Wednesday, November 24, 2010

BSNYC Friday Thanksgiving Fun Quiz! (And Also I'm Taking A Snobbatical!)

(In 16 years, this poor child is going to make his parents' lives a living hell, and/or become a minimalist.)

With the Thanksgiving holiday now upon us like an oversexed turkey upon the back of a nonplussed Dachshund, it is incumbent (or, at the very least, recumbent) on me to announce that I will be taking a short leave in order to tend to various matters, including but not limited to spiritual exploration, non-blogular work projects, routine life maintenance, and of course amateur food stylization. I may even buy an artisanal axe and amortize the considerable cost by going door-to-door and asking my neighbors if they have any wood in need of hewing.

This leave will commence as of the end of this post and it will continue through next week, after which I will return on Monday, December 6th with regular updates.

Again, that's Monday, December 6th--which I might also remind you is Alberto Contador's birthday. If you're looking for any last-minute gift ideas, I would recommend a subscription to the exotic meat of the month club. It's the gift that keeps on giving--excuses.

Speaking of reminders, I'd also like to remind you that Bicycling magazine, the periodical for which I pen a column ("pen" is pretentious for "scribble in crayon") is having a contest to find the best amateur bicycle mechanic in New York City, which you can read more about and enter here:

Moreover, I've somehow been wrangled into giving the "play-by-play on all the action" at the actual contest on December 8th, so if you like "play-by-play" and "action" I hope you will attend the contest. I'll also do my best to bring along some items to give away, like maybe some of my coffee, or even a half-empty package of cotton swabs.

By the way, I was amused to note that, like a typical SUNY school, Bicycling require a half-assed essay from all applicants:

In your essay, tell us in 250 words or less "Why should you be picked to compete in the Bicycling Magazine Bike Repair Challenge?"

250 words on why you should be allowed to help Bicycling promote their book may seem like a lot of work, but if you're as lazy as I am you'll note the key here is the "or less" part, and if I were entering the contest I'd probably go with something simple like this:

Because Nostradamus foresaw it.

The fact is, people don't invoke the prophesies of Nostradamus as much as they used to, which is a shame because they're just as relevant, profound, and persuasive as they were back in the 1500s. Also, that's pretty much exactly what I wrote in my SUNY application, and while I'm not saying they actually let me into the school I will say that at least I have a column in Bicycling magazine, so there you go.

Having gotten all that out of the way, I'm now pleased to present you with a quiz. As always, study the item, consult the prophesies of Nostradamus, and click on your answer. If you're right (and if you consult Nostradamus you will be right, since he predicted everything) you'll see confirmation, and if you're wrong you'll see another offroad recumbent "edit."

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and have a great holiday (even if you're not of the American nationalityway).


(Mark Cavendish is a merciless winning machine--except when he's sobbing uncontrollably.)

1) According to Mark "The Man Missile" Cavendish, victory is:

2) Why are Mario Cipollini and Andrei Tchmil shaking hands?

5) What is the sound of a bicycle flying off the roof of a car at highway speed?

6) The most significant cultural difference between North American cyclocross and European cyclocross is:

(Right answer courtesy of All Hail The Black Market)

7) Why is the "FixieHook" fixed-gear specific?

***Special Highly Cringe-Inducing Thanksgiving Rap PSA-Themed Bonus Question***

Fill in the blank: "Go _____."


1 – 200 of 209   Newer›   Newest»
shoegazer said...


shoegazer said...


shoegazer said...


shoegazer said...

takes a bow
happy thanksgiving all!

Anonymous said...


samh said...

Wow, someone lay down the spam hammer.

Anonymous said...

just one post please.

Anonymous said...

just one post please.

Anonymous said...

just one post please.

Rap Whap! said...

100% bitches! And podi ?

I have no life...

samh said...

Everyone's a winner when one of your options in a multiple choice answer is "Fuck Yourself"!

ken (loves tofino) said...

negativeland, represent...

Anonymous said...

Did you see this caption in cyclingnews?

