yesterday I saw the film "Cold Weather", an indie set in Portland and nicely photographed, showing some truly natural beauty. The "good guys" drove fuel efficient cars and the "bad guy" a 70's muscle car.
Dont worry about Clarkson, just think of him as a modern village idiot or court jester, there to be ridiculed for his backward opinions and buffonish ways, laugh at him, not with him... Mexicans last week, cyclists this, next week will doubtless be the turn of the disabled...
Not only does the headset come with a disembodied hand, but there is an envelope there on the table full of coupons!
Anon 4:21 -- even though you are 1 minute late, I thank you for that clarification. I used to think that $2,899.00 for a Bakfiet was a lot of money until you informed me that it was capable of hauling 2,899 lbs. of cargo.
Duly impressed, I now see it as a relative bargain.
So good..."hipster tires" for sale.
You put me in stitches week after week. Thanks, Meredith
anon 6:13
Damn, that one comma towards the end just ruined it for me; felt like I was reading Gertrude Stein.
I was worried you were going to break your streak of 173 consecutive blogs mentioning Portland, but I see you managed to work it in there.
What about the P-far crit race in the superbowl commercials? Holy smokes...after seeing that I could barely watch the game and I am a fervent GREEN BAY PACKERS fan. GO PACK GO (GOPA CKGO)
Hey man, for an awesome disembodied hand shot check out the "parting shot" in the current issue of Outside magazine.
How could I calculate the smugness factor of an empty hipster cape flapping in the breeze as I enjoyed a ride through Prospect park on a brand new 2010 closeout?
It seems to me the money saved behaves like a positive number, adding rather than detracting from the intolerable smugness of arriving at a superbowl party where my pit stains let everyone know I have actually broken a sweat while they sat through the post season.
I palped a man in Chino,
Just to watch him palpatate.
A bit hard on the dentists for my taste, mate.
Ya gonna use that Valpak?
Anon 8:22, the lycra-clad P-farrers were pretty cool, but I loved the fakenger who rolled through the shot on a p-far later in the commercial.
I got a feeling I just tuned into the fag channel.
Is this just a bunch of circle jerking nerds?
Maybe you should feature some pole dancer girls who ride their bikes around.
That is what America wants to see!
And then these circle jerkers can sing songs and make smores.
Smores by the way are for little kids and the old guys that like to look at them and help them roast a marshmallow.
Too many factors in determining smugness quotient... size of cargo area vs. weight of cargo portaged, number of organic groceries portaged, number apple products being portaged?!
I would also suggest adding a variable for number of flaxen-haired, nordic children being portaged, but determining just what constitutes this metric might take one into territory even the most ironic of hipsters fear to tread.
What is the "smugness quotient" of an Audi?
Cracked rear view
NY 1's Inside City Hall program last night ended with two talking head politico pundits bemoaning bike lanes as emblematic of the Mayor neglecting the outer boros.
One rant: Manhattan bike lanes were plowed, but we're still digging cars out of snow banks in Queens.
I navigated between Brooklyn and Manhattan yesterday and can say the bike lanes on First and Second Avenue have a nice amount of slush and snow. And Allen Street near the Manhattan Bridge is blocked by a two foot high bank of ice.
Another rant: we need to limit bikes to bike routes like we limit trucks to truck routes.
Where do these morons come up with this crap?
Between the weather, the ticket blitz and the bike lane backlash, riding isn't as fun as it used to be. My one consolation is that these dopes have limited attention spans.
Anyone ticketed in Prospect Park? And where do you put a bell on a road bike? I've hung mine on the saddle bag.
I don't think the smugness factor has to have a unit; it's only a multiplier, in that it affects the overall number but isn't really a number itself.
hey nonny mouse
The smugness quotient needs a distance multiplier. If you carry fifty pounds of goods over fifty miles, surely your smugness quotient would fall, no matter how much you paid for the bike.
Panties! (Last word?)
hair gel continued...
outright prolonged laughter...
A Yuba Mundo doesn't have enough of a smugness quotient, just 2.6. At $1147 and 440 lbs of cargo is just hauls too much without costing enough.
Hey, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!
NYC Dentists
'm I the only one convinced that the actual "m" within the smugness quotient image might be masking some kind of clothing failure?
snob math, I like it.
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