Friday, July 1, 2016

BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz and Long Weekend Announcement!

Sorry about that, I scampered off for a little ride:

It's easy to come back to New York City from, say, this place and feel sorry for yourself:

The fact is though I've got it pretty good, all things considered.  I've got a subway station right around the corner which means I can get anywhere in this great city with a single MetroCard swipe or turnstile hop, and yet I'm also a leisurely spin away from some pretty decent all-terrain bicycle cycling trails:

I guess what I'm saying is that life could be worse.

How could it be worse?  Well, for one thing, I could live in Australia.

And being thankful you don't live in Australia is what Canada Day is all about.

("Fuck platypuses.")

Speaking of Canada Day, we have our own version coming up.  It's called July 4th, or "Independence Day," and it commemorates the "American Brexit" when our great nation revolted against England and thus bought ourselves a few more decades of slave ownership.  But now it's mostly just about getting drunk, blowing shit up, and getting great deals on cars:

The above banner really should be the United States flag at this point.

And as far as this blog goes, July 4th means I'll be gone until Wednesday, July 6th, at which point I will resume regular updates.

So "God" bless "America."

With gasoline and helmets for all.

And now, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right then you're the best, and if you're wrong you'll see a Ukrainian flashmob.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and see you back here on Wednesday, July 6th.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

1) Canada Day commemorates:

--Canada's victory over the United States in the Great Maple Syrup Wars of 1846
--The Great Apology, when Canada said sorry to the British and the French for getting in the way of their musket balls during the French and Indian War
--Canada's liberation from British tyranny (apart from their despotic Queen and their depraved spelling of course)
--The joining of the British North American colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Province of Canada into a warm and toasty toque for the United States

2) What is this?

--A sculpture
--A zombie
--One of those living statues
--How triathletes sleepwalk

3) Australian decency standards require all depictions of cyclists to be helmeted, even if they're cycling somewhere other than Australia.


4) According to the makers of the Cyclotron, the greatest advancement between the advent of the safety bicycle and now has been:

--The gravel bike
--The touring bike
--The recumbent bike
--The fat bike

5) According to "Bicycling," singlespeed mountain bikers are often perceived as being:

--"disheveled mechanics"
--"indolent shop rats"
--"PBR-swilling hipsters"
--"too obtuse to operate a shifter"

6) Which is not a trick the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends to fool your child into wearing a helmet?

--"Whenever you ride your bike, put on your helmet. Plan bicycle outings during which all family members wear their helmets to further reinforce the message. "
--"Praise them; give them special treats or privileges when they wear their helmets without having to be told to."
--"Be consistent. If you allow your children to ride occasionally without their helmets, they won't believe that helmet use really is important. Tell your children they have to find another way to get where they are going if they don't want to use their helmets."
--"Make sure your child sees you publicly criticize other riders for not wearing helmets, and encourage your child to do the same."

7) The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children wear helmets while mowing the lawn at all times.


***Special "Oh, My God!  Bicycles!  I Can't Believe What I'm Seeing!"--Themed Bonus Video!***


  1. Furst. Happy birthday Canada's barstool

  2. Furst. Happy birthday Canada's barstool

  3. another tippy top 10, right before Tdf too

  4. Dumbasses at the local paper published that the TdF started this morning. I about shit my panties til I realized it was a typo.

    I pay money for this?

  5. I'm not sure the dude in the bonus video understands that it is not kosher to refer to a rolling parade in LA as going HAM.

    Ride safe all!

    Especially if you're riding independently.

    (My dog and I have a bet as to the extent to which our nation's holiday will lower Mr. Trump's poll numbers given a recent report in The Onion. )

  6. top teens, no endo on the final sprint

  7. Last night on my ride home, I passed a joint in Yonkers where the sign said, "Cyclist Welcome"

    They want that South County Trailway ride-in business.

  8. Bonus video guy wouldn't recognize a Critical Mass ride if it rode right into his douche nozzle.

  9. Je suis dans le premier dix.

  10. @dancesonpedals - do they only welcome a single cyclist? What happens if I arrive and there is already one there?

  11. ...just out of top dix.

    ...ride safe y'all.

  12. Have a great 4th of July weekend rolling around on some sweet American singletrack.

  13. Yep, this post is real scranus folks.

  14. Yep, this post is real scranus folks.

  15. Nice beaver shot Snob. Enjoy your holiday and come back with all your fingers.

    Dear Leroy. I had to give up the news. I could no longer distinguish between "the news" and The Onion.

  16. Happy Holidays to all.
    My wife wants to begin Geocatching this afternoon, whatever that is. Hopefully, there's drinking involved.
    Thanks for the double post today Snob.

  17. That somnambulist statue looks like Chris Horner let himself go.

  18. Willie: I tried an experiment. For one week, I didn't read a newspaper, watch television or listen to the radio.

    Ethel: What happened?

    Willie: How would I know?

  19. Lieutenant ObliviousJuly 1, 2016 at 3:39 PM

    20th at 3:37 PM, I went for a long ride too. Scranus!

  20. Very Slim PickensJuly 1, 2016 at 4:00 PM

    The Dec of Indie was actually signed on July 2nd. But it was dated the 4th so copies could be distributed and announced on the same day in the colonies.

    "The Great Apology when Canada said sorry to the Brits and France for getting in the way of their musket balls during the French and Indian War." What about the Indians? No one says sorry to them, their just collateral damage, just like the Indians in India were for the British.

  21. To the guy filming the critical mass ride:

    That was not real life. If it was real life, one of the drivers at the intersection would have gotten tired of waiting and plowed through the group before it had finished passing by.

    But then again, the guy did call someone a "douche nozzle", then post it on the internets. That does sound like something an average person would do in this day and age...

