Friday, February 4, 2011

BSNYC Friday Big-Budget Action Thriller With Explosions Starring Mario Cipollini!

Are you special? Of course you're not--none of us are. The truth is, we're all just microbes on this big blue gumball called the planet Earth, and the sooner we recognize our mutual insignificance, the sooner we can set aside our differences and enjoy our short time here together before the Almighty Lobster sanitizes us all with his Action Wipe of Justice.

Actually, this isn't entirely true--some people really are special, like this person, who is way, way better than you can ever hope to be:

Why is she special? Well, because, as a reader informs me, she and her husband have less stuff than you do:

Yep, she's a minimalist:

To challenge herself, she has stripped her life down to 100 possessions, including books and shoes. She put the TV in the closet to see whether she'd miss it, then got rid of it altogether.

She doesn't own a car and, with her husband, Logan, lives in a 400-square-foot apartment next to an Urban Outfitters store.

At this point, you may be asking yourself the same thing I was, which is this: "If she's such a downsizer, then why the hell does she need two cats?" Well, the article doesn't say, but in fairness to her I suppose it's possible she started out with like 17 cats and then winnowed them down to two. Still, I think two cats is a lot for a minimalist, and I bet in the minimalist scene she's considered a "crazy cat lady."

Also, it's worth noting that the article never actually uses the word "minimalist," though it's obvious that she is one since she has a minimalist's love of Apple products:

By the way, if she's so serious about getting rid of stuff then why not ditch the ergonomic laptop stand and just use a book? I wonder if she counts it as a separate thing or if she just bundles it with the computer.

But of course the most important part of being a minimalist is being baffled by the foolish behavior of non-minimalists:

When she visits friends in big houses, she notices how many rooms are vacant while people gather naturally in one room

Really, rooms are empty when people leave them? What a genius! What's so wrong with having multiple rooms anyway? Rooms aren't subway seats--just because you leave one that doesn't mean you should have to forfeit it. I mean, I'm not in the bathroom right now (okay, I am in the bathroom , but just pretend I'm not for the sake of argument) but that doesn't mean I don't need the freaking thing. I guess we should all live in igloos or yurts and sit on the toilet as we entertain our minimalist friends. Otherwise, I guess if we're to justify our wasteful multiple-room domiciles we need to make sure every room is occupied at all times and communicate with other members of the household via minimalist-approved iPhones.

Oh, and of course it always helps to scrounge off a non-minimalist:

The simple life isn't for everyone, she agrees. People with kids ask her: How is it possible? Even her simple-living husband now has more than 100 things after trying the strict limit for a while.

Ah, the non-minimalist spouse, that's the minimalist loophole. It's like those people who say they quit smoking because they stopped buying cigarettes and instead just bum 20 a day off of their friends.

I wonder if she's a devotee of professional minimalist "57 Things" guy, whose book is getting rave reviews from customers on Amazon:

I just paid $17 for a 72 page book???
I love his concept and courage, however Bogue is sooo against consumerism but charges $17 for a 72 page book??!!
And to say this is a 72 page book is a stretch. Quite a few pages are only a few sentences.
I feel like a sucker.

Amazing--the book is so minimalist even the pages are blank. It's like that "Seinfeld" where Kramer sells his life story to J. Peterman and just gives him lists of things in his apartment--except Bogue doesn't even have anything in his apartment to list, hence empty book

Speaking of smugness, as I've said before my favorite Internet forum is without a doubt the comments section of BikePortland. This is because there are few things more entertaining than liberal guilt, and a reader recently alerted me to a comment on the following post about cars parking in bike lanes:

Said one commenter:

"...a family at some low income housing on Williams had parked in the bike lane and they were hanging out on their stoop. I politely let them know they were illegally parked and that it was quite dangerous. They brushed me off. I took out my phone to call a friend who I was supposed to meet, and they jumped up shouting not to call the police and went to move their car. I felt bad to make them think I was going to call Parking enforcement (given there were underlying gentrification etc. subtexts), but it worked."

At this point I'm not sure I could ever move to Portland, if only because, while bicycle commuting is easier there from a purely physical standpoint, intellectually it's more challenging than getting a degree in "womyn's studies" from a liberal arts college. Between all the "underlying gentrification subtexts" and the riders with seminal works of Native American fiction stuffed down their pants I'm way too lowbrow for life out there and am probably better off staying in New York where I'm alternately stopped by police and harassed by clowns.

