This is why I feel it is my duty to alert you to the fact that one of cycling's most visible trends--the bubblegum-hued deep-V rim trend--may at last be waning. It turns out that no less an authority than aggregator-slash-arbiter of fixed-gear freestyle chic, Prolly, has abandoned his own deep-Vs for the "greener" (or more accurately, blacker) pastures of disc-specific 29er rims. Moreover, he's even gone so far as to express hope that "more and more people will see this and begin to rock* lighter, more durable wheels and not just focus on color-matching their rims to their grips."
(Note: "Rock" means "use;" if you're a competitive cyclist, substitute "run" for "rock." Never use the word "use" or "ride" with regard to bicycle componentry--unless your typical cycling outfit includes a reflective velcro pant cuff retainer and a helmet mirror--and always observe the proper "rock/run" distinction depending on the type of cycling you do. If you're uncertain, generally speaking if you "session" then you "rock" a certain piece of equipment; if you race, then you "run" it.)
I applaud Prolly's decision to embrace function over form and to rock what works best for him. However, the implications of his call for the rest of fixed-geardom to follow are serious and far-reaching and I can't help feeling it was a bit irresponsible of Prolly to announce such a change without putting a contingency plan in place. I don't want to cause a panic, but I would strongly recommend that if you are rocking (or, less likely, running) colored deep-V rims that you remove them from your bike immediately and consign them to a closet until we know for sure where this is going. If they are in fact going out of style then it will be at least a few years before your colored deep-V rims can be rocked again ironically. (Something can be rocked ironically once the last person who has been rocking it sincerely has finally stopped rocking it, which is why it is vital to closely monitor remote corners of the midwest for trend fallout. Premature Ironic Rockage--or PIR--can be very dangerous, as sincerity and irony can be toxic if allowed to mix.) Remember, this is not a recall--it is simply a "wheel advisory," like Shimano recently issued because of their poorly-designed spoke plugs. (If you are in possession of that particular wheel, I recommend either rocking or running rim tape depending on your riding style.)
As for other forms of fashionable fixed-gear wheels, it's difficult to say what this means. The Hed 3 remains popular (particularly when it costs more than the rest of the bike on which it is being rocked), though the rise of the 29er disc rim in the fixed-gear freestyle realm may mean that the Hed 3 is only rocked on special occasions. Say, for example, your evening will not involve sessioning but it will involve a leisurely ride to a trendy bar in order to take in the premier of a new fixed-gear movie. In such a case the Hed 3 might be appropriate and thus could become the fixed-gear equivalent of putting on a bow tie. Even so, if you ride a fixed-gear and you don't already own a Hed 3 I would advise against purchasing one for the time being. Actually, I'd advise agaist purchasing any deep-section rim right now. So if you're in the midst of some kind of piecemeal upgrade like the rider below, who's already got the long-valve tube but is evidently still saving up for the deep-dish wheel to go with it, I would keep your money in escrow. (Though you may allow your bike to continue engaging in auto-fellatio.)
And as far as aerospokes go, I maintain that they've already gone from sincere to ironic, as you can see here. Or here. Moreover, here in New York City the "almost-spoke" design has actually won the Department of Transportation's CityRacks Design competition, which means we'll soon be seeing almost-spokes all over town:Note that the DOT is calling it the "Hoop," though this is clearly a thinly-veiled attempt to get around Aerospoke's trademark.
Less clear is whether knuckle tattoos have moved from sincere to ironic. One thing's for sure, though: they're still in style. A reader recently forwarded me this moving image:
If this is a man, then these hands obviously belong to a fixed-gear rider, since as we all know gears are for queers. (Or for anyone who is excluded by the patriarchy of bike culture and bike shops because of their gender identity.) Then again, this may not say "Love Tits," since the little ladies' room symbol isn't necessarily standing in for an "I." It could be an "A," and the tattoo could say "Love Tats." It could also be an "O," which would mean that the wearer either loves Tater Tots or simply loves tots, as in toddlers. If it's the latter, that is disturbing for a whole other set of reasons. I don't know what kind of bikes the people who love tots ride, but I do know tot-lovers are not treated very well in prison. It could also be that the wearer is a woman, and she's simply expressing her exclusion by the patriarchy of bike culture and bike shops because of her gender identity. But whatever the case, it's safe to say that knuckle tattoos are still hotter than a freshly-microwaved tater tot.
