Tuesday, August 11, 2015

America Now Leads The World In Proven Reserves of Crude Stupidity

Here in this part of the northern hemisphere we're busy squandering the remaining weeks of summer and building up our cyclocross bikes with dick breaks for the coming season, but down in the land frumunda they've already had their cyclocross national championships, and Geoff the Reader (which sounds like a "Game of Thrones" character) was kind enough to send me this video of the dramatic conclusion of the Elite Men's race:

Here's the description from the video:

There was a controversial end to the Elite Men's race. Paul Van Der Ploeg (big bloke in blue) and Chris Jongewaard (small bloke with white helmet) came together and they ended up off their bikes. I gave the video to the commissaires, they reviewed it, prior to deciding the outcome of the race. Paul kept the win. They are leaning on each other from about 3 seconds into this video.

"Came together" and "ended up off their bikes" indeed.

Even more salacious was the subsequent media coverage:

("I eees muscle-tainted.  Eees similar?")

Well, no, Mario.  This is what she meant:

It involved a substantial amount of contact between the two and the situation became heated.

I bet it did.  Sounds like they were doing the ol' two-taint tussle.

Moving on, there's been a lot of news out of Boston concerning cyclists on the highway, and this mornint a tweeter on the Twitter tweeted this tweet from some Boston sportswriter at me:
Wow.  Nobody in media is dumber about bikes than aging sportswriters.  Remember Tony Kornheiser back in 2010?

What is it with these people?  They write about sports!  Why are they so upset by people who engage in physical activity?  You don't see food critics getting angry at people for eating.  Anthony Bourdain tries the street food, he doesn't yell at all the other people eating it for blocking the sidewalk, or say stuff like, "Food just doesn't belong on city streets.  It's a nice abstract concept, but impractical."

Anyway, upon reading that tweet I fired off one of my own:
I should at this point remind you that I hate sports, partly because they're boring, but mostly because the stupid attitudes surrounding them hurt my brain.  Therefore, I didn't know who Tony Kornheiser was before that whole kerfuffle (even though he went to my high school, which is not surprising given his dimwitted worldview), and I didn't know who Bob Ryan was either--until after I sent that tweet, at which point I looked him up on a popular user-edited online encyclopedia and read this:

On January 28, 2008 his 37-year-old son Keith, was found dead in his home in Islamabad, Pakistan. Initial reports indicated that his death was an apparent suicide, however reports in the Pakistani newspapers Dawn and The News International indicated that Ryan's death may be investigated as a murder. A State Department spokesperson would only say the death was under investigation.[5] Bob Ryan released the following statement: "Everyone is devastated. I am well aware of these reports and we are very concerned about that. (But) we have no reason at this time to doubt the official version".[6]

That is completely horrible, and it made me feel really bad about the "-stan" thing, which was obviously a coincidence.  Ironically though I was initially going to type "Retardistan," but people always get upset when you use the "R" word that way, so I changed it.  Clearly I should have skipped trying to be clever altogether and just Tweeted "You're a fucking idiot."

You can never go wrong with that.

Indeed, very little good comes of the Twitter, though I was pleased to learn about this:
Here's the story:

No, by "jump red lights" they don't mean you can do the "two-taint tussle" with traffic signals.  What they mean is you're allowed to run the red light under certain specific circumstances:

The latest gift, being introduced over the summer, is a radical step that recognises a regrettable truth: that cyclists in cities often fail to stop at red lights. Rather than step up repression of this misdemeanour, the Paris city authorities have decided to make it legal.

Over July and August, signs are being put up at 1,800 junctions across the capital. They show an upside down triangle, with a picture of a bicycle and an arrow.

What this indicates is that when the signal is red, cyclists can nonetheless - and with all due care and attention - jump the lights. They can, to use the lingo, "griller le feu".

Mmmm, griller le feu is my favorite Parisian street food.

Anyway, here's when you're allowed to barbecue the light:

"It required a rewriting of the Code de la Route [the laws governing road use], but what in effect we have done is turn the red light for cyclists into a give way sign," says Christophe Najdoski, deputy Paris mayor in charge of transport.

It is important to note that the change only affects right turns or going straight on at a T-junction - in other words where the cyclist can hug the pavement.

This makes total sense, which is why it will never happen in New York.  See, here in America's Most Bike-Friendly City, these are the exact spots where the NYPD set up their cyclist red light sting operations.