Anonymous said...

I now have no reason to be online for the next couple of weeks. Maybe I will now go ride a bike instead of just reading about it. I AM FREE.

BikeSnobNYC said...

Anonymous 12:09pm,

Wow! Now that's good.


crosspalms said...

Silly FixieHook people. The bike is obviously mounted the wrong way. "For all to see and envy" you need the drive side facing your guests, so they can rub against it and grease their clothes. Plus they love it when you show the cog.
Happy Thanksgiving, all! (this greeting also being sent back in time to Canadian friends)
Enjoy the Snobbatical, BSNY -- I know my boss will cause he'll get more work out of me...

Neal Anderthal said...

That recumbent video was Whap-Tastic! When will we get to see some recumbent freestyle videos?

Mark said...

Top 20

Anonymous said...

Ok, but how does that make for a cleaner rear end?

Compulsive said...

Since you know them better than me, remind the caption editors, et al at Buycycling Magazine that words are enumerable. Consequently all essays should be 250 words or fewer.

PawnShop said...

Enjoy your hiatusway, Snobby. I think I'll go steal a recumbent so I can ride it around tomorrow, like some self-basting turkey of derision.

jno62 said...

I'm all for a cleaner rear end.

Thanks again Snob.

Happy Thanksgiving All.

ringcycles said...

6/7 and the bonus. At least there's honesty in their brand name: Sea-Sucker

as in, "see, you were a sucker for buying this lame excuse of a car rack"

Stranded said...

My dearest and most cherished Snob (may your fixie remain fixated for decades to come), since Ms. Mooney became a shill for Floyd Landis, Specialized, and the other companies that sell overpriced stuff most of us don't need, and since your column was the only thing worth reading in the whole mag (unless they do a nude centerfold of the Fit Chick, which technically would involve less reading and more . . . well, you know), I don't subscribe to her mag. But I would offer this advice: a contest for the WORST mechanic who nevertheless manages to keep upright and rolling would be much more interesting. Just how many miles can you ride on a worn-out chain? How many more times can you patch a tube whose surface area already has a ratio of tube-to-patch that has definitely shifted toward the patch end of the scale? Does duct tape have any useful application in the repair of brakes for fixies or other inherently unsafe two-wheeled conveyances? The answers to all these questions would be much more interesting than awarding a prize to someone who's figured out that WD40 and lemon Pledge do wonders for a bicycle chain, or at least give it that fresh citrus scent that all the girls just love.

wishiwasmerckx said...

For a cleaner rear end, I sometimes enploy baby wipes. Seems to work better that a seatpost collar.

Grump said...

WTF !!

Just as soon as "they" start paying you those big bucks for this Blog, you start going all "Hollywood" on us. Next thing, you'll be telling us that you're going to take off six weeks to do "Dancing with da stars"
This sort of "crap" has to stop.
The last time that I had a day off was back in 1977, If I remember correctly. (and that was only half a day, to sell one of my kidneys)

CommieCanuck said...

Dear Buycycling,

I should win that award because baby Jesus told me so. If you don't give me the award, baby Jesus will fuck you up. Two times.



Anonymous said...

erlier dare was a Kingfisher sitting on a low branch and shat out a huge poo, then flew off upstream.

CommieCanuck said...

You know, if you shoved that baby into in pig , you'd have a delicious Porkinfanturky.

leroy said...

I, for one, am thankful that I did not know the answer to question number 5.

Ride thankfully all!

VinNie stigma said...

@ anonymous 12:09pm

That is hilarious. Could i go without using toilet paper?

Jonathan Swift said...

CC, quit stealing my material

Cleaned up rear end said...

Listen up, Bub-
I have this voice in my head that says some funny shit from time to time but mostly it says something about my being better than you because you've never owned a custom bike. I would love to make this online image of myself as an oracle of style and substance but I don’t have the fucking chops to
back it up.

