Friday, October 9, 2015

BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!

("Hello, India!  We bring you infection, in the form of Jesus and germs!")

Please note that this coming Monday, October 12th, is the day known as "Columbus Day."  I will not be blogging on this day--not because I'm a filthy imperialist, but because the schools are closed, and if I don't spend the day corralling my seventeen (17) children they will fan out and destroy the neighborhood.  You know, just like Citi Bike is doing.

Rest assured I will be back on Tuesday, October 13th with regular updates.

Pending my triumphant return and the concomitant fanfare, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right you'll know, and if you're wrong you'll see Australian ingenuity.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and go ahead and take a long weekend.

You deserve it.


--Wildcat Rock Machine

1) A clever rider in London has been reported to the police for:

--Completing a Rubik's Cube on a Boris Bike
--Solving the Guardian crossword on a Brompton
--Proving Fermat's Last Theorem on a Pashley
--Accidentally u-locking himself to a bike rack for several days

2) Mike Lane is the inventor of:

--The bike periscope
--The revolving bar end
--The posture girdle
--All of the above

3) Anti-pollution masks are the new helme(n)t.


("Where the hell is the Boost 148?!?")

4) What, you don't have Boost 148?  You gotta get the Boost 148!  So what is Boost 148?

5) White tires make you crash.


6) How much money do some Kickstarters want to produce a calendar of naked bicycles?  (So pictures of frames, basically.)


7) In his review of "The Cycling City: Bicycles and Urban America in the 1890," Adam Gopnik of The New Yorker invokes which of the following concepts? 

***Special Bespoke Bicycle-Themed Bonus Video***


  1. 65. Today people live more by virtue of what the system does FOR them or TO them than by virtue of what they do for themselves. And what they do for themselves is done more and more along channels laid down by the system. Opportunities tend to be those that the system provides, the opportunities must be exploited in accord with rules and regulations [13], and techniques prescribed by experts must be followed if there is to be a chance of success

  2. Where is the pack, and is Ted K trying to tell me that I need to pick up a digital air pressure gauge if I want to have any chance of success in my next cx race? It's just not very clear today Ted.

  3. Top ten motherlickers!

  4. dang early turds get all the good shit

  5. Morning wood taken care of, now time to read!

  6. Speaking of digital air pressure gauges, this article is the complete opposite of a Lennard Zinn article.

  7. the guy on the Panasonic will need the bike posture girdle! Or at least on of those SR stems with a 12" quill...

  8. bad boy of the northOctober 9, 2015 at 8:34 AM

    another early showing.....

  9. Anony Mooses and Ted K. don't count!

  10. there are absolutely no funny thanksgiving jokes.

    no "stuffing" innuendo, no "jive turkey", nothing about seeing your hot cousin and something something wishbone....

    cant find anything.

    thought there would have to be something funny about canadians, turkeys and the decimation of an indigenous population. i mean, all the ingredients are there for funny...

  11. I think that WCRM plays fast and loose with the phrase "regular updates".

  12. Aced the quiz for the first time ever. Gonna be a good day tater.

  13. bad boy of the northOctober 9, 2015 at 9:45 AM

    as we say in the nyc our friends north of the border..."happy toikey day"


  14. top ah, what time is it

    i see we're now on eastern european time

  15. the question: calendar of naked bicycles?

    what? when did teacher talk about that? you fuck-o(e)s let me fall asleep in class again. didn't you?

  16. I guessed the calendar question correctly, and ACED! the quiz, so I still don't know a single thing about Austrailan ingenuity.

    Thanks for your happy Thanksgiving wishes, gentlemen!

  17. Heh. Cipollinian spuméscènce...

  18. I use Boost 148 to clean my cotton underpants since I don't wear a diaper when I ride.

  19. Canadian thanksgiving: pilgrims with buckle shoes and tuques?

  20. Aced the quiz. 100%

    Bonus video was good, I guess. I liked when they were all standing around the new bike waiting on the customer and the one guy tries to hike his leg over the seat. Comic.

    Enjoy your day off Wildcat. And yes thanks, I'll enjoy the day off too. Actually as a captain of industry I long ago exercised my executive privilege and take every Monday off.


  21. Oh ho snobberdooders, here's a new one for you and the mother of those seventeen (17) children of yours. Remember you mentioned menstruation cups? So now there's a Smart Cup that talks to your phone from your vagina. Well, not YOUR vagina, obviously...

  22. i clicked that vajay jay link and am now worse for doing so. thank you very little.

    good god. why would you need to know the color?

    and i'm not at all really bothered by that monthly visitor - have had my red wings for years, but the application of technology to this area is just a little much.

