Thursday, January 31, 2013

You Know, Back When I Was Your Age...

("That's one small step for man...")

I have a confession to make:

("I'm all ears," Oprah yawns.)

Remember when I said I was afraid of doing an accidental triathlon?  Well, I've already done one.  Actually, more than one.  See, back when I lived in Brooklyn, sometimes I'd ride to the beach, then when I'd get there I'd run a little bit, and then I'd jump in the ocean to cool down, and then I'd ride home again.

I feel so dirty--and a little sandy in the scranal region, too.

Anyway, if anybody wants to form some sort of truth and reconciliation committee I'll be the first one through the door, though I'll probably fall down on the way there, because that's what triathletes do.

Speaking of triathlons, a number of readers inform me that Bret finally made Triathlete magazine:

I'm not sure Bret is the best person to be giving advice on interval training, since he travels through time, and his typical workout consists of five sets of eighteen years, and his lactate threshold is eternity.  Here is GoPro footage of a Bret interval, shot from his handlebars:

The camera is left behind because he is faster than light.

(It probably won't surprise you to learn that I went to a state university, where I majored in English, and the only physics class I ever took there came on a small piece of blotter paper.)

But while Bret may flit through time like a cosmic space butterfly to a Hawkwind soundtrack, some people prefer to life eternally in the past.  Once such person is Pete Hamill's brother, who hates those darned bike lanes:

I can remember a time when anti-bike lane screeds were torpid with vitriol, but now they're just limp and perfunctory, like a drunk attempting coitus.  This particular one seems especially phoned in--and on one of those old-timey phones, no less:

When I was a kid, I built my first bike from assorted discarded parts mined from the wood bins of our tenement in Brooklyn.  It looked like Bozo the Clown’s bike. But I taught myself to ride in Prospect Park, taking several hard falls long before bike helmets were even made, never mind made mandatory.

I don't believe for a second that Pete Hamill's brother built a bike from crap he found in the basement.  However, I do believe he inhaled too much paint thinner down there and galloped around the neighborhood astride a broom, and that he thought he had built a bike.  I suppose in that sense he can be forgiven for the fib.  In any case, the paint thinner and the helmentless falls would go a long way towards explaining the rest of the article.

Soon I was hired as a butcher’s delivery boy, and I pushed an industrial bike with a basket sometimes filled with more than 100 pounds of meat to homes from Flatbush Ave. to Green-Wood Cemetery.

I discovered a lifelong work ethic on that bike. I fought for my place in my city in the clanking, horn-blaring urban traffic. We didn’t need no stinking bicycle lanes. We blazed our own trails.

Firstly, Mario Cipollini owns the phrase "One Hundred Pounds Of Meat," and Pete Hamill's brother can expect to hear from his lawyers any day now.  Secondly, did any of these "epic" meat runs happen to occur during blizzards--those same blizzards through which he had to walk 14 miles to school every day while carrying the entire Encyclopedia Britannica?  I'm guessing so.  Of course, it is worth noting that part of the reason he didn't need any stinking bike lanes is that people were more considerate in those days, there were fewer cars, and it's simply not as deadly to get hit by a Model T or a horse and buggy.

Anyway, I was driving my car recently along Prospect Park West, once a majestic three-lane, mile-long esplanade from one war memorial to the other. Now it’s like squeezing yourself through a crinkled tube of toothpaste.

No it isn't.  I think he's confused and is actually describing how it feels when he tries to urinate.  I would suggest Flomax.

The yuppie-ki-yay bike lane, where kids dressed like hockey goalies pedal in a danger-free fantasy lane, has literally painted car traffic into two lanes.

Dressed like hockey goalies?  What the hell is he talking about?!?  In Brooklyn, they're dressed like Audrey Hepburn--unless he just happened to see some kids who were actually riding to a hockey game, which is entirely possible.

