Friday, October 2, 2015

BSNYS Friday Fun Quiz!

It's Friday, which means the weekend is coming, which means you're going to ride your bike, which means if you're the sort of idiot who rides around with your skewers open you'll want to make sure your bike isn't included in the massive quick release recall:

So don't forget to do the "#2 pencil test," by opening your quick release and making sure you can fit a pencil between the handle and the rotor:

"If the pencil fits between the handle and the disc, you're fine."

Uh, no, you're not fine, you're RIDING WITH THE SKEWER OPEN.

I find it disturbing that we've reached the point where riding with your quick release open is just assumed, and that the bike companies are obligated to adjust their safety standards accordingly.

If it were up to me I'd just let them all crash.

Then again I am a truly miserable and unforgiving person.  I realized this during my last trip to the Philly Bike Expo, which Stevil of All Hail The Black Market attended with me.  After the show we went to get cheese steaks, and on the way to whichever grease-slinging tourist trap we eventually chose we passed a parked bicycle that had its skewers done up all wrong.  (The owner had clearly twirled them shut like wingnuts instead of levering them closed, which I would guess like 70% of the population does.)

I just scoffed and muttered "friggin' idiot" to myself like I usually do, but get this: Stevil stops walking, kneels right there on the filthy Philadelphia sidewalk (in the cheese steak district no less), and fixes the skewers.

For a stranger.

It was then I realized there are genuinely kind and thoughtful people out there, and that I am definitely not one of them.

However, far from feeling ashamed, it only reaffirmed my thoughtlessness, because as long as there are suckers like Stevil out there helping people for me then why should I even bother?


And now, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right then WOW!!!, and if you're wrong you'll see someone go from aero to airborne.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and careful where you stick that pencil.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

1) According to some guy from the Wall Street Journal, New York isn't a bike city because:

--It's not Amsterdam
--Bike share offers "a sensible alternative to sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic"
--Bike share works well
--All of the above

("The heck they will!")

2) Washington, DC public school students will:

3) The New York City Department of Education recently sent a letter to parents in certain "crash-prone" areas asking them not to let their children walk or ride bikes to school.


4) While riding his favorite climb, this Fred keeps finding:

5) For a brief moment in bike advocacy, pushing your bike along on the sidewalk like a scooter was called:

6) A Toronto cyclist was charged with mischief for:

--Smashing a driver's windshield with a u-lock
--Deflating a driver's tires after a roadside altercation
--Throwing a driver's keys down a storm drain after the driver hit him
--"Failure to apologize"

7) A New York City cyclist is suing UPS for:

--Reckless driving
--Blocking the bike lane
--Losing the vintage bicycle frame he purchased on eBay
--Backing into his bicycle while it was locked to a city bike rack

"Bike Lane Freakout Goes Mainstream-Ish-Themed Bonus Video!"

(Via a reader, thank you reader.)

I'd high-five him if I could.


  1. 64. It seems that for many people, maybe the majority, these artificial forms of the power process are insufficient. A theme that appears repeatedly in the writings of the social critics of the second half of the 20th century is the sense of purposelessness that afflicts many people in modern society. (This purposelessness is often called by other names such as “anomic” or “middle-class vacuity.”) We suggest that the so-called “identity crisis” is actually a search for a sense of purpose, often for commitment to a suitable surrogate activity. It may be that existentialism is in large part a response to the purposelessness of modern life. [12] Very widespread in modern society is the search for “fulfillment.” But we think that for the majority of people an activity whose main goal is fulfillment (that is, a surrogate activity) does not bring completely satisfactory fulfillment. In other words, it does not fully satisfy the need for the power process. (See paragraph 41.) That need can be fully satisfied only through activities that have some external goal, such as physical necessities, sex, love, status, revenge, etc.

  2. Mash the brake with all your might! Those dick brakes are really effective.

  3. podium da duh dum

    remember the theme song from peoples court. that da dum dumb sound. that is the effect i'm going for.

  4. Now I can begin my posts with "Well it cost me seven pairs of Super Fred Vision goggles... but I just scored 12th best time on that damn hill

  5. Not my best Sagan impression here.

  6. What if I only have a carpenter's pencil? Or, worse, just a broken brown crayon with no label? I'm afraid I'll never be sophisticated enough for dick breaks.

  7. Toppus Tennis Elbow?

  8. My dog says he is reminded of constipated mathematician who worked it out with a No. 2 pencil.

    I asked him how that was similar to loose tools, but he just rolled his eyes.

