Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ready, set...read!

Firstly, the New York Times ran a nice little story about the Tour's Lanterne Rouge:

I haven't been watching the TV coverage, so I have no idea if Phil Liggett has used any cringeworthy terms to describe his ethnicity yet.

Secondly, Alexander Vinokourov doesn't want to talk about the past:

“2007 is in the past and I don’t want to return to that topic,” Vinokourov said flatly, before pointing to Astana’s membership of the Movement for Credible Cycling (MPCC) as a sign of its good faith.

"Instead, I'd like to bypass 2007 altogether and go straight back to 1978, which is the last time my outfit was fashionable," Vino added:

(Vino played Whitey the Pimp in the 1976 cult blaxploitation film "Dolemite II: The Human Tornado.")

In other news, Woody Allen designed a bike, and he's already raised well over $300,000:

("May I interject one statement at this juncture? And I don't mean to be didactic or facetious in any way.")

According to Woody, this perfectly ordinary bike embodies a "new concept in cycling."  Check it out:

Okay.  The bike looks fine.  But how is this in any way a "new concept in cycling?"  I mean sure, it is made of an exotic material called "aluminum," which has never been used for bikes before.  This "makes the frame lightweight:"

Which is essential when fleeing to the safety of your Brooklyn brownstone after you scuff somebody's Jordans:

By the way, I don't know about you, but after a hard ride I always chug a carton of orange juice:

Another way this bike is completely different (at least according to the director of classics such as "Manhattan" and "Annie Hall") is that it has a comfy seat, upright handlebars, and three speeds--a combination which no bicycle company in the history of bicycle companies has ever attempted:

And, in a bold example of innovation that could only come from a clarinetist of Mr. Allen's stature, the bike is equipped with a coaster brake only:

See, some companies selling comfortable upright bikes with three speeds give you both a coaster brake and a handbrake for the front wheel.  However, the Priority does away with the extra stopping power, which you'll appreciate when you're coming off one of the East River bridges and immediately merging with heavy automobile traffic.

And of course it's got a belt drive:

(That's a lotta chainring bolt spacers.)

"One of the most unique features of our bike is the belt drive.  Harley Davidson started using belts in their motorcycles in the '80s and has never looked back."

Harley Davidson should not be held up as a paradigm for anything except their uncanny ability to speak directly to the sad leather-clad yearnings of middle-aged lawyers whose idea of an "upgrade" is amplifying the sound of flatulence as they ride.

But Woody really crossed the line with this one:

Theft Deterrent - We know you’ll fall in love with Priority, and we want to do anything we can to keep our bikes with their proud owners. By using bolts instead of quick releases, Priority makes it more difficult for thieves to disassemble parts. You'll still have to lock up your bike, but bolts are a precaution Priority has taken to make theft more difficult.

Oh come on now.  What bike like this does feature quick releases?

Actually, I can think of one, and it's the Priority:

(Pretty sure that's a quick release.)

That's an ethical mobius strip akin to the plot of 1989's "Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Lastly, a reader tells me the Wall Street Journal has published an article about "Zoobomb," complete with short film:

In which you'll see that participants begin their ride with a cry of "Three...two...one...Zoobomb!!!"

I have a strict rule whereby I don't take part in any event in which people shout the name of the event in unison.  This is because I have an inherent fear of "groupthink," and know there's a very fine line between "Portlandia" and "Dystopia."

Here's the Zoobomb "monument:"

When I first saw this pile of crap in person during a visit to Portland some years ago, I thought it was an aesthetically objectionable Tower of Tetanus.  However, as a parent, I now understand the Portland city government's rationale here.  See, I know I shouldn't let my kid leave his toys in the living room, but the fact is that I'm kinda lazy and I don't want to deal with the whining, so I do anyway.  And that's exactly what's going on here.

Also, check this out:

Tattoos and tzitzit?  Only in Portland:

He's either the World's Hippest Orthodox Jew, or he saw those things on a visit to Brooklyn and thought they looked cool.

