Monday, October 5, 2015

Civic Planning and Urban Bloviating

Recently while visiting the halls of academe (that's what I call going to the bathroom) I came across the following New Yorker article:

If you're familiar with the New Yorker, you know that they like to do these articles where they round up a bunch of books on a similar theme, and then the writer bloviates, pontificates, and otherwise waggles his dick over them.  In this particular case the books were about cities, and one in particular--"The Cycling City: Bicycles and Urban America in the 1890s"--is about bikes, as one might infer from its title.

Here's what Adam Gopnik of the New Yorker has to say about it:

The grid, useful as an accelerant for pedestrians and horse-drawn vehicles, ended up being unintentionally well-adapted to the imperialism of the car; a short ride in a London cab can take forever, while taxi- and Uber-drivers race up and down the midnight Manhattan avenues at hyper-speeds. Evan Friss’s forthcoming “The Cycling City: Bicycles and Urban America in the 1890s” (Chicago) wants, in turn, to show us a forgotten parenthesis when the city had not yet yielded to the car. But he ends up showing mainly how terrific research and a feeling for detail can be undermined by the pieties of the contemporary social sciences. Common sense wins, barely, but not without the author taking many frightened-looking glances over his shoulder to see if the consensus of the discipline is gaining on him.

Uh, what?

I didn't understand any of that.

Fortunately, he clarifies it all in the next paragraph:

The consensus of the discipline takes a dim view of common-sense considerations (say, that people rode bikes because they were the best way to get places before cars). More sinister Foucauldian épistèmes must be shown to govern social life: any social explanation that can’t be expressed as a conspiracy theory involving bourgeois society stamping out Difference is inadequate to the phenomenon, even if the phenomenon is on two wheels with gears and going many different places at once. 

Sorry, no he doesn't.

What the hell is he talking about?

And what the fuck is a "Foucauldian épistème?!?"

Don't tell me to look it up, either, because I plugged the term into a popular search engine and all that came up was a picture of Eustace Tilley masturbating:

Sorry, my censor's aim totally sucks.

(As for Tilley's aim, his chums from The Ivy Club don't call him "Ol' Deadeye" for nothing.)

The book itself sounds legitimately interesting though:

Still, Friss has a good story to tell. In the late nineteenth century, bicycles were not just a sweet means of romantic transport—“Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do,” and all that—but a technological triumph creating fanatical followers and interest groups. The bicycle was more like a personal computer than like a love seat. There were “dozens of exclusive bicycle clubs dotting America’s leading cities. . . . Libraries, card rooms, and billiard tables kept members busy while dumbwaiters shuttled food from kitchen hands to hungry cyclists.” Women considered them “an almost utopian instrument,” Friss says, and quotes a contemporary source: “Now and again a complaint arises of the narrowness of woman’s sphere. For such disorder of the soul the sufferer can do no better than to flatten her sphere to a circle, mount it, and take to the road.”

Sadly, Gopnik appears to be doing his best to discourage us from reading it by flinging fistfuls of inscrutable prose into our faces:

Yet one feels impatient as he torturously tries to track academic concepts of class and mentalité onto what are, clearly, the inevitable inner squabbles of fan clubs and interest groups. Friss illustrates, without quite articulating, the central Trollopean social insight: like-minded people with similar passions typically end up fighting among themselves far more than they do with their class or intellectual opponents. 

Foucauldian épistèmes, Trollopean social insights...this is some truly Herculean wankery.

Now I remember why I let my New Yorker subscription lapse--and it's not just me, either.  Actual intellectuals are also fed up with it.  For example, George Plimpton is turning in his which he is interred with his beloved Y-Foil, I might add:

Even Martin Amis thinks it's too much:

("Hey Gopnik, less nominal adjectivalisation, more spondee.")

Mess with Amis and you'll feel the spondee of a "ONE-TWO" punch::

Speaking of word choice, here's an article with an actual point, which is that we need to stop calling crashes "accidents:"

Our joint campaign with the street safety advocates at Transportation Alternatives is about language, but it isn’t an academic exercise in scolding people about word choice. Our objective is actually to challenge the assumptions behind those words—assumptions that lead to policy decisions that allow the carnage on our streets to continue, with no driver accountability.

How could a DMV judge throw out the tickets for the SUV driver who killed my daughter? I believe that the use of the word “accident”—by DMV officials, the media, and general public—is a big part of the problem. When we say “accident,” we are basically throwing up our hands and saying that the deaths of children like Allison are inevitable, something no one is responsible for, like bad weather.