    I may never understand him.

    Oh well, ride safe all!

  9. Quick release skewers, the new population control mechanism. Brought to you via NWO. Sneaky bastards.

  10. One day back in the day my buddy managed a record store. Remember those? They used to sell music albums in the form of records, tapes and CDs. Anyways one day he found a fat bag of weed laying on the floor in one of the isles. Lucky bastard.

  11. Friday fundus fun-day!

  12. If the pencil fits, your face gets no hits.

  13. Ever fallen in love someone
    You shouldn't have fallen in love with

    The pizza pictures in my captcha grossed me out

  14. Ha! When I heard it was a pencil test I thought we girls were supposed to test the girls again, just like we did back in high school...

    Yeah, the Coronado biddies were featured on the CBC this week, too. It went way beyond ISH in the mainstream of things.

    I love this place. Thanks for another great week, Mr Wildkittycat.

  15. No riding this weekend. Predicted up to 15 inches of rain. I'll be curating an artisanal arc out of empty beer bottles and bike tubes.

  16. Mr Buzz Cock. Yes. Hasn't everyone? Um, and you don't have to do the captcha thing. Just hit publish.

  17. babble please explain a girl's pencil test. I am at a loss.

  18. Now I have to go out and buy a #2 pencil?

  19. "...please explain a girl's pencil test."

    Time to stop reading the comments for today...

  20. Park Tools is currently developing a #2 pencil for dick break/ QR skewer relationship testing. It will be $49.99, available at better retailers soon!

  21. Incidentally, Park Tools is currently planning to change their colorways from their iconic blue to something that is less-likely to pull focus. Bike shop mechanics were lobbying behind Delia Ephron to raise awareness. She has done so much seminal work with the bikeen community in general, and with mechanics specifically.

  22. Anonytroll@ 12:46 - yes. Goodbye.

    McFly - the pencil test was designed by Ann Landers waaaaaay back when. She said that if you could hold a pencil under your breast then you could no longer go braless.

    Linda here has some interesting tips on the pencil test and how to go commando without camel toe.

  23. Did we just jump the shark? The Late Late Show monologue supports us? Hmmm....

  24. still high and dry in the bahamas!

  25. Hee Haw the BaristaOctober 2, 2015 at 1:21 PM

    They have the Late Late Show in Australia?

  26. Pencil test for girls in High School. Now a days the test would have to be given about the 6th grade.

  27. Where's the ass selfie, gloomy Gus?

  28. Great article, thank you! This idea abou the quiiz seems fun, For all you bike fans out ther don't miss your chance to check out our mountain bikes under 1000 dollars, which are both cheap and durable. Just visit and you won’t regret it!

  29. Did the triathlon high-speed endo'er have the front brake on the right, moto-style?

  30. how to go commando without camel toe? Wear loose pants?

  31. ..the front brake on the right, moto-style?

    Euro style. Also Sheldon Brown style. And Wildcat Rock Machine stlye

  32. Leroy's Dog(gy) Style?

  33. Folks, folks, please remember to keep it clean and serious. We just CAN'T AFFORD to lose Anonymous' good will!

  34. The only reasonable conclusion to be drawn from this whole skewer-gate controversy is that the vast majority of people are complete idiots. However, it is easy for us in the commentariat to feel smug. Most of us commentating here at BikeSnob is a Fuckface, LLC are probably pretty familiar with the basics of how bikes work. I am also inclined to believe that most of the commentariat are not idiots (with the notable exception of CJ, of course). In contrast, for the vast majority of idiots bikes are complex machines and the idiots have no idea how any of it works.

    As far as Stevil and his impromptu, curbside bike repairs, I am surprised he didn't get shot by the idiot bike owner as thanks for all his kindness.

  35. They are dumber than moronsOctober 2, 2015 at 2:21 PM

    One of the articles about Coronado California; "Watch a bunch of rich ideas freak out about bike lanes" doesn't even go far enough.

    “It’s very similar to personally taking all three of my daughters to a tattoo parlor and having them completely body tattooed,” she said.

    "After public comment, the City Council voted to suspend all new proposed bike lanes."