If you hit the lottery and see 10 feet of free space in the parking lane, you can no longer use the curb to guide your parallel parking. No, the curb is reserved as a barrier reef for the Hipster Highway for Richie Rich on his $1,500 Lance Armstrong Doperacer.

OK, so far he's referenced Bozo the Clown and Richie Rich, and his most up-to-date reference is Lance Armstrong.  Plus, if he can't park his car without a curb, he's cleary one of those drivers who parallel parks like a drunk attempting coitus (yes, I recycle my similies, it's better for the environment).  We've all watched in amusement as people like this approach a space at a wild angle, pinch the tire on the curb, try it again, grind their rim, and keep repeating the process until they eventually give up and drive away.  It's pretty obvious at this point that Pete Hamill's brother should have moved to Florida ten years ago, where he can impress the retirees with his fresh pop cultural references and tall tales of meat delivery.

News flash: Life ain’t a smooth sail, kiddos! There’s a big crash just waiting at the end of every bike lane.

I don't know who is more annoying: the New Brooklynites who are making the place ridiculously expensive with their precious tastes, or the Old Brooklynites who who won't shut up about how people don't play stickball anymore.  Either way, this certainly falls under the latter category, and it's worth noting that Pete Hamill's brother wrote the movie "Turk 182."

Way to ruin Timothy Hutton's career.

He also wrote "Critical Condition:"

I think that speaks for itself, and the ultimate irony is that after reading Pete Hamill's article, hundreds of  precious New Brooklynites are going to start shopping for vintage meat bikes.

Speaking of Brooklyn, awhile back I mentioned a bike corral that has become a heated symbol of gentrification, and it continues to make news, assuming you call the "Brooklyn Paper" news:

Little Zelda started a counter-petition of its own to support the racks, posting it both in the store and online, and has more than 230 signatures online so far. But while Nugent-Miller collected her signatures among local residents and businesses, the pro-corral online petition includes supporters from places like Romania, Turkey, Netherlands and the Czech Republic — none of which are in biking distance of Crown Heights.

The hell they're not.  Pete Hamill's brother could ride from Romania to Crown Heights on his meat bike while carrying 100 pounds of USDA prime rib roast.  That's because he's got gumption.

Lastly, here's a disturbing PSA:

Damn shame about that sandwich.

And that apple really should have been wearing a helment.


dcdouglas said...


JB said...

Early doors.

studioe said...

frigggggin hialrity

theEel said...


PBateman said...

top 10 pleeease? mutha fucka.

Anonymous said...

Today, I read the comments first.


Anonymous said...

Upsetting the apple cart?

Jasper said...

Early door

Anonymous said...


JB said...

"and the only physics class I ever took there came on a small piece of blotter paper."

Imagine taking both types of physics classes. That's how you end up with Apple, Mosaic, et al.

Comment deleted said...

Between blotter-paper physics and drunken coitus similes, it is indeed a fine day to be a BSNYC reader.

Anonymous said...

What the hell kind of business is 'Little Zelda' anyway?

babble on said...

Hoooray! Space babes unite!

jno62 said...


I was in that Physics class too!

Anonymous said...

TOP TWEENTY! FINALLY Ja'broni! "damn shame about that sandwich" HAHA

ce said...

This is an intervention.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Top twenty? not bad for worlds! 45 abodify

Anonymous said...



Way ta go JB! Kisses!

babble on said...

heh heh, you recycle your similies...

funny snobbers

ce said...

Meat Bike
etc etc

ce said...

Under frilly and babble!

Patrycja said...

Czekam na więcej.

le Correcteur said...

You effers are too damn fast! Top thirty only! E.16 odesity; had to hit the effing circle twice before I could read anything.

3G said...

My ex-gf lorry is a bitch

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

KNEEL BEFORE ZOD. Phew, finally got that top eleven monkey off my back.

Marcel Da Chump said...

Lob bless little Zelda.

Buffalo Bill said...

I heard Pete Hamill is a big budnitz fan.

