If you still insist on training, you can at least minimize the risks by sticking with more old-fashioned techniques. And few techniques are more old-fashioned than riding the rollers naked:

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You might even consider applying the tattoo thusly so that it's legible in the mirror:
And as the winter wears on and you inevitably grow tired of the sight of your own naked and tattoed body, consider getting a top tube-mounted mahogany iPod dock:
ipod dock for bicycle (bk)
Reply to: [deleted]
Date: 2008-11-09, 9:28PM EST
impress your pals with this handmade mahogany ipod touch dock. it has a cush inside and removable clip to securely hold your tunes. one of a kind. make me an offer or trade.
The only thing classier and more impressive to pals than riding the rollers naked while staring at yourself in the mirror is riding the rollers naked while staring at yourself in the mirror and simultaneously entertaining yourself with a state-of-the-art handheld device ensconced in mahogany. Though I must say that the mahogany iPhone dock is the ugliest thing I've seen on a top tube since visiting the eminently unsafe-for-work Teabags on Top Tubes. Perhaps the good people behind that site can get hold of one of these for testing (or testi-ing). I understand the seller is also working on a Zune-compatible model which will be carved from a hunk of cheddar cheese.
And stupid wooden boxes aren't the only thing you'll find on Craigslist. There's also been a tremendous surge of media interest on the subject of bike theft. In addition to the call for stories we saw last week, here's a freelance journalist who wants to hear your tales of woe:
Reply to: [deleted]
Date: 2008-11-07, 5:42PM EST
Hi There,
I am a freelance journalist and avid cyclist. I have had my bike stolen from me twice and let me tell you, it was a shocking and most vile experience. I have noticed more and more NYers rolling around the city and I am reluctant to rejoin their ranks because I was burned. Biking still remains an easy, efficient, pro-green and healthy-(if you don't get hit) mode of travel. The city is slowly doing their part to smooth out pot holes, create new bike lanes and some of them are even protected, but what are they doing about these bike thieves?
If any of this ring true to you, or if you have a story to share, please send me an email.
As reader Daddo pointed out in Friday's comments, the typical bike theft account generally consists of little more than "I came out of the Starbucks and turned left and it was gone!" However, I must admit that I am compelled by this journalist's claim that his own experiences with theft were "shocking and most vile." This indicates to me that there's a lot more to his story than a brief errand and a pair of bolt cutters, and I suspect that he may have been separated from his bicycle in a truly sordid manner. A reader recently informed me that the term bike-sexual has been inducted into the Urban Dictionary. Perhaps this journalist had infiltrated some kind of bike-sexual cult for a story by pretending to be one of them, only to be discovered and kept barely alive in a deep hole for months like in "Silence of the Lambs" while the bike-sexuals made perverse love with his bicycle and ultimately absconded with it. I can only hope he saw that other Craigslist ad and answered it, because if nothing else his story would surely make for compelling TV.
I can speak with more certainty to his question about what New York City is doing about bike thieves. The answer, of course, is "nothing." Though in fairness to the city, I'd much rather they focus on stuff like potholes and bike lanes. Of all the problems cyclists in New York City face, theft is the one thing over which you have some measure of control in that you can actually make it difficult for someone to take your bike from you. Unfortunately, many people in New York and across the country still lock their bikes very poorly, and I continue to receive pictures from readers of low-hanging fruit. Here are just a few cautionary examples I've received recently:
Seen on Fixedgeargallery, this bike is secured using the cunning lock-over-the-bars technique. While looping something over something else might keep a rowboat from floating away, it's not going to keep your bike from getting stolen. Although in the rider's defense, I suppose working the lock past those incredibly dorky aero extensions might cost the thief a few more seconds.
Here's a bike in Charottesville, VA locked up by the quick-release front wheel with a pair of novelty handcuffs. The only thing that might delay a thief here is deciding which is easier to open: the skewer or the handcuffs. Note the Bontrager vibration-damping bar plugs, which will ensure the thief's getaway is free from fatigue-inducing road buzz.
Like a drunk on his wedding night, this rider in Oakland, CA seems to have attempted to get it in but ultimately just given up.Theft frequency varies from city to city, and locking jobs that are sufficient in one city can be insufficient in another. This bicycle was spotted in New York, NY and as such is completely indefensible. Even if the thief chooses not to saw through that electrical conduit for fear of electrocuting himself, both wheels are there for the taking. (Then again, they are Rolfs, which may be enough to render them inherently theftproof.)
