Sometimes when the winds of change blow a bunch of debris gets caught in the spokes.
Speaking of change, fashion is not the only thing that is mercurial. It appears that gender too can be a bit of a moving target. A reader informs me that he plugged this very blog into the "Genderanalyzer," and it came back with the result that I am most likely a female:
To be perfectly honest, I have mixed feelings about this result. On one hand, I find it heartening that I have achieved near gender-neutrality, as I of course take great pains not to be a part of the patriarchy of bike culture and bike shops and to ensure that nobody is exluded due to their gender identity. Then again, I can't help but find my gender neutrality somewhat disconcerting as well. I think most of us like to think that our genders are readily discernible to others. As such, learning that I'm slightly a woman makes me feel like some combination of the portrait of Dorian Gray and that photograph of Michael J. Fox in "Back to the Future" in which he fades in and out depending on whether he's being successful in making his parents hook up--it's as though my own "parts" are constantly changing depending on which side of the 50% barrier my gender index is on at any given moment.
Intrigued and disgusted by this notion, I decided to test the accuracy of the Genderanalyzer by plugging in the blogs of some other cycling writers of whose genders I'm reasonably certain. First I tried Fat Cyclist, who it turns out is 62% man. Though not a landslide, the result is certainly decisive and accurate.
Next up was HTATBL, and it may come as a surprise to its author Stevil Kinevil that he is (according to the Genderanalyzer) a whopping 75% female. I'm not sure what led the Genderanalyzer to its incorrect conclusion, but I'm sure Stevil will be pleased to know that he can always print out this result, have it laminated, and use it to gain access to Super Power Inclusion Night at the Derailer Bicycle Collective in Denver, CO.
Next up was Jim at Unholy Rouleur, who was correctly diagnosed to be a male. (He came in at 67%.) I'm not sure why the Genderanalyzer didn't simply check his profile, since the fact that he's named Jim should have upped the odds considerably, but in any case it was correct so I suppose that's all that matters.
Finally, I sent the Genderanalyzer over to unretired professional cyclist, cancer activist, fashion icon, and budding social networking enthusiast Lance Armstrong's Twitter. The Genderanalyzer had little doubt as to Armstrong's gender, and it pronounced him to be a male with a probability of 93%. Unfortunately, I'm sure that this overwhelming result will only lead his detractors to accuse him of using testosterone, and I'm also sure the USADA testers are kicking down his door and demanding that he urinate in a cup as you read this. If you live in the Austin area you've probably seen Armstrong's USADA "urine detail," but if you haven't I can tell you that they shadow him in a Plymouth Reliant and they look uncannily like Richard Dreyfuss and Emilio Estevez in the 1987 film "Stakeout:" Just imagine the person attached to that leg slipping on a Nike cycling shoe instead of a red pump and you've got the idea.
But when it comes to gender and stalking, nobody is in a better position to stalk people of the opposite sex than a bike messenger:
to the girl in the architecture office - m4w - 26 (everywhere)
Reply to: [deleted]
Date: 2008-11-15, 8:01PM EST
You are every beautiful girl in every architecture office, at your desk by the door, with your dignified "we love modernism even though we know it's so over" style and your glasses. I am the bike messenger, one of the smart ones too stubborn to get a real job, the architecture school dropout, who is in your office for 15 seconds at a time, who you smile at, who you offer water, who you ask if it's still raining out. I never have time to chat, but maybe after work sometime we can wax nostalgic about saarinen and kahn and talk about the houses we someday want to build for ourselves.
While you can't always tell people's gender from their writing, you can usually tell right away whether or not they're smart. Still, this particular person felt the need to come right out and say it. And if you're still not sure, he's also dropped some names. (As a smart person myself, neither reference was lost on me, and I know both Saarinen and Kahn as notorious "Star Trek" villains.) Furthermore, not content to tout his own intellectual superiority, he's also gone ahead and disparaged other messengers as well as the vocation of messengering by suggesting that it is not a "real job." I suppose what he really means to say is that he's a person of privilege, and that as a person of privilege he has elected as a form of self-expression to do a job that other less privileged people must simply do in order to survive. Moreover, he's also saying that those who are messengers by necessity rather than choice are stupid--or at least not as smart as he is.
