And here's what it looked like when Jim Ochowicz tried to give Evans a wheel change, as captured by Cycling Inquisition:
By the way, the above video is completely unedited, and they just so happened to be listening to the theme music from "The Benny Hill Show" in the BMC team car at top volume at the time of the incident.
In any case, this deplorable tacking is obviously the work of notorious villain Monsieur Punaise, and once French authorities apprehend him perhaps they can come to New York and help us with our own tack problem, since the NYPD certainly aren't interested:
Which is hardly surprising, since the NYPD is very concerned about squirrels all of a sudden:
“We have more important things to worry about, like people getting shot and squirrels getting run over,” said one cop. “A flat tire is not the crime of the century.”
Despite the fact that I myself have been the victim of the Central Park Tacker in seasons past (this has been going on for years, as the Post fails to point out), I would agree it's a good thing that law enforcement is finally looking out for the squirrels, especially given the problems that plague their communities in large cities all over the world:
People use the word "squirrely" to describe skittish and erratic behavior, but before the crack epidemic squirrels were actually sluggish and docile creatures whose only indulgence was a little bit of "Wednesday weed" from time to time:
Now even crack isn't enough for them, and in recent months they've taken to breaking into shopping malls and stealing bath salts from The Body Shop.
Anyway, nobody benefitted more from Tackgate than Bradley Wiggins, who has subsequently been dubbed "Le Gentleman" by the French:
In fact, "Le Gentleman" is already running with his new sobriquet and has purchased a custom car to match:
Calling it "Le Car" is a bit audacious, but getting it in yellow before he's even won the Tour is downright tacky. And if all that weren't enough, he's now calling other riders "uncouth" to boot
Wiggins was not impressed with Rolland afterwards “I just thought it was a little uncouth at the time, the stage was gone. We had been up the final climb which was very tough, no one went away, the stage was over for GC riders.”
Just last week "cunts" were rushing out of this guy's mouth like it was a burning gynecologist's office, and now he's using SAT words to call other people rude. At this point I'm beginning to suspect it may be Wiggins himself who orchestrated the tack attack in order to rehabilitate his public image. Or, the other possibility is it was last-placed team Argos-Shimano, whose budget is so low that they can't afford GPS and instead use paper maps. The likely explanation in that case is that they were marking key moments on the day's route map with thumbtacks and then the directeur sportif dropped the box out the window by accident.
Speaking of the Tour de France team classification, the first-placed team is supposed to wear yellow helmets, so it's only fair that the last-placed team should have to wear these helments with the integrated lanterne rouge:
I mentioned these helments awhile back and I still can't believe people gave the "inventors" $68,000:
It seems to me that you have helments, and you have bike lights, and therefore there's no real need to transform your head into a great big search light of dorkiness. I'd much rather make my head look like it's being swallowed by a satanic platypus, which I now can thanks to this Cyclehawk hat I received from Kevin "Squid" Bolger, the patron of the New York City messenger community and all-around stand-up guy:
You can support the New York Bicycle Messenger Foundation by buying a hat from their eBay store. Or, you can give some Kickstarter design douches money to turn you into a rolling R2-D2, it's completely up to you.
Meanwhile, in other urban cycling news, a reader tells me that one person broke a leg and an undisclosed number of fixies were destroyed when a car plowed through the bike rack at Zeitgeist in San Francisco's Mission District:
Officer F. Landis was the first to arrive at the scene, which was so grisly that a local hipster administered last rites to a 3Rensho with his iPhone:
If you don't have the Vatican's Last Rites "app" on your iPhone or Android device you really should download it immediately since you never know when you're going to have to prepare someone's soul for the afterlife. And thanks to the patented "Point and Anoint" technology it's both accurate and easy to use. In fact, it's so easy that it requires no formal Catholic training whatsoever, hence the Vatican's controversial marketing slogan:
It's all part of the Vatican's plan to make Catholicism the Apple of faiths. I suspect they'll be successful too, since things are getting downright Biblical out there. Consider this image that was forwarded to me by another reader:
I don't know if this guy is riding a fixed-gear, but he's certainly in a Zen-like state, right down to the headphones:
Insert your own pontoon joke here: ______________:
Twiggins in the legs
Should have been riding tack bikes then shouldn't they.
It seems the rest of the field have punctured.
They've been atTACKED
OK I'll stop
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...
Flooding in Houston, how is that news?