Lastly, carrying your helment on your head with the straps unfastened is the lowest form of helment portaging:

(Charity ride chic.)

Though they may just be trying to emulate the ever-so-trendy payos look.


1 – 200 of 220   Newer›   Newest»
Yeah Cleveland! said...

Gotta go for it....

Yeah Cleveland! said...

But I won't be greedy.

Yeah Cleveland! said...

Or will I?

Yeah Cleveland! said...

I'm done.

Anonymous said...

Top errr....whatever

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


streepo said...


shining trapezoid said...

top ten!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Cleveland!
Way to go.

Anonymous said...

Lanterne Rouge. Story of my life. Glad to see BibShorts Guy on top of today's issues.
A Woody Allen bike? Why would I want a bike that complains constantly?

Anonymous said...


Top XX

JLRB said...

Yeah Cleveland - Greedy just like LeBron!

Buffalo Bill said...

Not feeling it yet.

JLRB said...

No screens were broken in the reading of today's bikblog, unless someone was high fiving zoo bomb

Bare Head said...

Woohoo cap question - how long does the purveyor take to ship the goods?

BikeSnobNYC said...

Bare Head,

Asking the purveyor of goods is probably a better way of finding out than posting a comment
on the goofy bike blog.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

le Correcteur said...

What the fu**? Early; left coast and I'm not even into first coffee cup!

Top twenty, though.

le Correcteur said...

"Harley Davidson should not be held up as a paradigm for anything except their uncanny ability to speak directly to the sad leather-clad yearnings of middle-aged lawyers whose idea of an "upgrade" is amplifying the sound of flatulence as they ride."

The above, and the tzitzit comment are classic, WCRM! An early post with such gems; must have been written yesterday!

boys on the hoods said...

early post today! back to bed!

McFly said...

(Pretty sure that's a quick release.)

Anybody? Anybody?

That's what she said.

Spokey said...

just out of the shower and can't even get top 20

that's just onciled dvidtri

Spokey said...

is that a pedal bike? Or a pedophile bike?

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

This guy has got fringes on the corners of his garment that covers himself. And he had an exodus of sorts. His tzitzit isn't blue though. Must be some kind of un-orthodox hebrew sect he belongs to.

leroy said...

My dog opines that Mr. Vinokurov offers an important cautionary tale as to how doping leads to loss of eyebrows.

Wonder if that explains his shedding (my dog's, not Vino's).

RoadQueen said...

Ah, coaster brakes. Thanks for bringing back fond memories, Snob.

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

OK caps on order. Murdered out for the commute and WooHoo for when I'm feeling fredly.

This talk of the caps excellent wicking ability has me sold.

leroy said...

Barehead --

Ordered in the early morning hours of a Thursday, shipped early afternoon Friday. Arrived following Monday or Tuesday.

And machine washable. Unlike my dog who wore it in a sauna to test its moisture wicking properties.

Spokey said...


you got a dog that wasn't machine washable?

that was a bit of penny-wise and pound-foolish wasn't it?

dancesonpaedls said...

a lead out from spokey for #30..oh yeah..

RoadQueen said...


Starting the break away. Time to separate the men from the boyz.

Anonymous said...

Boyz II Men

Anonymous said...

Oh my god look at their identical outfits. Just adorable.

Comment deleted said...

That's a rather quick release, isn't it, RQ?

Comment deleted said...

In the sacristy, they separate the men from the boys with a crowbar.

Anonymous said...

I urg (sic) you all to make a contribution to these twatwaffles: http://www.providencejournal.com/breaking-news/content/20140721-clothier-wilsons-of-wickford-seeks-online-donations-to-stay-in-business-poll.ece

do ya fucking believe it?

Anonymous said...

"...In the sacristy, they separate the men from the boys with a crowbar.