252 osingwl ?
how about 257 osingwl ?
Take that gooble!

McFly said...

The Lance Armstrong Doperacer is only $1175 if you opt for the 105 Groupset.

That Bucket of Rust did the Kessel Run in 12 Parsecs CARRYING 450 lbs of barbacued dogback.

Thanks for the laughs, I was having a BAD DAY(tm) and it brought a smile to my brain.

It will work its' way down to my face when I clip in 'bout 3:30.

Anonymous said...

If Lorrie has caused that many traffic deaths, why haven't they just arrested her? Or, did she change her name to Truck to hide from the cops?

Anonymous said...

here in chiggentown usa we gots a plan to take a four lane through downtown and make it a two lane wif parking anda bikeen lane. I'm sure the eloquent hard-hitting local writers and Hammils and Fords are just around the corner with their 'back in my day' bitching.


leroy said...

I've never told this to anyone, I'm so ashamed, but I've done a triathlon too.

I came home late from riding my bike.

I ran to the shower.

I slipped in the tub.

I floundered around.

My dog says that makes me a classic tri-dork: slow on the bike, ineffectual at running, crash prone, and my swimming just looks goofy.

But at least I don't dog paddle like some folks I could mention.

Anonymous said...

Didn't want to podium, wanted to be smug and read blog and comments first. Having bike lane envy issues myself, as I have to ride Bama Road Scranus for bike lane,you know, the scrap of asphalt between the white stripe and the edge of asphalt.

Fred Zeppelin said...

I done brung the meat now where you want me to put it?

Anonymous said...

Ain't from 'round here. Who the eff is Pete Hamil?

Anonymous said...

I absolutely believe that he built a bike from crap he found in the basement, asuming he found a bike down there...when I was a youngun I "built" a chopper by dragging a rusting frame I found in the creek in the woods, sawing off the hollow fork tubes and pounding them onto the ends of the fork on my Huffy banana seat bike with a hammer. Then I went inside and watched Turk 182...

Jimboner said...

Are we not all accidental triassaloners?

Rode out. 5k

Flat tire, glue hardened in tube, walked back home. 5k

Jumped in pool. 12oz.

crosspalms said...


(It's crowd-sourced, so we're all No. 1)

Unknown said...

Is Hammill a real dude? I'm dying.

crosspalms said...

And then Denis got a job delivering turds in a daily paper, and they all lived happily ever after, except for the drivers who are still stuck in Prospect Park because their 3 lanes got cut down to 2, woe is they.

His bio says "Culturally, he is a true son of what might be called the Woodstock Generation, a product of a time of youthful protests against the Vietnam War, of Dylan, the Stones and Jimi Hendrix. In his novels, and some of his journalism, he draws upon that turbulent era of sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll."

Culturally he sounds more like a true son of what might be called the John Cassidy Generation, a product of a time of middle-aged protests against the decline of free parking.

mikeweb said...

My guess is that the housewives were disappointed when Hammill 'delivered the meat'.

Probably accounts for his general grumpiness and lack of sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bike Snob, Werksman bicycles in NYC builds cruisers and Industrial bikes to haul all kinds of meat. Again, bikes built in NYC to haul, well whatever you like. And they also build, tri cicles, folding bikes, and God's gift to the cycling world; dutch bikes.

Paul Bowen said...

"fresh pop cultural references and tall tales of meat delivery" had me all a-snort.

Speaking of which, Oprah looks like she's making ready to do a nice fat rail there.

Jimboner said...

Are we not all accidental triassaloners?

Rode out. 5k

Flat tire, glue hardened in tube, walked back home. 5k

Jumped in pool. 12oz.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately the lemon curd tart sustained only superficial damage.

But that PSA doesn't mention the tragic aftermath: the cyclist is now convinced he is Clodagh Rogers, the young girl singer.


Paul Bowen said...