  36. glad i got some answers wrong because i thoroughly enjoy guy crashing. i noticed he didnt even come close to hitting his head.

    maybe someone should tell him to look slightly further up the road than just the 6 inches past his front wheel and maybe he'd notice things like red lights and intersections. just spit balling some solutions here.

    know what that guy suing UPS should ask for in the settlement? a front rack that isnt made from 80 pounds of plywood. UPS could drop it off for him.

    also, Anonymous was right. i went to mountain bike guides dot net and i do not regret it. their review of the schwinn protocol was particularly compelling.

    the Pros they said:
    It is aesthetically attractive which makes more people want to have it. Humans are naturally visual creatures. That is true. I'm visual as hell. I really prefer seeing titties than not seeing them.

    On the cons they said:
    This type of bicycle needs a great deal of tuning if you are to reach the highest levels of satisfaction.

    also true. i need a lot of tuning for high levels of satisfaction. Like, yo girl, this is going to take a while and you better be dedicated, otherwise it just ain't gonna work.

  37. 100% correct answers.
    100% chance of rain.


  39. Wow, I tried watching the Late Late Show, and couldn't stand Corden. After watching that video, I might actually stay awake after watching Colbert. But I wouldn't put any money on it.

  40. Ahh, good times watching the Coronado (Spanish, lit. a whale's vagina) video again. Didn't notice the first time, That Ol' Mrs. Visual Cacophony of Vertigo totally couldn't even deliver the clumsy-ass line she wrote. Which is also one way cops can tell something is a lie -- the old "rehearsed (but not well enough) speech delivered clumsily" trick. "I didn't, there's no way I could've absolutely, If I were gonna kill my wife, do you think I would do it like this?" Yeah he did it. C'MON MAN DON'T YOU WATCH DATELINE?

  41. And THAT's why you don't ride aero bars in a group. Or ride near people that ride aero bars in a group.

    I made my girlfriend demonstrate the proper use of a quick-release before I would let her take the front wheel off her bike. After watching a male friend unscrew his REAR QR like a wing nut I decided I wasn't being chauvinist.

    And in actual bike news, a 30 year old Campagnolo Nuovo Record skewer (that Leornad Zinn things I should retire because he doesn't understand metal) passes the #2 pencil test. So thank Lob for that.

  42. Wow, I misunderstood this thing with the rotors and the levers and the what not. I thought the problem was happening when the QR was CLOSED. You're tellin me this is about what happens when the furshlugginer thing is OPEN? i.e. when the condition that allows you to assume the bike will continue to have wheels on it, is now void? Fuckin ay, what's next, recalling toasters because they shock people who stick forks in them?

  43. Dear Mr. Figners,

    I represent the law firm of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe. Would you be interested in joining our class action law suit against the Associated Bread Cooking Device Manufacturers Association for allowing the sale of an obviously dangerous product such as a toaster that allows the insertion of forks while plugged in and energized?


    Hugh Louis Dewey, Esq.

  44. Mr Figners... ++ :D Right?!! Heh. I love the way your brain works. At first I was all "Oh thank GOODNESS my Rocky Mountain Soul" isn't on that list. That happened the split second before I recalled how I sold the bike and its dick brakes on the listings of Craig a while back. (We goldfish do remember things once in a while; it just takes a while.)
    And then I too noticed that I couldn't care less if it were.

    And I'm sorry, but WHAT is he going on about, all that BS about the lever leaving an imprint on your skin? I can't even open a tight jar lid without subluxating a joint or two. There is no fucking way I am going to tighten any release like that. Besides. Those damned lawyer tabs make it a tricky little feat just trying to take it off to change a tube. No. I am 1000000% confident that my wheels are not in the wee tiny slightest danger of falling off.

  45. I religiously check the quick releases on my mountain bike before every ride, and usually again at the top just before I begin a descent. Even so, I can remember a couple of different occasions when the skewer has popped open in the middle of a rocky downhill. The recall doesn't seem that risible to me, though I'm happy to report that both of my mountain bike's QRs pass the pencil test.

  46. "...I can remember a couple of different occasions when the skewer has popped open in the middle of a rocky downhill."

    If that really happened it means they were not closed correctly. You say you "religiously check the quick releases" but we can surmise you are just looking at them and in fact can not tell if you are closed them properly or not.

    When closing the lever, it should get hard then THEN GET EASIER to move the lever just before it is all the way closed.

    Look at the cam, the round wheel shaped piece in the skewer head, that rotates when you close the lever. Notice it is not round like a circle but it is oblong like an egg. When closing the lever you rotate the cam past the long part, the lobe. In order for quick release to open by accident, the lobe has to rotate back. If you are using the quick release correctly the tension in the skewer will not let this happen.