July 22, 2014 at 12:06 PM

that, and a little hole water

dnk said...

"Do The Right Thing" clip:

Haven't seen that in a while.

Larry Bird jersey guy knocks into Buggin Out hard. I mean, it's pretty rude. Normal thing to do (for Bird jersey guy) is to say "I'm so sorry..."

But Bird jersey continues holding his OJ carton aloft like it's the Olympic Flame.

And Buggin Out, for his part, gets all crazy not because some rude asshole walked into him without apologizing, but because his shoes are scuffed.

It didn't really add up back in 1989, and it doesn't really add up now....

RoadQueen said...

CD - Birds who shit fast, don't last.

Story of my life as a sprinter. Figured I'd mash now and make the rest keep up, seeing as how I won't be worth shit at the century line.

CommieCanuck said...

I had Tzitzits on my bike, but they were on the end of the handlebars and they were fluorescent pink, and awesome.


the Jimboner said...


Anonymous said...

Tat/tzitztit guy is exquisitely aware of the camera and is trying to pose for it without appearing to pose for it. Poser.

Type the Text said...

A Belt Drive Belt is available that is an exact replica of the Belt Drive Belt on the bike. Only this one holds up your shorts or pants or whatever. Bound to be a hit in Brooklyn provided you already have some hipster stubble.

Catching up on yesterday's reading today. Laura W would look good without that top on and on her knees. That's step one, Babble can give her lessons on step two.

Anonymous said...

How long until the Performance Bicycle lawyer team issues Priority a cease and desist for the use of the "Racing Pee" logo? They are awfully similar.

Aluminum, What the Hell is Aluminum? said...

The Woody Allen Bike doesn't come with a horn or a bell. Instead you push a button and a loud voice groans "ov vey, oy veg, oy vey".

confused said...

If that's how they do it in a sacristy, how do they separate the men from the boys in a Chris Christie?

Anonymous said...


Spokey said...

dancesonpaedls @ 11:30 AM

that's just pathetic.

Have to go over to the bank but maybe I can lead out for 69. Although watch out for that McFly.

ken e. said...

got bad design? (snickering)


Mr Plow said...

I like woodsy Allen movies except for the nervous fellow that is always in them.

Also, coaster brake only appeals to a younger demographic. Wink wink

Mr Plow said...

I'm so old I remember when woody Allen was funny

JLRB said...


trama said...

I really quite fancy loud bike belles

Anonymous said...

What if your a bird that can go 2 or 3 times with no visible pause or interruption?


RoadQueen said...

I've always wanted a pink bike bell.


dancesonpedals said...

RQ- If you're gonna seperate the men from the boys, bring a crowbar *rimshot*

dancesonpedals said...

anonymous @1:48...is that bird an African swallow, or a European swallow?

ken e. said...

pondered if it was worth defending, but shitty design is ubiquitous....

@JLRB: missing a finger?


and the old school, with seussian finger count:

HIC 7200

dancesonpedals said...


a new cell phone as a prime!!

dancesonpedals said...


David Pearce said...

Dear WRM,

I like your eagle eyes!

That IS a lot of spacers on the Priority belt-ring.

Maybe it's all a plot by Woody to smuggle spacers into the country, flouting our laws and adding to the great national crisis we have now of undocumented spacers flooding across our intentionally unguarded borders!

Still, with all of your flaunting of hip Hebrew lingo, I can't help but wonder if you are of the Hebrew persuasion, and indeed, a Big Jew. A Big, Learn-ed Jew.

But I know that can't be true, because you write such a good blog.

I've learned that payes are grown so as to not shave the "corners" of one's head. I guess that means you don't cut the hair at the pointy top of your head....

I've learned you can sport tzitzit and still strike a pose before you zoo bomb in Portland.

But I don't need tzitzit to be hip. I just received back my first batch of developed Minox film from Blue Moon Camera, http://www.bluemooncamera.com/, of Portland. Minox stuff I got off of eBay. Both my own photos, and older, previously taken films.