Re-tacked for security reasons.
Early break!
That was tacky, ce.
Floyd Landis is taking his residual doping bitterness out on hipsters??!!
JB, are you saying you don't approve of my tacktics?
Epic Podium Panty Flashbacks
Struth, I swear I didn't strew the tacks. Though it does seems that the perpetrator may be an Australian, possibly with a military background. Witnesses report seeing a suspicious person wearing this "Plat-a-tac" tactical cap: featuring a platypus skull logo and built in sun visor. (You only get the built in visor on the MIL SPEC caps).
"Point and Anoint"...
That bloke better order a new new bottom bracket for his aqua bike...
Only last week, Snob, you were trying to rent my South London house for a knock-down price. Today you're pointing out a report from our local free newspaper that some neighbourhood squirrels are on crack. Were you upset I wouldn't lower my price or something?
I used my flight back from New York on Friday night, incidentally, to reflect some more on differences between cycling in New York and London, complete with a diversion to reflect on the differences between the UK and US constitutions.
It's here:
Spondee pontoon!
latest James Bond movie ...
James Bond attempts to breed outside of his species ...
movie rated 10 yabbies
Officer F. Landis was the first to arrive at the scene, which was so grisly that a local hipster administered last rites to a 3Rensho with his iPhone
Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Good thing they were fixies - no brakes or deraillers to replace! Or, perfect timing for hipsters to start using the bike share. lol
i hope the extra $23,170 received by the torch helmet crew will be applied to researching the long term effects of placing a battery pack next to your brain for hours at a time. i think this is why the micorwave hat never took off, despite the success of the beer hat.
Byline sez: Multiple Fixies Injuried
f landis man thats almost as funny as beardlice man how do u do it day after day week after week i mean cum on efing hilarious shit!
1)Thanks for the laugh BS. Maybe I can continue today without murdering someone in the face.
2)Is there anything gayer than Senor Sanchez sucking his thumb at the finish line? (Maybe that scene in Silence of the Lambs when Buffalo Bob tucks his weiner in between his legs?)
3)I bet the guy with the earbuds is listening to Take Me To The River by the incomparable David Byrne.
Strew really means scattered, so throw is not a good synonym for strew. If baseball pitchers strow the ball too much, Wiggo will call them cunts or suggest they go see a soccer game. Possibly both.
Unfortunately, all that water will likely soften the blow when dumbass runs into a pothole and falls over, thus drastically reducing his chances of improving the gene pool by quickly removing himself from it.
Thanks for the shout out!
Uncouth tacky.
Pothole or lifted manhole cover!
couth cunts are the best cunts.
uncouth gentlemen are neither couth nor gentlemen.
Oddly enough later that night I went to Zeitgeist and looked to park my bike there.
All I saw was the one standing rack, and later learned of the carnage through FB.
Perhaps it is a fair warning to "parklets as reclaimed streets" notion, at least when next to a street servicing a freeway offramp.
Monday morning gratuitous recumbabe photo reference -- life is good.
Pack fodder. Now to go for a ride...
I was driving in tacks with my cock and missed the break. Did Voikler win?
Getting down to brass tacks today.
I was once a victim of a tack attack on the way up to the GWB way back-in-the-day. (early 2000's)
delayed by punctures, sorry. someone shot out my tires with an ak47. hope i haven't got blood on your blog. oh, i feel a bit woozy, but jim ockervich has just fallen down a ditch.....must......keep......riding............
f&@?ing squirrels, we hates 'em:
I've been saying for days... well, at least since yesterday... "I don't think 'strew' is a word".
"Strewn", yep, that's a word, a past tense verb. Still I'm pretty certain that "strew" isn't present tense for "strewn".
I think the real word is lost in the mists of time like the origin of stonehenge or the 17 secret spices. I think there's also a trick like goose/geese or therapist/the rapist*... we'll see.
Well, I gotta go, I'm in the middle of a big bike race!
*Props to the The Penis Mightier... pun intended.
Thanks for making me laugh! I sat down at my computer today wanting to rant about NBC's abysmal coverage of Le Tour (breaks for commercials every four minutes!) and instead, I somehow ended up at/on your blog. Hilarious stuff - what a talent for writing! Thanks again and good luck with your new book!
I loved the burning gyno office metaphor... I pictured all redheads, bushes ablaze.
Hey Snobby, got some new ammunition for you; there's a new magazine here in the UK called Urban Cyclist.
