Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wednesday Advisory In Effect, Do Not Leave Your Sofa or Cubicle

Firstly, you should know that New York City is under a heat advisory and air quality alert:





The “Shut the Front Door!” initiative kicked off Wednesday with an estimated 200 volunteers fanning out across the five boroughs to chat with businesses about the true costs of pumping air conditioning into the ether, while tweeting about it with #BeCoolSaveFuel. The volunteers reminded some 5,000 businesses about Local Law 38, passed in 2008 to ban open door A/C at large chains or stores with more than 4,000 square feet.

I'm not sure why the city is making a big deal about this.  Forcing people into overcooled restaurants and retail establishments due to extreme temperatures seems like a great way to stimulate the economy--because nothing staves off heat exhaustion like shopping for underpants at Abercrombie and Fitch, or dining on Eggs Benedict and bottomless mimosas:

Of course, as the atmosphere becomes increasingly thick, aerodynamics in cycling will only become more important.  This is why the new Specialized Venge-Schmenge is yet another harbinger of the Apocalypse:

We've already heard from Bike Radar and VeloNews about how this new miracle bike will turn plodding Freds into ever-so-slightly-less-plodding Freds, and now it's Bicycling's turn to Enter the Wind Tunnel:

The protocol went like this: Each journalist (there were 12 total) had a basic bike fit done in advance of the event. We had two bikes set up: a new Venge ViAS and an S-Works Tarmac. We took wind-tunnel readings on both setups to establish drag, and then did a back-to-back road test of each setup on a lightly rolling 19km loop to see whether we were faster. 

Firstly, I don't think it's fair to refer to bike reviewers as "journalists."  That's like calling amateur bike racers "athletes," or like calling me an "athlete" or a "journalist."  Secondly, it's fairly clear to me that Specialized's wind tunnel is also a brainwashing machine, which is why they've been marching all these bike reviewers into it one after another.

So what happened?

Across my two runs, the Venge setup was 122 seconds faster than the conventional setup, or an average speed increase of 1.74kph (a little over 1mph). That’s significant, especially considering that the actual “conventional” setup we ran was slightly faster than their benchmarks, and since the Sub-6 shoes weren’t available to test, that made the Venge ViAS setup a little slower.

Yeah, I don't care about these bike reviewers beating their own pathetic times.  I WANT TO KNOW WHICH OF THE 12 CYCLING "JOURNALISTS" WAS THE FASTEST!  These people have been selling us on the idea of speed for years, so it's only fair that we learn the outcome so we can ridicule the losers.  Live by the Fred Sled, die by the Fred Sled.

But of course no review is complete without the "spurious anecdote," so here it is:

The Venge ViAS was the first aero road bike I’ve been on that I actually enjoyed. On a 62-mile road ride, it proved comfortable trading pulls on the gently rolling outward leg, grinding up a climb or hammering an almost 40mph paceline with a tailwind. At one point, grimly hanging on to the back of the line after a pull, I thought to myself: “If I was on a Tarmac right now, I’d be screwed.”

See that?  The $12,500 Venge-Shmenge (not to mention the $1,000+ outfit you need to wear with it in order to reap the full aero benefits) is the difference between getting dropped and finishing with the group.

So there you go.

[40mph paceline?  I el-oh-elled.]

As for me, I'd much rather have this "Cipollini Equipped" custom-curated vintage pro bike replica, as forwarded to me by a reader:

This 2000 Cannondale R2000 Saeco-Cannondale team bicycle that I have built to replicate the racing machine of the legendary sprinter Mario Cipollini. The bike is equipped with a Shimano Dura-Ace 7700 component group, and is highlighted by the funky Cinelli Alter stem (hard-to-find in team colors) and Spinergy Wheels. The carbon fork is made by TIME, but is branded CODA Slice Prodigy. 