But while even a New York thief might be able to resist a pair of Rolfs, you'd think no thief anywhere could possible resist a completely unsecured Full Force Canyon Lands with a u-lock dangling from the handlebars like a Euro pro's earring (as photographed by the proprietor of the Metal Inquisition blog). Yet amazingly, it remains. Perhaps that's because this is one of the few bicycles for which a pair of Rolfs could actually be considered an upgrade.
This bike in Austin, TX (via the proprietor of austinbikeblog.org) remains as well. Perhaps New York is even worse than I thought and a lock hanging from the handlebars really is enough to keep your bike from getting stolen in the rest of the country. Kind of like putting a napkin on top of your drink when you step away from the bar.
I guess that's why nobody's taken a pair of nail clippers and 20 seconds in order to liberate this flimsily-locked Madone in Denver, CO...
...or simply separated these two bikes in San Francisco, CA and dragged them away. Then again, I suppose this presents a conundrum to many San Franciscans, and it's not immediately apparent to them that the bikes are not actually attached to the pole. They're like a pair of Chinese linking rings.
But in its way, this image is the most vexing of all. Not because of the way it is locked, but because it may very well be photographic evidence of the only Bianchi Pista in the world to be equipped with a suspension fork. You'd think no lock on Earth would be strong enough to secure a technological marvel such as this. And it should come as no surprise that this bicycle was spotted at M.I.T., that school where all the smart people go. It clearly belongs to some mathematical genius like that guy from "A Beautiful Mind," and from the looks of it he's just moving into his paranoid and delusional stage.
And speaking of freaky bikes and doping, it seems that Roberto Heras is having a hard time finding a team despite having served his suspension. Frankly, this is shocking to me, since a reader recently brought to my attention that Heras finished second in the 3rd Brompton World Championship:
Professional cycling is truly in a shambles when professional teams are not leaping to sign the runner-up in a folding bike race. I suppose it's only a matter of time before Michael Ball slithers out of his hole in order to claim him. In the meantime, Heras better get out of those clothes and onto the rollers if he's going to win next year's race.
podium! I'm such a loser.
Crap. If I hadn't added "I'm such a loser" I might have actually made podium.
close enough!
hello from london,uk!
In A Gadda Da Vida --
Ooops, new post.
Sorry, the Iron Butterfly humming distracted me from the naked riders.
Oh how I wish I was that bike seat
Well, that blows my theory that Snob is a Jewish Postal Worker.
A cheddar cheese case for my Zune? Hmmmmmmmmmm.....
snob, if you want to be amused for a minute and then depressed for a while, check out the nycc.org message board, always a source of idiocy, but thought you would find this up your alley
aw damm
fuck you
Critical Ass --
If your theory were correct then that author would have been removed by the Post.
Free Lance journalists, did you say?
Damn, man.
I had no idea that Lance was even in prison. But I'm not shocked. I wouldn't put anything past this administration. Thank goodness there are honest journalists like yourself out there willing to speak truth to power, willing to rage against the machine, to fight for your rights, and to stick it to the man, and all the while trying to free Lance. I stand with those journalists in Solidarnosc! (Sorry, I don't have that weird polish/cyrillic script doo dad installed in my font dll files).
Free Lance!
Bring on the naked telephony, naked chips and dip, and naked nakedtime. If it weren't for all the clothes, everyone could see each other's everything.
Get well soon Chi.
22, that makes the larger podium.
MIT is in Cambridge, not Boston.
Is outrages that Lance jailed. Is he Republican or team cyclist for Mr. Bush? Jailing is not good idea. Having State and Party (now that they are to be one and same in your country) declare Mr. Lance insane and to be committing to mental hospital is much better approach. He cannot function as a Lance journalist if he is heavily drugged (although it would not stop me, but am professional after all).
Picture of naked woman must not be American because she does not have large Amercian breasts. She is also getting excercize which is to be unusual for any American.
What do you call three Amercians in a room? A Weight Watchers Club. Amercian friend (one who I cannot name) tell me that one.
While bike sexual may have hit the urban dictionary, pistasexual remains in the hallowed domain of this comments page. But pistasexual has that creepy Silence of the Lambs/Red Dragon vibe as well...