And when it comes to trends, probably the only thing hotter than a knuckle tattoo is a penny-farthing. When it comes to "keeping it real," the penny-farthing makes the fixed-gear look as obnoxiously high-tech as a 22-speed crabon fiber wonder bike. Erik K sent me this photo, and while I was pleased to see that the rider was not rocking a colored deep-V I was also dismayed that the bike wasn't locked up well:
When you ride a bike as hot as this you simply cannot leave it unlocked poorly locked and unattended. Not only do you run the risk of having your bike stolen by someone who looks like this, but you'll also have to put old-timey "Wanted" posters all over town since the sorts of people who ride penny-farthings don't use Craigslist. (Too high-tech.) And if you're still in doubt that penny-farthings are desireable, here's a second photo which proves they're indeed chick magnets: Oh, yes. Gears may be for queers, but diamond frames, two wheels of equal size, and non-direct drive transmissions are for nellies and confirmed bachelors. Real men ride ordinaries (whilst wearing tweed undergarments).
Top 10!
I suck at this.
Top 10!
aint no commonist
...Finished just like this weekend's 'cross race
It appears that the handlebars are reversed on the penny-farthing, unless that's necessary because of the seating position so close to the stem.
I had an old girlfriend lend me her trispoke wheels for a weekend, and they were ok, so I can honestly say she gave good Hed.
All this terminology is really confusing, what do I tell my man-servant bike mechanic when my wheels are wrong and the bike is rocking at speed? These wheels rock?
and in racing, saying one "rocks" implies that one rides on a team of has been dopers run by a moron who cannot take a single picture without doing the "sign".
"Redemption is just that, redemption"
"we are pushing the technical edge with denim"
Isn't Prolly embracing function over fashion? He still embraces form, it's just that his form is following function rather than fashion.
I turn to you, loyal BSNYC/RTMS readers for assistance with a word. I need a word that is the opposite of epic. Not a description. Just a word. Help me please. This is distracting me with everything else I have to do.
i love how prolly has annointed himself some sort of bellweather for what is cool and what is not. somehow he has convinced himself that slowspeed, zero risk, low excitement bmx 101 moves on a bastardized track bike are cool or interesting or difficult or dangerous or cutting edge or urban or whatever the fuck. and then makes videos of them that are just plain boring. i don't get it. then i see him talking about jackets and hats and t-shirts that are "dropping" ? wtf is that? he isn't a cyclist but he rides bikes. he isn't street or gangstah, but he appropriates the language? he isn't good looking, but he is contstantly modeling really clothes? for christ sake, he touts the benefits of a jacket, by starting with "when i ride my bike to work..." that is like touting a winter coat by starting with "when i walk down to the mailbox during the winter months..." i really will be happy when these local idiots and their asian brethren stop posing and "sessioning" on ridiculous bikes and go back to playing games on their computers.
minor? insignificant?
isn't that a cable lock going around the seatpost thing and sign post on the pennyfarthing? granted, not the best lock job ever, but at least it doesn't have a quick release 70" front wheel? i hear those are big on the old timey black market.
looks like the "ordinary" is locked...?
not just any chick magnet. there's even a leg-up salute. also notice that she's courting around a couple baskets full of what approximates to trash. (several upturned empty water bottles.) and a chain that is in dire need of copious lubrication. as far as chick magnets go, this scantily-clad, dumpster diving beauty may be well on her way to the the trash collector triathalon
Hey, can you guys on the podium keep it down? I got a bit of a headache.
Jim convinced us to watch the Opinionated Cyclist video this weekend and alternate shots of Jose Cuervo with Red Bull every time OC said “Bike Snob.”
Ant1 passed out first. Commiecanuck stole his SPDs and “Hello Kitty” water bottle, muttering something about “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his Cervelo’s needs.”
Next thing I remember, Bikes Gone Wild challenges everybody to post pictures of their underwear like Frilly.
Fortunately, most of us decided it was a bad idea after Andy Pandy got a cramp trying to take his pants off over his head.
Unfortunately, we didn’t reach that decision before learning that Red Neckerson’s BVDs s are confederate gray even though they didn’t start out that color. (Talk about too much information).
After that, it just got weird.
Singles are for dingle...berries and fixies are for kids.
Anonymous 1:16pm,
You're right--I totally missed that. He does seem to be rocking a cable lock.
erik, how about "common", "mundane", even "ordinary".