I remember that bike well, and it arguably represents Cipollini's stylistic zenith--though it's worth noting that as fashions change so does the Cipo, and here he is today clad in a full-camo Fred onesie with bike to match:

Of course, with Cipollini camouflage is more than just a fashion statement.

He also has to hide from all those paternity suits.

Finally, a reader forwarded me an amusing and insightful video that entertainingly underscores just how abjectly bicycle-unfriendly Australia is:

(Sorry, you'll have to click the link, I couldn't embed it because of technology.)

While another reader forwarded me this group of Melbournites (or Melbournians, or Melbatoasts, or whatever they are) brunching in an off-brand Dumpster:

They ought to have no problem surviving the Apocalypse.


  1. 46. We attribute the social and psychological problems of modern society to the fact that that society requires people to live under conditions radically different from those under which the human race evolved and to behave in ways that conflict with the patterns of behavior that the human race developed while living under the earlier conditions. It is clear from what we have already written that we consider lack of opportunity to properly experience the power process as the most important of the abnormal conditions to which modern society subjects people. But it is not the only one. Before dealing with disruption of the power process as a source of social problems we will discuss some of the other sources.

    1. Oddly enough, the Melbatoasts are as logical as Kaczynski in arguing cycling is unnatural.

  2. Mad Max never wore a helment

  3. I even read the whole thing first. Too bad I'm anonymous

  4. Fred Ted K automatically relegated to last place due to illegal sprint.

  5. Rounding out the top ten.

  6. "stumped" ran rings around the velodrome comments competition yesterday.

    Top 10 maybe?

  7. Ted K sentenced to 30 days working on Donald Trump's campaign.

  8. Southold Town Police Chief Martin FlatusJuly 29, 2015 at 12:21 PM

    Faster bikes? Don't bring those infernal machines into my town.

  9. Ted K. fined 100 euros for "sticky comment" and relegated.

    Oh yeah, great post.

  10. I bet that one dentist wished he'd bought a Serotta instead of taking up big game hunting.

  11. Big Whiney Rich BabyJuly 29, 2015 at 12:27 PM

    I am very disappointed by the NFL’s decision to uphold the 4 game suspension against me. I did nothing wrong, and no one in the Patriots organization did either.

    Despite submitting to hours of testimony over the past 6 months, it is disappointing that the Commissioner upheld my suspension based upon a standard that it was “probable” that I was “generally aware” of misconduct. The fact is that neither I, nor any equipment person, did anything of which we have been accused. He dismissed my hours of testimony and it is disappointing that he found it unreliable.

    I also disagree with yesterdays narrative surrounding my cellphone. I replaced my broken Samsung phone with a new iPhone 6 AFTER my attorneys made it clear to the NFL that my actual phone device would not be subjected to investigation under ANY circumstances. As a member of a union, I was under no obligation to set a new precedent going forward, nor was I made aware at any time during Mr. Wells investigation, that failing to subject my cell phone to investigation would result in ANY discipline.

    Most importantly, I have never written, texted, emailed to anybody at anytime, anything related to football air pressure before this issue was raised at the AFC Championship game in January. To suggest that I destroyed a phone to avoid giving the NFL information it requested is completely wrong.

    To try and reconcile the record and fully cooperate with the investigation after I was disciplined in May, we turned over detailed pages of cell phone records and all of the emails that Mr. Wells requested. We even contacted the phone company to see if there was any possible way we could retrieve any/all of the actual text messages from my old phone. In short, we exhausted every possibility to give the NFL everything we could and offered to go thru the identity for every text and phone call during the relevant time. Regardless, the NFL knows that Mr. Wells already had ALL relevant communications with Patriots personnel that either Mr. Wells saw or that I was questioned about in my appeal hearing. There is no “smoking gun” and this controversy is manufactured to distract from the fact they have zero evidence of wrongdoing.

    I authorized the NFLPA to make a settlement offer to the NFL so that we could avoid going to court and put this inconsequential issue behind us as we move forward into this season. The discipline was upheld without any counter offer. I respect the Commissioners authority, but he also has to respect the CBA and my rights as a private citizen. I will not allow my unfair discipline to become a precedent for other NFL players without a fight.

