In other words, I'm very often late, and I rarely shower.
So what does all this crap about living according to the natural rhythms of the whatever entail? Well, mostly it involves surrender and understanding that we cannot impose our will upon the world; rather, it imposes its will upon us. Instead of fighting the will of nature, we should heed its guiding hand. (Or guiding claw, inasmuch as, according to my worldview, it is embodied by an omnipotent lobster.) Consider, for example, the rain.
There are those who say, "If it rains take the bus." I disagree. However, there are those who say, "If it rains then be a man/woman/whatever, ride through it, and be wet and miserable." I also disagree. I believe there is a Middle Way (or "Meh-ddle Way"), which is, "If it it rains then seek shelter and wait it out." I put this into practice yesterday when I set out on my Smugness Flotilla with one of my 17 children in tow, only to get caught in a sudden downpour, at which point I sought shelter beneath an overpass:
Still, despite my profound sense of inner peace, I must have looked like a grinning idiot who should not be entrusted with a child, for at one point a woman pulled over in her car and proffered an umbrella to me. Naturally I declined, and assured her that I already had like three umbrellas, a complete set of patio furniture, and an entire rotisserie chicken inside my Xtracycle FreeLoaders.
So deep was the water in places that it caused minivan rotors to steam:
It submerged not only the bike lane but the horse lane too:
Fourteen head of Brooklyn's finest Tennessee Walking Horses lost their lives that day. Ten drowned, the other four had to be shot by their riders, and a group of children from a nearby day camp looked on in horror. Had I not been spiritually "foffing off" beneath that overpass as they struggled then maybe I would have been able to help them.
Nevertheless, I thought to myself, "Could I have found the key to happiness?" Sure, you can't always wait out the rain since sometimes you need to keep an appointment. But what if the person with whom you have the appointment also waited? What if the rain were a cue to everyone beneath it that, for however long it lasted, we should take time to rest and ponder and stay dry and do other things? Wouldn't it then become like some bucolic church bell summoning us all to worship at the altar of our own contentment?
Of course not. Obviously it would be a complete fucking mess. Pull your head out of your ass, Wildcat Douche Machine.
Anyway, it wasn't long before the rain stopped, though much to the nonplussitude of the fenderless the flooding remained:
It submerged not only the bike lane but the horse lane too:
Damn you, cursed rain. Damn you!
Speaking of chain gangs (inasmuch as day camp can be likened to a chain gang, I know that was my experience at Camp Hillel anyway) I was browsing the Kickstarter recently when I spotted this project:
The Chain Gang is a comic book about bikes that can talk, and the plot is clearly lifted wholesale from "Bike Kill:"
Instead of waiting years for me to draw all 1,000 pages, I'm going to be releasing The Chain Gang in 24-page monthly issues. Each month will welcome a new limited-edition (only 100 copies) issue of The Chain Gang's ongoing, sprawling epic as they battle in junkyards, wrestle dogs, avoid the police, jump over people's houses, and ride inside whale skeletons. They're breaking all the rules and will stop at nothing in their quest to spread their trouble!
I must admit I was intrigued by the part about riding in whale skeletons, since if there's an antithesis of the bamboo bike then it's almost certainly a bike made out of the bones of an endangered species. (Though strictly speaking I suppose the antithesis of a bamboo bike would be a panda bone bike.) Still, it's pretty audacious to ask people for money before drawing your comic, especially when Rick Smith (the Bill Watterson of cycling cartoonists) gives you a new Yehuda Moon every day for free:

Instead of waiting years for me to draw all 1,000 pages, I'm going to be releasing The Chain Gang in 24-page monthly issues. Each month will welcome a new limited-edition (only 100 copies) issue of The Chain Gang's ongoing, sprawling epic as they battle in junkyards, wrestle dogs, avoid the police, jump over people's houses, and ride inside whale skeletons. They're breaking all the rules and will stop at nothing in their quest to spread their trouble!