Food in road safety ads is an old tradition in Britain. Here for example is our most successful paedophile, Jimmy Savile, demonstrating why eggs need seat belts, back in the days when everything was brown.

McFly said...

Did he build the bike from the "wood bins" in the basement or did he build a bike from the "wooden bins"?

The former implies the bike was made from wood.

A Meat Delivery Wood Bike? That's epic bitches.

1100 Cnegovi [Most cycling sounding capcha yet]

g. said...

It would seem that Jimmy would have wanted more injuries in auto accidents given his particular disposition toward both mentally and physically handicapped children.

Or, is that too much?

RUN-DMC said...

If you ain't hamillin' you ain't illin'

babble on said...

Oh, and thanks for the babe, babe.

Anonymous said...

Bikelanes: 'I hate Denis Hamil' and I will vote for the hipster that will smear fecal matter on his luxury sedan, and put super glue in his locks.

Judge Booty said...

May I have the Floor? I have a serious topic to table for motion:

Babble On + 3 Canadian Leafs + No Clothes = A pic that needs to appear on her blogular.

Can I get a 2nd?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Jim Romney said...

Try delivering 100lbs of milk, and back in my day the tanks were unbaffled, if you catch my drift. Hamill mos def is a Morman.


leroy said...

I think Mr. Hamil has his war memorials confused.

My dog claims he recently spotted Mr. Hamil on Prospect Park West shouting "Hey you kids, get that baby carriage off my Odessa Steps."

Robyn said...

Don't fucking tell me what to do.

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

A real meat bike has a beefy bottom bracket.

babble on said...

That sounds like fun, really, though not for a few months. This is Canada, after all, and I don't want to freeze my nipples off.

cristobol de Santa Cruz said...

My question is, why are people named Lorry such bad drivers!?

Anonymous said...

I P.H.D. the physics course.

Anonymous said...

Paul Bowen 1:05pm:

You know, textile and sex-monster issues aside, that's a pretty good PSA: respects the audience by illustrating the issue in an informative but accessible way.

I think these days, these sorts of things are just playgrounds for ad agency creative people to show off in the name of pro bono, without worrying too much about whether the striking images get useful information to people.

streepo said...

Nice movie reference leroy (or your dog"s?)


Anonymous said...

pretty sure I saw this in the article:

"I liked Brooklyn better when you could openly shoot heroin and mug people for drug money in the middle of the day."

He also fails to mention that he drives around prospect park in a 70s vintage lincoln continental - which also might explain his trouble with parking.

Frat Cyclist said...

Denis Hammill. What a lying sack of shit. Nothing's worse than people who invent some tale that entitles them to have an opinion. Built a bike from parts in his basement...give me a fucking break. This type of goon just fucks up everything good happening in the city. He's why there is a completely shitty diner on every corner that has never gone out of business, even though the food straight up sucks..."It's good enough for ME!!!" Nothing should change unless it involves more parking. Just the archetypal "old school" New York guy who complains about not being able to find parking when he drives into Manhattan. You know he's really just afraid to take the train but won't admit it. Really, the only thing slowing you down are traffic lights and other cars. Any time I drive in the city, it's usually a fucking carriage or double parked truck that's in my way. How fucking hard is it to go around a bike? pretend somebody's getting out of their car and you have to momentarily tap your brake and swerve 4 degrees out of your way if it makes you feel better. Jesus, these people suck!!!! Fucking move to Long Island already. Although you might see some bikes there too. (Sorry about the humorless rant)

Eskimo Love'n is mighty cold said...

Babble on, there's a saying "Colder than a Witches Tit in the Klondike"

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be outside.
You don't have to be on a bike.


babble on said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
One can only hope said...

Judge Booty @ 1:18: I don't think Babble on has a re-comb bike. Sigh!!!!!

Fred Nifacent said...

The kings men better get to work on Humpty and the Humpty clan


mikeweb said...