Lastly, speaking New York City, a reader alerted me to the latest Bill Cunningham video, which I can't embed, so just click here instead.  Not only does he reveal that he's had 32 (!) bikes stolen, but he also spots a Citi Bike unicycle:

Presumably you only get 15 minutes instead of the usual 30.

Anyway, this video was highly thought-provoking, in that it made me think about how much I'd like to see a video of Bill Cunningham kicking Bob Ryan in the nuts.


  1. Jumping in the early waters!

  2. Now to read today's goodness!

  3. Too 3? Where is everyone?

  4. I dedicate all three podium spot to Babble On. Inspiration and admiration.

  5. Boom almost podiodium

  6. Ok, I'll stop now.

  7. Bicycling magazine lists the internet bike blog stars this month and they don't list BikeSnobNYC?! Perhaps he asked not to be listed along with many dubious "winners", but if not, Bicycling Magazine=Zero Credibility (as usual)

    They also had a Pot and Pedaling article which was mostly lame (as usual).

  8. Well, I'd watch a Bill Cunningham/Bob Ryan Epic Rap Battle video.

    I'd bet on the outcome if my dog would give me good odds.

  9. Another bike company (makers of the Dimond) claims to have "The World's Fastest Bike". I guess this is a thing now, like "world's best hamburger."

  10. vsk said ...

    Fack podder...

    and Pack fodder...


  11. It makes sense to me that sports writers hate cyclists. They all have radio shows whose audience is almost solely drivers stuck in traffic

  12. In Idaho, bicyclists are allowed to view stop signs as yields and red lights as stop signs. And have for years. Seems to work fine.

    There is a big difference between city streets and highways. The powers that be in bicycle heaven (Netherlands) have figured that out; the faster the traffic; the further the separation between cars and bikes. And if there is a bike lane or path, cyclists must use them. Motorists more polite in the cities and bicyclists polite on the highways AND everyone mostly law abiding; what a novel idea. Not in belly-aching America where our apparent hunger for our rights overrides our obvious need for responsibility.

  13. I disagree, one should get 1 hour on the Citi-unicycles. One is allotted 1 wheel-hour in both instances.

  14. Was that Leroy and his dog at 0:18 in the Bill Cunningham video??? All those white dogs look the same to me.

  15. Team Anonymous=Comment dopers

    1. "I have never tested positive."
      - sincerely Team Anonymous

      Wait, that was Lance...

  16. 32 bikes stolen? that does seem excessive.

    and how did he know that one guy had been walking down 5th ave with his bike for many years? he spying/stalking that guy? seems a little odd.

    oh, and congrats to the cyclocross winner. that was an incredible finish!! like when you finish on some tissue and then flush it.

  17. Were there so few people out on Park Avenue that Bill Cunningham had to take pictures of the same bird in 5 different outfits on the white & orange scooter? Perhaps it's his daughter.

  18. bad boy of the northAugust 11, 2015 at 12:34 PM

    nice nyx piece....oh,and more cowbell from downunder,please.

  19. Bob was probably just upset by the traffic on the Cape from the Pan Mass Challenge this weekend. And since he can't call it out specifically considering the money it raises for cancer ad the Jimmy Fund, he'll just call out all cyclists.

    Good to see France is willing to make it easier on bikes. I find in NJ that cars basically expect you to run the stop sign. There is a 4-way I go through daily to ad from work and I'll clip out as i approach only to see a car that has been stopped there waving me to go, like, "Come on idiot, it's my tur to go, but the you'll just hit my car, so just go through."

  20. I feel like if I had 32 bikes stolen I would have lost count at 9 and then just made up a big number like 32.

  21. 32 bikes stolen? eff it and take the bus already

  22. I googled Bob Ryan and Pulitzer. Google asked "Do you mean Bob Dylan Pulitzer?"

  23. The Isle of San Moronico has nice ring to it.

  24. i live on said island, otherwise known as vancouver (the city, not the 'actual' island).

  25. Here is that cyclocross "win" from another angle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6E2pq9MDyw#t=26

  26. The new rule in Paris for bikes is actually mostly in place in the US: it's almost always legal to turn right on red in the US, for cars and bikes (it's not in France).

    @PotbellyJoe I see the same thing in Florida: people don't expect me to stop at 4-way stops, and some actually look upset that I do… damn cyclists slowing down traffic!

    Also on the topic of 4-way stops for cyclists, I hear many people push for the Idaho stop, but I think the problem is actually the concept of 4-way stops. This is extremely uncommon in France. Usually at a low-traffic intersection, no one has a stop, you just have to slow down and yield to the person that comes from your right, and it seems to work just as well (or as bad, your choice).