I feel particularly extra cool and hip developing 30- to 50-year-old pictures taken by someone unknown, someone else's family, someone else's holiday dinners, someone else's kid swimming at an unknown beach.


JLRB said...



Matt said...

I always liked the unstrapped helment portage method but think of it more of a Kelly's Heroes look. Speaking of Kelly's Heroes, the Tour de France rode through Clermont this year.

Yeah Cleveland! said...

DB @ 9:00
Nice comma.
It happens. I'm so far off the back that for a blink and you'll miss it I'm leading the pack.

Sleeper said...

Woody seems to have reinvented the ordinary and is marketing it as the innovative. I owned a bicycle with similar features in the late 60's, sans the belt drive because it was made by Triumph and they were still into chains on all their machines.

leroy said...

I wondered what the deal was with the white flags on the Brooklyn Bridge this morning.

The all powerful bike lobby hoax tweet taking credit for it wasn't funny, but fooled AP and the Daily News.

White flag hoax.

Of course, the WSJ and The Post will blame cyclists anyway. But we already knew those terrorists hate our freedom.

I kind of wish the Bike Lobby hoaxers hadn't given grist for others to dislike me just because I ride a bike sometimes.

I don't mean to brag, but my dog always reminds me, that it's only people who know me who think I'm a doofus.

Spokey said...

70 sorry to miss the leadout

Evil Genius said...

Oh damn! A bolt... The wheel is held on with a bolt!! How the hell am I going to steal this now?!! Curses! Foiled again.

Spokey said...

My front rack makes it near impossible to easily steal my front wheel.

And the rear is mostly useless to anyone but tandem riders.

But mostly i live in snobbie''s hemorrhoids so I rarely lock up. Did glance out the bank door a couple times today. Mr bike was there when i returned. Even the lock I keep securely hidden in the trunk bag.

Anonymous said...

RQ's front rack makes it nearly impossible not to....well...you know.

Spokey said...

gives her an advantage on the sprint. Or does the bike have to cross the line first?

RoadQueen said...

My front rack is HUGE. Love it. You can stuff all kinds of things in it!

Blog Drafter said...

"This bike is terrible, it's too big, it's a disaster!"

"Okay, we'll take it in!"

RoadQueen said...


Breathing hard yet?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Leroy and the flag hoax. But it illustrates the absolute ineptness of all of the heavy handed surveillance techniques imposed on all of us when they can't even intercept pranksters on top of the Brooklyn Bridge, which I understand is under constant watch and those towers are extremely difficult to reach. Am I wrong?

Spokey said...

79 I'm panting

Anonymous said...

RQ has worn the pearl necklace. It is decidedly so.

dancesonpedals said...

nine squared...

RoadQueen said...

82 - the numbers in my birth year.

Anonymous said...

Got my bikini on, got my camera, let's see here's a nice rock 1km from the finish to lean on...

Anonymous said...

Nice rack!

Comment deleted said...

This blatant comments-stats-padding for WCRM just has to stop! Won't someone think of the integrity of the blog?!!?

Comment deleted said...

Pretty good 85th comment, eh?

RoadQueen said...

Rare form today, CD!


Anonymous said...

Peleton increasing the pace.

crosspalms said...

Anybody got an air spear I can borrow?

Anonymous said...

Selfie pearl necklace

Anonymous said...

Pigeon shit

Anonymous said...

Where is WIWM?

crosspalms said...

More power to the belt drive!

Anonymous said...

Got my poser tzitzit tangled up

crosspalms said...

I hear the zoobomb chant starting up somewhere

RoadQueen said...

Out of the saddle...

RoadQueen said...

Dropping back to leave work - good luck!!


Anonymous said...


crosspalms said...

Before Watergate, Carl Bernstein got a ticket for running a red on his bike.

RoadQueen said...


Anonymous said...