    As always, Master Brown explains it best.

  47. I enjoy a quick release every now and then. I love having my skewer clamped tight as well.

  48. I used to have hair EXACTLY like Reggie's. Sigh.

    Skewers are like, super complicated. It's like light switches, how the fuck do they work? The solution is likely to come from Apple via an app and a big red button.

  49. good god Tullio. i went to master browns page and just learned way the hell too much about quick release.

    i didnt realize the Schwinn clips were a schwinnn only feature. now i'm gonna feel real damn fancy riding my voyageur. if and when it ever becomes not a pile of pieces on my floor.

  50. If not Apple maybe the
    rear deralier adjust app people will come up with an app to close our quick releases for us, because we can't.

  51. Thanks, Snob.
    Just got back from the liquor store.
    It's my dog's 9th birthday and she requested some Pimm's Cup.
    No rain in the Midwest, but we had a light frost last night. Too early.

  52. If you have not seen this already:

  53. I shall be quickly released


  54. sorry i'm late to the dance

    but i am surprised that roille didn't rant about the #2 in a pencil designation denotes graphite hardness and blackness while having nothing to do with it's size.

  55. Every time I see the word Gowanus, I think "Cow anus? Oh, Gownanus, right."


    Ah well my heart's not in it. But it is kinda stupid... personally I use the following test: ¿Does it touch the rotor, sí o no?

  57. Manlius. Next to Baldwinsville.
    North of Syracuse.
    Used to live there.

  58. Biker Lanes appear at first like cute mini-versions of the real lanes (for the real traffic).

    In my experience (drunken escapades) their real-world utility is at very best ornamental.

    Faded white roadlines and/or saturation-coatings of treehug green paint so effectively lulls me to a bullshit-sense of security on much the same principle as chutes in a slaughterhouse.

    No longer is "Brace for impact" just for breakfast or aircraft plummeting presently earthwads.
    Wads of wadded wadding waddlings.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Mr. P. Bateman, so many answers in so little time. For the rest of you, no pencil scram us testing is required for the Friday quiz.

    Ride cheap my friends.

  61. I'm such a nice guy who loves people; that's why I enjoy your misanthropy.

  62. sometimes capitalization is ok. HB for example. also all caps for screeds about entitled fucks.

  63. Why try to hold a pencil under your breast when I could do it for you?

  64. My friendly neighborhood crack-aficionado (or possibly 1of his lovely assistant-aficionados) keeps taking silly bits off my ride my non-dick brakes in particular.... i think it's for drug-money.

    Can any dick brakers recommend this or is it better to continue current setup, ie, waiting for my stuff to appear on CL so I can buyback.

    Last noche they made off w/ my dayglo wheels w/ the deep V's ++a few stem too (none of which r really usable to smoke rock)

  65. Trust Babs to give the lowly pencil an aura of sexuality. She should forewarn readers that her comments might contain graphite content.

  66. Hmm. The older I get, the closer I get to not passing the pencil test.

  67. Forget the quick releases. I still have axle wingnuts on some of my bikes. Those are properly tightened like....wingnuts.kent

  68. I've been researching the origins of the term first world problems and you might be interested to know the first citation was in the Coronado Eagle & Journal.

  69. bieks - is that actually true?

    its too late and i'm in no state to even google that.

    why do i feel like cousin eddy when he asks clark if pilots had actually spotted santa?

    my unsolicited netflix advice is that this narcos show is quite entertaining and pairs well with white wine and a little white devil.

  70. That tri-dork epic use of the front break lead me to this little bikecykle crash compilation

    Which reminds me, I am too old to ride in packs. Not to mention to slow, etc.

  71. Under the indignities of travel bike portaging - I tried to curb check my two bags yesterday at S F'n O airport before returning my rented car. The curb-side luggage duder checked my regular rolling suitcase thing, takes one look at my second bag and says "What is in there, a bike?" I should have lied but didn't - "Yes it is a disassembled travel bike" Fuck-O refused to take it - he thought he'd get in trouble because bikes get charged more than regular bags - even though it is a standard size bag within the weight limits for regular luggage. Fortunately, the good people inside disagreed, and were happy to charge me the regular second bag fee. But that meant I had to lug that big ugly clumsy bag from my rental car, to the train, and down to the bag check. Fuck-O.

    At times I wish I enjoyed running and could just take a pair of shoes and go. But then again, I got to see some pretty cool shtuuf while out cycling around...far beyond where running shoes would have taken me.

