Friday, February 1, 2013

BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!

ATTENTION: A new version of the BSNYC/RTMS/WCRM software is available for your device.  Would you like to download and install it now?

I love living in the future.  Technology is fantastic.  Remember pencils?  Seriously, how fucking stupid were they?

Have you ever forgotten your sharpener and had to resort to chipping away the wood with your fingernail?  And don't even get me started on the Erasermate.

Don't.  Even.

I'm not saying you don't still need to write on paper once in awhile.  Of course you do.  It's just that if you're going to do it you should treat it like the special occasion that it is by using something like a steampunk pen:

Or even a quill pen:

In places like Brooklyn and Portland, quill pens are the new MacBook.  Walking into a cafe in Prospect heights is now like stepping into the Constitutional Convention, and the barista can hardly hear your order over all the scratching.

I wonder what kind of writing implement Pete Hamill's brother uses to pen his limp anti-bike lane screeds.  Probably some overblown reminder that he's from Old Brooklyn, like a stickball bat dipped in marinara sauce.  By the way, returning to his column this morning to see if it was as stupid as I remembered it (it was), I couldn't help noticing the following testament to The Daily News's formidable editorial skills:

Here's a closer look:

He was lives, now he is dies.  And so goeth the circle of life and grammar.

[Update: I also see according to item #7 that a Parke Avenue penthouse sold for big money.  Where's Parke Avenue?]

Speaking of Ed Koch, since this is sort of a bike blog, I should note that he did have an interesting and disparate relationship with the bicycle during his time in office--from opening bike lanes in Manhattan in 1980:

To closing them a month later and ultimately unveiling the Midtown Bike Ban in 1987:

I'm certainly not trying to pee-pee on his legacy the day after he's passing; it's just an interesting chapter in New York City cycling history that's worth noting, especially given all the current bike lane bickering and the ever-present possibility that municipal support from them will wane.  If you're one of the two or three people who also find New York City cycling history interesting, you may also enjoy this article from way back in 1971:

Here's then-Congressman Koch on bike lanes:

"To encourage bike riding without providing the necessary safety precautions is foolhardy," Mr. Koch said in a statement.  "The only way to insure safety for the many thousands of New Yorkers who want to bicycle is to designate official and exclusive bike lanes, and the city has failed to do this."

And here's some doofus on the idea of opening bike lanes on 5th Avenue:

"Sure," he said, "I can see those matronly women coming to Bergdorf's on a bicycle."

"I favor bike riding like I favor motherhood [sic] and apple pie," Mr. Grosso said, "but we've had it.  I think the city should explore other areas."

Some things never change, and one of them is that people seem to think cycling is too precious for the working class, yet it's also too dirty for the rich.  (And as for the middle class, who has the time?)

While I'm on the subject of bike lanes and smugness, here's how many pedestrians and cyclists "is dies" in traffic in New York City in 2012:

Alarmingly few of the drivers who caused these deaths were charged, though not to worry, because commercial cyclists are going to have to take online safety courses now:

DOT also announced that enforcement of a package of laws passed by the City Council last October will start in April. The new laws, which include a requirement that commercial cyclists take an online safety course, were touted by City Council Transportation Chair James Vacca as a way to end the “wild, wild west” environment on city streets.

I'd love to get a look at some of the questions on that test:

You have sixteen bags of Chinese food hanging from the handlebars of your ebike.  You're traveling at 25mph and the light turns red.  What do you do?

A) Stop
B) Take to the sidewalk
C) Circle in the crosswalk until there's a gap in traffic
D) Close your eyes, twist the throttle, and hope for the best

I'm not sure what the answer is, but the only one of these I've never seen is A.

Speaking of tests, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As ALWAYS, STUDY THE ANSWER, THINK, TURN OFF YOur caps lock (sorry about that), and click on your answer.  If you're right you'll know, and if you're wrong you'll see Andy Rooney's illegitimate child.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and avoid foul odors.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

("I don't see what the problem is.")