Isn't that guy Hugh Lorry from 'House' British? Or maybe he was just pretending to be when he hosted SNL.

Thanks, Frat Cyclist, I really enjoyed that. Spot on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I see your motion and raise you a chub.

Anonymous said...

I gotcher meat delivery right here, wanker.

mikeweb said...

How fucking hard is it to go around a bike? pretend somebody's getting out of their car and you have to momentarily tap your brake and swerve 4 degrees out of your way if it makes you feel better.

Seriously, on so many levels that's the best anti-cycling backlash argument I've heard this year so far. Hammill can eat a bag of dicks, as they would've said to him back in the 'good old days'.

Maple Leaf Double Vision said...

So recumbent babe has abandoned her Gowanus Canal neighborhood and moved to Vancouver. When she engages in adult recreational entertainment she screams "Oh, Oh, Oh Canada". She lives one floor up from Babble on and when their both engaged at the same time their partners think there's an echo.

RecumMan said...

I Recame

I Resaw

I Reconquered

Anonymous said...

16 asseday

Seriously. I thought she was of legal age officer.

Perry said...

I love how they are using the Bret photo in Triathlete magazine. Of all people, you'd think that the the photo editors at Triathlete would know that no self respecting triathlete (I know, contradiction in terms) would be caught dead riding a bike while wearing a t-shirt. And if a triathlete was riding in a t-shirt, they would at least have to cut the sleeves off. I am not even going to mention how unfashionable Bret's bike would be to the modern triathlete.

velobotomy said...

Maybe they discovered irony.

Col. Sanders said...

The worst part of that London video is the eggs flying through the air. Here the chicken has been ovulating and everything and, well, watch the video and you'll the end of all of that chicken's hard work.

Pensive Cipo said...

Is it my manly personality that magnetically draws in the ladies or is it my 370mm prehensile manmeat thrusting projectile? I need to know.

Col. Sanders said...

Correction: The worst part of that London Video is the eggs flying through the air. Here the chicken ghas been ovulating and all, and, watch the video and you'll see what happens to all of that chicken's hard work.

Cipo said...

Down to 98 pounds after doing the nasty with Babble on. Haven't had a pair of legs like that wrapped around my neck in 12 hours.

Trigeekus Recumbent said...

I'm tripolar

crosspalms said...

You called it. I looked out the window this morning: snow blowing sideways, 16 degrees. Bus.

Jim Romney said...

And now with no sponsors or engagements I see that Fance L'Armstrong has the time to join the commentariat every day and type self-adulatorily in ALL CAPS.

Sheesh man, if you can't grab a pair at least grab some dignity, how about an all-caps anti spambot WCRM? This is just punishing us legal blogentators.

125houlatib, nice

DB said...

Crosspalms: not going to be any better tomorrow. Check out the wind chills coming tonight. Better coat your gloves in beeswax.

Anonymous said...

Hate to say it, but that blotter paper wasn't physics, that was chemistry.

3325 tiocips: insert joke here.

bikesgonewild said...

...a bartender buddy of mine & his girl just moved back to nyc yesterday (lower east side - old alphabet city) & so i thought i'd 'zing' him this morning...

...i texted him about how beautiful, sunny & warm it was here today & his response was - "'s awesome back here in nyc...diverse in people & culture, great food anytime & the best transportation ever & did i mention they tip really well here (bartender humor)"...

...i just got 'touche'd'......

crosspalms said...

Maybe I'll beeswax my face so I don't wind up like that frozen bearded guy from Minneapolis (which is named after Johnny Appleseed's wife, Minnie. True story, I heard it from Hamill.)

bikesgonewild said...

...cipo...i honestly doubt you'd have what it takes...

...just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

Ha! Especially humorous today! Thanks, Snob.

Vintage Bicycle Restoration said...

Just want to say i had the pleasure of cycling around NYC and it was amazing! Great people and a bit safer than here in the UK!

Cipo said...

........burping pussy....

bikesgonewild said...