Gotta tell ya Snobby...looks to me like that ordinary has a cable goin' around the sign post...just sayin'
How about "meh?"
eric...I have thought about this hard and come up with:
1. not epic
2. cipe, the opposite of epic
3. Twitter, i.e. today was a pathetic, twitter ride.
According to the internets, the opposite of epic may be "awesome".
yes, it may be locked buy a cable lock, but its around the seat post, note how they seem to completely miss a chance for increased security by looping it through the frame
I'm don't get how the ladie's room symbol can be for tater tots. When I got my "LOVE TOTS" tats, I had them make a tater tot for the "O".
What durability advantage is there to a mountain rim that is too wide for a road tire?
le Roy, that's wasn't a hello kitty water bottle, it was a douche.
This is a Hello Kitty 'hand massager'.
aha! you have made a photographic silver plate image of my dear penny farthing without my permission. This is deeply offensive and will require that I call out BSNYC for a bout of fisticuffs, Queen Anne rules.
I was about to mount my new wheels with "all you haters can imbibe upon my sack of nuts" inscribed therein.
There's no "through" possibilities for that frame, that I can see.
Erik: Lyric.
Today's post is a fine treatise on the ebb and flow of fashion. Mind you I think I'm in my rights to velcro-band my plaid bell-bottoms and to sport a helmet mirror. How else will I see the looks of admiring wonderment on the faces of those I rock past?
Erik K --
Try "Quotidian."
If you were photographing the unfortunate drinking game this weekend involving imbibing shots whenever OC said "Bike Snob", Prolly asks that you not drop your film off at the one-hour photo for developing.
Don't ask me why.
All I recall is some hard to follow story about the Death Adder team's initiation when they signed John McCain.
It involved vodka and Metamucil shots.
old-timey. Where on the bicycle time-line does old-timey start?
Considering rocks are kind of old-timey.
Ah, yet another initialism is released but it doesn't matter how tired this crap is since every prediction is wrong anyways.
Aerospokes are still popular and will continue to be rocked.
Same for Deep Vs.
Maybe this is the end for Bike Snob? The obscure well is running dry and Outside the Lines Discourse (or OLD) Forum herds are thinning every year.
Be careful where you invest your internet currency people. All bubbles burst.
Back to work. Maybe later I can get back you OLD people and your crazy forcasting of the next trend to bite the dust. What will it be? Pre washed jeans? Obscure artist T-shirts? Shoes WITHOUT laces.
Ironic. I just have to say that to sound smart before the end of my post or no one will take me seriously.
Good Luck! OLD guys. You are bound to get one right eventually.
We live in a world of possibility.
Eric K: what about flaccid?
Why not go for broke and slam the Koolaid with some Velociraptors, 29x2.1! Of course, it means a fork and frame change but then you would be really pushing the envelope!
Anon 1:14- At least Prolly posts under his own name and does not hide himself.
I am not a fixed freestyle fan, nor do I ride fixed, but Prolly is a decent normal guy when you talk to him.
You are quick to put somebody down, but what the hell have you done recently? I would bet you can't ride half as well as you can talk shit.
Prolly, has abandoned his own deep-Vs for the "greener" (or more accurately, blacker) pastures of disc-specific 29er rims.
My sinister scheme to put Ironic Velocity Deep-V's on my Karate Monkey for pennies on the dollar is proceeding as planned.
Rock Ridge... Rock Ridge...
Splendid! Splendid!
Oh, on "epic": "inconsequential" comes to mind first, but "trifling" or "trivial" seem like a better fit somehow.
fleeting? although meh works for me as well. the highlight of my commute this morning was calmly telling the driver who was about to sideswipe me that I happened to be right beside him through his open window which i was, indeed, right beside. He looked very startled (I guess he didn't know) and said "fucker, i should hit you"
When you say old in terms of cycling is that BL. or Al. or now that he's out of retirement then AL. is old-timey.
I want my Hello Kitty waterbottle back commie. And by the way, in yesterday's comments you said "solocialism", you oxymoron!
fixed gear gallery gives us another gem..
Back to work. Maybe later I can get back you OLD people and your crazy forcasting (sic) of the next trend to bite the dust.
that would be trolling.
erik, there's precedent for 'brutal--':
Thanks to Ruben Bolling, that's the word that is immediately on my lips when I see an older Specialized (crabon fiber before crabon was cool) of that name.
..though I concede that I like the suggestion from worm irks more.
Great post Snob, but I hope you're not peaking too early this week--that's a lot of photo-funny for one day.
Oh, and chiggins:
"Daddy love froggy.