1) Due to flooding, the Cyclocross World Championships in Louisville, KY is being rescheduled.


(Landis enjoying a good novel.)

2) Floyd Landis is launching a:

--Bike company
--Apparel company
--Gran fondo
--Sequel to "Positively False" entitled "Negatively Positive"

(Professional cycling: why bother?)

3) Professional cycling is being destroyed by:

--Doping scandals
--Lack of sponsorship
--The UCI
--Deeply embarassing team photo shoots

(Not him, his brother.)

4) What did Pete Hamill's brother used to deliver by bicycle?

--"100 pounds of meat"
--"500 cords of wood"
--"1,000 smiling knuckles"
--"Beets and stuff"

(No, that's not Bruce Campbell.)

5) What is a "prepper?"

--Someone who prepares for the collapse of civilization
--Someone who wears polo shirts and sockless loafers
--Someone who chops vegetables and scales fish in a fancy restaurant
--Someone who helps the actors maintain their erections between takes during pornographic movie shoots

(Photo via yesterday's comments.)

6) Using modern aerodynamic equipment, Greg LeMond beat a bare-headed Laurent Fignon in the final time trial of the 1989 Tour de France, winning the general classification by only eight seconds.


("In your face!")

7) People totally don't want to own cars anymore.


***Special Vintage "Woo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo!" Speed Bonus Video***



  2. That's it! I'm gonna get on my bike and Cat 6 to work!

    Pack Spackle!

    7183 asssep for sure.

    Cat 6 safe everyone!

  3. NNNNNNNNNIPPLES! Thank you for nipples!

  4. Poser Anonymous strikes again!

  5. Oh thank God I is lives. A bus was nearly making me is dies this morning, circa 1:30 am- He was salmoning in MY LANE! Before taking a wide right hand turn.

  6. Anon @ 12:56 PM

    eel! We know it's you dude.

  7. How do all those teeth fit into Andy Rooney's love child's head? I'm sure she must be part shark.

  8. Going to do a cheese fondo tonite

  9. I is failed
    Failed to podium
    Failed the quiz
    Failed the eyetest scritch 464
    At least I lives to read awesome BSNYC blog

  10. If you're staying away from bad odours, you'd best get the fuck outta China... and stay away from Steve.

  11. Top twenty is dies

  12. Cycling news wrote about Mr. Landis' Gran Fondo that he was hoping for a "positive response."


    I would sign up just to encourage more of that if I didn't really suck at climbing hills.

    Side note to Frilly -- You're from Missouri, right?

    My dog wants to know if you can deliver a package for him to Andy Rooney's illegimate child in Saint Louis.

    I'm not sure what he's sending, but he specifically inquired if you could place it on her door step, light it on fire, ring her door bell and run.

  13. Throw me a line if I reach it in time
    I'll meet you up there where the path
    Runs straight and HIGH.

  14. here in ertcake prone land of epic britos a prepper is just a regular 3rd grader

    fully charged kindles...guffaw

    eermntio 4572

  15. I'm more concerned about the sargeant who had the affair with the dead guy. Dixon moved there plant from Versailles, MO to Jamaica I believe.

  16. Loved the bonus video. That guy was riding s Faggin. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

    7601 eakeeded - Spooky. When you play it backwards, it saws "Ed is dead."

  17. I can dies cheezeberger?

    8701 lownsuce

    These capcha's are makin me hungry.

  18. Oops. Riding a Faggin.

  19. snob, i thought you might enjoy this flagrant intersectioning of artisinal axe throwing, motorized cycling, new woodsman camaraderie, and couture foods, all part and parcel of one "epic" "camping" trip. ima cut to the chase and link you straight to the video:

    sample text:

    "Everyone’s cell phones were locked away because we all committed to be undistracted for the next 72 hours, we wanted to be present…present in relationship, intentional in listening, and most of all; aware in the wild.

    As we wound our way through the foothills, climbed through the mist and fog and raced past ancient Sequoia groves, edged along sheer granite cliffs 8000′ above the sea, somehow the rest of life, the tame and the safe felt so distant now that we were immersed in the wild."