    Lastly, I am overwhelmed and humbled by the support of family, friends and our fans who have supported me since the false accusations were made after the AFC Championship game. I look forward to the opportunity to resume playing with my teammates and winning more games for the New England Patriots.

  12. hey @BigWhineyRichBaby - STOP BEING A WANKER

  13. Tom Brady is a douche.

  14. 1.74 kph faster? How much is that in gigawatts?

  15. this is my favorite football blog.

  16. "Stop being a wanker". I like that.

  17. Ted K is a wanker.

    Stop being a wanker, Ted!

  18. Pathetic Old CyclistJuly 29, 2015 at 12:46 PM

    Tom Brady is almost as full of shit as the pro peleton.

    Venge 'grimly hanging on' in a 40 mph paceline......I'd like to know what the front of the line was riding.

  19. Yes, an S-Works Tarmac is a terrible, $9,000 racing bicycle that is not worth riding with real bikecycle racing riders. You may as well buy a GMC 10-speed from Amazon.

    -[Bikingcycling Journalist]

  20. Pathetic Old Cyclist,


    --Wildcat Etc.

  21. its true, i saw her riding. i'd like to have dinner with her in a dumpster...

  22. Talking of bike reviews, as I needed a new saddle I said to myself why not try the saddle Snob has been taking about endlessly for a few years now, the Brooks Cambium.

    I did borrow one from my LBS and I am sorry to say it was too hard on my arse so I did not buy one. I suppose that if you wear bibs shorts with a chamois it might feel fine but as a I am just a commuter riding about 200 km/week without chamois, it was definitely too hard on my bum.

    That's my Brooks Cambium review (total riding time: 200 km).


  23. Anonymous at 106 PM;


  24. That's Mr. Anonymous to you...July 29, 2015 at 1:08 PM

    Ted K is NOT a wanker. He's a twat waffle.

  25. My dog was going to suggest that, with a new bike, I could grimly hang on to the grupetto of old age and irrelevance, but he didn't want to be accused of beating a near dead wanker.

    He says he meant it as a compliment.

  26. Oh, man do I LOVE wind tunnel tests. It's the test you will always pass.

    Why? Do people ride fast enough to make the wind tunnel test results valid? oops!!! Can't print that.

    Cipolini says "I get all deh results I need-a."

  27. If that Venge is more aerodynamic, doesn't that reduce the benefit of riding at the back of the pack?

  28. Strong post Snobi wan,

    We have the same problem with these reviewers... They call themselves journalists, which is their first lie.

    My Grandma always told me it takes 17 lies to cover your first. So I then am looking for 17 other lies after he writes "12 other journalists."

    So we get the lie about comfort, then the lie about speed, the lies about the "significance" and it goes on.

    I still subscribe because it gives my grandmother something to give me for Christmas, but sometimes I would rather have the two Whopper Value Meals that the $11.95 would buy me. It'd be less full of shit.

    I mean really, "Do you need that Venge ViAS?"

  29. You can have my air conditioner when you pry my cold dead fingers off the thermostat!

    (Which is programmed responsibly)

  30. Well, these veneers can wait. I'm off to Zimbabwe to bag an albino cheetah with my carbon fiber bow. Here, hold my Venge until I get back, m'kay?

  31. And yes balls, I bet Dr Walter Palmer, DMD, Cecil Killer, does wish he had bought crabon bikey stuff. I guess buying all the latest, most expensive, fred gear just wasn't "getting it up" for him.