Some fat 40 + year old wannabe with
a Serotta and an iPad to post online, who unfortunately doesn't have the right to call himself a snob. Maybe I’ll go write a feel good book about something stupid. Oh wait, I don’t have the talent.

I am the gravy engine said...

Playing with your food "Styling It" makes it no longer safe for consumption.

It is abundantly clear that the baby is not cooked, and has not been properly "curated" before insertion into the said bird.

Best wash the bird again before eating, or you will have some other problems other than salmonella.

Wash the child also, turkey grease makes them slippery.

It has become clear that cyclocross is a european expression of stupidness, and as usual americans have embraced it with full gusto.

Tyler's Chimera said...

I always get a zero on BSny quiz.

Does this mean that I am normal?

Tchmil Tchmazel said...


Anonymous said...

you know, bad German country aside, Cyclocross seems like a natural for American fans.
There is a real hillbilly element to it.

Chief Mazola Massengill said...

May many liberal white pussy have happy douchegiving.

Justine Valinotti said...

I don't remember what I wrote on my application essay. But I got into the college for which I wrote it. I guess the lesson in that is that the key to academic success is not to do anything memorable.

Then again, I didn't go to a SUNY school.

Yum! said...

That site linked on #4 has some surprising information.

"...and they get to create the new and interesting foods that restaurant chains such as McDonald’s launch."

grog said...

I'll hew my own wood, thanks.


recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

Duh, everyone knows the key to a clean rear end is a properly installed filth prophylactic.

Esteemed Commenter DaddoOne said...

the first turkey joke:

Turkey #1: gobble, gobble gobble gobble?
Turkey #2: gobble gobble.
Turkey #1: gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble!!!
Turkey #2: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

McDonalds launch. Billions hurl.

Anonymous said...




Salty and Sore said...

So c-c-c-cold here... Thank goodness for renewed internet connections. Warming up now.

Thank you, Snobbie, for this year's Harvest side-dish. Properly basted Cipo is such a delight!

For the record, Veganism is so yesterday. Gourmet burgers are where it's at. Including the ironically elite (and sinfully-named), Dick's.

Salty and Sore said...

Okay, sure. I'd love to try that!

Do I have to shave the seatpost collar first?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pedantic, but he's actually known as the 'Manx' Missile (the Manx is an extinct breed of cat that once inhabited the Isle of Man).

Great blog.

crosspalms said...

The Manx cat is no more extinct than the Man Missile, but its tail is pretty extinct.

bikesgonewild said...

...ditto that, crosspalms & senor anon 4:21pm's claim of "pedantry" simply reveals that he hasn't been following the blog for long...

Indian Reservation Casino and Bingo said...

Come spend a traditional Thanksgiving with the Indians!

Your Dad said...


Thanks for coming home this thanksgiving and setting up an internet computer for me and your mother.

I have found your internet blog,, just as you described. It is very interesting, I'm sure, especially the pictures of Larry King.

Your mother asked me not to write this but I think you should stop before people see it.

Don't give up your day job, son.

Yours with love,


Drunk Injun said...

Fuck Thanksgiving.

g-roc said...

Why did my brain want to read it as another offroad recumbent "idiot."?

bikesgonewild said...

...(loser's video)...guy on the "off road recumbent" didn't ride anything that you couldn't ride your expensive road bike challenge wuss...

...(1)...what 'cha talkin', 'no tail manxes', mate...i get a lotta tail"" sez the man missle...

...(2)...mafia connections...italian & russian...

...(3)...helmet under arm so chick's boyfriends parents know she's "a serious athlete" & not a dude...quirk mcsquirt would hit it...

...(4)...cook with bloody broadsword just finishing up hacking california's economy to death...

...(5)...suction cups suck, sucker...suck on that !!!...

...(6)...zing mee, tat yana storm !!!...or what quirk mcsquirt always sez...

...(7)...proprietary hook douchesterism...but "hey, it must be cool - lookit the price"...

...(bonus) quirk, i'd hit it from behind...hard...but i'd be force feeding her tofu at the same time...cure THAT problem once & for all...