The captcha changed to text I'm dome.

Spokey said...

hooray queenie. The rack was the difference.

RoadQueen said...

It must be the rack. Nice race, gentlemen!

Anonymous said...

Done. Congrats to RQ.

crosspalms said...

Way to go, RQ!

crosspalms said...

Quarts of orange juice for everyone

Spokey said...

took you that long to type the robo text?

and aggesdar

or maybe

ike newstd

I might add I have no std let alone a new one

this is getting really-diculous

vate andferso

might be setting a new record on mis-typed robos

peter rnedec

ok, let's try

attriesf operating

and this is why I suck at the sprint

science riemyte

someone help, I'm being beaten by a robot

species themkey

Spokey said...

107 guess I'm one to talk

starting again

agevnshe perienced

take 2

edrews hence

babble on said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

THERE you are.

Spokey said...


although I do think that in a similar situation, either sex might get away with it.

Anyone know what was the final disposition of that cop who claimed a cyclist ran in to him and was shown on a video to have run at the cyclist and pushed him over? Don't think the gender matters but being a full fledged union member might.

can I get the robot right on the first shot?

Spokey said...

NYC cop that is

JLRB said...

I'd like to thank the 2 Carls:

Carl Bergman thought it best to enshrine the point in the law: Cyclists cannot be assessed points. He calls it “the Carl Bernstein proviso.”

JLRB said...

Damn work kept me away from teh part where everyone spins the pedals furiously and leans into each other all sweaty and kuntish ...

Anonymous said...

Whoa Spokey!

Robot must have a grudge against you. For the past week or so, all I've been challenged with is "photo sphere". And it's not even that wacky twirly writing either. It looks like a website screen grab and the text is very easy to read.

I guess robot loves me more than you. Nyah, nyah, nyah.

Spokey said...

work is for doofuses (doofi?)

Spokey said...

I don't think I've ever gotten two real words

I guess I shouldn't be occasionally snarky to robot.

Anonymous said...

The rack may have made the difference but upon reviewing the photo finish race officials have noticed RQ was applying pressure to the outside of each girl to squeeze them together and gain more prominence. There is no DQ its just hawt.

Spokey said...

got to be careful they don't pop

Anonymous said...

The white flags on the Brooklyn Bridge were placed there by the swimmers who surrendered to the mighty East River.
Crosspalms: Back in the Midwest. Thank you New Yorkers, your city is the greatest. Had Big Gay ice cream with Louis CK, and did a great Lower East Side walking tour with a very knowledgable gentleman.

Zoobomb said...

We love you, Bike Snob!
-xoxoxo Zoobomb

Anonymous said...

Dear Snobby,

As someone who is not compelled by law to wear a helment at all times whilst riding, I really don't think you're qualified to pass judgement on the art of helment portaging.

A little like standing astride your bike rather than remaining seated when stopped at lights, undoing the straps of your helment for short periods relieves pressure facilitating greater endurance.

Furthermore, the helmented rider you so viciously malign is clearly exiting an elevator. Are you suggesting one's helment straps must remain fastened when travelling in a lift!? Or are you saying one must completely remove the helment in such circumstances?

And what might be the 'highest form of helment portaging', hmm? Dangling it off the handlebars? Clipping it onto the top tube? Strapping it onto the seat? Eh? Uh? What are the benefits and drawbacks of these methods in different situations?

What is the BSNYC approved method for portaging helmets in a lift? Is merely a question of etiquette or is it a matter cycling-craft?

...You haven't given this any thought at all, have you?

BikeSnobNYC said...

Anonymous 6:18pm,

In an elevator, the hement should either be fastened to the head (if wearer is oaranoid) or draped over middle of handlebars with straps tethered to steerer.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

BikeSnobNYC said...

That should have been "paranoid."

Anonymous said...

Fine, but now that you brought it up, what should we do if we're oaranoid? Asking for a friend.

Spokey said...