  20. top 20? Woulda podiumed but I lost my timing chip
    then crashed out during my transision
    then was busy at the tailors getting my sleves removed...

  21. Everyone knows the pink sock goes on the right foot and the day-glo green one on the left. Same for the bar tape.


  22. That woman has the same editor Hamill has. Shouldn't the headline be "Bicyclist Is Suck"? Anyway, I might hate cyclists too if I had a giant tarantula on my head. The venom. It messes with your brain.

  23. Couldn't get past Sgt having affair with dead cop either, wonder if they have cekstd1164

  24. Oops, I guess I just discovered that Frankie A. and the 'preppy killer' are actually twins.

  25. Skiptooth Lotus EaterFebruary 1, 2013 at 1:34 PM

    Methinks I'd like to dip my quill.

  26. Couldn't look away from the photo shoot. Scranalingus.

    Trimpab 12, keep it shaved.

  27. One thing about taking the bus is looking out the window at people in cars. The weather's cold enough that more cars than usual have 2 or more people in them, but most are still driver-only. Many drivers are talking on the phone (illegal in Chicago unless you use a hands-free device), frequently no-handed so they can gesture with their "free" hand. Saw a truck driver doing that. Saw a guy driving no-handed while he pulled his gloves on. I don't see why they're called "accidents" when most are the result of deliberate carelessness.

  28. Wilderness Collective can suck it.
    Back in the Good Ole Days or when I was 20 in 1986. I rode my '67 BMW R50 from Virginia to LA with about $300 bucks in my pocket. You can't even pretend to do that kinda shit these days.

    I rode bikes, now I ride bikes.

  29. crosspalms,

    Reminds me of a story from when I still lived in Ct. I was out for a training ride and a car was hurtling at high speed toward me in the wrong lane on a 2 lane highway as it was passing another car - in a no passing zone, of course. Thing is, I recognized the car as belonging to my friend, but no one was visible in the drivers seat, and there were no other passengers.

    About a week later, I saw him and pointedly asked him about it, and his answer was:
    "Oh yeah, I probably dropped something on the floor and was bent over looking for it".

    Ride safe my friends, and make sure your life insurance payments are up to date.

  30. Then I had to sell my ass on Melrose Ave...

  31. Does Greg LeMond even own a car?


  32. OK, a couple of things. Got a Colorado Cyclist catalog yesterday, don't know why, haven't ordered from them in ten years when I was a Fred, so I'm looking through it and WTF! 250$ for a bicycle seat! When did they get so expensive and who would pay that much for one?
    Sports page NYT today says the two quarterbacks in the Stupor Bowl have physiques like cyclists. I beg to differ.
    Snob, I hope you are taking precautions against Chinese hackers. Can't be too careful. Over and out.

  33. I'm glad WCRM updated with the Parke Ave statement. As a non NYC-ite,I had no idea where Parke Ave was either, but there is a Park Ave in Monopoly and Lisa Douglas (Green Acres) wanted to live on Park Avenue. And since the cat is out of the bag, are they trying to say that the condo sold for ONLY $20 million, or like OMG it sold for $20 Million!

  34. 'Red'nekked DIXIE Poet Laureate' CipoFebruary 1, 2013 at 2:11 PM


    The Man!

    The Myth!

    The Legend ...

    A throbbing hunk of manmeat who, as he hurtles through the galactic ether in this uncaring, unfeeling, semiconscious universe, is, determined to access as much pootie tang as super uber humanly possible.

    Spondee that ya Carpet Bagg'in Yankee Bee'atch eezzz ...

    although on the whole tis better the Yankee than the Yanker be!

  35. The King of Park SlopeFebruary 1, 2013 at 2:18 PM

    Where did that prepper get that turtleneck.

    It's mighty dandy.

  36. There once was a girl from Van Couver,

    Divorced, she would be a cougar,

    Just pull down that zipper,

    She's a natural-born prepper,

    Hands-free, you don't have to move her.