I must admit I was intrigued by the part about riding in whale skeletons, since if there's an antithesis of the bamboo bike then it's almost certainly a bike made out of the bones of an endangered species. (Though strictly speaking I suppose the antithesis of a bamboo bike would be a panda bone bike.) Still, it's pretty audacious to ask people for money before drawing your comic, especially when Rick Smith (the Bill Watterson of cycling cartoonists) gives you a new Yehuda Moon every day for free:
Though I admit I do pay a premium to receive the special "NSFW" version of the strip:

Girl, I don’t care how suave he THINKS he is. If he doesn’t have a couple HDMI cables with him, he’s goin’ home without digital satisfaction.
Not first!
top 3?
where are the urban pickling photos?!
Top ten riding in the rain.
Moses was a real dude, dude!
Just as real as George Washington, I tell you!
Yehuda Moon rulez!
top ten for the hugster!
Missed top ten; unread; ouch!
Clenbuterol, here I come!
dammit jim!
If Rick Smith is the Bill Watterson of cycling Comic Strip artists, who does that make Jef Mallet of Frazz?
when snooby is old enough, you can teach him to hold an umbrella while you ride... it will keep him dry and your behind wetter than a fred's pantsyabbies after a 10mile ride.
Wildcat Douche Machine,
Wonderful lines:
"must strive to liberate himself from the societal constructs to which we are all in thrall, and to live not by the clock and the calendar, but rather by the rhythms of nature and of Life Itself.
In other words, I'm very often late, and I rarely shower."
But today's post somehow seems a little truncated, abbreviated, like a hipster running his tarck bike into a curb or a car's trunk. Am I imagining things? Or were you running late for something because of the rain?
You don't like it?
Well Fuck You then.
Inner tube peace to all.
lobsters have pincers, not claws.
Pincered balls just doesn't have the same chain ring
sister sprocket is so fucking hot.
@anon 1:14 don't tell this place
Made the time cut, barely.
Snobby - today's column lacked the proper number of references to hipsters. It is like reading maureen dowd(y) without any references to George Bush.
You should put one of these on the smugness flotilla!
It'll like triple your load capacity:
There's nothing like experiencing manure infused rain water first hand.
Missing the babe. Bret just doesn't do it for me.
wildcat did howl.
Chain Gain are the greatest, albeit most elusive, ROCK band NYC ever hatched-- from Marble Hill, no less. I'm sure some of these dudes rode bikes and guess what-- it wasn't a Big. Fucking. Deal.
There's been a murder!
If Rick Perry were a Wildcat Rock Machine that rain would have gone to Texas.
@ cycle -
It also lacked, sadly, references to our storm trooping shorts model.
Check it out Wildcat!
I only drink horse manure and rainwater to maintain the purity of my precious bodily fluids.
Wow, I now have the topic for my long neglected theology dissertation:
"Monsoon Season: the key to understanding Buddhism in Asia"
or maybe "Shit happens in the Rain"
Thanks! Wildcat Douche Machine!
You're more zen than you know.
T.J. Maxx? It's T.K. Maxx over here. I wonder where T.L. Maxx is?
hey nonny mouse
The informed reader but crappy typist above means CHAIN GANG, the greatest NYC band ever.
They also made a movie which, having taken 25 years to complete, they premiered and then never released.
36th!!!! FOR THE WIN
Mammoth precision tool? As it happens, Mario Cipollini has similar labeling on his "Little Mario.
* joke purloined from Wildcat Rock Machine
If Mammoths had precision tools they wouldn't be extinct.
That day would have been a perfect application of my recently patented Equine Flotation Device (EFD). Sorry to hear about your Florida-in-September experience, but maybe you can score one of those sweet FEMA trailers for your Big Dummy.
Don't even joke about Panda Skeleton bike, NAHBS will have a complete section devoted to such a thing, and that is sick.
Panda bones are not the new material of choice, and never will be. May a pox be on you and yours.
I will not take two.
CommieCanuck is back!
a poem
i looked everywhere for some twit for to beat
but all i found was some shit in the street
thank you very much
I am?
...@hillbilly..."...all along the watchtower..."...
...bob d, jimi or salvation army ???...