  32. Wait CD, can I still get in on the Rhino hunt?

  33. I hope I never find out what Sub-6 shoes are.

    I can only imagine what harm I did to my aeroness this morning by riding in tevas

  34. Another Anonymous..........but which one?July 29, 2015 at 1:51 PM

    to JLRB:
    were the Tevas spd compatible?

    if so, then you are uber-Fred

  35. I heard that specialized is coming out with VIAS Sandals that will reduce the wattage effort by 0.00000000004 watts over your typical Tevas

  36. Shouldn't it be: "I elled-oh-ell"?

  37. vsk said ...

    I have a blurry photograph of the (very) rear of the Fondon't dirt peloton published in this here blog.
    I screed away about commute noir.

    I am both journalist and photographer!


  38. WalterPalmer, DDS, Cecil KillerJuly 29, 2015 at 2:30 PM

    Damn @Cipo, are you in on the Cecil hate too?

    OOOHHHH, nevermind

  39. whatever happened to stoning a caged fox with champagne bottles?

  40. DOP - Sounds like something Cosby would do, or would that be caging a stoned fox, etc.

    Another Anon - The Tivas I wore today were not SPD equipped because the beik that rode me to work today has olde fashioned platforms with straps.

    Fear not, however, as I do own a pair of SPD equipped Teva type sandals, so yes, Fred I am

  41. Well I suppose if you're out to educate a large number of morons, a humorous-and-informative wanker video is the way to go. But for one moron at a time I still think a beating is better.

    Not a propos bikes: This guy educated a moron via ground-based anti-aircraft fire. Roughly McFly's neck of the woods I believe.

    Also is there some deal about how like, humans now die in hot weather? I mean I realize the climate is warmer than ever but it's not THAT much. It's just hot out.

  42. That fRED I am, That fRED I am...I can't believe that fRED I am...

    but, do you ride serotta with red Sram?

  43. I recently passed a gentleman riding a Venge-henge-smenge down a rather twisty mountain road. My bikecycle has 36 spoke wheels and rather roundish tubes. Aerodynamically speaking I should not have been able to catch, much less pass, said gentleman. So clearly some other force is hard at work here and Specializzzzd must construct a gimbaled wind tunnel that allows simulation of grades and corners. And then hire, I mean invite, some "journalists" to review said tunnel and bikes.

  44. I wanted to watch the Fred from down under, but since I'm not on AssPamphlet, I couldn't. Damn you Technos!!


  45. but, do you ride serotta with red Sram?

    I could not, would not, ride with Sram.

    I can not, will not, play bike polo.

    I could not, would not, ride with Campagnolo.

    Not with gravel, not with electricity, fRED I am, let me be.

  46. Don't be a Wanker!

    Now, where'd I leave those tube socks and Saran Wrap?

  47. johnny spermatazoanJuly 29, 2015 at 3:25 PM

    do not speak lightly of the great tube sock holocaust

  48. Does mass overcome aero-ness on a descent?
    Asking for a friend

    But was the drone wearing a helment?

  49. yeah, i want to know what the hell the Sub-6 shoes weren’t available to test, that made the Venge ViAS setup a little slower means too.

    been over a decade since i bought new shoes. mayhaps i need the new shoe tech? just took out my next to last new(?)/ unworn 2001 specialized sport shoes to the local cobbler to have the toe box stretched. seems that my feet have gotten fatter since buying a bunch of these at $10 a pop back in 2002 or so.

    and yes, it was hot out today here in the hemorrhoids. my temperature thingeee said 93 'merican but i think it was lying. felt worse than that.

    so now i'm told that a bus coming down the lane to run me over is not a member of the Select all images with street signs group? sure seems like a sign to get the hell outta da way to me.

  50. the Venge didn't do especially well at the Tour. Sagan didn't win a stage, Cav won 1. All the overall leaders were riding something else....

  51. Those tube sock sperm were are from rapists anyway.

  52. "Don't be a wanker" is a good idea, but in most cases it means: "Don't be an Australian"

  53. All the others had the well hidden Gruber assist

  54. Their new ad slogan: "Venge is mine, saith the Lord."

  55. Pathetic Old CyclistJuly 29, 2015 at 4:09 PM

    I love bike reviewers and their overly descriptive prose. I pray for the day when one of them says 'because I suck, this bile sucks. It really has little to do with the bike'.