I'm in awe of Hsi-Pei Liao's advocacy in the wake of what happened to his daughter, and I'm disgusted that this sort of thing continues to happen with nary a peep from our mayor, who campaigned on the idea of "Vision Zero" in the first place.  Sadly the city and state fail families like this pretty much every day.  In fact, it's so bad out there that people are beginning to take matters into their own hands:

Sources tell the Post that two men were crossing the street at Gates when the driver made the U-turn and almost struck them. They got into a shouting match, and one of the pedestrians then pulled a gun and fired, striking the driver in his thigh and lower leg.

I'm not a fan of the guns, yet at the same time I'm perfectly okay with this.

Meanwhile, people still think the idea of running people down is HILARIOUS, like the owner of this car I spotted over the weekend:

Seems about right for a Camaro owner.

Alas, while you're waiting fruitlessly while things to change, you can pretend that you're doing something by using a bike light that alerts your loved ones if your bike winds up horizontal:

This would drive the spouse or life partner of a triathlete completely insane in very short order...

...though I'm sure they've already gone insane from having to hear the incessant race reports.

("Guess what?  I achieved another personal best!")

Oh, it also allows you to customize the light's color pattern in order to confuse the fuck out of motorists:

This is exactly the sort of situation in which you don't want to be ambiguous.  White means front and red means rear, so just leave it at that.  Save the "fushia freakout" for Burning Man.

Looks like the skid marks in Wavy Gravy's underpants.

Lastly, cycling is saved!  Yep, USA Cycling has a new president:

I asked him, Why do this to yourself? Why leave a lucrative position at Wiggle to take over a sport constantly dinged by doping cases, including a recent one involving Tom Danielson, a top American rider who testified in the Armstrong doping investigation? In August, before the Tour of Utah, Danielson’s initial urine sample tested positive for a steroid.

Bouchard-Hall answered, “I love the sport that much.”

He added that he couldn’t bear to watch cycling flounder, post-Armstrong.

Trying to save this sport is like trying to reuse bar tape.

Just throw it out and replace it already.


  1. NH in the House! Hope you all had a great weekend.

  2. You'll love the new Dodge ad, there's a part where the voice over says something like "there are no more monsters, so we have to invent our own" over a shot of a car doing donuts

  3. je suis dans le premier dix

  4. Uh... pretty sure that Camaro might've killed someone.

  5. At least when cars crash into Dunkin' Donuts in New Hampshire the driver thoughtfully makes sure the building's vacant:

  6. good god that was a lot of big words to parse through.

    thank god for the cartoon of a dude 'batin' because jokes about 'batin' are about all my small brain can really handle on a monday.

    shooting bad drivers? yes. more please.

  7. Top 15? Shoulda placed the scranus on the top tube in that descent!0

  8. I clicked WCRM's link to the U of Chicago site to see what they had to say about the book. The first review quoted was from Gopnik -- one of the paragraphs quoted above. But the ridiculous sentences were replaced by these: ...

    WCRM, et. al., you're in good company. Even the publisher couldn't make head nor tails of that review!

  9. vsk said ...

    Came home late last night after seeing The Martian. Then, opened the door and remembered ... still have to change out the broken spoke. Finished up at 2am.

    Yawned my way to the Woosie Train.


  10. You know who should be writing for the New Yorker?

    Fuckin' Ted K.

  11. Today's post is approximately the length of a novel, Snob. When the fuck am I going to find the time to read this shit?

  12. Is Adam Gopnik the nom de plume of Ted K?

    I hope that isn't human blood on that Camaro, maybe a deer's blood?

  13. What's wrong with reusing my bartape? WCRM, you are a snob indeed.

    Ride cheap my friends.

  14. The King of Park SlopeOctober 5, 2015 at 12:19 PM

    I see it more as a Derridic parodox.

  15. No Love for Bike ShareOctober 5, 2015 at 12:26 PM

    I liked the fact that the New Yorker had Citi Bikes on their cover, but still didn't read it. It is kinda sad that AFAIK no other magazine has done so.

  16. I know enough about Foucault to know that author doesn't.

    I think he basically trying to say that any facts that show motor vehicle companies lobbied for legal and infrastructural changes beneficial to their industry are wrong because it's just "common sense" that cars are better than bikes.

    I reuse my Brooks leather bartape - I dare say it's the only bartape that can be reused. (There you go Bike Snob, that should net you some sponsor dough, go feed one of your kids).