I get oaranoid every time I see another damn rowboat

ken e. said...

hilarity ensued.

dancesonpedals said...


Did that knowledgible gentleman try to touch you? Can you show us on this bibshortguy doll?

(note to WRM....forget hats..action figures of bibshortguy & recumbababe...must be stored in separate lockers to avoid scandal)

dancesonpedals said...

forget action figures....bobblehead dolls

Anonymous 6:18 PM said...


The mid-handlebar, steerer-tethered method for elevators is pompous and overly fussy.

For one thing, it goes against the free spirited cycling ethos -- just imagine, you glide up to the elevator door, dismounting in one smooth and elegant motion. Those around you are impressed, even titillated by your svelte manoeuvre. Then you cumbersomely remove your helment and like a fifty-year-old dork fiddling with his beloved model train set, you meticulously attach your helment to your handlebars...

All those beautiful people you would've been partying with in glamorous nightclubs are now averting their gaze and cursing their misfortune at having to share a lift with such a dullard.

You're right to note you have to be oaranoid to wear your helment *fastened* in an elevator, but it is the most convenient way to portage your helment in a lift; what's the point of removing it, as if it's some form of demented observance, only to put it back on a short time later?

So obviously, the only sensible and sexiest way to portage your helment in an elevator is keeping it on your head, but with the straps undone. It's tantalising and evocative, too, a sort of casual-but-brooding look.

I too need to acknowledge a misspelling. I misspelt "helment" one time in my earlier post, apologies.

Anonymous said...

Only am ass monkey wears a helment in a lift. Increasing endurance? I scoff at your helment strap endurance. and And AND where is one going to ride to after departing said lift? If you rode up to the lift you it's have taken it to somewhere where you would not be riding / like your flat it whatever.

Anonymous said...

late post: hopped a lift on the sweeper bus.
if you bother to unstrap the helment, just go all the way and take it off. whats the point of leaving it on?

and to Spokey: couldn't resist a little union bashing? unions are not bad, they actually do more good than harm. but, if you listen to the hystericla chicken-little-sky-is-falling farright-wing-fallen-of-the-flat-earth-Fox-'news'-watching-dickheads..........sigh..........heaven help us.

that's right, 'hystericla'! i typed it and i aint changin it!

McFly said...

Thats why you need a 46 flame l'orange hat. Instead of taking off your helmeant in the lift and being mistaken as a dork you can take it off and reveal your hat and remove all doubt.

Tame Dog Hawk Machine said...

Dear everyone, the Tattoo n Tzitzit guy does not represent Zoobomb as a whole at all. Actually he's kind of an outlier.
If you're in Portland, come see what we're all about!

Spokey said...

Anonymous @ 8:08 PM

I've been essentially anti-union before, during, and after being a member (IAMAW). Yeah they provided benefits 100 years ago. Now they are mostly a destructive malevolent force holding back progress on most fronts. In general even worse than AARP.

unions are not bad, they actually do more good than harm

[spokey holding his hand over his mouth giggling hystericla[lly]]

BikeSnobNYC said...

Tame Dog Hawk Machine,

So you're saying Jews are not welcome at Zoobomb?

--Wildcat Rock Machine

Anonymous said...

i am a card carrying union member, and i drink their cool aid. (same Anonymous that posted above about unions). i'm sorry you feel that way about unions, but when a group of individuals assembles collectively and demands that they be treated equally and with due process (hmmm, wonder where that idea came from?), i'm all for it. The media misrepresentation that union members keep their jobs no matter what is a red herring. Union membership is about collective bargaining, equality, and due process. do Unions overstep? sure, i'm not that drunk on coolaid. but a collective bargaining agreement, contract, is signed by 2 parties. is there a correlation between stagnant (declining) wages in the US and declining union membership? Yes, the answer is yes. The people who hold power(money) would like to do away with unions to lower wages and hold on to more money. We (the USA) have been down this path before.