  23. Heh, right??! But did you watch the video? And never mind the warning that you mustn't wear the damned thing in an MRI, lest it tears you a new hole...

  24. It is also Leif Erikson Day.

    So, now you know.


  25. somewhere between babs & PB i've concluded that i'm staying way far away from that link

  26. I don't mean to brag, but I bumped into Mr. BSNYC on one of our city's bridges this morning.

    He provided much-appreciated insight re a new bike I'm contemplating and the answers to this morning's quiz.

    Well of course I'm betting my dog $25 I ace the quiz.

    It'll be like taking candy from a canine.

    Ride safe all! (And if my dog tries to lay off a bet against me, just say no. Or get good odds and offer me a split. I need a new bike.)

  27. Esteemed CommentorDaddoOneOctober 9, 2015 at 11:59 AM

    i loved the panasonic commercial !

    for thanksgiving, here is the FIRST EVER turkey joke:

    turkey 1: gobble gobble gobble gobble
    turkey 2: gobble gobble
    turkey 1: gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble
    turkey 2: hahahahahahahahahahahhahaha!!!!!!

  28. That's Indigenous People's Day to you, pal.

  29. Whether or not white tires make you crash is debatable, but they sure do look stoooopid. I generally think that all white bike accessories are stupid and are made for people who are more concerned about fashion than they are about actually riding their bikes. In my not so humble opinion, white bar tape tops the list of stupid. I.e., black is really the only acceptable color for bar tape, unless you want your bar tape to look filthy and disgusting after a mere 10 minutes of riding.


  30. i might have white tyres. i just checked as i'm so fashionable i wasn't sure.

    i have continental travel contacts on both front and rear. the rear one has a reflective stripe that makes it look white. but it's thin and maybe because the front doesn't have it, i've successfully been able to navigate the razor's edge of white tyre crashing.

    don't know why they are different. seems like even time i buy these things the lettering, etc. are a little different. i think they are made by vito the helper monkey (from his grave of course).

  31. vsk said ...

    Sr. Leroy ! Thems is good bragging rights!

    Ms. Babble thanks for cheerleading my ability to keep a bike rolling to work so slowly and still remain shiny side up!

    Gonna rain today so I leased a seat on the train and 'spress bus that the MTA owns.

    Happy Frikkin Friday !!!

    I gotta work Monday.


  32. That Panasonic video was heartwarming.

  33. and meanwhile in Florida...


  34. Hee Haw the BaristaOctober 9, 2015 at 1:24 PM


  35. Scranus, enjoy your off fucko-ing everyone.

  36. So for Columbo day I plan to wear a rumpled raincoat and every time I'm about to leave a room, turn around and say "oh, just one more thing."

    Loved the Panasonic video!

  37. Incoming message from your hooha: "Your cup runneth over."

  38. It's all relative. They guy in the Panasonic ad was 5'9".

  39. bad boy of the northOctober 9, 2015 at 2:08 PM

    okay....any plan for a fall fondon't?ya know,even though it's in the 70's in Fahrenheit numbers,here...the snow can't be far behind.just sayin'.

  40. OMG. A driver being prosecuted for driving through a bunch of cyclists.

  41. This Ted K guy actually makes a lot of sense, except for the part about sending people letter bombs.

  42. Bad boy - Yes! I have been testing a few interesting routes these past coupla weeks. I think we can even manage a a medio, a gran and a panzer fondon't for those uber Freds. There's a hurricaine's corpse due to visit any moment now, so obviously this weekend is out.

    But Planning. The only way we're going to make it hard to get any emergency dental service in dis town during dat fondon't is if da peeples have time to plan for it, right? So: part of me wonders if I should set a firm date two or three weeks from now, come what may, or if I should tentatively plan for next week, with a plan B set in case dat banana belt is active again ... suggestions?

  43. vsk - pleasure. Every ride is a good ride if the alternative burns old dinosaurs.

  44. vsk said ...

    Bottom 50th !

    As far as the transportational aspect... If I haul my many pound self 11 miles and huff out all those extra Crabon Die Oxide molecules (which plants seem to love), is it worse than taking the existing train or bus to which my poundage is not noticeable?

    I think it will all be for naughty when / if I go out fishing tomorrow morning.


  45. apparently, bike share stations increase real estate values so much that developers are paying for the privilege of a docking station in front of their swanky new buildings. Boston Globe report:

  46. Penultimate in the Top 53!

    Aced the quiz though!