"...she applies Pedro's Road Rage lube to the skin"
"...look at this locked pista in this photo...do you see? do you see?"
Cycling is inherently sexual, what with the lycra, bare legs, chamois butter, etc.etc. Name one other sport that starts off by shaving legs and applying ass lubricant. Before you go any further... dating Matthew McConaughey is not a sport, not an Olympic sport yet anyway.
We have gel saddles, gel gloves, vibration dampers, sometimes it's really hard to tell the Performance website apart from the Adam and Eve website...small wonder the two are located in the same town in NC (now >85% Dumfuk free).
Mr. Garrison was a true innovator.
But as with any sexual activity, comes the real potential for sexually transmitted disease, one can only explain the current trend of lettering on rear wheels as a form of sexually transmitted fixie Tourette's syndrome. This can spread to humans, as evidenced by some comments that appear to lack any impulse control or common sense combined with profanity.
The CDC in Atlanta has been notified.
There's a pretty amazing story about retrieving a stolen Bilenky from Austria on their website.
I don't understand what's wrong with the locking technique on the pista? Or was that just included to show the suspension fork?
"I was riding my bike on rollers, naked..."
Sounds like an excuse you give when you wind up in the ER in an embarrasing situation. That's right up there with "I was walking in the garden, naked, and I tripped and fell..."
Not that I even have a garden...
...heard that from a friend...
anon 3:08
1. great way to lose two wheels
2. the free headlight is worth as much as the whole bike.
The proper technique: carry four charged car batteries on panniers, pass current through the frame when stopped. If someone hops on, nuts are fried instantly.
(idea stolen from a William Gibson novel)
does wearing shoes qualify as nude?
Top 50. Cool.
Oh my god, we just got called "Proprietors"... I dunno, that really makes it sound like we're running some kind of bar.
does cdc stand for commie damm canadians if so howcome it aint up in toronto or makynak or one of them stoopid forin cities and by the way fuck you i know you was trying to call me a dumfuk but i aint you are so their
...so, leroy...
...was that 'cuz you were humming 'in a gabba da vida' by iron-ic butterfly or you were listening to an iron-ic butterfly humming 'gabba gabba hey' by the ramones...
...but either way, don't be missin' the 'naked chicks on bikes' portion of the show...
...& btw, this sepia business & bsnyc/rtms's penchant for making stuff "artistically viable" by adding (???) cycling gear...now that is troubling in a psychological sense & of much greater concern to moi, than giving a rat's ass about 'who' bsnyc/rtms is...he's just bikesnob but "artistically viable" ???...what's up w/ that shit anyway ???...damn...
...& like you getting mixed up on which post is which, i don't think red neckerson should be penalized for posting 1st today, but doin' it on fridays column...i just hope he realizes 'penalized' has got nothin' ta do w/ his.../...ah, never mind...
"Shocking and most vile" is probably the moment, after having had a few bikes ripped off, you decide to buy that obviously hot fixie from the guy lingering on the corner of St. Marks and Second -- that, "the world owes me a bike; this is pay-back" epiphany; you fish into your pocket and pull out a few bucks and become part of the problem. Those are the stories that I want to hear -- I mean, these stolen bikes aren't going to bike heaven, they're dropping into the hands of actual real people, some of whom, read this blog.
what was wrong with the madone? both wheels and the frame are locked and neither lock seems that flimsy.
what was wrong with the madone? both wheels and the frame are locked and neither lock seems that flimsy.
it was locked up, with dental floss.
dat girl... is fine
As for that freelance journalist:
The city is slowly doing their part to smooth out pot holes, create new bike lanes and some of them are even protected, but what are they doing about these bike thieves?
Freelance suits him, as this guy's writing is a road to everywhere, except a steady job.
red neckerson said...
does cdc stand for commie damm canadians if so howcome it aint up in toronto or makynak or one of them stoopid forin cities and by the way fuck you i know you was trying to call me a dumfuk but i aint you are so their
Sad, isn't it? Please help us wipe out Bike Tourette Syndrome in our lifetime. Donate to stop BTS today.
and Mr. Neckerson, do the responsible things and rubberize your ass.
bout time we comment on that journalist.... man, that guy sucked
Why would one rubberize their ass? Is that truly better than chamois?
Free Lance!
Attica! Attica! Attica!
BSNY, do you work for Kryptonite? I can't find any other reason for you to instill the fear of bike theft into your readers...