Spokey said...


I'm not against collective bargaining. Particularly on a even playing field.

Unions are basically the big power hungry yin to corporate yang. They both are bad for regular workers and consumers. Both need vigorous regulation and anti-trust application.

Right to work should be a legal right.

Jordash said...

You're saying the guy who bombs every Sunday without fail, who helps take care of the Pyle, who promotes everything good and fun about ZooBomb, and is successfully carrying on the activity for future bombers is an "outlier"? Who the fuck are you and when was the last time you were on the hill?

Anonymous 6:18 pm said...

The level of helment naïveté being displayed hereabouts is staggering!

Anon 8:05; I can assure you many other people apart from "am ass monkey" wear their hellmeats in elevators. And you won't be scoffing much when your head explodes after wearing a tight fitting healmet for several hours on hot day. And and what makes you think elevators only go up in residential buildings? And and and that they only exist in buildings, what about "outdoor" lifts, like at bridges or railway stations?


Anon 8:08; sigh... I'll explain this to you one more time: you unstrap the heelmeet for the relief it affords you and you leave it on to save yourself the bother of stowing it somewhere only unclasp it and plant it back on your head a very short time later.

It's like when you loosen your belt at a restaurant after a big meal, you don't ask yourself "why don't I just go all the way and remove my trousers?" Well, admittedly we'd all like to, I suppose, but like hailments it's more convenient to just leave them on.

Anonymous said...

Boooo Tame Hawk! All are welcome at Zoobomb! Our crew is governed by & belongs to those who show up consistently! The internet sucks.

Spokey said...

time to go examine some racks

Anonymous said...

Unions defend the rights of Jewish outlier zoobombers.

Anonymous said...

"Right to work". it needs quotes - its another Fox media ploy. am i harping on Fox? yes. why? because they are the only "news" source that plays it. what employee is harmed by paying workshop fees even if they don't join a union? the dues are too high? laughable in consideration of what the wages would be without a union. again, i'm not oblivious to unions overstepping, or being corrupt. i'm in my third union now. what a good union does is protect its members according to collective bargaining contracts. good unions have no interest in protecting bad employees. but its up to corporations, or goverment agencies, to remove bad actors according to contract rules. not arbitrarily. unfortunately, the general public only hears about egregious examples of union protectionism.

Orestes Munn said...

Having been brought up proper and spent many years in uniform, I never wear a helmink on my head in a covered area. However, I have returned salutes wearing a helmish and I'm here to tell you, nothing makes a fellow feel quite as dorky.

Jordash said...

I would love to know who Tame Dog Hawk Machine is.

Anonymous said...

Tame Dog Hawk Machine is an Ass Monkey wearing a helmet on the lift on his way to vote for his right to collectively bargain for a small bike on a hill

Bare Head said...

WCRM @ 9:38 - Tried the purveyor but its non-responsive - commentors provided some relief

Bare Head said...

WCRM @ 9:38 - Tried the purveyor but its non-responsive - commentors provided the info

Anonymous said...


trama said...

I once hAd a job, and while working it was pursued by union reps over a period of a few months. I was warned via radio by good fellows whenever they were on site. they came at me with baseball bats. I declined to join, and quit. they wanted money that I did not have to join, up front. so fuck you union fucks.

stabmi least

Anonymous said...

I see Laura Weintraub found work*.

[*Note the left-handed thumb/index finger grip on the black shaft. My lady knows how to foff the off]

Anonymous said...

How ironic would it be if she had to make a feature film with the SEXOCRANK Cycling Squad and they run a TTTT(Team Time Trial Train) and take turns pulling until everyone has gone through twice? Very, I say unto thee.

ce said...

Well, my new axe finally turned up today. I stayed back after work for a bedazzling session.

Alias Bob said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alias Bob said...


Spokey said...

Fred of the Sea @ 9:34 PM

I never wear a helmink on my head in a covered area

Just curious

I agree as far as inside a building. home, restaurant, etc.