Speaking of "womyn's studies," I'm pleased to announce that Bard, Sarah Lawrence, and Wesleyan will all accept a passing grade on the following quiz as credit towards any degree that they offer. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right then celebrate in a manner that does not offend anyone due to underlying gentrification subtexts, and if you're wrong then watch p-far "hillbombing."

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and, most importantly, ride postmodern.


1) The administration of Lees McRae College says their "Bicycling Studies" minor is a natural addition to their curriculum due to their already strong pharmacology and hematology programs.

(There's a paperback in my pants and everyone's invited.)

2) What book is this rider "portaging" in her pants?

3) This component is called:

(Urban dandycross is the new fixed-gear freestyle)

4) Which of the following is not a definition of an "Urban Traveler" according to Nonetheless clothing?

5) Which is the cyclist and which is the motoring journalist?

--The man ate Cleveland and the woman is next

(Shane Embury actually cleans up pretty good!)

6) Motoring journalist Adam Rayner moonlights as the bass player for pioneering grindcore band Napalm Death.


(Schmuck on wheels)

***Special Nerdy Tattoo-Themed Bonus Question***

What does this equation represent?

--The power required to push a bike/rider through the air and to overcome the friction of the drive train
--The Fredthagorean theorum


Anonymous said...

moin moin

Paperback Asscrack said...


Paul Bowen said...


Paul Cauchon said...

at least i have chicken.

Marcel Da Chump said...


RANTWICK said...

Hey! I just got here! Anybody around? Who're you?

Anonymous said...

top second five!

Kenny Banya said...

Pennyfarthing podium

I am the kranky engine said...

Lose the stupid helmet in the first picture,and you will have one less stupid thing.

Doug said...

That first paragraph is my life philosophy verbatim. Except for the lobster stuff.

Martin Erzinger said...

I run you over, and laugh.

Kenny Banya said...

If I lived in a 400 square foot space, I'd only have 100 things too.

Douches Snobby, DOUCHES!

samh said...

America: the underlying gentrification subtext of Canada.

* ps - You deserve a reward for mentioning Napalm Death in a BSNYC post, Snob.

ant1 said...

snobby - "just pretend I'm not for for the sake of argument"

Anonymous said...

Where the hell was the promised Cipollini?

Anonymous said...

My score wouldn't even get me credit at Cleveland State.

crosspalms said...

Wow, aced the quiz. I thought anachronismizer was funny but totally lost it at "The man ate Cleveland and the woman is next." I'm still wiping my eyes.

Martin Erzinger said...

I am going to limit myself to 100 things this weekend, 3-30 packs of beer, and one pack of cigarettes, Damn, just over.

Nettie said...

True fact: the butt portaging woman is riding on North Williams Avenue in Portland--the very same street mentioned as having "underlying gentrification etc. subtexts" in the bikeportland comment!

RANTWICK said...

samh - keep 'em coming. You too snob. I love them.

Anonymous said...

One of the first things minimalists give up is a job.
Cause or effect?

Paul Bowen said...

Adam Rayner's brother, Jay, is also rather big-boned, although he has the excuse that he's a restaurant critic and he seems to have had some sort of neck and throat lipo which works if you only see him from the neck up but looks kind of odd if they've managed to squeeze the rest of him into the frame. My good lady wife told him (Jay) to "Waddle off and buy a bra" when he suggested she shouldn't be cycling in Brockwell Park.

mikeweb said...

That hill-bombing P-far-er has some balls.

No really, they must be so big that they need their own blue storage sack between his legs.

Anonymous said...

Superflous "x" in the bike formula tattoo. Minimalist fail.

Portlandpeopleeater said...

Maybe farBomber could take a lesson from retro-Fred and put some bamboo aero clip ons and go even faster. He already has the time trial helmet, why not go all out. I can say that as a fellow member of those that live in Portsmugland that I like having more than 100 things. I like using my own toilet paper and creamer. "I don't like cleaning." She has two cats! That quilt couch is probably filled with cat hair. Well, maybe that's what she fills the cushions of the couch with. And as far as building a 150 sqft house, I hope they factor in the amount for the hole in the floor that will be needed to "take a load off their mind."