  17. Anyone who thinks cars are better than bikes can go and suck a tailpipe.

    That is all.

  18. I got this awesome #27 podio spot by not reading the post yet. But it sounds like maybe I shouldn't or else I'm gonna get all outraged again? Shit.

  19. WTF? Was that even English? I'm guessing that dude can open a thesaurus to any random page to fop off any time of the day. That, or a mirror.

  20. I better ask my dog to explain that Gopnik prose.

    He has a Mensa membership. (I mean my dog, not Mr. Gopnik about whose social activities I know nil.)

    Of course, I think he (my dog, not Mr. Gopnik) just joined for rap battle/book club night: "Yo, Foucoult, You know Eco? I ain't staying mum, he got the name of your pendulum, sequelling The Name of the Rose with his prose in your face, Ace...."

    It gets worse when there's beer. Much worse.

    I know, hard to believe.

  21. I still have the original yellow tape with logos that came on my Lemond rolled up in the cupboard somewhere. Promptly replaced it with good old dependable black cinelli cork. But I kept it to put back on when I eventually sold it. It's going on 16 years now, and I doubt I will ever sell that bike. At this rate, I may never be guilty of reusing bar tape but I do believe it is possible.

  22. So the New Yorker Guy is into scuffing the ol' Brooks? Who knew? Who would even want to know? But it made me laugh, thanks Snob..

  23. Even harder to believe he misspells Foucault. (What a poser. I mean poseur.)

  24. good gawd dang. just texted the guy about this bridgestone rb1. this is getting a little out of hand.

  25. HA! Can we gangster it up a bit? Something like...

    I'm all up in ya systems, Foucauldian é-PISS-tèmes
    Try a fuckin U-turn betta hope that you miss them
    I'm a motha fuckin human with human rights
    You see the mutha fuckin red, betta stop at the light
    Got something to say mutha fucka yeah right
    I bus a gat and my bullets is Trollopean social insights

  26. Bouchard-Hall . Sounds French. uh-oh.

  27. If I remember right, epistemes are like triremes, only with fewer oarsmen and a big sail for catching hot air.


  28. top something or other or nether

  29. COD Leroy 12:47.

    I let my New Yorker subscription lapse as well.
    Think I had 15 issues stacked up unread.


  30. damn the eyes are getting worse. mis taking a 3 for a 1

  31. Check that.
    Crosspalms could be in the running.

  32. Wait wait wait, Whats up with the Camaro? Please tell me somebody alerted the police - just in case they cared to do something.


  33. Respectfully WCRM,
    I re-wrap my handelabras unapologetically. Cotton tape can be re-used many times, because it loses none of it's original functional properties (like cushion, absorptive and fashion).


    RIP Edward Lund.

    Gran Fondo tragedy:

    "The crash happened on a steep downhill section of narrow Hauser Bridge Road at 10:35 a.m. before Hauser Bridge, which spans the south fork of the Gualala River, near the northwest corner of the GranFondo course.

    Lund was traveling about 35 mph when he missed the left-hand curve and flew off the road, striking a sign and landing in a dry creekbed, according to the CHP.

    Rescue personnel from the Timber Cove Fire Department were on scene within seconds, but Lund, who was wearing his helmet, died of a head injury."

    ripped from The Press Democrat, a local rag also wearing its helmet.

  34. Do you know what I fucking hate? I hate long fucking words! Fuck! Why use a fucking long word when a fucking SHORT one works! Sometimes when I'm trying to read I get so fucking angry I just throw the fucking comic book at the fucking wall, then that fucking idiot in the next apartment starts fucking pounding on the fucking wall! I get so fucking angry I want to shove a Readers Digest down his fucking throat!

  35. Also, It is a shame to see cycling "flounder post Armstrong"? Say wwaaaahhhhh. Maybe he is right? Can't we get back to the clean and dignified times pre-Armstrong? Where are our heroes of yore; Riis, Indurain, Mapei, Festina, Pantani, long-haired racist french dude with glasses...Fignon (just remembered), Anquetil, Cannibal, Simpson, Gaul etc. etc. This guy is a boob; I'm sure he know that doping in cycling is a huge part of the romance of the road, amirite? I wouldn't watch cycling if I didn't think they were doping, harkening back to a bygone era where the world was simple - and my parents would be jailed for marrying.

  36. Dear NHcycler:

    NOT "Even the publisher couldn't make head nor tails of that review!"