  22. Leroy, tell your dog that the Secret Service's codename for Trump is Fireplug. He'l know what I mean.

    Have a safe Fourth, all!

  23. bad boy of the north!July 1, 2016 at 4:37 PM

    Ahh..dances....that was the old peppercorns restaurant .i remember it well.they used to have an elephant statue in the patio area..placed high enough to see it from the saw mill.i think it's a little bit of white linen,now.haven't been there in years.good hidden spot.though.

  24. bad boy of the northJuly 1, 2016 at 4:40 PM

    So nice..most are posting the same thing twice.

  25. Well, there was valet parking at La Lanterna.

    Hey, Leroy. Maybe your dog can tell me why Kratos doesn't like the vacuum cleaner.

  26. bad boy of the northJuly 1, 2016 at 5:03 PM

    True true.....dances.

  27. bad boy of the northJuly 1, 2016 at 5:10 PM

    Well...have a happy and safe first and fourth of july everyone.

  28. There is a 14 year old boy lurking inside each of us. I am a dignified, middle-aged professional man, yet today when I caught an accidental flash of some leopard-print panties, I was all like, "BaZIIING!"

  29. Is Canada Day a one and done special holiday in memory of Rob the Fords? Miss that guy, he was the gift that just kept on giving. RIP.

  30. Up North where the Cold Winds BJJuly 1, 2016 at 8:42 PM

    Babble and CC should be awarded honorary podium positions today in honor of Canada Day. Maybe a Loonie or two too.

  31. On my Wednesday lunch time ride (up the South County trail from Vanny to Elmsford and back) I saw that Cyclist Welcome sign with the Stella Chalice. Tempting, very tempting. But it's in the middle of the ride. A cold can of Bud and the couch for recovery.

  32. The Wells Fargo LA Bike Race video "This is Real Life", the shot of the fire hydrant was very artistically done, black & white would have served that scene better though, it would have added a touch of film noir. Script could have used some work, "Ham", is that a code word, like Rosebud? The narrators voice was flat, like he was going to fall asleep or something. PS One of the American Flags wasn't displayed properly, The Donald has pledged to make the carrying of Old Glory, while riding a bike, great again.

  33. Make Canada Grate again!!

  34. I second WIWM's 14 year old comment, but even though I'm knocking on the door of the senior citizen discount I. An still be a socially awkward -3 year old, re panties. I was major flashed at work yesterday, she blushed I blushed we both ignored what had passed between us. Yet subliminally I knew she knew I knew what had happened, and I liked it. No regerts, as they say.

  35. Would you believe "I can be" and "socially awkward 13 heard old"? I could own the ironic -3, However. I got my ride in at daylight, peaceful and cool, except for the soccer mom in a rush to get back home from the doughnut shop I guess. Getting passed by an escalade at 60+ mph 1 foot away from the mirror is exhilarating. Especially when there is 24 feet of room to pass me and no traffic for miles.

  36. Donald will make Flossing Great AgainJuly 2, 2016 at 3:04 PM

    Brushed and Flossed and ready for the 4th, wait, not I'm not, I have to do it twice again. But in Canada....

  37. Can't Wait to Echo off the WallJuly 2, 2016 at 3:12 PM

    Not a single comment from Canada, seems down right un-patriotic. Small wonder The Donald wants to build a wall.

  38. Manifesto My AssoJuly 2, 2016 at 3:21 PM

    No Ted K, must have blown off his fingers while handling fireworks.

  39. the bar for dental hygiene should be low enough for all to bunny-hop over.

  40. So Canada looks down it's nose at us on our national birthday. The Donald sez he will have every Canadians nose cut off and Canada will pay for the surgery.

  41. Korak Son Of TarzanJuly 3, 2016 at 7:45 PM

    Tarzan is king of the jungle.

  42. Jehovah God is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

  43. Chis is King of head bearings.

  44. Cheetah, son of Tarzan, saidJuly 3, 2016 at 8:13 PM

    Make that a Double.

  45. Cipo is King of trimming the bushes.

  46. I'm the King of Wiener Dog Art

  47. Happy Fourth,everyone.

  48. Happy fourth of July, my dear peeples down south of the border! Enjoy your independence, specially if you can do it independent of your steel cages of gas and destruction. Please remember to keep yer beloved dogs tucked in as the sun goes down. Either that, or earplugs.

  49. The Glorious FourthJuly 4, 2016 at 1:16 PM

    Hey Ms. Babble, My ancient Fuji was made out of steel, it's only gas was from the rider, but I have recollection of it ever destroying anything. Wish I still had that bike, absolutely indestructible, someone stole it of course. That's what happens when you live south of the Canadian Border.

  50. Above should say "I have no...

  51. I'm sorry, but there is something about hotdog eating contests that just seem so repulsive.

  52. I taught all three of my sprogs aged 5, 6 and 8 to ride the tractor mower last weekend; and now you tell me it's dangerous..

  53. I still have all my fingers!!!!

  54. bad boy of the northJuly 5, 2016 at 5:39 PM

    since it's all quiet in snob's romper room.....which one of us was at teterboro,new jersey's Wal-Mart?hmmm....who among us needed a drill and left on a....?

  55. bad boy of the northJuly 5, 2016 at 5:44 PM wasn't need for another drill...yes there is always a need(?)for other thing.....but no,i have enough for now....actually putting one up on the market.

  56. bad boy of the northJuly 5, 2016 at 5:48 PM

    ..and I personally don't like Wal-Mart.sorry if i offended anyone.

  57. For warding off magpies!

  58. suck it trump lovers - HRC is not guilty

  59. Can I get a swoop-away-helmet-brim-for-warding-off-Donald-Trumps?

  60. Welcome to the world of fun tests. The most unusual, random and fun quizzes non-stop laughing is guaranteed. Take off and have fun! Visit us now!!
