Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Steal is Real

If you read this blog you probably ride a bike, and if you ride a bike you're probably a giant nerd, and if you're a giant nerd who rides bikes and reads blogs there's a 99% chance you know "The Lumberjack Song:"

"He's a lumberjack and he's okay, he sleeps all night and he...STEALS BIKES ALL DAY?!?"

[Cue record scratching sound.]

Yep, that's right, a bike thief in Williamsburg, Brooklyn felled a tree in order to steal a bike:

SOUTH WILLIAMSBURG — A thief sawed down a 25-foot tree to steal a bicycle locked to its trunk last week, according to locals.

Sawed, are they sure?  Have the forensics come back?  This is Williamsburg, after all.  Are they absolutely positive the tree wasn't hewn with an artisanal axe?

Either way, the police have released a composite sketch of the suspect:
Fortunately it's summer, so relatively few men are dressed in "lumberjack chic" at the moment.  If it were fall the police would have to stop and question almost every single white male in gentrified Brooklyn.*

*[Just kidding, that doesn't happen to white people.]

Several witnesses also said the thief was accompanied by a blue bovine of some kind, and that after tucking the bike into the pocket of his flannel shirt he made his escape by using two MTA express buses as Rollerblades.  However, police believe the witnesses may have been intoxicated.

Anyway, the upshot of all of this is DON'T LOCK YOUR BIKE TO TREES.  First of all, it happens to be illegal:

Christopher Ryan said his friend locked a bike to a tree in front of 242 Grand St., between Driggs Avenue and Roebling Street, overnight last week — a move Ryan acknowledged was illegal and carries a $1,000 fine.

But more importantly, it's bad for the tree--especially when some lumberdouche decides to chop it down.

Still, it seems that many area cyclists are locking their bikes to trees, and so residents are calling for more bike parking:

As the neighborhood has grown, she's seen construction vehicles and beer trucks damage the relatively new trees. And many new residents are cyclists who attach their bikes to trees, damaging them with chains and locks, she said.

"We've had this explosive growth. Our infrastructure in general hasn't been able to keep up with it," Chapman said. "There is just not enough bike parking. They need to put up more bike stands, all over the neighborhood."

Okay.  I agree, the city needs more bike parking.  Absolutely.  More bike racks, less car parking, livable streets, blah blah blah and so forth.  I'm with it.  Totally.

However, I also have an issue with the idea that, since bike parking is tight, then locking your bike to a tree is somehow unavoidable.

See, there are two problems with this line of thinking.  Firstly, more bike racks in neighborhoods like this--while sorely needed--will not magically solve the problem, because they'll just get filled up immediately with delivery bikes and abandoned vintage 10-speeds left behind by people who have run screaming with snot bubbles in their noses to "cities" like Des Moines after realizing they can't hack it in New York.  That's just the way it works.  It's like these people who think rents will magically go down if we build tons of luxury condos get rid of rent control and stabilization.  Yeah, right.

Secondly, cyclists are lazy, especially when it comes to parking our bikes.  Think about it: if you can't park your bike right in front of your destination you're like, "This is bullshit."  If you can't park it on the same block you're like, "The city needs to provide me with more bike racks, I'm being persecuted, this is a conspiracy on the part of the automotive industrial complex."  And if you have to go all the way to a different street to park your bike you're like, "OH MY GOD WHERE AM I WILL MY CELLPHONE STILL WORK HERE WILL THERE BE ROAMING CHARGES?!?"

Actually, that third thing isn't true, because most cyclists flat-out refuse to park their bikes on a different street, and instead will do something lazy and selfish like lock up to a tree--or someone else's bike:

Look.  I get it.  Bikes are so damn convenient that having to walk from your bike to all the way to your destination seems inherently wrong and almost absurd.  However, it's time we cyclists realize that in a crowded city we can't always be guaranteed our ideal spot.  This parking crunch is a good thing, because it means there are more of us.  After all, if we don't come to terms with the realities of bike parking and resolve to walk a bit more, are we then not as bad as the motorists, who think they're entitled to free car parking in one of the most expensive real estate markets in America?