Shram said...

7 out of 8, should be a good weekend.

awesome=waddle off and buy a bra.

I too am against the sake of argument, ant1.

Marcel Da Chump said...

Nonetheless has an employee named Dickon.

CK said...

The less fortunate Portlanders didnt care about the bike lane but rather they didnt want the cops to break up whatever batch they had just started to cook....pretentious bitch

Anonymous said...




Aapje said...

8/8 Nailed it.

Nice hillbomb by the way. Hope he doesn't have to stop.

Dr. Phil said...

They are saving to build a tiny dream home just 150 square feet in size, with a loft. Cost: $35,000.

150 sq. ft.?? A married couple living together in that amount of space will lead to one of two things: A murder suicide, or a lot of kids. After watching the video, I'm leaning toward murder suicide.

I apologize for my dark and mean sense of humor. It comes from watching too much 'Leave it to Beaver' when I was a child.

Anonymous said...

Lo, minimalists, you have a new king, and it is good. Autofellation for all

Velocodger said...

The UCI just banned Mr P-Fars' riding position. Just don't tell Chris Boardman.

Chainring said...

As I was taking the quiz my four year old daughter jumped up in my lap in time to see the photo of the dueling journalists. She asked: "Is that two shes?"

We got the question wrong, but its good to share these moments with the wee ones.

I was hoping for a degree from Sarah Watkins, but I'll have to go back to checking the Cracker Jack boxes at the store.

Esteemed Commenter DaddoOne said...

yes, but can I minor in the Beatles?

Name said...

So I guess "etc" means racism?

Anonymous said...

I grew up poor in Portland CK, and I don't believe many of my neighbors cooked up anything but food. Maybe you have some special knowledge that North Williams turns out a lot of crank? Maybe you're just an arrogant d-bag?

Velocodger said...

I bet I know what happened to Cippolini. He had to turn around and go home because his bike had only one water bottle mount.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to say arrogant d-bag.

Marcel Da Chump said...

The first paragraph: KAFKAESQUE.

Anonymous said...


Name said...

Just to be fair, Downsizer never said, nor was it implied in the story, that she thinks she is special. Only that she isn't a typical American. But then neither are, say, Italians

hillbilly said...

bike clowns, all week.

Dave said...

That looks like Will Hunting's leg

Nicholas said...

Prisons are minimalist too.

Anonymous said...

Steve Tilford chops wood, builds fences and repairs his own cars. Without any irony at all.

One less fixie said...

gentrification is white supremacy

Grump said...

I am truly shocked to discover that there is low income housing in Portland. You would have thought that the energy field created by all that smugness would have solved all of life's little problems.

crosspalms said...

Steve Tilford cuts down trees, eats his lunch, goes to the lavatory. On Wednesdays he goes shopping and has buttered scones for tea.

wishiwasmerckx said...

Crosspalms, I heard that he also likes to press wildflowers, and that his favorite tree is the flatulent Elm of West Reisling.

crosspalms said...

Truly a busy man. And yet I hear he suffers from irony-deficiency.

Og LoneWolf said...

"The man ate Cleveland and the woman is next" LMAO


Stupid Name said...

35,000 dollars / 150 sq ft = 233.33 dollars per square feet.

I think the average is less than 100.00 per square foot for a new build.

60.00 per square foot for existing homes.

Hardly minimalistic, couldn't they just remodel a 1 car garage.


rigtenzin said...

I'm inspired by the minimalists. I just knocked down the wall between my living room and bathroom. My wife is not pleased.

sufferist said...

#7 threw me. I thought he looked pretty fit. Oh well. Well weekend to y'all.

Did I miss the Cipollini explosion?

Right said Fred said...

A lame 6 for 8. Phtthhppt.

Turns out there's a secret easy way to be a minimalist. From the link: "Simplicity is a mindset," she says. "It's not so much about what you have and how much you have, but how you think about your life."

So, all you have to do is THINK minimalist. You don't have to lift a single finger. And minimalism has nothing to do with how much stuff you have.

I am a cyclist. I don't own or even ride a bicycle, but I think I do.

That is the most idiotic thing I have heard today.

J-Bird said...

Just purchased a quillinator for my hill bombing P-far. Woo-hoo, baby!