  37. I thought I saw Recomb babe delivering bags of food from Hooters. About 100 pounds worth I think.

  38. really sorry i got one wrong on this week's quiz. i do wish there was a grading system for the quiz that would show our score compared to other readers. like strava. that way i could be reminded that i'm smart and essential.

    also, if you are entertaining this weekend, why not go first class and serve up some Michelob.

    you can also help us bring back the iconic tear drop bottle here:

    And in case you forgot who the night belongs to - it belongs to Michelob.

  39. carbon fiber crotchless tridorkette panties ...

    baby, im going to sine your pitty on the runny kine!

  40. Judging by todays post I'd say you have appendages firmly placed on all three podium positions! Take that Ron Jeremy.
    And I first heard about the KY CX date change here.
    Take that CNN!


  41. I'd pay $250 for Babble's well-worn Brooks.

  42. Swell. First Todd Akin and now this. Leroy, as soon as my boss leaves, I'll turn the volume up a bit & catch the name at the end of that charming little video. Tell your dog I'm on it.

    I see she's on Google, maybe its time to sick the goon squad on her ass.

    Mis-matched neon socks

    And don't hate but I'm actually digging the rims on those Lampre bikes. They're so pretty and pink!

  43. Hey, JB, do you recognize the shrew?

  44. Well, now I will continue to abstain from visiting St. Louis.

  45. Frills, I can't watch vids at work. What are we talking about?

    is smart and essential

  47. I'll PM ya in a sec.

  48. You know what happens to hipsters bore everyone to death with stories about how awesome the craft beer scene is in Colorado and how they are going to move to portland and start a craft brewery that is only powered by bicyles?

    I'll tell you what.

    Frank Sinatra kicked their asses.

    You know why Frank Sinatra kicked their asses?

    Because he drank Michelob when he is lived.

  49. JB - that's funny. I just noticed that I need a new saddle.

  50. joy gridnick and denis hamill should get together they have something in common and incredibly bad and dated sense of humor.

  51. ...speaking of ron jeremy-esque situations & i'm watching that video of 'andy rooney's toothsome love child' & i'm thinking - "...i wish she'd shut the fuck up & hmmm, i wonder if she gives good head with a mouth like that ???"...

    ...but, that's just me...

    ...just, you know, sayin'...

  52. Fuck, old blue eyes is died!


  54. Butt, funny video i turned if off after "it's almost as if the wilderness was designed as a proving ground for men, to wake up wet....."

    i have a lot of free time today, not only to i have time to read snobbie, but also all of the comments and even click on videos in the comment section. pathetic. has anyone seen my life?

  55. ..."...ding da ding ding da ding da ding ding, ding da ding ding da ding ding da ding ding..."...

    ...thanks, bsnyc/rtms/wcrm...hadda dig out the ol' satin disco shorts & 'get down' with the "fork in the garbage disposal" dance...

    ...lemme see leroy's dog workin' that shit...

  56. P. Bateman, yes, but Michelob sold off the 6pm-12am segment, in order to afford Eric Clapton as their shill.

    P.S. It was my favorite beer when it was an illegal treat.

  57. I don't mean to brag, but today I got a peek at what it's like to be among the 1% who are exempt from the stupid tax.

    1. Ran an errand in Williamsburg early this morning. Locked my bike, but left my down mittens on the saddle. Still there 20 minutes later.

    2. Forgot my CO2 inflator. No flats.

    3. Spaced out early in the ride(half asleep and no coffee) and rolled across a semi-busy intersection under the Manhattan Bridge as the light changed. I cut off an NYPD van. I'm still alive, no ticket, not even stopped.

    I have GOT to go buy me a lottery ticket this afternoon. But beyond that, I'm done pressing my luck.

    Ride safe all!

  58. Satin disco shorts? Well now who's got the sweet cheeks!

    And Leroy, I got her, send the dog.

  59. BGW -- ixnay on the ance-day allenge-chays to my dog.

    He was quite big on the Roller Disco circuit. He says everybody doped back then.