  27. re: the recent crackdown on cyclists idaho stopping in san francisco:

  28. 32 stolen bikes?! That must be a new record of some sort. Wonder if he had 32 busted bike locks as well.

  29. I imagine a person who has several dozen bikes stolen also buys stolen bikes under the "used" moniker. Karma, dude.

  30. Esteemed Commenter DaddoOneAugust 11, 2015 at 1:41 PM

    bob ryan's phone number is: 617-929-2844

    I'm going to give him a call and ask him about his credentials as a city planner to elucidate further on his absolutely "astute" comment - you guys should too.

    his email address is: ryan@globe.com

  31. Bob Ryan look , I don't come to where you work and slap the dick out of your mouth. Don't tell me where to ride my bicycle

  32. is the dick unattached? like a big mushroom/yogurt flavored lollipop, or is it attached to someone?

    or something? do you refer to a horse as a something? not a someone right? but what if the horse has a name? what about those horses with no names?

    1. Horses are someone. Even the ones with no names...Like every sentient being, they are individuals who love their lives as much as anyone

  33. Right on snobbo about the sports and other stupidity.

  34. Pathetic Old CyclistAugust 11, 2015 at 1:58 PM

    Bob Ryan is to Journalism as Peyronies Disease is to Dick Breaks.

  35. i dont know about the hating sports. i agree with hating all the nonsense around various sports - 3 hour pre-games etc... but you dont have to tune in for that.

    but football is fun to watch and you can wind up with a room full of your family and friends eating and having a good time on a saturday (or sunday if you are one of those...). i dont see anything really wrong with that.

  36. So I wonder what it is about American streets that makes Rob think they are incompatible with bicycles? The fact that they are wider than streets in other countries?

    Fucking tool

  37. PotbellyJoe 12:35

    i was going left at the EMtn/Amwell light last week and a motorcycle came up behind to go straight. he called me out and thanked me for actually signaling as i moved out to go in to the left turn lane. i replied that it was purely my desire to survive that made me signal, stop and do other stuff to avoid being run over.

  38. Pathetic Old CyclistAugust 11, 2015 at 2:25 PM


    I am bit surprised at you for even thinking about pulling punches regarding the Moronistan comment and Bob Ryan. Calling a man out for editorializing a high level douchebag comment should be expected. By making his asinine comment, did Bob display any sensitivity to those on bikecycles who might have been run down by senselessly over opinionated newspapermen in automobiles? The same morons who don't have the guts or the lungs to ride in traffic alongside lazy fucking halfwits like Bob?

    Bob's dead son has no bearing on his moronic opinion and he deserves every snarky comment directed at him. He put his head in the lion's mouth, he deserves to have it bitten off.

    You, our leader, conscience and soul of this daily roundup, are softening under the weight of the voluminous responsibility of raising nearly 20 children.


  39. maybe that idiot should start paying for his roads if he wants them exclusively for autos. given his gas tax pays for less than 1/3 of the roads, he should get less than a 1/3 of width.

    how 'bout we take 2/3 of the 'general funds' that go in to his fucking roads (he can have his 1/3 share) and use that 2/3 for peds & bicycles.

    i couldn't finish that video. have to go back to something saner.


  40. much as i hate to agree (don't like losing curmudgeon points) i have to agree with POC

  41. 32 bikes, that is crazy. I now feel lucky that I've only had three stolen.

  42. Tony Kornheiser - whenever I hear his mouth noises I want to kick him in the nuts - whatadouschewalla

    And he sounds like Trump when he talks about Female TV Peeps:



    In March 2010, Kornheiser commented: "The last time I looked, the roads were made for automobiles...We're going to be dominated as if this was Beijing by hundreds of thousands of bicyclists...They all wear … my God … with the little water bottle in the back and the stupid hats and their shiny shorts. They are the same disgusting poseurs that in the middle of a snowstorm come out with cross-country skiing on your block. Run 'em down...Let them use the right, I’m okay with that. I don’t take my car and ride on the sidewalk because I understand that’s not for my car… Why do these people think that these roads were built for bicycles? ... They dare you to run them down.” Cyclist Lance Armstrong replied. "Disgusting, ignorant, foolish. What a complete f-ing idiot."[35] Kornheiser later apologized to Armstrong on-air and offered to go on a bike ride with him.[36]

    Truly one of Lance's finer moments in the PR world.