Anonymous Coward said...

Oh my Lob. Please, please someone send the Nonetheless wankers back to whatever design school they crawled out of. Their blathering makes the minimalist guy seem like a paragon of lack of pretentiousness.
I can see their brainstorming session now, "Dude, get the thesaurus so we can sound legit."

g said...

$35000 for 150 square feet?! I can sell you two storage sheds you can stack and pocket the other $32500. How stupid can people get?

marshmallow said...

The Lees-McRae team are monsters. Extremely impressive cycling program

Anonymous said...

@Stupid Name,

The average price per square foot in Portland is $165, and of course this tends to go up as the house square footage decreases. $233 per square foot for such a small house isn't out of line.

Of course they could just put a sleeping bag and a hot plate in a decent sized bathroom and be done with it.

Anonymous said...

Well sure the tattoo accounts for wind resistance and the friction of the drive train, but where's the Fred coefficient? The Fred coefficient is complex and includes such variables as VO2 max, drafting ability, number of days until the season begins, the amount of data being collected from the ride, proximity to favorite cycle shop, etc.

F = (VO2 * (draft + proximity)) / (#days * data)

Rev. Al Sharpton said...

You're an underlying gentrifying subtexter.

Bret P. Farve said...




(of reiterirement!)

Shepollini said...


Anonymous said...

Cats aren't even particularly minimal apparently:

Anonymous said...

@ anon @ 3:13pm:
Don't forget about the caffeine coefficient:
Cf = (Dbean + Droaster)/Dstar

Dbean = distance to independent coffee shop
Droaster = distance to local roaster
Dstar = distance to nearest Starbucks

bikesgonewild said...

...100% on the quiz... i have to take 'womens studies' or can i go to cycling college instead ???...

...& as a top percentile bsnyc/rtms graduate are there any rules against my going but to watch the p-far vid ???...

CommieCanuck said...

I apologize for my dark and mean sense of humor. It comes from watching too much 'Leave it to Beaver' when I was a child.

June always chastised Ward for being a little too hard on the Beaver. We know what they were up to when Wally and the kids were sent outside to Metzker's field to mess around.

Anonymous said...

Napalm Death is to music what recumbents are to cycling: there seems to be an instrument, but that´s about it

g-roc said...

No doubt the cats are two of the 100+ things she scrounges off of her husband.

Truly epic blog today snobby.

The Chicken made the top of the podium today? Where's WADA?

Terre Haute Karl said...

I hope a litter box and litter are two of her 100 possessions.

I also find it strange that someone trying to live with fewer things would own books. Wouldn't a library card be more minimal-er?

yogisurf said...

Gold, Snobby, gold! I also noticed the two cats....then the couch that is wider then two people. She needs to borrow a saw and cut it down.

bikesgonewild said...

...***attention*** - minimalists & 57 thing-ers...

...i'm teaming up with 'everett "bogus" bogue to sell a series of designer pot-o-potties w/ built in lofts for those of you truly trying to downsize...

...we proudly call them "HOME IN A CAN"...

...easily movable & comes with a weekly cleaning service...

...stay happy & minimal, people - don't collect 'too much crap'...

ken e. said...

just glad there was no food in my mouth when reading the third question.


jno62 said...

Right said Fred.....

So one CAN think their way into a new lifestyle as opposed to living ones way into a new lifestyle?

But damn, what life style do I really want? I'll ask my wife. NO wait....

yogisurf said...

A Classic Fred snorted coffee thru his nose at lunch time reading this. The Fredthagorean theorum

Pontius Pilate said...



grog said...

She put the toilet in the closet to see whether she'd miss it, then got rid of it altogether.

Cippolini Pfarbombing is badass.


Anonymous said...

I totally get the Napalm Death-U Suffer gag which puts me in a very distinct Klub, so I lift my skinny fists like antennae to heaven, and hope that Lob forgives this episode of frivolity.
There was no Cippo in this one, apart from the title, BSnob, so may Lob discipline you for this shortcoming.
May your next post be a *real* Cippoline post.

bikesgonewild said...

...this just in...breaking news - portland style...

...noted oregon downsizer tammy strobel has decided on a name change..."i've often felt that our english language alphabet was excessive & that vowels could be eliminated" quotes miz strobel...

