Friday, May 23, 2014

This Just In: Hey, Look, I'm In The Paper!

Just a little self-congratulatory notice on the eve of the holiday weekend that I wrote something and they put it in the newspaper:

Wisely, the Times has published it during a time when the intelligentsia will be too busy barbecuing in the backyards of their brownstones to read it, yet even so they did make sure to edit out my frequent use of the word "scranus."

Thank you for indulging me.  And now back to today's regularly scheduled post.

See youse on Tuesday.

--Wildcat Rock Machine


  1. Podium...Congrats to me and BSNYC. I even read the article...go CitiBike!

    It's one yaroot

  2. Sniffing at the Podium.

  3. Tres bien, Bike Snob! Much love from Oakland.

  4. FucK Yeah Great job! I Hooray for no friends, I live in 808land it blows here for cyclust I mean cyclist & pedestrians ...

  5. Listen to or fry on acid. I am only left to sit & listen to my favorite web radio station from Deutschland Hooray for EBM love EBM forever,Bye Bye baby

  6. Hear, Hear! Well spoken Lord Snob! Your arguments are cogent and unassailable. Nevertheless... I hates them bah-sickles and amagonna runnem rat off into the deeeaitch.

    PS - send me your rib sauce recipe.

  7. Congratulations on riding the Grey Lady!

    The next time I make it up to NYC, I'll be sure to try Nd get my leg over one of those blue bikes. I'm sold.

  8. Well done sir!
    Congrats from the heartland. Proud of you.

  9. Too bad Jill Abramson got fired...she wouldn't have edited out scranus.

  10. <===8 WOOHOO 8===>

    Friday Night Peloton!

  11. It was laced with sarcasm so that will suffice. You could have mentioned salmon, though.

  12. Dear Mr. BSNYC -- My dog asked me to point out that you spelled helmentless wrong.

    Dear all -- Have a great weekend!

  13. Nice, well argued, piece. I was tempted to try for a podium entry in my NYT commenter persona, but didn't think a gratuitous "scranus" would fit with its character of sober physician-scientist.

    Seriously though, nice work.

  14. Top 20. Like most events I enter.

  15. toning it down for the NYT's

  16. Sick reporting skillz bro Snobbo. Hey, stupid question, but will this be printed in artisanal paper copies of the newspaper, like what they used to make back in the olden days before men grew bushy beards and fixies had been invented?

  17. clear & cogent


  18. Oh no!

    They went done put a link back to BSNYC at the bottom of that piece. That means all those hoity-toity types in their tuxedos and evening gowns will wander on over here after taking in show and want to talk about Truman Capote and the latest zeitgeist and what not, and we'll have to wipe our noses and comb our hair and be on our best behaviour just because Snobby wants to suck up to high society.

    This could be the start of Snobby's slow and steady decline into wankerdom.

  19. Good job, rational and well written.

    Now back to scranus and Recumbabe

  20. how much did truman capote weigh & what was his favorite color?

    that taps me out for small talk re the tman...colorweigh

  21. Angry Beaver in MiramichiMay 24, 2014 at 8:54 AM

    Memorial Day Weekend, have a beer, have a BBQ, have a bike ride and remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so we can use the word scranus in the Bike Snob Comments Section.

  22. Interesting that in the end bio only your second book is listed. Have you disowned the other two or is it just an example of today's weak journalistic standards I keep hearing about? (I still get the local paper but only for the sports and comics - gotta keep up on Mary Worth))?

  23. a cultural iconographer for the nascent bike boom of the 21st century. Youse can foist those laurels with pride, knowing you curated the burgeoning culture of city salmon (and much more) into the bike world. Kudos.

  24. I'm really disappointed! So your first name isn't "Wildcat"?

    What the....! Wait a minute!!

  25. I am having it framed.
    Make sure you send a copy to Kenny.

  26. I read the editorial in my artisinal copy, but totally missed the by-line. I never look for Snob's by-line in a reputable publication . . .

  27. William Forsythe Snobbe IIIMay 24, 2014 at 2:10 PM

    I'm surprise the New York Times now lets jews write op-ed pieces. That rag has gone downhill since my ancestors were buggered nightly on the Mayflower.

  28. There goes your anonymity

    WRM was outed a while back, he just keeps changing names to throw off the scent, and taking more baths. He's also a master of disguise, I once saw him near Time Square blending in perfectly as a Tourist from Ohio (khaki shorts, white sneakers, fanny pack, Les Mis tickets).

  29. Oooooh an op-ed in that most venerable newsprint institution? You've arrived, snobbers.

  30. I suggest raising the annual fee to $500 so the people who use the system pay for it. $95 is a joke, essentially free, to set up a taxpayer (non-biker) subsidy for a few bikerheads. Another left-wing, let- government- do- it boondoggle.
    Earle Mauldin

  31. Watered down tripe for the masses and not the usual vitriol that we've come to know and love. Looking forward to your upcoming feature in Teen Beat on how to avoid 'helmet head' on a bicycle involved 1st date. Ahh... The things we do for money.

  32. To the rest of you, don't even go there with '1st date' and 'helmet head'.

  33. Capote weighed about 93 pounds and his favorite color was the tawny brown of well-aged Scotch. To impress the impressionable, mention that his ashes were stolen twice and the subject of much litigation and intrigue.

  34. Judas,

    Any kind of head on any first date is welcome. I recall a dark farmers field in an '86 Camaro thinkin "Well this is really workin out great."

  35. Two posts and an NYT article all in one day? Did the wife take the 17 kids to the in-laws for the weekend or did you develop a work ethic? If it's the latter, I don't even know who you are anymore.

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  37. "like bivalves helping to clean a polluted waterway"

    Really? that's all you could come up with?


  38. Anon @ 2:29 Funny, I was just thinking I liked the bivalves analogy. Not only do bikecyclists calm the polluted traffic stream, we are quite tasty with some white wine, butter and garlic

    CE - The tag at the bottom said A version of this op-ed appears in print on May 24, 2014, on page A21 of the New York edition with the headline: Bike Share’s Rough Ride

    I enjoyed the NYTs commentaritism - mostly favorable, but a few run em in the deetch of financial ruin types to balance back to the reality that is

  39. Snob: check out front page of Sunday Chicago Tribune.

  40. Looking forward to your upcoming feature in Teen Beat on how to avoid 'helmet head' on a bicycle involved 1st date.

    I heard Ernest Hemingway wrote for Teen Beat.

  41. Play Some Bob Marley Or Ima Run You In the Ditch

  42. This just in -

    Newsprint smells like ass

  43. not fair

    I coulda been a podia contender. Posting a shorty while I was scouting out Portlandia. Not nice.

    I did find that there were

    1 - not as many bicycles as I expected.

    2 - cyclists all looked pretty normal. No naked riders or anything.

    3 - Portlands homeless seem a classy lot than NYC

    4 - The quick in and out boutique food places must buy grease by the truckload. but I guess it's organic.

    5 - Mt Hood is gigantic. 70 miles away and it looks huge. Pretty cold up at the lodge even now. And I ain't biking up that access road anytime soon.

    but I see that robot has taken time off too. A mere 86 for the captcha

  44. good
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