Froggy love daddy?"
dont blame me i voted for jefferson davis
erik, i vote for flaccid! I like pedestrian too but that seems like it's riding on the coattails of quotidian
maybe diminutive
Check out the gams on the hottie in the ordinary picture. Bet she could get a "drive train" up to a high "cadence."
While trendiness can be epic, your examples are totally trite.
He clearly loves Tater "Tots"
Sun does make decent rims, for cheap too. I've drunkenly run into curbs and gone right over, with not even a spoke to tension, to my surprise.
However, I wouldn't doubt that as soon as the "trend" starts, a la Velocity, they will come out with finishing in colors other than black and alloy.
Erik- my snowboarder friends and I would categorize stuff as either "epic" or "shitty", if that's what you mean.
Also, nobody's going to point out that the penny farthing has a ridiculously sloped seat angle?
hi frenchy,
i ride prettty well, but many ride better. i talk shit pretty well too. i have no internet presence-no blog, no profile, no myspace, facebook, i just post what i please. tis noble indeed your defense of your hero-prolly. and he is of course entitled to ride any way he pleases, on anything he pleases, and post it and yak about it wherever he likes. however, its not exciting stuff, its not difficult to practice a bit and do likewise,
its not a movement, its not underground, its not hardcore, or any of that bullshit-and i hate fake street wannabe talk-that is real shit talk. dontcha think frenchy?
So are you saying my Iron Maiden Vans can't be rocked ironically yet? crap.
There's a guy who rides around downtown here, year-round, on a penny-farthing. It's cool, and I believe his moustache is completely un-ironic, but the handlebars are so goofy it looks like he's riding with his hands in his pockets.
Reflective ankle strap...check. Helmet mirror...not so much. Besides, wouldn't it be more ridiculous for a 40-year-old guy to roll his pants up, even just on the drive side? I've also been known to stuff my pant leg into my white tube sock as well.
fhfr436, when I am rocking my penny-farthing, I find that I am both more comfortable and more aerodynamic by adding some aero clip-ons. Personally, I prefer Cinelli Spinachis.
ca, is that a tube sock in your pants or are you just happy to see your bike?
no moreso than a 40 y/o saying 'not so much'
>>a word that is the opposite of epic
Quotidian was a good suggestion.
Though workaday would describe an anti-epic ride upon one's penny-farthing.
a few dictionaries say 'miniscule'...which is a cool word when repeated over and over monotonously while epically bored at work
Leroy, that was just about the funniest comment post I've seen in a long time.
Kudos to you!
Is that you, 2:11?
Holy crap!
A posting from Anon 2:11. And he's still whining uselessly. I thought he'd done given up on us all...
uh, is that a link to something on your hard drive?
nah, sorry c.a., 40 year old guy here who got defensive because i roll up my pants. nothing wrong with 'not so much'...misdirected
2:11 has seen the dearth of trolling here recently, and has generously jumped into the breach, at least for the time being.
Kind of funny that he pops up here at just about the time Caribou Barbie finally went home. Maybe he is looking for work.
Please, Snobby, piss off some vocal and insecure group soon. Having to put up with 2:11 and Red at the same time could well be too much. 2:11 does not stay around in the presence of a real troll.
2:11 had been trolling a board for Segway owners but he pretty much got his ass handed to him, so he came back.
BTW - 40-year olds are very good at rolling (pegging) pant legs since we got lots of practice in '87-88
English is difficult only because you go to great distance to make that way. In Russian, the word for "travel to somewhere (as one might do on a kopek farthing)" sounds much like "to go fuck one's self". After much alcoholic beverage is very easy to get words confused. Not wise when your dyavushka taking steroids or is on period and has no trifles.
This blog is over.
The ladies over at Derailer have misspelled Derailleur, unless that has something to do with the Wimmin thing. If so, I'm completely lost.
roger daltrey!!??
sorry I posted on with the wrong name earlier.
-anon 2:11
Yup, The one and only Rog D has spoken, thats who.
Leroy, you're making it very difficult to behave.
prolly wrote in regard to his new wonder rims:
"They handle better, feel much more solid and corner much tighter."
well i don't know what cornering tighter means in regards to a rim, but those certainly must be special! i've ridden perhaps a dozen different types of rims in the last 10 years and can't distinguish the "handling" between any of them.
thumbs up for the empirical testing & review!
Other over 40 year olds might also remember tucking their pants into their socks.