...see, i knew i had all the right answers this time...

Vegas said...

Holy Crap bgw, thanks for the "Teacher's Edition", now we all get A's!!! Muahahaha!

Unknown said...

Manx cat minus tail equals cleaner rear end.

wp said...

last of the top 60!

and wtf snobbatical?, it's a freakin' bike blog for lobssake, just preload a few days in one of those hoopty phones and dump them each day and violin! folks think you're "workin'" and get to doze off into triptophan coma/slobberville with snobbish thoughts still rebounding in the general space 'twixt their ears.

dammit, hereinafter snobbaticals require a three-day notice.

yeah, so it's a holiday...yadda yadda.

Bitter Old Guy said...

What the hell is wrong with you kids?
Why I oughta smack you all good...

Fat Bastard said...

"mmmm, baby, the other other white meat!"

Anonymous said...

How long 'til recumbent fixies?

Tex said...

Jeez, Neal, don't you know anything? That was a recumbent freestyle video.

bikesgonewild said..., dammit...don't make fun of me... you have any idea how many times i've had sit on the stool in the corner wearing the 'dunce cap' for being in the lowest 10th percentile ???...

Flloyd Landis' Lying A$$ said...

No Snobbie?

Well looks like it's back to Googling surfing 'free porn' and spankin the old monkey boy.

To the Rest of Us HAPPY FESTIVUS

BROOKLYN the "HOME' of Hipsterdom is getting a minor league hockey team. The teams name . . . . . . The Brooklyn 'Douch Bags' of course.

Anonymous said...

Itz time for you kids go to bed. Now put out the lights and stop playing with your fixie!
You don't want your mother to come up there !!


Its great to see that people are sharing quite profitable information with each other and now we can move our selves to a new era.

網頁設計 said...

I am honored to wander your blog. Thousands of points can invite you to my blog to be exchanges. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Surely, you are honoured that I wander your blog, but what is this about you neglecting your sworn blogular duty for a whole week? Thanksgiving... what the hell is that? Thanks for nothing.

Oh, except for the mountainbent video. Thanks for that. Mountainbents are quite clearly the most fun that can be had in bed. ce

Anonymous said...

Judging by the global mountainbent craze which has thoroughly infused pop culture in recent years, it seems that people find deep appeal in misappropriating cycling equipment. I have even heard stories recently of a few groundbreaking individuals that have taken to commuting and touring on brakeless track bikes! These examples demonstrate that there is a strong demand for bikes that make riding more difficult than it needs to be. Therefore, I have taken it upon myself to redesign the personal pedal powered vehicle from the ground up, drawing inspiration from the track bike and the mountain recumbent in particular. Please now cast your eyes upon the future of cycling: The Recalcitrant. Or, 'trant for short. ce

Anonymous said...

I rode trickier stuff on my Schwinn 3-speed Racer before mountain bikes were invented than what that mountainbent guy was tackling.

wp said...

mtbent? not 'round here. these trails were built for _bicycles_ all the rocksrootsandtrees and switchbacks would have to go away for mtbenting. then it's a golf course.

Thought said...

@BGW: Shut the fuck up, already!

djdp said...

Mtbent downhill racing is the new cheeserolling 2.0

Lloyd 'Full Carbon Flandis said...

I'll be back! I've got a carbon colon and all of my joint bearings are ceramic. Damn my UCI ban.

My entire blood supply consists of human pituitary distillates and stabilized Park Tool PPL-1 1000 poly lube. Test that ya Frenchie creatins.

If you want to know WHEN I'll be back then be sure to buy my latest book "Mennonites don't lie - Reality does"

Anonymous said...

Will Chipo will be training sprinters on how to accurately throw water bottles at passing race referees?

bikesgonewild said...

...@ thought's another thought...have a happy thanksgiving while you go fuck yourself, 'kay ???...

bikesgonewild said...

...& to bsnyc/rtms & all the regulars, best wishes for thanksgiving...hope you're all having a great day...

hot video said...

nice to be here...thanks for sharing

Win real money playing online slots at said...