For shame!
I prefer to leave my bike hanging up in my condominium as a display model only. Rain, road dust, and bike racks all lead to damage of my bike. Believe me, a top tube pad will not protect your investment from embarrassing paint chips, grime, and other eyesores. Does Vanilla Bicycles produce a handmade lock to match their bike? One thousand times, No!
Besides, if you're riding a bike and not riding in an Escalade you're probably not a real cyclist.
Albeit a bit odd, for riding around boston/cambridge the lite duty sus. fork is not a terrible idear. It's wicked potholey and constructiony here hey.
I spent equal time trying to decipher what brand of frame she was on and why her demurre-sized breasts were located in her armpits instead of on her chest wall proper.
That naked Hipster better stay of Kent.
I hear there is a lot of single track on M.I.T. campus, especially on the way to the "Neutron Extruding Radioactive Dish Sequencer" or the "Boron Inverting Kinetic Evaluator"
Or N.E.R.D. B.I.K.E for short.
and what conclusions did you reach, anon 4:07?
Cable locks are a joke. The only sturdy lock, the U-lock is securing the front wheel only.
MIT is in Cambridge, not Boston.
(Sorry for the delayed re-post, but I forgot to sign in the first time.)
To paraphrase Dave Chappelle: I wish I had another two arms- I would give those titties four thumbs down!
spoken like a true masshole...i kid, what? oh, and to the other boston poster, yes, we here in bklyn/nyc are not familiar with construction and potholes.
anon 4:37
I second that. Those tattoos only serve as a distraction from those yams.
4:40, kale could clue you in if you care
Just a Good Feeling?
masshole: metropolitan Boston envelops Cambridge.
OK now?
Cara Siederman blows.
What's up with those crappy plastic pedals on the Madone?
That masshole thing gets them every time...
Speaking of... I got hemi-doored sunday (where you graze the car but only hit the mirror) by a Jeep Compass with Masshole plates on 83rd when they tried to make a right on Columbus (one-way) without signaling. They followed me to Broadway and yelled something in with a bunch of flat "ar"'s about how I folded their mirror around.
Then they asked for directions to the Lincoln Tunnel.
The Lincoln Tunnel from 83d and Columbus?
Yah cahn't get theah frum heah.
hey, what's with knocking the Rolfs...I love my vectors
Pie plate update:
I saw a big ugly plastic one while riding home on Willoughby yesterday evening. Willoughby/Dekalb bike lanes--aka the Hipster Oregon Trail--are an excellent stake-out spot. Here they protect chains from flying into spokes as hipsters move east, through the abandoned breweries of SoBu (south Bushwick), to the uncharted territory of Ridgewood.
Given I withheld the instinctive desire to vomit, I lasted to the final image on Tea Bags, but at a rapid pace. For those of lesser intestinal fortitude it was a vista of tea bagging a Chris King head set. No wonder the CKHCI has plummeted. Why would you risk it????
...to the uncharted territory of Ridgewood.
I heard there are Indians tribes in the strange land of Flushing beyond the marshes of Forest Hills.
BSNYC/RTMS's penchant for making images "artistically viable" by adding (???) cycling gear" means only one thing. He's really John Ashcroft.
Free Lance!
Whoops it was a hub, My mistake but I did not want to look to close and was surfin for a FFPOF
thanks for the national geographic moment.
I'm Hard!
AP, keep surfin' sweetie, Mardi Gras isn't until February.
Just kidding--my stuff is staying firmly undercover.
Frills is that anything like Foie de Gras cos if it is , I am only going to put it on my chain.. just sayin
Those aren't Bontrager Buzz Kills, those are just regular old bontrager bar plugs you get with bontrager tape.
Wow. I started keirinculture.com to give used njs frames a second life. This was true for this lucky frame. Here it is in original form.
teabag on a cheddar cheese zune holder now that's a image i'll carry for a couple of days
Topical FGG:
Fixed-gear Folding
And it has a CKHS
I got a review of the unsafe-for-work version of the rollers chick: I forgot and had left it up on my screen, then later heard my 3-year-old exclaim "ewwwww....YUCK!"
As for the folding fixie, I think it's kind of cool. But the article mentions the owner worked for Bike Friday - I think the bike must be like the car from the old Johnny Cash song "One Piece at a Time"
Yes, Kale, we do float amongst you, with our twenty pounds of foldable fix (or fixe, as I like to spell it).