...what ??? ate a cat ???...

...ewww !!!...

DB said...

Hmm. Ragbrai overnight towns released and Fairfield is one of them. Home of Marharishi University.
I'm thinking Team WRM, all the commenters come along, get Bicycling magazine to pay for a motor home for the week, let Babble and Frilly sleep in the air conditioned comfort while the others camp under the stars.
We can hang with David Lynch in Fairfield.

bikesgonewild said... 'real news'...apparently charlie sheen was on the tonight show recently where he weighed in on the 'lance armstrong situation'...

...having met armstrong in the past, sheen's comment was "...he's kind of a douche."...

...i mean, when charlie fucking sheen thinks you're a douche, it's quite likely you are one...

McFly said...


Well....he certainly has had alot of blood run through him...


babble on said...

He prolly just had me confused with Frilly Sweet Cheeks.

grog said...

oooo BABE

Vegas said...

"5 sets of 18 years" baahahahaha! I am looking forward to Triath-uh-lete magazine's next in-depth article on how much time Bret saves in the transitions because of his hiking boots.

Anyone else have to look up Hawkwind??? And is now enjoying the 47:44 long "Warrior on the Edge of Time" and wishing they were in "physics class"?

4025 sitemiz
I, Robot. Not.

Anonymous said...

And here I thought "delivering 100 pounds of meat to Flatbush" was some kind of euphemism.

bikesgonewild said...

...article on yahoo (which i'm not gonna bother reading) but it implies that heidi klums gorgeous gams are insured for two million bucks...

...i say we start up a collection (or a kickstarter) to get coverage of at least three million for babble's delightful appendages, ya ???...

...our babble on has got a leg up on the competition...

Dooth said...

Turk 182 stunk! Turd 182.

Cunilinguistic Cipo said...

Pussy ...

bet'cha can't eat just one.

Stoner who thinks everyday is Friday guy said...

HEY! Where's the fook'in quiz dude?

Anonymous said...

I too was a literature major at a state university.

[Let's say we grab a beer together, Snobbie?]

I shall divulge:
The relation to Mark Hammill seems more plausible.

As then he'd be related to Bret, giving him the ability to time travel, henceforth explaining his postwar like stupidity and myopia concerning urban planning, sustainability, and health.

I'd say such ideas reign in the suburbs, Jersey or Long Island. In Jersey, he can go back to hauling meat, chauffeuring these guys.

Sarah Palin said...

I think that saying goes "Colder than a witches tit in a brass bra in the Klondike"

Moving to Canada said...

Bikes gone wild - How much would that "coverage" cost? Whatever, worth every penny. On Kickstarter you get rewards depending the amount you give. Would the highest reward, per chance, per hope, be "some kind" of video?

Anonymous said...

DB--I'm down for that. Seriously thinking about doing Ragbrai this year. If I'm gonna be cycling through corn fields for five (?) days, I can't think of better company than all of you! Yes, I really did just say that.

You too Cipo!

babble on said...

Yep, you can count me in, too. I'm happy to sleep under the stars, though. No need for a motorhome.

crosspalms said...

RAGBRAI registration server crashing in 3, 2, ...

DB said...

Frilly: as a Ragbrai veteran, I gotta let you know that this route isn't the best and if you wait til next year I'm pretty sure it will be a northern route with more fun towns.
Only downside on waiting is that it gets hotter every year.
Whatever Snob wants to do is okay by me.

DB said...

Ha! Funny Crosspalms.

Roille Figners said...

Ohhh god yess, groceries falling in slow-motion! It's like porn!

bikesgonewild said...

...btw, frilly chick...maybe we can get a 2 for 1 deal which would includ your 'bump' on that insurance policy so that all of our bsnyc 'assets' are covered...

...or uncovered so we might better appreciate them...

DB said...