No, of course not.  We'll never be as bad as motorists.  Motorists are fat, stupid, and ugly, and they kill people while pawing at their smartphones with their greasy hands.

Still, that doesn't change the fact that you should be prepared to walk a few blocks instead of locking your bike to a tree, because anything you lock your bike to becomes a potential victim.

Speaking of bike theft, here's a gripping story from Portland:

So, I’m walking back to my shop from the coffee shop when I see a guy (young male with his shirt unbuttoned) on a track bike. I instantly knew something was wrong and followed him around the corner. My brain said “that’s the bike stolen from alpenrose!” So, I grabbed him and asked “where the fuck did you get that bike?” He claimed he “bought it in north Portland for $300″ I said “bullshit you did” and grabbed the saddle and refused to let go, while asking a guy walking buy to call 911.

I'm glad this worked out and all, but NEVER DO THIS.  Firstly, you could get stabbed, and getting stabbed over a track bike is like crushing your genitals on your top tube because you saved grams by drilling holes in your crankarms--not even remotely worth it, if not totally embarrassing.  (Everyone knows track bikes are out of style, so if you're going to get stabbed over a bike it should at least be a 27.5+ bikepacking bike.)  Secondly, when it comes to making snap judgements about people, cyclists are not always the most reliable--and that goes double for cyclists in Portland, who tend to be bewildered by anyone who doesn't look like they stepped straight out of Momentum Mag.

Of course, in this case, as a bike shop employee he was able to make up for his lack of law enforcement training with his superior mechanical knowledge:

Me and the bystander had to hold him for about 15 minutes before the cops did show up. He kept screaming obscenities at me and tried to wrestle away many times. I let the air out of the rear tire so in case he did get away he wouldn’t be able to ride it. But being a track bike with no brakes, track pedals and tall gearing, it would have been extremely difficult to actually ride anyway.

Oh, bike dorks...  "I knew the bike had a 49/16 gear ratio, which would yield 80.5 gear inches and 16 skid patches.  For every revolution of the pedals his bike would move forward roughly 21 feet.  Furthermore, at 90rpm he would reach a maximum speed of 21.6mph, so if I reduced his tire pressure by 50psi..."

As a New Yorker though I was quite surprised to read this:

The officers that showed up knew exactly which bike it was, as they just personally filed the report. They were very helpful and the one officer was taking about how stoked he was that we recovered it and that “bike thieves make him sick”.

Wow.  The police praised him?  The NYPD would have thrown him in jail.

Lastly, check this out:

What, he didn't ride back down?

I told you cyclists were lazy.


    45. Any of the foregoing symptoms can occur in any society, but in modern industrial society they are present on a massive scale. We aren’t the first to mention that the world today seems to be going crazy. This sort of thing is not normal for human societies. There is good reason to believe that primitive man suffered from less stress and frustration and was better satisfied with his way of life than modern man is. It is true that not all was sweetness and light in primitive societies. Abuse of women was common among the Australian aborigines, [radio edit]. But it does appear that GENERALLY SPEAKING the kinds of problems that we have listed in the preceding paragraph were far less common among primitive peoples than they are in modern society.

  2. Angry Beaver in MiramichiJuly 28, 2015 at 12:03 PM

    Top 10 on alpe d'snob

  3. bro, plz don't h8 on 27.5+ bikes, they r just as rad as any other bike! love all the bikes, man!

  4. Pathetic Old CyclistJuly 28, 2015 at 12:05 PM

    A Tree Grows ( not) in Bklyn.

  5. Was the bike-thieving lumberjack wearing a HELMEnT ?

  6. Esteemed Commenter DaddoOneJuly 28, 2015 at 12:17 PM

    three of four buildings down from where i used to live, in Boston, there were these BU college students who had crazy toys all the time...range rovers and the like. One day these two brand new giant 29ers show up in front of their place. Two days later they both locked to on of those trees that is essentially a stick being held up by two other sticks - i.e. a baby tree that the city had planted. As i walked my dog passed, I said - "who gives a fuck about the bikes?", but I feel bad for that tree - its a goner". My dog (no relation to Leon's) said "yeah, too bad". Sure 'enough the VERY NEXT DAY there were no bikes but there was a sawed off baby tree lying on the street. Idiots.

    don't forget to try and win a parlee:

  7. "This is bullshit"

    No , THIS is bullshit!
    (Pointing to giant steaming pile of Hot Carl)

  8. and now for something completely different...