  60. ...Riding a Faggin.
    February 1, 2013 at 1:23 PM
    Had to check it out. The things you learn at BSNYC.. There is a Faggin bike, and a Faggin website..
    I'll leave the snark to the experts, but if you have to ask how much one of these Faggin things cost, you can't afford it. Wear with Nippolini outfits, of course.

  61. Anon@2:25: Oh, come on! You can do better than that...

    A lovely spry lass from Vancouver
    Thought heels on bikes did behoove her
    When her flatiron broke
    It was fixed by "the bloke"
    Whom she then gratefully hoovered.

  62. The Magnificent OmriFebruary 1, 2013 at 4:37 PM

    That's a picture of Mayor Linday on a bike, not Koch. Is Vito drunk again?

  63. Nebraska Bike Commuter (non DWI edition)February 1, 2013 at 4:41 PM

    Bonus video;

    All that stationary trainer gives him the stamina to go downhill.

  64. Nebraska Bike Commuter (non DWI edition)February 1, 2013 at 4:42 PM

    Duh... *training*

  65. Magnificent Omri,

    I can't be bothered with details like that. What do you think this is, the Daily News?

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  66. An image search of Lindsay and bicycle can be highly distracting, but it does turn up this nice shot of Mayor Lindsay. The blog post it's attached to is pretty interesting, too.

  67. I watched all 15 minutes of the fork in the blender video.
    Now i feel all funny inside.

  68. Funny shit today Rock Machine. Have a nice weekend.

  69. ...damn, comment are ON...

    ...i just gave you a standing ovation...

  70. Where is DB? I was checking out the Ragbrai website & this year is supposed to one of the easier years w/most days being 52 miles or less. Seriously getting ready to pull the trigger.

  71. Leroy. Down mittens? Really? Please turn in your man card; it has been revoked.

  72. Thanks, bgw. How'd the Italian scranal massage turn out? Can't beat this NorCal weather, eh?

  73. Never heard of Faggin?


    BGW probably owned one back in the day, and if he didn't, I bet somebody he trained with did.

  74. Monsieur Le Commentariat - I have it on good authority that it was in the 20s and blowing in NY today, so Leroy gets a special star on his mancard for riding, even had he been wearing fuzzy pink knit mittens (the kind you can tie together).

  75. HA!! Surprise!! A forensic audit has found that Toronto Mayors Robba the Fords broke the spending rules during his 2010 mayoral campaign. Now a special prosecutor is being brought in to determine what kinds of penalties he ought to face.

    It just keeps getting better.

  76. Babble on, my guess is that he will be sentenced to drink diet soda.

    Oh, the humanity...

  77. Babble - If you're going to be buying a new saddle, you might want to get a bidding war going for the old one. For instance, you might start by offering it to JB, BGW, or McFly for $1000 and then let things run their course.

  78. Been watching some History Channel. Everytime I hear Fertile Crescent I think of Babble.

  79. ...commented deleted...just riding the townie, doing errands to get back in shape after a long 'under the weather-edness' but ya, even the the townie has selle italia, campagnolo & modolos...

    ...& ya, the weather is superbe right now & even though i've been hurtin', i've been digging being back on the wheels...

    ...wishiwasmerckx...yep !!!...a buddy & ex-housemate who i introduced to bikes & mtb's in particular, still has an older model campagnolo equipped faggin stashed away...

    ...i gotta go to work, dammit !!!...

  80. WIWM- good idea...

    McFly - sex monsters unite

  81. ...perry @ 5:58pm...i turn my nose up & sniff at the offer..

  82. Spondeetations Around the World

    A work of nonfiction by me own self, Martian Anus

    Russia Spondnardska

    Poland Spondeeski

    Italy Spondatelli

    Netherlands Sponjoopdee

    France Spon'douche'

    Australia Spondyabee

    Canada Spond eh! eh!

    editors note: All are pronounced spon-dee excepting Cannuklandia.