Hipsters every-bloody-where!
hey nonny mouse
In the immortal words of Alphonso Bedoya, the Internationally renowned Mexican bandito and road tacker, "We don't got to show you no stinking pontoons". But on a serious note, I now know why I can't figure out how to use my smartphone, I'm a Catholic in remission, lucky I have some Jewish friends who can explain it to me.
CE, pipped at the line by anonymous cunts.
You killed with the new Vatican slogan snob, nice work.
the tires were not the only deflation victim.
Is Dimitri Fofonov a double spondee triplet?
...but I don't have any pontoon jokes
I saw a squirrel fall out of a tree yesterday.
peruse me latest comedy if you will ...
I call it ...
'The Taming of the Strew'
I thought it was already established that they were Karpets' tacks. That's just bad spondee Vlad.
Oooo. Funny fucking post.
Snob, please continue writing posts like today's. Or else.
It's completely up to you.
We have a winner....G-roc.
You know what's more worser than squirrels? Rabbits, they have such a hollow, shelled look in their eye and you just know they don't give a f--k. Plus they are probably horny and therefore irrational. Irrational Rabbits.
+ 1 to g-roc.
ce - are you having what Sky is having?
I had become convinced (guiltily) that Wiggo was a hot, dry-skinned counterpoint to Cippolini, what with all the self-involved fashion, and unabashed usage of the much-maligned (and undeservedly, in my opinion,) CUNT-sobriquet. Especially with the Wolverine-inspired sideburns... (Calm down, Salty; this is Wiggins we're talking about. Wiggins of the womanly hip structure! WIGGINS!!!)
Le Car.. Le Car.. "Uncouth"...
So much better.
Cippolini is still on top.
Pontoons and Panties
I'll be the sacrificial lamb of vulgarity:
No pontoon jokes,
but a plethora of poontang puns.
Is that really F. Landis?
It must have been a difficult headline to choose.
"Flooding threat not over yet for Houston area" or "Bicyclist spotted in Texas" Which story is bigger news?
Tacks, finally something exciting to report on about the tour. Just like the good old days. Gotta love it. It is just too bad Bradley " If I Was Pissed the Table Would Be On The Ground" Wiggins was not involved. Maybe next time.What a jerk.
PETA TODD. (pronounced "pon-TOON")
...jeez, g-roc...fuck the normal day to day podium shit, you win the stage hands down...
...i'm left flat at the top of the col...
Crack Squirrels would not be a bad name for a band. Not great, but not bad either.
The Irrational Rabbits have opened for the Crack Squirrels on several tours. Backstage is a zoo.
< No pontoon jokes, but a plethora of poontang puns. >
If only there were some way to bridge between the two......
hey nonny mouse
That's Vlad the Impaler to you g-roc.
bamboo psycho panties
Qu'est Que C'est
I belive the Zeitgeist in question was in Portland's grunge bandana, aka Seattle.
snuggle cunts?
Bike Snob using video from other sites?
My dog asked me why I can't be more like g-roc.
I asked him if he knows where I can get Women Patriots Jerseys.
It's not for me. It's for recumbabe. Just in case she doesn't have sunscreen.
From what I understand, Recumbabe is an ex-patriot...
Last rights ap? I'd buy that for a dollar.
Wiggins races towards the Champ de elysee, as the TdF mulls through tranny stages.
Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, the vernacular on the cycling blogosphere continues its race to the bottom.
"kem oaf it ya foackin' cunt!"
There once was a girl with a cunt,
She liked to toke the blunt,
She would get really wasted,
Then let you taste,
And perform various vaginal stunts.
Steve Tilford is not impressed with new concrete. Plus he really likes trains. Almost as much as he hates new concrete.
Anon @ 10:54pm:
"And here's what it looked like when Jim Ochowicz tried to give Evans a wheel change, as captured by Cycling Inquisition:"
Let's pay better attention next time.
If Sunday's riders were taken out by tacks, I can only assume that the six riders who abandoned yesterday did so due to sheer boredom.
Makes sense to advertise life preservers during a bike regatta event. Oh babe.
Those sprinter's they like to suckle,
Her nipple is big as your knuckle,
She unbuttons her blouse,
It spins does the house,
And your knee's begin to buckle.
Really? We've been reduced to limericks?
... must be the heat...
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I was driving in tacks with my cock and missed the break. Did Voikler win?
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