Friday, July 1, 2016

A Transparent Attempt to Ingratiate Myself to our Neighbors to the North in Hopes They'll Let Me Move There After the Presidential Election in November

Happy Canada Day!

This holiday of course commemorates Canada's victory over the United States in the Maple Syrup Wars of 1846, which were as bloody as they were sticky and delicious:

It is traditional in the United States to observe Canada Day by going for a ride, so that's what I'm about to do.  But rest assured I'll be back a little later today with a more comprehensive Friday posting, so be sure to hit "refresh" over and over like a rat in a skinner box.

See you soon(-ish),

--Wildcat Rock Machine


  1. you would move to canada if hrc is elected? wise choice, except they have trudea

  2. If you want to be part of an assault on Canada sign up for this; and bring some books too.

  3. top octet - a double 4rth of julius position


  4. don't think i get a ride today. have to make crap to take to lil' sis's on the morrow.

  5. Hey I just read Infinite Jest so watch out for Quebecians in wheelchairs

  6. Fred FredericksenJuly 1, 2016 at 9:46 AM

    Riding to work this morning in Boulder, CO., fred capital of the intermountain west, I was passed by a BMW Z1 or M1, one of those $90k 2 seaters. It had a plastic race bike on the roof and the license plate was "AYHSMB." Could not get a photo.
    What's more annoying Ted K. or TED Talks?

  7. Replies
    1. Australia has pine trees,planted for industry . Canada is like Australia with Royal Canadian Mounted Yaksmen


  8. should i be sad or happy that i have no idea what "AYHSMB" might mean?

  9. bad boy on the bikeJuly 1, 2016 at 10:02 AM

    Enjoy the ride,like i am.three quarters done.


  10. i'll take that as happy then. of course don't remember that. but then i don't remember what snobbie posted earlier this week. acing the quiz is getting harder and harder.

  11. Wildcat is on his husky Marin. Then, a second posting in one day?! Probably his way of softening the blow of the announcement that he's going to take next week off, i bet.

  12. And where is the Ted Man? He's at home - washing his tights! Eh-hee-hee-hee-hee.

  13. "All you haters suck my balls." Way back in the BSNYC archives, probably before the Wildcat Rock Machine days. Heady times indeed. Somebody put that sticker on the aerospoke wheel of his fixie.

  14. Not a comment.... I just buy your latest book. I wanted to get a cap to wear so that I can ride my bike, reading your book and rocking a nice cap at the same time. BUT I live in China and waltz will not deliver! what to do???

  15. Im staying off the bike today so my legs can handle 5500 feet of climbing tomorrow! Wait, why do we even bother to ride again?

  16. Well this is odd.

    Usually when I hit the refresh key, kibble comes out of the back of my computer.

    Today it's pemmican.

    What's up with that, eh?

  17. Happy Canada day. Open some bagged milk, get some Tim bits and blast some Tragically Hip.

  18. hosers! highly recommend strange brew, the movie (and as a beer choice in general), as a historical (number of) minute(s).


  19. I've tried that ride shit. All you do is get tired and sweaty. Maybe I need to change my bar-tape wrap tension.

  20. When you return you should edit "skinner" to read "Skinner", IMHO.

  21. Waiting for Godot.

  22. vsk said ...

    If HRC gets installed (depending on how the votes get "counted"), Canadianos may have to build a wall and make Amerika pay for it.

    Gonna enjoy my epic bus ride later in the thundastorms.


  23. Isn't going for a ride the same as hitting "refresh"? Think I'll do that...

  24. Well that was a fun ride.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  25. just wondering, does mr snob ever write anything before The Last Minute?



  26. "if it weren't for The Last Minute, nothing would ever get done."

    as "they" say.


  27. Canada Day has a dark side too. For it is on this day, that in Canada, more dogs go astray than any other day of the year.

  28. Catch and ReleashJuly 1, 2016 at 1:02 PM

    Should be called National Dog Collector Day then.

  29. i wish i was a canuck sittin in a tree
    anytime a clinton passes
    on them i'd take a pee

  30. Lieutenant ObliviousJuly 1, 2016 at 3:59 PM

    Huh, where did this post sneak in from?

    Canada is like Australia but without all the reformed penal colony bullshit!

  31. bad boy on the bikeJuly 1, 2016 at 4:13 PM

    Finished my bikey ride before the tornado least i've got that.oh yeah.that and the warning.


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