  83. ...whoops...what i MEANT to say was "...i turn my nose up & sniff with distain at the offer..."...


    ...(can someone write a note & explain to my boss that i was late because 'my work here at bsnyc' is crucial)...


  84. Dear boss of bikes gone wild,

    Please excuse bgw for his tardiness today. He was doing an invaluable service to the on-line community, explaining the finer points of Italian scranal massage and sharing his connoisseur-like knowledge of the scent of a woman's bike saddle.

    Also, wtf? Why don't you let him go for a ride on a nice day like this? Shame on you!

  85. Snobby, I see that you noticed that Floyd is having a little soiree in June. As long as it's in your back yard, you should contribute to the "Floyd Fondo Fund".

  86. Ride safe bgw, you make me think of Henry Miller for some reason.

  87. ountient 1715Vancouver is a city in Canada.
    Ciao, Mama mia, si, dee da,
    Flat tire or not,
    damn, that Chick's hot.

  88. Damn captcha.

  89. Roses are red,
    Captchas are shit,
    Fuck off.
    Damn sheiit.
    I'm outta here.

  90. Fuck it, ride safe everyone.

    Entertaining week Snob, you must be over your cold.

  91. Flinders Throckmorton Douche'February 1, 2013 at 8:46 PM

    Oh great master Cipo. What does one do when in the middle of intercourse one's penis bursts into flame?

  92. Adive to the Lovelorn by CipoFebruary 1, 2013 at 8:47 PM

    It means shee'sa to hot for you. Forward complete contact informationi and Cipo will see to this matter immediately but not prematurely.

  93. Frilly! I'm back. Big night here in the Midwest.
    Yes, this years' route is short and some of the towns are great, but I'm partial to the northern routes especially when they are near Lake Okiboji which is Indian for skinny dipping. I haven't decided yet whether I'm doing this year or not, but I can definitely get you into a local team that will take care of your lodging and haul your gear. Anyone else?

  94. "Cycling needs a diversion right now. We're hoping this will be one way to get people out riding bicycles for fun and to forget about all the drama that they're reading and watching right now," Landis added.

    Yeah, because nobody can make us forget about the whole doping drama thing like Floyd Landis can.

  95. Are these the vagina monologues?

  96. mmm... seems like there is more than one person talking. How about the pink canoe colluquy instead?

    bgw as Henry Miller? Now you come to mention it...

  97. Jame 'Buffalo Bill' GumbFebruary 1, 2013 at 11:48 PM

    Nothing like slipping on some human skin panties with the pubes left on ...

    " It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again."

  98. Snob,

    Who did the prove you're not a robot house number photos? Stevie Wonder?

  99. It's a trcik question.

    Lemmy is God!

  100. ...@ comment boss said he would take your concern as an advisory whilst reviewing my record of laziness, tardiness, slovenliness, impertinence & all round, in general, poor work habits... may have just increased my opportunity to stay employed...

  101. ...@ dooth & lumpen frededariat...gentlemen, thank you...

    ...that is, of no small praise indeed...

    ..& were that i worthy of such high accolade considering my knowledge of henry valentine miller's appreciation of life through his style & manner of living it...

    ...the adoration of a well crafted & jazz-like turn of phrase, art, women, music, bicycles, good food & drink & ultimately mother nature herself point to miller as being a man who truly embraced life in a deep & fulfilling way...

    ...a man who desired to share what he saw, lived & breathed...

  102. cycling & henry valentine miller...

    ...i've mentioned this before but perhaps it bears repeating...miller, in his youth was a serious cyclist...

    ...track racing on the velodrome at both the original madison square gardens (1879) & the second iteration (1890) became huge in it's day & 'the garden' with it's 'madison' & 6-day racing was the american epicenter of cycling... the turn of the century, racing on the track was much bigger than baseball at that time & the top riders earned $100,000 to $150,000 a year...the average layman, perhaps $5,000 & a baseball player might draw 6 to 7 grand..., at a time when tandems, triples & quadruples were used for 'motor-pacing' in central & prospect parks to increase cycling speed, young mister miller, born in manhattan & raised in brooklyn, was one such rider/trainer to the top cycling stars...