"My concern has been the atrocities there in Darfur and the relevance to me with that issue as we spoke about Africa and some of the countries there that were kind of the people succumbing to the dictators and the corruption of some collapsed governments on the continent, the relevance was Alaska’s investment in Darfur with some of our permanent fund dollars."
just because i'm happy we are not stuck with reading her comments every day for the next 4 -16 yrs.
Wheel seems to be holding up well. We'll see how the rear holds up once my Profile comes in. Thanks again Snob!
Bill, you're a paid political opertive, aren't you, I mean trolling around with idiotic comments like that?
Those deep V's may stay hidden for a while if you waiting for irony points on the hipst-o-meter. They haven't even hit the East Coast of Canada, yet.
We rock/run showshoes and paddles!
Anon 2:21
Prolly is not a hero of mine. I only have one bike hero and he does not ride a fix.
Prolly: He is just out there beating his own drum instead of following. Nothing wrong with that.
In fact since NYC became yuppified in the early 90's that breed of person has just about died. NY is now no different than most mid western cities: we have an olive garden in times square.
Whether Prolly is a pretender or not does not matter. Who really cares? is there some street cred market that people play? No
Frankly, I think 70% of the kids who move to NYC are pretenders. That is why they come here: to live there dreams out.
Having lived in NYC for my whole life I don't see anything wrong with that.
LONDON—At least someone is excited about "meh": The expression of indifference or boredom has gained a place in the Collins English Dictionary. Publisher HarperCollins announced Monday that the word had been chosen for inclusion in the dictionary's 30th anniversary edition. The origins of "meh" are murky, but it grew in popularity after being used in a 2001 episode of "The Simpsons" in which Homer suggests a day trip to Bart and Lisa. The children reply "meh" and keep watching TV. If you're not indifferent about this development, read more about "meh."
Wait a second, Frenchy, you trying to tell us there's an Olive Garden restaurant in Times Square?
Not buying it.
Sounds like just another tall tale about New York losing its edginess.
I mean, if it were true, I would surely have seen the Olive Garden from that ferris wheel inside the Times Square Toys "R" Us.
If you're going to ride fixed gear in Times Square, you may as well use a really, really big wheel.
Now that's edgy.
And size-wise, it puts that penny-farthing to shame.
Frenchy aka bikeboy
you're my hero.
So if youre mad, get mad
Dont hold it all inside
Come on and talk to me now
Hey, what you got to hide?
I get angry too
Well Im a lot like you
When youre standing at the crossroads
And dont know which path to choose
Let me come along
cause even if youre wrong...
That Penny Farthing, let me tell you guys there is no way it is original, the saddle ain't and the bars either, they came off a Harley Davidson or some other agricultural device. All you need to make one like that is a crashed beyond repair wheelbarrow and some gas pipe. Nevertheless, old bikes like that attract females for sure, like only a real he man can master a device like that, plus posessing that sort of bike sends your testosterone levels soaring and you exude pheromones like a skunk on heat. But anyway, that's not the point, it's just mild aperitif: The only real fixie is a unicycle. Which I guess is reserved for men too because if you have a knuckle tatoo boasting about your big tits there is no way you can ride a unicycle, it's a simple matter of physics that your center of gravity is wrong.
Erik: letleviride
Erik: the word you are looking for is mundane. Boring or dull, routine, everyday, commonplace, boring, unexciting, humdrum, dreary, monotonous, tedious, uninteresting, banal would also do. The antonym of epic is said to be minuscule, which I strongly object to because size has nothing to do with it. Otherwise if you mean epic as great story of exploits, short story is the contrary. This might be off topic but Erik asked the question, and I ride a ten speed, so I am qualified to answer.
Regarding Leroy's earlier post.
Commie-hang onto that Hello Kitty water bottle. If I ever make it across the border, we can use it to dispense maple syrup.
I have a hard time believing AP cramped up. Although, I have no concrete proof, I kinda imagine he's a tad more flexible than that.
Did ya try waving around a picture of Ms. Pinarello Prince?
And as for Red, sad to say but I just keep hearing the banjo from Deliverance.
frenchy v anon.... Prolly is an interesting and ok guy. I like his website, architecture stuff especially, but he's a salesman. I expect he gets most of the stuff for free and pitches to his readers. That's the American, free market for ya.. soon he'll be on the 2am, tv slot after that pimple lotion and the ab wonder machine.
But really.. riding fixed on city streets, a rim is a rim! And he did get it a bit wrong.. you match your grips to your hubs.. not your rims.
the opposite of epic is poodle.
As in "we just went for a poodle".