  47. Anonymous 2:21 -
    She is being charged because of amphetamine use, otherwise "no criminality suspected"

  48. bad boy of the northOctober 9, 2015 at 5:01 PM

    ms.babble...ride like a hurricane.

  49. lost a good gal but a certain bad gal is back to keep me company. so thats super helpful. and have an office full of pretty cool old bikes to keep me distracted so guess all things considered, i'm not bikin' 'cross america so could be worse.

    ride safe folks. and be good if you have a good gal.

  50. In my single days I met a few women who let their Devil's Triangle do the talking. Over heard a young woman talking to another young woman in a coffee shop, she said she was tired of getting laid through the bar scene. I thought about telling her about the Al a Gore invention, but decided to demur.

  51. 45 Urine units for a calendar of incomplete bike photos? How much for the naked woman calendar where they all are missing limbs?

  52. K-Bo @4:41 - I am not expert, but I have watched Breaking Bad, and I do believe there is a serious difference between Meth and amphetamines; kind of like crack compared with coffee

  53. time to go fishing but not power boat style so my crabon footprint will not equal VSK's

  54. That Lady American Indian is greeting the Euro-Trash topless.....which could explain the immediate transference of diseases and the like.

  55. Jesus is real, as real as you are.

  56. The religious history of the United States began with the first Pilgrim settlers who came on the Mayflower in the year 1620. Their Protestant faith motivated their movement as a community to the New World from Europe where they could practice in peace. The Spanish set up a famous network of Catholic missions in California, but they had all closed long before 1848 when California became part of the U.S. There were a few French Catholic churches and institutions in Louisiana, especially New Orleans.

    Most of the settlers came from Protestant backgrounds in Britain and the Continent, with a small proportion of Catholics (chiefly in Maryland) and a few Jews in port cities. The English and the German Americans brought along multiple Protestant denominations. Several colonies had an "established" church, which meant that local tax money went to the established denomination. Freedom of religion became a basic American principle, and numerous new movements emerged, many of which became established denominations in their own right.

    Historians debate how influential Christianity was in the era of the American Revolution.[1] Many of the founding fathers were active in a local church; some of them, such as Jefferson, Franklin, and Washington had Deist sentiments.

    The First Great Awakening, the nation's first major religious revival in the middle of the 18th century injected new vigor into Christian faith. Religion in the period of the Second Great Awakening became increasingly involved in social reform movements, such as anti-slavery. Most of the denominations set up colleges to train new generations of leaders and nearly all were originally founded as Christian institutions. Later the Roman Catholics also set up colleges and a separate parochial school system to avoid the Protestant tone of the public schools.

  57. Deism (/ˈdiː.ɪzəm/[1][2] or /ˈdeɪ.ɪzəm/), derived from the Latin word "Deus" meaning "God", is a theological/philosophical position that combines the rejection of revelation and authority as a source of religious knowledge with the conclusion that reason and observation of the natural world are sufficient to determine the existence of a single creator of the universe.[3][4][5][6][7]

    Deism gained prominence among intellectuals during the Age of Enlightenment—especially in Britain, France, Germany and the United States—who, raised as Christians, believed in one god but became disenchanted with organized religion and notions such as the Trinity, Biblical inerrancy and the supernatural interpretation of events such as miracles.[8] Included in those influenced by its ideas were leaders of the American and French Revolutions.[9]

    Today, deism is considered to exist in two principal forms: classical and modern[10] where the classical view takes what is called a "cold" approach by asserting the non-intervention of deity in the natural behavior of the created universe while the modern deist formulation can be either "warm" (citing an involved deity) or cold, non-interventionist creator. These lead to many subdivisions of modern deism which tends, therefore, to serve as an overall category of belief.[11] Despite this classification of Deism today, classical Deists themselves rarely wrote or accepted that the Creator is a non-interventionist during the flowering of Deism in the 16th and 17th centuries; using straw man arguments, their theological critics attempted to force them into this position.[12][13]

  58. San Francisco attorney gets fatal hit and run killing of a cyclist reduced to 30 days.

    "police found his damaged 2012 Mercedes CLS550 in his garage in San Ramon, 3 miles north of the crash site."

  59. From a NY Times article on the film that profiles Steve Jobs

    “What a computer is to me is, it’s the most remarkable tool that we’ve ever come up with,” Mr. Jobs said. “It’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.”

  60. Jesus is not an infection. Jesus is an irrefutable, iconistic, good to go to place that fulfills the needs of his believers, and all you sinners who don't think that he represents the God of love and peace will burn forever in the fires of hell! Amen.

