Further to yesterday's post about "ax bedazzlers," I was reading the New Yorker recently ("reading the New Yorker" is a euphemism for visiting the restroom) when I came across another article by my favorite cultural "ax bedazzler," the magazine's pop music critic and token "hipster" Sasha Frere-Jones. While I have nothing against pop music (apart from the fact that I hate much of it), I also believe that for the most part there is little place for pop music "criticism" beyond the letter grades ascribed to it by magazines like Entertainment Weekly--especially when the pop musician makes music like this. So I was particularly amused by this passage from Frere-Jones's "review:"

Shortly after drying my tears, I checked my "Twitter" (I live and die by which death metal album fixed-gear freestyle impresario and streetwear enthusiast Prolly is listening to) and read this:

(Use of simple letter-grading system makes him a better critic than Sasha Frere-Jones.)
Once again, I'd like to apologize, this time to Ryder Hesjedal as well as to his native Canada, a country which exists even more surely than Norway does. I hope those of you who are denizens ("denizens" is pretentious for "hosers") of the Great White North will accept this moving video tribute to "Great Canadians" as a token of my esteem:
Hesjedal is not in there yet, but I'm sure one day he will be.
Speaking of Tour de France riders formidable enough to bite the tops off of cans, one of the most formidable of all is Jens Voigt. Jens Voigt is the Shakespeare in the Park of the peloton in that it's basically de rigeur to get excited about him, even if you secretly don't care. This is because he's undoubtedly one of the selfless so-called "hard men of the peloton," and he's usually affable in the face of adversity. However, VeloNews has released this revealing video in which he complains (some might actually say whines) about the inclusion of cobbles in yesterday's stage:

Of course, the fixed-gear equivalent of getting really excited about Jens Voigt is getting really excited about some guy who decides to ride a fixed-gear in an inappropriate fashion, and naturally with the Tour de France in full swing the videos of these rides (all fixed-gear rides must be documented on video, it's in the "fixie" rule book) are increasingly Tour-themed. Here's one I noticed recently on the "Trackosaurusrex" blog:

At roughly an hour and a half, this is certainly the longest fixed-gear ride anybody has ever successfully completed anywhere on Earth:

I'm totally psyched for the Tourmalet "edit" to "drop:"