Given this, it's no surprise then that so many messengers are poorly compensated and receive no benefits. After all, it's a lifestyle choice, not a real job, right? So why would "smart" people who messenger instead of getting "real jobs" bother to demand better treatment when all they really require is an excuse to ride around the city on weekdays and lord their superiority over non-messengers at alleycats? Sure, this attitude doesn't work out so well for their many co-workers who actually have to messenger, but then again those people ride crappy bikes and speak different languages and don't dress well and are totally unsexy. They're the lumpen-proletariat. Who would want to have anything to do with them? Certainly not beautiful girls who work in architecture offices.
In any case, I wish our smart and stubborn bike messenger luck. I hope he does get together with a beautiful architect, and that together they build a glass house on a hill from which they can gaze bemusedly upon the lumpen-proletariat below.
But the lumpen-proletariat is not the only distasteful group of people out there testing the patience of the sophisticated urban cyclist. There's also the Hasidim. And I wouldn't expect this rivalry to end anytime soon, for it seems the "hipsters" may already have taken to actively baiting their pious minivan-driving adversaries:

Reply to: [deleted]
Date: 2008-11-12, 1:50PM EST with straight handlebars. you dodged the minivans in south williamsburg beautifully- i am a scandal, a reason for the outcry of bike lane indecency in my neighborhood. wanna be part of the problem?
As one who longs to see a peaceful coexistence along the Great Hipster Silk Route, I was dismayed to read this. Certainly intentionally scandalizing your neighbors is no way to live in harmony with them. My only hope is that this is an isolated incident. Perhaps this particular woman is simply a Semitic exhibitionist who derives a perverse thrill from being watched by Hasidim, and she's hoping that the guy with the conversion and the straight handlebar shares her proclivities. Assuming this is the case and they do connect, they can then place another Craigslist ad seeking a minyan to observe their lovemaking. And maybe--just maybe-- such a fetish will allow the "hipsters" and the Hasidim live happily together after all.
I also hope that things have gotten better over in London. A reader recently forwarded me this article from his archives, which despite being a year or so old is still relevant today:

If you're anything like me, you're simultaneously shocked that a cyclist could be capable of such brutality and dismayed that there's no video of what doubtless must have been a highly entertaining and comical interaction.
Lastly, you may recall that not too long ago I was somewhat critical of a marketing video for the Oso Bike. Well, I'm pleased to report that Oso Bike owner Shane Stock has just informed me he's produced a new version:
I'm sure you'll agree that, with its high-energy techno soundtrack, Stock has finally managed to capture the spirit and excitement of his famous backyard Bacchanalia. You simply haven't experienced gender-bending and Semitic exhibitionism until you've been to Shane Stock's house.
Pod to tha IUM!!!
Another top 10 finish! I'm moving up on g.c.
Check some good old uk facists out.
Why not call them to say hi
fuck you snobby
fuk your mamma
fantz crazznapper
Did I get in the top ten ? What do I win ? A new bike ???
Check some good old uk fascists out.
Why not call them to say hi
"In any case, I wish our smart and stubborn bike messenger luck. I hope he does get together with a beautiful architect, and that together they build a glass house on a hill from which they can gaze bemusedly upon the lumpen-proletariat below."
That bird was pretty articulate for a pelican. They must be smarter in jolly olde England than they are here. Cyclists, please mind the "Pelican Crossing" signs, and avoid punching pelicans in the face. It is good for neither their beak nor your hand.
I genderanalyzed my blog a while ago. Supposedly I'm a dude.
I still don't know how I feel about this.
Osobike: when a man has too much money and not enough clue starts his own bike company.
I wonder if he'll recruit Opinionated Cyclist....
52% female? I had assumed that the baggy camo cargo shorts over the bibs was either a fashion statement or out of respect for the Hasidim, but now I suspect it may have been to hide the cameltoe?
Derail'er? I don't even know'er!
I was hoping you meant he'd produced a new version of the OSO bike, not a new promotional video. reviewed one recently and it seems kind of crummy.