  72. Dance with me, babble.

  73. ABCs of bicycling for 2nd graders - Air Breaks Chains - eventually if left unlubed the oxygen in the air will break your chain

    Can you tell it is still raining and I'm bored

  74. ABCs of bicycling for 2nd graders - Air Breaks Chains - eventually if left unlubed the oxygen in the air will break your chain

    Can you tell it is still raining and I'm bored

  75. Dear Snob,

    Sorry you scuffed your Brooks! That made me a little sad. Let that be a lesson to you not to go on any big date and especially NOT TO GO MOUNTAIN BIKING WITHOUT FIRST 'FLOGGING THE DOLPHIN'. Otherwise it's like going out with a loaded gun, my friend!

    About the disk brake / quick-release interference recall, I would like to know if the pencil test is also valid for other types of pencils, #1 pencils, for example, or H or HB? If you're an engineer, like me, can you use a mechanical pencil, and if so, what diameter lead?

    I ask only for information.

    Continuing to skewer the quick-release / disc-brake recall instructions, I love / loath their generic writing: Instead of just stating, "This recall only applies to bicycles with quick-release skewers." Surely we should all KNOW if we have quick-releases on our bicycles, without having to DETERMINE the same, or else be EXECUTED for not knowing:

    "First, determine whether your bicycle’s front wheel has a quick-release. Next, look for disc brakes on your bicycle. If your bicycle does not have a front-wheel quick-release and disc brakes, or has only one of the two, your bicycle is not affected by this recall. If your bicycle has both a front-wheel quick-release and disc brakes, apply the #2 Pencil Test:"

    Why don't they just begin the instructions with, "Determine whether or not you are in possession of a bicycle. If you ARE NOT in possession of a bicycle, this recall does not apply to you".

  76. damn

    and i bought two of those expensive park tools to break my chains. you mean i cooda just put the chain in the air, come back later, and find it lying on the ground? all chains? or just she-mono

  77. and the sunglasses vise Fred has his sunglasses inside his helement straps - the horrr!


  78. look on the bright side.

    some poor taxpayer is paying for some gov idiot to write on an official website instructions for people to violate the law.

    but the poor taxpayer isn't you.

  79. Dear Mr. DB @ 4:45 PM --

    My dog asked me to remind you that the traditional 9th birthday gift for canines is real estate.

  80. Leroy:
    Please thank your dog for me.
    It's confusing and difficult to remember the traditional gifts of weddings and birthdays.
    My dog tried to tell me the 9th birthday gift is gold.

  81. Calgon Bathing Babe yesterday looked like she was deep into fantasy land.

  82. Woooot! A lovely Olympian joinedu us this morning. Laura Brown is a time trial specialist and an all round sweetheart just home from Richmond and on her way to Columbia, and she joinedt he club ride today. What. A woman. :)

  83. was driving to the beach today. there was a bicycling cylclist on the downhill side of the causeway. bet he was legitimately hitting 40 american miles per hour. or thereabout.

    as i got closer i realized he was a full on triathlete fredder. i immediately got over to the far lane. i did not want to be involved in some incident involving a triathlete fredder suddenly catching a crosswind or grabbing his left brake lever that for some inexplicable reason was attached to his front wheel that would cause him to pitch himself under my 33" all terrain tires which i'm sure would absorb and dispense him without issue because cooper makes a nice tire, but would also lead to my arrest.

    great news is that potential disaster was averted and all is well.

    gotta pay attention. fredders are everywhere.

  84. Well now! Guess celebrations are in order for that Florida/Alabama century sprint or maybe that there's a sint'ry spreeint...

  85. Philadelphia BicyclistOctober 4, 2015 at 6:40 AM

    So your friend is the fucker who did up my quick releases real tight, I couldn't undo them and had to use a big hammer to unscrew the levers which bent them all to shit. Bloody do gooder busy bodies - 70% of the population can't be wrong. grrrrr.

  86. My butt hurts


  87. wow

    day late and 76 cents short for the sprint. glad i turned off the alarm and slept in this morn.

    congrats on a fine show bama

  88. gawd damn bama. they just got win f'ing everything.

    gawd f'ing damn those sister f$#kers

  89. and now i find an RB1 in my size on the craiging list. this, after ive bought an rb2 and schwinn that are too big. just gawd dang it.