...henceforth, she hopes to be simply known as tmy her own words - "ths crtnly fts my nw lfstyl bttr"...

...when questioned by the university of oregon's english department about the use of "y" as a vowel, strbl replied "bby stps, bby stps..."...

crosspalms said...

Maybe Snob put Cipollini in the closet to see if he really needed him for this post.

Surly Bastard said...

After reading this I'm so sold on the minimalistapoclypse.

All I need now is a ONE LESS PERSON bumper sticker for the car I may or may not own or may or may not drive.

db said...

The borough meetings end with pole dances? Stay classy, Brooklyn!

India Pictures said...

you’ve got great elements there and I do like how you encourage the readers to take the time to think.

Marcel Da Chump said...

Portland is bike friendly? They put a drainage grate in a bike lane. Mixed emotions about the lady who broke her clavicle- bad that she suffered for someones's stupidity- angry at her for not knowing THAT YOU NEVER RIDE OVER A GRATE.

Quicksquirt McHurt said...

I'd hit it, but only once.

Write a letter, Maria said...

f u cn rd ths u cn gt a gd jb

bikesgonewild said...

...ya, but not with tmy strbl...

Phylos said...

Any minimalist possession set should logically include a good set of tools, a lathe and a welder. Otherwise the minimalist does not own his possessions, rather is owned by them. So do the individual tools, lathe accessories, and welding supplies count as individual things (which would really compromise your ability to keep your beer cold), or are they grouped into the "toolset" thing, the "lathe" thing, and the "welder" thing?

Anonymous said...

Where is Vitus SkyLoLo in this discussion?

Fyodor Douche'effski said...


The Quill is mightier than the Stem.

Anonymous said...

Oh my Lob! Boil and butter me now!'

Anonymous said...

Dr P I love U...U 2 BSnob

minimalist enough?

g-roc said...


Test Tickle said...

i actually met the P-Far bloke in Durango, Co. Solid dude traveling around the world on that thing. Got to give him a little credit, not even Frank Lenz could pull that off....



T. Hosni Pawlenty said...


T. Hosni Pawlenty said...


Raccoon Wedding said...

The minimalist has about 29 of her things on display in the photos (assuming she has shoes but no socks. Why two pens, you might ask?. 30 if you count her husband, 31 if you include a lighbulb, 32 if you include some sort of software on the Appletop, 33 if you include a closet. (Who needs a closet if all you own might just fit in a grocery bag?)
Devilish these "things", they cling to you like pollen.

mini min said...

Anon @ 7:04 wrote;

Dr P I love U...U 2 BSnob

Shud rd;

Dr P I lv U . . .U 2 Bsnb

Joseph said...

"a reader recently alerted me to a comment on the following post about cars parking in bike lanes"

That was me! Thanks for using the tip, Bike Snob. I hope the Portlanders are not too offended, I still want to move there someday.

LK said...

Is Marty Markowitz, the new Al Sharpton?


Let them eat cheesecake....

Anonymous said...

@ bgw 4:34

I like it.

leroy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thats Mr. Palmgren 2 U said...

fantastic "lone wolf" bike on eBay

hope you enjoy

leroy said...

It's a little known fact that Minimalism was invented by Sheryl Crowe:

"I don't have digital
I don't have diddly squat
It's not having what you want
It's wanting what you've got."

It's also a little known fact that Floyd Landis' allegations about blood transfusions in parked buses and his tending of refrigerated samples in Spanish pied-a-terres are based on Ms. Crowe's lyrics describing her relationship with a seven time Tour de France winner:

"My friend the communist
Holds meetings in his RV
I can't afford his gas
So I'm stuck here watching TV."

It's kind of like the hidden messages about Paul in those Beatles songs.

Ride special all!

Anonymous said...

No, leroy, GG Allin invented minimalism. Everything he owned fit in a little paper bag.

ce said...

" I lift my skinny fists like antennae to heaven..."
Anon 4:27, the crust is strong in you brother.

Anon 6:23, it looks to be made in the likeness of Lob... Snob might actually approve!

ce said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ce said...