  61. I was looking for Jesus, but I found Waldo.

  62. It's really not your normal case of bicyclist being run down by reckless driver while cyclingOctober 10, 2015 at 10:20 PM

    Choyce said the evidence showed that bicyclist Bo Hu, a tourist from China, was struck while walking his bike in the middle of a dark road. He said Smith, who is blind in his right eye, thought he struck a large rock or deer.

    “He didn’t know he hit a person,” said Choyce, adding that prosecutors presented no evidence that Smith was speeding or driving reckless. “This could have happened to anyone. No one would expect someone walking their bike in the middle of the street.”

  63. All this religion just because we don't know what happens after death. I know what happens; we don't wake up and our bodies decompose to a skeletal condition.

  64. Only that's not the whole story. Six months after I pulled my little boy's lifeless body off the bottom of a swimming pool, he said to me "Mum, do you remember the day you were scared when I was drowning?" to which I replied "Yes." He said "You shouldn't have been scared. I was ok. My soul didn't like deep water, so it went somewhere else, but I was ok."

    Out of the mouths of babes.

    And sometimes I get these very serious seizures... they always scare the shit out of anyone looking, cause I show every sign of having died: I turn blue, my eyes are wide open, fully dialated, and non responsive. I am also non responsive to pain, and... well, all sorts of nasty symptoms. When I come back witnesses are usually in a state of shock, too, saying things like "Oh my God, you were dead!" Or in the case of that same little boy "Mummy please don't die. PLease don't die!!" And when it happens, that part of me that is witness to all, you know what I am talking about, the "I" which bears witness... well, when I am "gone" there is definitely a deliniation between this body, which will die and rot, and "ME," which will not.

    In other words, I am not this meat suit, and neither are you.

    And ok, maybe Jesus isn't an infection, but religion sure is.

  65. "San Francisco attorney..." Why is a guy who is blind in one eye and can't (lets presume legitimately) while driving tell if he hit a person, deer or a rock allowed to drive a car? Also, what was the judges declaration about him not being allowed to drink any alcohol have to do with the case? The article offers no explanation.

  66. Equal Justice Under the Eyes of the LawOctober 11, 2015 at 1:25 PM

    Woman who plowed into a group of cyclists on Fiesta Island, San Diego, leaving one cyclist paralyzed, three seriously injured, found guilty, faces up to 18 years in prison.

  67. You gotta love Betsy Andreu.
    Still after Lance.

  68. happy monday fuck-o's.

    just came to trash the house a bit while snob is away.

    also, my free non cycling advice of the day: check out Danger 5 on netflix.

  69. oh fuck-o

    jeez it's one thing for bateman to trash the house, but really. did he have to leave a pile of poo on the rug?

    happy tofurkey day to youse up norte

  70. Got out for a ride yesterday with the new XT liquid-actuated rear dick brake. The thing is like butta. I forgot how peaceful it is to ride with out a turkey screeching every time I tap the rear brake. I swear it made me faster, plus I made it through a super-techy section with a single dab down. Now to replace the front.

  71. Oh, that's right. Slob, I mean Snob IS away. I forgot.

    First, a comment that may get me some smugness-shaming back, but here it is: I don't like it that certain western states, cities like Albuquerque, are renaming Columbus Day"Indigenous Peoples Day". I get it that indigenous peoples suffered at the hands of new people who emigrated here. But I say we owe a lot to Columbus and explorers in general. I don't think holidays should be displaced. Have another holiday, say the THIRD Monday in October dedicated to honoring Indigenous People.

    And who are these indigenous people anyway? They are fine people, but they too walked here from somewhere else. They were immigrants once too. With all the talk and actions today about flows of peoples and refugees, Syrians, South & Central Americans, etc., etc., it is my opinion that humanity brings with it certain pain and friction (as well as invention, commerce and friendship). It is part of the human condition. And emigration brings other pains and dislocations, some fortunate & some very unfortunate. And so it goes.

    I don't think Columbus and Cortez did criminal things DISCOVERING the Americas. Once they were here, some of the things done in their names, and in the name of God were criminal, but what can one do now. I HONOR the people who were here before us, and love studying their histories and archeological sites, but I likewise CELEBRATE the spirit of discovery (and the equal spirit of commerce and getting more, more land, more spices, more whatever). It's part of our human condition. I don't want to sound too didactic like our friend Ted K., but human nature cannot be controlled. People are free, and the walk where they will, and there is little that can be done to stop tides of people from going where they want to go.


    And now I forgot my other comment. Drat.