    This is acceptable: "Even the publisher couldn't make head OR tails of that review!"

    So is this: "Even the publisher COULD make NEITHER head nor tails of that review!"

    You are welcome.

  37. About that dude that got shot....Wasn't that an "accident"??

    Race reports......Triathletes aren't the only ones who give "wanky" reports.
    ("Guess what? I got 9th place by throwing my bike!")


  38. by the time i'm ready to rewrap my bars, there is no way that old one is useful for anything other than trash bag filler. firstly i'd have to carefully remove all the electrical tape from the various rips and tears.

  39. Foucauldian épistème me off with that Trollopean Wiggle!

  40. It's also "heads" nor tails. Or maybe "head nor tail." But not "head nor tails."

  41. Gems of compression my teacher called them. Forgotten here. I do a lot of tedious subject specific writing for a living and stress when training others to keep in mind the fatigue factor in the reader.

  42. caged MonkeyMan(person)(entity)October 5, 2015 at 1:45 PM

    if you chase tails you get heads. so it's not heads or tails.

  43. Taste my spondee!

  44. I worked as a paparazzi out in the Hamptons one summer in the early 90's. For some reason fireworks displays were all the rage and everyone was trying to out explode the previous weekend's display. Anyway I was at Plimpton's house for the 4th of July,I can't remember if his display was impressive, spent most of the evening trying to get into Martha Stewart's pants.

  45. vsk said ...

    Brevity is the soul of wit.

    Better say something is cheap than it has a lower pricepointway more suitable in an economical use case.

    The green Velox bar tape has 1/4 sublimated with use, and is gone for about 1/4 of the way. Should I save it and use it again?

    I am yes fan of guns. They could come in handy for pedestrian vs. driver sidewalk rage as illustrated. It's still not a fair fight w/ a 2 oz. bullet vs 2 ton car.


  46. Oh, snobby, you missed the best part of Hall's arrival as coffee-getter for Thom Wiesel, USA Cycling is cleaning up dopers!!

    That THC makes the dopers so fast.

    In a move to increase athlete health and safety at the federation, all USACDF training camps have clearly stated policy to BYO needles.

  47. you guys re-use bar tape? disgusting.

    i use only white tape and throw it out after every use. i learned that from famed cyclist Howard Hughes.

    i also buy one extra new set to throw in the garbage when i throw out the used tape. i do that just to show my money that fuck it - YOLO.

  48. Anon @ 1:40

    You're right, of course. I didn't see that due to the glare from the other error, I suppose.

  49. Monday French philosopher fun day...Foucault out of here!

  50. Nope.

    Brevity is... wit.

  51. i use my old bar tape to wrap presents for that end of year holiday tradition thing that stresses everyone out except children under 5. Even then.....

  52. Gideon, I mostly agree with you, but there's a part of me that I can't really justify who does see a sort of crazy romance to using whiskey and amphetamines to overcome fatigue and pain, but finds HGH and blood doping and the like to be incredibly gross. I repeat: this makes no sense and I know it.

  53. Who is Brevity and why is she wet?

  54. Note for my dog: do not challenge Mr. Figners to East Coast/West Coast rap battle.

    Or at least don't expect me to cover bets.

  55. Why I just don't know what all this here fuss is about bar tape. I just go an' wrap things up good and tight with some of that there Duck Tape, an then when things get to be lookin' all tattered like, I just wrap me on another layer. What's even more better is the more layers you gits on the more comfy it is on yer hands.

  56. Jim Boner - Since the comments seem to have devolved into pedantry today, I am going to point out that you worked as a paparazzo. The only way that you could have worked as a paparazzi is if you had split yourself into two. If you happen to not know that paparazzi is plural or if the singular, paparazzo, sounds too weird, you could sidestep the issue by saying something that indicates that you worked as a member of the paparazzi.

    By the way, I believe that the origin of the term paparazzo/paparazzi comes from a Fellini movie. I think think that Paparazzo was a character in one of his movies (he was likely a celebrity photographer).

  57. Sheeit! I almost done forgot to say that the same principle works just as fine on yer saddle.

  58. who the hell is committing pedantry?

    it better not be Snob. misses snob gave you 17 children so you better be treating her right and not stepping out of line.

  59. @crosspalms - its a high wheel bike. stop being derogatory. your hate speech is not welcome here. lets keep it positive.

  60. @Freddy
    according to an on-line, user-edited, encyclopedia-type website, you are right, although the proposed etymology (and, perhaps, entomology [smirk]) is sometimes disputed.