Babble: a motor home on Ragbrai is pretty sweet. 4 Bedrooms, kitchen, air conditioning, shower and indoor plumbing. And meth lab!

bikesgonewild said...'s a done insurance agent pat magroin has offered me a tri-coverage deal that pays out at 3.5 million & includes the 'prime assets' of babbles, frilly & recumbebabe (with or without her maple leafs)... lieu of cash payments, he's willing to accept photos of the aforesaid 'prime assets' & all transactions are to be handled through yours truly...

...ladies, please send me those photos of your as of now uncovered assets immediately...

...this could be a once in a lifetime offer...

babble on said...

DB-Well, since you're throwing in the meth lab...

BGW- I'm pretty sure I've bared all somewhere along the way.

Anonymous said...

This article contains just a passing reference to bicycles, but it's in a very likable sentence, "Politicians are vilified if they get off their bicycles and into official limousines."

Anonymous said...


Mario Cippolini said...

100 pounds of meat is right.

Watch out for Mannequins!

babble on said...

Recumbabe's a star you know.

babble on said...

heh heh... sex monsters :)

Anonymous said...

This Brooklyn of yore was a strange place. Meat deliveries to a cemetery. Where I come from, folks in the cemetery have no appetite for meat. They're dead!

babble on said...

Yep. Dead meat.

it begged to be said

Anonymous said...

It's not quite a triathlon because you have to swim first.

vantage said...

Swim first. Bah! Rules are meant to be broken.

What's fun about swimming after riding and running is that you sink like an anchor in the water.
And it's fun to watch the thrashing as participants inhale water.

Glug, glug.

befetyw 20

Anonymous said...

its a great site for the advertisement.Also you can post any add free of cost. Even I also believe that today is the world of internet and so I would also suggest the site for different advertisement Sleeve anchors

Anonymous said...

I want to do the RAGBRAI with Babble and Frilly.

I want to dip my rubber in the wetness at the beginning.

I want to dip my rubber in the wetness at the end.

T said...

I think you might appreciate this photo:

McFly said...

Thats the greatest cycling picture I have ever seen.


Lumpen frederariat said...

See, in those European countries with socialized health care, everyone can get their hands on some EPO

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

I've heard of cement shoes but never sleeve anchors.

Anonymous said...

Where the hell is anybody gettin a Lance-the-cheater-but-it's-okay-cuz- everybody-cheats bike for 1500 bucks? Or is Oprah sponsoring a sale?

Anonymous said...


babble on said...

Doesn't seem to be much trouble to get your hands on EPO even in the anti-socialist United States of Merck-ah.

babble on said...

Harumph. My avatar disappeared.

Anonymous said...

Google goon squad!

babble on said...

The Mod squads in a preemptive strike?

Hey! It's back! Hooray!

Quick. Let's get all dirty and disgusting before they strike again.

babble on said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yarpo said...

Bloo-dee foo-king lorries!
That Hamill guy...what a schmutz.

1231 oultcom

Okay, I'll oult if you oult first!

Anonymous said...

OK Babble you go first.

How man times a week do you usually do it?

paulb said...

The Hamills. "Princes of the city" who would be considered pushy reporter nobodies anyplace else. Murray Kempton got around the city on a bike!

Time Traveler Thom Douche' said...

I aced todays quiz dudeeeeezzzzzzzz

babble on said...

It's like getting enough sleep, or brushing your teeth- it's a good habit to develop. I like to do at least once a day, but I give the man a day off every once in a while.

How about you?

La Cosa Nostradamus said...

and the answers to today's quiz are ...

1. d. byrne

2. k. d. Lange

3. Panda semen

4. bamboo dildo

5. d. byrne

6. Cipo

7. detached Hand Modeling Accademy of Zurich

8. Human panda sex

9. d. byrne

10. either Slope Park Park or Park Slope Park or Park Park Slope will be acceptable.

Anonymous said...

I guess industrial doesn't have the same connotations in the bike world as it ... anywhere else.

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Anonymous said...