  72. Now I remember. Maybe this has already been covered here, if so direct me to the correct department.

    Here in D.C. yesterday, a gorgeous lovely fall day that brought out a lot of everybody: the whole schmegegge, farmers' markets, student sports meets, and plenty of bicyclists. I saw one with a mask on--I thought it was a pollution filter mask, but my neophyte bicyclist friend, no, that was an oxygen restriction mask he had heard of, so people wear it, and it's as if they're training in a high altitude locale, like Mexico city.

    Is this true? Is this a thing?

  73. vsk said ...

    Ms. Babble,
    What's the proper thing for a bystander to do in your case if that happens? CPR? Raise legs for circulation? Tilt head back? Try to shake 'awake'?


  74. vsk said ...

    JLRB -

    Whilst Saturday was truly glorious, there were no fish to be found, anywhere. It's like they went to a Columbus Day weekend sale at Bloomingdales or Lord + Taylor.

    Anyway, I went from Flatbush Ave where my marina is to just off Breezy Point, to Norton's Point / Sea Gate in search of some birds diving on fish and nothing nada, zero, zip.

    It was almost windless out and with the CAVU, I was able to get some cool pix and drone video with my 100 foot selfie stick. It's on my YouTube thingy.

    Stopped by the marina Sunday afternoon to see if it was nice to head out for a while. Was a bit windy and I got there a little late. Awesome sunset.
    Took a little fishing rod with a tiny Kastmaster lure on it and casted around the docks just to feel a litle River Runs Through It and, 3rd cast, snapper blue fish about 6 inches. Returned the fish to it's habitat (where it was probably gulped up by a bigger fish) and went home. Conservationists and naturalists would be happy with my lack of haul.

    None of this involved bicycles.


  75. Babble@950: "And ok, maybe Jesus isn't an infection, but religion sure is."

    Religion has covered the earth in more blood than anything has. See Crusades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc, etc, etc. And that's just the numbered ones, some were given official names, i.e. The People's Crusades, etc. Not just singling out Christian campaigns, lots of other religions have launched campaigns of slaughter in the name of a higher being. ISIS would be the most recent example.

  76. I was present when a lovely young woman collapsed... There was pandemonium... People did useless hysterical things like calling 911 & asking if anyone knew cpr. I strode upon the scene & took control saying , "For God's sake, someone loosen her clothes"


  77. i doubt that

    i would have to look up numbers which i'm too lazy to do in the commentariat, but do you really think the crusades can complete with 6 million of the holocaust, followed by 10s of millions of chinese during wwii (or the almost 50 million total during wwii), 10s of millions under mao's leadership, 10s of millions under Stalin? Or even the single digit millions by the Khmer Rouge?

    Not to say that religion hasn't had a place in the slaughter, but "Religion has covered the earth in more blood than anything has" is simply not accurate. Humans have slaughtered other humans since the breed began. Sometimes for religion, sometimes for politics, sometime because the perp was annoyed that he was cut off by the car in front of him.

  78. Jake Arrieta, the Chicago Cubs Ace Pitcher may have been spotted riding a bike, on the sidewalk, on a folding bike, without a helmet; and a few terrified morons feared he would get hurt. Divvy Bike Share Bikes are one of many similar slow bikes which have never had a fatality and an extraordinarily low number of injuries. Dear Morons: Be more afraid if Jake is walking or in a car.

  79. Spokey, not to pick a fight, but the Holocaust total is 11 million, not 6 million. It was 6 million Jews, but the death camps also included another 5 million gypsies, homosexuals, intellectuals, handicapped, political opponents of the Reich, etc.


  80. wiwm

    stand corrected. i didn't realize that the gypsies et. al. counted as 'holocaust'

  81. Spokey, understandable, but the Holocaust and the "final solution to the Jewish problem" are only roughly synonymous.

  82. Wow, I come back from travelling to Canadia for a couple of days and all of you are serious and adult-like.

  83. ...and now, back to fart jokes.

    BTW, to make captcha more challenging, I have begun to identify the matches without looking at the prompts informing me what I am supposed to be looking for.

    Its not always easy. For example can someone please school captcha on the difference between ice cream and fro-yo?


  84. you're expecting an awful lot from a robot brain.

    btw sprinting is easier when you are logged in as you never have to deal with robot. and the few times i post anon with say wishiwaseddy, i get right in because i guess it only counts the non logged in posts.


  85. like this one. just checked the I'm not a robot without match ice cream of pasta or anything.

  86. VSK -
    We got pretty much skunked as well - surf fishing in very rough surf. But it beat working.

  87. I prefer to post anonymously, but when I do use a name, it's a fake.

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