I don't know what everyone is complaining for, the post did star Mario Cipollini (I Google the spelling every time to ensure I look oh so familiar with pro cycling). It was a little hard to pick at first, but Cipo played MotoJourno Adam Rayner and thanks to some Hollywood magic also played CycloJourno Zoe Williams, just as Eddy Murphy played multiple roles in the Nutty Professor.

Cipo was chosen to star partly because of his transgenderal proclivity, and also because of his tolerance, perhaps even fondness, for long hours in the make-up chair. It took 45 minutes of skilled make-up artistry to transform Cipo into Zoe Williams. The make-up artists commented that it was the easiest transformation they had ever performed... whereas it took 13 long hours to transform Cipo into Rayner.

Oh, you're still wondering about the missing explosions.... Nutty Professor style explosive flatulence humour featured strongly throughout the dramatised BBC interview, driven predominantly by the Rayner character.

Such is the genius of Cipo, he even played Rayner playing bass for Napalm Death.

bikesgonewild said... 11:29pm...thx...

leroy said...

Anon 3:02 AM --

GG Allin didn't invent Minimalism. But I will grant you that he foresaw the movement with his prescient lyric in the pop classic Danny's Song: "Love the girl who holds the world in a paper cup...."

Or was that Kenny Loggins? I always get those two guys mixed up.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Snob,
It is with great disappointment that I must inform you that I am indeed very special. You of course are welcome to revel in your non-specialness, but your non-specialness only highlights the specialness of those who are truly special.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Snob, you DON'T need your bathroom. I'm assuming NYC has plastic milk jugs and gutters down which they can be emptied, at least when the mountains of snow melt.

Anonymous said...

My P-Far is a ten-speed. Also I can pee far. Ha ha ha ho ho ho.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I for one am grateful for minimalists. Less stuff for them = more stuff for me. Duh. The only ones who can claim honestly to be anti-consumer are those who move to the Australian outback or some such place and live in a mud hut and eat bugs. If your food comes from the supermarket, you're a consumer and thus participate in consumerism. Get in line with the rest of us crowd of peons! Thank Lob the stores have food on the shelves.

Chrissie Hynde said...

I'm special
so special

Viva Bicicletas said...

Brit Auto journalists are dicks. Google "Top Gear vs. Mexicans".

bikesgonewild said...

...anon 10:48am...choose your food sources wisely or, if you've followed the reports, you're still eating a lotta bugs...

...hate to be, but just sayin'...

minimall said...

I dine on the throne to minimize movement to just my jaws and my bowels.

Ramon the pool guy said...

Seinfeld had an overt gentrification subtext.

nutbuster said...

Please don't touch my underlying gentrification. It's very sensitive, especially this time of year.

Il Douche' said...

Pretension is just so, so, Pretensious

While post-tension is totally totally concrete

migueldemontaigne said...

Winnowing cats. I like that.

migueldemontaigne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chebo said...

O.k, so you're a minimalist or a maximalist, maybe even an in-betweenalist; keep it to yourself, because if you alert the media then it reeks of smuggery and you'll be an internet laughingstock.

rs said...

have you seen this new way to portage your bike?

stupid name said...

anon 3:10

"The average price per square foot in Portland is $165, and of course this tends to go up as the house square footage decreases. $233 per square foot for such a small house isn't out of line.

Of course they could just put a sleeping bag and a hot plate in a decent sized bathroom and be done with it."

I bet he is an architect in Portland. A completely logical solution for an illogical couple.

30,000 for your average bathroom or 1 car garage without plumbing.



Anonymous said...

Steve Tilford also blogs on the weekends.

Anonymous said...

i hate it when the bikes gone wild guy tries to pawn off his old colostomy bags like a late night infomercial

India News said...

Very nice and impressive article you have posted. Its very helpful, i have read and bookmark this site and will recommend it to more other peoples.

Anonymous said...

"I am someone, I am someone"

-Silver and Gold, U2

Anonymous said...


Viagra said...

I ain't into ciclysm but there are a huge problem with them. It is traffic. It is the biggest threat to them.

Bridget said...

If you knew Tammy, you'd know that she's not self-important in the least.
And this is coming from her friend with kids, a big salary and many hundreds of things.
But, you got this right: Portland's self-important bicyclists are really irritating.

Fixie Bikes said...

Good thing you inserted that question mark.

Erinqkrc said...

you’ve got great elements there and I do like how you encourage the readers to take the time to think.