Unfortunately, my #$%^@* Dahon Hon Solo doesn't come with a CKH, so it spilled its bearings like that drunk guy on his way home from Bike Kills.
So for now I am forced to ride the crappy SE Draft with ironically expensive Brooks saddle and Nitto handlebars.
All I wish for 2010 is SE to make a Looptail fixed gear, slap a PK Ripper sticker on there and then I won't be able to tell if it's the Bike Friday or if I just had a flashback and start hearing "Fight Like a Brave" over and over in my mind.
What kind of self-respecting journalist would publish anything that states "it was a shocking and most vile experience", or use the term "pro-green"? Maybe you're FREELANCE because you assume the writing style of a 19th century orphan.
I don't think sufficient warning was provided about looking at that pic. Those mosquito bites nearly made me vomit.
...apropos of nothing but that i did today what this site is actually based on, i wanna say riding a bike at pretty much anytime is "good"...
...but some days & some rides w/ today's being one of those days & one of those rides, was one where your heart just fucking sings & your brain just screams out "omg, this is glorious !!!...i love riding a fucking bicycle!!!"...
...i've said enough...
My ride to work was like that this morning.
Where/how do you find so many naked bike rider pictures? Where're the rest of the pics of this one. I want more.
Brian, a mouthful is all you really need.
oh god, the Strida folding bike. Great bike if you have the body geometry of a tyrannosaurus. Otherwise, pointless POS.
I will admit my daily commuter is a folding bike, but not one with those tiny dorky wheels. It has grown-up wheels and folds in a second allowing both wheels to be locked along with the frame (or sit in my office). It even has a pump built into the seat post, so when it's stolen, I have twice the loss to endure.
Dahon needs to make a folding fixie with a full size frame and wheels -Obama will fix this in January.
Bill, my conclusion was that she is an alien life form.
"It puts the chain lube on it's skin. Or it gets the hose again"
Commie, just out of curiousity, what kind of bike? A Montague by any chance?
I saw somebody fold one up the other day and put it in their car and was sort of impressed. Stupid bike carrier has fucked up my trunk and now it won't shut properly. I don't think the rack was made to handle the steel monstrosity that is my bike.
...and points all her own sitting way up firm and high.
she has good form... yeah baby
Dahon Jack.
cheap. ~$400 new, or $600 bashed up with new bar tape on Craigslist. Search "rare".
7sp SRAM gripeshift. Easy to convert to fixed, ally frame and stainless bolts, great if you hate bolt stains.
They even give you touch up paint and a reflective pants cuffer-thingy. Seat post is a pump. Try that with Colnago.
just warming up
Well that's kind of spiffy. I might have to take a closer look. By the time Volvo works me over to get my trunk fixed, $400 oughta be about right for the new bike budget. All right, dish it out if you must, but its true--I had a bike rack on the back of my Volvo. However, I'm not a dentist or a doctor, scout's honor.
are you a scout?
Yeah, Osage, but only on my mother's side.
I would ride one of these BSA folding bikes. Too bad they're hard to find.
kale - that's the coolest fixie(?) I've ever seen. Killing nazis is a lot cooler thing to do with one than spinning around like a pansy.
that BSA is cool..shows how little anything has changed in 65 years, as killing Nazis is still cool.
Frilly, a Volvo? really? have you mastered the art of the perma left turn signal just before turning right? It's a Swedish thing, like good porn, also done in Volvos.
That's funny cuz, seriously, I have forgotten to turn my blinker off once or twice. But I didn't make any additional turns! They're so quiet, really. And, I don't have a cell phone. I think they are the devil's handiwork. Better?
Hmm... I think I know the naked girl on rollers... stripper here in portland.. Not much of a surprise...
Frilly...Oh, Volvo? I thought you said... wait, never mind...
Where did you get my picture asshole?
so, I missed the hot naked cyclist >_< someone please care to email? bjornieboy1@yahoo.com
link to beautiful nekkid person on rollers pls!
Nude chick on rollers:
you guys are nerds....that woman looks fucking great on that bike. its a nice bike, too. she's right on calling out all the dipshits with the colored mag wheels and all that.
Ivy league bike theft waiting to happen:
True that! I think its a very nice photo
I had 18 bikes stolen, 8 in San Francisco alone, 4 of them locked.
Very insightful article!
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