Or, we just poodled for an hour or so and went home.
I think the expression stems from dog f@cking or something
Shooooosh Frills I am chatting up the Olsen quintuplets, and I think I am in. Happy Days
I thought it was "pootle," but maybe that's something else.
dang dawg, she a cutie. can someone explain the bars on the penny quarter?
Come on boys stoping at 99 is like drinking 5 beers out of a 6 pack it just aint right
You drink the 5 beers and then have a shot !
Anthony 3:22--
You must not have studied your Sheldon
..Mongo only pawn in game of life...
Dang, I sure miss Bro. Sheldon.
You forgot to put in the link for those tweed undergarments. I've been searching the web and can't find them.
Erik:: I like "pedestrian," because when you mention a 'pedestrian' ride, it sounds like you were up on the sidewalk.
"Pusilanimous" maybe? The storm clouds come rolling in as you are skidding down a rooty singletrack, your fixed wheel locked up and dragging mud. It starts raining and you lock your bike to a tree and scamper down to the car on foot. Pusilanimous.
And Jeff... the dictionaries I use all spell it minUscule.
...leroy...jeezus, mate...'you've' got a headache ???'s 11:00pm monday nite & i just woke up after that little 'soiree'...
...when you guys suggested i could "get an awesome buzz" by standing on my head & snorting my tequila & red bull shots through my nose out've a camelbak 'podium' bottle, you were onto something...
...the only bummer was i could see right up the 'oc's' large honker when the video was running...
...andy pandy taking his pants off over his head looked totally normal from my inverted perspective (well, except for that damned 'aussie' underwear...'kangaroo styling' w/ a pouch in the front...dude, really, wtf, ???)...& btw, thanks for finally tying my feet to the chandelier...i was gettin' tired of falling over, like about after every snort/shot...(shnot ???)
...& face it, we all coveted that "hello kitty" waterbottle but commiecanuk just got the drop on all of us when ant1 was the ant1st to face plant...
...ol' red neckerson...jeez, what can ya say ???...stars n' bars suspenders on those confederate grey bvd''s a bit of an extremist but i thought that was sartorial splendor...but then again, i 'was' upside down all night...
...i never noticed weird...when was that ???...
Distinction between rocking and running = classic bsnyc
good one sprider
I think that's Frilly in the pic with the pennyfarthing.
Frilly is disposing of fashion and going with function. Right. And he's concerned about weight? If a fixed gear rider wants to shave a few grames he can take the chain off his wallet, he can dump the fat belt buckle, or even shower to remove the 100grams of street gunk that has been festering for days.
It's interesting on the same day I see Deep V's on the way out, I see a website specifically designed to customize them:
anon 9:30
Rapha Tweed Softshell.
only $750
Critical Ass- it seems approriate you mention "pegging" with your name being Critical Ass...
Yes there is an Olive Garden in NYC. NY is filled with "mid westerners with 100 dollar hair cuts." I suppose they like to visit the restaurant where they celebrated many of their achievements: For example high school graduation. It would take too much imagination for those folks to choose a good non corporate restaurant.
Yes I do know that Prolly is in business and he is out there marketing: Nothing wrong with that.
It sure beats sitting on your ass doing the corporate thing.
Thanks commie.
Highly abrasion and stain resistant, the pad uses Rapha’s standard off-set seam to avoid bag straps chafing and also protects the wool outer from piling.
I'll be rocking tweed gonch for sure! Only $750!
frenchy-you are kind of a tool.
Midwesterners, such as myself, celebrated our high school graduations at chain buffet restaurants, not fancy sit-down places like Olive Garden. Bonanza or Shakey's Pizza, anyone?
ca -
I was always partial to Farrells in Cin City, and in a pinch the Crestwood Inn would do just fine
Since when is a Deep V not a box rim?
the blue bike with the
bars and wheel flipped backwards
for "mad bar spinzzz"
looks like it is trying to auto-fellate itself. perhaps this is
a telling icon of the onanism of posting pictures of your bike more than you ride it (per velospace, FGG, etc etc ad naseum).
Maybe the symbol on the tattoo represents a "T," in which case the guy might love 3TTTs. They got some sexy stems.
OMFG you have a pic of my tattoos on some blog about bike riding :) It's LOVE TITS actually where the girl sign means "i". I ride bikes (i used to do trial, now i'm just city rider) and I love tits ;)
Kudos and thanks for making my day ;)
All these comments are snarky inside jokes and I don't understand any of them.
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