And while I may mock many of these bicycles, even I realize and appreciate the fact that bicycles must evolve, and that different lifestyles demand different bicycles, and that today's aberration may be tomorrow's industry standard if it proves both functional and appealing to enough people. Take for instance the following bicycle, which I feel embodies the present state of fixed-gear evolution pretty well:

hey my name is Christina here's my fairly new Greek baby bike!
its a 47cm nycbikes frame 650c deep v's ,fixed/fixed rear hub,(thanks to Richard from nycbikes who hooked up!), nitto anodized flat bar, oury grips,carbon fork, specialized toupe seat.
its still undergoing upgrading changes ( possibly the crank set) but for now here it is. this bike is lots of fun!
Sure, this isn't my sort of bike, but apart from the lack of a brake I can certainly acknowledge its functionality as a swift little urban runabout. It even manages to display nationalistic pride without veering off too wildly into the realm of the tribute bike. Okay, if it had an integrated apotropaic eye and a top tube pad with the phrase "My Big Fat Greek Fixie" embroidered on it we might be getting into Trail of Tears 2K8 territory, but as it is it's just a relatively subdued blue and white. And while I personally may abhor things like colored chains, if they work just the same as regular chains then go right ahead and use them if you must. Hey, if she vibes Hellas and it's her classic peep during Art History, then she should vibe away.
On the other hand, we have this:

greetings from baltimore. this is my 1988 nagasawa. i got it used from a japanese website for real cheap. i'd recommend it for anyone who is interested in a used keirin frame and doesn't mind waiting two months while it's shipped over in a rice boat. the dropouts are spaced at 113mm for some reason and the slots were about 8mm so it took some respacing and grinding to get the back wheel on. the dude at the bike shop thinks the frame may have been built for a disc wheel. also the cranks i had were not compatable so i had to grind the shit out of those to keep them from bottoming out. theres a bit of an overlap problem as well so im having to use powergrips on mountain bike pedals until i can afford to go clipless. everything else seems to be running smooth though and if i didnt have so much crap to carry places i'd sell my car....and move to brazil. thanks for the site. i check it at work when i'm not driving the zamboni.
Apart from the naked bars with the Oury shoulder pads, I didn't cringe when I saw this bike. In many ways it's also the opposite of the Hellenic bike in that it's pretty traditional. I did, however, cringe at the description. Apart from the little bit about it being "shipped over in a rice boat," the owner's cluelessness regarding the spacing was especially disturbing. Uh, it only takes about five seconds of Googling to discover that 110mm rear spacing with 8mm slots was simply a Japanese Keirin frame standard. (I'm sure the extra 2mm can be attributed to the frame being slightly out-of-spec or to simple mis-measuring.) You'd think he'd take the time to figure that out and maybe seek out the appropriate components for his frame before deciding to "grind the shit" out of stuff. (If not before even buying the thing in the first place.) Just because you've never heard of something doesn't mean it's wrong. If you bought an Italian frame and your English bottom bracket didn't go into it, you wouldn't say it was threaded backwards "for some reason" and then jam the thing in there anyway. You'd do five minutes of research, learn about the difference between English and Italian bottom brackets, and get the correct component.
Hey, I don't even mind that he grinded or respaced the frame. It's just some metal tubes welded together, it's his, and he can do what he wants with it. I just wish he'd taken the time to learn something about his Keirin frame first. Instead, he blithely took file to frame because it had a certain spacing "for some reason." Using an old frame in a new way is open-minded. Using and old frame the wrong way because you don't know anything about that frame and haven't taken the time to learn is closed-minded. He didn't modify the frame, because modifying something requires understanding it. He didn't butcher the frame either, because even a butcher understands the animal he is cutting apart. In this case, he mutilated it. And by the way, the "overlap problem" is not a problem at all. It's a track bike, not a mountain bike. It's not designed for technical slow-speed maneuvering.