  9. 27.5 mtb do combine the acceleration of a 26" and the "roll over anything" capability of a 29er...and will empty your wallet for the privilege. I am ready to go back to 26 inch wheels because there are a lot of good parts for cheap. Maybe 29er components will be cheap in about 10 years. Of course, give it a few years and 26" mtbs will be back in style

  10. "Several witnesses also said the thief was accompanied by a blue bovine of some kind, and that after tucking the bike into the pocket of his flannel shirt he made his escape by using two MTA express buses as Rollerblades."

    HA! I love it.

    Thanks, Snob.

  11. Locking your bike to a tree is a dick move.
    Dick you are.


  12. I had a bike stolen because I put a Locke on it.

    "The reason why men enter into society is the preservation of their property."

    I had a note where my bike was, it eloquently read, "Douchebag."

  13. so the guy bunny hopped up a skyscraper? and did he actually kind of hurt himself there at the end with his heroic flipping dismount?

    why not do this on like a pogo stick? why do people do things like parachute out of airplanes on bikes, or jump them off a cliff just to parachute down, other silly shit where the bike just becomes a decorative ornament as you really aren't "biking" up a flight of stairs and you certainly aren't biking across the clouds - you are just hopping up stairs and happen to be on a bike?

    maybe its just because i'm hungry and already annoyed with some work stuff, but that bunny hopping german can suck a schnitzel.

  14. @bryan - my little 26.5 project is doing just that. my bank account is very angry at me. as is my gal because this 1/4 finished bike is sitting there 1/4 finished because some stupid online retailer STILL hasn't shipped the parts.

    wonder if my credit is good enough for hyandai?

  15. So, I think I'll have to start killing anybody that starts a sentence with a superfluous conjunction.


  16. Steel maybe real, but bauxite rocks, right?

  17. bad boy of the northJuly 28, 2015 at 1:07 PM

    I'll bet the lumberjackin' bike thief has a man bun .if i see one more man bun I'll .......

  18. And what exactly am i to do with extra hair?

  19. Pathetic Old CyclistJuly 28, 2015 at 1:17 PM

    No trees were harmed in the production of this blog.

  20. All that hopping up the stairs reminds me of Hans Rey.

  21. hipster on hipster manbun attacks


  22. Damned right we're lazy. That's the whole point of a bike, that it makes what's hard, easy. It's a cheating machine made for dopes like me.

  23. No trees were harmed in the production of this blog but the readers may be scarred for life.


  24. Lumberjack Physi-cystJuly 28, 2015 at 1:40 PM

    Maybe no trees were harmed, but much sub-atomic anniahlation took place. Tragic.

  25. wish i had eated some of that tainted meat before i went out today. had to lazy me way up several little bastards today.

  26. Gold, Snobby, Gold!

    Ironically, I'm leery of people who do look like they stepped straight out of Momentum Mag.

  27. I said I didn't want to write HTML...I wanted to be a lumberjack

  28. I don't want to work, I want to bang on the drum all day

  29. I guess you guys heard about the Dentist who killed Cecil the Lion.
    I didn't know Pinarello even made cross bows.

    I think that Brooklyn police work was naive, obviously Williamsburg has a beaver problem.

  30. Rode to my dentist's this morning. His office has brochures for an Oral-B toothbrush that connects via Bluetooth to your smartphone. Its app tells you how long to brush and where, whether you're brushing too hard, and keeps "up to six months of brushing data." Then it connects to your Skylock so you can't unlock your bike unless you've brushed your teeth, posts photos of your mouth on Instagram and lets all your Strava and MapMyRide mates know about your brushing habits. A couple of software tweaks and the thing will be calling in drones and carjacking SUVs.