  56. You left out half the statement,

    "To my valued patients: As you may have already heard, I have been in the news over the last few days for reasons that have nothing to do with my profession or the care I provide for you,”

    "...unless you happen to be a rare and beautiful animal whose head would look awesome in my man-cave".

  57. Chicago Bears report for training camp today.

    Summer is over.

  58. WalterPalmer, DDS, Cecil KillerJuly 29, 2015 at 4:38 PM

    I'm a convicted poacher of bears
    I avoided a sexual harassment lawsuit via the payoff
    I baited a mostly tame lion a mile out of a park
    I have Mr Magoo vision and Elmer Fudd stalking ability
    Couldn't see the GPS tracking collar at 20 yds
    I muffed the shot with my venge schmenge crabon fibre crossbow
    40 HOURS LATER my trackers finally found my tame lion trophy and dispatched it with a rifle
    I pose proudly with the carcass

    And just why is everyone so worked up anyway?

  59. Nothing wrong with poached bears. Taste just like chicken.


  60. Mr. Palmer is concerned with the thousand dollar question
    Just like Roger he's a crazy little kid
    I've got the time if you've got the inclination
    So cheer up Palmer, you'll soon be dead

    The noose is hanging, at least you won't die wondering
    Sit up and take notice Tell it like it is
    If I were near you I wouldn't be far from you
    I've got a feeling you know what you did...

  61. bad boy of the northJuly 29, 2015 at 4:53 PM

    I guess the dear doctor wanted his cecil.

  62. Sorry guys
    I live where "hunting" has become a giant dick waving contest and is out of control.
    I may not be able to appreciate cycling fredism, but I sure as hell can pick out hunting freds like this guy.
    When it quits raining, I'll go for my lordly 15MPH cruise around the valley, nice and flat, and refrain from my usual inane, pointless, stream of conscious commentating until my BP comes down from the stratosphere.

  63. Guy who just read a review of the best tacos in townJuly 29, 2015 at 5:35 PM

    If you are writing reviews of the best tacos you are not a journalist

  64. Hey, a couple of those Aussie babes are rated beyond category. I wouldn't mind dumpster diving with one, after all, it is "down under" ("Delish" chimes in Cipo).

  65. I sincerely hope that 40mph paceline was tailed by a support vehicle, playing "Yakety Sax" on loudspeakers, with a roof rack full of Specialized's latest gravel bikes in case of inadvertent off-road detours, and with a refrigerator in the truck capacious enough to supply bottomless mimosas to all after the ride.

  66. 40mph is of course, just shy of Fred Woo Hoo Hoo Hooo speed.

  67. Does Cipo's bike say 'Penis' on the top tube? Or is he just demonstrating the lateral stiffness of his member?

  68. I'm so confused. After reading this blog for a while, I can't decide if I an Fred, Uber-Fred or not Fredly at all. However, I know that I am not a wanker.

  69. Ted K.'s style seems to be rubbing off on the snob these days.

  70. "Venge didn't do especially well at the Tour.

    It ain't about the bike, its about who is pedaling it. If they all exchanged bikes with each other I bet the results would have been the same.

  71. And about Sagan not winning a stage in this years tour. I tell my kids it is not about winning but about trying to win.

    He finished second 5 times, third twice and forth twice.

    He finished with the same time as the winner 10 times, HALF of the road stages.

    No one has ever contested that many stages.

  72. There have been a few comments that a script could be written to post the century comment every day.

    I would not do that.

    But I could.

    (Test was JULY 29, 2015 AT 9:36 AM comment.)

  73. anon @ 7:45

    not to mention winning the green.

    @ Ted

    script wouldn't work as well on the century. there are too many lurkers (like me for instance or dop or jlrb) ready to pounce and / or post a couple dummies and then post the century. the timing would be much more difficult.