If anything good is going to come out of the current fixed-gear customization fad, it's going to be that more and more people are going to learn how to build their own bikes to suit their riding styles, and consequently bicycles will become more neatly integrated into their lives. If a rule doesn't work for you, throw it away. You don't need to ride what the big companies are trying to sell you, and you don't need to build your bike according to anybody's rules. But at least read the rule book before you throw it out. Toe overlap on a track bike is not a "problem." Frame spacing is not arbitrary. Frames are not wrong--people are wrong. It's 2008, and there are a tremendous number of fixed-gear frames on the market with standard spacing and plenty of toe-front wheel clearance. Why wear heels when what you really want are sneakers?
...anon #1 through however many...yer posting style is as boring as cadel's riding style...
...just observing...
(XI was busted for doping and remanded into the custody of French police)
Why wear heels when you really want sneakers? Because NJS is just *sooooo* cool right now.
BG dubs, just taking all the points to keep a teammate in green. excitement's not in my job description.
vibe Hellas = niiiice.
"also the cranks i had were not compatable so i had to grind the shit out of those to keep them from bottoming out"
does this mean he ground them off as close as possible to the pedal threads? given the spacing idiocy and the toe overlap complaint, that is my best guess. the manufacturer just put that metal there for the hell of it - I'll do the same tonight to my 175 mm carbon cranks so I can ride them in crits.
so XII is the real XI?
I think the reason you wear heels when you want sneakers is probably the same as the reason why my old douchebag roommate started wearing jerseys to bars about 2 years before he started wearing them to ride.
Yeah, his bike is all NJS now.
damn. all the bitterness today, and none of the humour. like a white russian, without cream, kahlua, or ice cubes.
"does this mean he ground them off as close as possible to the pedal threads?"
If I had to guess I would reckon that he means at the taper... it probably shipped with a hatta or sugino 75 bb with a 109mm spindle... and if he put a random road crank on it it could certinaly bottom out onto the bb cup itself. Also if he was using a road crank he could mean that he had to grind off the shelf that was designed for the inner chainring. I have modified one frame from being 110x8 into essentially a 110x10... then i got dura ace hubs and eventually another 110x8 frame. Ignorance aside i dont think its a tradgedy to grind out the track ends a bit, however this dude is probably pretty dumb and I wonder how he managed to fit the front wheel into the fork because the fork ends would have the same 8mm axle size.
Why can't stupid be fixed like everything else, by grinding the shit out of it?
Great post, El Snobarino.
I envisioned his use of the term "bottom out" to be incorrect as well, imagining that he put long cranks and a too narrow bottom bracket on, result in the cranks striking the chain stays. Someone has to keep component makers and emergency rooms in business. It might as well be this guy and his angle grinder.
Schleck! (Andy)
dear bikesgonewild, how many races have you won —aside from this blog?
I saw a dude yesterday on a brakeless bike - no big deal you might think, but he was running it as a singlespeed. No helmet either - guess he was planning on using his thick skull as a brake...
"Frames are not wrong--people are wrong"
Finally, a tattoo for my other bicep, to match "Ride it. Maintain it. Get over it."
Nice pull, Snob
knuckles with the nagasawa drives a zamboni and has too much crap to move to Brazil, what else needs to be said besides please go and take your grinder with you.
I try not to let challenged people frustrate me like the delivery guy who cut his bars to roughly 12 inches and attached bar-ends positioned vertically to them, its his bike but i still want to kick him.
I re-read the description of the Nagasawa. I like how he says "the dude at the bike shop thinks the frame may have been built for a disc wheel."
I've worked at bike shops. That's bike shop speak for "Get the F out of my store, you F-ing idiot."
BSNYC -- not to be picky, but I think the rider of the Greek bike vibes Hellenic, not Hella.
Cadel Evans -- First, you trash talk CSC and now you take on BGW?
Oh dear, I think I know someone who needs a nap. Or some calories.
(BGW -- personally, I like Evans' riding.)
RTMS - you didn't have a purple anodized chain on your BMX?
NJS on the road....why? Now his bike is not NJS or whatever they sold him. It's a problem-child bike that will be a local bike shops nightmare turned scrap metal. I suppose it's like buying 'Wood hubs or PROMISING to do such at a later date and send pics. I hate to say it but it seems like an online catalog for theives to finger through. Find a bike in the city they live goto said trendy coffee or bar areas and begin the pilfering. If a guy knew exactly what hubs or wheels you had and where to find it, outside late night, bye bye deep-v's, bye bye bb's, bye bye oury grips:) FGG is fun to look at I guess but if times were tough...No I couldn't because that's lower than low.