HALT young man! I say, how dare thee violate the Queen's divine order of bicycle traffic law! Wherefore art thou training instr *closed fist/monocle impact sound effect*
And I enjoy that Kent Ave/Franklin St. are becoming the ultimate hipster conduit. I cannot wait to indulge in their treats this summer
babes like rednecks they like men who know how to hunt and kill and fuck not you stupid yankee commie sissy boys your a bunch of losers but not bike snob i can tell if he lived down south hed be one of us if he ever gets to viper my home town well crack a few thats why i aint no troll i alsoo ride bikes good even better than i ride trees
Maybe it's better not to pay attention to the polls. Computers can be kinda dumb.
'Lumpenproletariat (a German word meaning "raggedy proletariat") is a term first defined by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in The German Ideology (1845) and later elaborated on in works by Marx.'
speaking of gender neutrality, has anyone else seen that dude in the vicinity of park slope/manhattan bridge riding a fixie, seemingly normal except for the fact that he is always wearing some sort of kilt or skirt?
Is there any way we can genderanalyze the Opinionated Cyclist?
Punch him in the face next time you see him.
That electro-techno OSO music made me want to run out and buy a stupid bike. Why, if it had played longer, I'd even buy a penny farthing.
Ah Woot...
wait: THE andy bell? singer of such hits as "sexuality (album version)" and "who needs love like that"? and what's a pelican crossing?
I try to live nonviolently, but were I subjected to the absurdity of English life (quizzed on the highway code at a pelican crossing indeed!) I might lash out too.
On the other hand, I think it's nice that the English can say "whom."
Wax nostalgic is for ordinaries.
Anonymous 2:18pm,
Wow--I didn't even notice that!
The reason why Jim had 67 percent was because it identified his bathroom story he did 2 months ago when he almost crapped his pants setting up the Coppi course. And his pathlete encounters on the cap crescent.
I got Jim at 69 percent. I will rub it in when I see him at the shop. Ha.
red neckerson is right, he's not a troll. Sure, he has nothing but irrelevant retarded non-witty and grammatically poor comments, but I'm starting to almost enjoy his stream-of-consciousness balance of "fuck everyone" with "hey I really do like bikes and the Snob too".
Pity me.
perhaps the messenger who is not like other messengers, "romeo", should attach the story in today's paper about the messenger in toronto who got in an argument with a cabbie, after which the cabbie rammed him, severing his leg... you know, play up the dangerous angle.
It called my blog 66% male, and I'm very much not.
i enjoy jim's posts, but isn't the latest an update on sourdough recipe or something? and that out-manned you?
you talking to me
last john i saw i flushed him now tell me that aint funnier than shit
Just put my blog through the genderanlyzer and my manhood is safe!
Missed the podium by a long shot today but who knows?
Hey Snobby, I'll be in the city on Thursday. How about parking the Orange Julius somewhere on 45th and Lex so I can take a picture of this wonderful bike of yours?
...if yer really a chick, bsnyc/rtms then i'd guess you to be 'lucy in the sky w/ diamonds'...
...but then the 'oc' would be 'the fool on the hill'...that guy does not 'act naturally'...
...that being said, i'm gonna get off of 'penny lane' & go ride 'the long & winding road'...
...thanks, ya babe...
Except for the typo in the hyperlink and then the grammatical error immediately after.
Super exciting trying to bend my mind around the meaning in that jumble of words.
Actually, the "Lumpenproletariat" is better defined by Marx in The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. Based on Marx's description, it would seem like your architect/messenger is a better fit for the term than his less stylish, "johnny foreigner"-type co-workers.
On the pretext of founding a benevolent society, the lumpen proletariat of Paris had been organized into secret sections, each section led by Bonapartist agents, with a Bonapartist general at the head of the whole. Alongside decayed roués with dubious means of subsistence and of dubious origin, alongside ruined and adventurous offshoots of the bourgeoisie, were vagabonds, discharged soldiers, discharged jailbirds, escaped galley slaves, swindlers, mountebanks, lazzaroni, pickpockets, tricksters, gamblers, maquereaux [pimps], brothel keepers, porters, literati, organ grinders, ragpickers, knife grinders, tinkers, beggars — in short, the whole indefinite, disintegrated mass, thrown hither and thither, which the French call la bohème; from this kindred element Bonaparte formed the core of the Society of December 10. A "benevolent society" - insofar as, like Bonaparte, all its members felt the need of benefiting themselves at the expense of the laboring nation. This Bonaparte, who constitutes himself chief of the lumpenproletariat, who here alone rediscovers in mass form the interests which he personally pursues, who recognizes in this scum, offal, refuse of all classes the only class upon which he can base himself unconditionally, is the real Bonaparte...