  74. You woke up this morning got yourself a gun
    Mama always said you’d be The Chosen One.

    She said: You’re one in a million you’ve got to burn to shine
    But you were born under a bad sign with a blue moon in your eyes.

  75. Snob;

    Something new for Recumbabe!

    Also, Science NYT on Tuesday; did you read the book review? About the British Brain Surgeon? Who commutes to 'Hospital,' WITHOUT A HELMET?

    Or, Dining Section on Wednesday; for your new gazpacho recipe . . .

  76. "...script wouldn't work as well on the century."

    That's what I thought, but then i thought some more. The 97th post yesterday had one script guess the photos and when it got them correct it waited. A second script checked the number of comments and when it saw 96 it tripped the first script to click "Publish Your Comment".

    Not like sprinting more like waiting at the finish line and steeping over right after #96 crosses.

    It could be set up to post 97th one day, 101 the next, 103 the next, then 107, 109, 113, etc)

  77. Right on 'Bama about the hunting/dickwaving contest. Same thing here in the ole buckeye state. Dentist guy was/is a hunting fred that's for sure.

    In contrast I have an uncle who is a retired Dr. of veterinary medicine who was an avid big game hunter back in his younger days. He was based in the PNW so he hunted deer, moose, elk and bear. Has some sweet trophies hanging but also always had a well stocked chest freezer of meat. He was the flannel shirt/Fred Bear old school type of hunter.

    Either way I don't give a crap. I will say it's probably a good idea to fully research possible guide services if going on safari overseas.

  78. bird watching frank sinatraJuly 30, 2015 at 9:32 AM

    Egrets, I've had a few...

  79. Aren't we all scripts created by WCRM to create clicks?

  80. Dentist Fred is all over the news - a good break from the 27 presidential candidates. I liked Wilbur's Nightly Show take on it - create a group to take money from rich white people and find good uses for it so they don't do stupid crap with their abundance...

    And it turns out Lion Fred has a felony record for illegaly killing a black bear in Wisconsin. Whatadousche

  81. And, keeping with PBJ's annoying Fred encounter ...

    Rumor has it, one of the guides said "Is that Cecil's head you have there? Do you really need that?"

  82. Wanker Ted Wanker is DQ'ed for being a wanker.

    "wanker can carry suggestions of egotistical and self-indulgent behaviour and this is the dominant meaning in Australia"

    Don't be a wanker-bot.

  83. I wonder if Ted K. could post every prime-number comment?

  84. I'm sure the bot could win all the primes.

  85. OKAY, let's test this out, Ted K.

  86. I've got a couple minutes to WASTE


  88. Ahh, f$%king STREET SIGNS, I HATE those.

  89. DAMN, now I've lost count

  90. Ironic, pick out the BICYCLES!!

  91. Hmm, methinks, A.)Perhaps I doth protesteth overmuch.

    .) 100

  92. Yeah RCT, I would say that any bicycle fredism is small potatoes compared to hunting fredism, and tournament style bass fishing fredism.

  93. vsk said ...

    Back of the underground paceline. Subway fred!

    200QX Drone fred!


  94. Did someone say master-baiter?

  95. Ooooooh very punny.

    Precicely how DO you do a 40 mph paceline? The downway of a false flat, maybe? What's that, 60 something kmh?? Ha. We do 40 kmh in a criterium, and the cat 1/2 do 50 something, but 60 something? Do people do that? We have a pro or two in our midst, and though they are consistently near the top of the board they certainly aren't always running away with the win every time.

  96. Or is this one of those "gullable isn't in the Oxford English Dictionary, Doll," sort of things?

  97. It's "Melburnian" (although we were almost Batmanians -

  98. Jual Obat Wasir Herbal De Nature ? Segera Hubungi Kami Dan Pesan Obatnya Sekarang Juga di Fast Respond : 087705015423 PIN : 207C6F18.