Anonymous 3:18pm,
I can't remember what color it was, but I know it wasn't purple. It may or may not have matched my Mushroom grips. (Regular Mushrooms, not Mushroom IIs.)
113mm / 8mm slot rear hubs are for the old keirin standard with MKS chain tensioners on the inside of the frame instead of the outside. even now it's pretty easy to find both 113mm and 123mm spaced frames
Where can I buy one of those NJS discs?!
but heels make me taller and ostensibly prettier
Agree with Kris. They make my butt look perkier too. letter to mr cadel evans:...
...dearest cadel, you 'jumbo' aussie shrimp (on the barbie, yadda, yadda) nice that you'd take valuable personal time out of yer working day, to share your queries here @ bsnyc...'ll note that i, along w/ the majority of the incumbents, precluding of course, the inevitable podium seekers, who just can't seem to help themselves, am much more interested in deep, existential philosophical thought regarding the two wheeled wonder of the bicycle & we, it's humble minions...
...when i am the ride & i am the bike, when i have the capacity to transcend the physical restrictions of paid (read: bike whore) professionals like yerself, what need have i, to 'win the race' ???...
...besides that, you audacious little aussie so & so, i'm just too fucking slow & woncky, ok ???...(i once beat eddy merckx in a field sprint but that was "in my mind"...& here i thought my iron clad philosophical facade would stand up, but apparently not...thanks for pointing that out, in a public forum...sheesh...
...anyway, cadel...stay upright & good luck but personally, i think 'malliot jaune' yellow clashes w/ yer personality...try sharing w/ frank, denis, christian, bernie or even carlos...
...thanks for your time, respectfully...
...p.s.- did i hear someone reference 'perky butt' ???...yumm !!!...
the extra 3mm on the 113x8 spacing is to factor in the use of MKS chain tensioners. Pretty standard. It's a bummer he didn't just buy a set of 110 hubs. More of a bummer that the bike shop expert didn't have a clue either.
...btw...the philosopher plato was once busted for his eponymous thoughts...
...just sayin'...
dmac... I was thinking the same thing! I'm guessing that toe overlap means no NJS barspins though... bummer.
Last night a stripper named "Trixie" ground on my frame until I had a "over-lap problem," so I understand where this guy is coming from.
Paul & SD,
Thanks for the clarification on the spacing.
Easy, honey, you're starting to drool.
Glad your existentialist philosophy applies to bikes only.
...but he drives a zamboni!!!
i'm vibing hella up in hurr! nice post. can't believe you didn't have any fun at that dude's powergrips' expense though...
Ah yes, Powergrips:
one of the world's most ludicrous products.
I didn't know anyone still used Power Grips!
I have some old Sampson Stratics pedals from the mid '90s, maybe he's interested.
I think this is my favorite BSNYC post ever, because its both respectful and very true. I cringed at the description as well, Good way to destroy a piece of japanese history.
I'm not sure an NJS frame from the 80s should really be described as a piece of Japanese history. In Japan Keirin is pretty much a substitute for dog racing.
Yeah, I just bought an old PX-10 and am having the same problems. 22mm stem? 25.0 seat post? 126mm rear spacing? I mean, what the fuck is that about? French people sure are weird.
I figure if I keep grinding the shit out of it I'll finally get my NJS seat post, Deep V's, and threadless stem adapter to fit. And then I'm going to write "NJS" in magic marker on the top tube pad. That baby's gonna look awesome chained up by the front wheel outside of the bar!
As an average aussie bloke I have a few problems with you having a go at one of our greatest sporting heroes (i.e. any Australian competing in an obscure sport against Americans and/or the French).
In the Australian lexicon he’s
“a little aussie battler" with "a heart the size of Phar Lap’s”.
I will let Cadel’s glorious Tour win or bloody, man sobbing loss speak for itself.
For the non-horseracing fans out there:
Phar Lap
Dude- I like your stuff and your style but the fixed gear thing is getting tired. How many times are you gonna repeat the same shit just on another bike and/or its owner? I don't ride one, don't plan to but I get your point. Move on and provide me other entertainment. Pick on the recumbent crowd or bike shop employees.