    Potbelly Joe, it'll probably operate your Di2 as well, so you can tell the next asshole, yeah, I need it because my dentist recommended it.

  31. Sorry I'm late. Elevator wasn't working. Did I miss anything?

  32. Also, Sal Morejo and Al Bondigas dropped by and they want to know why gazpacho is getting so much attention.

  33. It's worth reading the Snob just for the Monty Python references.
    Between Monty Python and Benny Hill I just can't listen to smugness without laughing, often inappropriately, it seems.

  34. crosspalms @ 2:03 for comment of the day

  35. No, of course not. We'll never be as bad as motorists. Motorists are fat, stupid, and ugly, and they kill people while pawing at their smartphones with their greasy hands.

    yes, but people who bunnyhop skyscrapers are just plain stupid............

  36. *[Just kidding, that doesn't happen to white people.]

    I believe that is the same joke that gets you pilloried by Twitter Puritans. Not warning you, just saying Twitter blows.

    Anywhoo. One time in Portland/band camp, I was working on my busted-ass bike on the street and some douche accused me of stealing it. So certain was he of it! Though he didn't stop walking, choosing instead to annoy me and move on. Had he decided to take it all the way to physical assault of a citizen like the other guy, his ass'd be doing the hours of community service. On the other hand it's also not hard to imagine getting into a situation of having to prove to a cop that your stuff is yours, all because of some douche.

  37. Crosspalms, so you're supposed to brush your teeth with that?
    The guy said he was a dentist anyway. I believed him cause DI2 Pinarello

  38. So CP.. can you somehow fashion the image of a penis from the data files or not? That's important to me.

  39. And now for something completely out of context:
    Got kids?
    (Doobie friendly parenting aid)

  40. I'd like to see a picture of alpenrose on her recovered track bike, she sounds lovely, but is she a woman worth endangering your life defending?

  41. Commie,
    It sure looks like it, but I think it would have to be uncircumcised.

  42. I came, I read, I laughed, I left. So it goes.

    Thank you

  43. When his friends buried Capt. Gabriel Archer here about 1609, they dug his grave inside a church, lowered his coffin into the ground and placed a sealed silver box on the lid.This English outpost was then a desperate place. The “starving time,” they called it. Dozens had died of hunger and disease. Survivors were walking skeletons, besieged by Indians, and reduced to eating snakes, dogs and one another.

  44. some people like babies, i'm more of a dog person

    he said with a mouth full of snake and hound at the english outpost

  45. bad boy of the northJuly 28, 2015 at 3:23 PM

    Manbunsnob@110....pigtail....french braid.....pony.

  46. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/guy-picks-up-car-bike-lane_55b7a827e4b0a13f9d1a48e2?

  47. Snake and Hound would be a good pub name. Mmm, beer...

  48. bad boy of the northJuly 28, 2015 at 4:05 PM

    I like your thinking.....:)

  49. vsk ...

    Timely. My friend locks his old OLMO a la pignon fixee to a scaffold near Grand Central.
    The pipe he locked it to is just laying/lying/ontheground there where his bike was.
    So if you see a guy / girl riding round on an old old Olmo fixie with a centerpull front brake, ...

    Don't do anything because you'll take your eye out with that thing!

    Lazy .... I am soooo lazy, didn't change my rear tire yet on my Olmo that I do own and am Langstering really slowly up the slightest of inclines.

    e-Verified with images of milk shake!

  50. So why is a lyca kit required to bunny hop a bicycle up 48 flights of stairs?

  51. From the screencap photo, I assumed that the bunnyhopping-stairs guy was proposing to his GF after doing some stupid bike thing - which is about right.

  52. do they actually have footage of the full climb? that sounds like a good two+ hours to kill that will likely make you feel much, much better about life.

    sort of like watching a marathon of COPS.

  53. Giant Nerds Anonymous

    (or semi-anonymous)

  54. I cut down trees
    I steals the bikes
    I like to press wild flowers
    I put on lycra clothing
    and hang around in bars!