    The word "paparazzi" is an eponym originating in the 1960 film La Dolce Vita directed by Federico Fellini. One of the characters in the film is a news photographer named Paparazzo (played by Walter Santesso). In his book Word and Phrase, Robert Hendrickson writes that Fellini took the name from an Italian dialect word that describes a particularly annoying noise, that of a buzzing mosquito. As Fellini said in his interview to Time magazine, "Paparazzo ... suggests to me a buzzing insect, hovering, darting, stinging."[3]

  61. From the p-far commuter article:

    " Similar to a fixie, the bike has no brakes and requires balance. "

    I'll grant them the first point, but I believe that the second is common to ALL bicycles.

  62. Oh snap -- pedantic Italian singulars in the house! So I just realized, that may also mean that a single spraypainted tag is a graffito. Or that if you were on a diet you could limit yourself to eating just one zito. Or one rigatono. Just going crazy-nutz here.

  63. If you google "Adam Gopnik" the first entry discribes him as a "Sisyphusean Wanker". Seriously in half his pics he is resting his head on his hand; guess he's just got too much grey matter up there for his spindly neck to support. Nothing says condescension quite like using words that 99% of the public don't know and in a context where 99.9% of the population will have no idea what you are talking about. I personally read the New Yorker every week, they have the best comics around!

  64. My left Fallopian tube is twisted from reading today's post.

    Middle Aged German Tourist


  65. i did not under stand even half of to day's post/ lang uage. this trend acceler ated into the commen tary.

    fort unately i am about to start my bay scallop / snow pea dinner. that will help rest me brain. hmmm make brown rice - more nutr icious? or white rice - easier

  66. arborio rice. but just make it like any other white. 2 to 1 water to rice. so goood.

  67. COD for everyone today.

    Reading Highlights in the waiting room. Flu shot time.
    Love them Goofus and Gallant.

  68. "Foucauldian épistème" is a new way to say "paradigm shift" or "game changer" without using those epic dead horses. Fortunately it is not THE new way; too insufferable. Most of us will just say "change", because we are not selling glossy mags.


  69. thx PB

    but it is not my favorite. i've got some and i'm slowing ditching by tossing a bit in with the jasmine i usually make. only the white as the extra time for brown would probably turn it to mush.


    IMHO goofus was always mis understood and poorly ap preciated. oh and gallant grew up to drive a hummer. and was voted fuck-o of the year. bet your highlights left those little tid bits out.

  70. Gallant married Darby Monger and had 3 daughters that grew up to get covered in tattoos and they all dated Goofus' sons.

  71. "cycling flounder" - they are so cute with their flat faces flapping in the breeze as they cycle along - wearing those fake horseshoe crab helments

  72. Darby Monger sounds like the name of a punk rocker. O how far THAT is from the truth.

  73. Intellectual BullshitOctober 5, 2015 at 5:31 PM

    Foucault's epistemes are something like the 'epistemological unconscious' of an era; the configuration of knowledge in a particular episteme is based on a set of fundamental assumptions that are so basic to that episteme so as to be invisible to people operating within it.



  75. Now that I have actually had time to read the post, I can say with authority that Adam Gopnik's spondee stinks like fuckin' shit. However, I have never really understood what spondee is, so it is possible that spondee is shit. Who knows. Either way, Gopkik's pile of spondee fuckin' reeks. Maybe some people get off on that kind of pseudo-intellectual, big words for the sake of big words hoohah, but I am not one of them.

  76. When bulls shit, they do so with wisdom and knowledge.

  77. Di Blasio never campained on the idea of Vision Zero. He never once mentioned it in a debate, interview, or TV commercial.

    Yes, there were a couple of paragraphs buried somewhere on page 67 of his 147 page "official campaign plafform"', but if he had run on a campaign promising to be the ultimate traffic cop, Christine Quinn would be residing in Gracie Mansion now.

  78. i want to know what a darby monger is.

    i know

    what a war monger is

    what a fear monger is

    what a fish monger is

    but what the hell is a monger of darbies?

    Definition of MONGER
    1 : broker, dealer —usually used in combination
    2 : a person who attempts to stir up or spread something that is usually petty or discreditable —usually used in combination

  79. Kudos for the Wavy Gravy reference.

  80. I had my epistemes snipped when I had my vasectomy.

  81. Adan Gopnik stole Foucault's epistemes from a New Yorker cartoon. Actually, the name Adam Gopnik makes a pretty good New Yorker cartoon.