Dear Cadel and Grand Jedi Master BGW,I believe that Cadel will win about as many Tour de Bore stages as BGW wins Blog Podiums.Peleton 15 mins back from stage winners means that the team managers are doing the washing and more important things other than make it interesting. Zone out and have a two week siesta until the time trial. Glad to see that the fires of internet lust have been fanned back to inferno status .... just carin.
...aussie bloke...
...i assume, like the great champion horse phar lap, if the 'little aussie prattler' wins, you 'true blue' lagerheads will eventually have him stuffed & mounted in the malliot juane during a beer swilled celebration...
...of course, if he lapses & falters on a phar alpine mountainside, you'll tell him to get stuffed & he'll forever hope the laughing sound behind his back is simply the call of a wild kookaburra, (obscure aussie bird reference) & not an old mate shouting out "hey, cadel, ha, ha, buy you a mountaingoat surefoot stout, mate ???"...
Today's update: Bea Arthur is still alive.
Anonymous 7:03pm,
It's my blog and if I want to write a whole post around a bad Hellenic pun nobody's going to stop me, recumbent riders and shop rats be damned!
Anonymous 7:33,
That's fantastic news about Bea Arthur.
I wear heels rather than sneakers because they make my svelte, shaven, calves look great in a frock.
Anon 7:03- If BSNYC stops exposing the milky white underbelly of fixed gear culture for the juvenile self-obsessed cesspool of hipster fashion that it is, what reason would there possibly be to read this blog? Ragging on recumbents is like shooting fish in a barrel. Dead fish, at that.
If I may wander off topic for a moment, it is enlightening to spend a little time with the overall standings at the Tour. If you look from about 30th to about 90th place, you will see the table riddled with the names of any number of well-known riders once touted as legitimate contenders, or even future tour champions. Many have in the past attained much higher than their current results. This suggests how widespread the doping issues truly reached and how effective the efforts to clean up the sport are proving. Jail seems to be a better deterrent to doping than disgrace. It seems to be a reshuffling of the deck, so to speak, based more on natural ability and less on "enhancement."
butchers more than 'understand' their animals... we know their anatomy to the tee. its an art, not a matter of hacking chaotically at a hunk of meat til something nice shaped comes out...
bikesgonewild.. Well, what can you expect from a guy who lists Gloria Estefan, Prince and Kid Rock as some of his musical favourites. Your blogs like list is funnier than Snobs posts! And no comparisons to Plato either.. he wasn't a douchebag.
Dissing on Cadel smacks of sour grapes. He is not Lance or Eddy, but he is a good rider. He has the yellow jersey, you don't, oh and neither does a Canadian. If he is the best overall rider he will win and deservedly so. As we've seen, any minnow can get a stage win and then disappear.
And, Anon 7.03... making fun of recumbants is like shooting ducks in a barrel ! No fun.....
Um, that amen was to the post, not the any of the comments. Entertaining though they may be.
...boy oh boy, johnny i feel put in my place...& i don't even own a t-shirt d' jaune...
...why, if this blog wasn't so serious in it's nature, by golly, i'd think of some clever, humorous retort but i'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, sir...
...btw...i think there are a number of aussies here, that i've been riposting w/ that enjoy a certain thrust & parry, a' la cadel...
...& rest assured, i'm fully capable applauding the efforts of any rider, so, if you work on your finishing kick...
...well, just sayin'...
anon 6:08 pm: I don't usually comment, but... dog racing or no, nagas are up there with cinelli, colnago, pogliaghi, masi, etc. as far as the pinnacle of framebuilder's craft goes. this fashion victim could have done whatever they want with a bike-boom 10-speed-frame fixed gear conversion and nobody would complain; grind the shit out of it, it doesn't matter. if you agree with me that the bicycle is one of the finest pieces of engineering that human ingenuity has ever produced (second only to maybe hot running water), than can you see that the mangling of one of the finest-crafted examples of said engineering is patently offensive?
We would only tell Cadel to “get stuffed” if he won; if he doesn't win then we will tell stories at the pub of how he was robbed of a truly deserved first place.