    ...enamoured of the excitment, thrill & fitness of cycling, miller wrote a delightful yet oft forgotten (& now hard to find) short story wherein he described keeping a number of velos at his apartment & whilst friends were allowed & even encouraged to ride his 'extra' bicycles, the price of putting pedal to his 'special' bike, the track racer given to him by one of the days cycling stars was a banishment from miller's social circle...

    ...& perhaps understandably so, ya ???...

    ...later on, miller also wrote of enjoyable velo excursions with anais nin throughout the parisian arrondissements during the '30's...

    ..."...a fresh baggette, an aged bottle of wine & the wonderful accompaniment of a beautiful woman whilst meandering by basketed velo along a footpath next to the seine..."...
    sorry, daydreaming...that's me, not miller...

    ...anyway, there you have it...henry valentine miller was an enthusiastic cyclist amongst the many facets of his life...just thought that should be kept alive...

  103. I heard that Henry "Major Taylor" Miller was a low-down pie biter.

  104. bikesgonewild on Henry Valentine. I can see how art, sex, music, cycling, fine food and vino make the man. How exactly did "Mother Nature" add to the mix?

  105. Yo BGW Patrick Willis grew up and went to HS about 15 miles from my little Burg.

  106. Floyd Landis is certainly going to make sure he gets his 15 minutes of fame and a few million while he's at it, isn't he.

    Despicable little man.

  107. Back in the day I ate me own poop to save on my dope overhead.

    My new book contains a centerfold spread featuring Cipo's fully engorged Man Meat Missile.

  108. C'mon now... Renaissance men understand that everyone is a mixture of nature and nurture.

  109. I finally figured out how my dog keeps winning the Animal Planet Puppy Bowl pool he organizes each year.

    It's pre-recorded!

    I want my five bucks back.

  110. Grand Master Douche'February 3, 2013 at 6:32 PM


    A new Smug-Fu dojo will be openeing soon at a StarFux Cafeenatorium near you. Smug-Fu is a strictly American martial art whose ultimate attainment is being able to act totally smug without any other animal, vegetable or mineral detecting your smug vibes. This state is attained at 93rd degree Chocolate Pistachio Almond Belt with rainbow sprinkles.

  111. ...@ renaissance man...first off, what babble said...

    ...but i'll further eloborate, if only providing a few basics, ya ???...

    ...i'd suggest upon his return from living in europe through the '30's, a more worldly & yet simplistic miller found great dissatisfaction in the rampant consumerism he felt surrounded by in america...

    ...after a time, once again ensconced in a creative environment, here amongst other notable artists where he lived off & on from the early '40's to the '60's on big sur's wild california coastline , miller's productivity as writer, painter & musician returned to the fore..., "...How exactly did "Mother Nature" add to the mix...", renaissance man ???... 'Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch' specifically & within this paean to his peaceul & natural surroundings , you'll likey note just how miller was fortified by 'mother nature' & why i included that in my comment...

  112. Well thanks for the education there bgw. The Henry Miller library is indeed a nice spot down the coast to muse on these things, and I have to confess, I was doing the velo by the Seine with une jolie femme last summer. Very nice it was too, even without the vino.

  113. Secret Agent F. LandisFebruary 3, 2013 at 11:51 PM

    My new book contains a centerfold spread featuring Cipo's fully engorged Man Meat Missile.

    I forgot to mention that the Cipo centerfold is in 3D and the 3D glasses are included in the modestly priced $199.99 'F. Landis Secret Undercover Dope Chief of Police' Volume I.

  114. bikesgonewild @ 8:12 - Thanks for the info, I'll check out the book, sounds interesting. I toured Big Sur many years ago, exceptionally beautiful.

  115. Actually, that's a fluffer

  116. poor mario, too much grease

  117. Very nice your blog, wow!! great appreciated

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