  43. Sports reporters aren't interested in sports. They're groupies who are interested in WRITING about the business of sports. Do any of them look like they've participated in any physical activity in the last 15 years?

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Bill Cunningham is the greatest. Should be the patron saint of bicyclists.

  46. @Spokey,

    I hate that I ride East Mtn as often as I do.

    I meet with a group of guys in Montgomery on the weekends and will try to convince them to start in Belle Mead or at the Hillsborough Municipal building just to avoid it.

    M-F at 6:30 AM it's not bad, but on Saturday morning all of the wool-socks go to the Sourlands and try to run me over along the way. I miss when the road was closed.

    the Beekman Ln and New Center 4-way is where I always come up and get basically yelled at for not running through it at speed.

  47. That Parisian bike looks a bit happy to see me.

    Tell Bob Ryan his dead son would be ashamed of him

  48. "The latest gift, being introduced over the summer, is a radical step that recognises a regrettable truth: that cyclists in cities often fail to stop at red lights."

    The latest instance of the law belatedly being made appropriate, being introduced over the summer, is the long-overdue and sensible step that recognizes a regrettable truth: Red lights are a fucking stupid overcomplication resulting solely from the advent of automobiles and the incompetence of their drivers, and therefore they do not apply to bicycles. FTFY

    "Gift" my ass! More like, we the people want to change our law, so get that shit done if you don't want to be removed from office!

  49. Check the Ryan Twitter link - he's getting crushed in the responses.

  50. On Dealing With Dummies

    1. As dumb as Mr. Ryan's comment was, there is no excuse to intentionally open a wound like losing a son or daughter. We are not meant to bury our children. It was right to make it clear that the Moronistan comment was not meant to open that wound.

    2. The problem with calling someone to give him a piece of your mind is that no one has an unlimited supply of pieces to spare. Unless Esteemed Commenter Daddo One has posted Mr. Ryan's work number, I wouldn't consider calling. If that is Mr. Ryan's work number, I still wouldn't bother calling. My dog may have a different opinion and his book club has discussed the relative merits of late night voicemail inquiries regarding running refrigerators and Prince Albert in a can.

    3. Email to a publicly available work address is fair game with an important caveat: If it isn't something you would say to someone in person or want to see attributed to you in a newspaper, don't send it.

    4. There are no winners' trophies in public discourse. Everyone gets a ribbon for participating. The best you can do is enjoy pinning that ribbon on the tail of a donkey. But even that requires approaching an ass.

    5. There is an exception to each of these rules for Ann Coulter.

  51. Did some cycling up in America's tuque last week while visiting friends in Ontario. Nice up there, much less traffic (than greater NYC) and some fairly bike friendly roads through nice rolling farm land. Also the Great lakes. The drivers on the whole also seemed a lot more respectful to cyclists. Good job Canada.

  52. So is that video what crisscross racing is all about? I've never been to one. it looks like they are racing around inside one of those annoying fucking never-ending-wrap-around lines at Disney.

    AND - that wasn't much of a tussle (especially when compared to NFL locker room <a href = 'http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nfl-jets-quarterback-smith-kod-broken-jaw-185338512--nfl.html;_ylt=A0LEVjNpScpVWM8AHYwnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--"> tussles </a>.

  53. try try again

    AND - that wasn't much of a tussle (especially when compared to NFL locker room tussles .

  54. where do you think the donald got that hairpiece? ann coulter's armpits.

  55. Show me a guy who's had 32 bikes stolen and I'll show you an incompetent bike-locker with a learning disability. See now that guy, is from Moronistan. He's full-blooded Moronistani.

    Not that mr. bike-baiting jock-sniffer is any Einstein either. He's the Lord Moronton of Moronshire. He's le Marquis du Département d'Alsace-Morogne. He's the Baron Limpdich von Möron.

  56. Ok, no dead son jokes. Tell him his mother rides a fat bike in hell.

  57. Leroy - I have to agree with your dog - piss on 'em - if I twittered I'd retweeter it

  58. Leroy - voice of reason in an age of creepy internet mob justice. I'm not phoning the guy either, but hey I figure sounding off here is fine. If he visits here, he knows what he's in for.

    Although an argument could be made that if wounds are being opened then the first blood was whose-ever son was run over by a car just for being an American traveling on an American road in America.

  59. Bob Ryan is clearly out touch. By the looks of his teeth and clothes (see "The Sports Reporters" Sunday morning on ESPN) he hasn't seen a mirror in decades.