wow. 93% with only one testicle..impressive Lance. Jim...what's the excuse for 67%? You can probably get that up to 90% with the right steroids, and a new section to the Rouleur on "bangin' teenage celebrity broads".
Interesting facts: steel is real.
About Cervelo at female.
Grant Rivendell on bike fit: 61% man.
Martha Stewart's blog..67% male.
Andrea Peyser's columns: 69-89% male.
Dudes look like a lady.
Anon 2:11,
You so love me.
So I'm riding this morning after the snow flurry, but into a cold headwind and thinking "Jill from that blog 'Up in Alaska' has nothing on me"!
I mean nothing other than that she's in better condition, tougher, more athletic, younger, a better photographer, journalist and some other stuff.
But then today's BSNYC post offers a thin lifeline to assuage "I am such a wuss compared to Jill" syndrome.
Maybe Jill, whose cycling mileage in horrendous conditions makes Balto's trip across the frozen tundra look like a quick nip to the corner deli for a quart of milk, isn't really a woman.
So I run Jill's "Up In Alaska" blog through the GenderAnalyzer.
The bad news is GenderAnalyzer reports with 79% certainty that Jill is a woman.
The good news is there's a 67% chance she's a superior alien life form marooned on our planet.
Don't take my word for it. See her blog.
wow, yeah,i thought i was tough riding in this morning too, but after looking at that, yeah, me, not tough.
That's funny CA. I did the same thing with Red's material and the result was 89% "commiecanuck". Weird.
Scoff if you want at Shane Stock, but you have to admit he is a marketing genius.
He and his sales force of pirates have changed what we think about when perusing an Italian menu offering an Oso, Bucco.
A cross-dressing pelican? I'd hit that! appropriate anon 2:11... a blog the mentions building & living in glass houses, you're obviously not smart enough to realize you're casting stones from yer own little glass shack...
...lumpen as a simple descriptive term fits nicely around yer presence...
...just sayin'...
Woohoo, I'm 91% man! Pretty interesting that they could tell based on so little information (did douchebag give it away?) while georgia state university (the last place I went to school) still thinks i'm a woman.
That Oso Bike top tube logo looks suspiciously like the Santa Cruz Bicycles logo. Can't wait to see that guy get slapped with a copyright infringement lawsuit!
hey frenchy the bike boy! turns out you are 53% male, but:
" We guess is written by a man (53%), however it's quite gender neutral."
so i take it back, its not that you are kind of a tool, its that you kind of HAVE a tool, but not quite, its not quite functional.
Faulty gender analyzer:
Perez Hilton = More manly than BSNYC
Gender analyzer was written by the male patriarchy.
Not to mention "We have strong indicators that is written by a woman (100%)."
Great post today.
All you missed was some sort of discussion of the absurdity of free will in relation to gear ratios and coaster brakes. Or how the OSO bike could demonstrate what a universe devoid of compatibility may look like. If you cannot choose your gender, a la SPIN, should they worry if their bike's in disrepair? According to Khan (Kant?), the ability to reason is the only tool we need in moral dilemmas, much like a Park Tool SS-15C.
With much amusement I see that Genderanalyser classified me as a woman.
As my blog is in Cyrillic alphabet, I am suspecting that the analizer is constipated.
Just for speaking.
Without Red Neckerson, Commiecanuk would not exist, but if commie and Red ever touched , however inappropriately (he apparently spends a lot of time in restrooms), both would cease to exist.
Ironically, if you accelerate Red and Commie near light speeds and smash them together, they are both made up of the same fundamental components of a 1973 huffy 3-speed, 1 oz Jack Daniels and one jar of Assos chamois butter.