    Yes, I am a giant nerd! Aren't we all? And I just found out that the Boeing Dreamliner has wings of crabon, and is sometimes cracked by hail! Dream, or nightmare? A young William Shatner, shuddering and staring out the window.

  55. No what though, at least now there's one person in Brooklyn who is a real lumberjack.

  56. Roille Figners @ 2:39 PM

    i always carry my wallet (except for the oft times i forget it) in my front handlebar bag. i have my serial number on a piece of paper. i think the serial is mostly hidden by the cable guide under the BB but that's a std allen nut and then you can slide it. if the cops don't buy that, then i guess it's off to the hoosegow

    P. Bateman @ 3:17 PM

    some people like babies, i'm more of a dog person

    some of us like neither

  57. @spokey - well cats are also delicious.

    i eat pussy as often as possible as part of a well balanced, healthy diet.

  58. Spokerz - Are you sure it's not better to say "WHAT ABOUT THAT COP CAR, CAN YOU PROVE IT'S YOURS?" I hear they love that.

  59. roille

    i admit it. i am generally afraid of police. i am more of the "yes sir, may i have another"

  60. Spokey - you have nothing to fear - you are white

  61. The little slip of paper in the wallet trick sounds like a good idea though -- covers you whether you're the victim of theft or merely the accused. Though if you're like Snobbo and you have a whole... quiver of bikes, that starts to be an appreciable piece of paper. Maybe a MySQL database.

  62. I've you've got no time for the piggies or the hoosegow, simply take pictures of the serial numbers with your phone. Or tattoo them on your inner thigh.

  63. That should be If, but Swype had a mind of its own...

  64. Why stop at a tree? If convenient I seek a Rhinoceros to use as a bike rack - that little horn is convenient.

    And for the idiot who locked his bike to another "not a dick's" bike - in his idiotic defense, if they would stop making bike racks that mimic bikes maybe it wouldn't happen.

    I need to wait for this thunderbuster storm to pass before heading out - need some new music - any suggestions?

  65. doors - "when the music's over"

    and in breaking news from portlandia - peaches practiced her skid on the way to work today. the car did a leftie between her and her boyfriend when the light changed. apparently the boyfriend took off a bit faster and left a small amount of room.

  66. Well thanks for planting that one!

  67. Fear the police? If I am ever pulled over and the cop asks "Sir, have you been drinking?" I just say "Why, is there a fat girl in the back seat?"

  68. So Putin hopped a bike up 48 stories, rides a white horse with no shirt on and now he's been appointed President of FIFA? Meh.

  69. For that shirtless horseback ride, John Stewart called Putin " Gaydolf Titler."

  70. bad boy of the northJuly 28, 2015 at 8:52 PM

    thanks for posting the link to hipster on hipster video.perfect!

  71. "I'm sure I left my bike locked to tree around here somewhere, where could it be? I'm stumped".

  72. I can tell what type of tree a piece of wood came from just by knocking on it. I'm an expert with timbre.

  73. I made a folding knife out of a sapling, I call it a switchblade.

  74. Thinking back to a passage from the June 2014 post "A Fred Too Far"...
    "...next time you suit up for a ride, clomp over to a full-length mirror and take a good look at yourself before you leave the house. What do you see? Ridiculous clown shoes? A helment shaped like a motorcycle gas tank? Stubbly legs sticking out of threadbare Lycra man-Spanx? A backpack with what appears to be an enema tube dangling from it? A jersey proclaming you to be the Swiss National Champion, even though you're a dentist from Milwaukee? Now let the shame wash over you for a few minutes, and then ask yourself honestly: Does the world really need more of you?"

    Given the news about a certain deceased lion in Zimbabwe, I suppose there are worse pursuits for aging midwestern dentists than full-tilt fredliness.

  75. @anon

    ever read Sick Puppy? some good ideas in there for folks who shoot at lions and such.