But would you take it (or a hat of any sort) off in an open pavilion? I mean like you see in a park. An area on a concrete pad with a few posts and a roof. I would not.

Spokey said...

158 can we possibly hit a deuce on a weekday? snobbie will probably ruin the mountaintop finish with an early post

McFly said...

Hit the park trail yesterday AND HAD A EXTREMELY LOUD SIDEWALL BLOWOUT. Put my spare in AND IT HAD A HOLE IN IT. I considered it a gift from Lob above cuz i am headed to the LBL today and I could have died from exposure without this divine intervention. Plus the boy was doing cross-country close by and his coach is smokin. So I watched(stalked).

Spokey said...

had the same problem a couple weeks ago. Brand new tube in a ziplock in the box with something like a snakebite.

Anonymous said...

A duece? I'll drink some more coffee and go work on it. Thanks for the reminder.

I must be on WCRM's list, in a bad way. Getting nothing but the gibberish captchas after a nice run of clear 3 digit photos.

McFly said...

I had a downhill tube in the shop and its basically like another tire in the tire. I know I know I SHOULD SET IT UP TUBELESS. Normally I don't have any issues.

JLRB said...

1 6 2

JLRB said...

make that 1 6 4

JLRB said...

I drove a car I own today just to remind myself how much commuting by car bites

JLRB said...

it did not disappoint

Anonymous said...

that woody allen bike - it isn't actually the worst bike in the world for that price - it comes in sizes, looks decent, has 3 speeds..

though the belt drive is a minus

and i hope you can add hand brakes to the thing


JLRB said...

I thought about wearing my helmet without the straps fastened for the drive in because, you know, its convenient and stuff

Spokey said...

I was getting 3 and 4 digit numbers for awhile but over the last day or 2 I've been getting this crap

of course I didn't get that one right

might get this one

Anonymous said...

Is Vinnie Chins Nibali still wheel sucking his way across France? Or is anyone watching? Actually I think it is good strategy, if somewhat boring and dull.

May Lob be praised, a 116 captcha

JLRB said...

Can't wait for today's post - it will move THAT WHORE's picture further down the screen

Spokey said...

shouldn't talk about vin diesel like that

dancesonpedals said...

deuce ex machina (2 bikes?)

dancesonpedals said...

drop a deuce?

dancesonpedals said...

deauce bigelow

Spokey said...


Tzitzit Guy said...

Hey! Watch where you aim that green arrow

JLRB said...


JLRB said...


JLRB said...

200! (Approximately)

Spokey said...


good LOB

JLRB watcha smokin

Spokey said...


Anonymous said...

I'm in Pacific Time and I'm awake & at my desk; that means today's post is officially "not early."

Spokey said...

pre noon eastern is early so there's still time for an early post

JLRB said...

Girls who biek with yoga matts strapped to their backs give me a warm feeling

JLRB said...


JLRB said...


plan nsuirs said...

200 again!

Spokey said...

191 we lost bama?

JLRB is losing his mind.

is a deuce really worth it?

crosspalms said...

and again

Spokey said...

so what

crosspalms said...

spokey, the robot sez "completion neuman," who I think is an ancestor of Alfred E.

Spokey said...

i'm not worried about that

am worried about J

Spokey said...

time to mount the saddle er rack

Spokey said...


crosspalms said...

What kind of couple would you like, sir?
Why, a Little Deuce, of course.

Spokey said...

march srephr

Spokey said...


Spokey said...

good contest gents

JLRB said...

200 again!

Disconnected said...

I once bought a chain and it was suppose to come with a master link that was artfully called the 'missing link'. When I opened the box, the chain was there and a little plastic bag with instructions but the master link was... missing.

True story.

JLRB said...

And Spokey, please use the past tense when referencing my lost mind. Thank you

Spokey said...

ok snobbie can post now

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