...jeezus h about guys getting in touch w/ their feminine side...
...i expect in the next week to see a lotta dudes riding in skirts...& cyclo-cross kilts don't count...
if you scan with Genderanalyzer, you get 85% male... and that male is.. John Malkovich.
Good weed.
GT 4 Lif3
Critical Ass - Go Panthers! Have you heard we're getting a football team for 2010? I get a good amount of shit from them, but what I love more is the junk mail I receive addressed to Ms. Antoine ... If they're gonna sell my info to everyone, why should I give them money on top of that? Great school though.
yellowjacket404 - I ran georgia tech through the genderanalyzer and it came out 99% male. and that's not a good thing.
goddam sum bitch lucky 7 you wiseass ima gonna show you how much like commiecanuck i is when i rip your goddam nuts off and feed em to ya with a side of your own backbacon and a labatts pisswater
Kokanee is way better.
Douchebag says what?
I ran through the genderanalyzer and came up with 61% female. Hmmm
im a red neck not a methsnorting asshole them last two post aint mine
what im saying is that if commiecommie didnt exist id have to invent the sumbeach
now you fakers get yor own name ive had mine since i was a kid
somebody stealing yor name is low enuff for a grasshopper to piss on
is when i rip your goddam nuts off and feed em to ya with a side of your own backbacon and a labatts pisswater
See what I mean? he's either hanging around bathrooms or attempting to grab someone's scrotum...not that there's anything wrong with that Red, I'm sure we can hook you up with a local Dumfukistan support group, "Pickups for Lick ups".
What do you get if you cross a pelican with a bicycle?
A)Tire marks
B)Street snot
C)Wings with wheels
gosh darn you red neckerson and your backwoodsy charm, I just can't wait to hear what you say next!
Neckerson = 90% woodsy female
Neckerson = Sarah Palin
I checked your IP red, and indeed your identity was compromised. For future reference, you can use this excuse for your sister/cousin when the paternity test comes back positive.
Also, FY'ALLI: There's also a thing called a Toucan Crossing
But Bike Snob, how do we not know you AREN'T actually a female. Much like your non-orange orange julius bicycle? Wouldn't that be ironic?
Damn! I got this:
We think is written by a man (61%).
Looks like I need to post more about Oprah and being a wimmynhnn and what not!
Anon 3:37
Yes, I am sensitive just like a girl.
But at least I am not so small minded to carry on from the last post about my "tool": people will start to wonder about you.
I am guessing you live vicariously through others by surfing the web. Small minded due to living in a small town? Are you dreaming of big town life and are you hating because you can't grow a pair and move to one?
Keep talking about my tool: makes you look cool.
"I'm slightly a woman...", I think the term is "Ladyboy"!
BSNYC - there is no Anon 2:11 to love you...
Did you not have white deep v's in your BICYCLING magazine photo shoot? Was that a prop bike?
All blokes and sheilas over here, no androgynous fence sitting allowed here perhaps as barbed wire has a tendency to sting.
Deary me that OSO Bike ad was way too vibrant after a night on the turps and the Olsen Quintuplets. There are parts of my body that are screaming submission like Jeff Hardy on WWE with a heel hold being applied. Think I might ring in sick to the lab today and give rocket science and navel fluff analysis a miss today.
Anonymous 6:08pm,
The rims on that bike were silver, though they do look white in the photo.
Readers of a certain age will remember the immortal celluloid masterpiece Toby Dammit, where the Peter O'Toole lookalike character says "It's my feminine qualities that make me so attractive to women." There is no good reason, therefore, to be dismayed at 52%.
The Oso bike is what makes me love the internet. This guy has reinvented a bike that was invented over 100 years ago and then used his newfangled internet machine to get the word out. It is clear that he has never actually looked at anything on the internet himself. I was tempted to get one of these beauties but alas, I need a 58cm and the oso stops at 56. Damn!
Bob don't monkey around with gender anal thingies like all you. Something smells like a sissy in here.
The Gender Analyzer just rated you 53 percent female. Opinionated cyclist got 90 percent male
Sounds like ya got that pants situation straightened out AP.
Y'know if everybody posted with pictures of themselves in their underwear, or even cycling attire, there would be no need for the genderanalyzer.