...just askin'...
better than calling yourself Giant Iguana
...and he morphed from Lyle Waggoner to Abe Vigoda?
Hey, aging is a bitch.
I'm sure he was always here.
Just like BSNYC begot RTMS begot Lobster Gods begot WCRM begot....
Ringcycles, re "You're more zen than you know". We all are. That's the point.
The best name ever derived from a bike was the from the 2007 T-Mobile team bikes. Each one had proudly printed in German: Giant Mannschaft.
My name ever since.
Cool Wildcat. I had a similar experience this past Sunday when the gigantic pinwheel of precipitation was over my neck of the woods. As if by some divine intervention I arrived at my LBS just as the heavens were torn asunder. I philosophised with the good man at the shop and then later when the deluge past I went on my merry way. My recumbent has no fenders but it does have a big fat tube that nicely blocks the wheel spray so no non-plussitude.
Thank Lob Commie is back. I feared the worst.
oh yeah.
"Panda bones are not the new material of choice"
Blue whale baleen is more laterally stiff yet vertically compliant. Make mine with chiru horns for slick aerodynamics yet with multiple hand positions.
57th comment! Yes, the Maillot Heinz!
I spotted the Rock Machine in Brooklyn on Sunday. Given the weather, I was surprised not to see two of them boarding an ark.
T.J. Maxx Panties!
Mammoth Precision Tool and Giant Mannschaft. What a day. If we hear from Beecher Tool and Die it'll be a hat trick.
I was wondering how much longer til Commiecanuck was out on parole...now we have our answer!
Giant Mannschaft? Pffffttttt.....
Mannschaft? Jawohl!
Steaming fenderless minivan panties!
Ubiquitous Bret is watching you.
Ubiquitous Brett is watching you masturbate.
Beecher Tool and Die? I just about did. Well, the latter, anyway. Peyronie's is a bitch, must be very careful with my Giant Mannschaft ---
Commie! So glad you're back!
Uh, Mr. Billy @ 1:45, "Hill" if you will.
Pardon me for bringing this to your attention.
But, er, um that wildcat would, uh, growl.
And it would be the "wind", as they say, that would, begin to "howl".
Thank you for time.
I am reminded of my favorite koan
"before enlightenment, pedal gears, palp fenders.
After enlightenment, pedal gears, palp fenders"
or some such. Back to research.
If your sunglass ear flappers are arranged left OVER helmet strap and right UNDER helmet strap you are straight? Correct?
Fredericko McFlys comment #69. Ironic?
The photo of the bananaseat bike guy and the kid is one of your best.
And you don't have many best photos.
Even the hawk pigeon photo, while a nice documentation of killing is not that great a photo.
Sorry to ruin a positive reinforcecment with a smack upside the head, but that's the way I behave.
I blame my parents, feel free to do so yourself.
The photo of the bananaseat bike guy and the kid is one of your best.
And you don't have many best photos.
Even the hawk pigeon photo, while a nice documentation of killing is not that great a photo.
Sorry to ruin a positive reinforcecment with a smack upside the head, but that's the way I behave.
I blame my parents, feel free to do so yourself.
Why Mr. Chubby and Short, ain't y'all jest a little ol F. Stop Fitzgerald.
I don't know much about what I like, but I know Art.
I don't mean to brag, but my painting has appeared in the gallery of the University that granted the MFA to the guy riding his bike around the country and drawing stuff.
Of course, my painting consisted of white-washing the gallery walls for my wife's MFA photography show, but still my work was in a gallery.
So that should put me in the running for the Lantern Rouge.
@Hungry Panda
"I will not take two."
Made me srsly LOL
Also suck it WIWM
Beecher Tool and Die !!!
guffaws slaps and concerned glances from my pets. thanks!
You get the Maxx for the minimum
I too saw the tri-dork at TJ MAXX. I was not
non-plussed. In fact I was elated.
This is also free
"The Chain Gang is a comic book about bikes that can talk, and the plot is clearly lifted wholesale from "Bike Kill:" "
... and the concept from "Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch"
Great blog-try reading this on stretching
NYC smells so bad when it's hot and rains.
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