Woow.. cool story and a really cool article here.., have a nice day always..

lita said...

See yourblog postagain! Another incredible blog about your amazing city. The people and the stories that keep drawing us back to your blog, each and every day. thanks

money said...

Happy thanksgiving to you, nice to be here on your beautiful blog...

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

djdp @Nov 25 1:40 said...
"Mtbent downhill racing is the new cheeserolling 2.0"
-That is funny.

bikesgonewild said... we know what bsnyc/rtms wants for christmas & it's something crocheted...

...see his twitter...

Anonymous said...

Hey snob I just visited NYC with my bike. parked in jersey and rode across gw bridge and down central manhatten and into Brooklyn to visit a friend. The roads where filled with salmon and cars parked in the bike lanes and pedestrians standing in the middle of the bike lane stairing as I swerved into traffic to avoid them. All in all it was a blast I crossed Brooklyn and wburg bridges and road a total of about 40 miles in a 24 hour period. Riding in traffic was fun as shit and I found myself filtering through long lines of autos like a smooth ass mother turkey . Thanx for the inspiration and street smarts. I followed most traffic laws and was amazed that I was the only one practically. But if I lived in NYC I would be riding 30 miles a day enjoying that crazy ny ambience and of coarse the million hot chicks from around the world half of whom are wearing those tight black pants that are so in style. I'm jealous of u natives but enjoy it ride hour bikes

Anonymous said...

djdp, I agree re: Cheese Rolling 2.0. Consider also Recumbent Trials, which would inevitably devolve into Caber Tossing 2.0.

djdp said...

@recom conspir thero
@anon 4:25

I guess i dont get trying them off smooth straight trails/roads, instead of your arms and legs taking some shock your whole body is taking the hits...odd indeed...however getting more curious to try a cheesrolling :)

Coma Boy said...

ZZZZZ ZZZZz ZZZzz ZZzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

reCUMbent Reginald IX said...

Pardon my reCUMbency . . . . . . SPLAT!!!

ttv said...

Ouch! I can't eat that roasted baby with chicken. :-)

Anonymous Coward said...

So, anyone else notice on Contador's Wikipedia entry that he keeps "personally bred canaries and goldfinches at home". Personally bred? Eww!

Pontius Pilate said...



ken e. said...

Damn! Second!

Anonymous said...

That God my fucking in-laws finally flew back to whatever hole they crawled out of.

Anonymous said...

That God my fucking in-laws finally flew back to whatever hole they crawled out of.

Alberto's Alpha Male Canary said...

I hear through the grapevine that Snob has amassed a large fortune. Snob's blog and his shameless intellectual whoring over at Bicycling Magizine along with shrewd investments in far eastern pre-school labor pool market has rendered Snob wealthy. Wealthy enough in fact to set up a trust fund of which he is sole benificiary. Right at this moment Snob, now known at Articus is riding a fixie in Brooklyn and sneering at the full carbon soy milk dupes who enabled Articus to become a PBR swilling Camel smoking Meatatarian.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting me to be viewing your verynicely curated blogosphere, I am having many things to be thanking you for. I will be now starting to be reading your blog on a curent basis as I am laboring on my thesis. I am having a question though, what does AYHSMB have a meaning for?

curry goat said...

I think we will all agree life goes on without BSNY. Sure at first I was worried, but it's been a few days and I haven't heard about cycle cross, axes, knuckle tattoos. I'm starting to feel a lot better about myself and my outlook on life has improved.

wishiwasmerckx said...

100th again...kish mein tuchas, suckas.

wp said...



hey, another fucking week w/o le snobbie...this is dangerous rtms/bsnyc...we might find other places to alight and share our witty comments

(hurry back, ya bastid)


Anonymous said...

Please Sir Snobster , may we have more pics of scantily clad Amazonian type babes?

Anonymous said...

Oh almost forgot, onehundredndthree bitches!!!