Hopefully Jens Voigt doesn't see the smile on this rider's face and get any ideas. Granted, a recumbent would be somewhat less suited to climbing Mont Ventoux, though with an electrical assist you can make up lots of time on the descent:
i should very much like to be the first commenter. once.
wheres my #1 ... gimme gimme gimme
Great post, today, Snob!
On it like Julian Dean!
Lost my train at the end, but still top 10!
Overheated and Bonked
un autre bon classement
Top ten. Early finish today.
Top tenè
Top tenè
Second group. That effing Vino dropped me on the last km ...
That music video sounded like the plaintive warbling of Kate Bush on Thorazine. I could not imagine sitting in a room of little girls listening to that album.
With or without Thorazine...
Fine, top 20
Wait, so Cancellara going to be riding an electrified recumbent?
and they're off!
19th! yeah
Laughed at the video of Jens Voigt - don't think sucking a can of coke is going to open it :/
The good thing about riding a recumbent is that you can read the New Yorker while pedaling and avoiding lawn furniture left in the road.
I think an entire post needs to be devoted to the ever-growing length of "death metal album fixed-gear freestyle impresario and streetwear enthusiast" Prolly's name.
Dear Robyn,
The Flock of Seagulls called. They want their hairstyle back. While you are at it, send those shoes back to Men Without Hats.
Your tour de france blog is my sole source for tour info. I especially liked this: "Fabian Cancellara- who rides like his bike is a lint roller and the pave is velvet." Great! much better than those 2 stuffy brits and that dancing on the pedals nonsense.
Oh and whats really wrong with getting political commentary from Mad magazine?
Robert (we Canadians call him Bob) L. Borden is my hommie.
what cycle computer is that guy using? The white one.
what faunt is that fixedd clo de toormallet intro?
Strange how one person's art is another person's whinging.
"O, that this too too solid flesh would melt,
Thaw and resolve itself into a dew!"
"Hey, can I get a Fresca over here? I'm schvitzing."
That guy is impressing nobody in Williamsburg. He had a front brake, and he probably cannot even track stand at intersections. I'd like to see him use his sneaker bottoms to slow on the descent like real hipsters.
I dunno, I've been following your Universal blog and it seems like you're just mailing it in this week. Maybe there hasn't been much to mock in this years tour yet, but I thought your work on the Giro was more entertaining. Perhaps I'm expecting too much from a column about a race you watched on tv.
More snark!
Buffalo Bill,
I actually email it in.
snob, I definitely read your tour blog for nothing more then entertainment.
Sounds like someone is jealous of a certain New Yorker writer. She got the job but what about me?
ventoux-fixed-rapha guy is...pretentious.
I'll note that Mike Barry has not made the list of Great Canadians yet either, and while Pamela Anderson is on that list, most of her recent body parts were made in the USA. Frankly, I'm amazed that given the number of crashes this year, Barry hasn't broken something yet, as crashing seems to be his forte, "le maillot Gauze".
Thor Husvold is in that emerging category of rider in this year's TDF: the whiny bitches, which include Lance, Farrar and most of all, Andy Schleck, who wants to be a famous rider, but can't seem to make the time to stop his bike during and interview with American TV. He's obviously on his way to barf in the Saxobank motorhome, as he feels fatter after every stage.
The best part of the finish yesterday, the guy in the crowd with the hand painted "DIRK HOFFMAN MOTORHOMES" sign. Genius. He's boosted his international business in motor home sales without paying a penny to those TV advertising vampires. My next motor home, a Dirk Hoffman Motor home.
umm...Great Canadian John Candy? Still waiting....
that guy climbing mt. whatever on the fixie was shite. My general experience is that people who are crap at a certain sport performed in the traditional way try to put an esoteric twist on it, usually making it unnecessarily difficult and almost completely unrelated to the original sport (e.g. kite surfing, cyclo-cross), only so they can feel special. Glad there are blogs like this one of poke fun at such inanity.
umm...Great Canadian John Candy? Still waiting....
No Sir Ed Grimley Jr. either, for shame.
All You Heaters Suck My Balls
Hey Snob, not sure if you care but cycling blogger "cozy beehive" seems to be implicating you in a "clandestine alliance" to protect the doping habits of LA...
"It's too damn hot for this shit,
you can all go fuck yourselves."
Um, is that like iambic pentameter? radness...
..."...would be caused by the convulsive sobs of your dignity."...
...whatever the accompanying statement, it matters not...this part of the quote has me pegged on a daily basis...
All You Recumbents Feel My Cobbles!
Cozy beehive wrote:These two cycling blogs, who command a wealth of American readers, have revealed quite ostentatiously that they are friends of L.A. Their blogs, like Rick Reilly's unpopular ESPN columns, could potentially become a tool to brainwash people. At the other end, a single link from Armstrong on his Twitter account could divert millions of people to read the blogs.
Just because we all moved to Snobbie's commune in the Bronx and wear identical sneakers and jumpsuits does not mean we are brainwashed by the great leader. WTF.
Millions diverted, yet still only worth $127.
Tune into tomorrow's blog on how to fit foil on your helmet to keep WADA from reading your thoughts.
BSNYC; I am surprised that you didn't call out Sasha Frere-Jones for failing to credit the author of "fembot", that maven of pop culture and great Canadian, Mike Myers!
CC - wada's developed a test for foil hats.
@Anon1:35 -- Actually, it's the ease with which SF-J apparently undergoes sex reassignment on a regular basis that's enviable.
Flip-flop hub, indeed.
Jumpsuits? Did I miss a meeting or something? Damn, I bet it was that sarcastic comment about LA that I left a few weeks ago. I was just trying to be funny. Really! I want my jumpsuit.
...always been a fan of thor 'smash' hushovd but his attitude & whining about the stage 2 finish just knocked a few points off his rating on my personal "esteem-o-meter"...