  76. No more whining about parked shit in bike lanes. This guy just deals with it.

  77. I loved sick puppy & stormy weather...just picked up bad monkey for a dollar at a tag sale. Sadly, no governor in bad monkey

  78. A dead lion has no pride.

  79. Late entry by One Less Bike grabs the day.

  80. Should be "One Fewer Bike."

  81. One less hipster COTSJuly 29, 2015 at 9:32 AM

    Since it left my life's so empty
    Though I try to forget it just can't be done
    Each time the doorbell rings I still run
    I don't know how in the world
    To stop thinking of it
    'Cause I still love it so
    I spend each day the way I start out
    Crying my heart out

  82. I rode my plastic bike up AND BACK DOWN a 3 tiered wheelchair ramp at the public beach. Yeah some diabetic woman took a 105 brifter to the ear but I was in the zone.


  83. looks like another day to get out early and miss the podium sprint

    @Mr. Pedantic

    hate that. listen people, think one or many. there is less of a thing while fewer things. as in

    after sandy there was less sand on the beach


    after sandy there were fewer grains of sand on the beach.

    it's really pretty simple.

    oh, and while you're (not your!) at it, please use may vs can appropriately.

  84. 97 is the largest two-digit prime number in base 10, and is a Proth prime as it is 3 × 25 + 1.
    The numbers 97, 907, 9007, 90007 and 900007 are happy primes.
    Since there is no integer that added to its own digits adds up to 97, 97 is a self number in base 10.
    97 is the highest two digit number where the sum of its digits is a square.

  85. Watson Palmer. DMD, Simba KillerJuly 29, 2015 at 9:41 AM

    Mmmmmmmm! Lion. Tastes like cat.

  86. backslap for JLRB on a steamy hump day century

  87. If Ted starts sprintinting for primes I'll have a sad

  88. vsk said ...

    Yay! Got Giuseppe Olmo back on the road. One more back in the quiver of comuters. Thank Lob almighty for multiple gearzes!

    Those, over there, no I won't ride them to work, they are all "dialed in" and won't be touched until the Campy grease turns to hard powder and the headset bearings sink through the races. Plus there's a minimum distance the NY Fogettaboutit lock must maintain from the vintage velos.
    How many of these bykes do I actually ride? Hmmm. Thinking about putting some toe clips on the 1956 Schwinn Corvette. Uber comfy at any speed. And it's got a Sturmey 3 speed!


  89. Sinatra Hold MusicJuly 29, 2015 at 10:57 AM

    Flying High In April;
    Shot Down In May

  90. Don't ask me what I think of you
    You might not get the answer that you want me to

  91. R-E-S-P-E-C-T

    What no MAMIL ever gets, especially Cecil.

    I had to select trees, but since they weren't vandalized I had a hard time parsing them correctly

  92. "I might not give the answer that you want me to"

  93. Of course, you could say I couldn't see the forest for all the hipster COTS and fixies.

  94. Here's a radical idea: Taek. Yuor. Biek.... INSIDE. We're not talking about huge objects here.

  95. Thinking about the victimized tree. Wasn't Sir Snob awarded a fancy schmancy venge schemnze axe a while back?
    It is summer, the full moon is coming on, and he is looking a bit hairy.
    Do were wolves carry axes?

  96. We mustn't let the good become the enemy of the half-assed

  97. Bad boy of lon gislandJuly 29, 2015 at 12:11 PM

    Sucks when a beloved ride has been stolen.....be it a bike(happened) or vehicle(happened)....heading for lanterne rouge.

  98. There is trouble in the forest, there is trouble with the trees
    For the maples want more sunlight but the oaks ignore their pleas

  99. * Proth prime as it is 3 × 2^5 + 1.

    As in 3 times 2 raised to the 5th power plus 1.

  100. I don't understand why commercial (business) bike like delivery bikes are allowed to use public bike racks.

  101. http://greenwichfreepress.com/around-town/healthy-exercise-or-menace-to-the-roads-bicycle-clubs-in-greenwich-45215/

    the ralpha runs strong in greenwich.

  102. A couple of software tweaks and the thing will be calling in drones and carjacking SUVs.
    xiaomi mi4i
    xiaomi redmi note 2