Frilly, I would like it better if everyone posted pictures of themselves in YOUR underwear! You are in possession of some charming undergarments!
That would be funny to see some of the fellas rocking the boyshorts.
Although, admittedly I would be a bit depressed if they looked better than I did.
Well, there's not one but two possible London dwelling Andy Bell's that might've gotten their lights punched out by an invective/fist hurling cyclist.
Of course, there's the Andy Bell that everybody knows and loves from Erasure, but then there's the "out of focus guy" Andy Bell from Oasis.
In case some of youse were unaware, Red is the star of a video. Good stuff, too!
the blond one was stacked
i love the repeated shots of the coaster arm in the oso commercials. the highlighting of the wheel all the way forward in the dropout and the support arm clamped all the way back in the integrated slot. only one place for the wheel, and no ability to compensate for chain stretch.
buy two!
OsoBike: All man.
92% male... I'm up there with L.A. and O.C.
Good company indeed!
...whoa !!!...i sent a number of my 'comments' to the gender-analyzer for assessment...
...they would only say there was a 67.5% chance that i was a homo sapien...
...hey...better odds than some...
The coaster brake shots in the video were of the prototype bike. The bikes that were made in the production run all have the braze-on for the coaster brake arm in the right place.
Pop Richard,
The bike review is not done yet. The part about the chain not being perfectly parallel is less than the amount a geared bike gets out of parallel when you change gears and is no big deal.
I don't know what Santa Cruz logo looks like. I am going to try to google it right now, but the logo came out of my head.
Shane Stock
Oso bike
Some day Osobikes (coasties) will rule the World.
Shane Stock- O o oooooo soooo bike.
You deleted my YouTube Comment. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!
Tried to find logo, but couldn't find anything close, so I don't know what you are talking about.
Osobike USA.
Some day Osobike (coasties) will rule the world.
I didn;t delete it.
Yess, inspiration has come, in a minute, while commuting to to school ,I shall bomb through an interesection, and if any NJ shithead wants to get in my way, yeah that's right in the f'n nose is where I'll put my fist, F'Yeah!!!
Oh dear. This ever-widening rift between my people and the hipsters is troubling. Up until now, I've been rocking a "One Less Hipster" bumper sticker on my minivan, but I think I'll remove it as a gesture of peace and goodwill. However, the "All You Haters Go Back to Oberlin or Santa Cruz or Wherever You Went to College Before You Decided to Invade My Neighborhood" decal on my hubcap will stay put.
Mr. Stock:
Santa Cruz Logo
I see little resemblance. But it would be funny to superimpose the two logos and it would look like the SC logo would be riding the OSO logo, hahahaha. You should work out a collabo with them and make an OSO Cruz (Stigmata with a coaster brake).
I tested the genderanalyzer on my blog and apparently, there is only a 70% chance that it is written by a woman. Does that make me only 70% female? Frightening!!
hi frenchy the tool boy,
as it happens, i do live in a small town. tres astute on your part? then again, i did 7 yrs in nyc and 15 in boston. does that count? i see on your neat blog that you can do a wheelie! neat! guess what, your not deep, just a bit gay. which is ok.
and i see from YOUR writing that you don't know the difference between your and you're
Anon 12:48
Does it matter what I think or what counts? Not really.
7 years in NY and 15 Boston: I was not knocking small town life (I would move to a small town in a heart beat...big city life sucks. Good for you for leaving) I was just commenting on your small mindedness for shitting on prolly.
You are right: I am not deep and I must be gay because some genderizer said I was only 53% male.
You are so smart.
I was delighted to discover on the Genderanalyzer that my blog gives me a more manly rating than Mr. Snob and Jim. On the other hand, the accuracy of GA seems to be running around 53-47%. Better than Sen. McCain, perhaps, but nothing to write home about.
Off topic -
but tonight I got the pleasure of seeing a man's toned calves and tattooed on them was:
'FUCK CARS' Fuck on the left and Cars on the right.
it was a moment i wish i had a camera. we've moved beyond knuckle tattoos and painted frames.
was that london article written by andy bell of erasure? he sure is whiny.
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