  82. No, no, no, RF, it's Susie is a punk rocker. Darby "Fish" Monger just smells, well, like fish.

  83. Fuck you, Joey

  84. Can we just get high?

  85. Shut the fuck up, would ya?

  86. I once asked Martin Amis, after he moved to Brooklyn, what he thought of his new neighborhood. He said it was "frightfully philoprogenitive."

  87. turns out they guy with the bridgestone rb1 i just bought was less a connoisseur of finely crafted vintage bikes, and more an ex-con and lover of face tattoos.

    thought i was going on one of those craiglist ads where the only bargaining you do is plead for your life before they murder you.

    but alas, i judged the book by its cover and face tats - he was totally nice enough and i gave him $140 and go the f out of dodge. or cocoa beach to be specific.

  88. meh.

    its a hot mess at the moment. was cheap for a reason. he was asking $300 and settled for $140.

    was clearly stored out of the doors for ... hell, in this humidity and salty air, maybe just a week, but i'd guess much longer than that. all the pieces are there and for some reason the original white avocet saddle is actually in quite good shape.

    but other than that, this is a real Sisyphean-Foucauldian épistèmean task. not real sure why i felt i would be up to this, but f it. guess its slightly more productive than 'batin'

  89. It still amazes me to see media outlets use the term "accident." I had it drilled into me on day one as a reporter to ALWAYS use the word crash, because accident implies lack of fault, which hadn't been decided yet. It would be like reporting on a shooting and calling it a shooting accident before police ruled whether it was a homicide or not. It's inaccurate.

  90. Jual baju anak branded cool setelah dua volatil, 8 September, Zhengzhou gula utama kontrak SR1005 lagi dari 4500 tentang gambar, tapi tren tampaknya membosankan, di 4700 dari 30 rata-rata bergerak lini belakang tekanan, proses terobosan harga muncul stagnan, Meskipun likuiditas intraday memadai, karena liburan Hari Nasional mendekat, sikap hati-hati secara perlahan menggantikan optimisme, tren teknologi telah berevolusi untuk jual baju bayi online murah carter 5 pcs lucu menyeimbangkan samping terlihat.

    Fotografi baru lahir menawarkan segudang peluang untuk menangkap bersalah dan bertanya-tanya seorang ibu atau ayah melihat di setiap bayi tunggal. Dari berfokus pada jari kecil dan jari kaki kecil dengan gumpalan rambut lembut seorang bayi, ada banyak cara untuk menimbulkan si kecil untuk menemaninya pemotretan. Jika Anda adalah pendatang baru ke fotografi bayi, pastikan Anda pertama kali melihat pada petunjuk ini untuk menguasai fotografi potret bayi.

    Tentu saja, buatan tangan atau tangan-merajut selimut bayi akan mengalahkan setiap selimut bayi membeli. Selain itu, jika Anda memiliki waktu luang dan cukup waktu sebelum lahir, pola merajut kemudian bebas bayi untuk selimut bayi Anda ditambah waktu Anda adalah hal yang Anda butuhkan. Hal ini tidak terlalu sulit untuk dilakukan, dan itu adalah wajar untuk semua untuk membuat hadiah yang menarik.

    Ini afghan dapat dicapai dalam ukuran yang berbeda, tetapi bisa membuat frustasi untuk beralih warna untuk masing-masing dan setiap baris, dan kemudian memiliki begitu banyak ujung untuk mengikat. Pola shell itu sendiri adalah super mudah untuk merenda, tapi ketika menenun dalam ujung adalah membosankan bagi Anda secara pribadi, ingatlah bahwa sebelum menerapkan pola ini untuk menghasilkan lebih besar dari bayi atau putaran selimut. Karena ada warna baru dimulai setiap baris, saya ingin memanfaatkan metode ini untuk bergabung dengan warna benang baru. Ini sederhana untuk dilakukan, tidak meninggalkan simpul yang Anda bisa melihat atau merasakan, namun tidak akan pernah muncul.

    Ada juga banyak pertimbangan desain. Ada berbagai desainer besar misalnya patch Sihir, Gus & max, Pantai Babyz, Pitter Patter, Pisang Ikan dan Glenna Jean. Anda juga harus memutuskan antara tradisional dan kontemporer set tempat tidur untuk bayi Anda dan tidur yang dirancang khusus menggunakan balita dalam pikiran Anda. Desainer menambahkan gaya baru setiap minggu.

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