Cowboy Chuck said...

I can't believe we gave this guy the entire week off. Who's idea was that?

I thought about how all the expensive designated bike routes here remain unplowed, and how stupid that is, and thought of BSNYC, and was sad, so ordered copies of the book as gifts.

That clever devil. Turns out the break is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

Anonymous said...

It should have been spelled: "to hear the lamentation ov de vimmen"

wp said...

@CowboyChuck, just because he's off don't mean we's off.

maybe we should present him with 500 comments when he gets back around to lookin' at the interwebination.

only 390-ish to go.

and we can do a podium every 50. (intermediate sprints yo)


wp said...


oops this makes 392.

Anonymous said...

Hope everybody had a fabulous Thanksgiving! 3 spinning classes lined up this week, along with the running, and the swimming to work off the pecan pie & Reddiwhip.

Udder said...

Aren't all bike mechanics amatuers? No one can actually make a living doing it.

wishiwasmerckx said...

Frilly, please refrain from using the words "Reddi Whip" in your comments. The mind does wander at the mere suggestion from you, and I am trying to get some work done here.

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon now, that's what I love about it--allows for precise placement into all kinds of nooks & crannies. Unlike cool whip. Meh.

crosspalms said...

I must be getting old. I was thinking about the pecan pie...

Anonymous said...

Crosspalms you should be thinking about the pecan pie because I make it myself, with love, from scratch and it is divine!

Neal Anderthal said...

Here is a funny mtbr thread to help pass the time. It's nowhere near as good as we are used to getting here, but it does feature a broken bike, lots of finger pointing, an insufferable web site, some cocky hipsters learning a hard business lesson, and a lot of bad jokes. There is even a long winded (but smart) lawyer in there. Nothing that approaches Frilly mentioning Reddiwhip, but then this place is unique in so many ways...

wp said...

and the propellant is no2...


stream of nothing said...

doing great until question 5 :(

George Washington said...

first! (in war)
first! (in peace)
first! (in the hearts of my countrymen)

ARTICUS said...


recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

After Thanksgiving I relaxed on my recumbent. Nice to stretch out and burn calories.

Yes please, Reddiwhip on my piece.

crosspalms said...

Mmm, pie.
Meanwhile, cold wind in my face on the ride home last night and today it's snowing here (Chicago). Time to get out the balaclava and the big gloves.

"Guppy" Honaker said...

Hey there Bike Snob: I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday - and did truly give thanks.

That picture of the little baby as a turkey - wonderful!

- David

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Arthur Benjamin said...

Nice one bro

Kangaroo said...

Great keep it up dude

Anonymous said...


You swim to work? That's awesome!

I typically curate a smug ride on my somewhat douchey mountain bike become commuter.

slushycommutetoday said...

My Thanksgiving baby was vegan! A Tofbabyurkey.

This non-Snobness will not stand, man.

Is it Monday yet? said...

What do we want?
When do we want him?

Bearnie said...

Why won't Monday happen!?!?! I just keep hitting refresh over and over hoping that he was only playing a cruel, cruel joke...

wp said...

half-way to the 151st sprints we are.

wait, did somebody say "recumbent trials"?!... hmmm, how do they maneuver those things? can a tire (either one, your choice) even be lifted with intent and poise?

off-road uni--now that's a man's game*, no offense frilly or fp or anyone else of the otherway genderway.

*because only a man could get away with the saddle mounted brake lever (smbl) which keeps one hand planted in "junktown" on challenging terrain.

wp said...


Doktor Ill said...

Snob is not GONE.

The UNIVERSE has slipped into 'Ground Hog Day' mode.

Everyday is a relive of Wednesday, November 24, 2010.


wp said...

Doktor Ill said...

Snob is not GONE.

The UNIVERSE has slipped into 'Ground Hog Day' mode.

Everyday is a relive of Wednesday, November 24, 2010.


December 1, 2010 7:46 PM


hey does this have something to do with 'bents on trails? (i almost said "mtb trails"--but that's not a fair representation of the pristine path we saw in the vid. yo


Tex said...