  90. I just love the smell of burnt Ugga hair in the morning. It smells like........victory.

  91. ok i will go for lantern rouge

  92. "..and now i find an RB1 in my size on the craiging list. this, after ive bought an rb2 and schwinn that are too big. just gawd dang it."

    Bike Flipping, noun, the practice of buying second hand bicycles at below market value, and/or scavenging them from the trash, repairing, riding them for a while, then selling for above market value. Sometimes done for a (small) profit but mostly to experience a wide variety of bicycles for free.

    See here for more specific information.

  93. Ostensibly felicitous? Fucking Wall Street prick. I either nail the question or it take me 3 tries. And thanks for confronting a stereotype of mine. Bigger asshole=Philly/NYC?

    Blog on, man.

  94. Confuscious say girl who put pencil under breast will put Johnson between them. If Johnson no fall out then pearl necklace will be administered.

  95. Did you mean "tortuously," Mr. Gopnik?

  96. Cheat botol bayi farmville 2 melahirkan anak Anda, Anda akan merasa Anda yang terbaik dan bahwa Anda mandi dengan berkat Mahakuasa dan juga Anda akan merencanakan dan memikirkan menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu Anda menggunakan baru lahir Anda. Itu wajar seorang wanita melahirkan anak Anda, tapi apa yang benar-benar jual botol kaca susu bayi asi perah rbs 120ml membuat Anda yang terbaik akan menjadi cara Anda membawa anak-anak Anda.

    Hadiah bayi perempuan termasuk banyak hal yang halus seperti bayi perhiasan sedangkan memilih hadiah mewujudkan beberapa hal yang cukup berwarna-warni yang berguna. On-line berhenti membeli hadiah bayi kegembiraan hidup yang memberikan hadiah memilih disesuaikan dan eksklusif, baby shower hadiah perayaan saran untuk jual perlengkapan pelindung botol susu bayi mengenang kedatangan yang memilih baru yang luar biasa dalam hidup Anda. Anda disediakan bermacam-macam besar untuk memilih hadiah untuk memilih Anda seperti disesuaikan hadiah bayi, mewah hadiah bayi keranjang, tak tertandingi selimut bayi untuk barang panas untuk penerimaan penitipan bayi. Khusus sedikit atau tidak ada bayi laki-laki pantas hadiah khusus karena mereka membuat dunia Anda banyak kuat dan dinamis.

    Apakah Anda mencari sumber online untuk gaya paling populer, bayi tidur pembibitan, dan seprai balita set? Ketika datang ke keselamatan, adalah penting bahwa bayi tidak rentan terhadap mencekik dari berlebihan, atau bahkan jenis yang salah dari tempat tidur. Penyebab Sudden Death Syndrome Cot aren? T umumnya dikenal tetap saja itu dapat disarankan perlengkapan tempat tidur biasanya faktor. Jika Anda ingin benar-benar aman, dianjurkan jual penghangat susu makanan untuk bayi bahwa bantal bayi dan selimut tidak membentuk bagian dari Anda ketika bayi Anda (di bawah satu tahun) sedang tidur. Jenis tempat tidur mungkin menyebabkan mati lemas. Ada banyak pendapat tentang subjek ini, dengan banyak ibu memilih untuk melarikan diri dari selimut bayi dan bukannya memilih selimut dpt dipakai atau pakaian tidur. Kereta meskipun ini adalah bahwa hal itu jauh lebih mungkin bahwa bayi akan mati lemas dalam sesuatu yang mereka secara fisik memakai.

    Idealnya selimut ini terbuat dari bulu, wol dan katun. Tapi, dengan orang-orang semakin semakin sadar lingkungan akhir, tua muda sudah mulai memilih selimut dpt dipakai dibuat dari 100% organik katun, kurang semua jenis pelembut buatan, pewarna kimia, dan selesai. Mereka tidak membahayakan kulit sensitif bayi sama sekali.

    Karton Prajurit - Anda akan memerlukan beberapa kardus besar untuk menghasilkan kostum kardus prajurit. Potong setiap kotak sepanjang putih dan berbaring setiap kotak keluar datar. Melacak sekitar dada Anda dua kali pada kotak. Potong buah dan merakit menjadi rompi baju besi menggunakan benang untuk mengamankan pada bahu dan sisi. Membangun belati atau pedang dari karton Anda. Anda juga bisa datang dengan helm, baju besi kaki, dll jika Anda perlu. Cat atau menghias kostum yang diinginkan. Mendaur ulang kostum Halloween setelah.

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