  60. Esteemed Commenter DaddoOneAugust 11, 2015 at 3:25 PM

    both his work number and work email - and I don't want to give him a piece of my mind - I want to hear more of his

  61. Bill is about 90 years old. So 32 bikes over his long life, not so much.

  62. That's a bike every 3 years. Something is wrong there. I've got him beat by a factor of infinity. Is it just NYC? Or just that most of it was in the pre-Kryptonite era?

  63. I have a feeling Mr. Cunningham has never used a bike lock in his life so 32 bikes isn't so bad.
    I've seen him out and about in Manhattan and I think he favors a bike that doesn't upset the budget much.
    That, or the NYT just buys him a new one.

  64. Wait. So a bunch of cyclists in San Francisco wanted to created a traffic delay and it took how many? One old lady and her walker could have done the same. Unfortunately, it doesn't prove that allowing stop signs and lights to be ignored prevents traffic delays. Funeral processions don't stop, and they still create delays. It's not because they're stopping or not. It's because there are so many in one spot. They've definitely proven their whininess and selfishness. That's it.

  65. Bill Cunningham wears the same blue jackets that Paris Street/Sidewalk cleaners wear. In Paris there's an army of them to clean up not very much. In the US there's an army of people who throw stuff on the sidewalks and very few people to clean up after them. About once a month the city sends a street sweeper vehicle down the street.

  66. Anonymous 4:26,

    Your point being?

  67. For me, it means that I'm moving to fucking Paris.

  68. Anonycrushedit - Thank you!!!! Super sweet. Kisses straight backatcha. XXX ;)

    Janine - I KNOW, right?!?! It's as if there is such a thing as a pedigreed redneck and they're it.

    My blood boiled when I heard that vermin Tony Kornhieser goading his peeps into RUNNING US OVER!!!! And the whole crowd just chuckling along? WTF? What the actual fuck is wrong with those people? I don't recognise this world sometimes.

    Um, and I'm sorry, but where I come from, the threat of assault is treated like an assault, so of course you're always welcome to your free speach and your right to threaten to run me over, just so long as you're willing to give up your drivers' license and the physical freedom it gives you to drive your fucking retarded redneck pickup with a prick in it truck in the first place.

    If only everybody had to ride a bike for a month before they're allowed to drive a car. We'd make it a whole fucking year for trucks.

  69. Dear Mr. Anon. 4:47 PM -

    My dog informs me that the appropriate response to your "point being" inquiry is the same classic riposte to a "so what" interjection.

    I have no idea what he's talking about, but I'm informed we're hosting karaoke this evening.

  70. PotbellyJoe @ 2:45 PM

    that intersection is near the old homestead so i go through that probably 5+ per week and yes often get waved through. i'll go when it's not my turn but only after i've come to a full stop (i am usually on new centre x'ing beekman). also interesting is that not only has 4-way stop sign but the red blinking lights too.

    awhile back i started looking at how many people come to a full stop. i'd say at best maybe 5% of the autos actually come to a full stop except when they absolutely must to not have their sentient vehicle plow in to another auto (on the way to plowing in to starbucks of course).

    with that intersections i'll see cars often go through that at probably 10-15 mph. but if you're starting from the muni bld, i don't know. i find that beekman/amwell intersection much worse. nobody waving me through there, but i have had 3 turn in front me in the past two weeks. skid practice on one of them.

  71. If I have learned anything, it's that everyone hates the guy on the bike

    I hope you found your Times DB. The supermarket chains usually have them, plus the chain bookstores.

    So which was worse, the heat or humidity?

    Myself, I had bidness over past few days in the Shenandoah Valley, Frederick, MD, Baltimore, and believe it or not Long Beach Island, NJ. What fabulous weather.

    Wanted to bring the bike so I could actually ride in these places I have heard about.

    Spousy remarked, "You're not bringing THAT, are you?" so I didn't.


  72. well i'm quite a bit younger than mr cunningham but old enough to enjoy me pension and that there socialized medicine card. i've never had a bieksickle stolen in my life. in fact, i've had no where near 32 bieksycles to be stolen. in fact only have boughten one in this millenia (although considering one for next spring).

    i guess the peeps are more honest here in the hemorrhoids. glad me parent did leave brooklyn for 'mericer

  73. Bill Cunningham shot me at the corner of 57th and Fifth, but the Times didn't publish the photo. He just walked up to me, crouched a bit and pointed his camera. I've seen him in three different bikes in the last five years.