I wanna see some recumbent cyclocross.

Anonymous said...

anon 4:12--of course I don't swim to work. St Louis is clearly not Venice, Italy.

And no offense taken WP. Guys are always grabbing at themselves anyway. Why is that?

Registered for my first tri of 2011, 5/22/11. Woot!

Anonymous said...

I'm under frilly losers!!

wp said...


i know not why guys grab their junkiness as i'm not one of those who does such in public for no apparent reason. the staid norms of utility or pleasure are mine own reasons for self-crotchal invasion...that and speedo adjustment.


M. Cipollini said...

Guys grabbing themselves?

In my case it takes two hands to handle a 'whopper'

wishiwasmerckx said...

Dear Frilly:

If you touch my junk, I will not have you arrested.


Helen said...

I miss you, snob.

crosspalms said...

OK, I'm game.

Turkey Lurkey said...

That video is enough to turn me into a carnivore.

Anonymous said...


eff me runnin said...


Anonymous said...

Good to know, wiwm. Thanks.

whomitmayconcern said...

somebody call commie, leroy, bgw, and a couple of anonymouses*, let them know we're making an extended run here.

*heylookie, that was for extry credit. snicker. i kill me.

Flash aka J. Gordon said...

Hey, Snob is on vacation, so you are invited to read my blog about bike shops in hard-ass Oakland CA. Check the Rims on that Monte Carlo!

Anonymous said...

Brakeless fixie riders who are still not experiencing enough zen minimalist crashing for their liking might consider removing the extraneous front half of their bike also: Recumbent Unicycle ce

Anonymous said...

Oh, and this just in... First images of the future of cycling: The Recalcitrant ce

bikesgonewild said...

...jeez bsnyc/ better get back here & cook sumthin' up...

...we're gettin' tired of these reheated leftovers, day after day after day...

...just sayin'...

Anonymous Coward said...

Points - 150!

Now, where's my prime?

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

Comment #151
At least I don't have to suck at another quiz.

ken (loves tofino) said...

not quite sure how, but...


Anonymous Coward said...

Bikesgonewild. Since you wanted sumthin' cooked up. Please enjoy.

crosspalms said...

Nice work, and just in time for lunch!

Anonymous said...

Where's the PistaDex now?


Anonymous said...

is a wonderful thing
rope is thicker
but string is quicker

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

50k for frame. Idiotic.

crosspalms said...

You can get pants to go with that 50K frame for just $95.

leroy said...

Dear Mr. whomitmayconcern:

Your request for a round up of members of the commentariat is duly noted.

If in the future you require a more expeditious response, please shine a blinky light skyward through a paper cut-out projecting the silhouette image of a Surly Big Dummy.

You never know, it might work.

On an unrelated note, I don't mean to brag, but I didn't get a single wrong answer on a quiz today.

Ride safe all!

E. 'Cannibal' Merckx said...

I have just finished consuming 'BikeSnob NYC' and I must say it was a tasty treat. Most definately def.

The claves were a little fatty but the rest tasted just like chicken.

Anonymous Coward said...

What do Claves taste like? Do they may have woody undertones? I bet you got into a good rhythm eating them.

Anonymous Coward said...

Oh. He who lives in a glass house should throw no stones -- "do they may have". sigh.

Eddir M's butt boy said...

calf (kaf)n., pl., calves (kăvz, kävz).
The fleshy muscular back part of the human leg between the knee and ankle.

Just sayin!

crosspalms said...

Do they may have claveburger?

bikesgonewild said...

...nice, anonymous coward...

...the sad part about all this is: you know that darned bsnyc/rtms is gonna pull the same fuckin' stunt come christmahannakwanza & disappear for weeks on end...

...need i be just sayin' ???...

wp said...

exactly bgw, that's why we're going nuts with the overcommentariat just now. it's training (not junk mileage) for the multicultural timeout upcoming--where we develop a rhythm/cadence/pace with which to overload this wretched corner of the interweb.

just stinkin' the place up yo.

like the sheepherding dogs do when left alone in the apartment all day (somebuddy fetch a video).

when the cat is away...