With all due respect to my elders...
BGW, we'll always have Paris...well, at least I will.
Thanks mate, and as an Aussie I am man enough to say "I love you" back.
But, try tapping me on the shoulder again and I'll go work on you with a pair of cable cutters and a torque wrench.
Just thought you'd all like to know...I am going to be taking a vacation. Commenting on this blog has taken it's toll. I am going to sequester away to parts unknown to recharge.
I'll be back on the 21st though. So...hold the fort while I am gone.
...aussie bloke...good on yer, mate...forget the 'lol' abbreviation...that deserves a straight up, old school, laugh out loud....
...some folks seem to think i'm (or) we're, taking this all so seriously, which is hard to imagine actually... fact, if "the little aussie battler" who is "the size of phar lap's heart", like you said, were to win 'le tour' & i walked into a darwin pub & saw the man, i'd have to say "dammit, mate, i lost good money on ya, lemme buy ya a pint"...
...believe me, i wouldn't buy anybody a beer if i didn't mean it...& i'd stand you & ol' andy pandy to a good pint, also, mate...
Hey Bike Snob! Have you seen the $1700 Pista Concept frame yet?
...& btw, cadel...i'd probably stand ya a pint either way, lad, but paris ???...
...hell, mate, those rude french people live there...but better yet, watch out for the p-rant-boy...they get way lonely up there in michigan...
...just sayin'...
I've already stood on the box in Paris, so you already owe me one.
Let's say we make it double or nothing?
Anonymous 3:00 PM:
Ted Shred or a wannabe. problem, mate...i've got a fine case of swans but be forewarned, 'berto & levi have been whining a lot, so i invited them over...
...thought you could regal 'em w/ tour stories, 'n cheer 'em take some notes...
Swan beer is from out West, Cadel is from Victoria so Carlton Draught is probably more appropriate!
...oops !!!...add & 'e' to the end of 'regal'...even if ya win, we don't wantcha ta get all 'kingly' & know, like lance...
...just sayin'...
I think the chance of Cadel revealing that level of charisma is unlikely
...technically, mr evans is from katherine, in the northern territory, up darwin way (hey, i keep notes myself) but i'll drink the darn swans on my own & i'll get 'im whatever the lad drinks...
...& i swear, tomorrow, i'm not gonna post more than twice...ya, right...but how often do ya get to correspond w/ a malliot jaune wearer during le tour along w/ his good mates...
...& apropos of nothing at all but general interest, the newly appointed 16th poet laureate of the united states of america is 62yr old kay ryan, a local mountain biker from my little town of fairfax, california... that may not be a malliot jaune but just how good is yer pal cadel w/ rhyming couplets, right ???...& i'll bet miz ryan solo'd out of a larger peleton...
Kay's poetry is, without a doubt, better than mine. However, I can hold my own on a mountain bike. doubt...
...but kay's droll & quippy response on hearing that the u.s. library of congress had called..."i didn't think i had that many overdue books"...
...jeez...if she starts posting on bsnyc, we're outclassed dead matter what we ride or say...
...& moi, like a burned out light, i'm dead, in the night...
Great Post as per usual.
I have a friend that bought a racer frame, and was going to use most of the kit from his old commuter bike to build a kinda tourer/racer monstrosity. He quickly found the wheels simply didn't fit having mountain bike spacing (135mm) instead of usual racer spacing of 130mm.
A quick google or trip to sheldon would have told him this.
Then again the same guy spent £400 on a SRAM groupset to replace the (new) 105 groupset on his £750 specialized, for a bike that he seems to only ride on a sunday.
westcoast fix
Built for late night south central r0b0101t mobbing and the 405 freeway..
The Nagasawa was posted to Fixedgeargallery in oh, 2005. Knowledge about keirin-spaced 8x113mm axles was very thin at that point in the States. Not that surprising.
If anything good is going to come out of the current fixed-gear customization fad, it's going to be that more and more people are going to learn how to build their own bikes to suit their riding styles, and consequently bicycles will become more neatly integrated into their lives
really well said.
i don't know if anyone will see this, but here's one for the pistadex...
Here's another one...
"i was told something like its called a "mixtie" frame."
interesting reading...
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