...the ensuing 'crowing' by he & his lutefisk loving followers over his stage 3 victory was a bit much...the only time fresh air crossed his brow yesterday was in the last 20 meters...
...@ ringcycles...i caught that...yep...good larf...
"But still, I am not happy tonight. I remember when the Tour went up the Tourmalet Pass for the very first time in 1910 and the riders called the organizers, “Assassins!” Well tonight I call the race organizers the same thing. I revive it and I say it with all my passion. This was a wrong decision, simply wrong!" -Jens Voigt (apparently, really, really, REALLY old) http://www.bicycling.com/tour-de-france/tour-features/carnage-and-mayhem
...fingerbang assistant sez...
..."Um, is that like iambic pentameter?"...
...few people know this but when 'iambic' folded as a bike company, pinarello bought the rights to the pentameter & evolved the design into the quirky shaped 'pinarello dogma'...
...now, you don't read facts like that in v or c-news, do ya ???...
...just sayin'...
I used to read the New Yorker but the douchey bloviation finally got to me. Now I prefer the stolid nonplussitude of the Atlantic. Kind of like a Time Magazine for folks who stayed too long at college.
you really taking shots at an 80 year old on a lawn chair bike? i hope I'm pedaling around at that age.
Anon 12:44
The computer is a knog. Duh! They make the only fixie-compatable bike computer.
Onward through the fog...
That "Robyn" video ripped off George Pal.
So thats the view from a recumbent huh? I'll pass.
Why would somebody ride a bike up a mountain with a backpack when there's a chase car right behind him the whole time that could be carrying whatever is in that pack?
..'member when you were a kid & you used to play 'pretend' ???...
...that's essentially what's going on here...only now, big kids have friends w/ cameras & egos big enough to think "we" might be interested...
The subhead beneath the title (below the photo) at the Universal TdF webular log has a typo:
Now that the clatter of carbon fribé racing bicycles
Didn't they get a copy of the BikeSnob style sheet before proofreading the posts?
That "crabon fribé" is a valuable catchphrase.
And this got Reiemed at the end seems to have an extra e in it.
You are a published author, dammit!
Your work should be respected!
No wait edit that - When Cancellara retires, you're suggesting he'll use an electric assisted tricycle recumbent...ouch...
Anonymous 2:04pm,
I think with that, Lance Armstrong-themed conspiracy theories have officially jumped the shark.
...word is the heat's so bad in nyc that leroy is riding around in nothing but a thong...
...a rapha thong...
The Pineapple,
The only time it is appropriate to ride a fixie without a bag is when doing BMX style tricks or playing bicycle polo. Am I the only one paying attention here!?
Fixie Climber has really ventured into a no-man's-land. Climbing on a fixie... backpack rather than a messenger bag... very bold. But seriously, how many gears was he going to use on that climb anyway?
Onward through the fog!
One of the voices in my head, you are complaining that a bad geographical pun was mispelled?
Metz the matter with you? Now get outta here Strasbourg I kick your ass.
Anon. 1:35, FYI, Sasha (aka Alexander Roger Wallace) Frere-Jones) is male.
Music criticism is a special category of writing which in most cases sucks. I don't know if RTMS would want that gig.
The paycheck, sure.
And it would probably suck a bit less.
I admire your promotion of Canadians, but I think Mr. Myers was just making yet another pop culture reference.
ringcycles, I watched shows with fembots, I knew fembots from syndicated repeats, fembots were (imaginary) friends of mine.
You sir, are no fembot.
...a fembot, even on electrical overload is less dangerous than some of the chicks i've dated through the years...
aw fuck you look at the new yarker for the same reedon everybody else does. to look at them pointing headed intellectual cartoons
one good dump and you can gets thru the hole damm magazine
...Still waiting for the "Walmart" review...
Why is the dude on the beach chair recumbent wearing padded cycling shorts? Just wondering
people on 'ludes should not drive.
Craig Hummer is worse this year than last.
trying to find tour on web... went to velonews and then got whooshed over to something called competitor . the duffus on the left is simply the best. i think i have seen this guy somewhere like wrestling 'cept i've never watched wrestling. what a total wanker. if you need a laugh check it out
AND they have the gratuitous dimwit 'spokesmodel'. harhar. too funny.
"All You Haters Film Me The Whole Day Riding A Fixie Up A Boring Hill"
Anon 5:17: thanks for the fembot correction, well put and with a link even!
And BS I'm having trouble deciding which vid you posted today is the worst one, it's making my head hurt.
Welcome to the other side, Snobbie!
Bike path grilled cheese recipe:
1. Between two pieces of Wonder bread, place one slice Kraft American single processed cheese product.
2. Lay bike on side in the sun, place sandwich on spokes.
3. Turn sandwich to grill on both sides.
4. Garnish with energy gel of choice and enjoy.
Note: leftovers can be used as picnic themed spoke cards.
Honestly, those folks who say it's too hot to ride don't know what they're missing.
During the hour and a half ride up Mount Ventoux he crashed three times, broke two chains and had fifteen flats. The backpack was full of spares, and a bedazzled axe.
I own a bedraggled axe.
Over paid rickshaw drivers.
Bout time they toughened up. Beats the hell out of watching the first two weeks being on freshly steam rolled pavement and the favorites sitting mid pack sucking down cans of flat coke as they did the last few years.
PS I cannot bunny hop a curb so I do actually admire some of them
YouTube's BSNYC soul brother.
Craig Hummer is worse this year than last.
That's because he's a generic TV sports commenter.
"I really love [insert sport] this time of year!"
commie - I lost all respect for Hummer when I saw him doing commentary for cage fighting.
Jens when asked by a reporter if organizers should do away with race radios retorted "Sure,and while we're at it, why don't we remove helmets in all races too"
The man is class! If I have a son, he will be named Jens.
how can that be vertical.
juan undread
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