  74. I really wish Jongewaard wasn't Australian, the guy is an all round piece of shit.

  75. Bama:
    Never found a Times. I survived.
    Impressed with your part of the country, affordable homes, cheap gas, nice scenery, friendly folks, good BBQ.
    Some of your folks need to back away from the sweet tea, though.

  76. Snob, you went to Hewlett, too? I thought you were from Rockaway...

    Speaking of dumb sportswriters, you might remember when Chris "Mad Dog" Russo cried fowl on the air after Sports Illustrated named Greg Lemond Sportsman of the Year after his 8 second TdF and Worlds wins. He claimed that even he, an out of shape, Marlboro puffing desk jockey could race a dang bike up a dang mountain, fer chrissakes. Since he broadcasted from NYC, the CRCA invited him to show up at a club race. He declined...

    Last time I saw Bill Cunningham he was riding on a crowded sidewalk at lunchtime outside the Times building on 41st St. Seeing as for several decades he lived in the studios above Carnagie Hall (no bikes inside, please) and locked up outside the NYT in Times Square in the 'Taxi Driver' days, it's a wonder he didn't have more stolen...

  77. @Spokey, when we start at the Muni office we head west out to flagtown and three bridges, I hate Amwell. I avoid it like Bob Ryan avoids logic.

  78. crepes-on-the-streetAugust 11, 2015 at 8:07 PM

    That Paris thing is a big deal. Talk about some congested streets "inside" the loop.

    I will be very interested to see what happens to cycling-related injury/fatalities over 12 months in those areas.

  79. That's pretty cool, Dooth. What were you wearing? Were you on a bike?

  80. Has anyone seen David Koresh of The Branch Davidians religious sect? He was last seen wearing charcoal pants and a smoking jacket.

  81. Atomic Man,

    We moved.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  82. Wacko, David is not the leader anymore, he was fired.

  83. If that had been the Canadianish CX Nationals those two guys would've apologized to one another so profusely that 3rd place would've closed the gap and snuck by FTW.

    1. Hmmm, when wintering down here Canadians have proven themselves to be be quite the entitled pricks...

  84. Be careful what you wish for wacko. Next we'll have David and TedK doing the ol' two-taint tussle on the way to the podio with sermons and manifestos a'flyin.

  85. 93 but too tired to sprint

  86. I enjoyed that Bill Cunningham thing so much I posted it to my Facebooking page.

  87. BamaPhred - do you have one of those sweet little travel bags? Can you bring your bike and ride it in various and sundrie places all over the continent? OMG what a brilliant Stravaquest that would be. Your heatmap at the end of the year would be something awesome to see. DO it! What a great opportunity!

    Best way to get yer wife to actually like yer bike and all it entails is to enlist her devotion to the sport. Get her hooked on spinning two wheels, too. Introduce her to the local club. Most women will instantly appreciate all of the hotties who populate the cycling community.

  88. Let there be no more inflammatory remarks about David Koresh.

  89. That passion for the Lord that David had, well one mere mortal just can't keep it up for long and he just burned out. Amen.

  90. Atomic Man,
    Wait, TIMES Square is named for THE NEW YORK TIMES? Holy fuck, it all makes sense now.

    How long before they sell the naming rights to Fox?


  91. Anonymous BamaPhred said...
    If I have learned anything, it's that everyone hates the guy on the bike.

    No Sir,

    Everyone hates (or should hate) the asshole on the bike, or driving the car, or in politics, or walking on the side walk, or raising kids, or...... wait; maybe I have been an asshole at one time or another and I suspect you have too. Trying not to be an asshole no matter what one is doing goes a long way.

  92. Good morning, babble...it was a couple of winters ago and I was a pedestrian wearing all black--overcoat, slacks, boots. Apparently, Mr C focused his lens on New Yorkers in black...like shooting ducks in a pond.

  93. So much for Minnesota being bike friendly

  94. If I ride a cyclocross bike with dick breaks on my daily commute, does it make me insipid? And more prone to running stop signs?

    But there is Gravel!

  95. Right?! I visited Manhattan one New Year's Eve and came away with the impression that black is the New Yorker's uniform. But then I returned in June and that dispelled my first impression.

  96. My daughter used to work at IMG Fashion, the company that puts on NYC Fashion Week twice a year. Bill Cunningham would ask her, or another IMG employee, to arrange getting a photo of a model. After getting the photo he would personally find and thank the IMG person responsible for arranging for him getting the photo. Guys a class act.

  97. This Chris Jongewaard?


    I guess he copped the hit and run this time.

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