(looking like an easy double century now--congratulations and accolades to recumbent conspiracy yo.)

Anonymous said...

I'm just out for a recovery comment.

Hot for Words said...


Claves (kla-vays) n. The tesicles of the wild Fijian Boar. In ancient cannibal times claves referred to male homo sapien testicles.

Recovering Recumbent Randonneur said...

Just look at what we have become! I hope the blogmeister doesn't ever stay away for three weeks or something. Might not be much left but bones and crabon fibre sherds.

Bill said...

oop ack thppt!

Yee Haw! said...

Dick Dale and Stevie Ray Vaughn, good audio and some er, memorable visuals. I miss the Eighties some times.

The Ugly One said...

And another Bicycle Themed Video

Anonymous said...

leroy, everyone knows that this is the signal cast by blinky light into the night sky when assistance from the League of Extra Ordinary Geezers is sought. ce

bikesgonewild said...

...good point (s - ???), wp...

...& speaking of "when the cat's away", the above comment, "oop ack thppt!" is from no ordinary or anonymous 'bill' but from the one & only 'bill the(frickin') cat'...

...bill also once said "i've gone to look for myself...if i should return before i get back, keep me here"...glad you're...ahhh, that is to say...ahhh, good to...ahhh, well gosh, hi bill !!!... you say...

...oh, mean "sticks, yes ???"...

bikesgonewild said...

...bastards !!!...

...won't link foto of 'claves'...musical instruments consisting of two hardwood sticks used to strike each other as percussion...

wp said...

anon 4:35, that's real good. everybody go take a looksee.

what will we ever do with allathese crabon fibre sherds?

got kids?

(and paintandglueandglitter)?

...make ornaments.

wrt "another bicycle themed video", oh-my, as in

oh my lob.

notaseasyasimakeitlook said...

fresh podium in 4 and 20...

get in the break!

Johan Bruyneel's alter-alter ego said...




DoofusOnRollers said...

turdog starts with "turd" said...

wha the hell? today is saturday?? feels more like weednesday, by lob.

so who's gotta beer?

food for thought/conversation:

if the revolutions does not preceed the apocalypse, then what's all the fuss?

benDE said...

181st? I get the red numbers!!!! I get the red numbers!!!! done before? Prove it bastards! As The Snob's popularity keeps growing 181 is the new 1st.
Peace from Germany yall!!

breakingaway said...


wp said...

Approximately 24 hours left to stink this sucker up.

We're going to 200. Don't make me do it alone.



To all NYCBikeSnobophiles who were unable to;

1. Podium Finish
2. Make Top Ten
3. whap!
4. First!

The last week most likely had you facing the reality of 'having a life!' Sucks doesn't it? Hopefully on the morrow you will be able to sit at your pc or blackberry, etc., and pounce. Your podium posting victory meaningless to the rest of the planet, though a crowning moment of glorified greatness enabling you to live another day of tortured schitzoid dementia. PEACE

FabFiveFreddy said...

My two copies of Snob's book are on their way! And I don't have to leave the house! This internet thing is pretty cool. Wow!

Anonymous said...

One comment loser

Anonymous said...

I meant closer.

Anon 3:41/3:42 said...

First iteration was probably more accurate though.

Anonymous said...


wishiwasmerckx said...


wishiwasmerckx said...


wishiwasmerckx said...


wi said...


wishiwasmerckx said...


wishiwasmerckx said...


wishiwasmerckx said...


wishiwasmerckx said...


wishiwasmerckx said...


wishiwasmerckx said...

it to

wishiwasmerckx said...


wp said...

wp 1st!

pay attention fcsatan said...

these things go on your _permanent record_


To all NYCBikeSnobophiles who were unable to;

1. Podium Finish
2. Make Top Ten
3. whap!
4. First!

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